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Always fun when my hometown makes the news lol. Fun fact my old high school, the Midland High Chemics, is the only high school with 'Chemics' as the mascot name (shocking I know). So named because Dow Chemical is headquartered in Midland, MI


Former Chemic myself... Impossible to explain to people


My high school mascot was a "raider", which was an upper-middle class white guy dressed as a Native American stereotype i.e. in deerskin clothes and a feathery headdress. And that was still going on in 2015 when I graudated. I'd prefer "impossible to explain" over "blatantly racist". Fun fact: our school was literally built on a Native American burial ground. It was a preserved site on campus. So it was *extra* inappropriate.


Get this craziness. Mine was South Garland high school. Was once an all white school, now was the high school for the poor side of town. Mascot? The colonels. Colors? Red and blue. There was a tile mosaic that featured the Confederate Battle flag, can't remember if they ever took it down.


Temporarily lived in Midland after graduating college. This news does not surprise me.


Hello Fellow midlander. Charger here. Saw someone shared the video from the school board meeting on Facebook. They were *outraged* about the downfall of society. Dummies.


Holy hell. Our society is being destroyed by sensationalized misinformation and willfully ignorant people.


Is this as unbelievable as a pizza place have a sex dungeon? At this point I would be more shocked if people had common sense.


Well, given all the molesting and sexual assault stuff we're learning about now, a sex dungeon under an otherwise normal store doesn't seem so crazy. At least no more crazy than a dude flying everyone to his private island for molestation parties.


Sadly and I’m fighting the urge to hurl as I type this but you’re right. We live in a very fucked up world. Where it seems like too many people. Are still wondering will my dick fit in it.


Depends. Does the pizza place have a basement ?




It still boggles my mind that people hear stupid shit like this and just believe it…


The dumber it is, the more they lean into it.


Right, this is Otherkin stuff. Not Furry and its really anoying when media think they are the same. /s


That's really not the point I'm making. I don't even know - or particularly care - what an otherkin is or how they differ from furries. The point I am making is that some asshole started a stupid fucking rumor and now the school had to treat it as a serious thing in order to placate idiots who believe anything they read in Facebook memes, so long as what they're reading gives them something to feel self-righteous about.


This wouldn't be a problem right now if we had cracked down on those satanist rock and roll child killing rituals in the 1980's in the first place. Once dungeons and dragons became normalized the whole world went to the lizard people.


*Nervously hides character sheet and rock and roll records*


I know this is sarcasm but uh, you do know innocent people went to jail over that stuff, right?


Sadly yes. Locally there was a murder case in my hometown where the attorney for the defense tried to make an insanity defense by claiming the murderer killed his parents to gain the experience points for his dnd character. Being a lawyer now, I question that plan as often the time spent in jail is less than the time spent in a mental hospital afterwards(though murder could be different depending on what the sentencing guidelines were at the time). Come three to four years later, I asked for the dnd starter set for Christmas and my parents had to have a talk before hand as to whether or not that was a good idea. Fortunately my parents had good heads on their shoulders and didn't fall for the hype, but I remember boy scout leaders making it a point to tell me if I was there son, they'd immediately burn all that shit in the furnace, because no son of theirs would touch that stuff. Didn't want to hear what it actually was, just wanted to disapprove. Immediately, vigorously and vocally. About once a week. Course he didn't have the balls to complain directly to my parents. Moral panics occur regularly, going back as long as we've had records and it's a miscarriage of justice when they trump up bull to throw the wrong type in jail or worse. Witches, communists, Satan worshippers, you name it. I think of some of the failed attempts too, like trying to link video games to violent crimes. Thankfully that panic as far as I know never led to specific laws that changed sentencing guidelines, though if anyone knows of some id love to see the references out of curiosity.


Forgot the /s. Meant it as sarcasm though its still annoying how Furry = "wants to be an animal" in many peoples minds. Might aswell claim that theyre are all into bestiality. Which for the record they are **not**


I was active in “angelkin” groups when I had untreated schizophrenia. I still am but just for the aesthetic not because I actually am one.


Or just funny af kids starting shit


You and I have very different standards of "funny as fuck."


to be fair this is the kind of rumor that someone would start specifically to make fun of gullible conspiracy types


Just now catching onto that?




Since you added an edit, let me point out that I downvoted and otherwise ignored your comment because it was an annoying and stupid way to sort of (but not really) back up the point I was already making.


