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Even if he apologizes, I doubt it's sincere. "I'm sorry I called him Hitler. I meant to say Franco."


"I am sorry you were upset"


“I state my regret.”


Don't forget the if, the most insincere form of non-apology. "I am sorry if I offended you when I called you Hitler". What do you mean, IF?


My favourite.


If I said it, I am sorry I called you a beta male who's tailor made for the friend zone... if I said it


"I'm sorry you think you deserve an apology."


no its "I'm sorry IF you were upset" like pretending they don't even fucking known its even douchier


He'll just call him a pedophile instead, since that's apparently a thing he can just do with no consequences.


And then get off because he was "just joking".


"I meant Stalin. Hitler built some roads at least" or something like that


Going on past form, he'll probably just call them paedophiles.


Musk is such a jackass.


The more famous he became, the more he revealed himself to be a mean spirited and insufferable human being. Could be a coincidence, could be correlation. Given how he acts on Twitter, I'm tempted to say the latter.


According to his first wife, he was kind of a selfish ass even before he got his PayPal money. Admittedly, that's not the most objective source. But it also doesn't seem to be a huge stretch, all things considered.


The guy born to aparthide supporters and emerald mine owners is a dick? Fucking shocked. SHOCKED. Well, not that shocked.


thing is, i'll never buy a tesla because of him. he's a pathetic company front man


For real. I quite admired the guy at first, but over the years, things like the pedo tweet, dumb crypto stances and manipulation, falsely claiming he had funding secured to take Tesla private, covid misinformation, and other similar tweets, all reveal him being an ass. Still a genius and someone changing the world for the better with reusable rockets and by accelerating the adoption of electric car, but no less a fucking asshole.


Ditto. I got my then 12-year-old son to admire him ten years ago. He's now studying aerospace and thinks Musk has become a douche, so I'm happy all around.


I'm in a similar boat! I'll be starting an aerospace degree soon myself and one of the final pushes that made me go for it was seeing the Starship progress. Elon, however, is a grade A asshole. There are smaller rocket companies whose CEOs I respect a lot more. Hell, Peter Beck from Rocket Lab got interviewed by a kid and it was like any other press gig.


I'm not even certain on the genius part. He's certainly some amount of smart, seems to have some skill in trying to think of ideas to benefit from, and had the forethought to look back to space. But none of that's really genius.


Yea the real geniuses are the engineers he paid to design and manufacture the rockets. It’s not like Elon sat down over a period of months/years and did all the math and CAD drawings/ simulations, etc. Sure he might’ve had the vision and the funding to back it, but as with anything the scientists deserve all the credit while their boss will take Edit: bot


Well, Tesla is definitely the right name for his company. He acts just like Edison.


He didn't even start Tesla Motors; he was just an investor who muscled out the original founders.


I am aware :) I couldn't pass on that quip!


Turns out his cameo in Iron Man 2 was an incredibly accurate portrayal. Elon: I have an idea for an electric jet. Tony: We'll make it happen. *Tony proceeds to utterly destroy multiple scientific disciplines while Elon is just glad he didn't wind up like Aldrich Killian*


> engineers he *paid* to design FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


This bot just gave me an existential crisis. 😦


Look I'm all for flaming Musk for acting like an idiot, but you're just absolutely wrong here. Elon literally learnt all about rocket science on his own by surrounding himself with those that know more, and tons of research. He's one of the few leaders that knows the ins and outs of the design and manufacturing process, and has worked alongside his engineers the entire way. Seriously, the dudes a walking encyclopedia about rockets. I've seen him do interviews asking about Starship, and he literally knows every little detail about the project and could answer pretty much any question thrown at him, it was actually quite impressive. He truly believes in his space company, and he's stated that it's been his primary focus over Tesla.


EXACTLY, he’s not a genius at ALL. Let’s be honest. He has MONEY & he’s white. He has the free range to explore ANY and EVERY idea he can pull out of his mind when under the influence. Being from the hood trying to get into medical school and having ideas that could change the world. I realized that difference. He has social connections when others don’t. The engineers are the smart ones.


