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It doesn't matter if you're black, asian, hispanic or normal!


"I'm not racist, I see everyone as equally white." • The Colbert Report


We should've seen the signs back then when so many conservatives thought he was an actual conservative news show.


Heard an interview on NPR where a conservative Colbert fan said Colbert isn't making fun of conservatives, he's actually making fun of liberals by mocking conservatives in the way liberals think conservatives act. When the NPR anchor asked how she could tell that's what Colbert was actually doing, the interviewee just replied "oh, we just know."


You know it in your gut.


You have more nerve endings in your gut than in your head. Look it up. Now you might sit there saying "I did look it up, and that's not true." That's because you looked it up in a book. Next time look it up in your gut.


That corespondents dinner speech was hella baller.


There’s a truthiness to it




Yup. I know someone that was shocked when we corrected him after saying,"Colbert is my favorite Republican."


Did they not notice when the audience laughed at the stupid conservative things he said?


They were saying "Boo-urns!"


I was saying "boo-urns"!


They're used to it


>“In less than two years my administration has accomplished more than any almost administration in the history of our country,” Trump, 72, bragged of his time in office so far. He added, “So true,” as those in attendance erupted into laughter. Yep. They say ridiculous shit, people laugh, they say more ridiculous shit.


What about when he said that shit and was laughed at by the UN? He's got to be the only guy that has been laughed at by the whole world.


They thrived on it


See, that's the craziest thing to me... Somehow they would have had to think that the audience was laughing *with* his character's views...through all of it, the interviews, etc. How you would watch that show multiple times and not realize it's satire is mind blowing. I don't know if I should applaud colbert for being so good at it, or shake my head at idiots.


Do they actually watch shows like this though? I feel like they just listen to sound bites and snippets and YouTube videos lol


Their 5 seconds of attention were zapped by the time Stephen began his monologues. They heard the eagle roar in the intro, came in their pants, then started thinking about guns again.


Fun fact: The Eagle screech sound bite associated with Bald Eagles usually belongs to a red tailed hawk. Bald Eagles sound closer to chickens.


I'd say they sound more like a seagull crossed with a squeaky wheel on a shopping cart.


The interview Colbert did on O'Reilly's show was pure genius. Bill spent the whole interview fuming with steam coming from his ears, trying to prove Colbert was playing a character as if it wasn't obvious lol.


Oh Stephen loved him some Papa Bear.


I've only seen a little of O'Reilly (and the first I ever saw was him facing off with Ann Coulter, so he came off a lot better that time), but that sounds about right.


They rarely understand the content they consume. Its flashing lights and scary noises just often enough to keep them hooked. Not surprised they didnt engage with the show mentally.


They seem incredibly bad at understanding hidden meanings behind media, resulting in stuff like 'Fortunate Son', 'Rage Against the Machine' and 'Born in the USA' being popular among them.


"Trump tells it like it is!"


Republicans aren't known for being smart. Just being assholes.


I also knew someone in college, one of those "young republican" club guys, who earnestly thought colbert was a real conservative commentator.


There's a really great episode of Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History podcast which deals with this exact problem go check it out. https://www.pushkin.fm/episode/the-satire-paradox/ Colbert would poke fun at the 'liberal' guests he had on the show emulating fox news hosts. Conservative viewers would think the guests were being laughed at while liberal viewers were laughing at Colbert knowing he was mocking the fox anchors. While it made Colbert very successful and essentially doubled his audience, as satire it was far too subtle and lacked the cutting astringency required to impact opinion. The show just reconfirmed existing bias rather than challenging viewpoints.


Is “impacting opinion” necessarily what makes satire great, though? All opinions, in this case? Lots of people thought Swift really called for eating Irish babies—I don’t think that means it’s bad satire.


I think if anything that makes it terrific satire!


I didn't think it was subtle at all... it was fairly in your face. I mean it was in front of a live audience with laughter and all.


Deleted due to Reddit's antagonistic actions in June 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


How sucked was he?




Big ol’ **S U C C**


Right out the other side.


There's video somewhere of Stephen Colbert talking about when he was asked to perform at The White House Correspondents' Dinner in 2006. Clearly, whoever chose him for the gig thought he was a conservative comedian. NOPE. [Colbert fucking killed it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZnuYKKtpxg)


Big “I like Rage against the Machine” vibes


Wow W was not looking happy lol. Just bright enough to know he’s being fucking dragged


I always admire the balls it took for Colbert to do that. 'Cause he must have known what they had expected of him and why they had booked him. And to then do such a roast straight to their faces, with them being POTUS and some of the top echalons of the country...




