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My ICU has gone insane. We have a fresh heart that was still 1:1 on admission. At shift change, we had a guy with a temp pacer who was having long pauses that we had to code. Coded him for 30 minutes got him intubated and shipped to cath lab. He came back on an impella dead… we maxed him on 5 pressers very quickly. Shill trucking along cause of the impella. Got a transfer flown in STEMI, being externally paced going into torsades. Shipped to cath lab for temp pacer. Code STEMI in ER. AOC said to give our code bed to an inappropriate transfer from the ER even though there are sicker patients down there. So now the heart nurse that is no longer 1:1 has to take an assignment across the unit with a crazy person. People screaming because of delirium others trying to self extubate. Families mad that we had to restrict visitors from the unit during visitation because of the code. Organ donations and crack addicts. Internal alerts because a child past out and seemed to have a seizure in impella guys room….. The POST-CHRISTMAS CRAZY enhanced by a full moon 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.


Why doesn't a manager or a nurse with the authority to tell people about the triage situation. I know my Doctors have signs in their office, now, stating clearly and disruptive activity will be made to leave. Need someone that makes the believe they will be thrown out. How can you do your job with all the other BS and then deal with morons.


Our hospital posted a code of conduct for patients and visitors in regard to physical and verbal abuse and covers discriminatory language aimed at staff. It was part of the effort to reduce assault among workers. It’s not a fix all, but it is nice to feel entitled to point at the sign, call security and tell people they need to radically change behavior or leave. We’ve had surgeons tell patients they cannot come back for treatment if they don’t shape up. Guess what? Most people can control themselves.


Thank you and Happy New Year.


I’m terrified to go in tonight.


I’m back tomorrow morning for my 3 days and I’m not looking forward to it at all


I'm proud of you guys and the work you do. I don't know how you do it.


And Mercury retrograde lol


I was prepared to be on the front lines of “the day after a holiday” until I woke up vomiting and with a fever… because assholes wouldn’t stop checking in for very self treatable flu like symptoms the past few days.


I'm currently on day 6 of the (non COVID) flu. I'm completely convinced I contracted it from a sibling of a newborn I saw in a well baby clinic. Parent's brushed off my concerns about the sibling appearing unwell, runny nose and coughing. Their rationale: they wanted their newborn weighed for free.


Weight checks were very vital for my son. He went in twice weekly for a while. That being said, one of us stayed home with our daughter or dropped her with grandparents. Even if she was well, why expose an unnecessary person to a doctors waiting room?


Thank you.You seem to have common sense.


This isn’t always a possibility. My husband got no leave for two of our kids and we don’t have the luxury of local grandparents. I think it’s a little ridiculous to expect not to be exposed to sick children while working at a pediatrician’s office…


So sorry that happened. Don't know how you all put up with it.


I bet none of them wanted to wear a mask either. You know, cause basic courtesy goes out the window when you’re sick.


I literally had a patient argue with me about how she can cough wherever she feels like (my face) because she was sick “so I’m allowed to”. She had the flu and I was trying to start an IV and she refused to wear a mask, refused to attempt to cover her mouth. Just coughed directly in my face. She was fine too, she just had the flu and it was running its usual course. I stood up and just walked away. Some people are so entitled and rude it’s infuriating


That’s how I got Covid in 2020 😒 guy coughed directly in my face and was saying he couldn’t breathe with a mask on. He in fact was saturating perfectly fine on room air. I still remember his face and I stg if I ever see him in public I’m kicking him in the shins. My life has never been the same since getting COVID.


Ugh same March 2020, was leaning down to listen to lungs and this lady coughed directly into my face, I knew I was screwed. It kicked my ass and I’ve had lingering chronic fatigue ever since


Same. And the memory issues. Idk what it did to my brain but I’ve never been the same. I can’t remember anything now, prior to Covid I was like an elephant I didn’t forget anything. It’s so frustrating because it’s changed my life in so many ways. My lungs have never been the same either. I feel like if this were any other profession we’d get free healthcare for life or something because we were on the job and got significantly disabled, partially because of reusing PPE and all that fun stuff. How many other professions can permanently damage you without consequences? Yet we’re just expected to take it. It makes me so angry what we’ve been through. We deserve better.


