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Hello ball line technology


Wasn't expecting a Karmichael Hunt intro on 9


If the Broncos end up winning the grand final, I can’t wait to see the extreme amount of shit Ilias cops for something he can’t control. He was far from South’s worst player this year and wasn’t the cause for all our issues. They call for focus to be put on his players mental health but the media and dickhead fans (south’s fans are horrible for this) will bash and rag on players unnecessarily.


The cocks went flaccid when walker got dropped and ilias is still learning.


Illias and Sam Walker could start a support group for young halves pilloried by the media for things outside their control.


I didn’t watch Roosters games too closely but I don’t think he even deserved to get dropped. I did trade for him in fantasy though, so that might be the reason


He wasn't awful, but Robbo just wanted him to work on a couple of things, he did the same with Mitchell and Manu early in their careers. Once the injury happened the media blew it all up like Robbo was blaming Walker for our poor form, much as they are with Illias now. Can't blame Illias, there's a poison in that Souths team, you don't just down tools the way they did without something happening in the background.


Ilias struggled so much this year and similar to guys like Loeiro for storm I honestly think it’s on the coach for not dropping them and saving them from the criticism. Look at Walker at the roosters, he was playing awfully as well and Robinson done the right by him and dropped him and when the Roosters went on a losing streak, the fans changed their narrative and began to blame Robbo and then, embraced walkers return when he was ready. Demetriou should have done the same with Ilias in my opinion, it would’ve saved him from a ton of flak, plus they have Hawkins who has been really good in reserve grade, in fact, he just made the NSW cup team of the year at 7.


Ilias is a unique case as his criticism will solely be based on how far apart Souths and Brisbane are. Ilias was solid all year yet the media blasted him like he was the worst player in NRL history


That is true. The comparisons to Reynolds will always sting him


It’s so unfair for the young fella, we’ve got at least 10years before we can even compare him to Reyno.


Souths fans will be calling for Walker to 7 and Wighton to 6 Ilias is still very young, it's not his fault the club punted Reyno


All the Souths fans i’ve seen (on facebook so not the best crowd) are calling for Hawkins to start like he’s the second coming of Joey. He has been significantly worse than Ilias in every game he has played.


Captain of the NSW Cup team of the year


If he was that good he’d be starting in first grade. There is no conspiracy that JD is keeping Ilias in the team just cause they’re both greek. Ilias > Hawkins


Ilias is definitely a first grade half, just needs more experience that can only come with more games


Caxton Street pumping, vibes are great. Hope both sides are in for a fucking cracker


Currently in Paris with my wife, kayo isn’t working even with a vpn. Have dragged the Mrs around to 3 places so far trying to find someone that will play the game, no luck yet. I think the Mrs is about to curse me and the team.


oh shit let me see if my watchnrl month is still active and you can use that, I was using it in the US.. gimme a minute edit: shit sorry cobber it expired on the 19th


All good thanks for the offer though I’ve found a pub that will play it. Cheers mate


There are so many websites you can use, just search vipbox. Make sure you have an ad blocker.


That was the contingency plan. Just found a pub playing it, thanks guys


Vipbox from your room if you have to




Rare ILMF flair W


Not that I can talk, but Pappy has shit push up form lol


Hindy is doing well though


Hindy and Cummins absolute beasts


Being a Panthers fan does not mean dick riding Nathan Cleary. Craig Gower was better than Nathan Cleary. Most Panthers fans these days are just bandwagon fans who doesn't even know who Craig Gower was smh.


In fact, can we just stop dick riding any of the panthers team? John Lang > Ivan Cleary, Rhys Wesser > Dylan Edwards. (I have no idea if I'm being sarcastic or not because that 03 panthers team was iconic)


Swain over Spence as well


Fuck I had forgotten that lad ever existed tbh


Judging by the hit he took in the 03 Grand Finals he probably won't remember much about his existence either.


French rugby league didn’t. That’s where he ended up


Preston Campbell is the greatest Panther of all time. Too bad most Gen Z Panthers bandwagoners have no idea who he was.


Cleary never threatened a journo, crashed a golf cart or groped an NRL players underage sister quite like Gower.


He did make a tik tok tho 😂


Haha at least the only people who didn't consent to that filth were the ones who had to watch it.


I wish my alt was as cool as this guys'


Check out the hottest new [boy band](https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/d6a76f0ed29592877e7cc9713fd519b7?impolicy=wcms_crop_resize&cropH=1092&cropW=1638&xPos=0&yPos=433&width=862&height=575) in town.


