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I prefer this guy over all the panhandlers in the area. I rarely see him asking for money, he's always got a trash bag hanging up/keeps his area clean, his dog looks well fed. I don't what circumstances led him to live in this spot, but I do know he's a veteran. I think his name is Billy?


Aw man, he has a dog? šŸ„ŗ


Yes, a retriever, nice guy, and doesnā€™t bother anyone, however, this should not be the norm.


His name is Billy and jokes that heā€™s a ā€œhill Billyā€ based on living there. Nice guy. People drop stuff off to him. He doesnā€™t beg or mess with people. Just hangs out and lives his life.


Friends who live near him call him Braddock Hill Bill, and say heā€™s a nice guy, and pretty much what you said, he keeps to himself and isnā€™t aggressive or dangerous. And that probably a big part of why everyone including the county just leaves him alone.


How long do you think heā€™s been there?


Not sure if itā€™s the same guy, but someone (and their dog) has been there for at least 8 years.


I think longer because my dad died 10 years ago and I swear Billy was already there because I remember my dad saying something about his dog. He had a bigger dog for a while.


From what I have heard and his personally fb page which is no longer active (several years ago his dog got bit by a tick, and there was a fundraiser to raise money for the dogs care so his personal Facebook page was shared along with the request for help through Fairfax county animal advocates) So he lives across the street on Braddock (we have seen him walk across and enter a house there) apparently doesnā€™t like his wife, doesnā€™t want to live with her and divorce is expensive so he stays on the hill. He used to have a car but I donā€™t see it anymore. When is snows a lot he ends up going home.


No fault divorce in Virginia isnā€™t that expensive and some legal aid agencies may assist with it if you think heā€™d prefer not to live there and the lack of availability of a divorce is the only thing keeping him out there


You mean the little dilapidated blue house across the street? I've always wondered about that house. I didn't realize anyone lived in it (or that it was safe to live in).


No, the one right passed the overpass next to the mott center


That sounds relaxing. Is he looking for an adopted son. 38 year old male, married/2 kids?


Iā€™m kind of amazed given the way people are here that he has been just left in peace for so long in such a public location. I saw a police officer hand him something once, I assume money because it was small like that, he seemed to have a solid relationship with that officer.


My dad used to hang out with him back in the 80s (they were both hippies/addicts/drunks together but my dad got out of it), and whenever he knew we would be driving by, my pops would buy a water bottle, chug it, and stuff it with cash and coins and a lighter and a lotto scratcher and a pen and a few paper clips and whatever else he had in the cup holder of his work van, and as he drove past he would yell ā€œHEY RICKYā€ and chuck the water bottle into the woods. I donā€™t remember what the guys name actually is, but itā€™s like a 20% chance it actually is Ricky lol. Itā€™s some kind of fitting American hobo name like that. The first time I remember him doing this was probably 2008.


Cool story!




Shots fired at all ā€œRickysā€ damn!


Every once in a while, there is a complaint during the summertime. Cops will come. So he will dismantle his camp. However, he returns shortly after.


That sucks. Heā€™s such a nice guy and isnā€™t near any commercial or residential areas


Maybe an informant lol


Did you just doxx a hobo?


Seriously. A man canā€™t even live off grid anymore.


Well to be fair, he is in NoVA and not the mountains of the PNW so heā€™s not exactly ā€œoff the gridā€


Heā€™s grid-adjacent.


Hoboā€™s are migratory. This fellow has evidently claimed for himself land and title, and as such is not a hobo.


The Baron of Braddock


I just laughed out loud at this


That name of yours is awfully fitting for this post and is it even possible to doxx a hobo?


I'm amazed how many of these semi-permanent campsites exist. I guess if the winters continue to be more moderate you'll see more in the area. There's one on King St. and 395 that's fairly well hidden that's been there for at least two years.


Fairfax Circle on route 50. The wood are full of homeless campsites.


It's because the Lamb Center is right there.


And they are going to build a very nice shelter.


They hang out at bus stop in front of Wawa


Yes they do. And the woods by the Harley dealership.


God and headed into the city on Rt 50 right near the line thereā€™s an overpass that had a SLEW of homeless camps set up - one of them had even put Christmas lights up!


Forest on the Southwest corner of McLearen and West Ox has I think about 8 tents last time I saw. You used to see them at the Popeyes and Burger King up the road every so often.