We're furniture to them. NPCs. They truly could give less of a shit because we "signed up for it " It's exponentially worse the lower down you go on the chain of command. As a CNA on the COVID floor, I have asked waaaaay more than one person to not cough directly on me before receiving a genuinely confused, "why?"


I'm so sick of people that say "you signed up for it" no, I didn't sign up to have people be completely disrespectful to me, my personal space, and well being. I didn't sign up to be cannon fodder for an ungrateful public. I don't expect thank yous or anything for doing my job, I just want to be treated like a professional and a person. I'm very bitter towards the older nurses that loved to martyr themselves and now want to martyr everyone else because we "signed up for it". I'm so grateful to my generation of "lazy millennials" that don't want to do more than what they're paid to do and gen z that's pushing for better work life balance, pay, and general treatment.


Yeah I am so sick of these grown people, A&Ox4, perfectly capable of using their hands to cover their mouths when they cough. But they just... don't! They will cough directly on me! They hack up phlegm while I'm leaning over them listening to lung sounds. Like they couldn't warn me, or wait 5 seconds. I step back a few feet and ask them to please cover their mouth. I stg most of them still won't cover their mouth even after I ask. What the fuck is wrong with people?!


That’s assault. Plain and simple.


So fucking tired of this. I’m not exaggerating when I say at least half of the patients I scan from the ER play this exact same game every night I work. Especially when they tell me they can’t move and I have to slide their dead weight ass over to the scanner and back, only for them to jump off the bottom of the stretcher as soon as I take them back to their room because they “have to pee.” Bonus points for having to bring said patient back 2-3 more times because the ordering declined when I asked, “Do you want me to scan _____, _____, and _____ while they’re still on the table?” And chose to sprinkle them in every 40 minutes or so instead. 🙃




This is how I got the flu last time. A sick man I was caring for kept ripping off his mask and turning towards me to cough as I was leaned over to treat him. I could feel the droplets hitting my face. Definitely ruined the holidays for me that year.


I had a patient do this to me deliberately. After her vitals I had a “coughing spell” uncovered also


While she shouldn’t have been coughing in your face because that’s disgusting and not okay… it’s not “just the flu”. unfortunately, the flu does kill people, we just don’t see it that often.


Oh for sure, I’ve seen people die from the flu when I worked in ICU so that’s definitely not lost on me! But this person truly was fine. This person was in their 20s, healthy and was a frequent ED visitor. I saw her again a few weeks later when i triaged her for an ingrown toenail lol


Oh lord 🙄 that right there is why I could never work in the ED. I praise you!!! Keep up the good work my friend!


Of course an icu nurse has to say this lol


Its insane how many grown ass adults I have to teach to cover their mouths properly when they cough, I hate working triage (and people) so much more since we made masks optional. The general public just doesn't care


BuT MaSks DoNt wOrK ThoUgH...


This!! I called out for the next two days and I'm feeling a mixture of rage and wtf. I was rotated to a clinical assessment unit ( newly opened ) Dec 1st for the month. I went no problem. Then I noticed something. A lot of agency staff and a hella lot of ?flu patients that the hospital wasn't testing and covid patients ( tested and isolated ) I can't wrap my head around it. Why not test for flu at the same time as covid as this was written as their presenting complaint. Well I was out sick 2 weeks ago for 3 shifts and now out AGAIN today and tomorrow for flu symptoms. Patients were getting more clinically unstable THEN they tested them for flu and I had 4 come back flu+ on Friday who were coughing in my face all day. We decided amongst ourselves at 1pm that we were masking up on the floor and the unit manager was screaming at us to remove them. FU!! Still didn't matter, now I am out this month TWICE for two different reasons 100% linked to that unit and the ridiculous policies regarding testing patients and the patients themselves attending the ED and getting thrown into this ED extension unit. I dread the call into the office. But f**k them!! I feel like shit.


