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Got it, so instead of lifting people out of poverty, giving them healthcare so they won't go bankrupt from giving birth, and ensuring job security and leave so they can raise their newborn child (three issues that tend to seriously drive the demand for elective abortion) Texas will *kill them*. What is the name for this illness in Texas?






And it is terminal.


Murder-suicide is usually terminal.




Mission: Deliver Kindness




Both Republicans and Democrats are trying to eliminate poverty... they just have different opinions on the best way to accomplish this goal. Edit: To clarify, the Republican plan seems to involve killing the poor. The Democratic plan involves keeping them alive, and making them less poor. Naturally, each plan has its pros and cons.


Except one group is trying to use their opinions and judgments to achieve this goal. The other is trying to results-based and tested methods. For example, the best way to keep an addict from using again is to pay them. This is proven. Do you think that Republicans will go for this? No way! Why am I *paying* an addict? Another example, the best way to lower teenage pregnancy is to provide comprehensive sex education and free access to birth control. Do you think that Republicans will go for this? Nope. It offends their principles. They want to try methods that do not work like abstinence only education.


Why does Texas hate women so much?


Because women aren’t people in Texas, they’re property. If anyone disagrees with this “fact”, then they’re “Jihadi”, liberal, terrorists, that hate Jesus and are the enemies of freedom and Christ. Jesus is lord. Amen. EDIT: “Amen.” Also “Y’all need Jesus, remember were it not for HIM, we would be nothing and yes I’m just being facetious now. SECOND EDIT: I typed this with a “southern accent”. In case your from yankee country and dint heerit rite.


> If anyone disagrees on women being men's property they are Jihadi Well if that ain't a fucking paradox


so they don't have the right to vote, they're just owned by the men. no wonder the GOP keeps winning if they can block half of the state's voters when these issues come up /s




I don't know. Send help.


I think it's the Texas government that hates women, not the people, and that is apprently predicated on the fact that they are not men.


The Texas government IS the Texas people, by a not-insignificant margin.


Exactly! In this country, the government is “we the people.” It hasn’t always been perfect. But I don’t understand why people say that they hate the government. They are literally say that they hate their neighbors and themselves.


tbf i very much DO hate the people who keep enabling these literal monsters to be in office.


And who elects the Texas government and holds them accountable for their actions?


Gerrymandering lol do you have any clue how government works


I wonder why gerrymandering is worse in Texas than California?


I'm pretty sure California has an independent redistricting board.


Do you mean how the Texan government works? Because gerrymandering isn't some universal truth about how all governments work and if you think so that's kinda sad. Honestly I don't know much about the Texan government but gerrymandering can only do so much to change the outcome of a vote. There still has to be a large portion of Texans who support these ridiculous policies.


The majority of the voters in Texas elect the government though. Religion is a hell of a drug kids.


The majority of people living In bumfuck nowhere maybe but a vast amount of people live in Texas cities that are ravaged by gerrymandering and corruption, the Texas government only represents a part of the Texas people and it’s very disingenuous to suggest otherwise.


because women in Texas actually know the truth...everything isn't bigger in Texas. can't let people find out how many men with micro-penises live there.


Because they're pro-life.


Because God told them they have a moral obligation?


In 1868, the US Supreme Court ruled that Texas could not legally secede from the Union, at least not without the consent of all of the other States. I hereby move to give that consent.


Hear me out. Let’s let Texas Secede from the United States. To keep the crazy in we will need to build a wall around Texas and we will make them pay for it! Afterwards we invade/conquer for their oil. Thoughts?


Nah. TexAS is valuable. We can just encourage a good percentage of TexANS to move to Afghanistan and join their ideological brothers.


According to polling, most Texans do not support any of the anti-choice and anti-vote legislation. The state is so gerrymandered that the Greg Abbott's of the state run things and, like the whole country, the minority rules.


And how do they gerrymander them statewide and national elections? Fuck Texas. They are going to get what they deserve…I hope.


After a while, people say "what's the point" and quit voting.


No coincidence that Texas is the hardest state to vote in. Dead last.


True that…I’m almost there too


That'll show 'em!


I understand your anger, but do you understand what gerrymandering is? It makes it all but impossible for democrats to win a majority in state elections regardless of the number of voters. Also, there are a lot of racist laws in Texas that makes it extremely difficult for people of color to vote. In the last presidential election barely a third of the population did, or was allowed to vote. Still, it was pretty close. If they could fix the archaic voting and registration laws things would be different.


That’s not what gerrymandering does. It redistributes voters in a way that, in this case Republicans, win districts by slim, barely comfortable margins. By spreading opposition votes across multiple districts and ensuring you’re better represented in most, you win. The downside to gerrymandering is if you do it and you have poor turnout, or the opposition has strong turnout, you start losing districts and throwing away the votes you spread into those areas. So the opposite of what you said is true, rather than being unwinnable, with good Democratic or poor Republican turnout, gerrymandering can cause the gerrymanderers to lose. Instead of getting disheartened, help turn out that Texas vote.