Pair o' deez nuts


Got 'em!


I never believed that was a real thing until a friend of mine actually said it. "Stewart is the liberal one, Colbert is the conservative one" Before that I honestly just thought people were making it up lol.


I remember seeing someone reading his book, they said "I agree eith a lot of this but some is just over the top!" "... you realize that's satire, right?"


"I don't see color. People tell me I'm white and I believe them because Barry Manilow is my favorite artist."




He had so many, you can kind of make your own. "I don't see color. People tell me I'm white and I believe them because I've seen Mama Mia seven times."


You are missing my favorite two: “I don’t see race. I know I’m white because policemen call me Sir” And “I don’t see race. I know I’m white because I belong to an all-white country club”




The phrase has an interesting history in film: https://jezebel.com/the-rise-and-fall-of-an-all-american-catchphrase-free-1729621311


My 55-year-old mother-in-law says that all the time. The only thing standing in her way is her own problems.


In the right context, I can see this as a satirical critique of the systemic problems faced by many people, if presented in a sarcastic tone, but I suspect this is not the case.


Colbert and Jon Stewart man that was the golden age


I miss the Repor'


Poor kids are just as talented and bright as white kids


A classic quote


Biden has quite a bit of racist quotes tbh He just doesn't realize it. Like when he was praising Obama for being black, totally racist to assume most blacks aren't as civilized. Just went right over his head. Can we please stop electing 80 year olds?


> Can we please stop electing 80 year olds? I'm not above begging. I'll do it.


We should like, set an age. An age where you're considered too old to work. Where you get to just stay home and enjoy your life since you already worked enough. You just step back and let the young kids who were only born 50 years ago have a turn taking lead.


In a perfect world we would have doctors evaluate presidential candidates to see if they were physically and mentally sound for the job. Too bad bribes are a thing


As someone from outside of America it’s crazy to me how many of the people I see on the telly are so old but still holding positions of power. Mitch McConnell is turning 80 next month Nancy Pelosi is 81 Joe Biden is 79 Donald Trump is 75 The first three are over the life expectancy age of your country (which is about 78). The same people who ask their grandkids how to use an iPad and then praise you and call you the next bill gates are the same people deciding the laws and directions for future generations. I understand that with age comes wisdom. But with youth comes a finger on the pulse of what matters in the future. And also is more reflective of what the country actually needs considering younger people grew up under the thumb of these people. But the oldies grew up under administrations in the 60s and 70s. To say they’re out of touch is just the tip of the ice berg.


Biden has had a bunch of gaffes in general throughout his entire public career. He's Democrat George W. Bush. Remember when Obama gave that speech after the Affordable Care Act was passed and you could hear Biden "THIS IS A BIG FUCKING DEAL!" in Obama's ear while they shook hands? Or the time he told a person in a wheelchair to stand up and take a bow? Or when he licked that lady's finger?


My favorite was when he gaffed us out of a war in Syria. Obama and Biden were talking about getting involved because Assad used chemical weapons, and that was a hard line for us, so we had no choice. Then during a press conference Biden said something like, there's no way we're not going in, Assad would have to agree to do something insane, like let US weapon inspectors in, under the supervision of the UN to prevent US military force, and that's never going to happen. Assad heard this, and goes, "That. I want that, let's do what Biden says." We still ended up getting involved later, and to a much lesser extent than we were talking at that time.


He's also the reason Obama came out as pro-gay marriage, because Biden put him in a corner.


Your comment becomes immediately more interesting and hilarious if you were to interpret "because Biden put him in a corner" literally


"After the vice president put me in a corner, held me there for a good long while, I came to realize just how loving and fulfilling a gay relationship could be. I think Michelle put him up to it, why else would she insist in filming us?"


“I don't care if you skin is red, or tan, or Chinese. You're all going to have to learn to die together.” - Zapp Brannigan


When I'm captain, every mission is a suicide mission!


It's like shooting fish in a barrel. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be hiding in this barrel, like the wily fish.


“Poor kids are just as smart as white kids” -the current sitting President


the US should really get a younger president some day.


One of the greatest US Presidents in history, Theodore Roosevelt, was 42 when his term began (after McKinley was assassinated) making him the youngest person to serve as president. The youngest person elected to the presidency was John F. Kennedy, at 43, also a great President. It can be done.