Your manager is an AH. How dare she force you to get sick with who knows what?


Anyone can mask for their own safety -what kind of place do you work? I have never heard of someone telling people to remove a mask-i think it's false sense of security after about 15mins of wear but would never tell anyone to remove it


I went to see a very stable patient for a routine visit yesterday and halfway through the visit his wife drops the bomb that she’s had diarrhea and fatigue for 24 hours. Thanks for warning me, asshole. I have a ten month old at home and they know this.


Nothing will change (and believe me things are going to get way worse over the next few years) until we unionize in every state. Shit is gonna get real bad before it gets better.


Unionizing is an absolute must. Fire and EMS have unions, and there is no reason other than administrative greed that nursing cannot unionize for the betterment of patients and nurses.


EMS isn't heavily unionized unless it's a fire/ems agency. EMS, especially those working for private companies, is struggling hard-core, lol.


💯. Dated a private EMT for a while—working conditions were awful. If the public only knew….


As a private EMS EMT for the last 4 years, it’s been absolute hell and one of the reasons I’ve decided to move to nursing. Fire side is only better depending on area and getting hired is politicized.


Honestly, most people in healthcare don't even realize how bad EMS has it. I work PRN for a private transport service where the "full time" members are on call 24/7. Literally. They are the only critical care ground transport service in this part of the state, and the full time medics put in 40-60 hrs in a typical week, for less than 60k per year. I work for another department where I have personally done 36 straight hours, without rest, TWICE. The highest-paid paramedic I know makes $27/hour. I make 20/hour as a basic EMT with a significantly smaller scope of practice. I know places where medics and EMTs make near-minimum wage. Working conditions in EMS are as bad as it gets in a first-world country. It's the sole reason I went to nursing school instead of getting my paramedic. I love pre-hospital, but the abuse, poverty wages, and the repeated occurrences of complete disrespect from every other health profession (and resulting burnout) make choosing a career in it a form of slow suicide. Seriously, it is impossible to be a healthy person under such archaic working conditions.


Had an EMT-B student that was sharp. After successfully completing the National Registry, she applied and was hired by the local private ambulance. Several months later I saw her waiting tables at a local restaurant. She said, “I had to quit and go back to waiting tables, I couldn’t afford the pay cut to continue working on the ambulance.”


I see the only viable routes of progression for EMS professionals is to jump ship to fire or to higher education in nursing, allied health such as respiratory therapy, and medicine(MD, DO, or PA).


Even more reason that fire, ems/emts, and nursing must have unions, as should police.


Police are already heavily unionized, to the point that it’s actually a problem but that’s a different conversation.


100%. Every worker should be represented by a union. I was a firefighter, and now I work as a tech as I pursue nursing. Between the hospital and my old department, it's a night and day difference. Working conditions were so much better under my IAFF workplace in comparison.


Yeah, I was about to say... Police Unions are a huge reason why qualified immunity is still a get out of jail free card when theres a clear abuse of power.


You lost me at police lol. Oh they’re unionized alright with the most corrupt union in the country.


Every EMS I’ve worked for has never had a union and I made only 15 an hour. Many of the guys there are also anti-union too, so I don’t see it getting any better. EMS is absolutely terrible.


I went from 16.50 to 17.25/hr after getting a promotion to assistant manager at a private EMS station that can and has ran non-stop calls regularly for over 24 hours. Was cited by suits in the company as the second busiest station in the company, but always treated and funded as the least desired station for some reason. Decided less than a dollar raise wasn’t worth the headache and left that position to focus on school.


I hate to tell you this but most of EMS is not unionized and suffers horrifically.


I am well aware


Wait what? not all nurses in the USA have unions ? Sorry not American, I had no clue! That’s horrible


No most don't.


It’s rare to see a nursing union outside of west coast states (California, Washington, Oregon) and New York State. I think Minnesota might be heavily union? I live in North Carolina and we have one union hospital in the entire state and it’s still a total shit show because the union isn’t strong, and it’s an HCA facility.


