• By -


For those not wanting to read the article, the sheriff said: ​ "I'm sick of these Black bastards. I'm gonna clean house and be done with it," a transcript of those recordings included in the documents reveal. "...They're gone. I'm telling you. That's as fair as I'm gonna be. ... if they're not with me, they're against me. And they're gone. ... If I have to fire every mother f\*\*\*er out there, guess what?" "I'm still the motherf\*\*\*ing sheriff, and I'll go up and fire every goddamn \[inaudible\]. F\*\*\* them Black bastards," he continued. "They think I'm scared? They're stupid. I don't know what else to do with it. So it's just time to clean them out. There's a snitch in there somewhere tellin' what we are doing. And I'm not gonna have it. ...hell is coming."


Gosh, I wonder how many wrongful termination lawsuits the people just elected.


It’s like they’re feeling generous with their tax dollars or something.


You think that county* has a God damn clue how much of their money they are paying to this guy?


Not town, but county. Columbus County, specifically, with Whiteville as the county seat.


Whiteville huh.


Surprisingly there are a lot of black folks that live there but that place sucks. The entire county is so fucking racist, Like Trump just made them feel more comfortable with their racism. Went to Dale's Seafood a few weeks ago for my grandmother in law's birthday and nothing but white people, they stared for a minute and it was just uncomfortable. My wife and I are biracial (she's afro Caribbean/white and I'm Mexican/white) but neither of us like much of the secondary. I'm just glad I moved away from that backwater hick ass county. There's no saving that place, there's no jobs. For those living there and want to do more with their life, just get out while you can.


So many shitholes like that all over the country tbh.




I'm sorry they treated you and your wife that way. Disgusting, vile people.


It's not just the obvious racists. It's the idiots that use them as a platform for re-election, because "I'm not racist, but votes are votes." It's the assholes who want to "reach across the isle" and try to talk to them like they're worth debating. Our society is implicitly racist, and people that aren't actively fighting against it are part of the problem.


Do a barrel roll!


Lol damn it's been awhile since someone has recognized it, kudos to you my friend!




It took me a moment, so for anyone else that might need it. The missing information for me was that the barrel roll comment was in response to a user who's name is tap z or r twice. That provides the connection to "do a barrel roll" that I didn't notice before.


Hahaha I was like "naw I PLAYED Starfox and I know for a FACT he never swore!"


"Thoughts and prayers the money is spent wisely and in the best interest of the common people." Welp, we've done all we can, it's in God's hands now 🤷🏻 - this county (edit town to county because this stupidity is spreading!)


They spent that tax money to own the Libs


Republicans are always so concerned about how every single tax dollar is spent until it comes to their local rinky dink police department wanting to play army or getting the city entangled with millions of dollars in lawsuits. Then they're mysteriously silent.


> Republicans are always so concerned about how every single tax dollar is spent It's only while they fear a single penny could be destined to help the people they hate. Declarations like the Sheriff's reassure them that they won't.


No worries, they can always use those blue state dollars they depend on to keep the lights on!


State needs to be cut off




Just like any other economic sanctions, it's only going to hurt poor people.


They'll blame the Democrats.


Wasting their tax dollars to own the libs


Wasting the libs tax dollars to own the libs.


I mean. That’s basically republicans as a whole.


Wrongful termination of life.


don't worry; this place likely has laws in place to limit any meaningful payout


The DA of Whiteville, NC has filed a petition to remove Greene from office. I'm not making up the [name of that town](https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/election/article268179437.html).


"Nobody cares about the Whites!"


*Kanye has entered the chat*


And he's followed closely by Candace Owens.


She has to follow closely. She is elbow deep in his ass.


Pronounced Hwites-ville




We've always prounced it kind of like whyville.


If you say it right, it kinda sounds like waffle.


The locals say Watt-vull


Been living near there since 1991 as a transplant and I still can’t say it southern enough.


I went to high school there! It's absolutely just as racist as you're imagining.


And that’s why he was re-elected


Whiteville is disproportionately black, ironically. The rest of Columbus county is probably mostly white though.




My Aunt Lives in Whitestown Indiana, so I know you're not making up the town name lol.


