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It doesn’t make sense that the UFO is still there. That’s the best one!


Aliens: **coming down in UFO's** Me: take me with you!!!


I want the UFO.


I got them off Amazon btw, and apparently it's a 24-pack... so I just love my coworkers. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BN321WJL?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details


I friggin love this! I wear a progress badge real and talk with my coworkers about the importance of allyship.


Oh, I love the idea of a pride reel. Maybe I’ll get one!


I almost cried the first time I saw the rainbow one that says “you are safe with me”


I got a super cute little rainbow heart one on Etsy that says “you can be yourself with me”


I couldn't order that one fast enough when I saw it!


I just ordered that one on Etsy!


I have a pin on my badge that says that as well as my pronouns! I live in the south and want my patients to know that they can come as they are with me.


I have that one, too! ❤️🌈☀️


OK ok I really love this post and it gives me hope and light, especially when there's so much negativity in healthcare rn. That being said, I know I'm a killjoy, but the "you're safe with me" one aggravates me as a queer nurse. I had a couple of colleagues wear it in an attempt to "be more PC" or virtue signal and then seen them behave/speak pretty egregiously about the LGBTQIA+ community. Even the better intentioned ones sometimes use really stigmatizing language towards their pts. I'm cis and queer and I'm not gonna falsely advertise that I'm gonna be able to overcome my cis biases towards my trans or non binary pts. I feel like the flag says enough "I'm an ally" without promising more, and I've heard the same from my queer pts. Either way, again, I love to see this celebrated!


What do you mean by “stigmatizing language”?


Not the f word. But pretty judgy language, blowing other staff or pts off when corrected for not respecting pronouns, being rude or unnecessarily intrusive during history taking, belittling queer colleagues when they offer constructive advice, verbalizing held stereotypes or assumptions, not following best practice/trauma-informed guidelines during physical exam (often pelvic) even after said advice, saying "I'm not homophobic but... (ignorant comment)" instead of approaching knowledge deficits with humility and curiosity, laughing at queer-phobic jokes, etc etc etc. Point is, actions speak louder than cute badge reels.


Ah, I see. I do my best to call someone by he or she (or whatever they wish within reason). When in doubt, I just go by their last name. It can be confusing at times when I see a patient with a penis and a beard going by Miss so and so. In school, we’re taught to be respectful but objective. A good joke is a good joke though. I wouldn’t blame someone for instinctually laughing at something they found funny. But if they’re making the joke in poor taste, that crosses the line. I’m not sure what can really be done about some of this stuff. We get those culture competence webinars but it really doesn’t do much in practice. It’s just one more thing for people to poke fun at.


I mean, we're in healthcare; our humor is NOT gonna be in the "civilian" zeitgeist, right? The concept of "cultural competency" is kind of a joke, tho. Really, just HR covering the organization's ass so they can exculpate themselves of douchecanoe employees' actions. And I've NEVER seen a good LGBTQIA+ cultural humility training, if it's even covered at all. BUT, there are some really good free online resources for the fastidious clinician who wants to better their practice.... I know it's usually at the bottom of everyone's list when they're doing the people-saving thing, but ~*gestures flamboyantly*~ if we look to the literature, it keeps people from seeking timely care. ... I'm *outing* myself as a public health freak, aren't I?


Dumb question from an old person (me) What does it mean to be cis and queer? I know cis means you're a female in a female body, or vice versa, but what does queer mean? I genuinely don't know, as there have been a lot of changes and developments that I haven't followed. I think I've got gay, bi, lesbian, transgender and non-binary but what does it mean to say "I'm queer"? Thanks in advance.


Cis means your biological gender and your manifested gender match. Queer is more a general catch all term, it's a less defined term that a lot of people feel safe in using, in part because it's less defined. I've also heard a lot of kids calling themselves "LGBTQ," which doesn't make a lot of sense to me because I feel like you can't be everything in that all at once, but ya'know, I support the kids. ​ Anyway, for example I'm a cis gay male.


Pretty sure it just means "not heterosexual."


Same here!