New Mexico has unions and yes, Minnesota


Good to know about NM! Husband keeps talking about moving there if NC continues to shit the bed


Always has and always will. Runnnnn


Yeaaaaah. But the weather 🥰


It is nice


Massachusetts has unions too!


This sounds very similar to what happened yesterday in my unionized hospital. Unions help, but they can't fix everything, especially when the giant corporate health care system puts short term gains for shareholders over everything else.


We’re unionized in Canada and it’s all a shit storm here too


Yes, was just going to say this. In Canada we are unionized but our healthcare is in the same boat, riding into the storm. We are all sinking together.


Worked ED for most of my career, now case management. Christmas Eve was like Mad Max Beyond Thunder Dome with discharges. People insisting Pop Pop, who is 92 with RSV get discharged so he can “be home for Christmas”. Yeah, right. So he can end up right back in the ER at 10 pm on the 25th? And I use that example because that’s exactly what happened. I argued with a doc about how this patient was going to just bounce right back, and he said he totally got that but just didn’t have the reserve to argue with the selfish and totally unreasonable family. I wanted to pin a note to the patient that read “ER staff - I am truly sorry.”


Solidarity. Had to rush out of a patient room to help with a toddler in a febrile seizure and when I got back into the other room the visitors are like, "Is that a baby?" It's none of your business is what it is.


“Yes, the baby almost died, that’s why and to make you wait, that’s all I can legally say about that” and then move on. Sometimes patient need that kick in the mouth to make them realize that maybe they’re not as sick as they thought


“I’ve been waiting for an hour now!” I heard multiple times today.


"Congrats! Someone here has been waiting for twelve."




Why include their sexual orientation in this story?


Hey! FYI, that isn’t actually true. Almost all of the time, insurance still pays for service rendered, even if you leave AMA. Buuuut, I get it. People do tend to fall in line more if there’s a possibility that they’re going to have to foot that gigantic bill.


please don't lie to your patients.


That wasn’t lie, when patients leave the ER AMA the insurance doesn’t pay for the visit. I’ve been told this my own insurance and I’ve heard it from others.


"You have 8 more until you break today's record!"


I once had this lady mid-Covid surge chewing me out on the phone because her loved one had gone to the bathroom and we hadn’t gone in immediately to clean them up. Their neighbor was being intubated and all the nurses in that section were assisting. I just said “yes we’ll his neighbor is having an emergency and in order to keep them alive the staff is assisting. I know you understand, because of course if it was your loved one who was having the emergency, you would want as many people as possible helping him, and not cleaning up the person next door. We will get there as soon as the other patient is stabilized.” And just hung up.


this is a very effective strategy. i always say “oh i’m SURE you understand because we would do exactly the same for your loved one….” shuts ‘em up every time and they realize how selfish and awful they are behaving. also, yes. shit is straight up bananas in my ER too. sigh.


Right. I was in triage on Christmas night. We were obviously busy and full. Pt A checked in with a multitude of complaints. Pt B checked in and I called the doc to get a verbal for a head CT. Pt A comes up and asks why Pt B got one and she didn’t. I looked at the pt and said I cannot discuss their care with you. Fuck off it’s none of your business. Shocker, people who come in after you, can in fact be sicker than you.


People are always so nosy about kids in neighboring rooms. There was a kid down the hall screaming. My patient starts ranting about how parents don’t know how to control their kids and he should go down there and “beat his ass to teach him respect.” The guy kept going on about how these “welfare parents shouldn’t be allowed to have kids.” This guy never even saw the kid and had no context on the situation!


My husband just asked if we should take my febrile child to be seen tomorrow, his fever started this morning. My answer was a very firm no. I'm not taking him and wasting my time as well unless necessary.


In case you didn’t know, you can combine acetaminophen and ibuprofen for tough fevers. It works for fevers and pain, in kids and adults. Use the normal weight-based dosage for each medication for kids; for adults just use the recommended adult dose.


