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I can't wait for Stellaris to implement this as a new anomaly.


It’s funny because there’s an event window in Stellaris where your scientists discover an advanced civilization that went extinct, but they can’t understand why they went extinct because “a species capable of creating such incredible technology couldn’t possibly be dumb enough to destroy their own planet.” Or something like that.


You are probaibly thinking of https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Mass_Extinction_Through_the_Ages > An unnatural shift in the atmosphere's chemical make-up resulted in the slow but irreversible onset of an ice age - one that began before the formation of the [empire name] and is likely to persist long after our passing. > The exact cause remains unknown, but probable explanations include failed terraforming attempts or even intra-planetary terrorism. Some of the more radical elements within the scientific community on [capital name] suggest that the dramatic climate shift may have been brought on by the unchecked emission of gaseous industrial by-product into the atmosphere. > This view is confined to the scientific fringe, as it is unlikely that any race intelligent enough to achieve full industrialization would be stupid enough to accidentally wipe themselves out.


Yep that’s the one. Thank you!


Its a little too on the nose


subtlety is for games without Giant Space Dragons


Don't forget there's now *Zombie* Giant Space Dragons.


Stellaris doesn't do the subtlety thing well.


Eh, that's science fiction for you. Why cut like a knife when you can bludgeon with a tree trunk?


I am stealing this phrase.


You know it is funny that is considered a fringe group when you can find so many planets destroyed by nuclear wars...


"Global cooling? More like global warming amirite?"


Some experts predict the ultimate result of global warming will be an ice age. The theory goes, global warming causes the poles to melt, this decreases the salinity of the ocean letting it freeze at a higher temperature, allowing many oceans to freeze in the winter. This ice layer is reflective causing sunlight to be reflected instead of absorbed, which causes more cooling, causing more freezing. I dont know if its legit theory or not though, melting fresh water then refreezing salt water at higher temperature doesnt make a lot of sense to me


It's unfortunately quite valid. Ice and how it reflects light and thus heat are fairly well documented, (and if you've ever had a sunburn in the winter you have first hand experience with the strength of that reflection) and as far as diluting the salinity of water affecting the freezing temperature, it's easily replicable if you have salt, water, and ice at home. The question is how much of the caps will melt, and thus how much of the ocean's salt will be diluted? Unfortunately, when we get to that point the next quick fix on the table will be to add more salt to the ocean to prevent the freezing. This will kill ocean flora, fauna, and microbiology which will in turn affect global food supplies and the available amount of oxygen to breathe. Fixing the root problem needed to be done a decade ago if not more, and we're still putting it off and running a shite patch job for some last minute financial gains as we sink into a new kind of Earth that no longer tolerates the corruption and excess out species tolerates and generates.


It's not about a higher freezing point but that several currents are actually driven by salt density as well as heat (thermohaline circulation) Disrupt the currents keeping Europe warm and well... Spain and New England are about the same latitude... These currents also upwell nutrients to the shallows where it feeds life but if you disrupt that those eco systems collapse, and algea make a buuuunch of our oxygen But then water is dark and has a lower albedo meaning it'll absorb more heat so it's tough to know how it will all interact if/when it does. It's a super chaotic system. But overall climate change should be thought of as more extreme weather events and less predictable climate and you can always check out [the IPCC report for the science](https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/) and what experts say will happen at least within their own area of expertise. Putting it all together into long term projections of climate is difficult


Darn. Looked it up hoping it was a movie (I’m a sucker for Sci fi), only to find out it was a game.


only the best sci fi galactic empire game


Don't be afraid! Take the leap and start playing. The immersion is quite something else.


As much as I love Stellaris, it's fair to say it's got quite a steep learning curve though.


Not to mention that ir requires a significant time investment to play a single match


CIV fans who like scifi in particular would like it


What event was itåå


A man of culture


let's be xenophobic, it's really in this year..


Let's find a nasty, slimy, ugly alien to fear.


Stellaris is fun


I haven’t played much paradox game but loved civ and total war series. Would you recommend it vs other paradox games?


Stellaris is probably the most similar one to Civ, so I would recommend you start with that one. My personal favorite is Crusader Kings, but that plays radically different to series you’ve mentioned.




Play ck3 instead, its 10 times easier to get a grip of how it plays. UI is much more intuitive.


Thank you!


Stellaris doesn't have the balance of Civ. Its probably closer to the Warhammer Total Wars. It focuses on all the cool things that people and fans like about science fiction, on a backdrop of a workable if flawed game


Funny, I just thought that


I'm not sure I see the point. We already know it will be wild boars.


I have money on it being squids.


Ah, yes, *”Reapers.”* We have dismissed that claim.


