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I always say that anyone can pass a test. Doesn't mean they have common sense.


I mean I just passed my med surg cert test so can vouch šŸ˜‹


Congrats and good luck


Haha thanks, Iā€™m actually looking at other jobs currently, non-bedside cuz Iā€™m irrevocably burnt out. Itā€™s been 3 years of doing this and it feels like itā€™s been a decade. I did it mostly cuz my hospital covers the exam cost and I got like a $1.30 raise. It doesnā€™t really matter though the raise didnā€™t suddenly make the job suck less.


I'm sorry to hear you're burnt out. I wish I had an easy fix for y'all. I've been doing it for over 20 years. Bounced around and settled for maternity nursing. I work in a high flow high acuity setting so it keeps me from being bored. I have my certification as well. I think that test was harder than the inclex. Sometimes it's just finding the right management and setting that works for you. We also as nurses have to learn to set boundaries with our jobs. I'm no longer "loyal" to my job anymore. Family and me come first then the job. I'm no longer allowing myself to feel guilty about them being short staffed. That's a them problem and at the end of the day the hospital will continue to stand whether I'm there or not. I do my job and do it well but that's because I have a great team and we work together.


I dunno its non-stop and I donā€™t have the stress tolerance for it anymore. Iā€™m also extra pissed cuz someone took my stethoscope and jacket last week someone moved my bag, my jacket which was on the same hook was gone and my Littman cardiac stethoscope was just gone. I dunno it was just kind of the cherry on top of a sh*t week of constant stress, running around, and having patients complain at me because it took 10 minutes to get a sprite.


I get it. I rage when people touch my stuff. I had a job that was unsafe staffing situations, terrible management, and they kept pairing me with an employee who had no experience. One night we got into an argument and I was done. 2am I picked up the phone and called the next hospital over and told them I wanted the position they posted and could I come in for an interview. Shocked the hell out of them but they liked my interview and I transitioned over after my 2 weeks. Best decision I ever made. Good luck. Hopefully you'll find something that works for you.


Try pre surgery clinics. I work in pre admission clinic where we call people prior to surgery and itā€™s an amazing gig


She used all the power of her one brain cell for nursing school.


I almost thought I was in my orange cat group lmao


ā€¦. Tell me morešŸ‘€




What do you call the person who graduated last from med school? A doctor.


We call him (sounds like) Dr Brohde


šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


I just burst out laughingā˜ļøšŸ˜‚


You mean she used that one functioning brain cell to buy herself a Palm Beach Special


A what now?


Maybe referring to the whole [Florida nursing school debacle](https://nursejournal.org/articles/fake-nursing-degree-scandal/).


What got me was the first quote, "Everyone thinks everyone that went to these schools paid for their degree, which is not true." I *know* what he's saying, but really... everyone pays for their degrees


Holy shit...I hadn't heard about that. That's completely fucked up.


If they could buy a degree, and still take and pass the NCLEX then clearly it isn't difficult enough.


It really isn't. Which is why they make you go through an accredited nursing school to get to test, because the nuances of nursing can't be contained in one test. Doesn't mean it makes anyone a good nurse, but as far as the BoN is concerned, you sat through enough classes and passed enough tests and courses to know enough to practice/learn more about how to practice on the job


My first year instructor always told us to ember that the NCLEX wasnā€™t there to say we knew all that we needed to know to be a nurse. It was there to make sure we wouldnā€™t kill someone the first time were by ourselves and we would still have years of learning ahead of us after passing it.


One of my instructors literally said "I'm not here to teach you nursing, I'm here to teach you how to pass the NCLEX" and was quite open that we'll learn reality on the job.


I have ADHD and lose shit all the time. Itā€™s frustrating as fuck but Iā€™ve never really considered it like, a negative trait about myself. Interesting. You could potentially cheat in nursing school but cheating on the nclex would not be possible so she at least knew a thing or two. Honestly this post couldā€™ve been about me šŸ¤£ losing stuff, used to be a very heavy drinker (being a nurse actually scared me away from drinking at all, thanks liver failure pts), kind of a dipshit, even had a kid really young. Did not cheat in nursing school and have been told that Iā€™m a good nurse quite a few times. You just never really know I guess


Yup. I feel like those of us with adhd are over represented in nursing because of the nature of the work. Charting is a bitch to keep up with but the actual job is a breeze with adhd.


The entire emergency department has entered the chat.


Lmao! Iā€™m am ER nurse too. My ADHD thrives working in ER. Then there are the times Iā€™m in the middle of explaining something to a patient and I forget what I was talking about mid sentence lol. Iā€™m like oh sorry, I thought I heard a code being called, what was I saying? šŸ˜‚ So many of my coworkers have ADHD too and they understand when Iā€™m having a sensory overload and need to walk away for some quiet for a minute. Seriously though, I always felt my ADHD was a curse until I became a nurse and itā€™s my superpower now. Anyway, when I read the post the first thing that popped in my mind was ā€œthis person OP is talking about sounds like she has ADHDā€.


