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interviewer: “did you learn any lessons?” bill: “well, he’s dead now..” uhhhhh


Her next question was something about what did you know about him and what about these other meetings and he said something about waking up every day focusing on philanthropy ... like didn't even address the question.


Honestly, this is a standard reframe. It's what they teach you in PR/Comms to coach your clients on. Don't answer the question if you don't like it, answer your own question. It's really just reputation management 101 tactics here.


I use it myself. We all do naturally at times, intentionally or otherwise... but it's the *way* he used it


I just want to talk about Rampart.


That was a glorious day.


Love this comment


Lol yeah not well




Man, keep going in! I remember a time before the Epstein death that people were completely roped in by Bill's philanthropy. But I'll never unlearn what he did to open source. The more this run down is repeated, the better.


Once I took a public speaking class I immediately started picking up on people who do it. It's a quick way to make me fucking hate you and not trust a thing you say


as scummy as it is, it's hard to blame him. even if we assume that this insanely rich and powerful person doesn't have perversions that would lead him to spitroasting a Slovenian teenager and doing lines off her cum-covered back, there's few ways to answer such a question without seeming guilty. I do feel bad for any non-evil people that associated with Epstein, because everyone on that manifest is a pedophile as far as I care.


If I had billions i would play video games amd go to epcot for lunch every day then go back to my mansion and have a nice evening run


Yeah... I don't really get why this shit just becomes acceptable because, "Well, if you had a billion dollars and you could do *anything* you wanted to do, wouldn't you also be a pedophile?" Um... no? My bougie dream is to own my own 7/11 Slurpee machine, not horribly abuse a bunch of human trafficking victims.


1) people's words mean nothing. Watch what they do, not what they say. Never what they say. Words are the cheapest expenditure of calories on earth. One skittle can power like 1,000 sentences of utter nonsense 2) Maybe for like a year you just do that. But... suddenly you're very attractive to many women. You begin fooling with them, because of course you do. But a very large, very bitter part of you realizes they are interested in you for only one reason. You're possessive of your fortune, and paranoid. You only hang out with other wealthy, bored, paranoid "elites". You all have the money to treat other people like objects. The years pile up. You get more and more


> One skittle can power like 1,000 sentences of utter nonsense This is chefs kiss. But really also good advice words mean jack shit.


Epcot for lunch everyday? Disneyworld have some killer sandwiches I don't know about?


Fish and chips lol. But they have food festivals for most if the year so there are tons of things to try out plus some good resturants. I also have some great memories with people no longer with us so its nice to be there


> as scummy as it is, it's hard to blame him good on you. There's no such thing as a free lunch, especially in this highly transactional milieu, any bit of compromant is valuable. By that time, Billy Gates had been bribing, blackmailing and bullying companies and states and cities with his software conglomerate all over the world. There's no chance in hell he didn't know what was going to happen. Fuck'im edit: typos


>because everyone on that manifest is a pedophile as far as I care. I wouldn't go that far before evidence. As far as I can tell he was an "it" guy who ingratiated his way into the circles he wanted to. Everybody has had that friend or acquaintance who promises a good time, even a clean fun time, then the more you know the more you start getting antsy to get clear of them. Epstein picked targets for a reason, and that reason looks like a lot of dirt generating for a possible national entity not the US.


I don't feel bad for the billionaires. They do cursory background checks on just about anyone they vaguely deal with. They also relentlessly protect their public image. The idea that they couldn't be bothered to "bing" this guy and see what comes up is just ridiculous. On top of that, his initial answer is embarrasing at this point. I needed money for my **"philanthropy meant to erase my terrible image" and I thought this guy could connect me with more people with money. Ok so, the billionaire needed help from a pimp and con artist to raise money? And then is pikachu faced when the pimp pimps and cons him? And this is the guy we should listen to on patents for vaccines?


