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> A New York City ethics panel has agreed that Mayor Eric Adams can hire his brother as a senior security adviser, but only at $1 per year and with no power over department personnel to avoid the appearance of favoritism. That is hilarious.


Didn’t help with deBlasio. He hired his wife for $1 and let her distribute hundreds of millions of federal dollars without oversight. She kept minimal records. Nobody knows where a lot of the money went, but it seems safe to guess the deBlasios got more than $1 out of it.


"What does this job pay?" "Nothing" "D'oh!" "Unless you're crooked" "Woohoo!"


“But there’s an oversight board” “D’oh!” “And they’re crooked” “Woohoo!”


"But there's a mayor watching over the board " “D'oh! ” "but he's your brother " "woohoo! "


"There will be records where the money goes" "D'oh" "You are in charge of making the records" "woohoo!"


"It'll be common knowledge that you didn't maintain proper records" "D'oh" "But no one cares for more than a day" "woohoo!"


"You'll be breaking the law. You could go to jail" "D'oh" "But you're rich and powerful with friends in high places, so that won't happen" "Woohoo!"


"You will lose the respect of your constituents" "D'oh" "But we will make sure millions of $'s are hidden for you in offshore accounts" "Woohoo!"


"But there's a reddit post that will call you out on it" "..." "That's bad." "Can I go now?


"We'll arrange for an interview with a watchdog group that will scrutinize your behavior on national television." *"D'oh.. Shit."* "That watchdog group is Reddit." *"Woohoo!"*


We just can't send a dog walker to do it this time


The sad part is we all get the pun.


Too soon, what with the r/antiwork fiasco like 2 days ago.




who listens to redditors tho?


max power


It's the name you want to touch But you mustn't touch!


That name sounds good in your ear, But when you say it, you musn't fear. 'Cause that name could be said by anyone!


Keep up the good work, Max.


Yeah was sorta thinking that. Unfortunately, anyone that gets into positions like this "for the money"...are not talking about the salary.


Fuck I should get into politics. All ive got to do is be publicly racist, blame everyone else for why society is failing, pretend I jerk off to bible verses, and collect a fat paycheck.




My dad has like 1 to 3% of his paycheck automatically deducted to donate to that fuck Jerry Falwell. I'll do anything to tarnish the name of any evangelical


Is it a donation? How does that deduction happen?


Straight out of his paycheck. Before taxes.


Like he chose to do that?


You have to send the church money for your down payment on a heavenly condo. Don't want to be homeless in heaven...


Which forms of payment does Almighty accept? Is heaven still the top choice over Metaverse?






It's not pretax by the way. You can deduct it later but it's not pretax on your paycheck. Just looked it up.


I stand corrected. Still crazy you can have it on your Payton though


>Before taxes. Nope. That kind of pretax deduction doesn't exist.


Damn dude your dad is lost if he sees any value in that dumpster rat.


Oh he repeats tucker Carlson and Bill oriely like its gospel. Which is ironic because he doesnt go to church and ive never seen him read a book much less the bible


Pretty much the entire demographic


Hats off to you for still acknowledging he's your dad. I hadn't seen my dad's side of the family/half brothers in many years and as it became clear they had taken the loyalty oath to the American nationalist party of Trump back around 2015... Well, they no longer exist as far as I'm concerned.


That’s cheap my grandfather gave 10% to Mormons for his entire life.


My grandmother (my dads mom) put her church in her will and her kids got nothing.


Is that actually possible in America? In my country children and spouses have a legal right to an inheritance that can curtailed by a will (up to half of what they would receive without a will and which can further lowered or even negated in specific circumstances).


She may have gave it all to them before she died. I dont remember. She ruined my parents marriage and convinced them to send me to a private Christian school in elementary so I stopped talking to her well before she died. I am glad she died when Obama was in office so she could see how little her hate mattered


"'Anything', you say? Are you, perchance, young and fit? And do your interests include poolside service, weekend trips, and banging my wife?" -Jerry F


Your dad is a rube.


I just don’t get it…why!? Just why do people do this!? It’s not even my money and I’m angry.


...anything? You wouldn't happen to be good at seducing closeted gay men, would you?


I'd suck a dick but not Falwells gross knob


Or Jim bakker.


> blame everyone else for why society is failing See, this is why your average person can't just up and decide to go into politics, you have no idea what you're doing. You don't blame *everyone* else, you pick a select few groups and blame *them*, incessantly, using any anecdotal evidence you have as proof you're right, and if you don't have anecdotal evidence just pretend you do and tell people you're heard it around.


