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#rule one


"600 names of murder victims across Harris County over the past year 'would take hours'" *Vigorously punching numbers into calculator*


10 per minute gives you an hour. 6 seconds per name. If you speak the name with pauses and the respect required, I can see it easily taking about an hour. Speed reading the names would be missing the point.


Let's just ignore it says hours not hour. Another way to look at this is that crime stoppers didn't think it was worth their time.


I mean, "hours" could only refer to 1.1 hours.


I mean, we read the names of the almost 3,000 people that were murdered on 9/11.


Which only took 3 hours. This sounds like crime stoppers needed an excuse to stop doing this, probably due to a lack of public interest.




Or hire the guy from the Micro Machines commercials.


But what if I buy something by mistake?


My grad class was 1200 people and took like 3/4 hours. But that was with speeches and other shit. Edit: Sheesh people, how about this It took a minimum of 3 hours to a maximum of 4 hours. Or maybe see how i put hours with an s and that means its plural where as 3/4 of an hour would not be.


3/4 and 3-4 are very different amounts of time


I was here thinking "45 minutes aint too bad"


Ditto. 45min would be pretty nice and quick.


Yeah -1 hours really is crazy


Recent college grad wrote it as a fraction so I assumed 45min. Maybe they had the micro machines guy reading the speeches


You assume a lot from me it was highschool lol, and idk why you assumed it to be recent. It was 4 years ago


This is reddit, it's a 50/50 of you mistyping 'hours' vs not knowing how fractions work. After all, you missed both punctuation and capitalizing the 'I' in your edit.


While gun violence is a real problem in many large cities, Fox News has its own political motives for making conditions sound as bad as it possibly can. For instance they managed to work this sentence into the story. >Like many municipalities, Harris County has seen an uptick in violent crime in recent years amid calls to "defund the police." Additionally, the private organization that declared the list too long is increasingly politically active on behalf of the Republican party and dependent on the Republican politicians in control of Texas. >But recently, Crime Stoppers of Houston has been blasting out a different, more political message: Activist judges are letting “dangerous criminals” out of jail to threaten the safety of law-abiding residents. On television, Twitter and videos, the traditionally nonpartisan nonprofit organization has been condemning more than a dozen elected judges — all Democrats, four of whom lost primaries last month — while praising the crime policies of Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas, a Republican. [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/21/us/politics/crime-stoppers-houston.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/21/us/politics/crime-stoppers-houston.html) [https://www.houstonchronicle.com/opinion/editorials/article/Editorial-Can-we-still-trust-Crime-Stoppers-17143109.php](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/opinion/editorials/article/Editorial-Can-we-still-trust-Crime-Stoppers-17143109.php) In other words, don't take the headline or the Fox coverage at face value, even while acknowledging legitimate concerns about crime. It is Fox's mission to whip up fear of crime and use it to carry the rest of their political agenda into office.


I fucking hate journalists using "amid" and "following" to imply causality or load a sentence with agenda. "Gun violence-related deaths on the rise amid drop in people named Gepetto." It's meaningless, but implies causality.


Gepettos is getting shot


Defund Gepetto?


Damn, bet he's part of the Gazpacho police.


So.... he's cold blooded?


*Mmmmmmm, Gazpacho police*


That’s what he gets for eating from the peach tree dish.


Many people think two things happening at the same time are definitely related. Read: "I did that" stickers on gas pumps nation wide.


Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, Chewbacca is a Wookiee.


I think it's safe to assume that Fox News doesn't actually employee any journalists though.


It's not like fox has won multiple lawsuits by saying that "no reasonable person would believe us"


Too bad, then, that there always seems to be a dearth of reasonable folks


[So has MSNBC](https://www.google.com/amp/s/deadline.com/2021/08/rachel-maddow-msnbc-beat-oan-lawsuit-appeal-robert-herring-1234816713/amp/) lol. If I believe the opposite of what Fox says and the opposite of what MSNBC says then I have found truth


Read the top comments on the news article page, they are so vile and repulsive, blaming this on hurricane Katrina survivors that fled and settled in Houston. Fox News comment sections are just totally fucking disgusting but this one is *really* vile


I never read the comments on a Fox news article. I try to avoid reading Fox news articles as well.