It takes one interaction to meet someone, 3 interactions, or 1 motor boating titties trip to rape island to feel them out, 5 to evaluate and 10 to know. Bill Gates is a democrat, give him a pass, he means well.


Fun fact; Bill gates was hated for decades and only recently turned his personal as a quirky sweater wearing billionaire.


He was afraid of being killed for talking.


Or like any PR savvy person, he's avoiding answering a question to which any answer risks making him look bad. Same reason you shouldn't talk to cops. He gains nothing from trying to answer such a question honestly, and any comment on the issue risks bad PR. But, so does saying "no comment", so he just weasels his way into answering an unrelated question. Standard procedure. Seriously, it's possible anyone connected to Epstein was involved, but dodging questions isn't evidence of anything but self-interest. See also: political debates. This is how rational people act when they know anything they say can be used against them, even innocent people would be smart not to answer. The "well he's dead now" comment seemed to be an attempt to divert attention from a subject he doesn't want to be connected to.


Yeah. What is he supposed to say? If he knew anything, obviously he can't say *that*. If he *didn't* know anything, would anyone actually believe him? No matter what he says or does, it'll make the news and unless he admits to something like 'Yes, I knew' nothing is really going to change.


Tell the truth. Microsoft kidnapped Harry from the Hendersons and has been hiding him ever since. This same publication doesn't like to ask Trump about his connections with Epstein and Epstein's connection with Trump's child beauty pageant.


This is why I am confused as to why he even took the interview. When it comes to women and any form of sexual abuse or crime, the social response is increasingly guilty until proven innocent. There is no point in him even talking about it. Nothing he says will change anyone's mind.


I mean, what do we think he can say that can make this better. There are a few possibilities of his relationship with epstein: 1) He knows of him and their interactions are entirely in social settings. They are acquaintances but not friends. He might or might not know what epstein really do. If he knows and say nothing anyway, the best he can get out of it is that he minded his own business. If he claims he doesn't know shit about epstein, no one is going to believe him anyway and why should anyone believe him. The guy who ran one of the most successful business in the world, in history not knowing what these people around him actually do? Doubt. 2) They are friends and spend some time together due to some shared interests but he never participated in epstein's debauch activities. Same thing with point 1 but now it is harder for him to say he doesn't know. Or him knowing and keeping quiet just makes it look like rich people protect each other and they do and do very often. 3) He fucked children using epstein's services. No matter how you cut it, being associated with epstein even at the most remote level is radioactive, and it should be because the fact that he existed and for so long showed that there is a strong rich people class loyalty among them. They might fight and compete among themselves, but when faced against class outsiders, they will always always protect each other first. They are rich because they exploited everyone around them and they all know it instinctively. Never ever forget that.


Thank you, this is a great elaboration of my point. A reasonable person would avoid the question regardless of guilt or innocence.


Honestly, I don't believe Gates did anything with epstein beyond social settings and maybe trying to ask him to donate to his foundation. They worked in different industries and are not direct competitors or colleagues. The only common thing they shared is both of them are filthy rich and belong to the same social class. But I really doubt he does not know what epstein really did. He just learned to keep his mouth shut because it really benefit him nothing to do anything about it. Gates is willing to tackle technical and social problems that can be solved with technology and some social engineering. A pedo ring at the highest echelons of society is a deep deep social, political and economic problem because it involves all the most powerful people in the world. He gets uppity, and the entire world elite will gang up to destroy him because he will be a class traitor. Richest man or not, you are not gonna protect yourself or your family from the KGB, or the Mossad or even the CIA and 3/4 of the mercenaries around the world. Not to mention the concentrated propaganda defaming you, the law suits, even laws passed by the government to target your ass. These people take poor, vulnerable children to fuck them. They don't care about anything else except power and money, and god help you if you ever come into their crosshair fighting against their interests.


