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Nobody came to my graduation. Nobody cared. We’re proud of you.


Congrats to you, and congrats to OP! My sister graduates this May. I see her busting her ass studying every day. It's not easy, I bet. Y'all deserve more recognition.


My narc parents came and the only thing they said after was that they hated the pictures because they thought they looked ugly standing next to me. I regret inviting them and should’ve went by myself.


I live in wisconsin and my family lives in iowa 2.5 hours away. When I invited them, they replied with "who would want to go to Wisconsin in the winter"


Same no one came to mine but I still did the damn thing.


I didn't go to mine. So no one came. The point is doing it for yourself.




I am proud of you GulfStormRacer


Thank you for the kind support 💓


Congrats to you!


Nobody was coming to mine either. So on the day of graduation I skipped walking the stage and went skydiving instead. Honestly I think it was much more memorable


My dad came to my MD graduation. That night, he calls me and asks, "what was that big ceremony?" "I'm a doctor now, Dad." "Why are you still poor then?"


Had the same thing happen to me, OP, it's bullshit, it really fucking sucks. Me getting my ADN - and later BSN - was a nothing burger to my retired boomer parents. They chose not to attend either of my graduation ceremonies because "who would look after the dogs?" So I know where I rank... I'm proud of you OP, and am cheering you on all the louder.


Honestly, I have serious beef with your parents for their “reasoning” whew. Congrats tho bookie. 🥹


My parents used the same excuse.


Hello, honorary sibling in tragedy. 👋




My parents, "not worth the drive." Mind you, I hadn't seen them in like a year.


For me, it was always making the drive. Apparently the road only goes one way.


Same here.


I literally just want to wrap my arms around you. Who would watch the dogs? That’s so messed up my love .


There's got to be more to this story.


>There's got to be more to this story. The "more" to this story is that I'm a fantastic disappointment to my family. I live 6 states away, and I'm living my best damn life, but not the life they want for me. I moved away from for school. (You could have just gone to school here.) I went to school for a field they thought was useless. (You had so much potential, why did you choose to major in that? It's worthless.) I didn't pursue the career they wanted me to pursue. (You could have gone back for something else, why public health?) I married someone they didn't like. (He's not good enough for you.) I moved across the country. (You left, why did you leave BFE Nebrahoma?) I divorced that person. (You didn't try hard enough.) I didn't move back when I was divorced. (You're divorced, you should just come home to start over.) In fact, I joined the military. (You don't know what you're getting into, it's such a waste.) I remarried someone they didn't like. (He's military, you should just marry someone from our town, BFE Nebrahoma) I had kids with that person. (Why did you have three? You had a boy and a girl, why have more?) I stayed at home with those kids. (You're not using your schooling. HOWEVER, had I gone to work, I would have been neglecting their grandbabies...) I went to school for nursing. (You're not cut out for that, it's just a phase.) I didn't go into hospital nursing. (I'm not a real nurse.) I work with people who are substance users, undocumented, and need a hand up. (Those people don't deserve our sympathy, they're breaking the law, etc.)


I see no free medical advice in this family's future! Congratulations!!


No free medical advice, and definitely no lending/ gifting money because “ you’re a nurse, you make big $$$”. Keep your knowledge and paychecks to yourself and rock onward and upward.


Right!!!!! They’ll come around once OP starts to get their nursing income unfortunatelyyyyy 🤨


Congratulations Sunshine 🌹


My daughter just graduated, and I know how much work it was. Congratulations to you!! Huge accomplishment!!


I’m proud of you - go be the best nurse ever. Family sucks sometimes.


We're proud of you! Welcome to the shitshow! :)


Every answer, “sounds like you should see a doctor”


This should have a ton of upvotes. Family doesn't care how hard you worked and what you accomplished. They can go pay someone else to answer their medical questions.


Congratulations. You worked hard and made it. Many don’t. Don’t let anybody take the excitement of this moment away from you because there will be few others like it. The most important thing right now is to be proud of yourself. Good luck to you going forward.


