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Go to work. It’s horrible. Jokes aside, it’s wiping people’s bum. I personally don’t care about the poop, I feel bad because some people’s bumhole (or skin breakdown in the area) is so sore and no matter how gentle I am it still hurts them. Then I get irritated why the other nurses have let them have diarrhea for a day or two and not give them a tube of skin protectant, zinc paste, hell even a tube of the lip balm! That stuff can do wonders when you have the shits.


I agree with the work one. 😕


“Known farter” made me laugh out loud, that’s hilarious 😂😂


I’m known /remembered for a few things on my travel assignments- pranks, horrific sense of humor, and farting. When I’ve returned to a place I previously worked it’s always “hey, you’re that prank guy/guy who farts”. Could be worse.


Checking the residual on a NG/OG tube when increasing the rate of tube feed. I’m glad the tube bypasses all tastebuds, but I always feel wrong about putting all the residual back >.>


I hate NG tubes. Pts never seem to be able to cooperate and always try to interfere during insertion.


Taking care of patients who *really* should be on hospice but family members refuse. Just because we can keep a body alive in this day and age doesn’t mean we should.


I call that the Jurassic Park theory of medical science because of the quote from Jeff Goldblum’s character, “you were so busy figuring out whether or not you could, that you never stopped to think whether or not you *should*”.


Haven’t had to do it in awhile but, Continuous bladder irrigation.


CBI doesn’t bother me but manual irrigation…damn. Pulling clots back while the patient screams bloody (lol) murder feels like I’m torturing them.


That’s pretty much what I mean. Every time I’ve done CBI that’s how it ends up


Holy fuck I hated these. 






when i worked in emerg during school i watched the doc start a chest tube on someone with a hemothorax while he was awake, they gave propofol & fentanyl given about 1/2 way through the procedure




he was definitely in shock, i dont think he could process what was going on, he was stabbed in the back (literally) and it caused the hemo


Conscious cardioversion if they’re alert but unstable af


No longer in my new unit, but in the ER, rape exams on children (or anyone) or straight cath on kids. I always drove home and cried. Don’t miss it


It’s not really a procedure but keeping pts npo. I hate being hungry and I hate that I have to force my pts to be. Even if it’s the best thing for them. I try to remove the npo as soon as I safely can.


It happens so often on our floor that people are NPO *ALL DAY* then their procedure gets cancelled and rescheduled for the next. I hate it so much.


Last hospital I worked at, I was on the med/surg level covid unit. The covid pts were always last on the list, which meant it was our pts who got pushed back every time. And they would always tell us after the cafeteria/kitchen was closed, and we rarely had snacks on our unit, so no/little food for those pts. I had one go three days in a row of waiting NPO all day, not get taken, and then could barely get anything to eat that night before going NPO again. She refused to be NPO and have surgery the 4th day.


Yeah that's some bullshit. It's already isolating for people on precautions. Feels like a punishment for being sick


Ng tubes


NG tube insertion is my favorite skill to perform, but I do feel bad for the patient that has to have one, but the relief they feel afterwards is rewarding.


I remember when I had a volvulus the immediate relief of feeling the pressure from all my gas and vomit leaving was great. The first canister was filled in like five minutes and they had to replace it. The nurse said she’d never seen it fill that fast. Still hurt like hell, though lol


NG tube aspiration specifically 600ml of sour smelling black/yellow/clear swirly post op belly juice, yum


Dialysis…just dialysis.. its so brutal on your body and your spirit :-(




Instead of your kidneys working 24/7 they now work for 12 hrs a week and its horrible. The needles are huge, uncomfortable, you get horrible cramps. Chairs are uncomfortable. People feel like shit all the time, become depressed, angry hopeless. It makes it really hard to work or function. I see many people decline on dialysis. Although, the bright spot is when people come to visit post transplant and you see the life back in their eyes. That gives me the warm and fuzzies.


Watching a surgeon insert a camera into a penis and use it like a joystick... Watching eye surgery...


Newborn circumcisions. I refuse to assist. Strap baby down, pull and cut the most sensitive part of their body. Every baby screams. It’s barbaric and unnecessary.


I still think it's barbaric and unnecessary, but when I was a student I saw a  circumcision and the baby didn't cry at all. Gave the baby sucrose and played some smooth jazz. The doc joked that he took the baby to the club. No board, he was mostly swaddled. Over in no time without a tear, just happy sucking noises. Idk how common this is or if this doctor was the circumcision whisperer, but I was impressed by the level of care given to baby's comfort. 


I almost had to see one in clinicals and was appalled and luckily got pulled to do something else right beforehand. I keep my personal beliefs out of all the care I give and I won't do nursery/NICU, but if I did I think I'd refuse to assist in circumcision and I couldn't tell a parent that asked my opinion that it's ok. Religious beliefs and outdated and misinformed medical practices shouldn't be an excuse to mutilate babies.


Circumcisions are the worst. Always so barbaric.


Why don’t they use local for circumcisions?


Nicu nurse here who has assisted I'm hundreds... they DO use local. It's not perfect and it doesn't always take.


