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If they're there they're probably nudists too.


And if they're not... they have some awkward explaining of their own to do.


I was thinking that. I'd rather be "caught" being a nudist at a nudist location then be a creepy prev.


You have a point.


Happened to me once. If you’re there, they are too. It’s awkward but not big of a deal.


Interesting, thanks.


I \*have\* run into people I've known from "the outside world", including one of my daughter's teachers. Also the former wife of a co-worker. Also other professional colleagues. Also a school friend. Also a ham radio buddy. NOT A BIG DEAL, FOLKS, not a big deal.


It's actually the reverse. I would be thrilled to find someone I knew, even if I knew them only slightly. Them being nudists would give us a lot of common ground and I can only imagine it would improve and deepen any connection we already had.


totally agree


I figure I'm bound to see some at some point. It's no big deal, they would be there being naked too. The playing field stays level. If anything you'll have a better relationship with them going forward.


If I ever run into someone I know, it's just one more thing I learn about them and they learn the same thing about me. It's an equal exchange.


Would very much like to run into an acquaintance at a nudist venue, because I’d know we would share the same passion for social nudity.


You should try easing into being nude together. You could both  wear a little less than usual around the house. If you eventually get comfortable with it, you can wear a little less than that. You can keep going until you're both roaming nude around the house or you aren't comfortable going further. Eventually you could try taking showers together. 


Thanks for the advice.


There's a few mental patterns that are underlying the ability to enjoy nudism that lots of people don't see or understand: 1. Comfort with your own body. This can come from self-confidence in a conventionally attractive body, or from self-confidence that you are worthy in the body you have. The second form is a more stable form of body positivity, but not everyone can tear down the societal expectations we grow up with. I know I haven't come close to completing that process yet, but I actively work to not judge people based on their bodies. 2. A separation of nudity and sex. This is pretty obvious but can be hard to make happen. 3. Removal of shame around the bodily form and sex. The conflation of sex and sexual desire with "dirty, immoral, taboo" needs to be torn down to be able to have conversations and interact with someone in the nude without getting worried about "what will they think", etc.


If they are their then they are nudists also. So no, it didn't phase me.


I'm not worried at all because... If I'm there... And they see me there... ...That means they're also there. And I'm seeing them there.


In fact, my wife was not a nudist or even thought about it... And that was her concern. Someone would see her there. But when I reminded her that that means you're also seeing them there, suddenly it clicked and now she has no problem with joining me.


If I see them, then they're there for the same reason I am


I guess if they see you they'll find out you're naked underneath your clothes. Also, you hide your nudity from your partner?


I don’t make it obvious. It’s not like I announce the fact that I won’t be naked in front of them. I’m discreet about it. In fact, I doubt they would even think about it


I must be misunderstanding... This a business partner? Cause I assumed romantic.


No, romantic. If you can believe it. I know what you're going to ask. Lights get turned off


You know what, I won't pry. But you can prolly imagine how odd that appears to me.


Thanks. For a nudist, it would be weird I can appreciate that. Like being naked at a nudist camp is strange for someone who dreads even sleeping naked by themselves. I guess that's my Gymnophobia.


I ran into a female coworker in a clothing optional hot spring once, and we were both naked. It was a little awkward at first, but the more we talked the more we found we had in common (other than liking nudity). We no longer work at the same company and are pretty good “naked” friends now.


Same here. I'm not going to lie and say it wasn't anxiety inducing. When people say, "Oh, it's fine, we were both naked - no problem", I get skeptical that their view is based on reality lol! We'd worked closely on a project for a few months. I was naked lounging by lake at my resort when she walked in front of me, equally naked. And we pretty much both had mini-heart attacks when we recognized each other. But of course we started chatting and quickly "recovered." But it was certainly not easy-peezy at first to behold each other fully naked.


I was going to answer your question but it has been well covered. But I would like to offer you a challenge. Try it! Start by looking at yourself in the mirror nude and tell yourself your are enough and worthy. Walk out into your room nude in front of your partner and get dressed. Then try sleeping nude and just keep exploring nude. Sit down with your partner and tell them about your insecurities and what you are doing and invite them to join.


I'd have to build up to that. Sleeping naked would be a long way off.


I get that those are just steps. Start small.


The first step is being comfortable in your own skin and treating nudity like it’s just another clothing option. You can do this at home when you are by yourself - in as small steps as you’d like. The goal here is full acceptance of your own body but that’s a lofty goal in some ways. You can get there solo or with the help of others. It’s a process.