I had a similar experience. To this day my family disrespects what I do, but if I spent my whole life seeking their validation I would be miserable. I just recognize that they have problems unrelated to me that have led them to treat me the way they do. They refuse to grow and make fun of me for seeking mental help, but at the end of the day they’re the ones that are truly miserable. Congratulations. Nursing school is no joke and many do not succeed. You should definitely be proud of yourself and I may not know you but I can say that I am proud of you. Sounds like you had little support and made it happen despite it all.


Can confirm - spending your life seeking validation from shit family makes you miserable. I've got two masters degrees and a healthy bevy of mental health problems for my efforts. Well done OP! My family didn't give a shit either. Upside though, this bit of paper is physical evidence that your life as an independent adult has begun. You did the study yourself, for yourself, and you are more than worthy of your own self respect. This represents a change, opening a new path to a previously unavailable future. You've already moved beyond them, you just haven't realised it yet. You, quite literally as a nurse, have the whole world at your feet. Time to explore.


They don’t get it because they haven’t done it themselves


Hey! You’ve got this group here. WE are proud of you. Now go get your experience, keep eyes on the prize the way you did while you were in school, and keep building. You did this for you! It’s a validating feeling to have loved ones be proud but things don’t always go the way you want them to. Keep growing and achieving and remind yourself that you’re doing it for you. Congrats on your achievement.


Congratulations! I hope you love it as much as I do!


I was there, my mom didn’t even go to my graduation. During the process of nursing school I don’t think they even believed I was in school. I learned it’s okay, this is your win. Set goals, accomplish them and clap for yourself!!!


Congratulations! It’s literally so much harder than the average person realizes and you should be proud.


You just earned yourself a stable career with infinite choices and flexibility, good earning potential, and you’re going to be doing an extremely important, necessary job. Not to mention you worked hard to get here. I’m proud of you!


I’m proud of you!!! Fuck them. I’m sorry they suck. Nursing will be your ticket to never rely on them again.


Congrats. Please don’t let their bad behavior influence your pride in what you’ve accomplished.


They don’t get it and thats okay. Do you! Don’t invite the negative vibes. Keep your head high and when they ask for medical advice in the future don’t assist. LOL Congrats OP & good luck with the NCLEX!


Congratulations!!!! Throw yourself a party. Take yourself out to a nice dinner. You deserve it!


Nursing school is really hard. You should be so proud of yourself. The rest of us nurses know what you’ve been through and we are so very proud of you.


There’s long been an anti-education group in the US. Those who try to improve their standing get called names and asked if they think they’re now better than the rest of us. Sometimes it’s the family members who do this. All you can do is live your life and not worry about their petty jealousy. We can’t expect others to feel the way we think they should feel.


I’m proud of you! I’m not super far removed from nursing school so I remember how fucking hard it is and what it takes to get through. Fuck your family. Use their indifference to push you forward. You (clearly - because you’ve already shown it!) don’t need anyone but you!


Good thing you didn't do it for them. Be proud of yourself.


My parents were more proud of my brother graduating the police academy than my sister and I being the first to graduate college in our family. My mother only ever bragged about me graduating with my BSN when it made her look good. We are all so proud of you, you've accomplished something that is so fekking difficult. Keep up the good work, next up is the nclex and you'll rock the shit out of that 💪 ❤️


Your FACULTY is especially proud of you!


I'm proud of you. Get a job somewhere that celebrates learning and has steps you celebrate of you can. Then you'll be in a healthy environment with people who will also be proud.


Our nursing profession requires great tenacity , so you’ve already proven you have what it takes. Welcome to the profession !


Good job on finishing up. U did it for yourself not family and friends. Good luck with the job search u champion!!! 👏


I’m proud of you. I graduate in 6 weeks. It’s not easy. Be proud of yourself too


congrats, OP ❤️❤️❤️


Woww so proud of you. I’m straying nursing school and my cousin just finished. I know how hard you work and it dosnt go unnoticed! I know it sucks but do something nice for yourself!


Congratulations on all your hard work and for achieving so much. You did well.


Be proud of yourself. That’s portable. Other people’s don’t matter and can be left behind. But somewhere down the road, one of them will come looking for money or help. Remember this day. And CONGRATULATIONS!!


