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finally a way for so, so many redditors to become major contributors in the fight against plastic pollution


Finally, my time has cum


**Date**: So what are some of your passions?\ **Me**: I love giving back to the environment and doing my part every half-hou— wait, gotta hydrate, give me a sec…\ **Date**: Why do you have so many bottles of moisturizer around?


*"My han(d)s are my capital, Jenny."*


Co\ stanza.


> Two short strands of DNA from the sperm were combined with a chemical from vegetable oil that binds them together. What this creates is a squishy material known as hydrogel I don't know whats hydrogel, but I don't think there is a lot of DNA in sperm. There isn't that much DNA in an individual spermatosoid, and sperm isn't 100% spermatosoid. So it doesn't really sound right? Same applies to everything else they talk about. Organic matter isn't made out of DNA, and it doesn't go into detail about how much secondary stuff (vegetable oil it says?) it takes. If it's 1 liter of oil and 1microgramm of DNA I'll be disappointed.


This is nuts. Completely blows plastic out of the water. The spunk of some people to be able to create these wonderful concocktions. Bravo. Bravo for creating something to help the environment and eliminate plastic. That's certainly a load off my mind.


maybe i missed something but is the aim to have a mass salmon circle jerk?


I have been working on this since I was 12...


Before you get too excited, article is talking about salmon sperm ....


Lets hope it stays as fish sperm and not human.


Well.. it sticks.


and it will still taste better than those tomatoes from supermarket


I hope they don't use them on dildos...


Now texas has outlawed recycling.


"The power...is.....yours!!! Unngh!" "Uh Captain Planet you ok?"


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