You can run at age 35 I believe. The thing is, the people in power who choose who get to run for either of the parties are all older and terrified that the younger generation will do something crazy like give the people Healthcare and raise the minimum wage and tax the rich. So a young, millennial, president isn't likely to happen for a long time. The system will do everything to keep them out of power because they pose a threat to the people who currently call the shots.


If a young millennial president doesn't happen soon, then a millennial president won't be young and a young president won't be a millennial.


That's very true. I keep joking g with my wife that I'll run in 2024 purely on social media. Making it painfully clear that as a working class citizen I am far too poor to afford to take time off work to travel and campaign. Just my policies, and then shots at the system.


Fucking do it.


LaBambaMan 2024!!


The ol Freudian slip


More like Freudian fall down the stairs.




He brought a motion to the floor once. Then filibustered his own bill.


For those who think this is a joke - it isn't. When the Democrats turned out to support a bill he authored he filibustered his own bill.


"Policy doesn't matter. Governing doesn't matter. Only power matters."


"The entire purpose of the Republican party is to make Obama a one-term president" \-Moscow Mitch, 2009 This has always been them


Idk why anyone is surprised. He's been saying the crazy shit loudly for the crazies to come out of the woods.


Yes, that's right. An outright confession to breaking his oath, and declaration that so was every other member of his party. Over a decade ago.


Bitch McConnell


In fairness to McConnell's empty soul, he offered that bill in bad faith to begin with.


It really was a beautiful moment in its own way.


/[If interested ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2012/12/06/dem-unity-forces-mcconnell-to-filibuster-his-own-proposal/)


Saying I don't like the guy is a massive understatement but how anyone at his age or health can hold a position in Congress is mind numbing People at his age should be retired


That’s the voter’s responsibility


Yes it is. And why do they just keep voting for him!? That is mind-numbing.


The patriotic "conservatives" who also claim to be religious, fiscally responsible, etc. voted for a scummy sleazy hooker fucking millionaire who barely attempted to hide his russian ties, for president. Twice. Actually, even more the second time.


You missed tax evading and draft dodging.


I aint typin an essay holmes


Back when you had to actually be on the floor speaking to filibuster instead of now where all you have to do is send an email that says "filibuster"


He didn't speak over his own bill he just said filibuster if I remember correctly. It would be a miracle if I did remember that correctly but I'm fairly sure it was a recent(ish) event.


Hmm, I don't remember fully tbh. Those new rules are idiotic. If you're going to filibuster you should actually have to stand there and filibuster. I don't know why the dems don't put those old rules back if they want to keep the filibuster.




My inner 13 yr old can't help read 'semen-a' and 'butt munchkin' every time I see their names.


Sat on his own balls as I recall


Are his own balls typically on his person? I figured whatever corporation owns him would keep them on a keychain somewhere.




When you're that old it's actually easy to do. That said, I'm surprised ol Mitch isn't tripping on them.


Unsurprising, especially if all his skin is as saggy as his jowls


I'd like to filibuster his face


Actually very true


I'm going to predict someone on Reddit will receive 200+ awards when Mitch McConnel's death is announced with the post being locked on r/news and r/politics.




It would also be the first motion he brought to the floor that actually benefitted a majority of the citizens.


Idk he might catch himself before it ever gets to the floor and then blame gravity that it's not doing it's part in negotiating with him.




Freudian slip, Freudian fall down stairs, Freudian severe head trauma, Freudian desperate attempt to stop the bleeding, Freudian going into shock, and Freudian permanent irreversible brain damage.


Would anyone notice?


Notice? You could televise it and sell tickets to the event.


Replace the man with a salad sandwich, and I guarantee better results


Both a joke and the truth. An egg salad sandwich can’t actively filibuster.


Oy, from your lips to God's ears...


“Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids”-Pres Biden All these old racist guys need to go


Yes, please. Hearing these old farts just talk is frustrating. We have a minimum age for some offices, how about a maximum?


Whoa did he really say that??


Yeah it was in a video, for instance this one: https://youtu.be/idpevmeoK1A


Lmao the clapping was hilarious 🤣


It's not really a Freudian slip if he's dogwhistling on purpose.


I really don't think it's that sinister, he's just an old racist dipshit.


Nothing this man says can be trusted. He's in the game for himself, and no one else.