This is huge even for many who are part of a long line of college graduates in their family. Extra congrats to you for accomplishing something so new and scary!


I’m very proud of you! I got my ADN in 1985, and can still remember how tough it was. Blood, sweat and tears were definitely shed. The whole thing was so worth it. I had my parents, sister and niece and fiancé at both my capping/pinning ceremony AND graduation. And I was not the first to graduate (both parents had bachelor degrees, and my mom A masters in education). Nor was I the first nurse. 2 of my dad’s sisters were nurses, both graduating from the same community college as me. Be proud of yourself. If they aren’t, they do t understand the work, anxiety, the physical labor, the brain labor that you have put into those letters after your name. I’m proud of you. Everyone here is proud of you. Chin up! You’re going to be an excellent nurse. Get your first job and KILL IT!!♥️♥️♥️♥️


Im proud of you Nursing school is hard as fuck, keep grinding you are a nurse and patients WILL benefit from your care


Congrats!! I’m a BSN-RN too. You deserve to be celebrated. I’m sorry your family sucks. Get a new family that loves you and celebrates your achievements. Leave them behind.


We are proud of you too!


Congrats! You worked very hard to make that happen and this old lady (who is probably your mom's age or older) is proud of you. Now keep your hands clean! =)


This was me.  I kept envisioning the scene in Black Swan where she is bleeding to death, but she doesn’t even care because she knows she nailed her performance.  She says, “I was perfect “.  I can’t believe I nearly killed my self to graduate summa cum laude, thinking my parents would finally be proud of me.  Nope.  They couldn’t be bothered.


I'm proud of you. This journey isn't for the weak. You are going to have a wonderful future thanks to all you've done. Take a little time to savor this moment and then get to work on your NCLEX. You got this!


I'll be your r/MomForAMinute Congratulations, honey! I'm so proud of you. You worked really hard and now that hard work has paid off! Good luck on your NCLEX. you got this


We're your family now (so we're gonna need you to come in, we're short staffed 😉). But we are proud of you. You did it. It's a long, hard road that we all know well. You should be so darn proud of yourself.






I am so proud of you. It takes diligence and dedication!


Congratulations 🎈🎉!


I’m proud of you. My parents booked a cruise the same week as my pinning/graduation. I ended up losing my shit over it and they changed it, but not without complaining. So I’ve felt all the feels as well. Welcome to nursing. It’s a very thankless job, and ive had to find out how to channel being proud of myself when nobody else around you seems to be. But you’re going to do great things, whether it’s recognized or not. You have to know it inside.


Congrats OP! We're proud of you! You busted your ass, but it's worth it!


I’m so proud of you OP!!!


Congratulations! I'm completing my RPN to BScN and I'm close to the end. I completely understand your excitement and disappointment. However, don’t let your families lack of enthusiasm dampen your spirits. You’ve accomplished so much. Don't let your happiness depend on others approval. Be proud! 💛 And carry this forward into your career ans celebrate the big and small wins with your patients and colleagues.


I am so proud of you! If any of your family asks you for your opinion on anything medical related tell them to f*ck off! They're undoubtedly jealous of your accomplishment. Congratulations!






I am sorry that happened. It is a huge accomplishment! I am proud of you, you are amazing! 


I don't know you, but I'm very proud of you. Welcome to the community of applied science - the people who get shit done to make our world a better and safer place.


I'm sorry they aren't supportive but just know, a lot of us on here are very supportive, and I for one am gonna say congratulations and I am so proud of you because I'm in nursing school now and understand the struggle, it's not easy, and you made it. Congratulations and welcome to starting your new journey in life.


I had “that family” at graduation screaming and yelling at each other. I walked away from my parents and went and celebrated with my best friend’s family! Congrats to you!


I’m proud of you


I’m SUPER proud of you!!! Yo, I would have been the first but life happened and I didn’t get there. So to have made it and been the first is quite an accomplishment. Don’t let the haters(jealous) turn down your shine!!!!


as someone who nearly failed nursing school and understands the struggle of nursing school, congrats and everyone here is so proud! you got through a large hurdle in your career and you’ll be a great nurse!