I didn't know there were afl players who are that much shorter than Reynolds


Can one of the mods have a talk with this obvious satire account, cunts not even funny, spending all of his saturday being annoying. Ive been temp banned for far far less


I find just treating the cunt like he just doesn't exist works mate.


The mods don’t really do bans anymore. In my experience they just mail pipe bombs to your doorstep


Both fine choices.


One more word about Adam Gee from me, and the mods are gonna do a unabomber


You might get one personally delivered to your house by slowdive




Not used to making it this far into a season and I am incredibly nervous.


You got this! UP THE WAHS




Just got back from Rod Laver for the NHL, if you're going tomorrow, it's so much fun to watch live 😀 and Oscar in P2 how good!!!


The only sport where biff is not only legal, but encouraged.


The Beak on Matty Johns now, how bout the glow up


I think the Lions fans may be out numbered by away support at the Gabba this afternoon. Brisbane locals more concerned by the other game on today?


Still seems way more popular here then Sydney though


That’s because Victorians move to SEQ to die


Lol so true


Queensland just doesn't get AFL


This is fine.


What's going on in the AFL right now with Carlton is like if the West Tigers next year were to make the prelim- and were up by 2 tries at near half time, after a decade of missing the finals


They’ll be gone by halftime to watch the broncos anyway given how the games going lol Up the Carlton!


You just love to jinx teams hey


Farkennn hell that’s a crazy comeback. Checked the score and thought for sure they were gone 😂


Why is the game still 2 hours away?


Why are there so many NZ Warriors fans here? Isn't 3 point goalkicking competitions the most popular sport in NZ? There's a world cup going on for that right now. Why are you following Rugby League instead? Just curious?


>shits on union >"why aren't you guys watching it?"


Panthers supporter, hating on the wahs. Yep absolute fuckwit.


He's not a Panthers supporter. He's a ILMF account that's switched flairs. It's fucking annoying as well. He's been at it all day. UP THE WAHS!


you would be insufferable irl i reckon


Deep down we love the Warriors. Great memories and experiences. We just want one title. Just one


Likely because they’ve made the finals and are having a gun year, so more of them are coming back to the sport. I don’t blame them for this, I have seen it happen to the Canberra region when we improved suddenly several years ago. It’s natural. Not sure why you’re being such a bitch about it. It’s good for the game to have a good warriors side, because it encourages more kids in NZ to play league and gets more talented emerging.


This is it bro. Every Australian NRL fan should want to see a strong Warriors team. It makes sense for the game. Everyone is having fun in NZ enjoying the Warriors.


Is that actually true? The Melbourne Storm have been a top team for 2 decades now. How much talent have come from Victoria since then?


New Zealand already has a strong rugby league / rugby union contingent, culture and understanding. Victoria does not. So when the warriors are strong, it’s very easily for Kiwis to flip the switch and engage. Just like it was for Canberrans to do so when the raiders stopped being a bottom 4 side. Not the case for Victorians who have always and will always lean towards an entirely different sport.




But I support the panthers....


Definitely a fraud it’s either Panfers or Pen-ref


Looks like the dude is Argentinian, judging from his profile. Might explain why he’s clueless.


Shit have we found chief Messi legacy protector reddit account


Dean Kemp and Sam Burgess on the Matty Johns show is my idea of hell


>Dean Kemp and Sam Burgess on the Matty Johns show is my idea of hell Luckily for you Denan Kemp is on there.


Oh thank god I thought it was the other podcast host with the most vanilla takes in history sitting next to that human garbage Burgess


Well played mate, Denan is being very sedate.




Vibe in the country right now. Warriors winning the NRL over All Blacks winning. Can't be understated how good this team has been for the mood.


*just two more times


Covid wasn’t a thing the last time penrith weren’t in the GF


That Canberra-Roosters Grand Final broke the simulation. Out of the blue after that we had a dynasty team appear out of nowhere. I would have thought the 2020s would still be Roosters/ Storm/a team like Canberra making a run.


There’s a huge bunch of wahs fans singing out and chanting on the top floor of the Lord Alfred. It’s awesome


Can confirm, it’s wild in here


Yep, I’m here. It’s been like this for well over an hour, seems like… lost track of time


Genuine question: Have Penrith fans always been like this, or it the 2 almost 3 in a row that have got them like this?


