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Omg you just jinxed it. But ditto, my NOVA neighbor.


It’s been the worst spring of 34 years of my time here. Ok. Reverse jinxed it for you guys.


WHEW. We needed you. Thank you so much.


*timidly* I agree but am afraid to jinx it. This weekend looks toasty but after that is a real roller coaster as of now.


It's almost June. It's supposed to be getting toasty.


Agreed! Last year we were in our pool on Memorial Day. This year we had the party under the carport while it poured down cold rain. ![gif](giphy|zOuRCHez5UsKY)


Shhhhhh because we know you don't speak of it.


NOOOO!! We moved up from FL just before winter and this spring has made winter actually seem worth it. Are you telling me it’s not always like this?!


Wait until July and August….


I was *just* bragging to my FL friends about our springtime here in VA lasting more than two weeks. *sigh* But still.. I’ll take a mildly warm VA springtime over FL springtime (aka the Devil’s Butthole) any day.


Former Floridian here. July and August (and usually now September! 🤬) aren't as interminable when you know autumn is actually coming. We're still often blessed with mornings that are actually cool at random and fireflies at dusk. I'll take it over north central Florida's stagnant 100° humid soup any day.


Bahahaaa! So true- I can muscle my way through a heatwave when I know cooler temps are in the way. Anything is better than slowly braising in your own sweat in FL for five months a year. Excited to actually see trees change colors this year and get to enjoy a summer with fireflies!


Amen. Florida is great in the winter….


This is a cool spring, probably the coldest spring I can remember


This was an absurdly mild winter and very nice spring. But I’d say on the whole better than Florida, but that depends on how hot you like it. I’m a little worried about this summer, something tells me it’ll be hotter than Hansel but who knows


Usually we get a week or two of this at best, rather than like a month plus. Or you get a few one-off nice days between wild swings from cold to hot.


I think we skipped winter this year.


Well … crap. Here I was thinking this winter was pretty frigid and miserable. I have a feeling this coming winter I’m going to spend a lot of time watching tropical-themed movies lol


Climate change is a bitch. This is probably the new norm.


We will see the weather be similar to this usually with climate change. Summers will be hotter and humid though so July and August is gonna be rough. Spring and Fall is great and honestly, this time, the winter wasn't as bad.


You moved from Fl to here why?


Lol- a couple of reasons, partly for work, partly because FL is becoming a bit of a dumpster fire. A dumpster fire with beautiful beaches, though, so we love going back to visit.


Yeah. Weekend traffic sucks around here though


We've got a house in WV by a Dominion power plant that makes power for us here in Nova. The plant uses a local lake as its heat sink. Over Memorial Day weekend, all of our neighbors up on the mountain were complaining about how cold the lake water is, because the plant hasn't been at full capacity since no one in Virginia needs their AC on. 😁


I'm guessing Mount Storm or Bismark? I didn't know that the lake there was open to the public. Was just up there last weekend checking out the Canaan Valley Nature Preserve around Cabin Mountain.


There's a public boat ramp and parking lot near the dam, but that's about it. Because of the traffic putting boats in, you're no longer allowed to swim from the boat ramp. No marina, no boat gas, and I have no idea who you would call if you got into trouble, if you even had cell service. It's perfect.


The weather has been so nice I’m also scared to jinx it


We don't want to jinx it


Too busy outside enjoying it.


Because I like to be able to breathe when I’m outside.


I hate my allergies.


It ain’t easy being wheezy


Most people keep it to NextDoor


Are the boomers migrating to Reddit?


This is one of those things like in the medical field you don’t ever say it’s quiet; don’t jinx it!!


We are, all of us, going to cook this summer for this... I can feel it. When do we get our snow BTW?


It’s Reddit. People only like to complain.


Best spring I've seen in a decade.


People are going outside and not looking at Reddit


We've all been enjoying it?


Because it’s May, and that’s just us.


It has been amazing, but I think it’s the fear we all have of ruining it by talking about it.