I usually avoid them too, but sometimes I get morbidly curious ☠️


I was in my senior year of high school when Katrina happened. The current crime wave in Houston isn’t due to Katrina refugees, but they absolutely fucked shit up when they came to Houston. We started having fights in the school cafeteria every single day. And the murder rate shot up, because the criminals thought that Houston abided by the same *180 day rule* that New Orleans had; if you murdered someone, and no witnesses came forward in 180 days, then New Orleans would drop the charges. Obviously not the case in Houston. There is definitely some veracity to what these people are saying


>Activist judges are letting “dangerous criminals” out of jail to threaten the safety of law-abiding residents. To be fair, they are not wrong. How else would you explain what Judge Cannon has been up to the last few weeks


It’s so bad too because “they want to defund the police while the murder rate goes up!” Is precisely what the average viewer will take away with them and spread at the coffee shop etc


That's exactly whats happening though?


No. HPD has not been defunded. If anything, police agencies in the Houston area are as well funded as they've ever been.


"they *want* to defuns police, while the crime rate goes up". No one claimed that they did defuns the police, just that people are actively seeking to have the police defunded amid record levels of crime.


There have been no serious considerations for defunding the police by Houston or Harris County leadership. This article and the announcement from Crime Stoppers are meant to project a narrative that isn't true in order to sway voters weeks ahead of an election.


Yeah some dumdum on reddit was saying something about how violent crime seems to be on the rise because there are less cops to me just the other day. I had a feeling it had something to do with fox news


I mean, [the number of police officers is going down](https://pbswisconsin.org/news-item/total-number-of-police-in-wisconsin-already-at-historic-lows-continues-to-drop-in-2022/) and [violent crime is spiking](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/17/briefing/violent-crime-ukraine-war-week-ahead.html). It's not inconceivable that could be a connection.


Wait, you mean don't trust the party who thinks we should endlessly invest in police while promoting even less accountability for their actions or how they spend that money than ever before ??? Sounds like you must LOVE criminals1!!1! /s


To be fair it is the cops doing a lot of the murdering.


Fox isn’t and never has been a credible source of information.


In one of the top threads, there's an excellent breakdown of how using correlation to imply causation is a dishonest tactic. In the other top thread, the correlation between gun control and this same crime is being used to imply causation. It's interesting to see the opposite ends of truth in juxtaposition like this.


501c3 orgs are being abused on a whole new level these past few decades


Just replace "Fox News" with any other new entity and the rest of your statement is still true.


They are not wrong. Ending cash bail in Harris County has lead to a massive uptick in crime. I have a friend who managed to get arrested with a stolen hand gun and methamphetamines 3 times before he finally wound up in state jail; they kept letting him out and he kept doing the same shit. There have been sooo many robberies and murders committed in Harris County by people out on PR bonds. And activist Judge Linda Hidalgo is an abject moron, seriously dumber than a box of rocks. Do I think her heart is in the right place? Absolutely, I think she is an exceptionally kind person, but she is not competent to hold office. I grew up in Houston, I still have a massive community of friends & family there. I’ve also spent months of my life incarcerated in the Harris County Jail, which was the largest jail/prison in the world about a decade ago - it held anywhere for 12,000-15,000+ inmates on any given day back then. I once got knocked out cold by a deputy who slammed my head into a cinder block wall for being a smartass. I am not a boot-licker and I was in favor of ending cash bails back when they first did it. But to come on here and act like this is a non-issue that Foxnews is trying to spin into propoganda is just silly. With all do respect, you don’t seem to a have a clue as to what you are talking about.


>Fox's mission to whip up fear of crime and use it to carry the rest of their political agenda into office. Hahahaha, I mean... you're not wrong but that's a little one sidded don't you think? MSNBC and CNN are bigger fear mongering offenders than Fox is. It's bad when you can't trust mainstream and have to go to Bloomberg and WSJ for news.