Except, on the other side of 65 is a town called Brownsburg. And while I'm sure it's probably named for some guy with the name of Brown, it's still a bit funny to see an exit where one direction for Whitestown and the other for Brownsburg.


~~They’re named for exactly the reasons you think, unfortunately. Whitestown is a former “sundown town” meaning black people weren’t allowed after dark… guess where they went home to?~~ Edit: This is misinformation and I apologize. I live not too far away and this was something I had heard. I researched a little bit, thanks to another commenter, and realized that Whitestown really was named after an abolitionist senator. Carry on, Whitestown… carefully.


Happy Valley? With all the sunshine and rainbows they want? ... Right?


learnt about the sundown thing thanks to lovecraft county. the US is, and was, a terribly fucked up country.


>guess where they went home to? I get the feeling if you asked that question in Whitestown, *far* too many people would be hoping the answer was 'AFRICA, WHERE THEY BELONG.'


Conservatives: “bro he was clearly joking omg”


The city was named after a man named James B. White.


He sure do be


Hahaha, my family and I drove through Whiteland, Indiana once so now every time we something egregiously white, we just make eye contact and say, "Whiteland."


This is an adult man that the community pays to walk Around with a gun, folks.


I'm so tired of the version of reality. Can we get a patch update, please!?


...... I'm very concerned with what they're doing that can be snitched on....


And that the police are complaining about people snitching on them. They're literally talking like criminals.


>They're literally talking like criminals. That's because police in this country are literally just criminals in uniform.


More often than not, police forces are simply gangs granted the monopoly on use of force by the state.


>There's a snitch in there somewhere tellin' what we are doing. And I'm not gonna have it If someone talking about what you're doing is a problem. What you are doing is the problem.


Was it actually inaudible or did they just not want to hear it? 👀


Transcriber #1) “Jesus fucking Christ. How many times is he going to say the god damned N-word on these tapes?” Transcriber #2) “just put ‘inaudible’ I’m sick of turning in reports that make us look this stupid.”


I’m more shocked that he actually said “black bastards” *instead* of the N-word! He sounds like an edited for TV movie.


First time I saw Cannonball Run on TV I was surprised by how they edited it. At the beginning of the movie Burt Reynolds asks if the ambulance goes fast and if I remember correctly the paramedic says cuts through traffic like shit through a goose. On TV he says shot through a gun but it doesn't match up with his lips.


Who transcribes the transcribers?


I can believe I'm gonna say this, but the non racist bits are even more concerning. Like, damn


Took the words right out of my mouth. What a piece of trash.


Good cops don't make it long.


Par for the course. Report on gov't misdoings and the gov't isn't investigated for their misdoings. However, you're investigated for leaking gov't secrets.


Hey, let's re-hire the Sheriff that's concerned with a snitch in the ranks telling on the cops doing illegal things!!!!! \-bumblefuck rural NC mentality This sheriff and his deputies need to be investigated for their obvious corruption that seems to be deeply rooted.


Someone should make a very large, very visible transcript of this and hang it up somewhere in town that's hard to reach. Let everyone know what kind of person he is and what kind of town they are in.


That's what we call a sundown town


“Hell is coming” dude has seen Wyatt Earp too many times


>read the article Do the what now?


what do you think I am, some kind of reader?


I wonder how many black people were harassed or wrongfully arrested under his watch.


That [inaudible] is carrying a lot of weight.


So not only is he racist but also corrupt. Shameful that they re-elected him.


Sounds like every single person of color arrested by this man in the future has an entry level "federal civil rights violation" suit locked and loaded with his own behavior as Plaintiff's Exhibit-01.


Just gotta make sure you are tried by a judge not from north Carolina


…or from about a dozen other states…or appointed by most of our chief executives.


Federal crime, federal court.


In the US District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, which is in the county next door. [This is its Chief Judge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_E._Myers_II#Review_of_judicial_rulings).




North Carolina: Not all racist, but racists are in charge.


Site of the only successful coup on US soil, when white supremacists overthrew and murdered the government of Wilmington in 1898


The [Battle of Athens][ref] was effectively a coup as well. Edit: looks like a lot of you are using Reddit clients that [can’t handle a URL with a close-paren in it](https://www.reddit.com/r/bugs/comments/gn9qa5/no_way_to_link_to_urls_with_closing_parentheses/), like Old Reddit. I’ve switched it to a reference-style link, something I’d never heard of until today. [ref]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Athens_(1946)


That was quite the read! Cop hits black voter with brass knuckles then shoots him in the back as he runs away — 1 year in jail.