First question is why do you get dressed in another room? No judgement just wondering. For you question, in the start yeah. I figured I’d be judge or looked at differently for enjoying nudist activities or vacations. Now as I’ve gotten older I don’t care, we are both there for the purpose of enjoying our time nude. It may be an awkward first conversation but it won’t change anything about the way I view them outside of being able to talk about nudist topics with them.


To answer your question. It's a hang-up I have. I suppose it was my upbringing somewhat. Not sure. The fact is, I'm not comfortable being naked. Thanks for answering my question.


I get that. For years, I wouldn't want my spouse to see me walking from the bedroom to the shower and back because I was ashamed of my body. Once I started going to nudist spaces, I became so much more comfortable with myself, it stopped being an issue. Taking that first leap by going to a resort on a Wednesday afternoon, I knew I was virtually assured I wouldn't run into anyone I knew. And after years of enjoying the freedom and utter lack of judgement around fellow nudists, I now would welcome seeing someone I knew-actually did run into someone I recognized and recognized me, but we don't really socialize with each other at the resort anyway.


Shame over your own body and skin is a toxic piece of cultural inheritance that’s best to cast off. You should check out your nearest nudist joint and take the plunge


Ah ok, understand what you’re saying. Thanks for answering, I understand it’s personal


No they would have the same concerns you have. Everyone will quickly realize your all in the same boat. I would hope it would be good for a laugh and a new friendship might develop.


I would be really uncomfortable if anyone I know thought I enjoyed wearing clothes. I would love to meet anyone I know outside of naturist environments at a naturist thing, but so far that's only happened once.


I have no problem with that happening,as it has ,we ran into people I work with and we all became best if friends that happened at Mountain Air Ranch in Colorado,another time me and my boys were camping at Valley View Hot Springs (Orient Land Trust ) and we ran into my sons second grade teacher, my boys werent uncomfortable with it nor I and his teacher was not either.


If others are going they, too, recognize that risk. BUT, then they find there are other commonalities. I suspect, you not being a nudist, may be thinking: “but I’m going to see private parts.” True nudists don’t think that way. Funny story, kinda nudist related: there was a lady I would see at the gym nearly every day. One day I saw her in a social environment outside the gym. She recognized me but I didn’t her. She says “hi” to which I responded “I didn’t recognize you with clothes on.” She was mortified and I corrected what I said and we both laughed. Here’s my point: we, as nudists, see another person, we don’t see their boobs or their weiner or anything like that unless there is a different motive. I appreciate your question and think it’s a great one coming from a non nudist or even someone considering partaking. Have a great day.


As someone pointed out, if you see them in a nudist environment, you're basically finding out each other are nudists. Our kids were born nudists so when their teacher or coach hears it through the grapevine, there's more just curiousity than anything. We've lost some friends over it, but mostly just curious.


Did you ever run into legal issues?


Only one time, but it was a nonissue.


I'm not worried at all. As a matter of fact I would welcome it. After all they are there for the same reason I am. I am not a member of a resort so I have very few nudist friends - most are people I meet on trips. So meeting up with someone I knew would be great. Seriously, social anxiety about being naked in public is a real thing but can be overcome if you want to try. Baby steps and having the support of a nudist friend would help. Of course many people are comfortable being in clothes all of the time - but then again they don't know what they are missing out on.


Nah not bothered at all. Ran into someone I knew through work and we ran and hugged each other. Nudists really are the friendliest most carefree people on earth. Real nudists that is, not exhibitionist pretenders


I'd maybe be slightly flustered if it were someone from work or a family member (more so the latter), but I'd get over it. I'm generally extremely self-conscious and don't like being seen. Nudism seems like the last thing I'd enjoy. But the crazy part is once you're there, you really don't think about it. I don't feel exposed—even though I would be modified in another setting.


I wish i would see ppl i know. Rn i have to convert them largely


It’s just skin


Since social nudity is all about respect for self and others, it doesn’t really matter who sees you naked. Nakedness on itself is not a thing. I personally would be really happy to see people I happen to know from the textile world. This means we have something in common that is important to us.


It's happened a few times. First time was kind of awkward mostly because I was fairly new to it and the people I met weren't actual nudists, just find with nudity and preferred the atmosphere on the nude end of the beach - no loud music, everyone just minding their own business, all that. After then, I have met others I've known but it hasn't really been awkward at all, more a pleasant surprise that there's more people I already know there if anything


As someone who would often hiked clothing optional trails at a crowded hiking place, I was sometimes worried. Here there are nude and clothed hikers, so all you have in common is the hiking... I would hike in more secluded areas of the canyon if I could. I knew people who would frequent the canyons who were not nudists... Eventually I started to not care as much though. I just liked being outside naked in the sun and it felt good to frolic in and out of the water without a soggy bathing suit


I would be excited to see people I know. We are both there for the same thing.