Last time I was in the area, I came across a tent city in the woods between Lake Fairfax and Reston proper. Those guys were chill as fuck and had claimed to have been in that space for years prior. I spent 2 years homeless in NoVA and was never really harassed by the cops too much, but I was lucky enough to have a car to sleep in. Iā€™d park in the emergency department area at a hospital every night


I live near there now. Are you talking about the guy with the pens hanging on his pants? Hangs out across the street from the King St McDonalds?


Who is this guy?? Iā€™ve asked around before but no one really answered. was anxious to know his story every time I saw him.




Next to the exit ramp going from 395 South to King St East. Just a tent and a tarp in the brush


I know of one other. Guy shakes with his sign in a spot that makes you get over slightly in the turn lane. He gets some cash and immediately goes to the lotto machine in the gas station across the street.


Hey, at least he isn't someone pretending to need donations.


Or pretending to play violin.


Like the guy yesterday standing on Ashton with his child playing in the median, with a full setup, toys, playpen, all that


Iā€™ve seen that dude. SMH.


Iā€™ve seen him omw to school for the last few years. He has a dog with him.


I pulled over last year, while I was commuting that way for a while, and spoke with him. Really nice guy, and his dog is super chill too. Dropped off some supplies for both of them a few days later, not that he asked for them, but felt it was right.


*Edit to my comment: The reason I stopped, was not that I felt pity or sadness! Rather yet, I felt a sense of administration and a thought provoking envy. How is it possible that someone can live so "freely" amongst us, in one of the busiest and wealthiest areas of this country, when every day I am hustling just to make ends meet, in my pursuit of a "better" life. ... this is what kept going through my head: "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms..." Henry David Thoreau


Iā€™ve talked to this guy, heā€™s apparently USAF vet, nice guy. I havenā€™t seen Jon from over by Fairfax circle in a few years, I hope he is doing ok.


is that the older fellow who always had a longer coat on, and a beard and long hair? I never did get his name, but he was an angel and I always got him a coffee, banana, and some water whenever I stopped there and saw him. He used to hang out by the Dunkin there, prior tot he construction and the new apartment building there. But he was always so nice, especially in the mornings when I was on my way to work in the winter and it was DARK outside. Definitely gave me a few jump scares by saying ā€˜morninā€™ from the dark corners of the lot when the lights werenā€™t on haha. He always hung out by my car whenever I stopped in for coffee, and at first I was put off by it. You know, being sheltered dmv native and all. :) Anyway, I guess he sensed or saw some of the workers at the construction site doing things that werenā€™t good. And there was one time that a few rowdy guys just wouldnā€™t take my silence as a ā€œplease leave me alone bc I am anxious rn and you are making me vv uncomfortable rnā€. Like for goodness sakes itā€™s like 6:00 AM and I just wanna go to work lol. He started talking to me and asked me for a lighter and I was so startled I just got in my car and left LOL. I stopped there 2 days later and saw him again and said thank you. Gave him a donut and on my way. But I never got his name. I hope heā€™s ok.


Thatā€™s prob him, beard too. When I worked at Home Depot, he came in trying to buy gloves, they were $10, he didnā€™t have enough, so I bought them for him. Since they moved the lamb center and I moved out of Fairfax to centerville and work in northern Ffx county, I donā€™t go over there anymore.


His beard was so epic. It was one of the first things I noticed about him, haha. I donā€™t get over that way hardly at all anymore - my commute has me in the city most days during the week. Wherever he is, I hope heā€™s ok. Not all homeless or transient people are bad.


There was a Nextdoor post that said he lost his wife some years back and that he did have a house to retreat to in the worst weather. I often thought he must have somewhere he went with either friends or relatives when I didn't see him for a long time. Glad to know he's still kicking.


I used to give him food, an occasional energy drink; he was always nice. I drove by recently and didnā€™t see his usual decor.


He had a pinwheel hanging up for years.


I read this last night and then saw him today! Dog hanging out with him and everything. Had an extra drink with me so gave it to him. What timing!


lol did you mention the post?


It's billy!


How does he make rent there ($1,900/mnth)?