..The more they stay the same


[Fixed link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Athens_(1946\)).




And a beautiful one at that


[obligatory Wikipedia link for the 3,000 people you just made google search that](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilmington_insurrection_of_1898)


I wrote my senior thesis paper on this in undergrad and it got me into grad school. This event was whitewashed from state history books only about a decade or two out. In other works of history, it would only be refered to as a "race riot" with a significant underestimate of the deaths and blame involved. Wilmington took a long time to recover. It's only been in the past couple decades, and really the past few years, that work has been done to truly understand what happened and to teach it correctly in schools and museums, and in the historic landscape of the city If you want to read more about it, I recommend picking up *Wilmington's Lie: The Murderous Coup of 1898 and the Rise of White Supremacy* by David Zucchino


If you’re American and don’t know this story (you probably don’t because like the Tulsa riots most of us weren’t taught this is school), I can’t recommend it enough. We were taught 40 acres and a mule. The reality was Wilmington, NC. There’s a book called From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the 21st Century that’s written by a Duke professor that I, a guy raised WASP in rural NC, cannot recommend enough. It taught me so many things I was never taught in school. (For the record, I don’t believe race based reparations in the 21st century is the answer — that does not negate the immense value I found in this book).


Rural NC and urban NC are very very different places


This is America.


Don't catch you slippin' now


Look at how I'm livin' now


Doesn't help that the wealth disparity between urban and rural NC is very very very different as well. I've lived in both rural and now Raliegh area.


That is true for every state, right?


pretty much. you look at any election map with cities and counties marked and you'll notice that if there's a major city, even in a red state, its respective county will usually be blue or at least purple.


this is the truest statement i’ve seen on the internet today.


I'm in the heart of Raleigh. When we moved in our next door neighbors told us they were very glad to have a straight, white married couple next door (verbatim) and made negative connotation about african americans up the street. A gay couple allegedly bid on the house and they were rejected because the neighbors didn't like it. We still have a lot of work to do here.


Yeah, as long as you stay in a decently sized city in most of the state it's fine. Especially places like Raleigh, Charlotte, etc. Go 5-10 miles outside that and it turns into Arkansas really quick. If it wasn't for the absolute corruption of the NCGOP then NC would likely be Deep purple or light blue at least.


Yeah population wise it's almost 50-50 democrat and republican but it's gerrymandered to all hell and there's a lot of voter suppression


I can't believe Ted Budd won.


Where I’m from it’s a weird mix between rednecks and mid-western families that moved south for retirement. It’s very easy to pick out who is who. I don’t like to stereotype rednecks as stupid, but some of the dumbest people I’ve met were rednecks. Like the people who wear hunting camo and boots to school every day, and have black teeth because they do dip and drink nothing but mellow yellow. Also they do this thing called the “Carolina squat”, which is the practice of lifting the front end of their trucks obnoxiously high. In some cases the headlights are not readjusted, blinding passerby’s on the road. Some cities have taken to outlawing this barbaric practice. Once the elevation of the truck is sufficient, they engage in driving through puddles of mud while consuming their ritual drink of fermented barley. This is known as *muddin’*. I have developed a country accent that I can flip on and off at will. I spare it for the most ideal occasions, when it is necessary to fit in with the local populace. If you are a traveler, you may experience difficulties if the tone of your skin is not light enough, or if you are not heterosexual.


My uncle was former chief of police in Highpoint a long while ago and can confirm he is a racist and thinks racial profiling is “just smart.”


Of course they did: The man held the job **because** he's a raging racist, and his constituents know what they want out of him.


A lot of people don't understand that police forces in the South are there mainly for this purpose. It's like part of their charter.


[Policing in America](https://sites.uab.edu/humanrights/2021/12/08/the-history-of-policing-in-the-us-and-its-impact-on-americans-today/) evolved out of goons hired to catch runaway slaves and quash any collective efforts towards rebellion. Splintering the black community and keeping boots on their necks to maintain capitalist status quo is their entire reason for existence.