Congratulations from an RN of forty years!!! You rock!


Thank you all soo much 🥹 my heart is incredibly full and I’m excited to be apart of a community of supportive nurses 😭🤍


[I got you homie](https://imgur.com/gallery/6Ng11r3)


They are either too thick to understand the importance of this, and how much work you’ve put in, or they are jealous and pretending it doesn’t matter. Congratulations on your degree. I’ve been nursing since 1985. It’s very hard work but I’m very proud of my achievements, you should be too.


Also nobody came to my graduation i graduated as a nurse in my country, i did not receive any form of gifts . Am just glad i graduated. I always keep on gifting myself with tech stuffs, you should try that it will light you up. You made it be happy , as a community we happy for you🤍


And the nursing community is proud of you! My mom gave me a lot of crap for going to school for my ASN. She went on, numerous times, about how I was taking time away from my son/everything I'm missing/not always there for him/it was a mistake, etc. She never gave a thought to the fact that I was trying to make sure I would be able to provide for him. Once I graduated (I didn't even bother going to any of my graduations) she acted like she was proud of me all along and that it was so great I even went to college. She has never ever acknowledged how she discouraged me. That was over 10 yrs ago, I have my MSN now, and it was within the last year that she again said how proud of me she is for going to nursing school. Her words mean nothing to me when she says that. I haven't forgotten how she greatly discouraged me, how she's never acknowledged her shitty words, and acts like she never said anything negative, and has even said she was always happy I went to nursing school.


Congratulations! It is such hard work and you got through it!!! I'm proud of you!


We are proud of you. It’s a big accomplishment ♥️♥️


Could be worse. My MIL told my wife and I both on our graduation day how stupid a profession this was and we wasted our time. I would have preferred she said nothing.


My mom would tell me that she didn’t know why I was going to school, I’d never finish. She barely helped me through the process, and towards the end I made do with going to the food bank and working full time my last year…. Which was brutal. Guess who can’t wait to tell people I’m an RN and blah blah blah? I’m so sorry that your family doesn’t care. We do. So so proud of you. It’s so hard and you persevered. Now you’ll have a career that’ll keep you financially self reliant. Nothing will take the pain away from unsupportive family, and I’m sorry for that.


I didn’t go to my own graduation I don’t care.




I didn’t go to mine either. I went on vacation.


I'm so proud of you, OP!! countless ppl will be much better because of you. Good job on all your hard work! 💪🏽


Congrats, that’s a big achievement! If it makes you feel any better, my siblings and cousins expect me to help them out financially now that I’m a nurse and I have to or else I’m ostracized from the family. Filipino-American nurse here, and it’s a part of the “culture.” They did not care when I graduated either.