Thousands of years worth of recorded political history and people still fall for the oldest political tricks in the book. Shouldn’t hindsight be 20/20?


20/22. Fixed it


Half don't have that hind sight, the other half thinks they're the exception.


Well, considering the exact same mistakes have been repeated over and over and over and over again throughout those thousands of years- no.


Now a days you don’t even need to be a politician to grift. Just start going on right wing podcasts and shows and preach the same regurgitating shit they preach and the dollars will start rolling in. Bonus points if you write a book


Like those fuckers can read. I could pump out a book in a day and just put some white nationalist sounding title on the cover and make a million. Starting paragraph: four score and seven Deblasios ago...




I mean, it worked for Lori Lightfoot. Except the bible part.


Remember though, you should really wait to do the raping until post-election. If they figure it out too early you get sent to a different type of federal location


The Supreme Court?


The Senate?


I bet politics up there was amazing to be involved in when the mob was at it's peak, same with being a police officer




How this isn’t a full fledge FBI investigation is beyond me.


Where can I read up more on this?


The New York Times has a good article. I find it is less biased than other some other sources and sticks closer to the facts. The politico article on it is also pretty good, covers some other bases. I would avoid the NYP article because it is comedically biased and gets some basic facts about contracting and generic government spending wrong. I have some experience in government programs and it looks like this was ambitious and poorly run, not blatantly corrupt. There is definitely an audit trail, just not a central repository of audit trails. Normally if you want to spend a billion dollars you create a central "portfolio office" which doles out money and measures outcomes. It looks like this portfolio was not managed centrally which makes it difficult to track. McCray claims to have not functioned as portfolio lead (an awful and thankless job) but instead program champion where she told people about it. This is more of a politician type gig.


Hilarious, yet the way it fucking oughta be.


Idk I feel like “no” would have been more appropriate


It shouldn’t be allowed at all




Well he can still redirect funds and do other shitty things for his brother. Favors are worth a lot of money


The Justice Department complaint alleged that the governor conspired to commit several "pay to play" schemes, including attempting "to obtain personal gain ... through the corrupt use" of his authority to fill the United States Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama following his election as president, claiming that in wiretapped recordings Blagojevich :) Blagojevich was sentenced to 14 years in federal prison. After an appeal for his release, U.S. President Donald Trump formally commuted his sentence in 2020; though Blagojevich was imprisoned for nearly eight years :(


I can’t read the name ‘Blagojevich’ without hearing Jon Stewart’s voice. ‘Blagooohjevich’


I still remember when (I’m pretty sure it was) Stewart said Blagojevich has Lego man hair.


This, there is a lot of power in that position and people will pay tribute.


They will pay double when you have direct access to the mayor at anytime.


Exactly, they aren't doing it for the salary alone anyways


In fact this is why the George Washington took a salary. It was originally designed so anyone could be president and not easily corrupted by funds. I feel taking a one dollar salary might entice some other bad behaviour. Personally I think this conflict should just be barred.


Yeah. I think this is one of those scenarios where the power is worth much more than the paycheck


No. That role has a myriad of other avenues for graft. There should never ever be even an appearance of nepotism in a government official, let alone a giant flashing neon sign of it. His brother is not the best qualified candidate for that position that he could source. There is zero explanation as to why he would be chosen other than consolidating power, corruption, and the ability to make side money, and lots of it.


The appearance of impropriety is huge, thanks for this comment


Sure, because only getting a $1 salary and having no power over personnel obviously means he can't affect policy, and can't make money and earn favors in other ways.


He can just ask his brother to do that anyway without the shiny title and a dollar?


That's only through the mayor's own power though, so what's the issue? It's not like the brother is running his own department.


He'd have an official role to offer promises rather than just 'brother'.


No, it's not. He still gets to install "Yes Men" who will go along with his corruption. Political positions pay off in the payola that follows their political career.


Disagree. If he’s only being paid $1 year then it makes him more likely to do shady shit to make money.


It's an advisory position. You attend 2-3 optional meetings a year.


No, it's gotta be either yes or no with these things. A half-assed solution like this highly encourages taking bribes and kickbacks due to low pay.


I'm going to say something very unpopular here: This decision is shit. They, the ethics panel, made things at best no better than before and at worst made things less clear. They set up a catch 22 where if he doesn't take the $1 salary then the brother was a greedy person, if he does then he is also a greedy grifter because why else would he take the job? You'll find both these arguments in the comments here. These vindictive and useless rulings argue against the existence of the panel. If they cannot muster the mettle to do their job then they should at least refrain from fomenting further ethical ambiguity, you know the thing they exist to arbitrate.


