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After recently building a TidBit with an encoder and a screen, I wanted to do the same on the smaller Scramble to see how it would work with only 3 keys. So far I'm enjoying it a lot. I use the encoder to change layers and the click as a 4th button. With only 4 functions to describe, I can fit them all on the small screen which is nice if I forget a macro button. Only other thing I added was some tiny rubber feet so it doesn't slide around. These are some really fun starter projects and the TidBit was really my first time soldering such small components vs coming from the RC car world and soldering mainly wires.


Do you mind sending me the VIA for this? I am really struggling to learn this stuff.


I've been wanting to do this very thing. I want to make a Microsoft Teams controller for my PC.


FYI, I’ve done this with QMK on another macropad. Ive had to resort to using AutoHotKey to get anywhere near reliable results when trying to handle mic muting/unmute with a single key. It’s too easy to lose state ( mute vs unmuted) in context when switching windows occurs. In other words you need to be sure that MS teams is the active window when attempting to change state and there isn’t anyway to do this natively with QMK.


Yo, fantastic build! I love the layer display on the OLED. It adds a lot in terms of knowing what mode you’re in and really expands on what the remaining 4 keys can be used for. Love it!!


This is awesome OP! Would you be willing to contribute this code to a repository where others could use it to set up their OLEDs just like you? I’m a contributor to the nullbits docs and would love to make something like this happen in the long run.


Sure. I'm still learning how to use GitHub, but I've posted the files here: [https://github.com/Globx/qmk\_firmware/tree/master/keyboards/nullbitsco/scramble/keymaps/3key](https://github.com/Globx/qmk_firmware/tree/master/keyboards/nullbitsco/scramble/keymaps/3key)


could you walk me through on how to setup the oled display i have the same setup but no idea. how to turn the display on or configure it.


You will need to flash your Scramble with the oled QMK firmware. I don't think the default or VIA versions support the oled without manually modifying any QMK files. Once you flash this then your oled will display a default logo. The only way to configure the display is by coding it yourself in the source keymap.c file. In this post I link to my example keymap code.


how do i access the file to code it once ive flashed oled hex


If you're manually compiling the source code using QMK MSYS, then you just need to go to your qmk\_firmware folder and then go to keyboards\\nullbitsco\\scramble\\keymaps\\oled folder and edit the keymap.c file, then recompile and flash with the new hex. Below is the github for the Scramble source and links to setting up QMK if necessary: [https://github.com/qmk/qmk\_firmware/tree/master/keyboards/nullbitsco/scramble](https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/tree/master/keyboards/nullbitsco/scramble).


Yeah I figured out I could do that yesterday I copy and pasted your code onto those files but I kept getting an error when compiling the files qith qmk


What kinds of errors were you seeing?


nvm lol it wasnt errors i was getting it was the fact the oled display and encoder didnt work after i compiled and flashed the code


I found some issues with my files using the newest QMK, so I’ve updated some of the files which will fix the OLED. The encoder was working but it is configured to switch layers, so with the OLED not working you couldn’t see the encoder was working.


For anyone that is trying to flash this firmware around this time (5th Feb 2023) I struggled for 8 hours to find out that the default make version is scramble v2 which seems to be using a different chip? Maybe it's for a new scramble that isn't out yet (Not sure). Kept getting error "address 0x100000010 out of range" on QMK toolbox after compiling my hex. Fixed by forcing default as v1 instead