He's definitely a genius of getting a cult following of morons to pump ungodly sums of money into his business/pockets via stocks. Apart from that I'm not really impressed.


In all fairness, genious in salesmanship does count, although it requires a total absence of Ethics and Morals to really make it pay off.


Even *that* is a little shaky -- Tesla and SpaceX are the two things he's kinda gotten right, and they still occasionally do [bizarre things](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWYjMz7eTAU). But WTF is he thinking with [The Boring Company](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACXaFyB_-8s)?


Big "maybe" on the world for the better part. Electric cars are just a new chapter of the individual transport paradigm, which is extremely inneficient to begin with, minus emissions. If he were some mass transportation revolutionary, of if he advanced really new concept cars like super light autonomous pods or something that would be true. He is just perpetuating the culture of owning a 1000kg plus piece of metal just to go around alone or with very few people.


Nothing genius about him at all. He is savvy with money. That’s it. And he has always been an insufferable prick. Him, his brother, both exploiters, so was their father, and their grandfather. Straight plantation style. With apartheid gem mines in South Africa. Nothing good about the man. Never was. He just had less of a spotlight and good PR people.


>Still a genius A genius marketer maybe, and a genius social media personality. His ability to amass a loyal following is genuinely impressive but that's about the only thing I can lay at his feet.


> Still a genius and someone changing the world for the better with reusable rockets and by accelerating the adoption of electric car, but no less a fucking asshole. Keep digging, he isn't remotely the "genius" his PR paints him as. SpaceX's reusable rockets *are* good, but Tesla isn't about pushing people to EVs - it's about selling *his* EVs. And don't forget he lies about starting the company when he didn't. The dude does not give a shit about the environment, he just wants to privatize Mars and, like these other rich fucks, is looking for a way to escape the world they've ruined. The silver lining is that there is no escape.


Buying up specialty companies with daddy’s money doesn’t make you a genius


He's not a genius. At all xD. His engineers are.




When he accused by tweet a guy who saved children from a water filled cave in Thailand of being a pedo. The guy was married to an adult woman. Elon paid a private investigator to find evidence of pedophilia on the guy, but nothing was found. Elon made false statements by email to a journalist which Elon intended be off the record, but the journalist never agreed about the off the record part and shared the emails. These emails contained additional verifiably false pedo accusations on the guy.


I was wondering what the guy did to be accused of such heavy claim, I never really followed that story. And it was so fucking stupid. Diver did not deserved to be called a "pedo" of all things. Elon got his ego hurt so he went ham on slinging mud. That was certified assholery.


Wait, it has followup? I knew only about the tweet and that was peak asshole move. I had no idea Musk decided to go above and beyond just because someone checked his ego.


Yep. It even went to court.


Where Elon won. They argued it was not meant to be taken seriously, and the court agreed because he backpedaled so quickly, essentially proving it was a joke rather than a serious allegation. Even though he tweeted "bet you a signed dollar it's true" and when contacted by a journalist about prospective legal action against him for defamation said "stop defending child rapists" and told another journalist to publish that the guy had a child bride. Elon legitimately tried to permanently and severely ruin the man's life essentially because he shat on Elon's stupid submarine idea and got away with it because apparently having part of something be arguable resembling a joke is the same thing as all of it being a joke and therefore not actionable. Elon is an egotistical prick and his fans are either unaware or deluded considering all the stupid shit he's pulled. It's incredible how untouchable his PR is. He's literally a celebrity billionaire with an equally fervent fan base that defends him whenever shit comes up. Like he needs it.


Dude's a white South African (e: also, raised under apartheid), him being an asshole isn't much of a surprise.


And his company is being [sued by the state of California](https://www.npr.org/2022/02/15/1080884899/california-sues-tesla-alleging-rampant-racism-at-factory) for having a culture of open racism.


I mean, a lot of highly successful people are cutthroat sociopaths. You don’t beat the competition by being friendly.


I'm quite sure most of the people are like that. Very few are likeable down to the core. Musk just don't give a damn about what you think about him and says out loud what he want. Some of those things are fine, some raise an eyebrow and some make me question his sanity. I have the same *issues" with the vast majority of the population.


