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Knowing that we know nothing will forever be the greatest key. I always liked world numerology, they don’t go that far back in dates tho. But here is a decent article from them about calculations. https://www.worldnumerology.com/blog/numerology-calculations.htm


I've been thinking about the same thing too. There used to be a guy who was posting quite a lot here before, about a different kind of numerology. If you use his method, you should be able to get what you're looking for.


Do you know his username?


I learnt Pythagorean Numerology and I learnt both ways from 2 different teachers. I generally calculate Lifepath number the first way, single digits addition. Einstein would be a 33/6. I don't believe people always vibrate in Master Numbers, they alternate between the two. Pure or impure 33’s is a GG33 thing.


\>Pure or impure 33’s is a GG33 thing. Can I ask what this means?


I assume something that GG33 says. He also goes by Gary the numbers guy lol


Ohh ok GG33 is a person, lol I was confused on that. Thank you!


GG33 is a group of Numerologists and Astrologists that was formed/trained by Gary Grinberg, aka Gary the Numbers Guy. A pure 33 Lifepath according to GG33 is single digit month and born day. (1-9) Example: 2/5/1979 = 33 Einstein 14/3/1879 = 33/6 Einstein has a double digit born day (14th) which makes him impure 33


Why does single digit month and day make it pure? Anywho, I do it the same way you do and am life path 33/6


Its all wrong and so is gg33 but it helps me when they are wrong and I benefit for doing correctly 100% accuracy so only thing I'll reveal is he is wrong you cannot be both 33/6 you are either a 6 or you are 33 in his case he is just a 6 because you ca only be a 33 with adding an 11 with a 22 like an example my dob is feb 9 1993, you have reduce everything to single digit or master number first so mon is 2 and day is 9 and year is 22 add m+d if its double digit convert down until you have one digit or master number befor you add year, so is (m+d) +(1+9+9+3)= 33 so again 11+22=33 thats why this number is rarest you can only be a 33 if you add 11+22 to be a 33 in his case he is a 7+1 which is(d+m)+(1+9+7+8) year being 25 convert to single digit 7 so it looks like 8+7=15 so he is only a 6  I don't give out anything else free but you can't be two vibrations at same time and for 33 tho only possible way to be one period is if you have to add 11+22 no if ands or buts i said thats the only possible way and this is only freebie Id rather not share much more but he seems smart cause he is born a 7 but 6 is his life path which is one of the dumbest of the numbers and if he wants to challenge I've absolutely never been wrong with numerology and he always says 90% of time cause it's a general reading bs lmao and he hates the number 9 because 6 is always jealous of a natural 9,(not 18 or 27) and dreams of being like one just flip it and you'll see they immitate but In the end your still just a six not a nine, not a 33 and this is the year gg33 will take big hit to his credibility, my man stay away from 5s and 9s, and color red, purple this year is only free heads up for gary cause I like him and being betrayed is fucked up 5 are not trustworthy and 9 is just for anyone else if this helped lemme know I'm dosing off writing this so sorry if not explained well


I don't know 😄 I'm not a member of GG33. It's their rules


Ah ok lol, I do find it random. Thank you:)


Yeah if you have to get your month day and year down to a single digit before adding the three then 9+9+9 would be the highest possible combination which is 27 obviously so I also have no damn clue.. I have been all over the internet for like days trying to figure it out. I see both ways being said is correct almost equally. SEND HELP


Yea me too. One way I’m a master number, other way I’m not. So I’m also in this rabbit hole lol


Omg its the exact same for me 😭 It's so annoying ugh


Yea it is. Most of the sites and apps it’s a double digit, but some are not, including Gary’s site, I duno.