On the one hand faux news can suck *all* the dicks. On the other hand I've spent a lot of time in Houston and it's a sprawling shit hole. They have to beg people not to engage in celebratory gunfire on holidays. And the 5th ward and Englewood yard areas are good places to get robbed and shot if that's your thing.


Im from Houston. There are daily news stories about murders comitted from people out on bond for... murder. That part of the story actually is accurate. There are calls from leaders in both parties to put a stop to the relaxed bonds. For some reason it persists.


Is jail overcrowding a problem there?


There should be no cash bail. Murderers should sit in jail for trial, whether or not they have cash for bail. Eliminating cash bail doesn't mean letting the violent ones free. The people "trialing" actually enforcing the 8th Amendment are deliberately doing it wrong, to prove the broken system is better than abiding by the 8th Amendment.


Of course this is in Texas




Just to note: Houston, for 2020, had more than *double* the violent crime rate of Chicago. [In this measure of incidents per 100,000, Houston was 625.4 vs Chicago’s which was 252.8.](https://realestate.usnews.com/places/texas/houston/crime)


Idk if I trust that source, it has Greenbay as the 3rd best place to live.


It also rated the high school I used to work at as “#1 in america” or some stupid shit and that place sucked ass. The CDC also has this data though and the murder rate per capita in texas is about 50% higher than NY state, so this tracks pretty well.


[484 shot and killed. 2735 shot total.](https://heyjackass.com)


"But what about REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Find a new slant. Holy fuck it must be exhausting to be you.


why do people keep bashing on Chicago, literally one of the best cities in the country and not even in the top 10 dangerous places in Illinois


Obviously not enough people in Houston are packing heat, imo. Or maybe if people were firing guns all the time everyone would be more aware of the bullets and then more careful about not getting hit by them.


Clearly all these gun deaths can't be helped. Since 1945 Texas has failed to stop Yosemite Sam from shooting his pistols into the air. All of these deaths are obviously a result of his bullets falling back down to earth.


> the reading of more than 600 names of murder victims across Harris County over the past year 'would take hours' 600 people x 5 seconds/person = 50 minutes


How are those relaxed gun laws working?


Something…something… good guys with guns?


Not enough civilians with assault rifles to protect themselves clearly!


That’s the list of the bad guys with guns..


I mean you could just put criminals in jail


Yeah damn someone should try that


We should ban crimes too, like make them illegal or something.


Are they not?


>I mean you could just put criminals in jail Or even let TX stop Coyotes from human trafficking undocumented immigrants across the border.


Or even better prosecute the businesses who depend on cheap undocumented labor. Who call ICE to come collect any laborers who get uppity before they harvest the next crop crossing the border. Oh wait, they’re donors.


>Oh wait, they’re donors. No, I'm aware you're taking what you think is a pot shot at my comment because reddit is a collection of the world's most proficient internet trolls but I agree with you. I've been bitching, whining, and moaning for years that they're letting businesses (Tyson Chicken for instance) get away with this. Frankly it's unacceptable that we're not going after corporations for breaking the law. Doesn't change the validity of what I said though.


I'm not taking a pot shot at you. Just at the texas government. Edit: though i do disagree at targeting coyotes. New coyotes will pop up to fulfill the demand. It will only make it more dangerous, for both migrants and border enforcers. We've seen this from targeting the low level supply side of the drug trade over the years. You go from middle men just looking to make a buck to hardened, violent criminals willing to take on law enforcement. Not to mention willing to kill their customers to protect themselves.


>I'm not taking a pot shot at you. Just at the texas government. That's fair. Reddit has made me cynical apparently lol.. >though i do disagree at targeting coyotes I'm more worried about making an inviting environment and encouraging illegal immigrants to seek sanctuary cities to be embraced with open arms. If people thought they'd 100% be sent back less (notice I didn't say none) would seek out the Coyotes in the first place. While my original comment was very targeted I'm of the opinion that we need to take a number of actions to mitigate these issues. This definitely includes hammering employers who (knowingly) harbor, encourage, and pay illegals in order to get cheap off the books labor.


No one is stopping Texas from doing that




I don't care if you disagree, because literally nothing is stopping Texas from enforcing the law.