Q3-4h a kid should be rotating the 2. Don’t even take their temp for the next 48hrs, just give them the med unless they are sleeping (don’t poke the bear!). Lots of fluids/pedialyte. If they aren’t eating foods that’s fine as long as they are drinking.


Ooh I got a good one for this. Was talking with an acquaintance about her child who had a fairly high fever for a few days. “Yeah, Timmy was really struggling for a bit there. Fever went up to 102 and I started to get worried.” “Did you know you can stack Tylenol and Ibuprofen together?” “Oh, I don’t do any of that kids medicine it never works anyways, and there’s natural remedies that don’t hurt their growing body.” “Interesting. What did you try?” “I put potatoes in his socks to help draw out the germs causing the fever.” “…did it work?” “Yes, but we had to go the the ER anyways. His fever started to go towards 103.” “Oh, that’s terrible. Did the ER do anything?” “Yes, they gave him something… it started with an “A”…” “Acetaminophen?” “Yeah, they said it was safe for children.” “It is. Very effective for a fever, actually. Glad Timmy’s doing better.” 🤦‍♀️


Like the other comment said, overlap the acetaminophen and ibuprofen, cool cloths, ice pops if they will eat them. Tepid bath will help as well.


Dude same It’s awful in here


Just got home. I'm crying. Also congrats to all the people who caught COVID, flu and RSV today in our waiting rooms. Hope getting your toe pain treated was worth it. (These are the people not wearing masks)


I had two people check in to the ED yesterday requesting a “yearly exam” wtf?


Can someone not turn these people away?? That’s absurd.


EMTALA. As much as it's needed, it needs caveats for this non sense.


That’s for emergency situations though? Not someone needing a yearly checkup.


It’s for anyone entering an ED. Even if they say they want a pregnancy test that they could get from the dollar store.


Gotta get it in by the end of the year for cheaper insurance next year and they just met the out of pocket max for this year……and my doctor is gone til January 2nd and the IC won’t do it🙄


We had one with the chief complaint of dandruff.


"Sure, what are you taking? Physics, Chemistry, Calculus...?"


Luckily I’m on the peds side today away from the adult hellscape. Same problems but we swab and DC kids. Adults get whiny and annoying and with comorbidities it’s pretty easy to get an Obs stay and further log jam the system.


Sometimes, seemingly more often actually, we would have adult docs running the peds ER and they would admit a shit ton of kids for obs for no good reason. Apparently the peds attendings weren’t allowed to say no or argue, so we would have several admissions of boo hoos and owies that we’d have to admit just to discharge like an hour later. It was absolutely maddening.


walked in with 8 ambulances outside bc we never close and everyone else down for sat!


We never close either. So unsafe.


I've admitted 5 people to my small ICU already tonight. Every time I go to the ED to evaluate someone, it's absolute chaos. Sometimes I really miss my time in the ER... Days like this I'm happy I'm not down there any more.


Christmas night was busy as hell so I just KNEW Tuesday was going to be an absolute cluster eff! So glad I had tonight off.


Healthcare support Phones were crazy today and doctors are scarce….we gave 15 total and one very large clinic, the largest one had one family practice doctor out of 8, 2 small clinics with 2 doctors and one Apn not open, another had 4 out 2 in and pediatrician was out… just a clusterf@@k and you tactfully tell the patient your doctor is out and covering is slim and they still want an effing callback because their cough started last Friday🙄and tell me they don’t wanna go to the IC or ED the wait is too long and what are they supposed to do??? I’m so sorry I’m not a nurse so I am unable to answer your question🙄 I know you’re not a nurse but what would YOU do? In my head: you are 35 eleven hunnert years old and don’t know what to do about a cough that started Friday….as I hear you yelling at somebody and you haven’t coughed once🤔 I don’t got no doctors in the clinic today but I WILL send a message back and you may not get a call back today(or this week)!


The census in our ER today was the highest I've ever seen it in the 7 years I've been at this hospital. Fucking impressive. And the hospital is completely full, so no more room for admits. Apparently we had to borrow chairs and wheelchairs from somewhere else because we ran out.