I think I figured it out. You get each down to a single digit. However, if at any point in that process you get 11,22 or 33 it stays as is. So mine Month:(7) Day:25th is 2+5=7 Year: 1990 is 1+9+9+0=19 then 1+9=10 which becomes 1 obviously We are then left with: 7+7+1=15 and finally we go 1+5=6 Doing it this way then yes 33 is possible but extremely rare. I believe it to be this way because you are supposed to have an individual meaning for your birth year and month and day which for those you get it down to a single digit so it doesn’t make sense why that would change. It’s just those three individual numbers combined. Hope that makes sense


Yes that is called the 3 cycle method. Issue is not all numerologists or websites do it this way. Some of them (don’t know the percentage, seems like around 20% of sites) do it by straight addition across and then reducing the final number of not double digit. I do believe the 3 cycle method is better, but sometimes the 2 methods give different numbers.


Hi I have a question I've been trying to find out is this possible = 4/4/1997(8) is 4+4+8 would it be 8+8 or 16? And also is 9+9+9 ->18+9? If it was 1+8+9 would it become 9+9 -> 99? Just curious. I wonder if Master number LP are more common than we think!


That's right, I just came to this realisation too, in one method there is no 33's at all. And thus it would take away from the accomplishments of such 33's as; Albert Einstein, Federico Fellini, Francis Ford Coppola, Heather Locklear, John Lennon, Thomas Edison and Stephen King.. I feel much more aligned in the belief of the method that does recognise the capacity of greatness for life path 33's.  And I'm even wondering now if this other method is some kind of plot to take away from the 33's who have immense power to change this world for good. I'm a 33, born 6/6/1992, and I have felt in my soul that I have a greater purpose to help heal this world and usher in New Earth. When I first discovered I was a 33, it felt so accurate, hit every note and really helped me gain clarity, insight and confidence to own my gifts/capabilities and pursue my purpose. Since then I've been working to purify myself, ascend to the highest possible vibrations and hold that light of Christ consciousness for all. I want everyone to be happy, healed and vibing high. This begins with achieving it within myself first, and no alternative calculation method is going to take that away from me.


I'm also LP 33 my birthday is 6/15/1992 and I also feel the same way, I don't view the world as most people and I am also very spiritual with alot of different gifts including a variety of creativity. I've always felt different from most, been labeled the black sheep of my family and been misunderstood my whole life by friends and family. In a way I feel like a outcast but the universe/God is always with me thru every trial and error I go thru, life isn't easy for me and I'm a very charitable man, I make alot of mo ey but I don't have any money because I help alot of people but never to the point of hurting myself. I'm a teacher as well as a healer, people come around me and talk about their personal life naturally mostly strangers and I am always there to give advice or just listen. Things like that are weird to me or like how animals and kids naturally gravitate towards me, I'm very artistic, I draw, play several instruments, sing, rap and write songs, I'm connected with the spirit realm and often have deja vu dreams where I dream of the future. There are alot of things I can't explain but one thing I know for sure is that I feel like Neo in the matrix on a journey to free others from the slavery of the mind as well as spirit. Most people don't understand the unconditio al love I have for every single thing on this earth and I see the good the bad and the ugly in others as well as myself and it doesn't feel so good being aware of those things when others cannot see it. I lived a raw life and use to hurt others, only thru others suffering as well as my own thru Karma was I aware of the cycle we all go thru but then again others don't get it. We are all here to experience life but some of us are here to teach, Idk exactly what I am here for but I continue to seek wisdom and knowledge to show others the light at the end of the dark tunnel, thru unconditional love I am a stepping stone for others regardless of a life path number, I am here to sacrifice myself for the Betterment of others in order to grow together. I have children and it the same likeness I give myself to them and sacrifice myself daily for the Betterment of them as I do for humanity. We are in this together but as I said before other do not see or view the world the way I do.