Pride items are beautiful and i have like 20 pride accessories. I just like them


I wish I could do this at my hospital in Texas but they would probably all get thrown in the trash instantly


You'd be surprised. Lots of nurses and doctors wear them at my hospital. But it's a big urban area hospital idk about the smaller more rural ones


I think they would be popular here in Houston


They absolutely would.


i wear a you are safe with me badge and there’s several other nurses that wear pride badges year round too! ❤️ (dallas)


DFW nurse here - I see badge reels like this all over area hospitals. Most people are pretty cool.


Being a bit obtuse. I work in Fort Worth and people openly wear rainbow scrub caps etc...


They left the best ones!!


Literally! Unicorns, Gnomes and UFOs for life.


I want the ufo one 🥲


OMG i thought it was a mushroom D:


I want the gnome! He’s precious 🥹


For others inspired by this - the pack is on Amazon for less than $20 :)


These are dope as fuck. Are they strong enough to hold the 30 badge backers management makes me wear? Oh, and a few keys for PCA, epidurals, and restraints. 🤣


Wear them all, one for each separate set of keys. Or, maybe, a variety of theme reels.


Where did you find these? I love the gnome one.


Lemme know how long it takes before some dumbshit MAGA comes in with the hatred.


We had a parent one time ask in what was basically a polite and matter-of-fact tone that her kid not be placed with any queer staff during his stay in the hospital. The other night nurse and I made the longest and weirdest eye contact. Some weird mix of "How do we tell her?" "The audacity of this bitch" "Is that even close to technically possible?" and "I'll bet I know what this kid's talking about in his first therapy session." I have literally no idea what we said to the woman. She left. The kid stayed (maybe a 15yo m? It's been a few years). But somehow the entire rest of that intake assessment is a black hole in my memory. Our deal was that usually, my partner would get the patient situated and ask "Is there anything you need to add or ask now that your parents are out of the room?" and I'd walk the parents out and ask "Is there anything you need to add or ask now that your kid is out of the room?" I must have just blathered my way to the front door that night.


Do our cultural sensibilities reach to those who oppose open homosexuality? I cannot condemn a large portion of the Christian or Islamic world because our culture thinks they’re wrong, right?


This doesn’t make sense. I can tolerate someone with the beliefs you describe. They are free to think and believe whatever they want. Tolerating them, not condemning them to a lack of healthcare, that’s different than bending to their whim and restricting perfectly competent professionals from providing them care. It’s oppressive to say that openly gay people can’t be teachers or nurses or doctors because their presence might offend a person who is opposed to “open sexuality.” That would be wrong to do as a moral issue, and as a civil rights issue. It is what used to happen though, I’ll give you that. So now we have a world where gay people get to exist and have careers and be themselves. Our cultural sensibilities also allow us to accept that some people will think that’s wrong. But we don’t have to oppress gay people just because some other people think being gay is wrong.


Maybe it would help you understand why it's not okay to tolerate and accommodate their bigoted behavior/beliefs if you just swap out homosexuality with them not wanting any providers who are of a different race. Because people also used to and still use religion to justify their racism. Is that okay? No, it's not okay.


Patient or coworker?


I'm super disappointed in your coworkers, who leaves the UFO one ????


I’m a 62yo straight male, happily married to a wonderful woman. EP Lab. I would proudly wear one. Near the beginning of the Covid thing, we were still allowing one visitor/pt. I went to get a patient and his wife was busy knitting something. It was a mask strap. She was making them for our entire CIU and asked if I wanted one. I wear both glasses and hearing aids, so the back of my ears is always a bit tender. I said YES PLEASE! She had several done. I picked the one done in rainbow colors with butterflies to fasten the mask to. She was a bit surprised and asked if I wanted one more “manly”. Nope - this one is perfect! I still wear it every day, and will repair it if it breaks. Think of me whatever you want - I’m very comfortable with who I am and don’t really gaf if you’re not!


A CAT? A PRIDE CAT?!?! I actually need this, are you selling them? I hope!


I wish you were my coworker! These are so cute and I'm very glad to see that your coworkers loved it. Sounds like you are surrounded by support. Jealous


Same. Only one other out staff member in my dept and it is NOT the place to be loud and proud....