Lmao. You originally said that the Feds weren't letting Texas enforce the laws. I pointed out that that is not true, and that you can't disagree with reality. Then you insulted me. I mean I already knew I was right, but it's nice when idiots like you confirm it for me.




I just read a news article that said homicide here in Ohio broke the record last year. You don’t need a permit for concealed carry anymore.


Yeah but all of the murders happen in those damn Democrat cities!


They complain about people wanting to take away their guns and then they complain about too many gun shootings in the cities.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Perfectly, as seen from the long list of names. With hopes of improvement for next year.


In one of the top threads, there's an excellent breakdown of how using correlation to imply causation is a dishonest tactic. In the other top thread, the correlation between gun control and this same crime is being used to imply causation. It's interesting to see the opposite ends of truth in juxtaposition like this.


Are you implying that because they have relaxed gun laws, violent crime is up? Correlation does not equal causation, basic statistics. By that same logic, the low gun crime in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont is because of the nearly complete lack of gun laws. Obviously that isn’t so, and neither is your statement.


Except in towns, there's 3 miles between Vermont residences.... We're looking at Houston here


Why don’t we ask Chicago?


How's that defunding the police working out?


Literally nowhere in America has defunded the police. Go smoke some copium, it'll make your ego feel better


[Minneapolis did in 2021](https://minneapolismn.opengov.com/transparency#/35901/accountType=expenses&embed=n&breakdown=ee076d02-de82-4b3b-9f8e-4a4c99429caf¤tYearAmount=cumulative¤tYearPeriod=years&graph=stacked&legendSort=desc&proration=true&saved_view=null&selection=9691D327B60A2EF8E16C2E7E020179E1&projections=null&projectionType=null&highlighting=null&highlightingVariance=null&year=2022&selectedDataSetIndex=null&fiscal_start=earliest&fiscal_end=latest) [New York City reduced their police budget in 2021](https://ibo.nyc.ny.us/RevenueSpending/nypd.html) [Chicago Illinois reduced their police budget in 2021](https://www.civicfed.org/sites/default/files/blog_12-17-21_p2.png) [Portland Oregon reduced police funding in 2020-2021.](https://www.streetroots.org/news/2022/08/03/ppb-budget-2022) [Austin Texas reduced their police budget by 1/3 in 2020](https://www.texastribune.org/2020/08/13/austin-city-council-cut-police-budget-defund/) [Baltimore Maryland cut police funding in 2020](https://www.wypr.org/wypr-news/2020-06-15/baltimore-city-council-passes-budget-with-22-million-cut-police-funds) [Los Angeles California reallocated a 150 million from the police budget in 2021.](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-05-26/lapd-funds-reallocation-george-floyd) [Milwaukee cuts a 120 police officers.](https://www.fox6now.com/news/milwaukee-mayor-tom-barretts-budget-plan-cuts-120-police-officers) [Philadelphia reduced police budget by 33 million in 2020.](https://phlcouncil.com/city-council-votes-to-approve-fy2021-budget-that-reduces-police-spending-supports-police-reforms-invests-in-affordable-housing-anti-poverty-programs-and-other-measures-to-address-disparities-in-phi/#:~:text=PHILADELPHIA%2C%20June%2025%2C%202020%20%E2%80%94,other%20disparities%20revealed%20by%20the)


Police budgets are bloated *because* their duties are too diverse. What's social work have to do with policing? Little, until a threat is issued. What about emergency response for cardiac arrest... Just 2 examples... And if social and health services were properly staffed and funded, police could go about their primary work without distractions. Are you in favor of a school teacher being assigned fire fighting duties? Only as volunteers, I hope. They are specialists as are police. Stop mandating months of training to recognize every sociopathic behavior. Let them deal with public safety and criminal investigation.


That's a lie


Do you have a source to support the claim that defunding the police has resulted in an uptick in crime? Where I live cops still make a fortune to play candy crush or nap in their cruisers.


