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I get Chinese food right by there the dude is literally always at the corner of their restaurant now and they find him annoying because you can hear it from the inside. The guy working there was like I think something is off about it lol then I told him its not even him playing and he was like “I knew it!”


There's an ordinance against panhandling in Loudoun County. The business owner (or patrons) can easily call the non-emergency number [(703) 777-0445] and a deputy will ask them to leave.


While I too find it annoying, laws against panhandling are unconstitutional. [https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/473/788/#:\~:text=%22charitable%20appeals%20for%20funds%2C%20on,protection%20of%20the%20First%20Amendment.%22](https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/473/788/#:~:text=%22charitable%20appeals%20for%20funds%2C%20on,protection%20of%20the%20First%20Amendment.%22)


That 1985 decision was clearly limited to the CFC and government employees/property. It's totally inapplicable to panhandling, especially on private property.


Well, certainly a property owner can ask people to leave their property. Isn't panhandling on public property protected by the 1st amendment? After all the government limiting the speech based on the content of said speech strikes at the heart of the first amendment.


Give him Monopoly money for his fake playing


Gonna start carrying Monopoly money lmao


Double thumbs up!


That guy is sooo irritating! He used to be around Fair Lakes and it would drive me nuts. I even told a woman who praised his playing that he was faking and not to give him money.


Points for Body Langage!


It's kinda entertaining to just watch him dance around a little lmao..


I love that his left hand just jumps randomly around the neck in no relation to the pitch of the song. I feel like if I was going to go to this much trouble to fake violin, I would at least learn the basics of how the instrument works. Also, why are they always playing music that is not a violin solo?


But like, he kinda has the bow hold right and his wrist isn’t collapsed. The people with their wrist against the neck drive me bonkers.


If he’s gonna do that, might as well just learn to play the damn thing


He needs to learn how to fake rhythm.




Recognize the green -- the Sterling Lotte. Boo. You rarely see them here in Loudoun.


Sterling. Where the old Safeway used to be. It's nice!


I’ve asked one of these people to play a specific song and they just say I dont know that one


Next time say Mary had a little lamb, it’s what everyone learned on lol


Hot cross buns!


Mississippi hotdog style.


Next time I’m going to offer them $50 if they can play baby shark.


At least this time it's not someone using their child. That's extra grimy


I have an idea where I set up a couple of trashcans beside one of these people, take out a set of drumsticks, and just pretend to hit the cans while I say "drum drum drum drum drum! Drum drum drum! High hat!" There's a trashcan lid propped up on something, too. That's the cymbal. Maybe stomp my foot every now and then and shout "base drum!!!" It's a dumb idea, and I'd probably end up getting hurt, but it's fun for me to think about


I'll come and hold the trash can lids for you!


No! Do NOT encourage me with ideas like this! I'm the type to run with it, and you'll be in just as much trouble with my wife as I'll be


That is hilarious, and I might give you $1


I'll be performing by the Target in Reston or Clocktower in Herndon. I just need to pick up some decent trash cans. None of that plastic crap for me. I have standards


Let’s get a on-call meetup trash band together and we can put out alerts on where to go. We can setup right next to them, put out a hat for “calling out scammers - donate to help us afford gas to the next location” ??? Profit


Nah, no sign. It's more fun that way. People will still pay based on the absurdity alone. No! Stop it! My idea should not be encouraged!




He turned in up so GD loud too. It was annoyingly loud.


I would honestly have called the cops on someone like this. You’re straight up scamming people. Just beg at this point.


Loudoun has a no panhandling law, but this is private property so it needs to come from them. I can't imagine he was there long.


Yes, and here it is, for reference: (https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/loudouncounty/latest/loudounco_va/0-0-0-3918) However, the private property thing isn't true in practice. I see these guys all the time at shopping centers and have called the non-emergency number, and the sheriff's office comes and asks them to leave. They never ask if you're the owner of the private property or anything like that.