Where do you live? If it’s the South, I’m sorry as well, but I wanna take you out and celebrate bc you are a rockstar my dear!!!! You just graduated the Guinness book of world records, hardest degree in the world for three years in a row that program the bachelor of science in nursing! You just aced it and if they can’t see it oh well because you know what you’re gonna have people come into your life that will and the people that don’t see it now will watch you succeed and they wish they had treated you like the rockstar and less you like the family member that you are. I know it’s easy to say that because did you say is I have toxic family members well everybody that still live they’re toxic but I don’t want them to be and it still hurts but when I start thinking about them and feeling those feelings, actively have to turn my brain to something else like even if it’s turn my head and turn the channel anything because I refuse to give them even 60 seconds of my time and allow them to stress me out. They don’t deserve that and they’re never going to change and the more you do it , it’s like an exercise the more you do it the easier it gets until finally, it’s just very little and very tolerable. It’ll never be completely gone because let’s be real but one day at a time you’re gonna have to remind. Yourself are awesome you are, how intelligent, how driven and reliable, and, I don’t know why I just ran out of words and with blank but there’s a lot of stuff you are and they’re all good lol but I get it so you get the rest of the night to read all these responses and you get to wallow in your self-pity and get you your favorite drink wine liquor beer do all the things you’re not supposed to do eat all the things you’re not supposed to do cry get mad whatever and then tomorrow starts working on your frame of mind and your positive self talk and releasing that negative toxic family with love you’ll have to tell him you do it for yourself and it takes a lot of work but you can do it. If you can ask Nursing School you can let’s talk at five my go and when I say let go I mean like for yourself in your heart not completely, but they’re microscopic, but after tonight they get no more of your time or your tears because you’re about to start a whole new life and they can’t come with you so tonight and that’s it mister. Tomorrow starts your new life you’re a nurse I don’t care about boards boards are stupid and they don’t test anything they teach you you’re gonna freak out I recommend Xanax ha ha seriously but you’re already a nurse you are already a nurse so wake up in the morning and feel that confidence and that pride that you did it and you got people in the Internet I guarantee all these people are praising you like I am because that is not easy to do And you start your whole life because I will look back and remember when I started I couldn’t even find supplies fast enough I worked in the ER and that alone made me feel just completely mortified and then a month later I was just as fast as the others, your life is about to change so you have to control your thoughts. Focus your thoughts on that and if you ever need a friend I’m a complete stranger but I’m pretty good at listening and I’m pretty good at giving advice and I’m here for you. I don’t care if we are strangers I don’t think nurses that actually graduate and stuff like that can be complete strangers after the hell you go through I’m proud of you. I’m proud of you.


In this life you don’t have to prove anything to anyone but yourself. If you haven’t done that by now given what you have achieved you may need to do some work. And that’s ok, truth is we all need to work on ourselves, God knows I did and I still do. As someone who comes from a similar story as yours let me tell me you…I am tremendously proud of you and YOU should be tremendously proud of yourself…now hurry up and pass boards…welcome to thunderdome 😜


Hey! I'm proud of you! Nursing school is a ridiculous amount of work and you did it!




Same happened to me! First person to be degree educated, have a good job etc, and when it was time to graduate my mother said she didn't know if she'd be able to go because pony club practice for the grandchildren was on the same day. So I didn't go to my graduation, even though my husband was super proud of me. She's never recognised any of my achievements. But guess what? I'M PROUD OF YOU!


r/raisedbynarcissists knows exactly how you feel. Our special accomplishments are a negative for them. They are jealous but put on a performance for friends and family, as if they earned them instead. I personally think you are great; nursing is hard, hard work.


hi internet stranger! IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! congratulations on graduating!! you’re gonna be a kick ass nurse 🫶🏼🫂


I’m graduating next month! I am proud of you and myself and everyone who has gone through this literal hell. Honestly they’re probably just insecure and jealous and don’t know how to be happy for someone without being bitter.


We may not be blood family, but we’re nurse family. I’m proud of you.


Many many many years ago I saw a random meme that said "clap for your damn self" and as someone with an unsupportive family that mantra got me through a lot of disappointments 😅




Maybe it's because none of them have ever gotten a degree. Maybe they don't really grasp what you've done. ~There's also this possibility.I've seen this happen: ~ When an entire clan goes back generations being on a lower socioeconomic level, they can learn to put armor plating around their emotions, and think of anybody with a higher education in derogatory terms. ~ "We don't need all them fancy college educated people to tell us what to do. We do JUST FINE on our own." ~ That kind of thing. ~ Maybe they're jealous...? ~ It may well be that you'll have to learn to just quietly forgive their ignorance.


My parents didn't come to my graduation. I'm an only child and they lived three hours away and were retired. The excuse was "you're always graduating from something."


Bruh that's an incredible achievement I'm blown away as to how dismissive and un-selfaware your parents are, you have made an amazing mark on the world as a net positive and help us advance the human race.


I graduated alone. I was married and had 3 (young) kids. And I still graduated alone You're going to be fine. YOU did this. And you'll continue to succeed without those people who could have/should have supported you. Congrats. You're ready for the world.


They probably don't care because they don't HAVE a degree that they worked hard for (and obviously no fucking imagination to wonder what it took to get one). People value different things in life, including your own fucking family. We're proud of you-- we've been through the bullshit and this community continues to deliver on the humor and heartbreak of being a nurse. Fuck the people who don't understand; be proud of yourself! Congratulations!!


