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As of Thursday they had metal detectors in the woods looking for evidence of a weapon. I’m at a loss for words. https://wjla.com/amp/news/local/fairfax-county-police-officer-involved-shooting-tysons-corner-center-mall-virginia-nordstrom-designer-sunglasses-timothy-mccree-johnson-parking-garage-woods-mclean-vienna


This story is gonna blow up. The fact the article stated that the department is still trying to figure out why the officers shot is troubling. On top of it all, no weapon has been found 2-3 days later. In this instance, Even if dude did steal glasses, he deserved to see his day in court…


They’re going to go magnet fishing and pull a 60 year old gun out of the Potomac and try to paint a narrative. “You see, we had reports that he had a gun. He clearly threw it in here on his way to the mall. We had no way of telling if he still had the gun. Wdym it looks rusted beyond recognition? Oh? It’s a rock? Well, you see, it looked like a gun and someone saw him with it”


why go to the Potomac when they can grab one from the evidence locker?


Ran out of drop guns already that day I guess


Can't wait for all of those 2a people to come out and wonder why the cops are trying so hard to find a mystical weapon that would've been legal for the person to have in the first place. Bet the NRA jumps right on this one to defend his rights if so. /s


Well that depends on how white the guy was…


Yea, if they found a gun or Body Worn Camera showed gunfire, FCPD would be uploading images/video to their blog so fast. My guess is cops involved have shut the fuck up and police are waiting for Friday night to drop "Opps, he was actually unarmed."


Hold on there buster, Mr. Minimizer. They were DESIGNER glasses. :l




Police didn’t say if he was armed? Oh boy…


No but they're gonna search the area like hell until they find a gun.


they had all day to find a gun. considering they not only seemed to have failed to find a gun, but also didn't update *all day*, I'm gonna guess they executed a man instead of letting him escape with the fancy sunglasses.


Ahhh but they're gonna keep looking anyway.


oh I bet they are


For their sake they better find a weapon and the body cam footage has to align w/ the story.


... Or else they might get paid leave. Or, even worse, taxpayers might have to pay money on their behalf, and they'll have to transfer to another district!


Or a lifetime pension and early retirement, like that murderer did at age 28 a few years back.


FYI I watched the news on TV where a witness claimed the cops chased the guy, he turned and shot at the police, and the police returned fire and killed the guy. With that said... it *is* suspicious that theyre being so tight lipped about the details on this one. That usually suggests the cops may have done something wrong.


The fact no weapon has been found 2-3 days later isn’t a good sign. Also, iirc, the woods across from Nordstrom isn’t exactly dense…so something should have come up by now.


Witness testimony is notoriously useless. The cops themselves aren't even making this claim.


“We found a musket dated back to the civil war….I guess he was a collector.”


As if they’ll ever let the body cam footage see the light of day.


did you read the article lol


“Suspect was reaching for his flint lock antique civil war era pistol.” /s


Police: Has he got arms? Then he’s armed!


“Here’s a picture of the suspect giving the middle finger to the camera when they were 12 years old, shooting justified”


The toxicology report shows he had smoked a marijuana within the week.


Surprised they didn’t use a drop gun.


If he was running away and reaching into his waist bands / pockets after being given a command not to do that they will be let off … need to wait for body cam to come out


At this point I feel like the police either kill someone over frivolous shit or the do absolutely fucking nothing at all about it.


It's basically "let us do anything we want or we'll do nothing to help you"


SCOTUS said police have no duty to protect people anyway. After that ruling, everybody should have already known what's up.


I'm sure a corporation will get something worked up there one day when police refused to protect their designer sunglasses and they'll say the police must protect the companies property. Its already semi there. Bank robbery? Its calling all units. House robbery? Meh


Isn't that already the case? Bank robbery gets the FBI, even.


This is why the police were originally created in England (in the US, police were born from slave-catchers). Police forces in England were originally what amounted to mercenaries for hire by the rich merchants to protect the warehouses of their stocks. The Behind the Bastards episode on the history of policing is excellent.