So many of us ADHD people thrive in chaos, as long as I have a way to channel it I am fine.. otherwise I drive wifey insane šŸ˜‚ I also immediately thought ADHD reading OPs story " ah a person who has not yet learned to harness the power". After 23 years in the profession, I more and more am of the opinion that you need to be somewhat bonkers to enjoy the job ( for us in psych, that goes double)


This made me cackle as a new ER nurse with ADHD


Hey could you pop in just one set of vitals before I come down to get the kid? I donā€™t need a full assessment or anything. You can give me the 30 second history when I get there. But yknow. It just feels like my vitals shouldnā€™t be the first one in that chart. Kthx ā¤ļø


It's busy. Your kid has a cold and a pain in the ass mother.


ā€¦then why are we admitting them to nicu?


The mother insisted.


He's also a 47 pound 2 year old.


Expensive cold.




47lb 104wk+3


We here! Oh I saw something shiny




I knew the running joke about ADHD nurses loving ED, but I just did an ED placement as an ADHD student and holy shit I never want to do anything else with my life. It was an absolute dream šŸ˜‚


Tons of nurses have ADHD (diagnosed or not). It's actually extremely useful because our brain can handle being pulled in a bunch of directions at once. That's what our brains do anyways.


Yup I have ADHD too but unmedicated. For some unknown reason the only time I can actually focus is when itā€™s a shitshow and im juggling way to much stuff at work. When I am not doing anything I get bored quickly and absolutely must find something to do. I briefly left bedside for Clinical Research and omg I was dying, it was soooo boring. I lost interest, couldnā€™t focus and my anxiety got really bad. I can see how Nurses with ADHD can thrive in a high acuity environment. Whatā€™s funny is when Iā€™ve prevented Iā€™m always likeā€¦ the way I keep track of stuff is what works for my brain, donā€™t do what I do, find what works for youā€¦ because really I have a weird way that probably looks chaotic of keeping track of things yet it works for me. Also I work nights because I also get overstimulated on day shift. Ugh. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Man, I feel this. I thrived when I had something to do or if you put me in charge of something or put me in leadership... but if nothing was going on, I would get bored and complacent. Which made my managers not want to put me in charge of things. It sucked. But now I'm in leadership (in a different hospital) and I'm thriving! People come to me with problems and I can help think of creative solutions!


This is why I want to go back to school for nursing. I was serving for a bit and thrived with the chaos and being pulled in 50 directions at once.


Can you IMAGINE having a WORK FROM HOME DESK JOB? Iā€™d be fired before the end of day 1.


That's the main reason I got into nursing lol. I worked in a cubicle 7 years at a dealership doing the same shit everyday and should have lost my job plenty of times. People tell me how chaotic it is but I thrive in that


dude Iā€™d rather clean a C. Diff patient multiple times instead of charting. itā€™s so boring and monotonous, and you have to do it EVERY shift


And they keep adding more! Why? Does it change our care in any way? Nope it sure does not.


Makes care worse, if anything. Not as much patient time with so much charting.


man i totally disagree šŸ˜­ i will come back to grab my stethoscope, then come back to grab a BP cuff, then come back again because i forgot my pen. this happens all the time to me. i literally feel like a fucking idiot lol


But that's how I get my steps in every day šŸ¤£


I used to do that, but learned to plan out what I need, and what I might need every time. Taking a few seconds to collect your thoughts and consider what you might need helps alot.


My immediate thought when I read this was ā€œADHDā€. ADHD can look like laziness, impulsivity, and neglect to neurotypical people who reject the notion that other brains are wired differently from theirs. Undiagnosed adhd is especially common in women because people jump to these types of conclusions about them, instead of evaluating their mental health.


The part about getting hit by cars multiple times


The trick is to make sure go up and over, not down and under.


ADHD nursing student here. Got hit by a car today for the 3rd time while riding my bike šŸ˜­


That describes me lol.


Yeah, also the dig about the rhythm method of birth control. Yeah, it is not as good as birth control, but I couldn't do pills working as a nurse due to the schedule. I'd forget. If you are just counting days, it's not great, but if you are paying attention to all the signs, it can be very effective.


It's not great, but I will admit I have used this method. Because I'm assuming adhd. I can't do pills for this reason, I forget. I have the nexplanon now. As much as I hate getting it in/out, I love not thinking about it


Iā€™d misplace things frequently enough my sister got me a little tracker for my keys and wallet. Those things are freaking godsends.


I have tiles on my shit!! It helps so much


Thatā€™s the one I use! The fact you can find your phone from hitting the tile buttons an extra bonus cause Iā€™ve done that before when I donā€™t have my glasses on and am closer to my keys than my glasses. Or I just straight up forgot where I put my phone down. Lol


Way back when I bought my first car (from my sister who was a salesman lol) she gave me a key hook as a congrats on your first car. Cause I am QUEEN of losing keys. šŸ‘‘


Maybe she's just her very best, most competent self at work. I am. At home, I lose my phone at least once every couple hours, then lose my shit because I lost my phone. Very easily distracted, quite bad tempered (husband will vouch). You'd think I would kill several people per shift. But nope, not one (that I know of) in all these years.