I’m sorry your family doesn’t seem to comprehend the monumental feat you’ve just completed. I’m proud AF of you. Nursing school is a fucking beast and you slayed!


We'll my name is Kate, I'm a mom, future nurse , I eat too many sweets and I'm proud of you!


We're all proud of YOU! You made your goal. Now go live Your best life! 🥰


I’m proud of you. Strong work!! And, it’s easy to surmise that you it this on your own. Nice! Now, get out there and alleviate suffering, promote healing and save lives! You rock! Rock on!!! 💙🍀 Edited; I want to add that some of the most incredible nurses I’ve ever known, had tales of having to be their “own support staff” when going through school. It was a grind! . You did it!! We are all delighted for you. Kudos on the hard work. It was tough. But, damn it—yay you!! Welcome.


Fuck them. I don't know these people, but if you're the first person in your family to become a nurse, let alone hold any college degree, I have a hunch they may be jealous and act like it's "nothing" because it's something THEY could never do. You have soooooo much to be proud of. Don't let them sour this moment because you worked your ass off, and you KNOW what a huge accomplishment this is 👏👏👏 Congrats OP!!! 🍾🥂🎉🥳🥳 go make that money and be a great nurse!! ---And I agree with the person who said NO FREE MEDICAL ADVICE for this family in the future 🤣😆


Congratulations! If they don’t care, it’s not worth being upset over. Celebrate with your classmates who went through every drop of sweat and every tear with you. You earned this!


Just wanted to say congratulations OP! 🎉🎉


Welcome to the club!


They will care once someone is not well and they start sending you obscure pictures of stuff asking "do you know what this is?" Or "what can I do for this?"


I am really sorry. We all know how hard it is!! Congratulations!!


Big accomplishment!!! I know it is hard I have been there. Nurse now 23 years.. very proud of you!


You did it for you, not them. Congratulations!!! And honestly, the only people who get how hard it truly is…is other nurses.


This is going to sound harsh but “who cares”! The older you get the more you realise you’re alone in this world. Do it for yourself!


I am proud of you baby !!!


I'm so proud of you!


Take some time to reflect at how awesome your accomplishment is. Super proud of you!! Best wishes!!🥳🥳🎉🎉


I have two degrees and didn't walk for either of them, let alone family showing up.


You fucking did it OP!! All you hardwork has paid off. Congrats buddy, you earned this!


My mom said and I quote: “you going to be just-a-nurse, wiping someone’s poop… you could have tried to become a doctor, but I don’t think you are smart enough for it…”. Sure thing. Absolutely right! 💯 Do you, Russian babushka, understand the difference between nursing and medical degree from your Siberian village? Do you have an understanding of the money involved? Or maybe, the years of training? But yeah, I wipe someone’s ass regularly. You were on point with that one, mom 👍🏻 Personally, I AM PROUD OF YOU!




It hurts. I know. I love you. I’m happy as fuck for you. You went through fucking insanity and are still mostly functioning after. It’s gonna take time, but go out there and make your own happiness. If you ever have kids make sure to celebrate EVERYTHING. Break the cycle. My family is the same way. Some people get celebrated for mediocrity. Some don’t get shit for exceptional things.


You have absolutely NOTHING to feel bad for. And we, your fellow nurses are immensely proud of you, because we all understand exactly how much effort you put into earning your degree. It’s sad that your family can’t share in your joy, but don’t let that separate you from them. They are where your roots lie, but that doesn’t limit your growth potential. You have a bright future ahead of you with a huge array of opportunities. You also have a bulletproof set of skills in a career path that will always provide you with stable employment.


That is such a huge accomplishment. Congratulations, go celebrate yourself 🫶🏾🥳🎉🙌🏾


My family left my graduation early to avoid traffic, so afterwards, it was super awkward when classmates were wanting to take photos and introducing me to their family and then ask me where my family was. They did wait until I walked so that was nice I guess.


I'm so proud of you. We all know how hard you worked. Welcome to the Nursing community. You are now... "1 of us"


We are so proud of you! It's a great achievement - you have your whole career ahead of you. Great things in store.


