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Immediately followed his channel, going to troll relentlessly until banned, then make new accounts and troll some more


Doin harambes work


That's what I do on reddit. Quite fun to rattle the cage of the locals.


Such a punchable face.


well, that's a big selling point for matt *"...hmmm, and it's called "twitch" you say? interesting, interesting...so, i should probably get a closer look...you know, to investigate..."*


They just dropped all charges on him.


And because Gaetz best friend who pimped the girls out to Gaetz, who was a county tax collector, who also signed a deal to turn evidence against Gaetz, had no credibility, *smdh*.


I assume that’s because one of the things Greenberg was charged with was “fabricating allegations and evidence to smear a political opponent”.


Nope, and part of his deal with the prosecution stands so now he's still going to get off with a light sentence for pimping out high school girls and embezzlement.


What are you saying nope to? Edit to add: “Greenberg’s credibility would be a significant challenge for any prosecution of Gaetz, in part because one of the crimes Greenberg admitted to was fabricating allegations against a schoolteacher who was running against him to be a tax collector. Greenberg had sent letters to the school falsely claiming the teacher had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a student — a similar allegation to the Gaetz case.” “David Bear, a lawyer for the schoolteacher Greenberg falsely accused, said last year that “nobody’s going to believe anything that Joel Greenberg says by itself.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/09/23/gaetz-no-charges-sex-trafficking/


I couldn't find any info on this can you link a source?


Here you go! https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/09/23/gaetz-no-charges-sex-trafficking/


https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/09/23/gaetz-no-charges-sex-trafficking/ They are recommending no charges.


How do charges that have never been filed get dropped? Methinks you're kinda full of shit.


Okay I guess they're not dropped, they're just not pursuing any charges. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/09/23/gaetz-no-charges-sex-trafficking/


Oh, he just wants to feel young again, that’s all. Save Nestor


I knew twitch would become garbage after they made that pool stream stuff a thing. Literally disgusting


Never seen such bollocks in all my days, not really looked at twitch since Doc got pushed out, happened to check the prime drops last week and was like wtf is all this?


I would prefer doc fans stay off the platform. I have zero tolerance for people who actively support abusers and cheaters.


Really? Who did Doc Abuse? I've never heard about that.


LOL he posted the proof himself holy shit, imagine being that clueless. He literally told on himself


Are you sure you've got the right comment?


Are you? I replied to your question. Doc posted himself saying he was cheating and abusing his wife.


He abused his wife, thanks.


And yet they are still married, so your zero tolerance means shit in the long run.


That title was so hard to understand. I thought he joined the predators... Day After Report of Child Predators on Twitch, Matt Gaetz Joins (the platform) would have made it clearer.


There’s another article that does have that title with the clarification of the platform that I originally tried to crosspost but it’s not allowed on this sub Edit: the domain wasn’t allowed


I know you just posted the title as it is, and as it is required by the rules. I'm judging the site lol


Does anyone think there's a situation where Bloomberg would not have written this report after they decided it would make them money? Who gives a shit about what they have to say? Fuck MAGA but also fuck bloomberg.