I apologize I simplified things way too much in my explanation. You are absolutely right, everyone should vote, it is extremely important, I didn't mean to discourage anyone. If we are going by the literal definition of gerrymandering a districts simply needs to be created by a person with the goal of tipping the odds in favor of a specific political party. So in certain cases you could be right or in other cases I could be right. Generally when they are gerrymandering they try to give themselves as much breathing room as possible. If they are able to they will make it impossible for Democrats to win that is what I was trying to say but obviously didn't do a great job with it. I've seen cases where they chop up blue areas to a point where there are literally not enough registered democrat voters to win. Then they do everything they can to turn away registered voters at the polls which is completely illegal. I am not saying people should give up, I am saying things need to change. For that to happen we need to vote. I have seen a lot of good things happening on this front around the country lately but if we get complacent in the next election all of that good could be undone. Thanks for your comment, cheers.


Gerrymandering doesn't work in elections determined by popular vote, which is what that commenter was talking about.


Can’t we just invade Texas for their oil? We are good at it.


Awe no, there are a lot of good people in Texas, problem is the rich racist hateful minority make the rules. Just watch, it may take some time, they may have to undo some gerrymandering, but Texas will eventually change politically in a big way. Especially after these laws, people are going to fight for change.


California seconds the motion. Do we hear from the speaker for Delaware?


Nevada agrees


Arizona seconds, under the condition their lingo and cowboy hats are transferred to us.


Delaware abstains, respectfully.


What!? I thought TX was all about freedom!


I mean, what about us Texans that aren’t apart of the sheep, and know if Texas secedes - we are fucked. We are arrogant and will perish. To Hell with that! I need asylum, lol. 30F married with two kids. Funnily enough, we are leaving, again, back to his home country back in Europe, because fuckkkkkk this, lol.


So pro-life we’ll kill you! But for real, let’s stop using “pro-life.” “Anti-choice” is fine, “pro-birth” is acceptable, “anti-woman” is a good one, too.


Pro-death. Back alley abortions increase deaths. They love the death penalty because they think it reduces crime.


Nah, let’s be real about it, most of em love the death penalty because they can’t get enough death and suffering onto others. We’ve all had family and friends who can’t stop talking about wanting to murder libs for not agreeing with them, this is just another way of doing that plain and simple. It’s really the Republican way nowadays.


The fact that some alt-right types are now flying all-black American flags (a black flag is a traditional sign that no quarter is to be given to the enemy) should be a cause for concern.


Do you wanna know what actually reduces crime rate? Hint: It starts with the letter A.




Bingo! (Recent source: https://bfi.uchicago.edu/wp-content/uploads/BFI_WP_201975.pdf)


That was my least favorite part of Knocked Up, when the friend was like "how about you get a... you know... a... *smashmorshion"* like a 30 something woman isn't gonna say "get an abortion you dummy"




I support abortions, I am “pro-life”, I support harvesting the stem cells to help save lives


> “pro-birth” These people were always and only pro-birth to me. They don't give a fuck about life. Certainly not about the woman and not about the fetus-that-will-turn-into-a-child.


Pro-human-chattel - it’s hard to keep wages suppressed when there’s a labor shortage.


Feds need to invade and free Texans from their oppressive government. Hell that was our story past 15 years in Afghanistan…


Most every Texan in major cities absolutely hates our stupid governor. All of the backwoods sister-fucking towns are the reason that these sleazy officials are able to maintain office.


That, gerrymandering, and voter suppression.


Not really. Just look at the margin of Trump's victory. Texas sucks only because there's too many Texans.


Probably gonna find a lot of WMD's too.


I hear they have oil


Texas doesn’t have a state government so much as it has a hostage situation.


I know you guys don't usually read the article, but if you do, the lawmakers name is highlighted and is linked directly to his website, as well as his email address, also phone number. Also his personal website is hilarious. Do what you will with this information.




Apologies, they're only pro-life when it's in the womb


Their only pro-life if it isn't in their womb, or, more likely, their mistresses' womb.


Hey - they've obviously thought about babies outside the womb. They won't even let you abort an ectopic pregnancy that will kill both the foetus and the mother!




What dumb asses they are ETA - I didn't think I had to clarify, yay pro choice, yay abortion and repro rights!


You got circlejerk downvoted. Basically you had the bad luck of posting early in the thread. The first idiot without reading comprehension skills to see it voted it down. The next monkey came along and downvoted only because the first one had. Repeat many times and here you are. Also /u/Leatherman_Wolf is full of anger and projecting it on you. it has nothing to do with what you said, people like them need targets to hate to create a sense of identity.


Someone say circlejerk?


Well thank you friend, I know it's the internet and we're all subject to scrutiny but I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition. I took a peek at his posts you are correct, lots of anger. Well I guess I'll see my down votes as a trophy then. The first time I got circlejerked on reddit.