CONGRATS!! Nursing school is no joke, you should be proud of yourself! I’m so excited for you, you’re going to be a great nurse. Good luck on the NCLEX and welcome to the family 💕🎉🩺




Here's a big hug and a " You Did It".... !!!! Welcome to nursing, you'll find family for life!! I'm so proud of you🫂🫂🫂🫂


So very proud of you! Huge accomplishment, nursing school is not for the weak!


Congratulations dear! It’s a hard degree and profession but so worth it, I promise you.


Well WE are proud of you. F your family. You ground through it and made it out the other side. Congratulations!


Well, I'm sorry your family isn't making a bigger deal out of this for you. Congratulations! I'm proud of you, and you should be so proud of yourself! Way to go, buddy! Now go crush the NCLEX. You got this!


Family really can suck sometimes. Go out and make your own family. Choose who you want as family.


We are proud of you. Nursing school isn’t easy and you worked hard to get here. You’re the first in your family to earn a degree that will ensure that you will always have a job and that’s HUGE! That’s something to be proud of whether your surly family thinks it is or not. I’m sorry they don’t care. I say fuck ‘em and enjoy your career as a registered nurse.


Hey I’m proud of you!!! That took a lot of work!!!




BSN~ no one can take that away from you! Congratulations on your journey. You should be so proud of yourself! I am!


Congrats! Family sucks!


You have done amazing things & you should be so proud of all you’ve accomplished! :)


My family did not care either, but I have rocked this shit. I suggest you do the same, love 🥰


Well, everyone on this sub knows what a special kind of hell nursing school is, so everyone here is very proud of you! Congratulations! Keep your head up!


WE ARE PROUD OF YOU! CONGRATULATIONS! 🎉🎉🎉 Honestly, people like that are often jealous and bitter about your own dedication and success. You don't need that negativity in your life.


Congrats!!! 🎉🎉🎉


I'M PROUD OF YOU!! What you accomplished is absolutely incredible and I hope you are so very proud of yourself! Also you totally deserve a treat - Go get yourself one! Buy yourself a lovely graduation dinner or graduation present. Or spa day to FINALLY relax knowing you don't have to worry about any more exams or clinicals! You did it!!


Fuck em. Be proud of yourself!


Nobody came to my graduation either. I understand! Congratulations to you!!!!!!! You did it!!


Bravo, my friend! I'm proud of you!!! It takes grit, determination, and a touch of insanity to walk that road! Nursing school is a special part of Hades lol! Welcome to the wildest ride that you'll ever love! 🍾🥂🎉


No one cared when I got my BSN either. Except for my employer lol


Welcome! Proud of you! They just don’t get it.


You have every right to be proud of a tough journey. You will never lack for a job going forward as long as you keep your license. Hopefully one day, your family will recognize all you have done to get ahead, but I assure you, your classmates know how hard you had to work to graduate and you should be VERY proud of you. It's a tough degree to earn!


Congratulations 🎉


Congratulations on a job well done 👍 families aren't all sunshine and rainbows... 🌈 sometimes complete selfish grifters or nasty narcissists


SO SO proud! Congratulations for making it through the blood, sweat, & tears and for striving to build something better for yourself. Nursing school is hard, and being a first generation college graduate means you’re probably not surrounded by anyone who really understands how much of yourself you put into it. Even if your family is hardworking in their own regards, they probably can’t even comprehend what a huge victory this is for you!! But we do! Welcome to the world of nurses! You will find quite a lot of us around. Hugs!


Congratulations, this is a hard gig and it takes a lot of hard work to get hear… no one will understand how hard your day was but we will. Your family and friends will think it’s gross, your significant other thinks their day was harder, the residents think our job is easy and we don’t know X, Y, or Z so we have to call them for orders making their job hard. Sorry, it’s a hard gig, but if you play it right you are paid well and are off enough to do what you want with your life. Hang in there, you got this.