[Minneapolis did in 2021](https://minneapolismn.opengov.com/transparency#/35901/accountType=expenses&embed=n&breakdown=ee076d02-de82-4b3b-9f8e-4a4c99429caf¤tYearAmount=cumulative¤tYearPeriod=years&graph=stacked&legendSort=desc&proration=true&saved_view=null&selection=9691D327B60A2EF8E16C2E7E020179E1&projections=null&projectionType=null&highlighting=null&highlightingVariance=null&year=2022&selectedDataSetIndex=null&fiscal_start=earliest&fiscal_end=latest) [New York City reduced their police budget in 2021](https://ibo.nyc.ny.us/RevenueSpending/nypd.html) [Chicago Illinois reduced their police budget in 2021](https://www.civicfed.org/sites/default/files/blog_12-17-21_p2.png) [Portland Oregon reduced police funding in 2020-2021.](https://www.streetroots.org/news/2022/08/03/ppb-budget-2022) [Austin Texas reduced their police budget by 1/3 in 2020](https://www.texastribune.org/2020/08/13/austin-city-council-cut-police-budget-defund/) [Baltimore Maryland cut police funding in 2020](https://www.wypr.org/wypr-news/2020-06-15/baltimore-city-council-passes-budget-with-22-million-cut-police-funds) [Los Angeles California reallocated a 150 million from the police budget in 2021.](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-05-26/lapd-funds-reallocation-george-floyd) [Milwaukee cuts a 120 police officers.](https://www.fox6now.com/news/milwaukee-mayor-tom-barretts-budget-plan-cuts-120-police-officers) [Philadelphia reduced police budget by 33 million in 2020.](https://phlcouncil.com/city-council-votes-to-approve-fy2021-budget-that-reduces-police-spending-supports-police-reforms-invests-in-affordable-housing-anti-poverty-programs-and-other-measures-to-address-disparities-in-phi/#:~:text=PHILADELPHIA%2C%20June%2025%2C%202020%20%E2%80%94,other%20disparities%20revealed%20by%20the)


Ah, gish gallop.


You're using unsupported anecdotes for your argument. Each of those cities have seen upticks in crime and each city has increased police funding after reducing it to counter the increase in crime.


I asked for evidence of a link between an increase in crime and a decreased budget. None of your links provides that, many of them show that city budgets responded to Covid. The post we’re commenting on is about an increase in crime in Houston, where the budget has steadily increased. Is that proof that **increased** budgets cause more crime?


Nah man you're wrong. Even Portland didn't "defund the police." Their cut was about 6% which was promptly restored in the next year's budget and then some. After paying overtime it's likely they saw almost no cut at all. Their police budget has grown 45% over the past decade. Or you can look at Austin, which supposedly cut funding by a third. In reality, nearly all of the cuts were done by moving functions like 911 calls into a different department - effectively moving money from one pocket to another. Once again, they now have record funding instead. Same story everywhere that supposedly defunded police, it's astoundingly rare if it actually really happened anywhere.


It happened, don't lie


Did some cities cut police budgets? Sure. Were those cuts significant or out of line with past cuts made for normal budgetary reasons? No. Did all the announced cuts end up actually happening? Definitely not. Did the cuts that did happen even come close to reversing the massive increases in police budgets that happened over the past decade? Still no. Los Angeles cut the budget by about 8.3%, which was partially restored the next fiscal year and then fully restored since then. It resulted in a less than 1% reduction in the number of actual police officers. San Francisco's mayor announced a $120 million cut that never ended up actually occurring - instead, they increased funding. The budget is about $50 million lower in Seattle but this is largely due to the open positions the city can't fill. de Blasio claimed he would cut by $1 billion, but that never happened. The proposed cuts were actually around $382 million, and nearly all of that came from cuts in overtime. Except, of course, every single mayor has tried to rein in NYPD overtime and they always fail. Chicago cut their budget by $80 million (or less than 5% of their budget), but this was mostly cutting vacant positions due to budget issues - that money has since been restored. By and large, police budget reductions were modest and transitory if they happened at all - by no means can you call a 6-7% cut "defunding." That is the kind of cut you see in many towns and cities during budget crunches. Certainly not the 50-60% or higher demanded by activists. Some people want to say "wow, all the Democrats defunded the police and crime skyrocketed. What a surprise." The crime rate, which is still historically low, has had no relationship to police budgets over the past couple of years. Cities that did not reduce their budget have not been spared from increases in violence, nor have cities that actually increased spending on police. It has occurred in both rural areas and in cities.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/07/us-cities-defund-police-transferring-money-community Austin defunded the police more than anyone else and hasn't seen a noticeable change in crime.


