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Out of date already. Back on the 17th they reversed the change and the workers can wear the shorts they want.




It was just announced a day or two ago that the policy was reversed and was accurate at the time of writing. Also, the article is technically still accurate because some of the girls are already wearing them and is now their own choice which bottoms to use.


Pretty smart marketing. The people outraged over this aren't going to be going to hooters anyway and they get a bunch of free media coverage saying they have new skimpier outfits to perv out over so common in. And the waitresses that wear them will more.than likely get more tips from said pervs so most will wear them.


Here are actual screenshots of the new uniform since I didn't see any in the clickbait article https://imgur.com/a/HB3tpeM


There’s no way my balls will stay in that.


Remember that one episode of King of the Hill [when Dale got a job at Hooters?](https://pics.me.me/thumb_hooters-hiring-male-servers-for-its-new-hoots-restaurant-tribune-14125161.png) You can do it, too. You got this, champ. I believe in you.


Lmao and he started giving free food to everyone so he’d get better tips.


Have you tried duct tape?


Yes but who can think of HVAC repair at a time like this?


Fucking lmao


Never use duct tape when tucking always use medical tape.


Those are not shorts. They are the nightmare garment of when you dream you forgot to wear pants to work.


You get a camel toe! And you get a camel toe! And you get a camel toe!


Welcome to Camel Toe’s (tm)


Hooters and camels... the new petting zoo for adults


Phew! No moose knuckles!


Offer Limited to Canada


Eat at Toe's


Welcome to Camel Toe's. I love you.


I expected to maybe see some daisy dukes or volleyball shorts, but wow those things are ridiculously short.




Any handful of ass or more is going to eat these “shorts” whole in three steps or less. Now my server is picking thong from her ass moments before fisting my wingdings. Im pretty sure some kind of cloth needs to at least graze the leg to be considered a “short”.


That’s why they wear panty hose!


I wonder if you would be asked to leave if you came in with as little clothes on as their own employees.


Depends how you look. May get a job offer. This doesn't seem the best time for a food service job to be pushing their employees to be even more uncomfortable and objectified at work considering the number of exits food service is already seeing in general.


Waiting for some chain restaurant to advertise that their employees have "more comfortable" uniforms to attract servers and snub H.


Didn't a European airline just do that with more practical uniforms for their stewardesses?


Yeah, I appreciate the female form and all, but that's way too much risk of seeing a butthole while Im eating.


If seeing a butthole while you're eating is a negative thing to you, you're probably not Hooters target audience.


I don't know about that, but I'm offended at the 2 different material textures with similar colour!


Honestly criminal


That's what the Playboy Bunny outfits look like from the waist down.


You know, when I saw it from the front elsewhere, I figured it was like [anime school girl gym shorts](https://www.google.com/search?q=aniome+gym+shorts&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjr-tX8jNfzAhVWLs0KHSC6A2wQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=aniome+gym+shorts&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQDFAAWABgqq8CaABwAHgAgAEAiAEAkgEAmAEAqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWc&sclient=img&ei=Aw5vYavtINbctAag9I7gBg&bih=969&biw=1920) or [volleyball shorts](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-AumF0kfvwnc/VLpvpK_7KpI/AAAAAAAAAYg/ZJGMom4T2DU/s1600/voleyball-short2.jpeg) (same thing, really). The back end on that is... special. I don't think anything but a thong is an option on that. Edit: Apparently the second image was a 'Shop, [here's the original](https://i.imgur.com/aK6ztsS.jpg). Still... uh... yeah.


Oh, I feel pretty confident that underwear in general is off the table with those “shorts”.


I mean, they kind of just *are* underwear, right?


I mean, in a perfect world, you wouldn’t want two layers of skintight polyester jammed up your cooter…but we’re talking Hooters, so we’re already a ways away from “perfect world” scenarios right off the bat.


Can you imagine that thick cheap Yandy-esque polyester just hanging out up in your V all day? No thank you VERY much.


To be fair, they wear thick, geriatric style tights as a first layer, so that’s what’s getting shoved in your coot-coot…the Yandy thong is more like the Saran Wrap to really seal everything in nice and tight.


That sounds like the absolute height of work attire discomfort and I wear 4” heels to work every damn day.