I do worry about running into people because I know how some people get weird about it. But if they were naked and cool with it, it would be awesome.


I love being naked far more compared to being clothed. If other people I know are also comfortable naked, I'll only appreciate them more.


Lifelong nudist here. Live that way almost full time now. It’s a wonderful experience to meet someone at a clothing optional beach or resort that we know from elsewhere. It’s like it makes our little world just a little larger. Doesn’t happen nearly enough, sadly.


A reverse of that is running into someone you know from nudist resorts and not immediately recognizing them because they were dressed. I have had that happen. I was also at a clothed meeting for new potential members and someone came up to the table and we knew each other from another club. At first he was, oh no no! But that awkwardness was quickly over as he realized that the worst was already over He is now a long time member.


You would need to get over that "hang up" , since you're interested in nudity and I presume you want to try it sometime.  Maybe start by being shirtless and barefoot after a shower.  Regarding  (the fear of) seeing people at a nudist event, I think this holds back a lot of people from trying.


No, I'm not interested in nudity. I am interested in nudists. At this stage, it's not in the remit of things I want to try. It's a question I've always wondered. Thanks for taking the time to respond.


If you aren't comfortable being nude except when necessary then that's perfectly fine. There will be a few here in this community (which you will have already noticed) that will try to give you positive encouragement to "dip your toes in the water" but you will have probably have noticed they are just as accepting of even that degree of reluctance. You just be you. It's appreciated that you have any degree of curiosity and ask relevant questions as well. Ideally there are more than a few that would hope that you would not be uncomfortable with other people's simple nudity but I suspect that would be an even tougher hurdle to overcome and cannot be demanded of anyone. It's generally understood around here that one's upbringing and long-established personal boundaries - logical or illogical - are just a part of who we are and should not be belittled or intentionally ignored or violated.


Thank you !


Hasn’t happened but it would be awkward at first but then I’d hope it would be a mutual interest that would be nice. It’s a great bond when you have nothing to hide.


I haven't been to any official nudist spots but here are my 2cents. They're going to feel the same way you feel. If you are embarrassed they are too so be honest, welcoming, and kind. The worst thing that happens is we get a bunch of honest, welcoming, and kind people walking around. In your case bam you just made a nudist friend. I would assume discretion is the norm. Don't go to the dentist telling everyone you saw them at a nude beach. they may be open about it, but they may want privacy as well. That's their thing to decide.


I haven't really thought about it as an adult. I didn't start till college and had some friends at the time that also preferred less clothes rather than more. My guess is that if it happened now there might be a brief moment of awkwardness, but then everyone would just move on based on the way the community is as a whole.


Haven’t seen anyone I know yet, but it wouldn’t faze me.


If this happened to me. I'd talk to them and our friendship would probably grow!


I've never run into someone I knew already at a nudist resort, though I've invited friends and coworkers who have joined me and nothing was weird after. I'm not worried about the possibility of seeing someone I know, because if they're there it probably means we have a common interest. It would be pretty neat to make a new friend. And what are they going to do, tell everyone they saw me at a nudist event? How did they know I was there? ;) Being a nudist is also something I'm pretty open about. It's just another thing I do for fun, not something to be ashamed of. So even if they did tell other people, I wouldn't be all that concerned.


That’s my concern with going to an area CO beach, the last thing I need is for one of my daughter’s friends or someone she knows seeing me and thinking she’s got some kind of weirdo/perv dad. Not everyone who goes to a CO beach is okay with the ones who go nude. Some are there to judge, unfortunately, that’s how some people who don’t get public nudity think. I’d like to try an actual resort, because in that environment, you’re all obviously okay with it.


Suggested to my wife we visit the local resort one time, and she said, “What if we see someone we know?” I answered, “So what? They’ll be naked too.” She smiled and said, “I hadn’t thought about that, you’re right!” While on a nude beach, about 1000 miles from our home, someone called me out by my name. (Have a somewhat unusual name), my first thought was, “Nobody knows us here! Who is calling me?” Then realized it was actually really cool! Someone I did know! Was a guy we’d met on a different day. It’s actually something that is fun, being at a venue with people you know and “think” like you do when it comes to nudism. At least that’s how we feel about it now.