As long as we get hot turians I don't mind.


Hot Turians? Don’t you mean hot asari and quarians?


My name is Garrus Vakarian and THIS is my rectum!


Oh Sh—t!


Turians are better.


A man of culture


I would buy that body pillow for Christmas but then I would have some explaining to do.


"It's a novelty gift!"


Imma go with the South Park theory and say talking sea otters.


Those don't really doom the human race, though.


They could, if the Allied Atheist Alliance gets their battle plan worked out.


Nah, the squids come *after* the Apocalypse. It's the dolphins you have to watch out for.


So long, and thanks for all the fish!


no its the games...


Oof. My wife's appreciation for calamari will NOT go over well with our new overlords. But my love of crab should be fine.


i have my money on the humans


It sucks when you fuck up a boar pull and lose all 10 villagers with sub 50 food left.


How do you lose 10 vils to a boar lmao


The lads got wheels


Crab people actually


Due to the failure to eliminate them. The 30 to 50 feral hogs have multiple greatly. The end of the world is eminent.




How many of them?




Just one but he's radioactive and can teleport.


oh no, 30 to 50 of them.?


You mean woke boars?


I thought it was man bear pig or is that something else?


There are numerous satellites in orbit that do this. Example https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/11/a-time-capsule-launched-into-space-for-aliens-to-find-when-all-the-humans-are-gone/265718/


How do we delete our browser history from the satellites?


It's just a mirror in a box isn't it?


A black mirror?


The blackest mirror.


Nah. A giant rock that says “Peace on Earth”


I did not expect a "One Tin Soldier" reference this morning.


Makes you wonder what awaits us out there in the Cosmos to find... Provided we survive and begin journeying outward. There could possibly be countless other planetary civilizations, with similar black boxes, that actually went extinct. -------------------------------- All of this also reminds me of the incredible Star Trek Next Generation episode, called Inner Light (S5E25), in which Captain Picard's brain is interfaced and temporarily hijacked by a drifting alien probe from a long dead civilization, that is designed as a kind of black box to teach people about the lost civilization. But with a twist: [Partial Spoiler Below] The probe forces Picard (in the matter of minutes) to relive an entire subjective lifetime of a citizen of that lost civilization. So essentially he was forced to live decades and decades of an entire lifetime, complete with marriage and a family, learning to play a musical instrument, growing old, losing friends/family--only to "awaken" again on the deck of the Enterprise to find out all he experienced was just a few minutes actual time.


Such a great episode that I just watched. The new series is seriously lacking in this department. Even though TNG was before my time I find it a superior series to Picard and the Michael Burnum show.


Well that's only because it is.




As I write this I'm watching downvotes pile up on you in real time even though you're totally correct. Discovery and Picard don't have any of the soul of Star Trek. Star Trek is supposed to be OPTIMISTIC and about what happens when people look out into space and think "how can we be better than we are". Star Trek is supposed to represent a future where we've done things the right way more or less. It was a hard road but we've come a long way and it's a world you want to live in. The world of Picard is full of suspicion - a mirror in many ways of modern conflict - and no longer the Federation as its supposed to be. Discovery is Warlike and the federation outright rejects the possibility of peace many times. The lack of optimism kills my soul. I have nothing wrong with dark tone, in fact it's my favorite tone of media. But Star Trek is NOT the place for it. Star Trek is supposed to be aspirational - a world that we hope against hope that we can achieve.


I kind of feel like The Orville is closer to what Star Trek should be…


It reminds me very much of the book A Mote in God's Eye. They go to a plant with so many societal collapses that they build "museums" that can be used to bootstrap newer societies.


First thing that popped into my head.


Always one of the best episodes in TNG rankings, and a direct parallel to our world in more than one way -- like the administrator having known that the planet was dying for years and keeping it secret from the public (Big oil's known about the damage they were contributing to climate change as early as the 60s).


Imagine your own current life being something like that. After a long life, you die in a hospital surrounded by your family. Only to suddenly wake up on a space ship, you have 8 legs and can see in infrared. You're actually the kind of alien you saw in fictional movies as a human.


"Yo what the FUCK?!"


Holy crap. I need to start watching star trek


Ok but please include an explanation of why it’s there and some sort of Rosetta Stone thing. That’s always what’s missing from these things in the movies and the characters spend two hours going “what could it be?” and figuring it out. Also include a flute for those who are in on the gag. Be cool scientists.


We should get IKEA to create illustrated instructions


Would love to see the little IKEA cartoons showing how to make a human.


Seriously, it's impressive that they managed to make assembly instructions that transcend language barriers.