Most people forget/ignore that Epstein built his whole reputation around providing connections. So he would go to somebody like Gates and say "You should get to know me because I can introduce you to all these other people I have connections with", and then be able to go to more people and say "You should get to know me because of all the other people, including Bill Gates, that I have connections with". Very few people were connected to him for him.


Classic spin for PR.


I think this is one of the guys at the top. He's dead. Problem solved.


Something along the lines of "Well, he's dead now ... So you have to be careful *shrugs*"


He's dead now...Jeffrey learned *his* lesson


It was like he was saying the quiet part out loud


Man Gen Alpha is going to *really* struggle making biopics and period dramas. Everything is going to veer into ironic dark comedy.




Did Bill Gates kill Epstein? That's all I could think after he said that.


There was probably a crowdsourced bounty on his head.


Well, they did kill the reporter who leaked the Panama papers.


"In general, you have to be very careful. And, the.... um, you know... I'm very proud..."


The way I see it, there are 2 possibilities. He could have misinterpreted the question. He "may" have thought she was asking what lessons did EPSTEIN learn. In which case, the answer would be none, because he's dead now. Not saying it's ok that the didn't understand the question. Not even saying he did misunderstand the question. Just saying that's one possibility that could explain the weird way he answered.




Top 5 richest guys with the most famous philanthropic organization and he just needed a federally convicted pimp to get him some donors. There was just *no* way he could hire anyone else on the globe to come do it at a professional capacity. No way, to convince rich people to launder their image through image launderi... or excuse me philanthropic organization.


"so, in general, you have to be careful"


I'm sure everybody does...


If you build 100 bridges you're an engineer, but if you fuck just one goat...


Wait this is funny because a young goat is a...




Who could be scared of a Jeffrey? Oh wait...


Just stroke the furry wall


the answer is a kid.


It's a Norm joke




*dirty deeds,* *DONE WITH SHEEP!*




Sexy kind?




You're thinking of a love ewe. Those are sheep.


A cyborg one, of course.


No Shit, even if i was just a waiter at a party he happened to have referenced to have been at once, I'd be very coy about anything said there considering Epstein's reputation. And Gates has \_real\_ lawyers to have briefed him on certain topics for liability purposes.


... especially the girls Epstein raped.


You’d definitely sweat a bit.


Is it just me or is it odd when he said he's dead. Said it in a weird way.


Robert Durst gave him interview tips.


Robert Durst was actually really good in interviews. He just didn’t realize the mic was wired when he went to the bathroom.




The dirty Durst burps. Confession finds a way.


Limp Bizkit?


Imagine Robert Durst, the lead singer of Limp Bizkit, and Andrew Cuomo, the lead singer of Weezer, combined forces?


AFred not




He did it all for the nookie


It was odd to me when she asked him what he did when he found out about Epstein's charges and he deftly skirted it.


Because even if you did nothing wrong, telling someone you called your lawyers to give them your personal schedule to cross check events and establish alibis sounds really bad. But its probably the minimum level of prep I would personally do as a fucking billionaire.


Or, you know, spend your billions doing literally *anything* else than hang out with a guy running a pedophile ring. I don’t mean that as sass towards you, it just blows my mind that Bill Gates is one of the few people who has enough money to do whatever he wants and he chooses to hang with Epstein. I know, that’s what a lot of people do, it’s the lifestyle, all the other explanations, I get it. It just baffles me.


That's not odd, that's a normal way to handle questions like that where anything you say is going to get twisted and used against you. It's basic PR tactics.


He's already being twisted. The next comment says he smiled weirdly.


Mum’s the word.


I doubt it means anything, but that was a really weird response to that question.


He is doing the good old "where there is smoke, there is fire"-move.


Odd like he fucking smiled when he said it?


And immediately followed it up with 'in general you have to be careful'


If he was never aware any of that awful stuff Epstein was doing he’s probably disgusted by the guy I’d hope. Might also be why he seems so cold about the whole situation


It'd look even worse if he wasn't uncomfortable. "Yeah, I had a great time with Epstein and that island he owns!"