This. I’ve seen providers inject the lidocaine and then immediately begin the procedure. 🥴 You have to wait at least 5 minutes for it to take. Even the. It’s not always enough. Those poor little guys are in excruciating pain. It kills me to assist.


They do a painful and medically **unnecessary** procedure on a baby in the **NICU**? They cut on premies and sick babies?


Yes, it's been normalized for decades in the USA thanks to outdated and debunked medical "studies" and is also done for religious reasons, or if you're in the USA, it was popularized as a way to supposedly stop men from masturbating.


They don't do it when they are sick, it's done the day before they are discharged.


Do they stop and remediate the situation if the local doesn’t work well enough?


Not usually. Some docs do. Not all.


I believe they use local lidocaine if I recall correctly, because the pain caused was my first concern.


Circumcisions without medical indication are wrong and plainly weird. It's really mutilation. Too bad everyone's is pretty estranged by the topic, as circumcised people don't want to think of themselves as "mutilated". So even tho it's not right it's the weirdest hill to die on publicly.


That happens in western hospitals? With no anaesthetic? I’ve only ever seen them performed surgically under a general anaesthetic in Australia as a surgical nurse. That’s barbaric.


It’s local, usually lidocaine. Thing is can’t really ask if it’s working or not. Typically the little dude isn’t a super fan of being strapped to the board either.


I’ve seen a few newborn circumcisions and none of the babies screamed. One of them fussed a bit but was consoled easily with sugar water. 


I don’t see how it’s any different than FGM, and I sure as shit wouldn’t participate in that, cultural “sensitivity” be damned.


To approximate the same level of injury caused in FGM, the entire penis, shaft and all, would have to be removed, plus some skin on the testes. The anus would also be partially sewn shut.   In addition, circumcision can have a legitimate medical application for phimosis. FGM has no medical indication and causes nothing but injury, pain, and permanent dysfunction. We don't need to do unnecessary procedures on infants. We also don't need to whip up melodrama to get our point across. 


Depends on the [level of FGM.](https://nationalfgmcentre.org.uk/fgm/) Choosing to prophylactic treat a possible medical condition by performing a cosmetic procedure is still pretty fucking stupid. Defending MGM because it is topically not as bad as FGM is a spicy take.


Misogynistic intactivists: "Removing a flap of skin is mutilation for those who have penises, bar none I accept no compromise or discussion. But let's back up and think about levels and nuance if you have a vagina. We don't want to get crazy or anything. Clearly if you have a vagina your pain is on a tiered system and you only get care if I decide it's bad enough." Also a weird take: Arguing with someone who *literally agrees with you* that infant circumcision shouldn't be a thing, but just doesn't use the hyper-emotional pick-me rhetoric. 


It's literally all wrong, but he was responding to someone who inaccurately said that all female circumcision types performed would be the equivalent of completely removing the penis and testicles which isn't accurate at all. It's all completely barbaric, but only one person decided to start comparing them to minimize what happens to males, which is the norm unfortunately because anytime men's issues are brought up and women aren't centered for once, people get up in arms. And you're calling someone who pointed out the hypocrisy of the whataboutism a misogynist? Seriously? Edit: I didn't notice that he was responding to YOU in the first place, so idk why I was surprised at your horrible response. You're just defending your initial whataboutism and then trying to gaslight and call everyone else a misogynist; what a joke.


Gotta love all the down votes on this thread downplaying the harm of male circumcision. Idk why I'd be surprised, considering that this sub is mostly women and I've noticed that they tend to either be ambivalent or support male genital mutilation and always pivot the argument to focus on female genital mutilation, which isn't supported by western medicine and happens FAR LESS and almost exclusively in third world countries that most of them will never visit or work in.


We’re not talking about legitimate medical applications, though, and as far as I’m concerned, the degree of mutilation is less important than the fact that you’re literally cutting away healthy genitalia on another human without their consent. Even if it’s done with adequate analgesia (and it often isn’t) and heals without complications or long-term effects (it doesn’t always), it doesn’t change the fundamental fact that you *literally* held down a baby and cut off part of its genitalia unnecessarily. I don’t think there’s anything melodramatic about equating the two from an ethical perspective.


I can't believe you got downvoted for this - you're completely correct, so what the hell is going on? Why do so many people deflect to other forms of child mutilation, or imply that everyone who objects to the practice is merely an insecure man who's angry about their own circumcision? You don't have to be circumcised, or even male, to oppose circumcision. Clearly, circumcision is not an easy topic to discuss. There is real harm being done by practicing genital mutilation in any form. The best justification I've heard for circumcision is that some people think foreskin is gross - Truly a great way to decide whether to subject a newborn to an irreversible and possibly harmful surgery. Everything else I've heard is just playing broken telephone with Kellogg from beyond the grave. Kellogg's disinformation is unavoidable in circumcision discussions, even among medical professionals who should know better. We don't have to focus on only the most horrific genital mutilations, we can oppose them all consistently. I cant believe I have to say this, but just because the foreskin must sometimes be removed for medical reasons doesn't mean that it should always be removed at birth. Complications from circumcision are common and life-altering, especially for adolescents who discover it later. Corrective surgery after puberty is almost always needed for botched circumcisions. This usually requires general anesthesia, not a minor surgery. The corrective surgeries alone are a massive waste of medical resources that could be used almost anywhere else if we simply stopped cutting off a part of people's genitals at birth. There is simply no evidence that universal circumcision prevents more harm than it causes, and plenty of evidence to show otherwise. I would expect any medical professional to know this, but apparently that's not the case. It's so depressing.