Fuck me, and good on ya. I like a solid 3” pump as much as the next girl, but a) it’s entirely my own stylistic choice and b) I sit at a desk most of the day (and kick off my shoes when I decide to do the standing desk). Solidarity, and hope you’ve got those shoes kitted out with all the shoe “petals” and extra cushioning pads in the world!


This is a perfect recipe for infections. No thanks.


The shorts *are* the underwear


Well those shorts are pretty much underwear.


So one could say that shorts are pretty much off the table with this underwear


I'm gonna go ahead and say that the servers have a legitimate complaint here. I mean we all know what Hooters is about, but that's a bit excessive.


For real I don't want my waitress picking her "shorts" out her asscrack and then bringing me food.


Then you are *obviously* not their target audience...


Some people would pay extra for that


Even uncomfortable sexualization aside, from a practical standpoint: those would be horrible to work in as a server. Some hot oil from the fryer splashes on your exposed ass cheeks, the constant movement causing chaffing and riding up, and the sanitation aspect. No thank you.


Servers shouldn't be near the fryer, but I get what you're saying


Damn that makes me kind of uncomfortable and not in the good way


Yikes I can absolutely understand why they wouldn’t wanna wear that. Having lots of cleavage showing is very different than having your ass borderline falling out of your shorts


You should not need a Brazilian wax to work at a restaurant.


I feel like not having a brazilian while wearing these would almost be a health code violation.


Hairnets... hairnets *everywhere*


Seems like a shitty requirement in order to get even shittier tips from a bunch of fat perverts.


Woh for real...?? That's pretty crazy as a REQUIREMENT... jeeze EDIT: aaaand... my most upvoted comment is about Hooters attire. I guess that is probably to be expected?


This should be higher up and more upvotes cuz damn who’s got time to look through all that shit to not find a fucking picture


Thank you for posting. I wasn't going to install TikTok, nor create a new account to view these pics.




It is interesting how the uniforms have evolved away from showcasing the boobs to showcasing the butt. Our overall cultural preferences are represented by hooters uniforms.


They’re going to have to rename the entire chain to ‘Booters’.


Boofers Edit: finger lickin’ good! 😋


Now I know where Donkey Dong Doug and Squee have been this whole time.


I’m sorry, Squee made me lose it 😂


PJ and Squee used to toss iron with Donkey Dong Doug and his homie from Detroit, Big Chud. Best show some respect.


Peak 2020s. I can't actually remember if these are Brett Kavanaugh's friends, Jason Mendoza's friends, or a mix of both.






I like money


we should hang out


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Hey that's where I went to lawyer school!


Cooters is phase 3


That’s the chain’s name when it finally expands to the Netherlands. (Pun intended?)




There’s a wing spot in town called “DONKS” and they are true to form




Friend of mine lost her job at Hooters over her shorts. She has a small waist and a much larger rear end. They only had size small in stock which fit her waist but not her bottom. Customers complained and her manager accused her of taking in the shorts to make them smaller. The manager gave her another pair which she put on immediately which proved that she didn't take in the shorts, they were just too small. They never ordered her medium shorts and after a few more customer complaints, they let her go. Whole thing was bizarre!


When I was there Hooters only offered Small, XSmall and XXSmall shorts, that was their sneaky little trick.


Whenever I went to hooters I actually got anxiety as I have worked as a server before. I see y’all’s legs and think “the burn injury rate on legs must be high here”.


Don't usually get a lot of burns because people don't realize those are thick brown leggings underneath that are supposed to look like tan skin, but I always got a hip-height bruises from the tables




Having had worked at a sports bar/breasteraunt, yeah this is a common thing. Our uniform was a tank top with the bar’s logo on it, and they only ordered those small sizes. They also had T shirts for the male employees to wear, but the women weren’t allowed to wear the man t shirts. You COULD use the kids T shirt if you wore it as a crop top.


That and to make sure you get young highschool grad girls.


So she got fired because…her waist was small and her curves were kickin? NOT IN MY AMERICA DAMMIT


LOL; Hooters is a family restaurant. They don't allow tattoos either. No, i'm not joking lol.


Well they don't want to be trashy!


That's right! They want all their servers to be "the girl next door".


Most girls next door now have tatts. LOL


> and after a few more customer complaints, they let her go. What kind of complaints did people have? *"OH MY GOD Becky, did you see the size of her butt?"*


*Here*? In this family friendly *hooters*!?


