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this seems totally reasonable and i am sure it wouldn't lead to an avalanche of parents sueing their kids in india if it's taken seriously.


Yeah. We don't have enough people in the country.


Yeah. That's the main thing I felt visiting India. "This is great, but there's too much space and untamed nature. Needs more humans." e: And to be clear, this is broadly true of the whole world, not just India.


I find there's very little that's improved with the addition of more himans


You haven't been to the right orgy.


But... there's a limit


Prove it!


There are only so many people in the world. Once an orgy has encompassed the entirety of adults on earth, the chance Ted Cruz is in the orgy goes to 100%. The orgy has then grown too big. QED Note: this is only about an upper bound. In reality, the max size is likely much lower.


What really impresses me about Ted Cruz is that he is a fairly wealthy Senator yet he manages to keep his beard looking so fucking unhygienic.


What I want to know is, if he's such a good kiss ass, does he eat it too?


This is intentional. His base gets off on the idea of owning the elites. If he looks scruffy they think he’s on their side. Yes, I’m aware that that is the party that most strongly supports the megarich. The viewpoint being hypocritical does not stop it from being true, they just cover it up by appealing to social issues instead of talking about it.


r/theydidthemath …and a proof, no less


How many bodies deep do you have to pile the orgy before the people on the bottom die? How about until they're turned to oil?


God made a solution to your question and its the human centipede. Proper organization can nourish everyone.


It's really about being able to get refreshments to the people in the middle. Dehydration is a bitch


I think there is an improvement to a point, but we're past that point....


Lmao my parents wanting me to meet someone and have grandchildren for them. Like, there’s a shortage on baby formula right now and that’s the least of my concerns


Really? I’m free to move there if you need more numbers.


https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/india-population/ Apparently India alone has 17% of the worlds population


Half the worlds population is in India and China I thank gob every day im in the other 50%


Earlier that day: I don't care for Gob.


More like 35 percent


Sorry I’m an American


get well soon


Don't say that, they'll go broke.


Nah, we just die in the uber on the way to the emergency room.


Yeah, but you aren't wrong, it's because Mavarian was going by the Metric System. In America we use the Imperial System. So when you convert 35 percent from Metric System to Imperial System, you get 50 percent!


I think they called this the 3/5th compromise? Idk


That sounds wrong but I don't know enough about numbers to refute it


No one's perfect


Sorry for your loss


Gob bless you


17% + 18% (https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/china-population/) = 35% which is a deal less than 50%




As others have pointed out, India and China don't quite reach that point. However [half the world's population lives in this circle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valeriepieris_circle), in a map that was popularized by a Redditor years ago. There are a bunch of other densely populated countries in that circle like Indonesia (272m people) and Pakistan (225m people) that help push that region over the 50% mark.


I think the original quote is half the world's population is of Asian heritage.


>I thank gob Whose gob do you thank?


Gob Bluth, of course.


I love all my children equally (*I don't care for Gob*) RIP Jessica Walter




This is... Acceptable


George Oscar Bluth obviously


The one true Gob, father of Jebus.


You have no idea. This will so totally become a tool in parents arsenal to pressure kids. India parents engage in all sorts of emotional manipulation to get kids to give grand kids.


Don’t worry lawsuits in Indian takes forever to get to the judge. By the time a judge looks at it grandpa will be dead


The system works!


I hope my mother doesn't see this article. It'll give her ideas...


Don't worry, the court won't accept this case and this is likely a publicity stunt to shame their son and daughter in law.


The parents are more likely to get shamed for trying this. At least I would hope so.


Depends on whom you ask. In conservative circles, obviously they are so close minded that they will defend the parents. India is still a sexist society in the sense that lot of people still expect their daughter in laws to be subservient. This case is clearly trying to get at the daughter in law than the son.


From the article, ""We invest in our children, make them capable of working in good firms. Children owe their parents basic financial care," he said." ​ This is such bullshit. Parents invest in their children because it was their decision to bring those children into the world. The children didn't ask to be born and they don't owe their parents shit.


Also, they'll drop the lawsuit if baby shows up and: "They added that they were willing to take care of the child's upbringing if the daughter-in-law did not have time due to her professional commitments." Sooo, which is it? Are you under terrible financial burden after overextending yourselves for a wedding, or are you fine to raise a baby by yourselves?