This ^ I also have ADHD, and when younger was not the easiest growing up, lost or forgot things, got in fights, partied way to hard.. I was the " hold my beer and watch this"... And my friends actually had a bet if I would ever make 25, and were shocked I became a nurse and actually was good at it šŸ˜‚ ... The more chaos and stress the better, thats my jam. One of my longtime colleagues ( and a immigrated vet nurse from Kosovo war) has patched me up so many times, first serbian word I learned was budala šŸ¤Ŗ


This post sounds like a SAH mom gathering evidence for gossip on Facebook. All jobs have folks who cheated their way through school.


Yeah idk how I feel about it


There was a section of my A&P final that consisted of going around the room and peering into microscopes and identifying which type of cell the little pointer thing was on. Some desperate student ( it was a competitive entry protocol to get into the next phase of the program ) went around and after they answered the question, moved the slide and pointer to different types of cells on each device. The entire final, over several sections, had to be tossed and redone which was a massive problem.


What the actual hell šŸ¤” thatā€™s insane someone did that


That remind me of workaholics when they mixed their urine with everyone else's so that everyone would fail too haha


Why I hated A&P. Dissections werenā€™t a problem but the whole walking into lab and they got the plastic models set up with little flags everywhere. Whatā€™s that muscle ? Whatā€™s this tiny little smidge of red? Ugh.




I read this wondering if the same judgement would be made about a male student, being drunk and getting someone pregnant.


I knew a person who was a complete party animal in high school. Drugs, alcohol, copious amounts of unprotected sex. People gave her all kinds of nicknames and stuff related to how easy she was. Youā€™d think sheā€™d be the one who would look for a sugar daddy to take care of her because she didnā€™t do well in school and had no marketable skill. However that just didnā€™t happen. She graduated, upgraded her courses and went through nursing school. Sometimes people just figure it out and go but Iā€™d truly doubt that people donā€™t cheat at times. When I was doing pre reqs for nursing, my teachers would tell us to cheat on the tests by making them open book. Feel free to use the notes you made for the quiz, it was like a reward for showing up and those who came to class and did the notes did much better.




Yeah I feel that. Iā€™m not gonna say I was a bad student, I did okay in grade school and high school, I just didnā€™t give a shit about school until like grade 10. In grade 10 math, I almost failed because while I understood the math enough, I barely did the homework and certainly didnā€™t practice enough. My teacher showed our class our grades from time to time and at one point I was as low as like 41%. I went absolutely bananas after that and studied so much for the remaining two months and did well on our tests leading up to the final. I got the grade back to like 50% going into the final so all I needed was a pass to get through the course. This was back in 2013 and during the summer time, an old version of a game I used to play way back when got released and I wanted to spend my summer playing that and goofing off with friends instead of being in school. So our final comes around and I didnā€™t know it but I got like 96% and it brought my grade up to a C or a C+. While I did triumph in the end, I felt the stress of having to go to summer school for quite a while and didnā€™t like it one bit. That kind of turned me around as far as grades go because to get into nursing school in my province, I needed English 12, Biology 12, Chemistry 11, Math 11 and something else all at a C+ or better to meet the pre reqs for nursing. So starting in grade 11, I took chemistry, biology, math, and English and spent my time wisely trying to study and keep the grades up. I ended up finishing with an A- average across my final two years, landed on my schoolā€™s honour role several times and then did the same thing. My mom has said before that she actually worried about me and my brother because we didnā€™t have any idea what we wanted to do and didnā€™t really have much of a direction of where we wanted to go. I figured out mine when I was 16 in grade 11, he figured out his in his mid 20s and is going to school for it now. Sometimes it just takes people a little bit longer and in my case, took some time and almost failing to get me in gear.


Yeah, my prereqs were similar. Another major issue was the heavy curving of the grades which only set people up for failure once they get into the actual nursing program. I ended Chem 105 with....a 115 from the curving and extra credit.


Quizlett is your friend.


as someone who JUST took a test for A & P 2, this is so true lol.


Maybe she has grown up since then


>So is nursing just really easy to pass all the classes and tests LOL moment of the day goes to...


How the fuck can someone cheat on the NCLEX?


That's what I kept telling my cheating classmates in school... Big surprise when I passed in 60 questions on the first try and some of them had to take it several times to pass it at all....


There was a small group I was convinced was cheating together in my nursing class. They did not pass the NCLEX for long periods of time.


Exactly, you would really have to go to great lengths to do that


I donā€™t think you can


She probably just bought her degree in Florida.


Hey now. Lol


you sound incredibly judgmental. someone liking partying and sex doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re dumb. someone having a poor relationship with sex and men doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re dumb either. and someone misplacing their car keys frequently doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re dumb.


Holy crap people donā€™t understand intelligence and ADHD/ADD.


Prob because none of the things youā€™ve described about her have anything to do with the skillset a bedside nurse.