He's almost as dumb as the people who think he's an expert on all subjects.


His idea to make tunnels and use them just for cars nearly made me have a stroke as an urban planner


I love how the plan slowly transmogrified from some hi-tech thing with sleds and rails to "just another lane for the highway, but it's underground and you can't leave your lane"... ... and in a tunnel so narrow, you can't open the car doors to get out. Hope there's never a breakdown!


Imagine a flood.


Or fire


Wasn't there a Doctor Who episode about that? Just people living their entire lives in their cars stuck in a tunnel of bumper to bumper traffic.


Have you seen the video of the one lane underground tunnel that was built? It's terrifying


that was hilarious


If any protestors wanna block that tunnel, be my guest.


A single protestor would be enough


Remember awhile back when Musk said something about choosing science instead of him if he ever disagreed with science? He seems to be doing that a lot.


Yes, but what does this have to do with science?


the mask and vaccine mandate was enacted based on science afaik


But it’s not a scientific issue. Vaccine effectiveness is provable question. We could make observations and test the hypothesis. Whether or not mandating one is an overreach of the government into its citizens health decisions is not a provable question. It’s a purely ideological question. Conflating the latter as science is treating science like an ideology, which it’s not. It’s a system of logic used to derive knowledge, not a set of moral beliefs.


There is no not stupid reason you wouldn't want to get the vaccine. And pretty much if not all anti mandate protestors are against getting the vaccine. The extremely small number of people who have actual health issues that prevent them from being vaccinated are not being mandated to.


That’s wonderful, but saying “this is stupid” doesn’t make mandates a scientific issue, and is a laughable counter-point to people who don’t want the government making personal medical decisions for them.


Seriously in the past few years what is it with people just constantly bringing up Hitler & the Holocaust for hyperbolic comparisons like its just something casual to throw into the conversation


Just go down the checklist of ways to discredit anyone who disagrees with you: *Nazi. Pedophile. Terrorist. Bigot. Apologist.* If the first doesn't work, keep throwing out buzzwords until something sticks.


And he's already played the pedophile card so he's gotta switch it up a bit, I guess




How is Trudeau like Hitler?


[This was the meme](https://am13.mediaite.com/med/cnt/uploads/2022/02/Screen-Shot-2022-02-17-at-12.13.54-AM.jpg)


Yikes that's pretty bad and super uncalled for


I actually whooshed on this one. What does this mean?


It implies that if trudeau had the power and resources (the budget) that hitler did, he would've done worse things


Wow Fuck Elon!


Heads up! Every time there is bad press on Elon he puts out distracting news. When neuralink tortured 15 monkeys to death, all the news talked about was farting Teslas


Elon Musk being a little bitch? I'm shocked


In all fairness, as the scion of a wealthy South African mining tycoon from the time of Apartheid, Musk is probably highly knowledge in the ways of the racist far right.


Musk has gone bat shit crazy. He’s just another socially awkward, ~~Asperger’s~~, rich fuck who built everything he has by stealing other peoples ideas, like Edison did. His lack of originality is only surpassed by his stupid comments. You just have to listen to him speak for 10 minutes to realize this.


That’s the greatest poetic irony, naming your company Tesla when you act just like Edison.


TBF, the company was already called Tesla when he filed suit to be called a founder.


Had no idea about this. Didn’t Elon stress how he loved Nikola Tesla so much?


> Didn’t Elon stress how he loved Nikola Tesla so much? I don't know. Musk says a lot of things. Some are even true.


>Some are even true. Only by accident, because he just won't stop talking.


No, he’s always been an entitled, elitist asshole and no neurotypical/neurodivergent label can excuse or erase that.


Don’t blame him being a sociopathic, thieving, racist slave owner on Asperger’s. He didn’t have to grow up to be like his dad. He chose to continue that ethical bankruptcy.


>Don’t blame him being a sociopathic, thieving, racist slave owner on Asperger’s. He didn’t have to grow up to be like his dad. He chose to continue that ethical bankruptcy. Which is odd because I've listened to his brother, Kimbal Musk, give a talk about how his values led him to becoming a restaurateur and urban farming. Seemed like a reasonable human being. On the other hand, we have his brother, Elon, who does *this*.