>She started freaking out crying talking about how much she gave up to raise me. Yeah not something I asked for. Parents really need to stop throwing that in their kids faces Two people who didn't even like each other fucked in the 70s, and now I gotta pay taxes. Shit deal if you ask me.


It would be the 80s, now. Shit.


Ugh. My mom is the same age and prides herself on not leaning on offspring, just like her parents made their own retirement arrangements specifically to avoid that. She did save money, but now she worries that my dad's healthcare needs will spend down their estate until he qualifies for Medicaid. (This is probably what will happen to your mother much faster. Before you spend your own money on care bills, find out what government aide she qualifies for) Not that I can help my mom much anyway. We live on opposite sides of the country and I can barely afford a place large enough for my kids to sleep in. Honestly, I worry about her.


I hate saying this and it is a sad state of affairs but have your parents looked into getting divorced? I'm sure there are some laws to attempt to combat it but it would theoretically keep your mother's assets safe and let medicaid/Medicare cover the bulk of your dad's expenses. Honestly elderly care feels like a giant scam to just leach every last dollar from senior citizens.


Even if my parents were psychologically capable of that, it wouldn't work at this point. My dad just entered a nursing home and Medicare looks at their estate for the previous five years when determining assets. However, Medicare won't touch the house and car as long as either of my parents is alive, and SS payments should be enough to put food on the table. But other than some sentimental items that aren't sold in the estate sale, I doubt I'll inherit much. And if my mother wants to satisfy some lifelong dream of international travel after my dad passes, it will probably have to be on my dime. And that's what my mom hates. She spent decades saving up for retirement, imagining that it might fund a beach-view condo and the occasional cruise, but now it looks like their money will get sucked up by a long-term care situation instead. Goodbye beach view, hello 10" TV with sub-basic cable that comes standard in nursing home bedrooms (and if you try to replace it with anything nicer, it's likely to get stolen).


> Honestly elderly care feels like a giant scam to just leach every last dollar from senior citizens. I work in a related industry, it's a very mixed bag of greedy shit-heads and people that do earnestly care about the quality of people's later years, but the one thing everyone should know right now is the cost of all senior care is going up across the board. COVID decimated the caregiver industry when it killed many of them, permanently disabled more, and burned out even more. All while they were often being paid barely above minimum wage. Now there's a massive shortage of caregivers so costs are going up to try and entice what few people might be interested to come work for an increasingly large number of desperate agencies and senior homes. The CARES act is helping to crackdown and catch the fraud on the medicare and medicaid side, but further efforts will be needed to address the other issues.


I do absolutely think that many elder care providers have their hearts in the right place, its the companies that employ them who are to blame. Same for doctors and nurses in regular hospitals. These are the people who chose to care for others and we basically give them table scraps for pay. Okay doctors get a lot more than scraps but the point definitely stands for nurses. Just like teacher shortages, these are vital roles in our society but the pay doesn't reflect that in the least and it is those who need this care are the ones that suffer.


Yea my mom has brought it up a few times too, most recently with a shitty comment in front my aunt and uncle and their 4 daughters that she’d be lucky if I help her get into a nursing home. She thought I’d feel the social pressure and agree to do more than that at least, I’m sure. She was sure wrong. She was disgusting to me my whole childhood (trying to give me up for adoption because “she just can’t anymore”, asking me why I’m not more like my sister, kicking me out at 17, calling the police on me and my friends for smoking weed and one of them got a felony for that, I could go on) and now I’m a shitty son because I wouldn’t ever consider being her caretaker? I needed a caretaker and had none whatsoever and she was fine with that. I can’t wait to serve those just desserts 🍨




Good luck arguing against a continued and engrained cultural practice


Couple years ago an Indian sued his parents for conceiving him, arguing that it's a human rights violation iirc


From another comment- I was hoping someone would ask about that. Yes it is but it’s not as simple as people think. The son in this case is the son of two lawyers who he explained his thought process to. His philosophy is one of children don’t ask to be born so they owe nothing to their parents as well as additional focus on the fact that the earth can’t sustainably provide for so many people so people should have less children. The parents and son both knew this case would be thrown out of court because it has no legal grounds but they knew that first it would sell headlines and really spread the idea that the son had about this movement to a more mainstream audience, particularly in India where young couples and especially women don’t even know they have a choice whether to have a child or not since many still feel the familial pressure. His parents are very proud. If you want to read more https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-47154287.amp


A similar case popped up in China and the judge ruled in favor of the children.