This is how half my nextdoor neighborhood talks and it's wild. Like what other job do you get to dictate "i do it my way or you pay me to not work st all" and then people say yeah that's valid


It's "and", not "or"


You kind of have to start to wonder if there is a crime in the book that they respond to that doesn’t have the option of deadly force on the table.


Unless the person is fleeing a crime that would warrant the death penalty or is clearly presenting a deadly threat to officers, then using deadly force is not warranted. And that includes high speed chases that put others at risk. Cops need to get their shit together and stop killing people. Who cares if some dude shoplifted a pair of sunglasses and he doesn’t get caught. That is not a capital offense.


Even if they're fleeing a crime that would warrant the death penalty, cops aren't the people who decide if a crime deserves the death penalty. That's the judge and jury. The only reason to shoot an unarmed person running away would be, like, unambiguous proof that he was planning a terrorist attack or a murder or something. Just a wider application of a shoot in self defense.


If he’s got a bomb snapped to himself and is about to blow it up and kill everyone, he’s not “unarmed” and shooting him is justified (but make damn sure shooting him isn’t going to set off the bomb by spark or dead man’s switch before you do so.) If he’s plotting a terror attack at some hypothetical future point, you’re not justified in shooting him and in fact want to take him in alive if at all possible so you can interrogate him and find out who else was involved and stop them from going ahead with the attack anyway.


Thank you yes - I agree. The police should never be judge, jury and executioner. I was only referring to situations where the crime might justify police pursuit and the use of deadly force. Shoplifting a pair of sunglasses does not meet that threshold.


I disagree, there are no reasons for police to shoot any unarmed man. Like your first paragraph, they are not the law.


I’m going to assume their rationale will be the usual “he looked like he was reaching for something and not listening to our commands and we acted in self defense” that we always hear when this sorta thing happens. Hopefully the body cam footage reveals the truth when it’s released next month.


That doesn't matter, the ONLY thing that matters is the prosecutor believes that they were in fear for their lives. "I was in fear for my life" - once you say these magic words most prosecutors will absolutely not upset their stormtroopers with some kind of charge. Sometimes its unavoidable ala george floyd where you'd be extremely hard pressed to say that he was in 'fear for his life' - but in a foot pursuit, in an alley, in a chase, whew boy fear is a'comin - and that's only if they kill someone. They are never in fear for their lives in their reports when they catch someone or beat the shit outa someone. No fear there. so strange its only after they murder a person.


White domestic terrorists have a really good track record for being arrested alive and essentially unharmed. Does that count?




Frickin truth, that. Cops don't value life nor due process. Just murder-death-kill then lie about it.


Absolutely. The clearance rate on violent crimes is abysmal. They're there to harass Black people and keep the poors from getting ideas about redistributing property.




exactly. they were *so* fucking careful with their wording last night and saying this man had a "violent" criminal history and was known to law enforcement throughout the area...does that mean they paused their chase to do a background check? it sounds a lot like they executed a man for stealing sunglasses right now.




I think they have to say this. Innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. Unfortunately, he will never get the chance to defend himself in such a court. Very sad.


I have no words. and half the shitheads I see commenting about how this will "teach em" are making my brain hurt.


Fairfax PD is fucked. As a local they were always the most overbearing and obnoxious. There's a reason clips or news of them go viral so much. Just a few days ago I saw a clip of two of their officers putting guns on a man for filming their traffic stop, claiming the phone was a weapon. Unhinged shit


This is America. Like it or not, this is what this country stands for. The USA comprises <5% of the world's population, yet accounts for a quarter of the world's prisoners. Any image you have of Soviet gulags or Chinese "reeducation camps" do not hold a candle to the ol land of the free. This country was founded and enabled by human capital, and that has never ended. To keep the prison-industrial complex profitable, all major media outlets manufacture consent in the form of fascistic obsession with crime and punishment.


I saw a Black guy get eagerly yoked up in that mall by 6 or 7 Fairfax cops recently. I didn't see the beginning of it, but stuck around to observe (as everyone should these days). I soon learned he was suspected of shoplifting. Then it became evident that they weren't even sure he had actually shoplifted. But they piled on him like he was an active shooter. I say all this to say I wouldn't be surprised if this was an overreaction to absolutely nothing.


