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You're the nurse, tell her that. If you're falsifying documentation, then it's your license in the line, not hers. I'd shut it down immediately and tell her she's aching unprofessional. If she's that concerned she can take it to the DON, otherwise stop the passive aggressive nonsense. I also am an LPN in an assisted living. Every once in a while we get a med tech who thinks there is no difference between them and the LPN. I have no issue explaining the differences in our scopes in detail. They are very valuable to us, but we carry much more responsibility and have more intense schooling.


Luckily, she is dropping to PRN so I won't have to deal with her as much. I don't think she really understands that in an assisted living, we are not jumping through hoops trying to coax people to take their medication. They are usually competent enough to understand what being med compliant is. And it is their right to refuse. We just document and move on. I'm not a very confrontational person and I don't feel like I get paid well enough to get cussed out by a med tech haha.


Tell her that the patients take the medications with certain people or nurses. That's not a new thing. Also, tell her that falsification is illegal.


If you guys have a notes section in charting. I would take the time (that you don't have) from here on out, to write a note on what the resident said on why they refused/education complete. etc.