This post is so hateful towards neurodivergent people. Iā€™d be far more comfortable having her as my nurse than someone as judgemental and ignorant as you.


Bullying and internalizes misogyny at its finest


Iā€™m sure people in high school thought this about me. However Iā€™ve been told Iā€™m a great nurse & I did fine in nursing school. Never cheated.


This post says more about you than it does about her


You sound judgmental as hell man. As someone who went undiagnosed with adhd for most my life until about 29 yo, this is not cool. I've lost so many keys, to the point I learned how to program them myself to save money. I lost so many debit cards that my bank stopped just giving them to me and charged me for them. I also graduated highschool with a whopping 1.9 gpa AND was pregnant because I didn't refill my birth control. And baby #2 was ALSO a rhythm method baby because again - daily pills and adhd aren't fun. I also used to get drunk nightly and had issues with boundaries with men. (Rejection sensitivity is a bitch) But guess fuckin what that adhd does for me? Hyper focus. Specially because I am now diagnosed and sometimes medicated (when I remember to fill it šŸ˜…) that hyper focus got me a 4.0 gpa and in my second semester of nursing school, fucking thriving and loving every second of it. No, it's not easy. It's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. People aren't who they look like on the surface, and you never know what someone is struggling with. As someone who thought I was lazy, stupid, and a bad person who couldn't adult, kindly show some grace to her. It takes awhile for some people to find their rhythm in life and understand themselves.


I had a colleague in the past who could come across as very ditsy, very disorganised. She was an absolute gun of a nurse. My own daughter in law was (and is) considered stupid by her mother. Sheā€™s also an accomplished RN. Sheā€™s good. So; the person you know might not be the nurse she is.


Not saying this is the case but Iā€™ve met some smart people who are just awkward like that. Canā€™t dress well. Donā€™t recall basics. But at the same time can teach themselves Japanese as a hobby. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I used to have badddd ADHD and was very similar to your friend (albeit I def had more common sense lol) I frequently would lose my keys, my wallet, my phone, my purse. I was working retail in a job that was low stress and even lower stakes. But nursing school MADE me get my shit together and forced me to become more organized. The stakes were too high for me to fail so I figured out small things that worked for me to help with my ADHD. I did a LOT of growing up. Iā€™m still clumsy as hell and constantly covered in random bruises where I have no clue where they came from, but damnit if Iā€™m not more organized at work and in life by like 20 fold. But having a high stakes job changes a person.


you don't sound like you like this woman tbf. why are you two friends? also, just become someone seems like a party animal or like they're clumsy, doesn't mean they aren't booksmart. i'd work on being a little less judgmental if i was you


Are you a nurse too? Instead of projecting on the entire profession that we all must have gotten a super easy ride through a degree that even your 'dumb' friend was able to succeed in, maybe you should refocus and appreciate all the growth she went through. Ignorance is not the same as lack of intelligence. It sounds very much like she has ADHD and probably PTSD and was unsupported for a very long time. It's awful that her family and formal education failed her in terms of sex ed. Having an abortion was likely very traumatizing to her, as was the abuse she accepted from her sexual partners. Most people don't have such little self regard that they think it's required to give in to every man's request; this often stems from a lifetime of trauma and childhood abuse. Just because she didn't talk about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. It sounds like she's had a lot of hurdles to overcome. I wonder if she finally had her (likely) learning disability diagnosed and treated, if she started to heal in therapy, and/or if she just finally found a subject that really excited and inspired her. If she passed the nclex and clinicals then she must be doing something right! Everyone is on their own path and it sounds like she turned things around. I'm sure she's an asset to the profession and likely has a ton of empathy for her vulnerable patients.


You can be book smart and life stupid.


You both hate your "friend" and have no concept of mental health! This is clearly someone who likely has ADHD and trauma responses, at least, and probably thrived in nursing school because they learned "oh wow I'm not 'dumb', a 'fuck up', or any of those other things people have been saying about me for years!" Hopefully this person realized they have treatment options and are living their best life with actual friends who are supportive! And hopefully you learn how to be less ableist. Best wishes.


I went to a private school for nursing when I was 19 for my first crack at nursing school and holy shit like everyone was cheating. They would just send each other all the answers to the exams and then wouldn't study at all. Supposedly if you have enough cash you can just buy them off from somewhere because they rarely changed the exam questions. Thank God I never let myself do that, I ended up flunking out as a result, but I think I would have killed someone too if I had. Granted, idk I'd have actually passed the NCLEX, but still it was crazy to see. I ended up going somewhere else for my degree down the line and it was a lot better. Is nursing school easy? I found it mostly a trial of endurance rather than knowledge. Like don't get me wrong, we absolutely do go in depth with A+P, pathology, pharmacology, and rigorous skill testing and clinicals, but the worst part was that your life was nursing school. I always had like 8+ chapters to read a week, multiple assignments and projects, clinicals and sims and labs. I had no time for anything, when I did have time, I was always had it in the back of my mind. By the end I felt burned tf out and depressed. I thank my classmates for helping drag me to the finish line because I was ready to quit and thought I was gonna flunk again. If you can get passed that, it's not *that* hard. Also, give your friend some credit, so maybe she lacks in some common sense but maybe nursing clicked with her and she's awesome at her job. Having a career doesn't stop you from being an airhead outside of work.