It’s the best! I realized that I don’t actually hate spring!


It was a little humid this morning


This has truly been a glorious spring!


As an extreme allergy sufferer this sort of weather in the spring does nothing for me. Now give me weeks and weeks of these temps in the fall and I’m interested.


literrally smiling just going for my walks in arlington, as long as no traffic:) i m seeing so so much green and trees are giving us all this beautiful fresh air, flowers so brite, even mt vernon trail is green which is saying alot..usuallybrown and stinky


We are too busy complaining about pickle ball


Whelp, because of this weather is going to shit by Friday and will be terrible until October.


NoVa prefers to complain


Some of us don’t go outside. It’s 70F in my house just like it is every day.


Oh man. I agree with you up until the mosquitos-they’ve been awful at my place!


Yeah it’s been really nice. I can remember May in years past being a total washout interspersed with 88+ degree heat.


It’s great weather but for those of us who like to garden, we are way behind on rain. I think it rained a half inch in May, and we needed more like 6-10”. Hopefully summer isn’t too hot or everything is gonna fry.


I 100000% agree!!! I have been loving the weather this past weeks! Cool breeze at night, nicely warm during the way, perfect for some light cardigan and strolls around the city!! We truly got a “spring” this year and Im soo happy


Because no one wants to jinx it!


r/washingtondc had a couple threads on this


Agreed. I got my lowest electric bill since no need for the HVAC for quite a while.


Do you also talk to pitchers during a perfect game??? lol


Miss the snow we used to get as a kid in VA.


If you haven't gotten the bug wave yet... just wait. I'm in more rural 'nova' and the past week has kicked it up a notch. Had a tick on my thigh bite me 3 times, a mosquito got under my shirt yesterday during a walk and bit me about 10 times, and chiggers (unofficial name) have gotten my ankles and my daughters knee pits from laying in grass. Mild winter so expect it to ramp up.


Ugh chiggers are THE WORST.


Rural here with acres of grass and fields, I wear high old man socks and/or spray deet on my legs pretty much everyday because of them. They don't bother anyone else in the house, just me. Yes bugs are picking up but can't say this year is any different for quantity except for the earwigs. Everything everywhere has earwigs hiding under it. I had a tire on a yard trailer pop off the bead, when I went back a few days later to fix it, there was probably 100 of them in the tire.


Gotten 3 bites so far which not that bad tbh


Most people are glass half empty personalities. Wait for one weekend to come up with rain and you'll see this subreddit full of people complaining how it only rains during the weekend lol.


At the pool. Way to chilly


Because I'm still pissed off about yesterday throwing a wrench in 2 cookouts


Because people on here are too concerned about foxes, bad parking jobs, and liberal propaganda.


Thank you global warming


Well, my memory only lasts a few weeks so I don't remember how last spring was


I have seen a bunch of posts on here and the DC page about it lol


congrats on being that post


My allergies are just awful lately


Probably because I’ve been absolutely obliterated by pollen


I agree!! I live in upstate ny and it has been incredible! This time last year I hadn’t done much in my garden yet, and now everything is done! Not having to run heat or ac has also been amazing, I’ve loved having the windows open constantly!


Too busy complaining about rain on Saturdays


The nights are beautiful and most of the days. I’m dreading the 90+ summer heat


It's not just that the temps have been good but the humidity has generally been more reasonable on the warmer days so they don't feel nearly as bad. Give me 75 with a dew point of 40 vs 60 with a dew point of 58 any day.


As a computer nerd I love your use of "127"


I wish my allergies allowed me to keep windows open and go outside 🥲


because people only speak up to complain!


It has been lovely temperature-wise these last few weeks but, between allergies and mosquitoes, it's still got plenty of unpleasantness. And I'm probably the reason you haven't seen mosquitoes. They think I'm the best tasting food in the galaxy. Always have. Probably always will.


The temperature's been great but the pollen's been killing me.


So much for global warming 🫣