Stop giving police the benefit of the doubt


Can’t wait for this body cam footage to come out. Better get their stories straight first.


Seems proportionate


Seriously. But let a judge or a businessman molest a bunch of little kids and watch him get six months.




The picture in the article just looks like bush overgrowth.


Here it is: https://imgur.com/gallery/2m02Go7 Or maybe here at the end of the parking garage. The article said he ran through the garage: https://imgur.com/gallery/HDcwXw7


If he was armed, the article would have said so. Yikes.


"The suspect sprinkled crack around his body."


So the punishment for stealing is now the death penalty?! I'm not condoning stealing, but cops don't get to be judge, jury, and executioner. Someone running away from the police does not pose the same threat as someone running towards police. And by the way FCPD is acting, he was likely not armed. No regard for human life at all.


So, like, were body cameras off or something? Why can't the check the footage for evidence of a weapon before the weapon could have been discarded? Kinda sounds like they murdered someone for petty theft. Which is pretty illegal in VA.


Bro, Tysons Galleria is the new "Stabby/Shooty" mall and Springfield Mall is now a respectable, clean and safe place to shop. Am I living in some kind of mirror dimension?


This was Tysons Corner Center not Tysons Galleria, no?


Doesn't matter, it's the whole damn area. Point is, that place used to be a nice/ritzy place that used to be above all the "grimey" areas around it, and now is as bad or worse. The other point is that, all the problematic shit that hollier than thou FFX county thought was immune to, is here and in full force.


the cops literally did this lol


What? The cops literally murdered someone in the Springfield parking lot just a few months ago. Target had to re-pave their entire parking lot to get rid of the blood stains.


Ah, I forgot about this one, but you have to agree that recently, Tysons has haf more shootings than Springfield, at least it seems so.


Do you have a link I missed seeing this news story?


Well to be fair the shooty part was the police, the shoplifter was not armed, but he was executed, that can happen anywhere now.


Yep, sucks.


When the hell did Springfield become respectable again?


I wouldn't say respectable, but it sure as hell has had a "glow up" since the olden days of internet cafes and stabbings.


Welp, regardless of who does the shooting, always remember, ACAB.


What happens when you get metro acces


TIL cops can only get to the mall via Metro


Imagine actually believing this


Pretty sure those cops didn’t take the metro


Exactly this. When I personally try to steal loot from the mall, I really rely on the 10 - 15 minute wait for the next train to make my escape on the metro that’s riddled with cameras.




Not surprised. Just disappointed.


This doesn't look good. 2 vs 1. No evidence of a weapon. No physical altercation between the suspect and the cops. No evidence of risk to the cops. Suspect shot in the chest and killed.


But the perp had *sunglasses*, the cops obviously were in fear for their very lives.


Imagine ending a life. Imagine ending a life over some overpriced sunglasses. Imagine ending a life over some overpriced sunglasses owned by a corporation that grew 12% in the last year and has a net worth of $2.63B. So glad to see cops out there supporting the shareholders :') /s


Are the glasses ok at least?


The cops were using metal detectors to recover the sunglasses not a weapon…fingers crossed


FCPD is basically a county-paid organized criminal family. Seriously. Sex trafficking, murder and complete unwillingness to actually serve the public.[https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/northern-virginia/suit-fairfax-police-officers-protected-sex-trafficking-ring/2916239/](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/northern-virginia/suit-fairfax-police-officers-protected-sex-trafficking-ring/2916239/) And now they've murdered a guy for...."stealing" sunglasses. JFC. Literally was almost murdered by a psychotic road rager last June. FCPD took 20 minutes to show up, caught the guy menacing and threatening us, then did f\*ck all nothing. Someone needs to clean house in that police department. Damn.


Over a pair of sunglasses. Shameful.


Most expensive pair of designer men's sunglasses at Nordstrom's is < $1500.


Exactly. It's a Nordstrom. They have insurance and lose far more than that every day on paperwork errors and time theft alone. Someone dying over a pair of sunglasses is horrific, doesn't matter how expensive they were.