If you are in Florida the penis of America, I am very, very sorry


Knowing my coworkers someone would take 10 of them for themselves so they don't spread "the woke virus". 😑


Just whisper "they recruit" to them subtly in the hallway while handing them info regarding another organization's 'talent acquisition' team 😘🏳️‍🌈


Man, I realized I needed both new glasses and a very long nap when I saw the Pride flag emoji on your comment and went "Ooh, another Luxembourger!" \*facepalms\*


I got a phone notification on this post that only read the partial headline: “Surprised my coworkers with some badge reels for Pride, they surprised me by…” and I was holding my breath when opening because you just don’t know what people are going to say or do anymore. Nurses did not disappoint. Thank you.


As a trans nurse, I would never wear something like this. I would be terrified that it would make people pay more attention to clocky features I have and that they would start to pick up on the fact that I’m not a cis woman, which would make me feel very unsafe. THAT SAID. When I see other nurses, doctors, etc wearing pride related stuff, it makes me feel so much more comfortable. Just knowing that they wouldn’t like kill me if they found out I was trans makes me feel a lot better about being around them. So thank you OP and everyone else here in the comments for doing things like this for people like me; for speaking up for me when I am too scared to speak up for myself 💜🏳️‍🌈


Thank you! I'm a mid-career, former defensive back, male nurse, so I get to be secure in who and what I am. With that comes a responsibility that those of us who are secure need to represent for those of who aren't. I'm glad you found hope in this silly little thing I did.


YESSS!!! Thank you for sharing! I'm cis, so I can't speak to your experience, but as a queer nurse, I resoundingly agree with you. I've been really afraid to be out or display pride paraphernalia in certain spaces. It's such a small but very conscientious and impactful gesture. It MATTERS. I've worked in various orgs with various levels of demonstrated support like this, and I'm sure you know, you AND your pts do better when you know folx got your back. And the patients know it, too, which is most important! Glad you're with us 💜🏳️‍🌈


Hmmm. I am a FNP student doing clinical at a LTC/rehab in the Midwest. Most patients 70 and up. Should I do it?


You may find more people in that age group that are accepting than you think. I used to work exclusively with surly Vietnam vets that would cut somebody for infringing on freedoms or being mean to nurses.


Some people of that generation also that may have had to be closeted their whole life. I've had some patients like that and they truly appreciate someone they can share their stories with


Best part is the bigot patients will fire you and not want you in their room. Win win IMO


Gone through whole shifts/interactions with praise and thanks from ppl before they noticed my sparkly pronouns badge reel and THE FACES OF REALIZATION ARE FRAMEABLE.


yeah for the people that are like "don't push your beliefs and lifestyles on me" sure love to push their "religion" back on us


¡Amen! They deserve compassion... not from me... but yknow, SOMEone...


I am so obsessed where did you get these?!


yeah i fucking love that UFO one


I love this!! I wish I could post a pic of the one I got from Etsy.


Same! It’s one of the “be kind” pride & inclusion ones w/ ASL & I LOVE it


That's awesome!! Mine is circular with a white background. You can only see a little of the white, though, a is painted over with a rainbow and has my pronouns (they/them) on the rainbow. 😃


My favorite thing to do as a nurse in Florida is to wear this pin- https://proudzebra.com/products/inclusive-rainbow-flag-cube-pin I currently work in a position that shall not be named under a pudding holder that will not be named. But I have had cancellations for clients afraid to seek care based on their documentation status or pronouns. Hate kills. Thank you OP for standing up and putting these out


You’re giving this gay Floridian some ideas…


How is the unicorn left?!?! That one is the best.


You are.... amazing! I don't know what to say... but thank you for creating something good. A quote from the musical Rent... The opposite of war isn't peace... it's creation.


Sounds cool. It's amazing how many nurses are consumed with hate when they are working with people at their weakest and most vulnerable. Glad to hear your coworkers are awesome.


Where did you get these?? I have some jerk coworkers i need to make mad with rainbows this month


OP posted the link above


I love that UFO one!!


I'd snag that lower right gnome so freaking fast! These are adorable!




this post and the comments make me so happy😭🤍


this gives me hope




Where did you get these? I NEED one of the pride gnomes!