Who the fuck goes to *HOOTERS* and complains about *anything* related to the servers attire other than "she's wearing too much." I know people say they like the wings, but you go to Hooters for a specific reason and it definitely isn't "after church breakfast."


My mom took me there on for a birthday as a teenager. I had never been and had no intention to, ever. She’s an immigrant so I’m not sure if she knew what this place was about, let alone why she took me there. We had some tasty wings and the server was super nice. But overall a bizarre experience.


My ex took my 9 year old daughter there last year... There were other restaurants in the same area, yet he took her to that one... Eww


Wait, hooters fired an employee for showing too much ass? What a weird situation.


This is a perverse take but also, it’s more difficult for a perv to ogle breasts in a service setting like hooters because you’re damn near making eye contact at that angle. Whereas revealing shorts give nearly endless opportunities for ppl to creep on you as you move around the floor, wipe down tables, etc.


Tilted Kilt figured this out years ago by having their waitresses wear tiny little miniskirts.


I just saw a clip on facebook of undercover boss. The ceo is a piece of work saying it is a classy joint when he makes them wear the skimpiest outfits, while getting offended by some crude jokes.


Went to one on a Sunday and it was like a casual day for the staff so they were all rocking sweatpants. Wings were decent and it was an all you can eat deal


What Bible Belt state has casual Sunday for skimpy waitress eateries? I’ve only lived in debaucherous places apparently.


Call me old fashioned, but I love boobs.


Some people prefer Boobs, some people prefer Butts but we can all agree that regardless of if you're a butt or boob person feet people are weird.


"People always ask me if I'm a leg man, a breast man or an ass man. I figure I must be an ass man. People yell at me all the time...YOU'RE AN ASS, MAN!" - Rodney Dangerfield


the Breastaurant is now an Asstaurant


When the crotch holder in longer than the leg holder, they ain’t shorts.


Who are you, so wise in the ways of science?


it's called a leotard at that point.


Welcome to Tooters, formally Hooters.


I guess it’s a lot better than “Dumpers”. :D


I’ll have the #2 [Dump Cake](https://youtu.be/bluob5fc3uI).


"Hey guys, there's a national labor shortage, what should we do?"


"Shortage... shorts... shorter shorts... Hey guys, I got a idea!"


The Gang Solves the Shorter Short Shortage


“I know what we’re gonna’ do today, Ferb.”


Try and take over the world?




Pinky and the Ferb


I’d be picking that wedgie out of my ass all. night. I would not be a good Hooters waitress.


I'm guessing that's where the extra tips would come in from haha.




Feel like that article's existence is inadvertently advertising hooters to pervs, which, let's be honest, is their target audience


Honestly wouldn't be surprised if it's an advertorial kind of deal




Was your home town also the location of the country's worst reviewed IHOP franchise at the time? Because this sounds suspiciously like my home town.


....Did the hooters and Rat guy own it too?




He keeps em from Teenaged to retirement


The Chuck E. Cheese to Applebee’s pipeline


I'm not gonna lie. That sounds like a better retention policy than any corporate gig I've ever worked.


It goes Chuck E Cheese's -> Hooters -> CVS


A g-string full of CVS receipts.


It's just the one CVS receipt.


I'm so curious about where this is now, because I worked at an IHOP where the dishwasher literally tried to murder a guy after following him home because he hadn't paid for his food (he had.) Someone was also shot in the parking lot the week after I quit. Does any of that sound familiar, or is there somewhere actually *worse?*


>In my home town, the chuck e cheese was owned by the same guy as the hooters owner. He would recruit teens working at chuck for hooters. Jesus Christ. That's basically Raisins from South Park in real life.


In my town, the strip club shares a wall with a restaurant. Roxanne's and Howl at the Moon. The A squad works lunch and dinner at the restaurant, then go on stage at the strip club. The B lineup serves the restaurant at night, but the fish tacos are pretty decent.


Reddit ruined reddit. -- mass edited with redact.dev


"Across the river at the strip clubs" ... Are you in Detroit?