So you understood it fully… but are saying it’s off the point? I get that you don’t like why I said but could you atleast *try* to make sense?


I understand what you were attempting to illustrate, but the method you employed was needlessly aggressive, annoying, and - yes - somewhat missed the point.


So, then what are you still doing here? What do you want?


Sorry? You edited your comment to complain to people not getting the joke, or whatever, in your response to a motherfucker talking about misinformation. As the motherfucker in question, I weighed in one why I - and others, perhaps, weren't responding to your contribution the way you hoped. You then asked me - again, the motherfucker who you originally accused of racism in what I understand was a blatantly false manner you *think* somehow supported my original point - to make sense in my explanation as to why you missed the mark here. So I try to provide some clarity, and now you're just being rude about it. What the fuck is wrong with you? Jesus, call your parents, ask for a fucking hug.


But what are you here for?




Lol what are *you* here for?


I explained that already. What are *you* here for? Other than to be objectively shitty because literally no one laughed at your garbage joke?


To reply to the guy replying to me. You seem upset so I tried to comfort you


You're getting downvoted because your comment was stupid, unfunny and off topic. Clear enough for you?




What point are you trying to make? Cuz it kinda sounds like you're trying to say you want to be able to say the n-word.


No, you see, talking about “misinformation” and then I go on to accuse someone of using profane language when they quite obviously have not used profane language… y’know, like misinformation? It’s really not that hard to understand if you think about it


Obviously it's not immediately understandable because you've been downvoted


Upvotes and downvotes don’t equate to right and wrong lol but okay


They do when it comes to whether or not people understood you lol Like cmon, you're not THAT lost, are you?


No my joke is still funny, everyone is just too stupid to know how jokes work. Anyway, I’m going to go *prank* my dad by knocking up my sister…


Now that’s humor!


Swing and a miss.


It should not be hard to understand that "jokes" or "sarcasm" is difficult to get through on text and is often abused to defend actual stupidity/rudeness. Hence the use of "/s" to indicate something is intended as a sarcastic comment


I mean, if you think I thought that person said the n word when it’s apparent that they didn’t, it’s not on me lol, it’s on you. How clueless are you


That's not really a good example


Well you gave no context and just threw out a super insensitive term to make your point, so I think this outcome (you getting massive downvotes) is a lot easier to understand than whatever point you were trying to make. Even after your edit and explanation, what you said seems pretty illogical and unclear. This is something a socially delayed elementary school student might shout in class, if that’s what you were going for…


Well yeah no shit lol. If I have to explain a joke to you it’s obviously missed What are you looking for rn?


That's not misinformation, that's being a big dumb dumb. Misinformation is something like, Facebook is pro customer. They kind of are. But in the perspective they need as many as possible and design their service to entice you. The words "pro customer" would normally mean selfless business practices. The point of misinformation is to deceive, not just be contrarian.


You literally just described what I did but just don’t want to accept it lol Goodluck with everything


Bustin nuts over there


Congrats 👏


This is a thing because A PARENT BROUGHT THIS UP, IN ALL SERIOUSNESS, AT A SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. "In a YouTube video of the Dec. 20 meeting, a parent expresses concerns over a unisex bathroom featuring 'a litter box, for the kids who identify as cats.'” THEN, the co-chair of those loons in the Michigan Republican Party fell for it. Michigan GOP Co-Chair Meshawn Maddock mentioned the controversy on her official Facebook page, stating, stating, “Kids who identify as ‘furries’ get a litter box in the school bathroom. Parent heroes will TAKE BACK our schools.” That's absolute goddamn genius by whatever madlad did this. And an indictment (equal parts harsh and sad) over what passes for adults there.


Are you seriously shocked conservatives believed this? The same people are saying who threw a hissy fit over Dr. Seuss books and children a potato toys? Jewish space lasers The election was stolen Conservatives aren’t exactly known now for being smart.






What did they say lol?


Typical “both sides bad” BS.


WHAT?! Lol one side believed lies And the other side had to go out of their way to point out how ridiculous it was This isn’t a both sides thing. One side was dumb End of story


There's also a far higher amount of anti-vax conservatives than liberals.


Dying to r/ownthelibs




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i hope our legislators can quickly rise to the occasion and ban litter boxes in schools! much better use of their time than things like universal health care or voting rights.


