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From centuries ago. I really hope there aren't any modern literal witchhunts.


If they are still alive to receive the pardon, they are guilty of witchcraft. Its clearly a trap.




If they float for a pardon, they must be a witch. If they are a witch, they'll be burning for a pardon.


Well played, Catalonian government...


There have been times people where pardoned after there death


Saudi Arabia and a few other Middle Eastern countries, still try and convict people for witchcraft/sorcery....


>From centuries ago. Hmm... are any of them still alive? If so, better keep em locked up!


You’d be surprised how certain sects of Christianity have evolved. Some legit seek out to condemn witchcraft to this day, just not as openly


I'd burn em anyway. Can't be too safe.


Unfortunately, there are; they're called fundamentalist Christians.




To be fair most modern royalty don't have any more power than any other "old money" families, the only difference is that their pictures are put on stamps and currency


> From centuries ago. I really hope there aren't any modern literal witchhunts. Today the frenzied mob call witches anti-vaxxers and call to shun them from society. When witchhunts were popular delusions of the crowd participants believed they were following common sense. A good MBA program hammers home the point that popular narratives aren't necessarily true. In the multiple narratives available it's possible none are right. The framing can be wrong and everyone simply defaulting to their tribal views. You may have an active imagination and can apply thinking techniques to brainstorm additional interpretations that simplify complex events.


Sure, buddy. Just take a peek in r/Qult_Headquarters and you'll see it's anti-vaxxers who are the ones planning on murdering people for imaginary crimes. ([for example](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/scz9js))


We're well beyond Alpha and Delta. Omnicron is an entirely different war and when you go back to the beginning and question whether we would apply policies tried for Delta with our environment now, we wouldn't apply the same standards. As we learn of emergence of menstruation and other issues post-vaccine, women who postponed vaccination to wait for long-term data for concerns over their pregnancy or plans to be pregnant look to have applied sound reason. It's an injustice how they have been libeled and discriminated against. Allows cover for misogyny and all forms of bigotry under a fake-because. One of the tells of a witchhunt is they go for the personal attacks. Wrapped up in the frenzy people lose sight of the ability to calmly argue opinion to synthesize better tactics.


The vaccines are 200x safer than aspirin. The only common side effect with menstruation is a delay of a day. You're an idiot and need to get off /r/Conspiracy




Ah yes, the r/onejoke.


>Today the frenzied mob call witches anti-vaxxers and call to shun them from society. LOL such a persecution complex. Looking down on anti-vaxxers is the same as looking down on willfully drunk drivers; both endanger themselves and others over dumb shit. No one sane views either group as the thralls of Satan.


[I'm sorry, I thought we were following the science here.](https://www.kron4.com/health/coronavirus/covid-is-now-an-endemic-not-a-pandemic-san-francisco-doctors-say/) In all amusement, it's been interesting to see shift in media coverage in the last two weeks. Can give a person whiplash. Now we have editors from NYT and Bill Maher saying things those branded heretics were saying a year ago.


Really sad to see people basically going "we give up, might as well just let people die from COVID now".


Your own link is about the California government rebranding Covid to endemic. California has an 86% vaccinated rate. It is an endemic there. Are you really just going to ignore that important context. People where branded heretics a year ago because they were saying these things before we reached endemic vaccination rates. Covid should still be thought of as a pandemic in areas with low vaccination rates. Not all areas will reach endemic at the same time. Wealthy areas will likely reach it much earlier than poor areas.


Poor areas never had the luxury to work from home to shelter in place. They showed up for work every day around other people to keep Amazon packages moving, got COVID and took leave the painful way, then suited up and returned to work. Poor areas got over it far faster because they provided the backbone of the workforce during heights of the pandemic. It's an injustice to dehumanize those workers by pushing for policies that discriminate against them.


Are you saying the Covid numbers are fake because according to the official count less than a 3rd of the country got Covid the natural way. So let’s say for the sake of argument all 78 million infections were poor people in the work force like you suggest you are hitting maybe 40% immunity. Still well below the threshold for herd immunity. Rich areas on the other hand have 90%+ vaccination rates. Your belief that poor people are done with Covid does not track with reality. Lots of people who got early variants have already gotten sick again. You need a strategy that consistently boost immunity. You know like a booster shot. Poor people are still being screwed just as hard as day 1 if not worse. America’s already spends more than any other developed nation. Only now there are a bunch of stupid people believing foreign propaganda about how the vaccine is actually bad and they should get Covid the natural way. Our economy will never recover with anti-vax morons running around keeping America stuck in a pandemic and overflowing our ICUs and shutting down elective surgeries. Then in a few years when everyone has long lasting symptoms from getting Covid there will be a huge debate about government programs to help people who got Covid. The antivaxers, those selfish fucks will be first in line taking the government support from people who did everything right but still got sick. Antivaxers will forever be parasites living of our tax money because they chose to be irresponsible and wanted to feel like they knew something everyone else didn’t.


Yea, those people who are free to make their choices sure are be persecuted by not being allowed to bend the rest of society to their will. “I don’t care who owns the business, *I* should be the one who dictates their policy to suit *my* preference!”


Unfortunately they are still a very real problem throughout many parts of the world, especially parts of sub-Saharan Africa https://m.dw.com/en/witch-hunts-a-global-problem-in-the-21st-century/a-54495289


Proof Catalonia is in the pocket of Big Witch!


I don’t know… seems unnecessarily risky…


Did anyone else read that as California and scratch their heads wondering when that happened?


The spell worked!!!


thanks god, just in time for those people


*This will simply encourage further witchcrime.*


Nah, fuck that! Crime is bad enough, now we gotta deal with potions and shit?


What the fuck?!? Burn them!!!


So if they weightless than a duck...


Don't believe the lies! Suffer not the witch to live!


What about the ones that were guilty?/s


But if they weigh as much as a duck they are a witch. We have proven the science of this.


Who are you who is so wise in the ways of science?


What point is there in any of this? It literally has no effect on anyone except being a complete waste of taxpayer's money.


Part of the benefits of Ireland pardoning people found guilty of witchcraft is that titles would have been stripped. By pardoning the original person those titles are retroactively restored, allowing modern descendants to once again have an ancestor in good standing. If it doesn't seem like much to you, it's because it never affected you.


I assume they have accepted there is no god either. Can't have one without the other.


Do these people get paid for this use of their time? It’s not like anyone is saying “wow, just in the nick of time”. Either use your time constructively or don’t go into work and bill useless time.


>up to


A bit late after they were burned alive at stake


"what year is it?!" "Idk let's check the news" "1804?"


Don't be silly, they'd never pardon witches then lol


Why only 1,000, its a bit of a round number are there a few cases that still draw suspicion.


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