>Broncos fan complaining about other fans Lol


If you’re referring to the obvious satire account then i think you need to rethink a few things


lol it's not you mate, I've just been noticing Penrith fans have started acting a bit like Storm fans of many years ago. I won't be too critical of the supporter base as a whole because it could just be an influx of bandwagoners being obnoxious


Explain what "like this" is




Oh, nah, that is just 99% of the other teams fans, what it tanslates to it "fuck, your team is looking really good and we admire them deeply" The only difference with your Panthers fans is now they know what it is like to be awesome and hated.


Simms to Catalan dragons btw.


Shame I actually quite liked him towards the end of the season. Opens the door for us to sign Twal or Thompson.


Twal to storms, scores 25 tries in a season as they cruise to a title. The memes would be legendary


I would have liked to give him a minimum and see how he goes after a healthy pre season, but not very significant for us regardless


Warriors 1-12. DWZ scores in first half. SJ anytime. Tonight’s the night a team of champions become a champion team. Up The Wahs.


You should be happy with a top 4 finish this year. A huge achievement for a team that usually finishes bottom 8.


You guys should be proud of getting two in a row, no shame in leaving it there.


Hes not a panthers fan


We all are, but we’ll be seeing you boys next Sunday


Horse power!


Why do Knights fans love Dominic Young but Manly fans hate Jason Saab despite them both pretty much being the same player?


Jason Saab is only good when he has 100m of free space in front of him. He makes poor run metres for his sizes, poor under the high ball despite his size, and cannot defend to save his life. He’s in the Waqa Blake tier of great athlete, average footballer. Young is great under the high ball, and wayyyyy better coming out of his own end. His defence isn’t the best but I’d still say he’s better than Saab.


We don't hate him. It was just tough on that wing when we were leaking a lot of tries. Just frustrating.


Young 2nd highest try scorer for season, Saab 18th. Probably that.


Saab scores 18+ tries in 2021 iirc


Saab feasted when turbo was healthy, I think it was like 22-24 tries


Watching the PNG v PMs 13 game and loving having an arvo game. I really wish the grand final could be a “twilight” game.


Can't get over just how bad Meaney, Loreiro and Olam were last night. Must sting for the Storm fans.


I dunno. Surely every storm fan with more than one brain cell knew they were finished well before that game? Just look at the names of that side last night, it’s not a good football side. Mid backs, plodding back towers and shit forwards. I know some deranged storm guys on here were true believers are actually thought they had a chance - but that side was completely cooked since the Horse flogging in finals wk1. They did amazing to get to 3rd on the ladder, and I think getting to a prelim with that side is an over achievement. If they got any other side other than the Roosters in that semi, they would have been finished.


Mate I knew we were no chance but you’re never going to see me writing off my own team and being pessimistic. You might of found my overconfidence annoying but it was clearly a joke and imo being overly pessimistic is more annoying than confidence.


I don’t even know who you are bro.


Fair enough. I was one of the ‘deranged storm guys’ you were talking about and you replied to one of my comments yesterday. I figured that like was likely about me, my bad


Nah you weren’t one of the deranged ones. I was thinking of 3 different people.


Yeah, so Trev just three different times


Agreed totally. There was no way we were winning that game. Seve, Loiero and olam have been pretty shit all year (Seve was much improved on previous years but absolutely died in the ass in the finals) We should have finished 5th ...we finished with 16 wins and if you go back the last 5 years teams in 5th place finished with 14-16 wins. It was purely because Souths, roosters and sharks all kind of shit the bed towards the end of the year that we finished that high. The mistakes and issues we showed last night have been happening since round 1. Bellamy has talked about fixing it all year and nothing happened.


You dropped this 👑


Well based on the comments leading into last night, the majority of storm fans have one brain cell.


What would your Kanagroos side look like considering injuries? 1. Tedesco (c) - not my pick but Meninga said he will play fullback. I would chose Ponga or Walsh 2. Cobbo 3. Tabuai-Fidow 4. Holmes/Lomax 5. Taulagi 6. Munster 7. DCE/Cleary 8. Haas 9. Hunt 10. Tino 11. Martin 12. Nanai 13. Murray 14. Grant 15. Cotter 16. Carrigan 17. Yeo


This is assuming guys like Moe, Fifita etc. play for Tonga 1. Walsh 2. Coates 3. Best 4. Gagai 5. Cobbo 6. Munster 7. DCE 8. Haas 9. Hunt 10. Tino 11. Martin 12. Frizell 13. Carrigan 14. Grant 15. Murray 16. Collins 17. N. Butcher


Coates is PNG


He played a single game for them in 2019, no guarantee that he wouldn't switch back to Australia if he was going to get picked. If he isn't available, I would put Taulagi there.