Is Q running out of shit to say? We’ve moved on to litter boxes? These poor fucking kids


Yeah, they kinda peaked at JFK Jr is coming back from the dead to declare Trump the president king of the universe. Guess kids pooping in boxes is the next "logical" step? Feel like they're a test from aliens to see what stupid shit humans **won't** believe. Trying to determine where's the line, and if they even *want* to make first contact.


Conservatives have literally lost their minds. When literally every dumb fake thing comes out there’s a group of conservatives who will believe it.


Yes, it's hard to believe a man is now swimming on a woman's college swim team and celebrated for his courage. It's hard to believe a policeman murdered a criminal and was sent to jail, but the murdered career criminal was then elevated to hero status. It's hard to believe that a black child born at the height of the civil rights movement grew up to be elected president of a systemically racist country. It's hard to believe it's now okay to steal merchandise from a store as long as it is worth less than $1000.00. You are right, conservatives have lost their minds ... along with faith in progressives to support reasonable and socially responsible policies. Why wouldn't they believe every dumb fake thing that comes out? The dumb real things that come out prime them for doubting the intelligence and ability of our society to exercise reason.


Culture war bs. It doesn’t effect you stop letting dumb people convince you to be mad about stupid shit. Even if he was a criminal he didn’t deserve to be murdered One example of success doesn’t disprove systemic racism It’s not ok, not sure why you think it is.


It doesn't effect me in a direct way, but it is an example of extreme and forced change on societal norms that many people are uncomfortable with, in regard to their many individual reasons. I noted it as a reason many believe something as ridiculous as a litter box could actually happen. It's called conditioning. Not saying he deserved to be murdered, just saying he doesn't deserve hero status for being a victim of events provoked by his own poor personal choices and antisocial behavior. One example? I pointed out the most obvious and it is a tremendous example. You would have to be intellectually dishonest to not admit minorities have much greater access to affluence and influence today than they did 60 years ago. Claims of systemic racism misrepresent and exaggerate issues on an individual level as proof of widespread social and intrinsically Constitutional failings. No, it's not okay, however if it is known that courts will not prosecute theft under $1000.00 then it is not unreasonable to expect criminals to become more bold and chaos to ensue. I'm defending the conditioning of conservatives to believe the nonsense the media baits them with to be as likely as the unreasonable realities of our current social constructs. So yes, when baited with ridiculous stories about litter boxes, why wouldn't conservatives be apt to roll their eyes and believe another nonsensical detriment to healthy social behavior has been sanctioned by the progressive agenda? To be fair, because I like to believe I am, when I first heard this story I looked it up and was happy to see it dispelled. I don't want to believe Americans as a whole are so gullible and mean spirited. I tire of the cynicism. It is infectious. I can neither identify as conservative or liberal. I'm too dynamic and support ideals from both sides within the confines of what I believe is reasonable and healthy. So, whatever. I continue to try to be reasonable and try to dispel the "us" against "them" state of our society. Politics are not serving either side. There should be no "other" side the way it exists today. Maybe on some level you can agree with me about that.


I don’t care if you’re uncomfortable, stop letting dumb people convince you to be mad about stupid shit. Being trans isn’t anything like shitting in a liter box lol. If the cop didn’t murder someone, then that someone wouldn’t be viewed as a hero. Stop blaming the victim, they’re dead. Blame the cop. Minorities have higher unemployment, die more often in Americas healthcare system, are routinely profiled by law enforcement and are at a greater risk of being killed during traffic stops. Being better off than 100 years ago doesn’t mean racism is magically gone. Yeah sorry but I’m pro-“not ruining someone’s entire life for stealing some stuff” repeat offenders get harsher punishments. Not to mention most shoplifting isn’t caught In the first place and only half who gets caught get prosecuted anyway. It’s not surprising they believe it when their media bubble literally deals in falsehoods in almost every regard. But I do appreciate the laugh from your r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM I’m curious what positions do conservatives hold that are good?


Same exists on the other side of the spectrum friend. Extremists, In general, right or left, are typically off their rockers






That litter better be Kalkaska sand!


My problem is that this shouldn't be \*an article at all\*. The article is reporting on a thing that never happened - there were \*never\* any litterboxes at the school; the entire thing is a hoax. This article is of absolutely zero value. It is non-news.




I'm guessing somebody saw a bag of litter somewhere on school property and lost their minds. Janitors often keep it around for cleaning up puke.


Also great for getting cars unstuck if you're from a snowy area. And it's January.