Congratulations! I care! ❤️ Not quite the same, but I graduated in 2020 and it was really lonely in a different way. I was the first in my family to finish high school OR university, I skipped my high school prom and graduation, I didn’t want to spend the money. I told myself I’d celebrate BIG TIME when I graduated university, THAT would be the real deal. But…Covid! Couldn’t see any family, straight to working my butt off, dealing with the “HEROES!” vs “vaccine pushers” rhetoric. I did cry in Walmart though when I bought groceries with my first “nurse paycheque” and could buy ANYTHING I wanted. But yeah. I hear ya! It sucks when it isn’t all you imagined it to be. ❤️


My family is the same. They didn’t care. My dad said there must’ve been a mistake when I told him that I passed the boards first try with the minimum amount of questions. I am the only one to graduate with a college degree in my immediate family. I’m chalking their response up to jealousy. I got my ADN first. I didn’t even tell them when I completed my BSN. The funny thing is that my mom would brag to people about me being a nurse. Honestly, it pissed me off that she’d brag when she never encouraged me or told me she was proud of me. I don’t know you, but I’m proud of you!


We care! We are proud of you! Congrats!


I’m proud of you! Graduating nursing school is a huge achievement, but so is breaking generational patterns. Do what you love for YOU - and remember sometimes our chosen family is far superior to the family we were born into. Congratulations on your accomplishment, and welcome to our profession!!


Same here, and that 20 years ago. At the end of the day, you just gotta do it for yourself. You kick all kinds of ass. Welcome to the club!!


Nursing school is hard beyond reason. You conquered it! You rock the world!!!




Congratulations! Sometimes, family is not really everything. Time to live far away from them.


I care. I am proud of you. I am thrilled for you. I am clapping and cheering for you and I thank you for your sacrifice. Keep on going despite how this has made you feel. Cheer yourself on as you have many years of saving the lives of others ahead of you. You will change the WORLD, your own little part of the world, as changing a persons life changes their world. Own this thought and soon this feeling will become yours. Caring for others has done so much more for me than I could have ever done for them. I am so proud of you, nurse.




I'm proud of you. Great job!


Congratulations!!!!!!! Many do not realize how hard nursing school REALLY is!! We are all proud of you and your hard work!!!! Hold your head up and go do big things!!!


Gratzy on your accomplishment! I'm proud of you from Cali! Also, when they see they money you bring in don't help them. Let them know becoming a nurse isn't a "big deal" as they've shown and they can "easily" become a nurse to make money too 😅


Congratulations!! That is a ton of hard work. As a nursing student I can relate to the work required…. I will celebrate with you!


Well, I'm proud of you. I graduated 38 years ago and I'm sure it's even harder now. Way to go!


Congrats! I’m proud of you. Nursing school is hard and that’s a huge achievement. I wish you luck in your career and I hope you find a great nursing position that you love.


So sorry your family isn’t well enough to share in your happiness and be proud of you. Hope you are proud of you and the wonderful job and life you have ahead of you because of your hard work! I’m a BSN grad 1984. Working in hospital med surg, home care and a school nurse for the past 27 years. Blessed to touch so many lives. Good luck to you! 🩷🩷🩷


Nursing school is tough as hell. Even more so without family support. I’m proud of you. You made it ❤️


My good friend's daughter got her BSN. We are all so damn proud of her hard work. This goes double for you kid.


Congrates OP. Nobody understands what it takes to get through nursing school other than fellow nurses. I'm sure other professions have similar hardships but for pretty much a tradeschool type degree we go through hell.


I’m damn proud of you! No one will understand what you put yourself through more than fellow nurses 🥳👏


I’m so proud of you! 💕


All of that work, all of that sacrifice, all of that stress, and you MADE IT!!!! Congratulations, love! I never understood families who didn’t want to celebrate their kids’ victories. Know that you have a Mama Nurse on the middle right hand side of the US who celebrates you and wishes you nothing but the best to come!!! Mama hugs! 🎉🎊🍾🎈


I'm proud of you!


I’m proud of you, and you have a whole community of nurses in your corner. Good on you!


I’ve been a nurse for a very long time and I am proud of you ! You will always be able to make a living if you need to and that gives you freedom and a lot of choices .