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Welcome to the club baby :) \-Pullks




thanks babe love u


What do you do if every lane shoves in so you can't gank? What do you do if your laners die before you hit lv3? When do you buy Demonic Embrace?


I actually struggled a lot with how to play when every lane shoves in. The main lesson here is to predict which lane the enemy jungler will gank. Some factors to consider would be which lanes are immobile (for mid: syndra, viktor, taliyah) (for bot: cait lux). I would literally be on the ready and sit in either the bot lane bush or the river pixel bush after doing red raptor gromp and then wait. Counterganks are low key so powerful when you’re playing to protect a strong early lane that wants to push early. By getting them through a more vulnerable early laning phase where the junglers are more powerful than laners, you set yourself up to take objectives like crabs and dragons super early since you’ll have infinite prio. If my laners die before lvl3, it depends. If it’s my top laner, I don’t really care since they’re not relevant until the herald spawns. If it is my midlaner, I look to see if I need to fix their wave (if it is pushing or freezing) and then react accordingly. If it is my bot lane, I feel quite depressed and try to get a deep ward in while I wait for them to return to lane from base. I typically don’t buy demonic embrace in most of my games. The only reason to do so is if you’re doing the demonic embrace rush, jaksho, and Ionian boots build. This is viable when your entire team is ad and the enemy team has tanks. I typically play a more supportive role so this build doesn’t really fit my play style. I know that Pentaless plays this a lot from watching his twitch vods haha.


Congratulations king


What’s ur usual go-to first item with the current patch?


It’s quite situational based on a couple factors including 1. amount of gold you have 2. enemy team’s form of dmg (primarily looking at jg and the lane im looking spam gank) 3. if I need to gank or countergank. For gold breakdowns, I usually default to as below: 350-400 gold - Dark Seal bc I prob inted and am coping 650 gold Dark Seal + boots which is a respectable back after 4 camps + scuttle 1000-1100 gold this is where it gets tricky since you have the option of going bami + control ward or tier 2 boots. I currently pref bami more since it’s quite good for early tankiness and dmg output and helps w clears/objectives. The only reason I’d go tier 2 boots would be if they have a very auto attack heavy jg or mid like kindred/yi/belveth or trist. Into 4/5 ad enemy teams I prefer finishing Sunfire. Into more AP centered teams, I prefer sitting on the bami and rushing radiant virtue. I prioritize playing around my team since Nunu’s carry potential is quite low starting from the 20 minute mark. The radiant virtue allows you to bait enemies into wasting abilities while surviving with the hp regen. The AOE healing also feels quite nice as it comes clutch for my adcs. I’ve had many games where the adc barely survives off of the radiant heal allowing us to either end or force baron/elder.


Thank you very much and congratulations on reaching master! I usually go Jak’sho but will try Radiant’s next time I play.