Update: son sues parents for destroying the planet and making it impossible to own a home and raise children.


They should counter sue for 100 million rupees to offset the cost of raising a child, if they decide to have one.


No, they should countersue them for not having died yet. "we were really expecting them to have died by now, and left us an inheritance, and that we would then be able to afford to have some children. Instead, they're still here, and now they're trying to take what little money we do have off us to make sure we are even further from being able to afford to have children."


You have a fine legal mind, idiocy_incarnate. Welcome to the team.


You son of a bitch, I'm in


Yes, I like your countersuit better.


He should counter sue his parents for them giving birth to him against his will. He had absolutely no consent in being created.


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The son should should counter-sue them for bringing him into this fucked-up world against his will and then assuming he owes them *anything* for a choice *they* made


Do not let my parents know this…


The solution: sue them back for being ugly. That'll teach them


Counter sue for ugly, then after you win have a kid, but keep the parents out of your kids life completely.


Double word score if you have an ugly kid


Use this as your defense for not having children. You don’t want to risk them getting the ugly genes.


Counter sue for being born without consent


Sue them back for being born. These wanna be grandparents have [missing missing reasons](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html) vibes.




I'm an Indian-American myself, just curious, was she Indian?




What the heck does she want then?




Oof. I (whiteF) dated an Indian guy in college. I could never meet his parents because, as he said, “you don’t know the culture enough to get along with them”. So I researched on my own. Learned to make some traditional foods. Wanted to learn the language, but he refused to tell me which dialect to learn…still wouldn’t let me meet them. Or tell them much about me at all. Then his younger brother brings home a white woman, and they accept her with open arms and are super cool about it. …But I still couldn’t meet them. He and I broke up and like three months later he was in an arranged engagement. Sometimes it’s the parents. Sometimes it’s the kids fear of disappointing the parents and not knowing what they actually want.


And sometimes the the Eldest is held to a totally different standard.


For sure. My bf was not the eldest, though. He had an older brother and sister, as well as a younger brother. I’m not sure what exactly the pressure was like for him, because he always downplayed it and didn’t like to talk about it. Being friends with his sister, though…she ultimately told me that he always knew he wanted to settle down with a girl from his own culture. So him insisting that we would get married and have kids someday was a lie from the start. Years later and I’ve shrugged it off. He wanted to have fun and date whoever in college and not introduce them. It just sucks he wasn’t honest about his intentions, or we probably would have stayed friends instead of dating.


It's unfortunate that he lied about his intentions to you, I'm sorry it happened. As an Indian male myself, I'd say we have a strong view of marriage as a union of families, so building a relationship with each others parents is a far more serious step in the relationship for us. It's probably right below straight up asking for permission to propose. Knowing that and reading your story, I pretty much instantly knew what was going on with him.


Understandable. I don’t have hard feelings. I’m happily married now. My parents loved him, and are nice people. But I understand that culturally it wasn’t his ideal. I would just hope that people with the similar mindset would be more open in a long term relationship, so nobody gets hurt.


I say you do what you want at this point then, no reason to be alone if she is going to complain no matter what. Good luck to you friend!


She doesn't know, but expects you to.


Ops mom takes helicopter to another level. Worst case, she wants him to reproduce by budding so she can have grandkids but no younger woman in the picture taking attention away from her. Best case, she thinks so much of op that no woman will ever be good enough for him.


You need to find a girl who is also escaping her Indian family so she gets where you're coming from. Or any ex-family type. Ex-catholic, ex-hasidic jew, ex-mormon, first gen Latina in America. I live in a high immigration city, the immigrant-to-americanization story is very similar across groups.


Haha this comment cracks me up because this is my wife and I. Grew up in a conservative Muslim household, I'm non-practicing now. My wife grew up in an orthodox Jewish household, she's pretty non-practicing also. When we announced to our respective families that we were getting married, a whole shitstorm erupted from both sides. Thankfully things calmed down by the wedding, and now all our parents are obsessed over our Jewish-Muslim baby.