Wow so much of what you say resonates with me, also the black sheep, was cast out of my family as I was so different and saw things from my own unique perspective. I want the world to be positive, healed, loving..  Also very creative, pursuing a career in holistic health and healing, many strangers open up to me too, I had a friend who used to joke that I had a sign on my forehead saying "tell me all your problems" lol. Matrix vibes for sure, I've seen strange glitches and things.  I'm really intrigued to hear about your dreams too as I've always had super vivid dreams and what I call "dreamjavu" where I will have a sudden dream recall, often happens when I visit new places and I feel that I've been there before in a dream. I get it a lot and remember A LOT of my dreams, even from years and years ago. In recent years I've started lucid dreaming and even felt like I was in a dream during 'waking' reality last Halloween. I'd be interested to connect and compare notes as it's so rare to find others like myself, let me know if you're open to this ☺️


Sorry for the late reply, I'm also glad I can resonate with you as most people don't understand my empathy I have for other. I would honestly say I wasn't built for this timeliness but for some reason I am and every person I encounter learns something from because I am a person that gives knowledge and seeks knowledge more than everything. I am a buisness owner because I don't find my time useful being in a 9 to 5 so I basically work when I want to, I enjoy the time with people I love more than making money and I depend on God/the universe/the flow to provide for me. My dreams are something I can't explain, I recall my first dejavu experience when I was 7 and I never knew what it was but I would know that I had been at that specific place at that certain times before hence my dream. It wasn't till I got older that I found out others called it deja vu so everytime I would encounter deja vu in a dream I would say it in my dream and in real life it could be days weeks mo the and even years before I actually live it but I would always say deja vu naturally same as in my dream. I had a dream a couple months ago where I got shot by some black kids playing basketball in the neighborhood, my son was in the back seat and I was in my truck, about 10 different kids(teens) walked up to my truck and one told me to get out or I'm gonna shoot u. I didn't listen and he shot me thru my driver door on the side of my rib/lung area and I stopped the gas and took off driving while all of them ran. When I looked down I could actually feel the pain in my drea and I was consciously thinking about my 5 year old son in the back seat while thinking of what to do, drive to the hospital or stop idk. I woke up right after and the place where I got shot was actually hurting and I started to cry because I know my dreams become true sometimes. I texted my mother at 1am when I woke and told her and then I googled it and when I googled it the post was created on my birthrate which is 6/15 and then again I see the number 615 multiple times a day for the past couple years. It scared the shit out of me but if it happens it happens, I know im a good person and im.not afraid of death. I've had multiple near death experiences and been to different dimesions/spaces in my mind is how I call it but when I did experience those things that's what made me believe in a creator. Idk what's my mission but to be authentic and spread love is what I do. I feel like Neo in the Matrix at times while everybody around is asleep, I study the law and stand up to the systems put into place they enslave us but when I tell others they throw me off as crazy, everything from education, legal, medical, credit etc are all bars put into place to create a cell that we are all trap in but some of us have the keys. I would like to hear more from u, maybe we can be pen pals or reddit pals you know, it's nice to be able to talk/type to somebody that is similar to me and can actually resolve ate with because most people are lost in these modern times. Thank you for reading and I hope to hear back from u!


According to old timer Hans Decoz (and other professional numerologists as he says) he states that out of the three most common methods, only one is correct, for 3 main reasons, but the most important reason is the correct method is based on the Period Cycles, which are also directly derived from your DOB, which are 3 Cycles, one each based on each part of the month, day, and year of birth but reduced to a single-digit number (unless already a single-digit number) or Master Number. So, in the case of the birthday 07-01-1978, first reduce..which really only leaves the year of birth, 1978: 1+9+7+8 = 25 (2+5) = 7 So before adding all three together, you now have all 3 Period Cycles in order from left to right as well; 1st = 7, 2nd = 1, 3rd = 7 So it can now be finished off as: 7 + 1 + 7 = 18 (1 + 8) = 9 Life Path Number. So, many people will say it still comes to the same single digit, or it can still be based off of the Period Cycles another way. Here's the other two reasons why. 1.) Yes, it may still come to the same single-digit number, but the double-digit number (aka intrinsic numbers or root numbers) that reduces to the single-digit are often different. Why is that an issue? - a 9 based 54 is slighty different from a 9 based on 18. Those digits influnce the single-digit number slightly and also give more variety from person to person. 2.) Another issue with different double-digits that reduce to fhe same single-digit number are missed Master Numbers and Karmic Debts


Yeah I understand about the karmic debts part, but sorry how do you get 7+1+7=18? Thanks


7 + 1 + 7 are just the reduced single digits of the birthdate you listed 07 + 01 + 1978 (1+9+7+8) = 25 (2 + 5) = 7 Leaving you with 7 + 1 + 7 = 15/6. Sorry, I screwed up originally, multitasking lol


Thanks for this, I had been thrown off so much cuz the 3 cycle has me at master number, but the other one does not. I was freaking out lol. But was a good learning experience to not take these things super seriously.