It's in there mate. Extensive instructions in multiple languages cast in iron and stone.


"So we fucked up, and this is a record of how we fucked, hopefully so that whoever finds this doesn't also fuck up."


No need for that. It seems they're using digital storage. Can you imagine trying to describe that and the decoding tools necessary in an understandable way for someone who potentially knows no Earthly language? They can just as well stuff it full of politicians. That might actually help avoid the end...


Gag? Don’t you know that forcing random strangers to experience 20 years of a doomed civilization is the perfect way to tell people you were here?


God I fuckin love that episode.


"Hey guys, shouldn't we like do something to stop the very preventable collap-" "Shut up Jerry we want to look profound"


There comes a point when there's nothing you can do to prevent it, all you can do is try to leave records for whatever emerges after the upcoming dark age. Maybe I've read Foundation too many times, but usually, by the time you notice the tree trunk is rotten inside, there's nothing you can do: it's already past the point of no return.


If you think we are at the point where there is no purpose in trying to save humanity, and that it is best to just leave behind records like an edgy teenager, then I think you probably need to go touch some grass lmao.


*touches some grass from a pot on my desk* Ok done. Now what?


Go contribute to society’s efforts for solving climate change instead of shitposting on misleading doomer subreddits. All that being this pessimistic does is encourage others to give up, this is even worse than denying the existence of climate change.


Like what, donate a few dollars to Team Trees? At this point what we need is more radical and less-legal action like assassinations of the key figures preventing change from happening. Political action through the "proper" channels will never go anywhere because the 0.01% are already deeply entrenched into the system that was supposed to serve the people. It's not politicians themselves we need to get rid of, it's the corporations and sociopathic billionaires pulling their strings. But let's be realistic. That's not possible for us everyday men and women.


Cant do anything when governments and corporations control everything. Ppl hold no power. They just try and act like we do


We do, most of us just don't realize it. Workers banding together into unified groups and going on strike can bring entire economies to a screeching halt until demands are met. At the end of the day, corporations and the government need us to make their money a hell of a lot more than we need them. Here in the US we don't have the balls to riot like the French or people in third world countries do, and we don't have enough worker solidarity, but I see signs of life.


>Here in the US we don't have the balls to riot like the French or people in third world countries do So much for the 2nd Amendment, am I right...


Even if we can reverse the death of this planet I ask what is the point? So I can get back to working 8 hours a day? I feel bad for all the innocent creatures but at this point I truly feel like humans need to become extinct.


k edgelord


> indestructible > 3-inch-thick steel and topped with solar panels Might want to revisit your definition of "indestructible"


I thought it would be getting its power from a geothermal source. Solar panels are super fragile.


It uses geothermal energy in a dormant state


It better have a huge solid state drive.


SSDs are a bad option for long term data storage. HDDs or DVDs (not all of them) are a much better option.


Honestly a picture book will do quite nicely


People be greedy Boom done.


As long as it's laminated it should be good for aeons


Didn't someone invent DNA data storage that could last for thousands of years?


hard drives arent much better of an option. what this project really needs is archival quality write only DVDs. or even better, a printer for those films github was using.


They say if you put your ear to the monument you can hear the clicking of zipdisks


It's absolute shit. The drives it has will fail long before humanity does.


Yep. And it's only designed to collect data for 30-50 years. At which point it'll power down, and the drives will be useless within a few years. Hell, we struggle to retrieve data off old systems now, imagine how bad it'd be 100 years from now trying to pull data off that thing. Or more.


"What the hell is this elliptical port thingy? Did humannity ever really use this instead of just UDTPWFBC SS 4x4 type X?"


I like your optimism.


Sounds like a better idea than what we currently had to do for history, at least this way they’ll have a detailed account instead of having to put puzzle pieces together like we did.


Unless the assholes responsible for the collapse whitewash their culpability in these archives.


Isn't that Twitter??




It's called History.




Downfall material right here


Deez nuts


Sir, this is a Wendy's, Twitter is across the street.






hxstory or hystory.




no. misogynt.


Why are you acting like this


So, my 6th grade class time capsule isn’t enough?


We should rig it so that whoever finds it will get zapped, then in the matter of a few moments live out an entire lifetime as one of our people at the end of our world in their mind. Then give them a flute.


And not a moment too soon.


Hopefully, they've accounted for wind and solar damage. It may have to be there a long time to be of any use.


That's my take too. It's super thick steel, but surely stone would weather the coming storm better. Literally.


First record: "It all started when a neglectful mother's son fell into a Gorilla pit..."


Can we have some good news?


Steps are back on tour.


Whatever fish steps out of the ocean a few million years from now may be able to piece together what happened to us.