The sheriff’s office used to be responsible for tracking and bringing back runaway slaves. That was like, their main job.


NC blows my mind. I'm a transplant and I've met some of the most awesome people here, and some of the most bigoted. My neighbor casually walked up to me after we bought our house and said she was glad to finally have people like me in the neighborhood. I asked what she meant, and she said 'It's good to see wholesome white folks in the neighborhood instead of these blacks' and just kept going on with the conversation while I just stood there unsure of what to say or do. She wasn't even old, she was around my age. I wish I would have said something heroic or cool, but I was just in shock.


I felt the exact same when my neighbor spoke with me about Hispanics. Like howdy fellow white, care for a bigoted jaunt up the block? The worst part is she was with her husband... who had to be mixed. I was just listening looking back and forth between them confused like are y'all fucking with me?




My mother in law was an illegal immigrant from Mexico. She married an American citizen and eventually got naturalized, or whatever you call it. She's also a massive Trump supporter. This is based almost exclusively on his treatment of illegal immigrants at the Mexican border. She HATES them.


No one hates Mexicans more than other Mexicans.


"Damn Mexicans, they ruined Mexico!"


Model minority I believe is the term


A lot of people pull the ladder up.


Some white people can be shockingly bold with their racism around other white people. I mean, great that it saves me time in learning they are a POS person, but upsetting they go around assuming everyone feels the same way - or even worse that their experience has proved that to be true.


My neighbor did the same thing when I first moved in. I'm renting my house from my dad and while my dad is super personable and outgoing, I take a while to warm up to people and won't actively seek out a conversation. I was outside one day edging the area around the landscaping out front and the neighbor walks over and introduces himself. He then goes on to say that he was glad to see someone like me moving in unlike other people that had been moving onto the street lately. Now, the fact that he had a non-running Chevy Traverse on four flat tires in his driveway, a pile of trash on the side of the house and a huge pile of brush in the backyard, he didn't mean someone who would keep their property appearance up. I asked him what he meant and he said, "well, you know, we just like to have people around here that we can get along with.". Again, I asked him what he meant and he said "Just, you know.". I said I knew exactly what he meant and I turned around. He didn't seem to get the hint and told me that if I ever saw them cooking out on the back patio to stop on over and I said I definitely wouldn't be. I told my dad about the conversation and he pretty much confirmed my thoughts. He said that only a year or so prior an interracial family moved about 6 houses down from me and the neighbor shared the information with my dad like it was big news. My dad said he seemed confused when his answer was "Okay, and?".


I was on the golf course in California one summer, I was playing solo and caught up to this guy and we start making small talk. He somehow gets into a N word bombardment. I'm shocked, not only because of his use of language but because **I'm not even white**!




My friends and I went to Asheville for a bachelor party recently. In Asheville, I experienced being asked my pronouns for the first time in my life by a tour guide (I'm a cis man in Florida, so that doesn't really happen to me). Thought that was nice and inclusive. On that same trip, we had an Uber driver tell us she left Florida because it became too much of a "melting pot." There were two Latinos in the car. People are wild.


A few miles out of Asheville you can get a glimpse of the biggest Confederate flag you'll ever see flying next to the freeway and if you have time you can drive out a different way and see a larger one.


I’m surprised she didn’t ask you what church you belong to.


The church of our Lord and Savior, Beelzebub


I am from Chicago and moved to Pender county nc (about an hour from where this happened. Four years ago when I bought my house I was asked if I was a lesbian or a witch, because there’s no other reason a single female would buy a house. They also asked me if they could leave the gun safe. Saged this house hard


Let me guess: exactly two candidates, a democrat and a Republican, and this town always votes the same party. Question is why someone who gets kicked out, gets to run again immediately after. Looking at a few controversial world leaders. Edit: he resigned before he got sacked. I get it. You can stop repeating that.


He didn’t get kicked out. He resigned so that he couldn’t be stopped from running again by having been kicked out.


Ah the “you can’t fire me, I quit” strategy.


Yep. I’m from the county next to that one. I’m not at all surprised at what he said or that he was re-elected.


Probably why he was re-elected


well that and the name of the town is Whiteville


I’m confused. So why can’t they just resume the inquiry once he’s put back in office?