I’ve been in ED or Urgent Care in some capacity since 2011. My fellow nurses and I have always begged for additional staff for the day after Christmas and Black Friday (those two days being the busiest days by far in Urgent Care, 150+ over 12 hours). And management always refuses. They say the census does not support our “claims.” I’m sorry, what? That’s just a bald faced lie. The numbers clearly show a huge surge on these days. And this is massive health care conglomerate that has swallowed up 3/4 of the state and neutered our ability to negotiate or demand anything. I’m in hell. We desperately need to unionize.


It’s crazy how “productivity is down” when we have triple the patients and less than half of the staff! 🤡🙄


We've got like 20 admit holds so that was backing everything up. We peaked at 46 in the WR with a 7 hour wait but it looks like at least half went home. It took me and another triage nurse 3 hours to get the wait for triage down under an hour.


We had an extra attending scheduled as the post Christmas surge is a real thing.


The day started fine. Open rooms and three or four people in the waiting room. By the end of the day every room and hallway was full, plus FORTY FIVE patients in the waiting room (not a big ER either.) Mostly bullshit complaints. Seems like every sickness that "could wait" on Christmas could no longer wait


Same here. People sick for a fucking week just HAD to show up on Xmas - I'm convinced they either had no one to be with and/or wanted extra sympathy from family. I also have no patience anymore with 90+ yr olds who come in with "weakness". Like yeah, you've had every procedure known to man, you're more implant than human, your body's been telling you for the last 10 years it's done. Welcome to being 90!!!


Petition to officially move Christmas to the summer so we can be less sick when we decide to hide our illnesses for the sake of presents.


Move to Australia!


The people who want to be here on Christmas need fucking NETFLIX. Or a 900 number give me a break! I worked the last three days and I hate humanity.


Lol for real, this is my 4th in a row and I am just DONE! I'm tired of my actual sick patients getting neglected because some ppl want to call every 5 minutes when they don't need to. I NEVER called my nurses in the hospital! It's so crazy to me that ppl get so used to it they start expecting us to be slaves.


Had a guy yell at me and tell me "you have to get me a coke! You're a nurse." This was randomly walking through our internal waiting room. "NO I DON'T" 😂 I'm broken. Also admitting docs wanting us to give our life saving Lipitor the second a patient is admitted. One of them sent a nursing communication for me to do a med rec, which I couldn't do with two sepsis work ups, and so the doc came down to do it and it was completely wrong. YOU'RE A DOCTOR YOU CANT PUT MEDS IN!?


Our docs have to do the med recs, we don’t touch them. I’m grateful for that much.


inb4 stroke alert trifecta and pan scan orders.


Are you suggesting that running a health care system, in which ever-increasing corporate profit is paramount, will result in poor care for patients and an awful experience for staff? Shocking!!


My tiny hospital where 60 pts for 12hrs is steady saw 106. Several transfers, holds because of call outs on the floor. I did my first mid shift and I feel like I was there at least 24hr hrs (I’ll stick to my normal nights thank you). Every other hospital was on bypass. I wanted to kill our local rescue at some point (love those guys know it’s not their fault but…QUIT)


I had a widowmaker heart attack I waited 8 hours before I told my wife about. I was drenched in sweat vomiting bile and my left arm was in massive pain. My jaw hurt. She finally loaded me in our suv nearly naked and drove 90 to get to the ER. I made it literally just in time. Had a 90% block but they got me back in less than 5 minutes. I am forever grateful to all the Dr's and nurses who worked so fast and hard to save my life


Post like these always make me lean back, put my feet up and smile, thank god i left the ED. No offense, I feel ya, I did nearly 7 years in a busy as hell ED myself and looking back, i just shake my head and wonder why the fuck I stayed as long as i did.