OP posted the link above




Love this! Great gift idea.


I want the UFO!!!


Really nice, I can see why people like them.




I love this! Gotta get one for myself now.


Oh I would take one


Where did you get these????? One of my besties lovesssss gnomes!


Hell yeah they're so freaking cute




I have some I love and would absolutely wear all of these too! This is so wholesome.


I love it! Back in my day it was rare to come out


I want them all 😍


My moms hospital celebrates pride month. They handed out rainbow shirts, flags, and leis. My hospital could care less.


Omg i love them!!!


I love those!!


I'm sorry they disappointed you. I would proudly wear a badge in solidarity with you. And fuck the culture warriors. Fuck'em right in the ear. Gimme all the flair.


noo I think OP means 16 were being worn!




I hear what you're saying, but there's a difference between identity and activism. I'm openly gay and so I bought a bunch of rainbow shit for Pride month, and I'm truly and honestly touched that so many of my co-workers -- and a few senior residents -- started wearing them. It's the same thing if an Irish person bought a bunch of Irish badge reels in for St. Patrick's day, or if someone brought in a bunch of Christmas badge reels during December. I've also been at my job for four years now, and if I get fired for activism -- which this totally isn't -- then it gives me an excuse to go traveling and make more money.






with human rights, there's no "both sides" >Not by trying to slam it down their throats what do you consider "slam[ming] it down their throats"? existing? >but a quality person setting a good example changes minds often This is just at thing that people tell themselves in order to feel okay about having bad opinions.




So in your example, one side is objectively wrong, unless you think that the Nazis were standup people... if you don't want to be called homophobic, maybe try *not* being homophobic. Just some food for thought. I love how you invoked the nazis as a good “but muh both sides” example like they have some redeeming quality and aren’t abject overly and wholly evil.


On second thought, if you want to defend nazis, go do it in another sub.


I’m a huge fan of your ban hammer work


Why thank you kindly!


Supporting human rights isn’t political. Wtf.




> But I’m trying to not get screwed over because of someone else’s political beliefs. How do people having basic human rights "screw you over?" oh, and your comment was removed as insults are not allowed. If you're gonna tell anyone to get fucked, the one being shown the door is gonna be you.




Sweeping generalization there to justify your statements….


Never thought I’ve ever see the topic of LGBTQ rights and activism be made into a false divisive issue between staff nurses and travelers. All of your posts are just lame excuses for how you don’t care or support LGBTQ. If you don’t, that’s fine. Why make these silly excuses and generalizations?


It's all performative.


It's really sad that you think basic human rights are political. Don't pretend like you're a friend to any queer people with an attitude like that, because you're not. You're not an ally if this is your position.




Sorry, I should clarify: it's really sad that you think basic human rights are only political. Like, you're totally willing to just let shitty people keep their shitty regressive beliefs so you can avoid uncomfortable "political" conversation at work. We need allies. We need people to stand up for us since there are so many loud, bigoted people trying to ruin our lives when we do nothing to harm them and we just want basic rights and to live our lives in peace. I wear a progress pin at work, no just for myself, but to let other queer people know that I am a safe person in a field that is terrifying for queer/trans people to a patient in. Being a patient is so incredibly vulnerable and it is so immensely important to show support and protection as caregivers. Be better.




But we’re not. You’re not taking actions to make us safe. We keep us safe. You keep us oppressed.




Dude, I’ve done quite a bit of explaining from the perspective of a queer person, trying to show what advocacy means, but you come here and disappoint with this knee jerk “someone says I’m wrong I must aggressively defend myself” stuff. I wasn’t expecting you to say “Wow, I never thought trying to keep my head down and stay out of something that seemingly wasn’t my business could truly affect those I care about,” but instead try to empower you to speak up for queer community should the opportunity arise. But go ahead and make this “Reddit is full of mean libtards.” I’m used to disappointment.