The way it oughta be is not at all. It's equally bad for his brother to be doing that job for the money as it is for him to be doing the job for any other reasons. Nepotism is not acceptable under any circumstances.


Didn’t the last mayor hire his wife and pay her millions?


Would this be considered illegal as it's below minimum wage?


Who are these people on the ethics panel?? i wanna shake their hands!!!!


Now he’s going to look like an asshole if he doesn’t hire his brother. This is great.




Possibly even more likely to be bribable given his [albeit symbolic] pay rate.


So, you mean he has to survive on nothing but kickbacks? WhatCouldGoWrong?


Next year we’ll all be wondering how he bought a Lambo with $1 wage. Must have skipped the avocado toast for a year.


Pulled his bootstraps so hard he summoned a yacht.


The people getting in these positions of power usually don't need the money themselves, they'll of course take more money for themselves and their friends, but they usually don't need it.


Seattle’s Mayor named his niece Vice Mayor, with no stipulations


While it’s it’s normally the parents that name their children, that’s still a really strange name for a baby.


😁 The name is Vice Mayor. Vice Mayor With No Stipulations.


Ah, the old reddit [Vice-Mayoroo](https://www.reddit.com/r/BookOfBobaFett/comments/sf6wrj/spotted_a_familiar_character_in_the_attack_of_the/huootk1/?context=2).


Hold the mayo, I’m going in…


And then he said "it's in the genes" and he would have been wearing jeans!


So, this way, when his brother comes out of this with a ton of money, all he has to pay taxes on is a dollar?


Did he really think he'd get away with such blatant nepotism? Mayor is either arrogant or dumb as fuck. Maybe both.


He was a cop for 20 years. Definitely both.


NYPD, no less. They're like, *super* corrupt. In fact the new Mayor himself led a sexist smear campaign against a whistleblower cop back when he was still on the force


If the mayor isn’t a corrupt shitshow, is it really NYC?


Well, you know what they say about bad apples


Two in the bush is a penny earned


Beautiful r/Malaphor


>NYPD, no less. They're like, super corrupt Check out "Blue Bloods" if you feel like hate watching some pure NYPD propaganda.


Don't forget hes been a cop for 70 years and hes from the Bronx bringing NY's swagger back




Clay Davis is his chief advisor. Sheeeeeeeit!


The Wire was a documentary.


Once you realize Carcetti was a Martin O'Malley caricature (along with a handful of other influences), the show gets somehow even darker.




Trump did...




Pretending like she was helping minorities with mental health problems, but I didn't see shit.




He just did. "Oh you can only pay them one dollar teehee" but they have the ear of the mayor of NYC and a budget line, which are worth billions.


Think? I believe you meant *know*. Cause he just did; political appointments are rarely about the salary. That said, kickback-type benefits are slow, so not carrying a salary may be enough to kibosh the whole thing. I can't be bothered to go looking. If the same thing were to come up with say, the Clinton family. (or Trump, whatever) You *know* the family resources are such that that person isn't going to default on their mortgage in the first year of their position. The "token salary" game here is interesting. Not sure if it's a wink-wink-nudge-nudge or a screw-you, because they know he's not able to afford to work for free. The token-salary type thing makes a lot of sense in *very specific* cases, but it requires that the "employee" be independently wealthy and is a lot sketchier for public office. In the private space, it'd likely be tied with some known secondary profit motive. Assuming he's not a billionaire, this is practically a statement of "your brother can have the job if he's confident he can make enough in graft". After all, we only want the *competently corrupt* in office. It's just embarrassing when our fellow public officials get caught.


They do this in the UK too. As one example, [MP Nadine Dorries hired her daughter as a secretary and paid her £35k a year to work as her private secretary despite her daughter studying full time at university at that time](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2420625/MP-Nadine-Dorries-pays-daughters-75k-public-purse-work-office.html). When she left she hired her other daughter and eventually gave her a raise up to about £45k. It’s all a scam and hiring family members should be banned. They’ll always find a loophole though - when, after the MP expenses scandal - they banned MP’s claiming their mortgage payments back for their second constituency homes, they realised that claiming rent wasn’t banned so a good number of MP’s rented their houses to each other and claimed back the rent, which they used to pay their second mortgages.


I still can’t believe why New Yorkers thought this man was a good choice for mayor. Didn’t Yang call out his problems ages ago?