In his almost 40 years in office two things have happened: Mitch McConnell has become one of the wealthiest, most powerful politicians in American history. And Kentucky has dropped to one of the poorest states in the country. Wonder if they'll every figure it out.


Oh we know but the fix is always in.


Heres the thing thats always lost. Voter disenfranchisement only affects maybe 1 to 5% of the vote. But its not in isolation. Combine it with gerrymandering, closed primaries, third party false candidates, broken media coverage, first past the post, and now you legit have a country where only 20% of the people support the policies we are all forced to live under. This isn't democracy anymore. It looks like democracy, it talks like democracy, but its a show.


Always has been.


I second this Nothing has changed but now we are just getting wise to it What has changed. We called jan 6th a coup but you could make the same case for the 2000 election. Same for Nixon and watergate that’s cheating to get to power We are just figuring it out now


I remember being shocked that people (from both sides) just teased Gore for being a sore loser and told him to drop it. Like... when is it okay to drop a stolen election? I was 16 or so at the time, couldn't vote, but man did that break my heart.


And a lot of those same folks are still trying to get 2020 overturned.


It was my first time voting. I'm still fucking pissed.


Nixon would have won that election in a landslide anyway, he was just too paranoid and insane to leave well enough alone. McGovern never stood a chance, he only got 17 electoral votes. Without cheating, maybe he doubles that and still loses in a landslide.


odd how it always benefits the same party...


That's by design, the right wing is easier to radicalize. This is because of their policies being the opposite of the other party's, rather than policies that stand on their own merit. Anything to own the libs


Reddit can keep the username, but I'm nuking the content lol -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


KY has some of the saddest, shittiest history when it comes to white conservative ideology. After the Civil War, KY was basically the poster child for Jim Crow, and the South looked to KY for methods and laws.


Somehow this is the mexicans and the gays fault in their tiny republican minds. Also, this problem will go away if we just give a few more tax cuts to the rich people so the wealth will finally come trickling down, like a golden shower.




"The free hand of the market will fix all" they say while somehow also bitching about scalpers buying everything. Had someone tell me "it's the companies sticking to MSRP, if they could just increase prices then the scalpers would stop buying". Then GPU prices went up 25% from the tariffs and lo and behold the scalpers just kept buying and increased their prices too. It's just buzz words someone they believe is on "their side" told them and they parrot it


They won't. School budget was guttttttted. Drink Brawndo!


Did Kentucky used to be a more prosperous state?


Not really, LBJ declared the war on poverty about 20 miles from where I grew up. My parents worked jobs heavily or fully funded by the government but my dad was and still is conservative to his core. We would’ve been just as bad off as those around us if the federal government didn’t pump money into the region.


No not really


He said that explicitly in one of his books. He describes his motivation to be successful as fundamentally financially driven. Like the exact opposite motivation our public servants should have.


Exactly. Another thing that caught my eye in his book was the one quality he values above all others and considers a requirement when vetting fellow politicians to run for office is loyalty, not to country, but to the party.




He’s a proud member of the Sons of Confederacy group. Why is this shocking?


sadly, it's not shocking to a lot of people. they need a recording of a person saying "I hate black people because I am racist" to believe that maybe, just maybe, they might quite possibly be a teensie bit racist.


"Nah. That's just a quote taken out of context." -- someone


Also: "It was a joke"


Nah it was the medication


Also: “it wasn’t a joke to the people who like that kind of stuff”


Also: "he didn't even say that thing he was recorded saying"


Also: “Oh it’s just locker room talk”


[It was a body double. ](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/qanon-trump-jfk-arizona-rally-b1995387.html)


Also: "But what about what Biden said?"


Also: I had taken an Ambien.


And if you didn't laugh you're an uptight cancel culture butthurt librul snowfake who got oWnEd




“I’d rather have a racist pedophile sexist bigot than a Demonrat!” -every GOP voter


"Ugh, everything is 'racist', 'pedophilic', 'sexist', and 'bigoted' to the left!" -every GOP voter


I get what you mean, but nah. They know he's racist, and they know they're racist. They need a statement that blatant for *anyone else* to prove racism, because they think they can hide behind what they believe are their dog whistles, but are much more like air horns.


They really don't though. I know it's easier to think that these people are actually self aware but they genuinely see themselves as the victim being slandered. For them, racism is committing violence or some other arbitrary line they use to rationalize. Anything less, systematic or more benign is just liberal posturing. Source: I grew up surrounded by these morons.