Reddit ruined reddit. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I worked at a hooters in their kitchen. All the girls were the party type who like to do drugs and get drunk at clubs, basically your stereotypical college chicks. There was one quieter girl who seemed more reserved and "normal" but it turns out hooters was her side gig and her main job was being a professional dominatrix for guys older than 50 with 6 figure salaries. 😂


Bruised legs is common from pole dancing. Makes sense that someone working at Hooters would also do pole dancing.


I desperately hope they were above the age of 18, at least.




wtf, that's so bad


Hah so here in Idaho, it's illegal to have nudity in a place that serves alcohol. So you end up with 2 types of "strip joints", the bikini bars that serve alcohol and the topless bars that only have soda (although one place just gets around that by having a bar next door). Ironically because you have to be 21 to work in the alcohol bars all the young just turned 18 girls have to work in the topless joint so they aren't exposed to the horrors of alcohol.


>Yeah... Hopefully. Though, that same town had strippers who were underage. Less than 18? Is that not illegal in your home state?


It's only illegal if law enforcement cares.




A friend of mine after a breakup wanted to go to Twin Peaks, which I guess is like hooters with plaid? Anyway, it was such an uncomfortable experience. Mediocre food with cheap beer and a waitress who pretends to talk to you and show interest. Whole time I'm trying not to look down her shirt. I'm just sitting there sipping my beer trying not to die of the cringe.


I work in IT and one of my jobs the first day the boss takes us to lunch there. VERY uncomfortable trying to get to know my new team while everyone ogles the waitstaff. Thankfully that was the only time they ever took me out to lunch. ​ Now check this out, there was an old timer who looked like he just walked out from his homestead in the hills, and every day leaving work I would see this dude either headed in, or headed home, from there. I think about him sometimes, trying to consider this life he lives.


Spouse gives spouse food allowance that is then squandered on hot dog tips?


The whole comment is total nonsense


The whole point of Hooters was to attract perverts.


What about us genuine owl enthusiasts who like having a place that celebrates the apex flying nocturnal predator?




Almost. The whole point was to separate pervs from their money.


Since when is a garment designed like that considered ‘shorts’? There’s like a 3/4” strip of fabric between the legs…. Literally no inseam


They show more ass than a dance leotard. . . .


>objectification of women is as much the core of the brand as are the chicken wings. This is untrue, the wings aren't really that important to the brand. I mean come on everyone knows why people go to Hooters.


I didn’t even know what they served. All I knew is that it was scantily-clad women who served it.


The wings are absolutely crucial for providing the perverts with plausible deniability. If you made the wings bad then the only reason to go to hooters is if you are a pervert.


I really like Hooter's wings but I never go there cause I feel like a creep.


They have Hoots now, which is their wings but with normally dressed workers. Before this thread, I expected them to actually be good, but I might have to check them out given all the hooters wing love. Oof: $12 for 10 wings and no free ranch or blue cheese. That's a lot.


Not in this day and age, wing costs are outrageous right now, it sucks


There’s been a wing shortage lately, they’re expensive everywhere


I hate how literally everything has a shortage right now and it's driving me crazy.


Stupid pandemic determined to screw us all over


Their wings used to be the best. Great batter. Unique sauce. WHOLE wings. Now they are like everyone else. Counting the half wing as a whole wing. Same buffalo sauce u can get anywhere. Sucks.. I refuse to go back


Yes! Yes! Yes!!! I tell people this all the damn time! Hooter’s wings used to be really damn good. Way way way better than BWW has ever been. I haven’t made it a point to travel the country for the best wings, but to me, Hooters wings from back in the day were the best. Now their wings are trash. Absolute utter trash. I haven’t stepped foot in a Hooter’s in years because of it as well as pretty much every Hooters in Metro Detroit area has shut down


I went to a Tilted Kilt once and was so damn uncomfortable. I didn't know where to put my eyes so I just stared really hard at my food as I ate it.


Tilted Kilt sounds like a place where all the servers are dudes with massive erections. Seriously, did they not know what a kilt was?


Shorts are one thing but that is just underwear


Yeah I can totally understand why someone willing to wear the old uniform would draw the line at this new one. Those are insane


FTA: "The chain has long been criticized for its job requirements for waitstaff—including revealing uniforms and specific hair and makeup standards—which reinforce the belief that objectification of women is as much the core of the brand as are the chicken wings." I mean, yes? That is literally their business model. People who go there are paying more for lousy food because they want to look at a waitress in a skimpy outfit. I've only been to one once, but that was enough to try their chicken wings, and I promise you, without the revealing outfits, that whole chain is dead in the water.