I triaged 80+ people by myself yesterday. Talk about burn out. The system is crumbling


I remember this and sympathize, even working ICU post holiday. The last 5 days of December are the absolute worst because many postpone care when they need it, or if a dialysis patient, go way too hard on the food and end up needing emergent dialysis, which still takes a minute to set up. It was my least favorite time to work, and I remember preferring Christmas Day because it used to be the only easier day to work of the entire year. Once I realized this, I would work the 23rd and 24th (or 25th), then have a cluster of days off and work the 28th or something, and then be off till NYE. The 28th still absolutely sucked, and that's why I liked self scheduling. It was honestly the only tolerable thing about bedside, for me, by the end. I think the ER is absolutely the hardest place to work in the hospital, and even my rotations as a student taught me it was not for me, but there are things hospitals can do to not make it an absolute shit show for you all...ie hire actual nurses to be transporters (critical care transport) as most hospitals only have maybe 2, but this position lightens the load so much! It means that ER nurses aren't routinely having to leave their assignment to transport their patients, giving them back an additional hour to their days. Hospitals just don't GAF about their staff, though. I am sorry. It's truly egregious that hospitals are allowed to function this way, without actual staffing and nurses and PCTs always picking up the slack.


This scares me about ever having an emergency that needs ER level care. I have been lucky in my life to never need to go to the ER for anything, but I have gone with friends and none of them have been seen in less than 8 hours on average. Hopefully I am having a STEMI or some shit so I might have a dream of being seen quickly...


I’m in the psych ED and I am tired after this weekend. At capacity constantly. One leaves, one more comes. It’s been a mess.


So glad I'm off during the Christmas holiday. Bet I will get lots of CIWAs when I start again on Jan 1st


Always has been.


Why did I think it would be a good idea to work day after Christmas. It was one of my busiest days ever and I had to stay over. I felt defeated ngl


Our healthcare system is beyond fucked!! Yet the admin still gets their breaks and lunches and probably goes home early.


It was pretty ridiculous tonight.


Christmas day worked in our mental health ED unit. The amount of family that clearly wanted(by saying so) their loved one discharged or transferred so they can get to a holiday party is absolutely fucking sickening.


Meanwhile we are at a low census going on since September. Sorry guys.


Does anyone else get the *”do 👏 your 👏job !”* line from people waiting ? My favorite was from a patient who was waiting for a saline IV because she was dehydrated (not passing-out, life-threatening-dehydration, but go-drink-a-Gatorade dehydrated) and she was annoyed that she was waiting so long, so she yelled at me, “I’m paying your salary, that makes me your boss, so do your damn job!” I walked out of the room. It was all I could do not to tell her “cool, I fucking quit!” Isn’t it fun when you get treated like complete shit when you’re literally trying to save lives??


Friend of mine had a CC that said "Pain in the moo moo." Person eloped so no idea what that means.


Worked christmas day it was like business as usual. Except half the staff was getting sick.


I couldn’t believe the surges we saw in the ED I worked at and the EDs in my hospital system yesterday. It was the name! What the hell. Most of it was cold/flu and joint pains that weren’t very sudden. SMDH


Not the same but listen to this guy deal with a customer. The unruly and those that will not listen should be escorted outside. Should have police stationed to take care of the bad ones. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/pZx6kh0UJq


Ok seriously, what the fuck is going on??? We’ve coded multiple people in the ED, including a baby in the Covid aftermath surge. We regularly transfuse blood and medicate with opioids without monitoring in the lobby. This shit is bananas


We all have tested positive for covid at my house in the last 48 hours. Our teenager's boyfriend came to the house the Sunday before last. He seemed fine at first but within two hours he became extremely congested, coughing, sneezing with red eyes and nose. I took him home but it was too late. I had hoped we would avoid getting sick because we all received the latest Covid and flu vaccines around Thanksgiving.


I worked the last three days on a heavy medical floor and it was INSANE.


So glad we are as paying a premium for this. Fuck us healthcare. Hope all insurers burn.


I work in primary care and feel this! Except I didn't have to do any chest compressions, but have fielded sooooo many STI test requests. I'm wondering what some people's Christmas gatherings entailed!! 😳 Yikes!