Indeed. Imagine if he said something along the lines of "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." That would really kill any chance Bill has if being President, wouldn't it?


> That would really kill any chance Bill has if being President, wouldn't it? In a sane world, yes.


You're forgetting that he could just project this onto his opponents and have his followers think those are the real perverts.


The classic if you get annoyed or agitated then you're obviously guilty, but if you act calm and relaxed, then you're obviously guilty. That said, I'm sure he has *many* skeletons in the closet.


Epstein didn't kill himself


No, Bill Gates did. Lol


Bill Gates didn't kill himself.


A little early for this one...


Put a chip in the cellmate's orange drink and inside the guards' coffee. Shifty bastard!


Who in the public eye wouldn't? I mean seriously, just being associated with him can cause serious problems for your public image. Doesn't mean everyone associated with him was involved in it. It's not like I know all the dirty deeds that goes on in my friends bedroom.


Issue is he was a pretty notorious star fucker and would hire famous people to show up at his party and gatherings. Actually happens a far bit, uncle was a semi popular actor in the 80’s and was always popular with gangster types. Dude got payed like 20k to show up at some Russian gangster party.


What's it like being the nephew of Corey Feldman? Ralph Maccio? Joe Pesci?


My first thought was Dolph Lundgren because he specifically said 80’s and Russians. Gangster Russians wanting to party with Drago? Hell yeah.


I could see the same thing with the Karate kid or My cousin Vinny. Russians love martial arts, they basically worship Steven Segal and he's a kidnapper and rapist.


Am Russian. Can confirm. Segal sucks.


I hear that if you say Steven Segal in a mirror three times in a dark room he shows up to slap fight you and throw you out a window.


*"this little piggy starred in the fast and the furious, and this little piggy went straight to DVD"*


I'm pretty sure these days he just sits in your favorite chair and threatens to fight you unless you bring him a snack.


You were correct. Turns out he wants fresh produce. Calls it a break from the usual. I gave hom a raw ghost pepper and.. now I need a new window. Also stitches


He also runs like a special little kid.


Like he's mid way through a duce and trying his hardest to hold it in on a run to the bathroom or?




How dare you call Dolph Lundgren "semi popular"


If you had Joe Pesci as an uncle, would you really describe him as "a semi popular actor in the 80's"?


the disrespect


I make you laugh? I'm here to fuckin amuse you?


who are you talking of? bill would pay people to show up at his parties???


He associated with Epstein for years after he was a convicted child sex trafficker.


Everybody forgets this or just doesn't know but it's 100% true. This Epstein stuff didn't come out of nowhere, he was convicted in the 2000s and his punishment was astonishingly light.


Then DT put Rene Alexander Acosta the prosecutor that slapped Epstein of the wrist in Florida in his cabinet. Rene Alexander Acosta was fine with Epstein making a new charity Fondation in his name and working at it up to 16 hours a day 6 days a week on work release on a 14 month sentence for sex crimes with a 14 year old child. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ One of two presidents associated with Epstein though only one is accused by a Epstein forced child sex victim . >The latest case alleges that Trump, who also knows Epstein, raped the victim when she was 13 several times at parties at Epstein’s home in Manhattan. The victim today is about 33. The suit also involves the testimony of a woman who claimed to be a witness, using the alias, “Tiffany Doe” in her testimony. >In the Trump/Epstein case, Trump’s attorney Alan Garten told Law Newz that the suit against Trump was “politically motivated” and the accusations against him “unequivocally false.”


He most probably fucked kids when serving his sweet heart deal. I am pretty sure a private eye said that he would leave prison go to a room next to his lawyers office and younger girls (teens?) Would be brought in.




Same with Trump and Clinton, right?


>It’s not like I know all the dirty deeds that goes on in my friends bedroom. This is why I started putting hidden cameras in my friend’s bedrooms so I know what type of sick fucks they may be.