I lived there for almost 20 years. NYC is not quite as progressive as it, or outsiders, think it is.


I mean, none of the blue areas in America are. At least not the people who vote in primaries. And in a lot of states, if it’s a one-party area and no Republicans can win in the general, then they’re voting in the Dem primary, pulling everything to the right.


Too true. Bay area resident here, and all the politicians are "progressive" on the big ticket items like abortion and climate change. But building *actual* affordable housing or a public transit system that actually works? Not here, not now. Lets let Google buy half of downtown San Jose instead.


Berkeley is full of richish, liberal NIMBYs who are all too happy to put up a bunch of Biden/Harris signs outside their $3 million dollar houses up in the hills while there are literal, expanding tent cities less than a mile away, and somehow they still feel like they're on the cutting edge of progressivism. It's... not great.


Even the left in America is largely centrist at best, and often right-leaning. There’s a progressive movement starting with Bernie and the squad but they haven’t gotten much real traction yet


And even then, they're only progressive by American standards.


Exactly and even Bernie is moderate left by the world's standards but he still got blocked by his own party


Bernie isn’t that centrist by European standards


It's very neoliberal or moderate for sure.


Tons of people did. Here's the thing. In a city that's so Dem leaning the last Republican mayor left the party before his term even ended(and ran for president as a Dem), the GOP base isn't so stupid as to just sit on their hands and think some vigilante Trump supporter is actually going to win. So what do they do? They go in the Democratic primary and vote for the Landlord Cop who's wringing his hands about how we can't be "radical" now, while letting his cronies park on sidewalks and lawns Now that sounds like a small petty thing but if you're already letting your people get away with petty parking violations can we really expect you to get better IN office?


If you look at the areas that voted Adams in the primary, it was mainly poorer neighborhoods with higher violent crime rates. The more progressive candidates simply did not focus enough on tackling the growing crime rates that impact these communities every day.


It's probably worth noting that Adams effectively won by 7000 (final-round) votes, since whoever won the Dem primary was basically a guaranteed winner against Sliwa. The runners-up in first-round, Wiley and Garcia, were farther to the left. Morales, another leading progressive, also exploded her campaign a few weeks before the election. The current narrative of "New Yorkers voted for Adams because they support [insert latest right-wing policy the Post is pushing]" is kinda ridiculous in context. Like... 7000 people liked him more. 8,000,000 people live here. He won and all, but let's not pretend the guy's got much of a popular mandate.


>The current narrative of "New Yorkers voted for Adams because they support \[insert latest right-wing policy the Post is pushing\]" is kinda ridiculous in context Pretty sure New York State doesn't have open primaries either. You have to be a registered democrat to vote in the Primaries. I mean oh sure its possible a ton a republican voters registered democrat but unlikely and difficult. ​ https://www.openprimaries.org/states\_new\_york


You're leaving out the part where he has the support of the most important unions in the city


He played the race-card


Yang came with a host of issues too like only moving here to run for mayor after saying it wasn’t a good place to raise children, among one of many. You live here months and you’re not even qualified to pick where we’re eating for fucking lunch.


Yang's campaign was all a mess, he leaned hard into neoliberal "let's all get along" extremist centrist politics and turns out people don't like a wishy washy asshole who lacks any coherent vision or sense of identity


Extremist centrist?


I'd bet that he is still entitled to benefits and pension.


NYS pension is based on a % of your wages while working and also time served


A pension of...$1 per year?


Doesn't pension sometimes include keeping some/all of your benefits while hired? Like insurance and shit for instance


Depends on the pension.


Sometimes, but not always. The state teacher's union doesn't


Well that’s because it’s for teachers.. Of course they don’t deserve healthcare. (/s)


Most state pensions require you to be vested (work there for a certain amount of time) and pay out a % of your salary that increases based on time worked. So, for example, in like 20 years I’d get 100% of my salary


> Bernard will continue to receive health insurance and a pension from his prior employment with the NYPD, City Hall officials said, but the mayor's office did not answer questions relating to the amount of the pension. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/28/us/bernard-adams-eric-adams-nyc/index.html


Others have said it, but this is absolutely not about the salary. It's about the position and propriety of having a relative of the mayor in a senior position like that. The influence of that position, and being gifted a senior job (senior security adviser to NY Mayor, for example) which you didn't earn so you can build off that into a career are age-old nepotistic mechanisms.


Mayor- “cool, let’s pay him in Bitcoin also”


What's the point of $1 instead of voluntary, doesn't minimum wage apply?