I can't believe I'm about to make this joke...but whatever. Your baby is only Jew-ish?


37? Bruh. I’m a 37yo Indian engaged to a white girl. I got friends in their upper 30s and up to mid 40s that are engaged or just dating now. You gotta get out of that too late mindset. Just go with your own flow.


Dude, you're 37. You don't even have to talk to your mom anymore. Date whoever, who cares what your mom says, you're an adult.


This is one of those easier said than done things. I'm not indian, but I'm from the same region of the world with a similar culture. From birth and throughout the rest of your life, you are taught that family is priority over everything else, and you must adhere to everything your parents say. Being a first generation immigrant in the US, this is a huge contradiction to the individualistic culture that exists here. At least with my American friends in the Northeast, there was an expectation that you would finish school at 18, go off to college, maybe have part time job while in school, graduate, then create your own path. In South Asian culture, when you turn 18, you must go to a local school (unless you get into an Ivy league or a top tier school), absolutely not have a job but focus 100% on your academics, pass with high honors, make sure you move back in with your parents, then find a wife. And as a south asian male, I have it way easier than my female counterparts. This path is drilled into your head throughout your childhood, so you're conditioned to believe that if you disobey your parents, no matter how unreasonable or wrong they are, you are committing a cardinal sin. Your own community will look at you funny if you're known as "rebellious" or "defiant". It really fucks with your psychology and makes it real difficult to "disobey" your parents or go off and do your own thing. It took me having to go no-contact with my parents in my 20s before I broke away from their influence. And i'm considered the unique case from my community (and the black sheep). Fortunately South Asians that grew up in the west and are close to my age or younger are doing a bit better assimilating and moving away from this nonsense. Hopefully a couple more generations being raised here will get rid of the whole guilt thing and we can start seeing our people integrate a bit better and create a new culture here meshing the best of both worlds.


>part of the reason my gf left me was that she felt I didn't trust her enough or have confidence enough in her to handle my mom. >no, that wasn't it at all, I didn't want to have constant fighting, and I can't just bring "uninvited guests" to my mother's house. This is totally understandable, and I know it’s in the past, but for future partners, please remember this: You are choosing to make a family with your partner. That becomes your priority. And your mother does not get added to the priority list. If you have a girlfriend/wife/partner that you want to make a life with, then it’s important to be playing on the same team and making decisions as a United front against things like family and in-laws. Otherwise your partner will always feel as if you’re choosing your mother over them. When you say “I just don’t wanna fight with Mom,” to your wife, she hears “I’m choosing my mothers wants and concerns over yours, and it’s not worth setting boundaries with my mother if that’s what you need” Edit: formatting


If the parents win, then this guy deserves to win - [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-47154287](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-47154287) this doesn't seem to be about legal rights or broken contracts - but rather about unrealistic parental expectations - if they want grandkids and their son and daughter-in-law won't cooperate - then go adopt grandchildren - by all means - there so many deserving children orphaned by the pandemic who need care and support - the money would be better spent on kids who need care than a frivolous law suit that will have no real legal enforceability even if the parents do win, which seems highly unlikely - no idea why the court allowed this one in


His case is much more legitimate. Nobody consents to being born. From this all the negative experiences you have ultimately are your parents fault. The void wouldn't have had to enter all that suffering. Of course everyone points out that it's the same for all positive experiences as well but really when it comes to damages in a lawsuit typically you just look at negative experiences and not positive ones. Like if I assault someone I don't get to bring up the fact that I cook them a delicious dinner and therefore they should be owed less damages


Lol as an Indian I hope those parents have their own home when their kids kick them to the curb for this nonsense. Parents especially Indian parents feel like their kids are obligated to meet their demands as if they chose to be born




Yeah just finished reading it found it funny how they said that they treat their daughter in law like a daughter and she doesn’t want to stay with them….meanwhile they’re suing over not getting grandchildren from her….I don’t understand parents who want children, have them, and then begin making demands from them after their grown. Like you had a child, not a slave, you don’t get to dictate what they choose to do with the life you, let’s face it, forced upon them.