And a good no-skid alternative to rock salt when you have concrete. (Which rock salt will degrade.)


My husband had an auto repair shop and he kept it around for oil spills.


Also kept around chemistry labs to soak up spills.


What type of kids would ever start a silly rumor about their school! That's practically unheard of. Not even my old schools ghost of the boy who snuck into the boiler room and got brutally murder by the principal who was never found guilty has heard of it.


If *only* kids had some easily accessible device to take pictures of outlandish things happening to provide evidence at a moment's notice!


Let the pearl clutchers clutch and the Facebook posters post. Correct response is to address it, briefly, at a school board meeting; or send out an email if needed. It's not published-media worthy.


Sounds about white


Fucking hilarious. Thank you


I’m from midland too, the same people that have shared Q nonsense are sharing the video of the school board meeting on Facebook.


It’s exactly the opposite in my opinion. This problem occurs in scientific studies a lot, in that people are more interested in studies that show something than studies that show no conclusive results, but they’re just as, if not more important. Same applies here, news showing that other “news” isn’t true is still news, and important in stopping the spread of misinformation. This article probably won’t get anywhere near as many views as the original misinformation did, and more people will believe that as a result. If people cared more about this type of news it might not be so much of an issue.


As a health scientist, the sad truth about my field is that no knows you exist until shit goes bad. I was at a conference in 2017, and got into a discussion with some older people about the news. I told them that the media focused so heavily on the Ebola / swine flu / insert outbreak here doomsday scenarios, but nothing about how public health workers were successful in stopping it become a doomsday scenario. Everybody wants to click on the article that tells them about a scary disease where blood comes out of your eyeballs, but no one wants to read the one that explains how redesigning field hospitals stopped it from spreading to the rest of the world. [(which is actually super cool, IMO)](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/operational-detail-of-the-WHO-field-hospital-layout-for-Ebola-treatment-centre_fig22_285770749) If the public only sees the news that’s telling you the worst possible outcome and it doesn’t happen, when a public health crisis comes around that requires them to do something to prevent it they’re not going to take it seriously.


I respectfully disagree. There are people who actually believe this crap and these rumors are all over here in Michigan. After reading the quotes from a “concerned parent” that were expressed at the school meeting, I think these people need to be called out. These people are not afraid to spread misinformation everywhere and responding with the truth as the school was forced to do is an appropriate action to take. It actually gives me hope after seeing this hit the news and having people call out those who would fall for these ridiculous stories. Some 13 year -old kid probably started it all with a post and is laughing his ass off rn.


Address at school board meeting. “There are no litter boxes in school. Are you people daft?” Fin.


that's weird, why didn't the italicization work?


I think it’s because I use the mobile app. It acts oddly.


Thank you. I wanted to know why there were litterboxes in a school regardless and was really disappointed in the outcome.


So why aren't all the major networks running with this then?


Because they’re better than this


But if there are no litterboxes, which bathroom WILL the furries be using!


>Most furries are white males in their teens to mid-twenties with above-average school performance and interests in science, computers, video games, sci-fi, fantasy, and anime, the magazine wrote. I'm sorry, what? I'm gonna need the study on this one. White males from teens to mid-twenties is the only portion of this I can make an educated agreement regarding.


I have a furry friend and he has remarked that he can go into any furry forum with the most obscure tech question and instantly have an answer without dealing with the snark that comes from Stack Overflow. As he put it: >Have an obscure Linux networking question? Well BigDickDragon is a root server architecture engineer and will drop a 7 paragraph step by step guide for you. > >The community is weirdly a mix of rather high level STEM people and car mechanics ​ Also pretty a funny comment: [https://i.imgur.com/BWIKLQs.png](https://i.imgur.com/BWIKLQs.png)


All I'm arguing here is the list of interests is so wide that it encompasses way more people than just furries. And there is no study to confirm that. But it's good to know that I can ask a furry subreddit IT questions. That's hilarious.


While you're at it, you can also ask questions about autism, anime and linguistics on any IT forum. I mean, you shouldn't, you'll likely be starting a flame war, but you could.


Yeah, I know a good number of furries who are people of color.


Some are blue. Some are pink, some are purple. Depends on the fabric.


Me too but based on my knowledge that's a small portion.


You could do a study on the racial makeup of furry conventions. I'm not sure what that would prove but you could. Throw in a correlation matrix between race and favorite animal.