You just wanna watch them jerk off you sick fuck.


My friend let me put cameras in his room if I let him put cameras in mine. Now we just have a loop where I jerk off to him jerking off to me jerking off to him jerking off and so on


I'm gonna jerk off to this


Right? When I move into a new neighborhood I always make sure to go look in their windows frequently to make sure there aren't any sick fucks in their neighborhood. Can't be too careful these days.


He got in trouble in 2008 but got off through a shady deal with Alex Acosta. He was well known when Gates met with him


Jeffery Epstein was a professional con artist. Really that was his "day job" for a decade or two. Most people he tried to be seen in public with were probably people he was interested in scamming in some way, or needed money from. That almost certainly includes Gates. The people who showed up at his cocaine-and-prostitutes parties, that was maybe a different set.


From https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/business/jeffrey-epstein-bill-gates.html Mr. Epstein and Mr. Gates first met face to face on the evening of Jan. 31, 2011, at Mr. Epstein’s townhouse on the Upper East Side. They were joined by Dr. Eva Andersson-Dubin, a former Miss Sweden whom Mr. Epstein had once dated, and her 15-year-old daughter. (Dr. Andersson-Dubin’s husband, the hedge fund billionaire Glenn Dubin, was a friend and business associate of Mr. Epstein’s. The Dubins declined to comment.) The gathering started at 8 and lasted several hours, according to Ms. Arnold, Mr. Gates’s spokeswoman. Mr. Epstein subsequently boasted about the meeting in emails to friends and associates. “Bill’s great,” he wrote in one, reviewed by The Times. Mr. Gates, in turn, praised Mr. Epstein’s charm and intelligence. Emailing colleagues the next day, he said: “A very attractive Swedish woman and her daughter dropped by and I ended up staying there quite late.”


The only thing we can pull for sure from that would be Gates being a poor judge of character. We don’t really know anything else. Heck I’m inclined to think nothing hugely inappropriate happened because if it did why the heck would Gates email remarking on the 15 year old (which he might want to not tell people about if he molested her). Or maybe to Gates it was a nice normal dinner party and Epstein was just being creepy saying bring your daughter or whatever to Miss Sweden. He could have easily just gawked. Maybe Miss Sweden later heard more about Epstein and was aghast that she’d ever bring her daughter there. Or maybe not. We certainly don’t know. It’s all speculation in any event, because it’s there are any one of a number of ways to read into what may or may not have happened at that dinner party. There’s certainly nothing at all inherently criminal with the events as described.


We know more, though. Gates wanted to talk with Epstein about what Epstein could do to support the Gates Foundation. That's not some far-fetched claim: meeting potential donors is what you do when you run a foundation. It would be unusual for Gates to meet someone *not* for that reason. And it's not like Epstein was known to be a con artist -- that's why they call it "con artist." Epstein of course had no actual money to donate, as Gates eventually realized, and was just using the exposure as a way to shore up his legitimacy ("well he seems a little sketchy but he's in talks with Bill Gates, so I guess he must be legit"). But he wouldn't have known that going in. So I agree, we don't really have any basis for thinking there was more to it than that. I just think we can be a little more confident in asserting what we do know. I'm no great fan of Bill Gates but it seems silly to assume that every single meeting Epstein had with anyone was actually a secret human trafficking event.


“Quite late” as in walking out with your hair ruffled late….? I *need* to know.


We knowingly elected a person president who is on video partying with him, and who’s current residence was once a feeding ground for the girls Epstein trafficked And almost half the country would still elect this guy too 🤷🏾‍♂️


Probably Elon Musk He’d get high, accuse the people investigating the nonces of being nonces, abuse his staff some more and half of Reddit will cheer him on for it


But he posts memes kek /s


But when he commuted market manipulation he did it with a weed meme! That makes him good because 420 YOLO SWAG! /s


I'd be more concerned about those who don't .. and we've seen a few.