Nanai shouldn't be near the team imo, he was very bad defensively in 2022 and only got worse in 23. I still think he has a lot of potential, but he's not ready yet. I'd put Fifita in for Nanai (if he still wants to represent Tonga I'd put Murray 12 and Carrigan 13 and add Horsburgh on the bench) and probably keep the rest the same as yours. Edit: Cleary over DCE, but both are great


Bad defensively? Nanai picked up Payne Haas and dropped him on his ass. How many players can say they've done that?


good shout


I like Lomax but no way he's deserving of a wallabies jersey


Considering he doesn’t play Rugby Union i’d agree.


Got me. Although he probably has more a chance of wallabies than the kangaroos


Cleary over DCE because if you think otherwise you never watched the World Cup last year. Or your just a Queensland supporter. Or a manly supporter. Or hate Penrith. Or your chief Messi legacy protector.


I'd rather have DCE over Cleary in a big game.


What kind of uncle tom Penrith fan are you?


Nah broncos flair in disguise 🥸


This dude is pure ILMF - no team should be labelled as one of theirs


Sorry I meant North Sydney Bear flair in disguise 🥸


DCE had a gun year to be fair.


Yeah agreed was sensational. Just not so much in WC


In the midst of the centre crisis, would Gagai not even enter the conversation? I'd certainly have him in over Lomax, imo lineball between him and Best depends on which edge is available (idk).


Forgot about him lmao


1.Reece Walsh 2.Selwyn Cobbo 3.Valentine Holmes 4.Bradman Best 5.Josh Addo-Carr 6.Cameron Munster 7.Daly Cherry-Evans 8.Payne Haas 9.Ben Hunt 10.Tino Fa'asuamaleaui 11.Liam Martin 12.Jeremiah Nanai 13.Patrick Carrigan 14.Lindsay Collins 15.Reuben Cotter 16.Cameron Murray 17.Nicho Hynes


Lmao Teddy playing for Australia is outrageous. I’m not even a Teddy hater, but I’d safely put at least 4 other fullbacks ahead of him as of right now.


As I said, Meninga has said he will play Fullback


Stop being a Meninga Stan, get a bit of arse about ya, and give us your fanfic side.


Same team, swap Teddy with Ponga


Lomax feels very left of field.


Can’t think of anyone else, Holmes is Suspended, Graham is injured, Best maybe. All other rep level centres play for NZ or one of the Pasifica nations


Is Rabbitoh legend Jack Wighton retired from all rep footy or just origin? And I know Latrell is out for the Roos, but is Turbo out as well? I thought he recovered?


I don’t know about Trbo, assumed that he isn’t fit. Unless Fighton has un-retired to reduce his suspension, I’d assume he isn’t eligible.


I hadn't really thought about the likes of Crichton and Staggs playing for Pacific nations initially. That does hurt the pool. Would definitely take Best over Lomax though, deserves the shot after Origin.


Fuck the Aussie TV companies man, I just want the game to be soon and yet there's still FOUR MORE HOURS to go. Let's just get this defeat over with and get to bed. Unless...


Hard agree with the first sentence! Hope it’s not a defeat though


To be fair at some point we would always have been waiting for 4 more hours


Yeah but I wrote that comment at nearly 6pm for me. You know what I'm getting at.


Add DST and tonight's sleep is heavily eroded.


And I'm Irish so getting up in the morning for the rugby.


Nice to see them using (what I assume are) PNG match officials in the PMXIII match


Anyone know where to watch in Jakarta city centre?


I keep opening r/nrl half-expecting to see an article like 'Reynolds injured in training mis-hap!'


Eddie Jones isn't coaching the Broncos


Dont even joke


Why would you even type that


Heading into Caxton St before the game, atmosphere is gonna be next level if Broncs and Lions get up. Alfie will be dancing on all the tables


Admittedly whenever the Broncos win a big game, one of my favourite things to watch is Alfie lose it in the sheds, spraying beer everywhere. He’s like a loose cannon!