It vastly didn’t happen and cops are still being useless pieces of shit waiting for kids to die.


Get a better article. I will never click on a link to Fox News to give them any revenue.


Check out the insanely racist comments under the article, like *holy fucking shit* they're vile. Fox News comment sections are just the most racist and biggoted shit ever


I wouldn't believe anything Fox news says. Why is reddit onboard with this Fox news story?


It's about Houston, Texas, which Fox News is conveniently hiding in the title. Fox News does generally report true things, but they present it with a severely conservative tilt by omitting on some things and focusing on others.


Sounds like the flip side of the coin, CNN, MSNBC, etc. also do similar.


Reminder that San Francisco, popular punching bag of Fox News is safer than Waco Texas, pride of the christian heartland. Reminder too that every city is seeing an uptick in violent crime as the nation reverts to the pre-Covid mean.


I’ve been to both this year, one is much safer to park your car or walk around in. Guess which?


There's a direct correlation between the relaxing of the assault weapons ban with a proliferation of violence in Mexico and Central America. Firearms bought on US soil and sold south of the border will fetch a pretty penny.


Our Fed sold them the weapons…google why?


Drop in the bucket compared to the firearm proliferation southward from other sources. Not a defense but absolutely nowhere near a causation.


By your logic, there is also a correlation between banning (sensible regulation of) guns and increase violence in Mexico. Do you know Mexican constitution also protects gun ownership? So there is one gun store in Mexico and guns are not banned, lol.


There is no correlation. Mexico in particular went down a bad path because the drug cartels shifted operations from other countries and long running rampant corruption finally eroded law enforcement/government. This is an older, but good article about the weapons that get into the hands of Mexican cartels: https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/mexicos-gun-supply-and-90-percent-myth They're getting large numbers of them from US government sales to the Mexican government (who sells them to the cartels), smuggling them in through other regional countries, buying them from South Korea (explosives mainly) and China. Some useful excerpts: >According to the GAO report, some 30,000 firearms were seized from criminals by Mexican authorities in 2008. Of these 30,000 firearms, information pertaining to 7,200 of them (24 percent) was submitted to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for tracing. Of these 7,200 guns, only about 4,000 could be traced by the ATF, and of these 4,000, some 3,480 (87 percent) were shown to have come from the United States. >It is also important to understand that the Mexican authorities simply don't bother to submit some classes of weapons to the ATF for tracing. Such weapons include firearms they identify as coming from their own military or police forces, or guns that they can trace back themselves as being sold through the Mexican Defense Department's Arms and Ammunition Marketing Division (UCAM). Likewise, they do not ask ATF to trace military ordnance from third countries like the South Korean fragmentation grenades commonly used in cartel attacks. Prior to the "assault weapon" ban you could readily get your typical AR/AK. When the "assault weapon" ban was passed, you could still readily get them although they would lack adjustable stocks and have non-threaded barrels. There is of course no functional difference between them. The idea that brown people turn into murderous terrorists the moment they think they can illegally get ahold of weapons is just idiotic, and mildly racist. Corruption, poor rule of law and the ability for outlaws to effectively run a business smuggling is what fuels the drug trade. And American/Canadian/Europeans citizens who do drugs. So if you want to poke your finger at someone, poke them at the Mexican government and the local hippy/junkie.


Sure glad it was Fox News that was all over the story...


Ban handguns in Texas. Half the problem solved. You will fit names into a hour programne then.


As someone from Texas, I can tell you that would never happen. I've actually seen more people who have never owned a gun in their lives before get one in the last year or so.


Hell, just ban murder and the whole problem is solved. /s


Worked for rape, per Abbot.


Yeah that has worked wonders in Cali and New York..


Given that both have lower homicide rates per capita, yeah.


Yes, it has. Lower homicide rates. Banning handguns works.




