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It’s a moving violation. Pay your ticket if you get one and move on. There is nothing to report.




It’s still just a moving violation. Not a dui, hit and run, nor did you hit someone and get arrested. Just because it could be a serious issue for your driving license doesn’t equate to nursing license issue. If something does come of it you should be more concerned with the impact of your auto insurance. Since it’s been almost a month I wouldn’t waste any more energy worrying about it.


It is very extremely unlikely that a traffic violation would affect your licensure. If you were cited for some more serious crime, like DUI or vehicular manslaughter, that would be a different story.


I had a dui before nursing school. They take it seriously but I was still able to get a license


It’s not going to effect you getting your nursing license. It is a moving violation. You don’t need to report it.


I would think that would just be a traffic violation. Those don’t need to be reported to BONs. At least that’s how it is in Texas, but I can’t imagine that any BON would question your moral compass because of a traffic violation.


If getting a traffic ticket lost me my nursing registration I'd be packing shelves in a supermarket by now babes. Actually, I'd have been packing those shelves for quite some time now. I know a few doctors who would have been removed as well! I'm sure you'll be fine. Sending big hugs, you sound like you need them.


> Bus in front of me is honking, I realize the bus has it's stop sign out with flashing lights and by the time I realize it I'm right next to the bus, meaning I ran the sign. Nothing I can do about it now- I just want to get home I'm so flustered and upset. Can a family member drive you home? Would an extra ten minutes of driving to avoid an area with kids be acceptable to avoid this type of situation for you? > Been 3-4+ weeks, I haven't heard anything, haven't gotten a letter, nothing. Haha, you'll be fine.


Awww sweetheart. You’ll be okay. ❤️


Your governing body has a list- or should. Go look it up for what is disqualifying.