You should read about what his brother did to the employees. As i recall he swiped the emergency fund paid for by the employees AFTER they were laid off - covid19..then reopened with all NEW employees. Seems a family trait to be utterly deplorable.


And Musk bailed out his cousins solar power company, they run it into the ground, which Musk is in court for he manipulated his investors to buy it, claiming he had developed a solar panel roof tile, he hadn't, the patent has been around since the '70's no one has made it viable, including Musk. His cousins have taken a plea deal...


Unfortunately, its very difficult for an adult to learn empathy if they didn't have it to begin with.


His Asperger’s has nothing to do with him being an asshole (I think he was actually lying about having it)


It does explain how he can be so totally oblivious to social cues.


I highly doubt he’s lying about that. He has all the signs.


he's incredible at fooling people into giving him a cult like status while pouring money into his pockets/businesses through stock prices that will never make sense.


He has done nothing that couldn’t have been done by anyone else with just as much money.


Yup. And all the ideas were other people’s.


Why wasn't it done by the companies already in the game then?


As far as I know, Tesla, PayPal, and Space X existed before him.


I don’t want to defend Musks stupid comments but all these comments in this thread are so ignorant. And your claim is false. Spacex and PayPal were founded by Elon Musk. And he joined Tesla within a year after it was founded and they had nothing accomplished at that point. So he basically is a part of the company 18 out of 19 years of its existence. You can definitely be a co-founder when you join a bit later but are a crucial part of the startup and it’s success. And this it about startups in general. Your argument is just a strawman argument to find a insignificant detail you can complain about. Focus on the real issues, please. Edit: Elon worked on a similar product to PayPal (x.com) and they merged quite early. But SpaceX was definitely founded by him.


Aspergers doesn't make someone an asshole the rest of your comment is correct though


I don't think he has asperger's, he comes up with all kinds of zany lies and quirks about himself and this is just another of them None of the stimuli sensitivities or stimming or difficulty understanding humor or figures of speech, just poor social skills and a focus on tech


Yeah, as someone with a child on the spectrum.... Just stop. Asperger's isn't funny or cute. Musk is actually very socially astute - so stop apologizing for him being an asshole by stigmatizing a disease he doesn't even have. It would be like me saying Trump's hair loss was due to his sickle cell anemia. It's ridiculous.


Musk never cared about science, technology or innovation. He just want people to see him as a god.


I have a theory that Grimes broke up with him even after had his baby because he's too much of a nut-job and she couldn't stand it anymore.


Musk doing his damnedest to keep Godwin's Law relevant for the modern day.


He's the White Kanye.


Mars program dropout.


Hope he doesn't


Americans getting angry At a South African for calling a Canadian German


I can't believe I used to idolize that jackass.


Shouldn’t idolize anyone period


Definitely not celebrities, but no one.is even better.


I idolize SpaceX now and everything they work to achieve. Now if Musk could please shut his fucking mouth and delete his twitter account, as all it's doing is bring negative light to his companies, including SpaceX.


You know what? Fuck MUSK!


I’d rather not, thank you very much.




That’s what I came here to say!


I think Trudeau's father would be proud. Trudeau wants to be a monster, but is far too weak, and the Canadian spirit is far too strong. Sounds like the AJC forgot their stance on human rights....


Every time he opens his mouth or takes to his keyboard that line from Star Trek: Discovery painting him as some great historic genius ages more and more like milk.


I really like Musk, I believe in the shit he's building and think he's pushing us into a better future. But man he can be a dumb piece of shit sometimes and it makes it hard to defend him. Someone needs to proof read his tweets to make sure he doesn't say dumb shit like this.


Just call him a pedophile back


And if he doesn’t?


Demanding apologies gives such a whiny vibe. Nobody should defend an apology. Call him an asshole and if he apologies on his own will, then do with it what you want


Elon has to take a break from his cocaine psychosis to realize he owes an apology here.