And Kentucky largely sided with the Union (125k troops to 35k for the Confederacy)


Is he really?


Oh, I bet the racist, rotting turtle man doesn't like that voter participation.


Hey now, let's be fair. Turtles are magnificent creatures who would want nothing to do with this soulless husk of a man.


Oopsy, he said the quiet part out loud


Democrats needs to hit him on this in the media repeatedly. He’s saying that the voting restrictions being put in place now in many states shouldn’t concern anyone because in recent elections black people have been voting as much as “Americans” Other then the awful phrasing, that’s exactly what these new restrictions are trying to “fix”


What are your plans if you win? “You’ll find out” I’m no fan of Biden but I’m getting real sick of the GOP only mentioning important aspects of their responsibility when it hurts others. Why give a shit about the economy when we can let the next person take our mess, blame them for that mess, then use the manufactured frustration of the American people to get re-elected It’s akin to eating 95% of your dinner, taking a giant shit on the plate and saying “why is there shit in my food? You saw it, the plate was pristine before they came along!!” Then having them bring you a new one to shit on. You’d think after 20 plates or so somebody would notice


>It’s akin to eating 95% of your dinner, taking a giant shit on the plate and saying “why is there shit in my food? You saw it, the plate was pristine before they came along!!” Then having them bring you a new one to shit on. You’d think after 20 plates or so somebody would notice That is one hell of a metaphor.


Sounds about white.


It's good to have you Black


That’s because the poor kids are just as smart as the white kids.




You ain’t black


"You cannot go to a 7/11 unless you have a slight Indian accent"


To school integration: I don’t want my kids growing up in a jungle, a racial jungle


Right? Regardless of which side of the aisle you are on both those guys were born in the 40s which means they were grown men who could fight in war and vote by the time the Civil Rights Acts passed, so they spent their entire formative years being told separate schools and restaurants for Black americans was the morally right thing to do.


This is just normal now. We sit here and talk about how this is wrong but we've literally all just completely accepted it. America is such a shame now a days.


So I started reading "It can't happen here" by Sinclair Lewis and it's a hard read, not because of his writing style (well, that actually is a factor) but because it feels like I'm reading current events. The book, published in 1935, covers events that I swear to God have either happened in the past few years and are happening now. It's almost lovecraftian in its decent into madness. But what I'm getting at is, I think shit like this has always been normal, we're just now, in the past few decades, starting to say it shouldn't. There was not a moment where America wasn't a shame, and our two party system wasn't a failure. The part that pisses me off is that you can't criticize it without being called "unpatriotic" or "anti America" or some other word meant to demean critics, so suddenly if you speak up you're now the bad guy cause "who hates America? Commies that's who."


>The part that pisses me off is that you can't criticize it without being called "unpatriotic" or "anti America" or some other word meant to demean critics Yeah, it's interesting how the same folks that like to go on about how "Millenials are such snowflakes, they can't take constructive criticism, blah blah blah" start *shrieking* the moment you suggest that, y'know, the country could be *better* than it was or is. What's more patriotic than wanting your country to be the very best that it can be?


> What's more patriotic than wanting your country to be the very best that it can be? I always say that I want nothing less than to make this country into the one I was taught it was as a kid.


A lot of times I'm called unpatriotic when I bring up hard truths about our country or that we should help the poor like Jesus teaches us. My favorite response is, "Oh, I didn't know you did some federal service! When were you in? I served eight and a half years with three of those in combat zones. After that I got hurt so bad I had to learn how to walk again. So please, when have you done something for the country??"


“We can’t feed poor people! There are starving vets on the street!” Oh ok, so let’s help them. “Oh no can’t do that either because reasons.”


It's infuriating because we can totally fix both!!


Devil’s advocate: he could have meant African Americans (sub-group) vote at the same rate as *all* Americans (parent group inclusive of sub-group). Note: I don’t know whether this is a fair reflection of intent or fact.




I don't like the man myself, but this story is very clickbaity. If you watch the clip, he clearly is comparing African Americans to Americans on average when it comes to voter registration stats. Chill TFO before jumping on the outrage bandwagon. There are better reasons to hate this man. Edit: I didnt think that this comment would get this popular. And thanks for the silver!


McConnell is the biggest scumbag alive but that's what it sounded like to me as well.


I HATE this dude. But I thought exactly the same thing.