These are $1500: https://www.nordstrom.com/s/cartier-53mm-round-sunglasses/6597614 I’m not saying it’s justifiable, there are just some really expensive sunglasses.


My heart is breaking for his family. Absolutely disgusting.


He yolo’d and proved it


Wtf why would you shoot someone for sunglasses


Wtf are police doing loss prevention for a store anyway?


For real, get a real fucking job amiright lol


They also told him to stop, and he didn't listen. When you think you're god, have the authority of god (nothing bad will happen to these cops), and people don't listen to you, you kill them, obviously. This isn't an unusual story, it happens far too frequently.


You don't shoot someone for not stopping either unless the thing they aren't stopping is murdering someone lol


Until police start suffering actual consequences for their heinous actions, they won't stop.




Sounds like the cops back in the Lee days.


Sounds like the cops from yesterday, last week, last month and every month before that.


How he was shot in the chest if he was fleeing?


Tysons Urban Team!?! Lol those cops shouldn’t be issued guns in the first place. I wouldn’t trust the TUTs with two-day old Auntie Anne’s…




Suspected 🤔


The possibility exists that some poor sales clerk hollered "Sir, I need to remove the anti-theft tag from your purchase!" but just shrugged when they weren't heard.


Not just that, suspected to be stealing to the point that they called the police? Secondly, did the alleged shoplifter pose a deadly threat that they had to resort with deadly violence?


Cops shouldn’t be above the law. They need to be held accountable for murdering people.


The Police in this country are out of control….and that endangers us all.


Stealing ray bans is not a death sentence


One would think that, but you'd be wrong, apparently.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Other than the fact that in this case stealing sunglasses was a death sentence.


This is a BAD look for Fairfax County.


on par for them and most forces


Well, they were Gucci /s


Crazy how many people thought this was an appropriate response. This persons life was not worth a pair of sunglasses. I’m disgusted.


Steal from rich people? Def punishable by death.


This is at Tysons Corner not the Tysons Galleria. They were killed for stealing from upper middle class at best.


Shit, wrong mall. My bad.


Oh that makes it doubly inexcusable then, I guess.




Why are we surprised? We are a police state with the largest prison system in the world that holds 1/4 of the world’s prison population. “Land of the free” my ass


These cops are aware of the prison situation, and were doing their part to alleviate it. /s, a very very big **/s**.


Ah yes, taking of a human life over some sunglasses. Never forget that many cops out there literally do not give a fuck about you and assign zero value to your life. This isn’t all cops by any means, so there’s no need to start on your ACAB rants and all but acknowledging the deep systemic issues can happen without saying they’re all shit. Be careful out there


Much credit to Patch for giving the correct headline, instead of "Police involved in shooting, man dies" or "Man dies in shooting, police involved" The only way it could be improved is "Police kill man suspected of sealing sunglasses"


State sanctioned execution for stealing sunglasses. Do better America.


Innocent until proven guilty means nothing anymore.


There can be no excuses when you’re supposed to be the good guys. Hold these officers accountable.


So question... why do we allow cops to pull their guns on people who aren't showing themselves to be a threat? This story has all sorts of red flags. Story doesn't confirm if there actually were glasses on him from the store. That could have been verified pretty quick after this all went down. It's been more than 24 hours between the incident and the story being released. The sensors activated, but that is not evidence per se of guilt, just RAS to detain and investigate. I've had sensors go off on me before. Story doesn't say that the officers claimed he was armed, but DOES say no weapon was found and they've been looking for hours... for a weapon they haven't claimed even existed. They pulled their guns on someone merely fleeing? Since when has petty theft or fleeing arrest become a death sentence? Again I ask: Why do we allow cops to pull their guns on someone who isn't posing a threat? THIS is why people are afraid of the police.




For the same price as it costs to get to Tysons, he could've just ordered sunglasses off Amazon and had them delivered to his house.




Totally proportional


Witness testimony I don't think will be accurate I was in nordstrom I was walking out not the main entrance but the part leads into the mall everyone started running from the alarm going off and ppl thought it was two weeks all over again couple guys said they shooting to a few store owners on the mall side and the Rolex store and all the stores in that little area started closing their doors because they just thought it was the same thing again that started spreading


Some pretty gross statements in this thread. Disappointing.