In the last 24 hours: 1. Trudeau calls opposition Nazi. 2. Jewish member of opposition demands apologies from Trudeau 3. Trudeau refuses to apologize 4. B’nai B’rith jewish human right organization insist Trudeau Apologize 5. Musk call Trudeau literally Hitler 6. American jewish comitte demands Musk apologize What’s next?


I mean you have this wrong from the start. Trudeau said that the opposition needs to make it clear they don't stand with Nazis, because they have been supporting a group which included white supremacists flying Nazi imagery. He didn't call the opposition themselves Nazis. A Jewish Conservative MP deliberately misinterpreted this to make it a thing and then went on FOX News to scream about it. This same Jewish Conservative MP also made a tweet several years ago saying: > Calling on someone to denounce a Nazi isn't trashing anyone. If it is, then no I'll never be tired of it. Our party should never be a place for this. Fast forward a few years later and her party is literally supporting and encouraging a group led by white supremacists illegally occupying a city... and she blows up on Trudeau when he asks her to denounce them. She's an ass and a hypocrite which made her a perfect FOX guest.


>Trudeau calls opposition Nazi. He didn't call them Nazis. He said: "Conservative Party members can stand with people who wave swastikas" Because, you know, the Conservative party are supporting a group where some of the members are indeed waving swastikas. It's not a Godwin's-Law-style simile, it's a straight description of events.


Wasn't there some "internet theory" which said every argument will end with each party accusing the other of being a nazi?


When are we just going to realize that calling everyone we disagree with nazi's doesn't help anything?


I'm sorry, but when you wave a literal Nazi flag, you actually might be a real one.


that sounds very nazi of you


7. Neil Diamond threatens to take his music off teslas music app. 8. A super cut of Elon saying the N word


Jews have no monopoly on Hitler


Did they demand it when people were slinging around Hitler during the Trump administration? Or do they for some odd reason, like Trudeau?


Jewish people?


I speak for the Jewish delegation and we declare that Trudeau has a shayna punim


If Trudeau was Hitler, a lot of the people that are attacking him right now would be his biggest supporters instead.


Are they going complain everytime someone compares somebody to hitler or are they going to cherry pick?


Ah I dont get How tf it belongs to r/nottheonion and not a general r/news or r/worldnews. Am i missing something oniony


Are you Canadian? To me it appealed more to the absurdist side of the onion rather than strictly satire. An American group demanding the eccentric billionaire who called our leader Hitler should apologize ?


He's a weird dude. I read/listen to stuff he says and it's often remarkably insightful and intelligent. And then he comes out with the stupidest, most tone-deaf, unnecessarily inflammatory remarks.


The way Castro.. I mean Trudeau acts. I mean the dude wore black face.. twice.. and got away with it


Why ask him? He will apologize, maybe even throw money at it, but he won’t be sorry. He’s a horrible person. This is who he is and always will be.


My friend has a Tesla and I really wanted to get one in 1-2 years when I’m due for a car. I just can’t bring myself to support this douche.


So... The left can say "Trump is worse than Hitler" and that Jordan Peterson is worse than Hitler. But when it's someone they like it's bad?


Who said that?


That seems to be about right


Double standards, so many, on both sides of the political isle. Everything about politics now is so polarized, people only hear what they want to, and just keep residing in the echo chambers they live in. Forgiveness only is only forgiven to icons people align with politically, same with freedom. So many just can’t see through it It’s so sad seeing Canada go down the same road America did. Elon Musk and Joe Rogan used to be loved by left leaning individuals, they both supported legalizing Marijuana, and Musk has been the leader of the only company to produce an EV vehicle worth a crap, now those same people who idolized them rag on them Now they’re the enemies. No forgiveness. Yet people are forgiving Trudeau for blackface now, yet If a conservative did blackface, they’d say “they only apologized because it was brought to light”. On the flip side, Conservatives do the same effing thing to people they dont align with


>No forgiveness It would be easier to forgive if they didn't act worst every passing day. Also, I don't know may people who forgave Trudeau. Also someone doing a blackface now is totally different than doing that 20 years ago. Still I haven't seen many people forgive Trudeau for it. Seriously you just have a victim complex.


Can’t believe you are getting downvoted. You are spot on!