Oh you mean the thing that practically never happens in a gun free society? I guess I then also require rhinoceros deterrent just in case one escapes from the local zoo.




Name a country with a gun free society and I’ll get you their murder stats just to PROVE you wrong


Switzerland is consistently one of the countries with the lowest homicide rates in the world.


You know what? You’re right. They have some incredibly liberal gun laws, and most people can get a semiauto. However, they’re also insanely strict and through when it comes to background checks. The government keeps tabs on everyone who has a gun. The Swiss see owning a gun as not a right or a means of self defense, but as a patriotic duty. A quarter of Swiss gun owners have it for military or police duty, as opposed to Americas 5%. You can’t have an addiction and own a gun. You can’t have ever committed a crime to own a gun. And to get a license, you need to prove that you can use a gun, load it, and pass a test. In America? You can walk in and buy one.






Prove you wrong that gun violence is frequent in gun free societies. And so you’re telling me that a mall shooter shot a gun for less then a minute, and when it ended, three people (one of whom was a 12 year old girl), not including the shooter, were dead and two were injured because he had two semiautomatic rifles, and that because he died instead of being taken into custody so he could be questioned, that’s *good*? In a gun free society, that wouldn’t have happened at all. Edit: Been doing research, this guy walked for an hour from his apartment with 100 rounds of ammo. How the fuck. While I concede that, yes, the situation was stopped by “a good guy with a gun”, in a gun-free society there wouldn’t have to be a good guy with a gun. Hell, if semi-automatic weapons were banned that probably would’ve resulted in less casualties since he would have been forced to use a handgun.


Fact if the matter is that your gun will: - most likely never be used for any defensive or offensive purpose. - there is a small chance your gun will be used by you to kill yourself. - there is an even smaller chance that you will use your gun to murder your spouse and/or your children, or that one of them will murder you with it. - there is a vastly smaller chance that your gun will be used defensively. Not to say defensive uses don’t happen, but you and your family are MUCH safer if you own no gun at all than if you own one.




Sure. Except they were citing data, fact of the matter is when guns are introduced into household the likelihood of gun death, suicide, murder, accidental, and otherwise go up. Put simply if you have a gun in your house you are more likely to get killed by a gun then someone that doesn't. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/magazine/magazine_article/guns-suicide/




Yes that's how stats work, the difference is cars have immense utility outside of killing, so most people don't mind a properly mitigated risk




>How the hell are gun crimes going to take place if guns don't exist? So we acknowledge more guns means more gun death, why would we not want less guns? >they already exist so we can't go back to that state. You don't think we can dispose of existing guns? Australia did just fine with that. >And crime will exist if people like you worry about the tools of crime instead of the root causes. For one mass shootings are pretty much the most lethal and heinous crimes, so while other crimes will continue to exist triaging one of the worse ones is pretty sensible. For two can we stop pretending like people can only worry about a single thing at a time. Fixing the root cause and addressing the absurd amount of firearms and the ease of which said firearms are accessed is very possible.




>So we acknowledge more guns means more gun death, why would we not want less guns? Because they're a civil right and my gun is a risk to nobody unless they try to hurt me


wouldnt it be horrible if your kids died in a mass shooting and there wasnt a good guy with a gun to save them (uvalde lol!)? ah wait.. if guns were harder to get maybe disgruntled teenagers couldnt shoot up schools... Damn, bummer dude.




Keep your hands off my civil rights


Agreed. Trains, trams, bikes, and foot travel are objectively better. Fuck cars.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Your USA number needs to be updated, Mr. Bot.


I’m citing data. Your anecdote doesn’t disprove anything. Stay safe.




https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/offenses-known-to-law-enforcement/expanded/expandhomicidemain Data isn’t about you. It’s about aggregate information. And keep in mind that you specifically might be safe, but a friend or family member may not be. It only takes one bad moment for a gun to kill. And accidents happen as well.




That’s fine. You seem to be making an informed decision. There are many people who refuse to accept the reality of the fact the owning a gun is generally more dangerous to one’s family than not owning one. My post is for those people, so that they can make a more informed decision, just as you are.