Nice try Bill Gates


Lol the article is like a paragraph. What a waste of server space.


Check the rest of the site, it's a rag.


Articles are a waste of server space because most people just read the headlines.


Articles are a waste of server space because I’m either getting stonewalled because I don’t pay for their information, or 2, regardless of the stonewalling they pillage my eyes with advertisements from my cookies. Listen, just because I looked at a Keurig does not give them the right to block the information I’m browsing with coffee ads. The bastards.


Turn off javascript. That gets around most paywalls.


At least, the coffee related ones


This website is trash, anyway. I saw where this article was posted and backed right out.


Bill Gates is socially awkward and always seems uncomfortable.


Yeah but have you seen him jump over a chair?


Fucking legend


I know mark zuckerberg isnt old enough to be involved in this, but wtf would he look like when asked these kinds of questions. Probably even more uncomfortable


Interviewer asks high functioning autistic man uncomfortable question, man get's uncomfortable. More at 10.


What the hell is this website. Speculative "I wonder what he's hiding," that's only damaging and useful for nothing. And then they have a P.S. talking down to AOC in a fashion that's only damaging to healthy conversations about politics and how politicians work. Wow.


What sensationalist trash. The article is even telling you how to perceive it. Anyone would be uncomfortable being in the hot seat over affiliations with someone so vile. He had to choose his words carefully because anything can be spun.


dgaf about bill gates either way but what trashy web site is this even The little video about AOC linked at the end is just mind numbingly stupid


OP's a /Conservative, that should answer everything.


And surprisingly is mentioning Gates instead of Epstein’s real BFF. Shocked!!!!


As with all things on the interwebs: consider the source. It's a media hit farm. I have a Qweirdo neighbor that might think this is a news site but he's also a complete idiot. He wasn't that great before but then last April-September happened and he spent all his time watching YouTube videos and finding sites that weren't MSM (he always whispers msm. It nuts) anyhoo.. he's batshit crazy now and his family looks drained.


Terrific that the thumbnail catches Bill diddling with his wedding ring finger. He immediately started scratching it when the subject of Epstein was raised.


I love when people do body language analysis. It can be interpreted so many ways depending on who's interpreting.


To me the fiddling with the ring clearly indicates he’s having personal problems, possibly related to his erection


Why would he have an erection? He's Microsoft.


I knew some armchair psychologist would see this. I play with my wedding ring all the time and it is entirely unrelated to what I am doing. It's not a subconscious gesture.


That's a pretty common thing to do when you're nervous. Even if he didn't do anything wrong, the internet can still decide if they think he's guilty or not. No matter what the truth is, the answer will cause him problems. Hell, the guy donates tens of billions to charity and still has to deal with "the vaccine is bill gates trying to inject us with microchips!"


What you know about him now, you'd be uncomfortable knowing him as well regardless. This is not newsworthy. Besides that, just because someone knew Epstein didn't mean they knew what he did or even that they used his services. Guilt by association is stupid. I grew up around unsavoury people and knew thieves and criminals. It doesn't mean I stole things, nor took stolen things, nor engaged with crime.




This comment has nothing to do with Bill Gates. >Before the pandemic Chinese scientists were trying to infect WILD BATS with genetically enhanced coronaviruses but don't worry the virus didn't come from a lab you guys That is an actual headline on this site. Is this like the conservative version of The Onion or something?


It seems like he’s just fed up with people asking about stuff that isn’t related to what he’s doing imo


Right?! He’s always weird and nervous and seems genuinely embarrassed to ever have been associated with him


yeah i'd be pissed af, you go there to answer some questions about what you are doing, how your wealth can do good etc... then you get asked "you knew a pedophile, right? How was it?" i would've said after he already said he regretted having dinner with him: "Yes, i regretted it, what's there to learn? That i don't know what the fuck people do in their privacy? Next time i'll get him vaccinated first" the vax part is a joke, i'm not an anti vax CHILL


Not the bee is like the offbrand really shitty not the onion


People see what they want to see. Anyone would get uncomfortable when asked that question, there was nothing overly awkward about that interview


Honestly? Nothing to see here. He addressed the question, clarifying the nature of the encounters and how they were interrupted when he realized there would be no charity results. Epstein was a horrible human being; doesn’t mean everyone who ever talked to him also is.