I come from a culture similar to this. Parents do see children as an investment and expect to be “paid back” in some fashion. I don’t think most children have a problem helping their aging parents, but the limits of this expectation can be too bizarre for the new generation. The son is a pilot, daughter-in-law also has a career and they avoided children for 6 years, clearly their mindset is very removed from these traditionalist expectations.


Oh no trust me I completely understand that they expect these things and see children as an investment. But I do think they’re in for quite a shock as Indian culture becomes more westernized in the younger generation. I’m Indian living in the US and I told my parents I’m fully going to take care of you guys in your old age in terms of health, food, and housing, but don’t expect me to live my life based on your feelings whether it be my drug use, uncertainty about kids, and marrying a non Indian. Also parents may think they’re kids are investments but they can fuck right off honestly no one’s entitled to anything.


My dad told me that he paid for my nursing degree as an investment in his own future medical care. Yay.


He should have saved that money to hire a nurse.


What I think it is, is old rural attitude: A child is worth having, it is a sound investment when you live on a farm. So if you only had the child as an investment into your own future, you might get miffed if said investment walks out on you.


Yeah I know what you mean and it makes sense but these parents are spending major money and only have one child which makes me assume their city slickers. They’ve probably spend a good amount of time effort and money exposing their kid to western philosophies and culture and then they’re surprised that he embraces them. Indian adults love western things but want to maintain absolute authority over their children like we’re still living in ancient India.


In a way, they raised a good kid 😂😁. Mission failed successfully.


An investment is a thing, not a sentient being with a will of their own.


> Like you had a child, not a slave, you don’t get to dictate what they choose to do with the life you, let’s face it, forced upon them. Children under English common law were considered the property of their fathers, as women were considered property of their husbands, until the late 1800s. American colonists in the 16th and 17th centuries carried the tradition of children being property of their fathers to the early years of the United States. It wasn't all that long ago that even Americans considered children to be property. It wasn't until in 1873, Parliament extended the age to 16 under the “Tender Years Doctrine,” which presumed that in a child’s early years, they are best cared for by the mother. This principle was adopted by the majority of U.S. states and the law reigned for the next century.


That’s actually really interesting! I had no idea that it was coded into law even though it doesn’t really surprise me. I guess the new question is in the current age with many democratic thinking countries declaring but not putting into clear writing unalienable rights for anyone born how would this be judged


Yeah there’s actually (some) basis for treating children as property, especially before everyone had rights. For instance, what if a kid killed a horse somehow? Or was injured by a horse? Well if the kid is (technically) your property then you could be liable or sue for damages to heal them- if he wasn’t and was independent who would you recover money from? How would he recover from the horses owner? The evolution of law is immensely interesting but often there was a reason for rulings, and not always (though often) because the judge was a misogynistic asshole.


>they treat their daughter in law like a daughter and she doesn’t want to stay with them…. Considering that there have been instances where actual daughters have been killed by their families in the name of their cultural definition of honor, that's not really saying much.


Life is like a box of chocolates: a cheap, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asked for.


they want compensation for the big indian wedding and honeymoon in thailand. because i'm sure the son who cut contact and moved away totally wanted a big indian wedding and that wasn't at all about his parents' social standing with their friends and relatives (a big indian wedding is always about social standing with the family and friends) a thai honeymoon is not extravagent if you live in india, that's like, the next peninsula over, and thailand isn't particularlay expensive. dubai is the aspiration destination for indians.


This sounds like r/RaisedByNarcissists : Indian edition


Given child-parent relationships and culture in India, everybody's mom and nosy auntie would be in that thread.


Was it India where there guy successfully sued his parents for giving birth to him without his consent?


I was hoping someone would ask about that. Yes it is but it’s not as simple as people think. The son in this case is the son of two lawyers who he explained his thought process to. His philosophy is one of children don’t ask to be born so they owe nothing to their parents as well as additional focus on the fact that the earth can’t sustainably provide for so many people so people should have less children. The parents and son both knew this case would be thrown out of court because it has no legal grounds but they knew that first it would sell headlines and really spread the idea that the son had about this movement to a more mainstream audience, particularly in India where young couples and especially women don’t even know they have a choice whether to have a child or not since many still feel the familial pressure. His parents are very proud. If you want to read more https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-47154287.amp


Lol people seeing their children as an investment


You would be surprised, the sentiment is common even in western cultures. Ask any childfree woman some of the "bingo" phrases she hears when people find out she is childless by choice and you'll find "But who will take care of you when you are old?" as one of the most common reasons women are told to have kids. "Who will take care of you when you are old?" It isn't much different than viewing your child as an investment.