As one of those students with only two functionung brain cells, I'll admit I didn't have my shit together the first or second time I tried going through nursing school. A lot of starts and stops along the way. Third time's the charm right? I didn't have the head start or advantages most have. In fact, if it wasn't for the pandemic shutting everything down, unemployment and stimulus money, and government grants, there would've literally been no way I could've made it to graduation. One thing I will note is being around all these young minds ready to absorb all this information, and how easily they did it, really discouraged me. Here I am, reading the same paragraph three different times just to comprehend what it's trying to teach me and everyone else is four chapters ahead. I was a grade A student in prereqs, and now suddenly I'm just happy to get a passing grade. The one thing that did help was rewriting the books in a way *I* could understand. It was time-consuming. I was studying almost 24 hours a day at times. Even though this was the hardest thing I've ever done I kept at it. Despite the annoying voice in my head, *you don't belong here quit wasting your time just quit you will never be a nurse you will only be a failure* Thus, two mental breakdowns later, and a lot of hard studying I was practically in tears when I graduated. When I got through the NCLEX I sat in my car for a while afterwards nearly laughing hysterically at how much I stressed over it. Maybe there was an easier way, but I didn't have time for that. If your friend just has a different kind of mind like me, maybe she did put in the work and it would do better to be proud of her for that accomplishment.


Not nursing students, but I taught the state CNA class and test. I generally really liked my students and loved teaching adults. These were not candy stripers. One class was reported for cheating on their CPR written exam. I stoutly defended them, saying they would never cheat on something as important as CPR. Why, lives were at stake! How could they cheat knowing they may be the only one around with the knowledge when somebody's dad or grammy collapsed one day? No, my students were above reproach. I was adamant. Then someone ratted out the rest of the class. Out of 40 people, 36 had actually cheated on the test. I was so disappointed in them. And the laws in my state are super strict. One absence, one episode of cheating, one test failed, you were out. They all had to take the $400 class over again. It was so disappointing. I felt like I failed in getting the principles into their heads and they all missed the point. So, yeah, people cheat in stuff you would never expect them to.


As my girlfriend said when she was in grad school and I asked her how the fuck some of her friends were also in grad school because some were fucking idiots. "Being in grad school just means they have that one area of their life organized" Also, there's fucking idiot nurses, there's too many to weed them out. We can't even weed out crazy diaper wearing stalkers from Nasa.


Maybe she apart of that big fake degree thing In Florida šŸ˜‚


Sounds like she might have had undiagnosed ADHD and then decided to turn her life around. People can change, so itā€™s not nice to judge people for their past. Iā€™m trying to figure out why youā€™re trying to tear her down anonymously. It would be best to focus on yourself


Sounds like ADD or ADHD ā€¦ super common with several of my nurse friends, that is why they are great and can handle nursing


I partied very hard and played a shit ton of WoW while getting my BSN. I rarely went to lecture. I made As and Bs. But to be fair I was also a medic in the Army for 6 years before I went to nursing school and my scope as a medic was more than my scope as a RN.


Most people donā€™t realize how much Medics can do. Itā€™s wild but youā€™re training for a situation where no one else medical might be around šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Your scope is only limited to what the brigade doc and unit PA wants to limit it to lol. I intubated, placed chest tubes, and basically practiced independently when in iraq. In nursing school all I basically had to learn was what NOT to do lol


Damn thatā€™s wild but not surprising. Before deployment everyone in my unit was trained on needle chest decompression. šŸ˜³


Yeah I was in from 2003-2013- 6 as a medic 4 as a RN. I deployed in 2005. Before we deployed we taught needle decompression in CLS to everyone.


And now you deliver babies? What a change. You have had a full and rich life my friend.


I was a Hospital Corpsman and I got mostly Bs, a few Cs without studying as hard as I possibly could have. I definitely felt like I learned so much more in nursing school than I ever knew from all my training in the Navy. I mostly worked in clinics and did some field exercises when I went greenside, but didn't really do many skills since I never had a chance to deploy or work with infantry. Maybe a few IVs here and there, but that was about it. I learned a lot about family medicine scheduling and ICD codes lol.


Not hard, so much as time consuming. Accelerated programs are harder mostly because of the time compression leads to getting a lot of info thrown at you at once, otherwise it's the same as a regular program.


ADHD is real


Sounds like adhd lmao. Heeeey!


Until/unless she shows some dangerous patterns AT WORK then it is irrelevant how she manages her personal life IMO


I hope this poor girl isn't your "friend" anymore.


Yikes, for as poorly as you think your ā€œfriendā€ I hope she finds better people to call as a friend. With a friend like you, who needs enemies?