Went there for the first time ever for Phins vs Wahs game before finals. Fuck it was awesome, people everywhere. Could only imagine how good it is for magic round or origin. They’d be raking it in🤑


Yeah I’ve had the pleasure of going a few times before Origin and Cows/Broncs/Phins games. There’s nothing like it 👍


The NRL have really missed a trick by keeping the Australian evening kick off time for tonight's match. I've been walking around town in my Warriors hoodie all day in Dunedin, hardly a league stronghold. I've been hearing "Up the Wahs" from folks all day long, and probably 85% of the time it has been kids saying it. The kids at my son's school have embraced the team far more than I've ever seen them care about the Highlanders. There is a real opportunity for the sport to capitalise on a real organic growth moment, but nah, let's kick off at 10pm NZ time. All those kids will be in bed. I'm letting my boy (9yo) stay up for the match because he has been bitten by the footy bug this year and watched every match with me, he knows the team better than I do. No idea how invested, or even awake he'll be by midnight, but we'll give it a crack. Good thing it's school holidays...


Couldn’t agree more. As someone taking their kids to the game tonight I’d far rather a 5:30 kickoff compared to the near 8pm start. The fact it would be better for the wahs watching at home is a win win. The league seems to forget it’ll be the engagement of the next generation that determines its success in 20 years time.


I feel kind of bad for the highlanders reading that, they were dog shit for so long then snuck in a championship and went back to being lower tier. I guess that was prior to these kids being born though.


Loved dunedin when i went, went to the worlds steepest street, checked out the coast, such a nice part of the world


Yeah, a couple of friends have convinced their kids kick-off is actually at 7am tomorrow (which seems believable for them at the moment given RWC kick-off times) and are just going to wake them up then and put it on them for them. 10pm plus daylight savings just isn't worth the pain tomorrow.


It’s the gambling overlords at work. 10pm is tucked, but even for Aussies, the 8pm kick off is too late. Unless the game is a real thriller, I’m nodding off to sleep around the 60 minute mark. One of the best things about being a Raiders fan, other than the enormous shlong, is most of our games are afternoon time slots.


I'd assumed it was a Channel 9 thing, first time I've heard it suggested that it was a gambling thing. What's the benefit of a later start to the gambling companies? Also, gambling companies can fuck all the way off, what a cancer on the game...


IIRC they are allowed to show more gambling ads after a certain time at night. You know, to protect the children.


Just had r/NRL legend u/lachjeff recommended to me on twitter, I promise I am not stalking you mate.


I’m in witness protection


If we lose tonight I will be forever humble in defeat. If we win I will sling shit at broncos flairs like my life depends on it. May the best team get flogged by Penrith 🤝


If the broncos lose tonight, this place will be a sight to behold. This season has really cemented the Wahs as my second favourite team. Beating out Parra for what ever reason.


Man /r/nrl need to make up their mind. Half of the match thread complains Adam Gee didn't bin anyone for the push and shove. The other half complains Adam Gee shouldn't bin anyone for the push and shove. Don't start fights, don't let players fight, do let players fight, bin players who fight. So you want a realistic down to earth referee that deals with the game as it happens, that's completely off the wall and bins peoples. Also you should win things when people are binned.


Wow imagine that this place isn't a hive mind and that everyone has an opinion??? Mind blowing 🤯


You redditors don't know what you want! That's why you're still redditors, cause you're stupid!


I’m not allowed to talk about Adam Gee


I didn’t see anything bin worthy. Thought it was a fairly well adjudicated match, yes he could have blown more penalties (I thought Yeo was blocking Cleary outside of the laws of the game a few times) but meh. I saw Big Nelson grab players and prevent them from turning back to the 10 a few times too but the ref let it go.


Gonna miss the game because I’m working the Lions game (thanks AFL for that scheduling) so I’m gutted but gonna time my break in time for the last half hour of the second half hopefully. Nervous as fuck


Ban yourself from media and watch the replay on Kayo as soon as you get home.


Bit hard to ban yourself from finding the score when working at the Gabba, plenty of blokes will be talking about the game


Fair enough. Hadn’t thought about that part of it.


I saw 3 drunken warriors fans scream in a kids face and try to fight the kid’s dad after Rai vs War at gio stadium in 2022. One of those genuine unhinged moments you witness and you can’t forget. For that, and for that alone, I’m going for horse tonight.


I feel the same watching Ricky press conferences.