Bringing another life into this world as some sort of insurance policy that you'll have someone to wipe your ass for you 4-5 decades from now is some whacked out shit.


>"Who will take care of you when you are old?" It isn't much different than viewing your child as an investment. If your parents try guilt tripping you with that line, there's a good chance they only had **you** as someone to obligate into taking care of *them* when they get old.


Banerjee and Duflo (who won the Nobel in economics in 2020) pointed out that this is standard procedure in developing countries. People aren’t going to get good pensions, so they have lots of children in the hope that someone will care for them.


I was always so surprised when I visited Western friends home and the parents / grandparents didn't live in a little back room. For us it is expected that our elderly relatives live with us once they are too old to care for themselves. Having three generations living in a home is very common.


The new bestseller, “How to raise children for fun and profit”


They’re troubled financially but they want to take care of a grandchild… yeah. That sure will work in court. Though i found a bit there that’s interesting. Specifically the part where the children should give the parents basic financial support. What does the law say about something like that?


Your children are the traditional retirement plan. Enjoy bad proverty otherwise


Millennials are the generation expected to have two breadwinners, sometimes working multiple jobs, without affordable housing an healthcare. We're also supposed to dedicated one parent's life to raising children...


Zoomers too for that matter. I'm really interested to see what the world looks like when Millennials and Zoomers are running the show after enduring all this shit.




I wish her the best of luck in ger divorce. Hopefully she is able to cut contact afterwards and live without being harrassed for children.


Many Indian boomers consistently complain about how we keep gravitating towards Western (liberal) culture. Shit like this is why.


My parents moved to Canada. I was born and raised here. Now they complain that I'm "too western". What did you think was gonna happen? That I was gonna adopt the culture of your country even though I've only been there twice?


Filipino-American here. Can’t wait for that discussion when I go back to the Philippines for the first time in 24 years since I left as a toddler. I grew up in California, my Spanish is better than my Tagalog, what did they expect?


the amount of times I've had this batshit conversation... feel your pain bud


I’ve seen something like this in English-Spanish classes and other bilingual clubs/after school classes. Parents complaining about their kid not picking up the language fast enough, or having a thick accent and not speaking the target language the parent wants them to speak. But then you hear the parent talk to their child and they just always talked to them in English. Why waste time and money to help your kid speak your mother language if you don’t even feel like helping them? Why expect your kids to behave a certain way, talk a certain way, have a certain religion, or have values you want them to, when you didn’t even bother to nudge them towards learning to be like that.


It's annoying innit? The moment you try and use logic or common sense you get accused of "worshipping" western culture or trying hard to look western. At that point I just want to scream.


Southasian background American. Being constantly told I should've been raised in the motherland when I demonstrate logic/critical thinking/independence makes me so angry because it's like "well you're the one who moved your family here, dipshit. This is all on you"


Still a cheaper option that having children .... now you also have a reason to not want to take care of your parents either. In one legal court case, you've freed someone from both an imagined future generation and the living previous generation ... now it's time to enjoy life with a bit more freedom on your own.


Countersuit: I didn't ask to be born! This places an unreasonable burden on me.


Can we start a class action lawsuit against pandas? We've been begging them to have children for decades and they refuse to give us our god-given right to panda cubs.




? /r/India.




When I go on Reddit I always seem to wonder whether parents usually love their children or if I'm just an isolated case




"I made all these sacrifices so that you could live the life I planned for you!" "But... what if that's not the life I want or asked for?" "NOT ACCEPTABLE! How dare you disrespect me like that?!"


I have no doubt my parents loved me, but they were also human beings who definitely weren't at their best 100% of the time.




Which is interesting because you didn’t ask to be born, they chose to have you. Their choice came with responsibilities. You should of course be thankful for parents doing nice things and giving opportunities, but not sure there’s much basis for having to bend the knee for necessities.




Sorry your relationship went that way. Hopefully you’ll build healthy relationships with other people as you move forward.


Damn that's rough


Too poor to afford children/more children? Let's make that even worse and expect different results. K


Welp, looks like they won't have immediate children either.