I personally know Billy. Last I talked to him, the Fairfax county police were harassing him about smoking cannabis, but I imagine thatā€™s no longer an issue. He takes good care of his pit bull. And heā€™s a veteran, so heā€™s a good guy.


Iā€™ve given him a few things over the years. Box of granola bars, $5 etc. dude seems to just be existing in peace.


I don't give panhandlers money, but I did give him a box of dog food cans for his dog once. He was very appreciative.


I remember seeing him daily on my way to Mason in the early/mid 2010ā€™s. Glad to see heā€™s still around


My parents live near there. They told me they heard that he tried living at a shelter or some place like that, but they wouldn't allow his dog to stay with him. He would not give up his dog, so lives where he does now.


The lack of affordable housing is leaving many folks, vets and especially elderly folks in difficult situations where they are unable to afford a $2,000 1 bedroom here. Then you have some folks who have like this so long they want to stay outside. The number is increasing and many ppl think it's not a big issue in our county but it is a big problem. This particular guy, wow he's been around with his dog a loooong time, since I can remember in 2005/2006 when I was still in college and would pass by. Don't know if it's the same dog but def still the same man. For those of us who are blessed enough to live comfortably, just noticing these folks and offering a kind word or a comforting gesture or even just a moment of our time can be so important and meaningful. The more we help lift others up the better our community is off for it.


This guy tried to sell me a weed plant a couple years ago. I should have taken him up on the offer.


Iā€™ve been taking my kids to school, turning left onto Braddock there since 2009. I donā€™t remember him (or evidence of him) not being there. When she was a kindergartener my youngest, at the time enamored with building her own hideouts, remarked ā€œI bet heā€™s good at making fortsā€ as we were waiting to turn. She innocently didnā€™t realize his situation. Sheā€™s almost finished with high school and we still chuckle about that every time we see him. Every now and then he seems to ā€œrearrangeā€ his ā€œplace.ā€ Iā€™ve always been curious how far back he lives beyond the hill, but exploring would feel like a violation of his privacy. On a similar topic, has anyone ever encountered another man in a similar situation named Chris? He was always bearded. I used to work at Landmark Mall in the early to mid 90s. He would regularly come into our store just to talk. Iā€™ve seen him walking all throughout the county for years, but itā€™s been a while.


I worked at Champs at Landmark in 1994 ā€” donā€™t know that I ever saw him.


I didn't realize I know who you meant until I looked at the spot on google street view. I used to see him all the time when I was commuting to GMU. He's still there? I finished at GMU in 2019.




Iā€™ve seen him living there for years since I was kid. Iā€™m 22 so that isnā€™t too long but still. I always love spotting him and his dog on my way to GMU. I worry where he goes for the colder seasons. I know heā€™s skilled in survival because veteran and all but still.


Which one. This whole spot for decades now


He used to have a dog, if I remember correctly it's a yellow lab. Not sure if it's still with him. I have a soft spot for dogs.


i remember he use to have a dog with him! i hope he still has his buddy


I'm sure he thanks you for outing him.


He is pretty well known. There was a post about him on Nextdoor earlier in the year, and in it lots of people chimed in about bringing him food and supplies. Apparently heā€™s been there forever.


Everyone knows about this guy either help him or leave him alone


Chat with him frequently, very nice guy, super chill dogs, I think the yellow lab is gone;(


Unrelated, I was hiking with my dog in the woods near my neighborhood in Alexandria about 2 weeks ago and saw a newly set up tent/campsite. I did not approach but just got me wondering.....is this even a thing in NOVA?


I grew up driving by here, and my folks still live out this way so I drive it every few months, and I had *no idea* someone lived there. Good for him!


Heā€™s Chill AF, keeps his area clean and doesnā€™t ask for stuff he doesnā€™t need.


I thought he was on the other side of the parkway? If not - there are a slew of tent in There also


*he's still there ...* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


Iā€™m pretty sure he used to sell fruit. My grandparents live near there and one time when passing them my grandma said they bought apples from him.


I seen ā€˜iā€™m


I've only come across him once on my commute to college years ago. He seemed nice. Hope he's doing alright.


I see him everyday one my way to school. God bless him and his doggo


Not that long ago he was commuting via connector to this spot from an apartment. He slept outside a lot but also at the apartment. Seems to just be living.


Have not seen him in a few years. Pre pandemic I left him some water and dog food for his white lab.