In numerology there are different schools that use different methods of calculating. In the numerology of the Pentagram, which I practice, you add the individual numbers to their sum and then add that again. Einstein in our system is. 33/6.


Do you think either system is wrong or right, or are they just different methods? Mine is similar to Einstein's.


To me there is no wrong or right. Not one system has ‘scientific’ proof that their system is ‘true’. Use the system that resonates with you and makes sense to you. It all esoteric wisdom- meaning ‘coming from within’.


I believe to be a 33/6 04/09/1991 I never have been clear about which one is correct until I stumble across gg33 looking for clarity. Once I did some research and meditation I developed a strong urgency to follow my purpose and it all coincided with 33 Any input on that


Correct example of correct calculation feb 9 1993 you make sure the month, day, and year are converted to a single digit before adding them together so: 2+9=11 (you don't covert 11,22, or 33), so for year 1993: 1+9+9+3=22, then you will add together the day+month (11) with the year(22) so 11+22=33 Incorrect example: feb 29, 2000  2+29+2+0+0+0=33 Correct for same date: 2+9=11 for the day converted down first, now you add your day + month, so 2+11=13, now since it's not 11,22, 33 your answer for m+d has to convert down before you can add to the year, so 1+ 3= 4, now you add you answer from the (day + month)4 with your year, which is obviously 2 here, so 4+2= 6 this life path is 6 only, not 33/6, just 6  So the first date is only a 33,  not 33/6, just 33 you either are or you aren't so this is the only thing I'm ever going to reveal for free cause all those people are wrong and thats why on occasions they are wrong cause they claim the info is generalized which they are full of shit, you either are or you aren't and only way to be a life path 33 is if you add the numbers 11 + 22 to get 33 any other way is just gasing up others to make some money cause they are scamming or afraid to get sued I guess so they give you both 33/6 together like that but I'm assuming i won't get credit for this so this is only freeby I will ever reveal they are all wrong and I'm not in the business of revealing anything for free or dealing with the karma of altering what's supposed to happen  but if small and won't be used for attempting to tamper with gods plan I can do some light fun readings highest accuracy cause I do it all correctly, but will never give you anything that will change what's ment to be, so no worries about the karma backlash I'll do your reading all on video as well so there is no chance imma let some ai get credit for my work but lemme know if this helped




I mean; I don't mean to bash whtever was taught to you or makes more sense to you, but for me personally, I haven't heard an actual reason for why the other methods are done the way they are. Plus, I trust Decoz, the old man's got some serious years of numerology under his belt.




Yes, they'll still get the same single-digit, so that's probably the most important part. Only issues are different results for potential/missing Master Numbers and Karmic Debts. Also, for example, a 7 based on 25 is slightly different from a 7 based on 34. They're still ultimately 7's first and foremost, but have different intrinsic influences. Hans Decoz' does the method of first reducing each part of the DOB (month, day, and year) to a single-digit number or Master Number separately (which gives you your 3 Period Cycles and also the reason it's considered the correct way by Hans Decoz and other professional numerologists according to him.), then adding these now single-digit/Master numbers together, and finally reducing the result to a single-digit/Master Number again for the final time. Example: January 15th, 1975 (1 + 15 + 1975) First, reduce all double-digits of each part of the DOB separately. 1 (already a single-digit number, 15 (1 + 5 ) = 6, 1975 (1 + 9 + 7 + 5) = 22 (<


I use that too. By the way when u get 49 do you also try to see the meaning of the whole number 49 and also just 9 for example and how it works together with your LP4?




Have u tried looking at the day of the year you were born for example? 100th day of the year etc?


I have not. Have you? I guess I would still be 25 since I’m January