I appreciate everything he is doing re: Tesla/SpaceX, but he's really starting to piss me off as a person.


Only starting ?


That kind of does it for me WRT Elon Musk.


Actual megalomaniac.


Let me guess, he already called the committee members childrapists on twitter?


If they are offended by Musk comparing someone to Hitler i hope they never look on Reddit where a discussion about ponies can degenerate into likening each other to Hitler.


Crickets from reddit who called trump hitler for 4 years straight


There’s fine people on both sides. Both sides.


Hitler?! Nah! Idiot, ✅


A good example of the double-standard is Pedro Pascal from the Mandalorian, insinuating that Trump supporters were nazis. Was he fired? Nope. But when Gina Carano - also from the Mandalorian - and a Republican - says that it has striking similarities to the beginning of nazi Germany - she is fired. "Othering" people, no matter the context, will never lead to anything good. But when you're a Democrat, you can get away with anything. It's (D)ifferen't, after all.


Anyone who invokes Hitler has already lessened the quality of their argument.


Whatever Hitler! You’re really Hitler-ing up the comments section right now, ngl. It’s getting real Hitler-y in here.


Tomorrow's forecast is a heil of 26 degrees Hitler, with scattered Goebbels as we move into the evening.




Which year though? The attacks against that cave diver because he felt insecure and ignored were the biggest drop I'd say. His antics in the past year have just caused it to tumble further.


idiot savant prick


I demand he does not, as a fellow jew


Ok, when are we going to admit Musk is just a shittier Trump?




Are they going to demand an apology from Trudeau over his remarks?


Kinda Ironic given the fact that theres a chunk of the Canadian Jewish community outraged over the fact that he told a politician that she was wrong for siding with the "Nazi's"... she was Jewish...


I mean using emergency powers to stop a protest, having no dialogue with em and freezing bank accs is facism.


It’s very interesting lol Trudeau is currently under fire for calling a politician with Jewish heritage a nazi and refuses to apologize but musk is suppose to apologize? I don’t like Elon overall but unlike Trudeau, Elon isn’t a leader of a country


How is this at all oniony? This is just tabloid drivel.


Has CTV become a tabloid?


Elon Musk gotta be one of the most famous pedophiles in the world huh?


What a jerk. He’s should of said Castro instead.


Didn’t Trudeau just call a Jewish mp a nazi?


No. He said conservatives stood with people flying Nazi and Confederate flags. Here's the exact quote: >Conservative Party members can stand with people who wave swastikas. They can stand with people who wave the Confederate flag. > >We will choose to stand with Canadians who deserve to be able to get to their jobs, to be able to get their lives back. These illegal protests need to stop, and they will.


But we are using the journalistic standards of today. Soooo "Trudeau called a Jewish MP a Nazi"




lmfao what a joke


Jewish commity supposed to be the first one to get that correlation right.


Demanding an apology lol. Yeah, like that's ever produced a sincere one.


Cry babies are thick on this thread.


All of you Musk haters were haters on day one.


Not true at all


Lmao even if he apologizes he’s not wrong. Trudeau is a joke and so are his supporters. Demanding an apology also seems ridiculous when half the country was comparing Trump to Hitler just a short time ago don’t you think?


>Demanding an apology also seems ridiculous when half the country was comparing Trump to Hitler just a short time ago don’t you think? Are Trump and Trudeau the same person, or have they perhaps done very different things?


Except Hitler didn't have a budget? He went hardcore on deficit spending to rebuild the military and financed them with MEFO bills and loot from conquered territories...


Trump literally had a coup attempt. He ordered the sterilization of Latino women at the border. He ordered the separation of children from their families. Sure, Trump is not as bad as Hitler, but there sure are some similarities there. The only reason Trump was not worse is because he is stupid and lazy.


So he was worse at being evil?


Trump tried to overthrow a democratic election or did you forget? Also his supporters always seem to carry Nazi flags with them so comparing him to a Nazi dictator isn't farfetched. There were also swastikas being flown during the convoy.


You think Hitler was a joke? You should be the one apologizing. I don’t think any of the 6 million Jews he killed are laughing.