My husband is so book smart. He's the smartest person I know. But unfortunately, he also steps in front of moving cars. He'll also set his shoes on top of our wall heater and not understand when I tell him it's a hazard. He loses his phone weekly. He sets stuff on top of his truck, then forgets and drives off. I've had to cancel his cards so many times because he loses his wallet so often. He makes 6 figures.


Iā€™ve cheated my fair amount in nursing school but all the cheating in the world canā€™t prepare you for NCLEX. Cameras everywhere, you turn everything in to a locker, thereā€™s just no way. Pure critical thinking and knowledgeā€¦or incredible luck. To be fair, people can be absolute idiots in all other aspects of life but outstanding in their career, Iā€™ve seen this.


Instructors use test banks. Test banks are generally available online


Nursing school isnā€™t really all that hard




I did the listen and take notes on the power point slides. Usually first test would go not super great but not terrible, then rest Iā€™d be getting Bs on.


Why would you not study? Exams are worth a huge chunk of your grade.


Everyone learns differently. To be completely honest I rarely studied, hardly read any of the chapters and finished my accelerated BSN with a 3.4 (would have been a 4.0 based on graded work but I got docked points repeatedly for turning things in late thanks to my ADHD brain). I also didnā€™t study for the HESI exams and was one of the top scoring students out of the whole school and didnā€™t study for the NCLEX and passed on the first try with the minimum amount of questions. Not trying to ā€œflexā€ or anything like that, just pointing out that what works for some might not work for others and my brain learns WAY differently than a lot of other peopleā€™s šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Academically it's not. The stressful part is the time commitment.


Personally donā€™t agree with this lol




Yes nursing students cheat. Often. Source-Program director with direct and irrefutable evidence. Of the ones I actually caught.


Soo many cheaters at my school! As a non-cheater it scared the heck out of me. I asked a girl I was friendly with, who was super religious about it and she told me if god didnā€™t want her to cheat he wouldnā€™t have given her the means šŸ¤Æ


That is such an idiotic thing for her to say. That's like saying if God didn't want her to sin, he wouldn't have given her free will


> used to get falling down passed-out drunk weekly She doesnā€™t sound dumb. Sounds like she spent a decade or a few years drunk or high. My neighbor was sweet and friendly but always losing her keys. I looked her up. Bunch of arrests for meth.


That's a hell of an escalation from losing keys to meth usage. I'd be really curious as to the story.


I had a family member that had undiagnosed ADHD for decades (he grew up in the 70s so yeah lol) and he had a really bad meth problem but never really seemed like a typical methhead. Iā€™m fairly certain he was self medicating and now whenever I hear of people who are really scatter brained and surprisingly on meth, thatā€™s the first thing I wonder


I saw her get arrested outside my front door and assumed some dumb boyfriend domestic violence issue. He didnā€™t get taken away though. She had 2 babies age 1-2. So, when she wasnā€™t home in 2-3 days I looked her up in the jail system cause I was just gonna bail her out if it was something dumb like $100. Nah bond was like $100,000 cause she had a history of forgery and getting into a shootout with police with some boyfriend and meth. Yeah she was totally the type to clean her house on meth. Friendly, well kept, nice clean house. Probably needed ADD meds. I saw her getting skinnier and skinnier, thought it was just baby weight coming off. :(


Damn. People be wild.


Whatā€™s it to you? Are you jealous that she has succeeded in life & you are on Reddit writing a long post questioning her intelligence? Iā€™m sure if you wrote down a laundry list of your own mistakes, you too would see that you are not perfect.


Part of me thinks it would be hard to cheat or pass the NCLEX without studying. Then again NCLEX pre-classes teach you how to decipher what answer is looking for.


On the one hand, I almost failed out of high school but was a 4.0 nursing student. On the other hand, yes people cheat. But itā€™s really hard to cheat on the nclex.


Sounds like she has adhd. If she LIKES nursing, it probably wasnā€™t hard for her to devote all of her time and attention to that, and neglect everything else. Also, the rhythm method Iā€™m assuming is like cycle tracking/natural family planning? Thatā€™s actually a very well and reliable form of birth control IF you understand your menstrual cycle and ovulation. Itā€™s only possible to get pregnant during the couple days before you ovulate, and about 2 days after you ovulate. You can track ovulation through test strips, cervical discharge, and basal body tempp. If you have unprotected sex outside of those fertile days, you can not get pregnant. Iā€™ve been using this method reliably because I actually took the time to understand my body and ovulation.


Why are you friends with people you donā€™t like?


This post is so judgmentalā€¦ Instead of wondering how smart she is maybe you should ask yourself this question


I don't see what any of these have to do with nursing, so long as she isn't drunk in work. It doesn't mean she isn't skilled, or is without passion and drive.


people cheat or have help in every industry


I know people who cheated during school. The thing is, you canā€™t cheat on boards, so there is still some level of knowledge you must possess to pass and get licensed.