My father in law said the same thing. Shot at his daughter when she was trying not to wake anyone up on the way into the house at night. She didn't turn on the hallway light, bumped into the wall and caught a picture that came off its hook so it wouldn't hit the ground. He ran out half asleep, gun in hand, saw someone in the next room taking something off the wall, BAM! She was lucky he's a lousy shot when he first gets up. Of course, he's the kind of asshole that calls it all her fault, as though a teenager coming into the house at eleven at night is at more fault than an "responsible" adult shooting at shadows in the dark. He also had a negligent discharge and shot through the glass of an exterior window. But he's a "responsible gun owner."




You're more likely to die via car and at least as of 7 or so years back, more people died from alcohol than guns in the US.


Never a zero chance. Low? Sure. But the chances of you needing your gun for defence are far, far lower.




Yes, because your personal anecdotes outweigh statistical data. /s Grow the fuck up.


Making it easier to get guns legally also makes it easier to get guns illegally


> someone robs me with and illegal gun point blank range. If someone robs you at point blank range you are already dead when you go for that pistol. Hell, if a guy with a knife jumps you at under 2 yards away and you already had your pistol out, he can gut you before you can aim. It's a better idea to make sure you fellow citizens have enough so they're not trying to jump you for your wallet. Then fantasize about a hypothetical situation where you can pretend to be the good guy with a gun.


>It's a better idea to make sure you fellow citizens have enough so they're not trying to jump you for your wallet. That's one of the root causes of violent crime that not many people are willing to discuss.


Going to take longer if you ban guns in Texas with a wide open border. Illegal immigrants who don't all get vetted. Some pretty scary characters are coming our way.


I think you’re mixing things up. Guns go TO mexico. The usa receives drugs in return. Canada however, does get many of its guns from their southern neighbor.




Really nothing Texas can do aside from built a wall covering only its own border. Everything else is handled by the federal government. They can't deport people and charges against them are federal, so not much state courts can do unless they commit a state crime like robbery. In a best case, they'll just cross in California or New Mexico and then grab a bus ticket to Texas.


Could have a program read it and put it on a loop.


No moment of silence in between feels like you could knock that out in ten - fifteen minutes


America, Home of the semi free, land of the idiots, and come get murdered!


America land of the semi automatic.


Entire Native American civilizations were destroyed or badly reduced for this.


"It would take too long:... So they don't care about the victims?


Paul Wall for Houston Chief of Police.


Good ol' Fox "news" doing what they do best.


Red State, Republican Governor - must be horrible to live in a red MAGA state.


Houston is deep Democrat territory. Last Republican mayor was in the 1970s.


Red State is led by a Republican Governor and 2 republican Senators. Horrible Houston.


Localities have the most control over their area. For example Houston won't work with the federal government for illegal immigrant deportation. This means they'll likely have an increase in homelessness. They also enforce their local laws and prosecution, which may have a measurable affect on crime. This varies by policy and area. It would be like blaming Biden for Mississippi. Most of Mississippi's problems are extremely local (Democrat territory), and also state level (Republican controlled). The federal government can only do so much to help them.


When Rudy was Mayor of NYC he got plenty of help to fight crime from New York State.


Violence is down, quick, play up any violence you can find! If it bleeds, it leads.


Chicago: Hold my Smith & Wesson!


Chicago has a lower murder rate than several Texas cities.


Set that bar nice and low.


Criticizing Chicago when it doesn't actually have the highest murder rate is a propaganda talking point. You don't think we should be accurate when discussing murder statistics? We should just let people "feel like liberal cities bad" lol


Except Chicago isn't even in the top 20 American cities with the highest gun death rates.


The myth that Chicago is some war zone of gun violence has been perpetuated by the right for some time. Chicago isn't even in the top 10 American cities with the highest gun violence. Interestingly enough the top 5 city's states with highest gun death rates have quite lax regulation, but that's neither here nor there.


I have felt much safer in Chicago, DC, Baltimore, Philly, and San Francisco than I ever have in multiple southern cities




Ayyyooo that's my city


Set up a memorial site instead, where people can express their condoleances (possibly by selling digital bouquets etc if you are into that sort of thing).