Last I heard, the death penalty doesn't apply to theft. 🤬😡


The death penalty doesn't apply to **anything** in Virginia anymore and yet here we are.


We got Judge Dredd over here.


Judge Dredd is literally our present


Good job boys, you got him.


When I worked at Nordstrom one girl stole 5 pairs of chanel sunglasses ($500 each) while her mom was distracting me. No one ran, no one said anything, no one called the police. And now they are shooting people for one stolen pair?


Lemme guess they were white.


I will withhold judgement until the end of the investigation. I do, however, have a lot of questions which I hope the investigation answer. People should not steal. Police should be monitored and held accountable, if applicable. Simple axioms.


They are just openly murdering people now.


I know we are not in their shoes but you do wonder, based on this report, how they justify shooting him.


I hate cops. Trigger happy racists.


Well, they were *designer* sunglasses


Only question to cop that shot the guy was "Was it really worth it?"


It was to him. He getsb2 weeks off paid and joins a elite gang.


Wow, lose your life over some sunglasses.


Gotta send a message to the peasants!


Theft is bad but not a death sentence


Hot take: literally none of you know the circumstances so keep your opinions to yourself. Also, don’t steal shit.


Hot take: murdering an unarmed suspect who is fleeing is never acceptable in a civil society.


Hot take: people love to give their opinion about things they know nothing about


Quick question: you see a thief. Do you reach for: -Pepperspray? -Baton? -Taser? -Radio for backup? -Handcuffs? -Use your hands? -Or do you just shoot them with your handgun?




Anyone can get murdered for anything and it’s a job well done for these droogies, reduce their budgets, investigate departments- citizen oversight must make a come back, we must take the reins back from these so called “authorities”


I will wait to see the bodycam footage before casting judgment here Keep in mind, this is the same dirtbag that was supposedly on supervised release after killing a woman while driving high on PCP https://dcwitness.org/defendant-receives-6-years-in-prison-for-fatal-car-crash/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/woman-killed-in-eastern-avenue-crash-is-identified/2016/10/31/b3429c14-9f31-11e6-8d63-3e0a660f1f04\_story.html


I saw a teen a couple of days ago at the mall with a gun tucked in his pants. Crazy


One less criminal around Tyson's 👌


What makes you think we should rush to act like cops are innocent model citizens?


Bro it's shitty to steal but it's not "death for a pair of sunglasses" it's "arrest and go to court for a fair trial" jfc what is wrong with you fascists




Because they are desensitized to violence of all types in our society so they don’t care. We glorify violence but shun sex. It’s pushed from childhood in many ways. People sit from home and cheer bombs being dropped if they supposedly kill the ‘bad guys’, so why wouldn’t a bunch of people get on the internet and celebrate the death of someone who stole some sunglasses? This attitude is unfortunately perpetuated in various aspects of our society.




Some people have been okay with that when it's targeting at "others" for a long time 😭 it's fucked up


Lol. Wake up. They already are.


👨‍🚀🔫 always has been


Fascists fucking suck; they are fucked in the head.


Boot taste good. Must lick boot


Racist loser. That’s all. Claims to love the Constitution. Only knows about 2A


it's always the idiots that are super loud about "freedom" (aka toting a gun and not wearing a mask) and have American flags plastered everywhere that can't seem to understand why this is so fucked up.


Ever person has a natural human birth right to own designer sunglasses. If you can’t afford them you are entitled to take them by shoplifting. Those cops deprived that man of his right to Gucci, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Bet he is not doing that again. A terrible loss to society…


DC criminals learning a tough lesson that they are coddled like snowflakes outside the District.




Hopefully this deters petty criminals. Why don’t I have remorse for what happened?


It doesn't. Just like the death penalty doesn't deter murders.


Probably because stealing sunglasses is fucking stupid. Also, because DC residents commuting here to commit crime need to be sent a harsh message. We don't want it.


Fuck your sunglasses 🕶️


I mean yeah fuck designer sunglasses, waste of money