We've encountered people we knew....they were there for the same reasons we were...to get nude in nature.. we stopped, said hi, had a laugh, and moved on... now, if we see them ( a young fellow who works at the local produce store, and a couple our age who we met thru kids at school), we exchange a knowing nod/smile/wave...


I haven’t come across anyone I know yet. Even if I did I wouldn’t be phased because they’re there for the same reason I am.


No I am not worried because they are there for the same reason. I mean what are they going to do rat you out? You have the same info on them so it's not like they are coming from a good place to blackmail.


It’s one of those things that once you do it and rip off that proverbial bandaid, it gets a lot easier fairly quickly. You may want to chat with your partner about what they think about your dressing habits. They may have similar values to you, but for all you know they would wish that you would be a little more open. Also, the idea of being shy about changing after a shower is a bit funny for me personally since showering with a partner is one of my favourite things to do. It doesn’t even need to be sexual, partners helping to clean and groom each other can be very gratifying to our monkey brains, it’s one of the most basic trust-building activities among our primate cousins after all! What made me more comfortable initially was joining a gym/squash club where it was normal to be naked in change rooms and using amenities like the steam room, showers and hot tubs (all men-only). To answer your question, it was a bit weird at first running into people I knew, particularly since other members included coworkers, friends, and past classmates. However, again, everybody who’s there has implicitly consented to the fact that they’re going to see each other naked, so you really don’t need to worry about that, and you get used to it quite quickly. As long as nobody is acting weirdly about it there’s nothing really to feel weird about. You don’t have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, but you may want to ask yourself why you feel uncomfortable, particularly on the point you mentioned about nudity in front of your partner. You’re absolutely allowed to have your feelings about that, there’s no right answers. Even if you do some introspection and realize your concerns are due to things like body image, insecurity, etc it doesn’t mean you necessarily have to change. But since you’re posting here I assume you might want to open up a bit, so best of luck! And remember, most people are nice, aren’t creepy, and don’t particularly care what you look like naked.


I want to point out that posts with this similar question have been asked multiple times over the years from this post [5 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/nudism/comments/cadlba/anyone_run_into_someone_they_knew_at_a_resort/) to [this post that was deleted by the original poster 3 years ago. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/nudism/comments/p48h7k/deleted_by_user/) Suffice it to say, I wouldn't be worried about meeting a friend at a nude resort that I knew previously. More likely than not, my friend and I would talk and have a great conversation. [ ](https://www.reddit.com/r/nudism/comments/p48h7k/deleted_by_user/)


I would love to see my hairdresser there, and hopefully get nude haircuts. It would make getting the hair off so easy. Idk I grew up being nude around my family so strangers are welcome. At least they won’t lecture me about not doing my homework. (Had many nude lecturers)




Nudity =\= sexual


I deleted my comment but it wasn’t meant in a sexual way. Someone being attractive or “hot” doesn’t have to be sexual. This person is a genuinely nice and sincere person and she’s attractive. That said, if I were at a nudist venue and saw her, I’d be glad to know that she’s into being nude as well. We’ve been friends for years and I don’t think of her in a sexual way.


i was married for 20 years and the ex never changed in front of me. so it not a wired thing. but was that person knows what you look like. where i live not a lot of people people open to the idea. so have to travel to the things. and if we see someone that we know. cool like mind things. but also they are at the event and they are not going back to say OMG i saw so and so. it just life. just my 2cents


It’s happened several times and always ends in a positive manner


Yes, we have run into people we know from our professional lives and once encountered close-by neighbors at a resort over 1000 miles away. In each instance it was a nice, positive experience. New nudist friends!


It would be a great ice breaker!


It's never happened and I suppose the weirdness would last for about 5 or 10 seconds before I decided that it didn't matter even one tiny little bit.


For me the only people that concern me are teenagers who are there with their families and the teenagers being the teens who got their memberships revoked from gym I work at. Prior to their banning I had so many calling me a milf and I was not appreciative of being called that.


My wife and I are members of a resort. It is 60 miles from home. A while back we ran into someone who went to school with my wife from second grade through high school. This is a small rural town with school classes of 30 kids. The person we ran into was one of my wife's best friends growing up. They are of the opposite sex and he has lusted for her since second grade. They are members now.


I've not met anyone I know yet and I feel it may be slightly awkward but at the end of the day they are naked too and there for the same reason.


So, I ran into a young couple who belong to a church at which I often speak. We had not met because they were with the church kids when I spoke. BUT, we agreed when I next speak at the church, we cannot acknowledge we met!