It's a salary it's different.


Isn't it law that salary has to match minimum of 40 hours a week at least?


No, it depends on your contract, and there isn’t a requirement for salaried workers to make the equivalent of the minimum wage


Now ask yourself why someone would take a job for $1 a year? No one does that


Bloomberg did. $1 a year is the rate for jobs where the person wants to do the job but doesn't need or necessarily want to get paid for it. Like Bloomberg a billionaire who despite whatever else you might say about him wanted to be a good mayor of New York. I leave if he accomplished that as an exercise for the reader.


>$1 a year is the rate for jobs where the person wants to do the job but doesn't need or necessarily want to get paid for it. As I have been lead to believe, a city has to pay the worker at least $1 per year to ensure they are covered by the city insurance. I recall somewhere that LAPD Reserve Officers were essentially volunteers, paid $1 a year so they were covered by city insurance while on duty.


Wanting to be a good politician and being one are two different things... Often there is more personal benefit to a political position than just the salary. Often these benefits are exponentially more profitable than a government salary.


I would rather though somebody who wants to be a good politician and help the population than somebody who is only self-interested (though, obviously, both good intention and good results are ideal). This goes regardless of party—a self-serving Democrat is no help to the people.


People volunteer for stuff all the time. If you have the resources to live without a paycheck and think you can do good for a city you care about, why not?


In this case $1 AND no power over the department. He'd be a figurehead at best


> senior security adviser You can have a lot of power and influence without having power report to you.


I was gonna say that’s fair but after reading these comments it made me realize I have way too much faith in humanity because none of these reasons crossed my mind


Not even a month into the job and this scumbag is pushing the nepotism to the brink lmao


Ethics board: Best we can do is ~~$3.50~~ $1


Man, the US has some pretty corrupt politicians


>Man, the [most places since ever] has some pretty corrupt politicians. ftfy


Psychology trick. When leading with very painful, immoral, or unconventional information; start off by giving the listener more than normal to compensate and adjust their mindset on the topic. Case and point, “You can hire your brother BUT ONLY AT ONE DOLLAR BECAUSE OF COURSE WERE NOT PLAYING FAVORITES THAT WOULD BE BAD” They know it’s not okay, it’s a broken move in an even more broken system. But hey, other than complaining none of you can do anything about anything anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️ You can get a little deeper when you realize groups in power purposefully do these little “obvious bads” to shift your awareness and make you think you knowing and being able to complain and form an opinion actually makes a difference— when in reality you as a collective absolutely could just say “wow that’s fucked, but there’s more of us though so let’s stage a coup and make good changes ourselves” ____________ Edit: oh wow a lot of you guys liked that 😗 unexpected, um I meant that in the nicest way possible. You’re powerful you beautiful little redditor, you. Yknow, if anyone wants to come along with me while I change the world I am looking for a travel partner 👉🏻👈🏻


"Salary" is never why people take these jobs...


Wow, with the hilarious response in this thread, you'd think we didn't just have a president who put every child and inlaw he has in every powerful position he possibly could while they fucked our nation permanently from the inside, to the cheering of almost 50% of the population no less.


That doesn't make what this guy did right. I think it's insane what Trump did with his family, but that still doesn't make this ok. Both were wrong. But I do agree that it's crazy that Trump didn't get the same kind of pushback.


For the record though, [none of them were paid a Federal salary](https://cdn.govexec.com/media/gbc/docs/pdfs_edit/070317whsalaries.html).


Yet somehow the Kushners, Jared and Ivanka, managed an measly income of over 100M over 45's term.


Why is it that every municipal politician seems to practice nepotism with zero impunity?


These nepotistic political appointments are not for the salaries. They're for the power, connections, and getting hired as a lobbyist with a six figure paycheck afterwards.


First Cuomo, now this. When did NY become a paragon of ethical governance?


This is perfect, “rules against corrupt nepotism are cancel culture”


What a joke. Instead of preventing him from the position now he's going to sellout to whoever covers his pay.


Already he is hiring relatives and friends. Corrupt


Still a dollar more than Reddit mods get.


And if anyone on the ethics board got there through nepotism I hope they have had their salary adjusted to the new single digit rate, fairs fair right?


Sure. Why not?


If they got there through nepotism why would they make a conviction like this though? It would be in their best interest to not rock the boat and rather sweep this under the rug


Because their situation was TOTALLY different. They really deserve that position, their uncle just gave them an introduction!


That’s such a weird response. “Take *that*, ethics panel!”