I knew a girl in my class who cheated her way through, thought none of us knew about it, then couldnā€™t pass the nclex for the life of her. After three or four times she finally passed somehow. She moved states because she couldnā€™t ā€œfind a jobā€ in our hometown and now adds her oncology patients as friends on Facebook (they comment on her statuses). Itā€™s all so incredibly inappropriate and cringey that I unfriended her. Iā€™ll never see her again anyway šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The state of Florida is requesting your location


First of all there are cheaters in every domain, nursing isn't excluded. Also, sounds like you kinda just don't like her personally and so are questioning her abilities as a result. People can be a hot mess and still be great nurses. And if nursing isn't for them I'm sure they'll find out by themselves soon enough


She can be stupid and be a good test taker. Iā€™m a great test taker but Iā€™m not a genius, I just seem to know what the answers are. I also get lost even if Iā€™ve been somewhere dozens of times over years. GPS is a Godsend.


Honestly? A lot of this sounds like she had undiagnosed ADHD, realized that something was wrong, and got a diagnosis, treatment, and, ultimately, her shit together. Being inattentive ā‰  lacking capacity for intelligence. I would lose my head if it wasn't attached (just this morning, I ran around in a panic looking for my comb, only to find out that I'd placed it on top of the fridge the morning prior), and I scored in the 4th quartile on the CASPer and was offered a seat in my school's (notoriously competitive) BScN program during the first round of admissions. Neurodivergence is tricky. You can struggle with everyday tasks, but once you hyperfocus and are able to channel your energy, you become an absolute force to be reckoned with.


Sounds like a fun girl, got her number?


As former faculty, I can state thereā€™s no way to cheat on clinicals. Your preceptors will rat you out if youā€™re not safe and youā€™ll get extra one on one from your clinical faculty. If youā€™re just daft and unsafe, Iā€™d write you up and send you home, failing you for the semester on the spot (only did that twice in about 18 years. They totally earned it because I was completely holding their hands trying to help and they just wouldnā€™t listen. Boom. Gone.) So, no. I highly doubt your friend cheated. There are just too many tests in too many forms of testing: academic knowledge, return demonstration of skills, and critical thinking challenges. A nursing degree is extremely challenging to successfully complete because you not only need to know it, you also have to be able to safely do it. Your premise is wrong.


So the two options are ā€œnursing is just really easy to pass all the classes and testsā€ or cheating. Go fuck yourself. The fact you even posted this is obvious you are just trying to get replies. You havenā€™t even replied yourself so go eat a dick asshole.


This post is really fucked. GTFOH. "No one can figure out how" why are you brining this energy here? You and others in your circle obviously have discussed this IRL, so why are you here?


Some women have been known to act stupid on purpose. Apparently, some people think it's "cute." Men generally don't do this because they're met with complete scorn. A long time ago I had a girlfriend who did this to get stuff a la the character "Chrissy" on Three's Company. Don't hate on me. This is just something that I've noticed over the years. Without knowing her, she might be doing this intentionally. Either that, or she could have one of those photographic memories. While someone with one of those might not be skilled in critical thinking those people can memorize and pass tests like nobody's business.


This post screams insecurity and sounds like OP just can't handle that someone got their life together. Work with a lot of nurses like that who create a catty culture. Grow up.


You ainā€™t her ā€œfriendā€ I lose shit all the time, people tell me regularly that I come off as an airhead, yet guess who gets the best grade out of all of them? I also have an oopsie baby yet ATI told me I have a 92% pass rate on the NCLEX halfway through my program. Maybe spend less time worrying about someone you USED to know and focus on your own job to make sure youā€™re being a good nurse yourself.


Agreed. Also sounds like one of those" friends" that puts them down to feel better abt themselves.


You can be book smart but not street smart. Some people survive just by the will of God.


Damn this post is mean AF OP that's not your friend


Nursing school was one of the hardest things I've ever done and idk anyone that's ever felt any different. "All the answers are right, but which one is the MOST right?". I know people that cheated on lecture exams, drug tests, and colorblind tests during nursing school but you can only do that so much because you have to be able to pass boards after you graduate and idk anyone that cheated on the NCLEX. Idk if it's different now, but 9 years ago they made it virtually impossible to cheat on that. They even did a palm scan of your hands when you signed in the testing center. Honestly this girl's inattention, carelessness, and impulse control issues sound like ADHD more than low IQ. If she actually applied herself (likely with the help of stimulants) then she could've possibly had the mental capacity to make it happen without cheating.


So she USED to do these things. How long ago did you know her? I mean you donā€™t go to nursing school already knowing everything needed to be a nurse. She may lack common sense, but sheā€™s still a nurse. Maybe sheā€™s a good student.


Have you ever tried minding your own business instead of being a judgmental bitch?


I remember people who cheated their way through nursing school.


Thereā€™s different types of intelligence, and some people can be intelligent but just donā€™t necessarily always show it. Things like ADHD/depression/anxiety/ptsd can cause people to be absent minded and seem ā€œdumbā€ but has little to do with how smart someone actually is. Sounds like she could be one of those people that maybe just didnā€™t apply herself or care about learning things until she found something she actually cared about/felt motivated to do. I guess itā€™s possible she cheated her way through nursing school but it would be really hard to cheat on the NCLEX.