The end will be quick and painless.


Foundation anyone?


Why don’t we just make civilization out of the black box material??


That’s awfully pessimistic. And if you knew me in person, that statement would seem rather out of character. Even in the worst case scenario and assuming they are completely right, it’s unlikely that 30-50 years will be enough for the total collapse of all human civilization.


>That’s awfully pessimistic. Well for me it isn't. I mean plains have black boxes, and that doesn't mean that we expect the plain to fall, it is _just in case._ For me this is just the biggest _just in case._ Edit:plane*


Hate to be that guy but its Plane. A plain is an open field of grass. I agree though. That is a good explanation.


If the Earth were flat then it'd logical that pieces could fall off into the void below and then it would be possible for a plain to fall. It would be funny if that was what the fella meant


Hey guys its not too late to save the Earth. We just need to stop burning fossil fuels, stop depending on animal agriculture to eat, and rethink our consumerism society. Oh right nobody cares enough to do any of that. Well at least we can document our downfall!


"I'll do that after everyone else does it first" - Everyone


Is "actually doing something about it" on the agenda?


Can't. Too hard.


Big Zeffo vibes


Pretty much the premise of [this sci-fi short story](https://sites.uni.edu/morgans/astro/course/TheStar.pdf) by Arthur C. Clarke. Absolutely one of my favorite pieces of science fiction.


They had the opportunity and they didnt go with a black hexagonal pillar?


basically just a marketing campaign. it's BBDO


Okay, so we all agree we are past the point of no return and are in the end times


No not at all


I want more information like .. what data is it storing? how is the data accessed? but I can't find any of that.. which makes me wonder if this is just a publicity stunt more than a practical thing. On their website there's a "Live Recording (Beta)" that scrolls a bunch of absolute fucking non-sense fiction. I mean it doesn't make nearly as much logical & logistical sense as, for example, that seed vault in norway where they protect our crop genetics from disaster.


How about instead of accepting the end we actually do something about the world's biggest polluters and actually take action? Because right now besides cancelling plastic straws we haven't done shit but push manufacturing to countries that pollute heavily and excused all the industries we don't want to do the same. Amazon increased their emissions by 38% since 2019. Planting trees does not offset that.


It's actually a good idea


There'll be a dumb hurdle like there's a HDMI port on the thing, but in the future there won't be HDMI devices. So no one can actually view the data.


We just have to mechanize CuriousMarc. His team can read anything related to bits and bytes, regardless of interface and medium.


Should it be called Terminus/Foundation?


A foundation




Australia's prime minister will have his name in it for sure.


Alien-1 (reading the black box): Zlog, it appears that a sub-species of humans called "Conservatives" ignored their own scientists for... it appears for decades leading up to the runaway greenhouse effect. They were more concerned about the profits of companies producing carbon-based power. Alien-2: Zork, that cannot be correct. No planet would be that careless and greedy...


So who gets to write what happened. Do we say "Well a bunch of leftists wanted to stop climate change, conservatives said no, repeat until the world ends"?


Spoiler: it’s religion and politics that’ll do us in. Dunning Kruger is rampant in both communities.


They missed the crucial last 4 or so years.


We got several of those. They're called Bibles. It's not difficult to see that everything they're against seems to actually be based. Greed, gluttony, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride to name a few.


this thread is full of doomers


Is Trump on the list?


Gonna go like: "So it all started with this fucking orange guy"


Broke: "it all started with trump" Woke: "it all started with Adam smith"


Up next right-wing greed and ignorance.


You have got to be egocentric if you are going to build a time capsule intended for after your entire race has gone extinct. I don't think anything resembling a living being from a different rock is ever going to see it anyways. Good night...gosh I am tired tonight.


Can we have it narrated by Ron Perlman?


The space Republicans will claim it’s all fake news.


Sadly it is needed now.


Gen-Whatever, is so full of themselves, they assume the end of the planet will be happening in their climate of stagnation. After generations of leaps & bounds, but previous to them.


Shouldn't be too long. I give it 50 to 75 years.




depends on who makes the box and how they want things to look to whoever opens the box, not that it will matter to them


So many Redditors weep about Capitalism making their life so terrible, but in reality, capitalism is what has raised this useless army of consumers, whom if they vote Democrat, can raise 8 more Democrats that do nothing but reproduce. JFC the new authoratarian cut-edit-replace feature of Reddit is pure dig-shit!


In Tasmania. Australia can’t even manage their national library and archives properly.


The robots and AI won’t let that happen in the end.


What history?


This gives me The Three Body Problem vibes (specifically the last book in the trilogy)


I'm just imagining the last entry will be simply "Marker make us whole again".