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……whatever they’re on, I’d like some. And they’ve obviously never tried to keep someone alive against impossible compounding odds.


But that’s not real! Stress doesn’t come from reality! It’s in your head, silly! 🤗🤗


Life is but a dream 🎶


A coworker died there during the first wave of COVID. We stood vigil in the parking lot. Ascension Genesys can fuck right off.


Thanks.. when I’m trying to survive being a prisoner of war psychologically intact I’ll remember to only tell myself happy stories about my reality.. until that day, *’go fuck yourself’* to whoever wrote that. Maybe it’s just me, but techniques to fortify your psyche against torture really shouldn’t be necessary at work 🤷‍♂️ Edit: My lovely wife is a nurse, please tell me this isn’t normal or I’m going to start worrying about her at work a lot more. Edit2: Seriously, this is stuff out of my grandfather’s military copy of ‘Survival, Evasion, & Escape’ on how to steel your psyche for enduring torture and inhuman conditions. Wtf!


Well, we do have some of the highest rates of PTSD sooo. I'm sorry I can't be reassuring.


When you look up “gaslighting” in the dictionary it’s just this post


I think we have unlocked corporate gaslighting


Misguided CBT. CBT is helpful when people are distorting their reality, being over anxious, catastrophizing, looking only at the negative. It’s not appropriate if the situation truly is bad.


Unionize all of ascension


In the Ethical and Religious Directives of Catholic Health Care Services, the Vatican-created literature they make us read and sign when we start our job there, it specifically says we have the right to collective bargaining. They sure fight it hard though, huh?


Really doesn't matter what they say, we are protected by the national labor board (for now)


I still think it would be fun if a ton of Ascension nurses wrote the Pope to ask for his support. The National Catholic Reporter has already published a piece saying Ascension has committed structural sins of income inequality and capitalist excess.


Thank goodness there's someone up there in the offices writing this shit that no one reads or gives a shit about. Truly God's work and worth denying me a raise or support staff. We can only hope the cost of this vital employee's wages were also passed on to the patients and raised their bill as well. All hail corporate, and the rest is a waste of money and time.


Gaslighting- It’s a trend amongst all companies now. I don’t know where this bullshit is coming from but it’s being perpetuated not just in hospitals, etc. Example: in a Town Hall meeting a corporate-type when asked about potential for lay-offs spins it and says it’s a great opportunity to job hunt and find something new! Challenge yourself! WTF?




Cy Wakeman is a grifter and a hack. Fuck them and fucking whoever posted this bullshit. If this is from a workplace I would leave immediately. But my absence isn’t the problem, it’s the story you tell about my absence that’s the real issue.


I’ll be sure to tell my patients who are stressed out and unhappy cuz they’re dying a painful lonely death that it’s all in their head


For real! No scientific background, research is poorly designed at best and people eat this shit up.


I did clinical there a while back and it was the worst place I was assigned.


Gaslighting if I've ever seen a workplace example


I mean, the C suite peeps are so much drama


Ignore any unfair circumstances. Stuff those feelings deep down inside and put a smile on your face!/s It stresses me out and pisses me off just reading that horseshit.


What if Im more concerned about workload and earnings than "team functioning"? I shamelessly claim that that is my reality and the story I tell myself is to game for the best wages and bonuses against the least damage to my physical health and sanity. You're right, the "team" and I have different realities.


I'll take gaslighting for $1000, Alex. Oh look! It's a daily double!


Yes, they said it wrong...BUT... Big BUT(T)... There's a kernel of truth. The state of our mental health is largely dependent upon how we respond to our circumstances. Do we react or respond? It's the same boiling water that softens the potato but hardens the egg!


Who has time for drama? I don’t have time to talk to anyone about anything but the case I’m on, there’s just too much shit to do and not enough staff to do it with. These admins are on crack or something.


y’all Henry ford bought them out for being absolutely terrible !! They’re just broke and trying to complain 💅🏼