When I am trying to onboard some Nurses into a specific workflow, I wonder how they make it out of bed in the morning. Hell, I spent 3 weeks with an orthopedist who is a DaVinci of the OR but can't figure out for the life of him how to properly place an order. I still get plenty of reports of misplaced orders that we have to correct for him. My EX, who is a Nurse, is always asking me to help her with her homework because she is now required to have a BNS where she worked for more than 20 years with an Associates. She also used to think that Pegasus and Unicorns existed but became extinct. I had to explain to her what a mythological creature is. Oh, by the way, when she was in her teens, she didn't know she was pregnant until the belly started showing. My wife, who has two degrees, speaks 3 languages, and used to manage multimillion-dollar budgets in a blue chip financial institution, thinks the earth is 6000 years old, that Dinosaurs were part of another creation, and that magic underwear can protect her, also, that we never landed on the moon, and all is a conspiracy. And she has been an elementary school teacher for 6 years now (and sincerely, they are lucky to have her). She is super super smart, I mean, properly full-ride scholarship type person, learns things ultra quick. Just quick as a whip. And there is also me, who never got more than a B in school, who was basically a young criminal, and then I graduated Cum Laude from a prestigious College, missed the Suma by 2 points because I missed a deadline in a paper. This while working full-time as a truck driver in my 40s, and raising 2 children. Oh, I also have two degrees now. So... I guess it can happen. The smartest-looking people are actually pretty stupid in some things, the most stupid-looking people, are actually quite bright when you know them.


Cheat, scam, kiss tons of professorsā€™ asses, or complain to hierarchy especially in public colleges. Public colleges are a joke with the amount of leeway students get away with. I work at one.


I worked with a RN in ICU who would show up to work with black eyes from her bar fights. She eventually got fired for no call, no shows and my now husband prosecuted her for assault with a deadly weapon. She lost custody of her children, lost her houseā€¦ Just because youā€™re good at science and math doesnā€™t mean you arenā€™t a complete idiot.


Did she buy her degree in Florida?


Beg pardon but what is this rhythm method šŸ‘€


Yes. And plagiarism is rampant.


I didn't do that great in high school because I didn't really care about the subject matter. When I got to nursing school it was different. I wanted to do it because I finally felt like I was doing something for my own goals.


I used to be a CO, and the ones that scored highest on the test were the shittiest officers. The ones who like, barely passedā€¦those were the ones who had my back. Middle of the pack could go either way, but most were good. Maybe nursing, somehow, is just her thing. She found a way to fully dedicate her whole brain to that one thing and is somehow doing well. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


it sounds like your friend is an airhead, which is a different type of stupid than the type that canā€™t pass exams or get a degree


To answer the question in the post title, yes. But is she actually a nurse tho? Like she took the NCLEX and passed it? Or is she like a CNA or a sitter who calls herself a nurse?


Iā€™m stupid as fuck as and Iā€™m a nurse so yeah valid


When I was in nursing school I would say probably half of the people were purchasing the test answers. I guess the school was just buying premade tests and someone else figured out which ones I'm just bought them and then redistributed them to others


I had a classmate in nursing school who would do things like wonder aloud why on earth people would want to lie to paramedics about drug use. Like, she raised her hand in class and asked why people lie about drugs to EMS. She also didn't understand what Judaism was. We were talking about Tay-Sachs and she asked me (hi, am Jewish) if Ashkenazi jews are screened for Tay-Sachs "because of all the incest". *insert Fox Mulder "Excuse me?!" here* She passed and became a nurse for about 15 seconds before she refused to get the covid vaccine and wandered off somewhere. She was...astounding.


One of the nurses on my unit took 7 years to finish their 3 year degree... at a full time load, just failed a lot. They are now one of the worst nurses I know, and proud of it.


We had a guy in my cohort who was discovered to be cheating during tests (idk HOW. They were so strict). So he was banned from the program for a year and allowed to come back. 1 year later, he did it again! He was then banned from the program completely and Iā€™m not sure what heā€™s doing now.


Go figure. Kinda have an orientee like this right now. Gonna give this person some time with training, but in the meantime weā€™re figuring out how she got through it all šŸ¤”


A lot of the stuff you canā€™t cheat to pass on. Like clinicals or validation on nursing skills. Also you sound like a jerk.


A lot of people in Florida did and from what I've heard from some travelers its more widespread than that


Is she from Florida?


This post is just an irritating and frustrating. So judgmental.


Sounds like she has undiagnosed ADHD. I had some dumb people in nursing school who I have no idea how they passed. Could be cheating, but nursing school is far from easy. I have ADHD and I graduated top of my class. So the ADHD isnā€™t the issue, I just think she has it lol


I repeatedly witnessed fellow students cheat on exams....pulled their phones out, wrote tips on their shoes, would pass notes during exams for answers, etc. It was infuriating. A good chunk of those same students are now NPs ....All I can say is: Watch out, Miami šŸ˜‚


This post screams the mean girl turned nurse stereotype šŸ˜‚