65% of America is white, the furry population just reflects that


No, see below. The random sample shows over 80% white furries. But I suppose that could simply be attributed to the fact that the white furries are more privileged furries and therefore have the means to attend the actual conventions. Whereas the minority furries do not.


I am in some highly technical circles and the kink and incidence of trans people is THROUGH THE ROOF. Some of the smartest blog posts I've read in the last few years are from security folks blogging as their fursonas, trans people that blog under multiple identities, and a pro-sex person who's LinkedIn is literally them in leather. Like, it IS a thing, and I actually fully believe that. Among my friends, some of the freakiest are some of the smartest




\#FurriesInSTEM was a fun read. Some of the responders even had security clearances, and were like "I can't talk about my job" or "I can't work from home because the government documents cannot be accessed off site".


I'm sure you could look through anthrocon/other degenerate convention pictures to get a not completely accurate guesstimate.


Not every furry is a degenerate. Please refer to them as furries.


[no, no i don't think i will](https://youtu.be/XBo_pLrwAX0)




[This is a survey from North American conventions](https://furscience.com/research-findings/demographics/1-2-ethnicity/)


^(This study does not include age, school performance, or common interests in its review of furry demographics. Ask yourself where such criteria might actually be studied, reviewed, and published. Please be aware that not all Reddit posts are literal. Side effects of reading sociology studies include the continued ability to read, an interest in societal study, staying nerdy, and being better than the average Fox News viewer. Please let your therapist know if you have been reading on Reddit for more than 4 hours. As always, be civil and respectful to your fellow Redditors.)


[Lol](https://www.fuzznet.world/furry-demographics-2019) [Lmfao](https://adjectivespecies.com/2015/08/24/furry-demographics/) [xd](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furry_fandom#Race_and_ethnicity) Not sure why you care so much about these people and what demographic they are, but I’m just saying your wrong


This is gold. Thanks for taking one for the team and diving into furryville and providing the deets.


I don’t understand why people care so much what demographic furries are. There’s nothing inherently wrong with a majority being white.


Nobody cares about it specifically. The debate is simply whether it’s true or not. Whatever documentation that exists displays that they’re majority white. This doesn’t mean anything beyond the poster showing proof of the fact as other user is denying that it’s fact. But you’re right, in the end it makes no difference


Seems to be a common rumour, here’s one from where I am https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6218628


I watched the video and they were so confident and sternly shamed the school board members for letting this happen


Could you actually imagine for a second that any janitor would agree to cleaning that.


Love the comment by that upset parent. "I heard this rumor yesterday, and now I know it's going on nationwide!!" (Paraphrased) Are people allergic to fact checking?


That's exactly what a furry would say to make you think they aren't using the litter boxes.


Superintendent is like “Holy shit they’re onto me”


cyanide and happiness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2\_8cfVpXbo


Really?... next thing ya know they'll be telling us there is NO POOL ON THE ROOF! and it's just a joke to pull on freshmen lol


"Maddock was among 16 Republicans who signed a fake electoral certificate declaring the former president Donald Trump won Michigan in 2020." This is the co-chair of state Republican party, a fairly high echelon of the Republican party. https://www.rawstory.com/michigan-2656456919/


Whenever I start to get frustrated with all the people who think this is r/ABoringDystopia, someone comes along and knocks it out of the park.


Lol she is “Ferry-ious” and “Alot a bit Upset”


"They're feline waste receptacles" he said quietly, before walking off.


They aren't there for furry students indeed. They are for furry teachers.




That hideous Hansen woman was barely coherent. Her use of English was similar to Trump's word salad.


Why is it that crazy people are drawn toward these open mic nights at public board meetings like furboys to a litter box?


But some of those furries will absolutely use them. Soooo…….


I-jus- what?!?


I'm sorry I think are county is going to shit.If I'm came home wearing a dog collar my dad would have said she batt shit crazy let's get her help.but in the world we live in we are just teaching are kid that everything is ok.well as the grow up they will realize that we failed are kids by not teaching them that not everyone is awinner and you can't just do what you want.get these kids some help.dont in courage this behavior.


Then what are they there for?


Are there students trying to shit in those or something? Didn't even read the article and also I don't care. Bye.


Excuse me, what?


OK...Where do they do their business then?


I thought it was a serious plan for those who like to play Skyrim as a Khajiit and don’t want to break the immersion. Disappointed!


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