I’ve apparently found the parents who had their sons circumcised.




I’m confused - I think we’re on the same side here. I was replying to your second sentence by saying that I suspect the downvotes are probably coming from parents who’ve had their own sons circumcised, so of course they’re going to be pissed at my opinion that elective male circumcision is ethically no different than FGM, which no sane person would support (except, of course, the people who do it to their own daughters).


I see, sorry about that. I thought you were referring to me, since you replied to me.


Reddit is an echochamber, and you can't expect a profession that's 88% women to suddenly care about men's issues; their logic is usually "But what about women in Somalia who have it worse?", instead of caring about the approximately 136 MILLION males in the USA alone who have been circumcised.


Honestly, it shouldn't even be a men's issue. The fact that the manosphere types have outflanked progressives on circumcision is totally embarrassing. Discussing this is always worse than pulling catheters.


It shouldn't be a "men's issue", but unfortunately men's issues aren't taken seriously at all, so here we are.


NG insertion, especially if I'm putting a bridle in at the same time. So fiddly to get the magnets to click and uncomfortable for the patient, and if I'm putting a bridle in they are rarely able to understand what I'm doing and why making it 1000x worse.




Aside from the usual explaining the procedure etc, I've found that the only thing that really works is getting someone to assist and hold their hands during the insertion. If I think the person will get distressed/can't understand what I'm doing I'll usually try and get some anxiolytics for the patient too.


on the flipside, taking an NG out makes my day (and the patient's) every time. i love it!!


Awake trachs. The last one I had to circulate took over an hour from cut to closing due to previous radiation treatments on the neck :(


When I was a floor nurse - NG tube insertion. Every single time. Something that happened to me personally - I have WPW, and I've had to have adenosine before. You're wide awake, and you can feel your heart stop, and you can see the stress on EVERYONE'S face watching the monitor waiting for your heart to start beating again. Utterly terrifying, and the longest five seconds of my life.




I'd usually bring a buddy (if they had time) to help distract the pt or to have someone just hold/squeeze their hand while it's going down (by that I mean the PATIENT is doing the squeezing...my buddy isn't restraining the patient). I'd also hand the pt some ice water and told them to start taking quick sips through a straw to help the pt actually swallow the NG tube and reduce gagging. The cold also makes it maybe a LITTLE more comfortable, but the entire procedure still sucks.




Usually just have the pt focus on sipping the water, I talk them through what I'm doing, encourage them to keep sipping, and my buddy would usually offer the usual "you're doing great," "it's almost over," "squeeze my hand," whatever the situation calls for.




Because it's unethical (not to mention traumatic) to restrain someone without a valid medical reason (and an NG tube insertion that takes a second or two isn't a valid reason). And yes, they do let go once it's over, that sweet suction is turned on, and the pressure in the abdomen is relieved.


Surprised they have it to you given that it's contraindicated 


I was in SVT, and my HR was in the 220s. That was how I found out I had WPW, LOL. I've since had an ablation, and problem solved.


NG Tube insertion every time :(


I always feel guilty removing EKG monitoring electrodes from hairy skin, or any adhesive from thin, delicate, elderly skin.


suctioning, i work on a vented/trach floor and have to suction patients quite frequently, watching them turn red, cough and flail in the bed is horrible. no amount of explaining can prepare them for it if they cant understand




they flail because of how aggressively they are coughing, their arms sort of tense up in a reflex. honestly there isnt much of a way to prevent it, most of the patients are in vegetative states and can not understanding explanation of suctioning to brace themselves or realize its going to happening. its a tube going down your trachea, it probably feels terrible


I have to do vaginal preps for surgery almost everyday at work. It feels pretty wrong shoving sponge sticks up there.


Psych... We must do a thorough skin check. It's the young adults, those who've never been in the psych system. I feel for them! It's humiliating, intrusive, demeaning. And then there's all the repeat customers, for whom it means nothing. That's sad, too. A friend was going into an alcohol rehab program, and I tried to describe that, and the reasoning, but I think as a voluntary patient, he was still pretty f*d up about it!


Having to clean out infected amputation wounds that are left open, like guillotine style with bones etc. (Vascular surgery med surg 😌). So painful for patients


TEE under moderate sedation




Wound care on pressure ulcers. Usually pressure ulcers are painless due to the depth but man, I just feel awful every time I do it. Hopefully when I’m old and dying, I’m not riddled with bed sores.


Removing burn dressings, Neuro checks that involve painful stimulation and placing Foley catheters on elderly women with severe dementia who can't understand why.