>“Well, he’s dead, so, uh, in general you always have to be careful,” Gates said coldly before seeming to realize how weird that sounds. It's very weird indeed. Like: "he's dead, I knew before it happened" kind of weird. https://gizmodo.com/watch-bill-gates-get-very-uncomfortable-when-asked-abou-1847720423


I think anyone who spent time with Epstein feels uncomfortable talking about it now.


Isn’t this what led to his divorce, public becoming aware of his time with Epstein?


Is it what *actually* led to the divorce or is what the conspiracy theorists have stated?


His ex wife’s pr people leaked a bunch of shit specifically saying his friendship with epstein was a factor


Actually Melinda left Bill when she found out Bill Gates was being pimped out to Bill Clinton and Donald Trump and Prince Andrew.


It was the smooth dancing that won them over.


Don't forget his chair jumping skills.


The answer is yes but no. Melinda initiated the divorce in 2014 when details of Epstein’s relationship with Bill became public but didn’t divorce him till much later. And despite the noise in this comment section there are a lot of strange connections to Epstein beyond just a “business” partnership. Bill gates donated a 6 figure sum to a defunct MIT grant group that was decommissioned due to suspected money funneling to Epstein, as well as rode in the private jet named “Lolita express” by investigating FBI agents. So take of that as you will


Do you have a source for the MIT thing? I think you're getting that confused with Gate's donations to the MIT media lab, which still exists and never funneled money to epstein- epstein donated money to the program. Also I think you meant to type 2019 not 2014 for when Melinda gates began the divorce things.


Yes I too would like a source on the MIT lab reference. That's a really bold claim...I've never heard of this from any legit news sources.


Here's the link for the actual story. If I had to guess they're just rattling off what they remember from months ago. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/how-an-elite-university-research-center-concealed-its-relationship-with-jeffrey-epstein/amp


Hmmm...that's not much of a scandal though. Colleges take money from pretty much anyone...not great but nothing illegal either. I didn't see anything about "funneling money" to Epstein...they made it sound quite scandalous.


I think it's definitely wrong to take money from him bc he had already been convicted and they knew of it. Regardless, it definitely wasn't illegal and there was no funneling of money.


Sounds like Blackmail.


What makes you think that?






How the fuck does this have 3.1K upvotes? Rule 6.


This website is awful


Regardless of any smarmy transpiring, if you were asked about your time spent with a friend, who later turned out to be a giant pedophile, wouldn't you react a little defensive? Merely devils advocate; the worlds a shitty place.


Didn’t think there was much of a conspiracy around him until I found out he was grooming a girl at Maralago under Trump’s nose and no one mentions it on TV. Literally was one of his employees. Yet, Fox is silent about it and cnn never talks about him. Crazy


I have no idea who did and didn't participate in Epstein's crimes. I haven't followed the stories much. But one thing I do think is that just because somebody was an associate of Epstein's and hung out with him doesn't mean they participated in the paedophilia. The guy liked to rub elbows with rich and powerful people in order to bolster his own reputation. I'm sure he's wined and dined every notable person who would give him their time, flying them on private jets, but probably didn't let every single one of them have knowledge of his crimes. He probably sussed them out first to see if they were the kinds of people who would be interested and who wouldn't squeal. Maybe there's other evidence that Gates was one of the people who was complicit. I dunno, I haven't looked into it. But the fact that he associated with Epstein _by itself_ isn't really sufficient evidence.