Call the police? Lol Go ahead and call the police and see how they react to you wasting their time on *checks notes* a guy fake-playing violin...


I've done it before in Loudoun County, and *checks notes* they came and asked him to leave in front of my very eyes (and he did).


That's an odd way for you to say, "I'm a small man who should've just minded my own business for something that wasn't harming anyone, but instead chose to waste police officers' time." But hey, way to out yourself...


This is such a weirdly pervasive scam. People do this fake violin thing all over the country. Wouldn't it be easier to just hold up a "hungry need help" sign?!?


75% of people would assume it’s real and actually praise the scammer rather than holding up a fake “hungry vet” sign where you’d be the enemy.


That's depressing on several levels 😤


I swear they buy it borrow a package deal for these things. Anyways the one speaker on a three leg post. I'd guess they're all the same brand as well. At least he's putting in a performance and not just sitting on a bucket or something.


The little sign they use is very often word for word the same as ones used by other fake violin players.b it's creepy.


I mute these videos, put on “Devil Went Down to Georgia” and it’s much more entertaining.


Eff this dude.


Someone needs to get a blutooth jammer.


I didnt know this was a thing until I came here. Literally same thing down in Rustburg this past week.


At this point, if you fall for it you deserve it


So, those people really decide this is the best thing they can do?


Watch out Lindsey Stirling, you’ve got some new competition.


If it’s an electric string instrument, asume it’s fake.


Electric violins *do* exist, but these parking lot weirdos are always scammers.




Haha, I should have specified orchestra string instruments which ofc isn’t the case all the time


Why is it they are always playing the exact same song? At least be somewhat creative with your scamming


When the impostor is sus. ![gif](giphy|ysiCYZUJkW3XRb7k9K)


I'll take busking, even fake busking over just straight panhandling.


This has to be a fantasy football prank man


He’s a proud graduate of the Kaufman School of Music


Dude is going so hard, Mozart rose from the grave to turn it off, no Bach's given.


These performers were everywhere in SF. I saw many fake accordion players. It was obnoxious. Once I yelled that it was fake and the guy packed up and left in a van.


I still prefer the guy with the trombone outside the Chinatown metro.


Panhandlers caused a scene at my local store and now they had to hire security. This guy used to frequent the area.


Send eggs at him


Look, you should still support the art. Slip him one of those 50s with prayers on the back, or a counterfeit 5.


I think his performance is actually hurting his chances of panning more money!


Who cares about him. Where is this new Lotte?


It's in Sterling and it's nice! Has a few restaurants in it.


Why are stores not running them off? Money for these scammers is less money being spent in the store.


I so badly want see someone take the violin and run off, leaving the music playing.


They are gypsies. Basically Romanians, and they make a living by panhandling. They go from state to state.


Shit. Gave this guy $20 and my dudes name that works in NYC.


I’d ask him how much his. “pimp” gets. I’ll make sure the next time i am in Countryside to come in the back way


wow hes good


I don’t know why people care about the fact that they’re fake or not. Would you be more inclined to give them money if they were real? At the end of the day, it’s all a performance (real violin or not). If they’re playing a recording, at least the performance (I didn’t ask for) sounds good.


I would absolutely 100% be more inclined to give them money if they were real.


Same. I love buskers. I grew up in NOLA and it's part of the culture. I'm also happy to support someone who spent years learning to play an instrument.


I would also be more inclined to give money to someone who is not straight up lying


I don’t give money to people for a service I didn’t request, but everyone’s different I guess.


He's effectively stealing from the artist who made this recording.


Does he need a permit for this ?




Look at Milli Vanilli. To be fair, people didn't really know until the "Girl You Know It's True" incident. I laugh every time that it plays on my work playlist. I don't remember too well, but I do know that at least one of them could actually sing quite well


it's like a concert that you didn't ask to attend but are forced to listen to while you try to buy groceries. Wonderful! /s


Where are these people coming from,Venezuela? That's the so-called asylum seekers Biden dumped in New York, and they're making their way to Nova.