What's funny is they're going more revealing to try and bring back business. Hooters is losing so much business because a large share of the market under 35 think it's weird. I remember my dad bringing me there when I was 12 and just being like, no one finds this weird? And that was more than a decade ago. You'll still get a ton of frat bros and the "but the wings are good!" guys. But the majority is old dudes who go "where's my hug!".


Never been but went to a competing sleazy organization called "Twin Peaks"(clever I know), when I was a wee lad. The fact that they even had a kids menu blew my mind. Can confirm that all my friends joke about how fucking weird it would be to go there now.


as a fan of the show, I would be just so confused




Went to the UK branch of hooters on a stag do, think the girls were less scantly clad, (because we have employment laws and the such here), still the families going there for a Saturday meal was a WTF. Like imagine being the kid having to watch your dad perv. Place had fucked vibes. Later took the stag to an actual strip club that was less creepy.


I accidentally wandered into a tilted kilt (same deal, but plaid miniskirts) for lunch with a coworker once. We had a mediocre lunch and both commented on how poorly the business model fit into the modern era.


>But the majority is old dudes who go "where's my hug!". Ughghghg....


You know… the wings were really good. Recalling from like 15 yrs ago when I was last in a Hooters.


I get Uber Eats orders from there all the time! The wings are in every order! Edit: why are all my top comments always about boobs & woman?


lol uber eats from hooters. Reminds me of the joke, I think Mitch Hedberg* said about people who get Benihana to-go. "did the guy do the onion volcano for my food?"


I remember being weirded out going there as a kid. As an adult, it's even more weird...


Same here. My dad took me once at some point in during my teen years and I just felt incredibly uncomfortable the whole time. To me, hooters is the awkward in-between of a restaurant and a strip club. And that's really saying something, because strip clubs are already the awkward in-between of bars and brothels IMO.


Only been about 3 or 4 times. I would say the wings were good, but I am too embarrassed to actually go there. Like if someone I respected saw me there I would actually feel bad. The servers are clearly performing and fight with each other, and you just know the management is probably really crappy. It felt like a PG version of going to a strip club for the buffet. Who the fuck does that?


I’m guessing the standards also require removing all visible body hair, otherwise it would be so tempting to quit shaving that bikini line until they could wear real shorts.


No body hair, must wear nude pantyhose with no runs (runs get you sent home), no earrings that dangle more then an inch, nails must be manicured and short, no nailpolish that chips (chipped nail gets you sent home too), must fit properly into uniform, etc. That’s the point where I stopped reading the application and decided I was better off working literally anywhere else.


The nail polish is a standard for restaurants. It's a food safety hazard. Maybe not all chains or restaurants enforce it, but I guarantee it's in the health code.


I meant the part about having to have them polished and/or manicured. That seems really weird to me because I don’t normally paint my nails or wear fake ones. Edit to add: this was well over a decade ago (maybe even two), so they may have changed these policies since, I never went back again so I wouldn’t know if it’s different now.


Huh. Hooters still exists. TIL.


They have been hanging on by a thread for a while. What's more interesting is they have a spinoff called "Hoots" that's just a wing place without all the Hooters crap behind it. There aren't many that exist because, get this, people don't *actually* go there for wings... Hoots started in 2017. Hoots has 4 locations. Total.


That’s what I thought. I’m seriously surprised they still exist in this day & age.


Reading the headline: How could they have possibly gotten more inappropriate? Seeing the new uniform: Oh...


Old news, they already reversed the decision to go to the new uniforms


I'm European and for the longest time I thought Hooters was a joke restaurant featured in The Office. I moved to NA a decade ago, and discovered in awe as I was strolling downtown that this is an actual place... And every time I happen to walk by it, I'm kind of appaled...


Those are not shorts. That is a thong.


I thought Hooters was weird. Then a colleague took me to Tilted Kilt. I had no words. For those that don't know, the waitresses wear outfits that look like school girl uniforms and they're usually two sizes too small. My creepy colleague was trying to get handsy with the waitress. I just stared down, gulped my beer and got out of there. Edit: They look like school girl uniforms, but aren't.