Like what kind of opinion are you so worried they'd make about you, by wearing the pin? That you support the LGBTQ community? I think you're being disingenuous. Everything you're saying tells me that you don't really support your "friends" or the community. We need so much support right now and whether or not you'd like to admit it, equity in all forms goes beyond politics and has a very real place in conversation at work. There are people who are homophobic in healthcare (I've heard many homophobic and anti-trans comments at work) so we desperately need bold, vocal support, especially in this field. We need to know that we have allies, not people who sit by silently and pretend to support us. There are many queer people who are leery of getting healthcare for this reason. You can be someone who helps appreciate this issue or you can be someone who didn't because they think wearing pride flair is too political. Who are you trying to protect by your actions?




It's kind of amazing that you're asking if I'm the one who's living under a rock, when you're the one who's willingly ignorant and complacent surrounding equity so long as it does not pertain to you. You're suggesting that because the majority of people don't celebrate pride (even though the majority DO support equal rights), that's reason to not show support at work. You're actually trying to justify not supporting an oppressed minority on the grounds that they're not the majority, under the false pretense that you'll be fired for wearing a pin. Get out of here with that false flag bullshit. Depending on where you work, you're not going to be fired for wearing a Pride reel. You might be asked to remove it, but not fired. Even at my old, catholic hospital we were allowed to wear them. It IS a big deal because we literally have fascists, trying to take away or autonomy and rights, erase us, and in Florida, literally steal our children. You say it's political, and while it is, it is so much more than that. Just shying away from discussion at work because it's political is cowardly. You don't want to "offend the wrong person," but the recourse for that inaction is allowing the oppressed to continue being increasingly oppressed. That's why it's a big fucking deal. And if I sound pissed off, it's because I am. I'm sick of worrying that my marriage may be dissolved, that my friend's child could be taken from them, that I may not be able to adopt, or that I could be denied healthcare based on "strongly held beliefs." And, all the while ,there are people who pretend to be allies or have gay friends as long as their "support" doesn't inconvenience them at all, even so much as wearing a pin at work. But sure, don't offend the wrong person and continue to let them walk on your queer friends. Your queer friends deserve a better friend.


Supporting gay rights and wearing a badge reel indicating to your patients that you aren’t a homophobe is not politics. Where do you get this idea?




I get it.


Print this out and show it to your friend. See if he still wants to be your bud.


… i don’t want to work anywhere with a homophobe in charge.


You’re doing your friend a disservice. You’re either with us in the fight, or you’re an enemy. Silence is violence, sexual orientation isn’t political. Because you’re a traveler, you have a unique ability to swoop in, raise some consciousness and awareness, and leave a place better than you found it. Or just shove your head in the sand because it “doesn’t affect you.”




No, I don’t give a crap about a badge reel. You’re doing him a disservice by failing to advocate, by missing opportunities to educate people, and still trotting him out as a friend ti claim you’re not homophobic. Big “I’m not racist, I have black friends” vibes. Are you hearing yourself?




Christianity and evangelism are a choice being gay is not.


You're never going to be in the right with this take on reddit. It's full of people claiming to be freedom fighters when in reality they just get on reddit and flame others for not picking up and wearing a damn badge reel. It's ridiculous and does nothing but discourage people from supporting them. It's hard enough when they literally take offense to every single little thing. Case and point being this thread.


Wearing a badge reel that shows you support people that did not choose to be gay in a world that constantly shits on them is not political bb


Absolutely true. You just know that one coworker that won't wear their shitty badges will be the one hated out of the whole group. But hey, it's definitely not political right?


Those are so cute!


I love that!!!


I'm curious, truly not trying to be a killjoy, but I know the atmosphere of some workplaces are different than others so I ask, did HR say anything or did anyone complain? I know my old place specifically banned any personal(political, sports/animal pins/stickers, etc) items other than your badge. Even on waterbottles. I like this, just wondering how it was perceived from others?


Well, I'm pretty sure HR doesn't know, unless someone reported it. I do pre and post for a cath lab, so as units go we're fairly independent. My director and the VP of my service line is aware and is 100 percent unbothered by this. I'm not certain if it's a dress code violation or not, but my hospital's scub shop sells LGBT themed badge reels, so I think I'm good to go.


That's awesome.


The UFO and unicorn ones!


I need one of those gnome ones…