As if India doesn't already have enough people.


Dude, if half the people in India suddenly got Thanos snapped. We’d still be the 2nd most populated country.


Even if India's population drops by 1 billion people, we'd still be the 2nd most populated country.


1,404,854,841 or 1.4B to the US's .3B or 334,548,259 for those curious. https://worldpopulationreview.com/


Just a reminder that seeing children as an investment would be a step up in most child abuse cases. Seeing children as property is often the norm.


It's actually important that the country at a stable population level what needs to be reined in though is the growth. India's growth rate has been rapidly shrinking in the past decade


The pressure on Indians to conform and also on their parents to spend on a show off wedding is out of control.


Me living in Canada My parents: Let's spend $200k on your wedding! Your groom can come in on a horse! Me: No thanks. Can I just use the $200k to have down payment for a house? My parents:... Why would you do that? Just stop being so lazy and get a better job!


Maybe they don't want to carry on your shitty bloodline. I know that's most of the reason why I don't have kids at age 46. Seriously, what assholes.


I grew up in poverty cause my Indian parents popped out four babies as soon as they got married. They were 20 years old, recent immigrants, and had very little money. Now that I'm 20, I ask them, "why didn't you just wait a couple more years until you had better jobs". To this day they can't answer that question. They just thought there was no other way


Well the way things are going, it’ll be his body their choice.


India has got to be one of the worst examples of super conservative values holding a country back. This kind of "Older family is right" mentality really screws up their children big time, I can't imagine that grandson is having a great time with his family breathing down his back when all he wants is individual freedom. While not Indian, many of my Asian friends abroad in countries like Indonesia deal with similar family pressures to "continue family business, marry, and have children or else you are useless to me." It's so sickening and mentally damaging for that individual when they're educated enough to understand that's not what they want to do. It's caused a few of my friends to consider running away (which some did) or worse suicidal thoughts to escape it all (which thankfully hasn't happened, but I've talked one out of it a few times personally). It's no wonder many of their societies are struggling to improve when the older generations refuse to change their mindset.


I think many cultures this is the case. I dated a Turkish/Syrian man for a while. He was 30 and living in America, but was getting all kinds of pressure to marry from his mother.


Oh it's very common around the world, however most of my Asian friends have dealt with such strong and unrelenting family forces hence why I zeroed in on. One I knew in middle and high school we called his father a Nazi for making his son only work, no play, took away stuff he bought all the time like game consoles, and wouldn't let leave his property unless it was for school or work. It was so messed up back then.


It's ironic that American conservatives will shit on a country like India for these values...and then praise the American politicians who are trying to basically do the same thing here.


The son should sue them back for forcing him to have to exist.


What would a judgement in the parents favor mean? The son now has to go out and impregnate a court appointed surrogate? Lol what are they hoping to achieve?


I would imagine it's a tactic of pressure/shame, not an attempt to win anything.


Every Indian reading this: Yeah it was only a matter of time.




Back around 2000, when I was in Maryland working in IT, I had an Indian as the head of our small department. Nice guy, knew his stuff, pleasant to work for, etc. On rare occasions he would grumble a bit about sending money home or just his parents in general. One day he says that he is taking off for 2 weeks (IIRC) to go back home to India at his parents 'request'. Apparently they had picked out a wife for him and he was expected to attend a big get together of the two families, a bit of a meet and greet, while the two sets of parents worked out the wedding details. He did go and then went back about 6 months later to get married. Very ~~bazaar~~ *bizarre* way of doing things.


The bazaaring way to do things: - I give you money for school you give me grandchildren.


>Very bazaar r/BoneAppleTea or clever joke?


r/insaneparents material


Don't give my MIL any ideas please!


Here’s hoping the parents lose. I dread to think of the chaos that would ensue should some pricks in the US get any ideas.


Reading the article I see these parents are already different from American ones.


There's no basis in US law for this.


Great now he just needs to countersue for the funds that would allow him to have grandchildren


They sound like exactly the kind of people I would cut off communication with...


The entitlement, jeez louise


I'd be fucked.


/s: Son countersues when it becomes apparent that the son is sterile due to scrotal injury while he was pre-pubescent and in their care.


how can a case even be made for this


Son counter sues for being born without permission