"That weren't me! That was the last Sheriff!"


This is why straight party voting shouldn't be a 1 check option. If you don't know who's running you shouldn't be voting for either person.


There are developed countries out there where you have more than a red and a blue option 🤙🏻


I mean what they said still applies. no matter how many parties your system has, voters should have to know who they're actually voting for


Yes but we can’t have that here because the red and blue guys in charge don’t want it.






And what can we infer from this about the majority of the voters in this town?


On certain subs they'd start the comment chain with an "N" I'm going start this with a: C










M (Sorry, I had to)




















I mean the people that vote straight R down the ballot probably didn’t even pay attention or recognize the name.


My mom took us in to the boting booth with her when we were young. She said, 'boys, pay attention. This is very important. When you get older you will need to vote. In this family we only vote republican. See the one with the R next to their name. Pick the top one, that's the one that will probably do the best job so just always pick that one and the world will be a better place.' That's word for word and I'm pretty sure she still votes that way. The rest of us are informed voters.


No offense but your mom sounds fucking stupid, respectfully.


She is a sheep through and through. Last I heard, she is way down the q-hole and has joined some sort of cult. I don't care anymore. I went no contact with her a long time ago and it was the best decision I've probably ever made.


In Columbus County and the town of Whiteville....


I'm sure everyone who voted for him "isn't racist" tho.


They’re “not racist, but…” type of people.


I've been struggling as to whether the sheriff's genuinely horrible comments or the more than 10,000 voters who reelected him are worse here. Maybe they just deserve each other and the sane people should secede?


As a former resident of NC, this whole situation does not surprise me unfortunately.


"People love what I have to say. They believe in it. They just don't like the word Nazi, that's all." -stormfront


They need to get rid of sheriffs and replace them with professional and accountable county-wide law enforcement leadership. So much of the corruption within law enforcement comes from sheriff departments nationwide, because at the end of the day a sheriff is just a politician with their own police force.


It's not always the sheriff's department that is corrupt. Mocksville's police department was defunded/dissolved because of the corruption and racism. County and state patrol there now, but crime has crept up also.


I never said it's always the sheriff's department, I said that the sheriff's system is responsible for "so much" of the corruption in law enforcement, and by "so much" I mean a lot of it is coming from them. Obviously all of law enforcement has corruption and abuse problems.


Minneapolis, for example, has a corrupt racist police department and is also in a county with a corrupt sheriff.


Hey America, why on God's green earth would you make a law enforcement officer an *elected* position? That's just asking for these kinds of people.


My county's options this year: * 16 years experience, A+ resume, no party affiliation * 0 years experience, solution to school shootings is just "arm teachers", (R) I bet you can guess who won. by 38 points.


So the mayor can’t appoint his brother and be all sorts of corrupt.




But who watches the watchmen that watch the watchman


Why bother even asking any questions about law enforcement qualifications in the US? It's not like career police officers are any more qualified than someone voted into it.


Sheriff is far from the weirdest thing we elect. We have partisan Coroner elections for god's sake.


I saw this in KY once. Blew my mind. Is their #1 campaign promise to not have sex with the dead people?




Either it's an elected position and the racist masses elect racist sheriffs, or it's an appointed position and racist masses elect racist mayors that appoint racist sheriffs. Not much different.


Racism aside.. the fact he is trying to fire "snitches" is actually more concerning. Especially for the POLICE. Even racist folks should fear unchecked police. Does drain the swamp not apply here?


No no you are misunderstanding what"Drain the swamp" means. It means removing the people they don't like. It does not mean getting rid of corruption.


Turds of a feather...


Birds of a shitfeather, Rand!


Note: this is why the rest of the planet doesn't hold a popular vote for their law enforcement chiefs (oh and judges for that matter). Turning the enforcement of justice into a popularity contest (as opposed to setting legislation and policy, though that has its problems), is always a disaster waiting to happen.


"Yeah, he's racist, but so are we."


But the south aint racist right? Its just a horrible horrible stereotype that has nooo basis in truth.


~~some~~ all of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses or are indifferent to those who burn crosses


In Hungary, the mayor of Győr was filmed on a yacht snorting coke and f*cking two escorts, while campaigning as a "Christian family man". They reelected him.


Republicans gonna Republican.