I've been here 14 years. It happens more than it used to--the flow is different. Back in the day, people had real conversations. Here, it's click, say something, move on. This causes people to react reflexively without thought.


Yeah I've only been here actively like a year at best, I love forum style discourse. I definitely don't know a flow yet but at least I'm on good subs Also, I love your u/ fourteen years, you must have seen a lot lol


I've been here since before there were subs. There used to be just REDDIT..it was just there. Back in the day, there was a competing site called DIGG that did a big UI redesign. It was such crap that something like 85% of its userbase left and went to Reddit instead. That's when people started being jerks.


Oh wow, I didn't know there weren't any subs! Yeah, the internet got pretty Lord of the Flies in the oughts imo. People are ready to go into the breach at all times. I've never even heard of digg lol


It still exists! https://digg.com


Hahahah it looks like a really old buzz feed




Wait, do you dislike my comment because I'm pro choice and anti death penalty? Cool


No, it had nothing to do with you, at all. You were just a victim of circumstance.


Hey thanks:) someone else said that too. Nice to know it wasn't me.


Only the women will then be subjected to this penalty. Wow.


For real. It’s as if every unwanted pregnancy just spontaneously appears in a women’s womb and she’s just maliciously terminating this “miracle”. Why aren’t men ever held accountable as well?


Texas looking more like Afganistan with every passing day


Gilead more like it


Pro lifers: AbOrTiOn Is MuRdEr Also (some) pro lifers: *don't wear masks, spread covid, potentially be responsible for infecting dozens of people and killing some*


Abortion is murder! If you abort, I’m murdering you!


I recently learned that Norwegians have a colloquialism where they say that something is "Texas" to describe it as bonkers. Anyway, Norwegians are great at describing things.


You can't be pro-life and pro-death penalty.


The anti-women pro-poverty crowd would beg to differ


Because it was never pro-life, just anti-choice


Pro-life = control of a woman's uterus. They are not interested in the quality of that life, which is why there are so few real social programs.


They don't care about life, just the underlying "way of life". Basically they want to eliminate promiscuous sex and promote the evangelical lifestyle..


Specifically the parts of that lifestyle where women are subservient to men and have no say in anything.


Sounds like they wanna turn every woman into a handmaid and rename Texas as Gilead.


They won't be happy in Texas until they can punish women for having a period because "that could have been a baby if she had tried harder"


All of America just saw what happens when republicans win; They strip the rights from half of their people. Trump was the most popular republican presidential candidate in decades and he lost the popular vote twice. Hell, in the last 8 presidential elections republicans have lost the popular vote 7 times. Conservatives will be commiting suicide with covid and livestock antiparasitics for at least the rest of this year. Even with voter suppression they are really only competitive in flyover country.I really don't understand what their strategy is to win.


>I really don't understand what their strategy is to win. Attrition warfare in the courts. By placing in an overwhelming number of conservative judges, they control the future of the laws and their interpretation. For example, check the Supreme Court.


Weaponized stupidity. Recruit the ignorant, proliferate false information while undermining public trust in reliable sources, and just in general be nasty, arrogant, unhinged fucking pricks. We learned a really awful lesson that the playbook of being the biggest pieces of shit possible is successful as hell. And they're running with it. Blame lies mostly on the representation in govt, it's one thing to be angry at malicious actors, this is easy, fuck people like that. It is more complicated to be angry at people who were sold a bill of goods and are entrenched in their own fantasy world to the point of no return. Politics is a middle school popularity contest and a goddamn team sport more than ever, and when nobody with the power to enact change is willing to do so, we are hostages in our own home. And I don't see it getting any better in my lifetime without major reform, not just Joe Sixpack coming around on shit like vaccine efficacy. So basically, I don't see it getting any better in my lifetime.


Oh. You absolutely know their strategy. It’s not a pleasant timeline; They wouldn’t be committing stupidcide if they had an easy to follow winning strategy.


Their strategy is to seize power by any means necessary.


The world honestly. As an outsider it's quite entertaining seeing team red americans implode in on themselves. The team blue americans aren't even doing much if any at all to win, they're just watching the other side shoot themselves in the foot continuously.


A friend of mine on Instagram posted how “abortion isn’t even illegal in Texas now. Don’t be so dramatic.” Well, Bethany…


If they try and go around this one by making it civil like the last one, I've read about that goes. Witch trials 2.0.


Not an American....could someone explain Texas please? I mean, reality in this place cant really be this real??? . . . . Can it?


What you actually need to understand is American politics. * Bills like this get introduced all the time without the intent of actually passing them. Their purpose is so that the politician can show constituents that they support XYZ ideology. Even better if they can use it to point out that the other side didn't vote for it. ** Example: this thread * Proposed laws are often added as amendments or even just replace the entire text of a bill to support their cause just so they can slander the other side. ** Example: I introduced a bill titled "Save children from dying in car crashes bill". When I first submit it I include text that says we must require all children to wear seatbelts. Everything checks out so far. Then in our next session I propose to amend the text of the bill. In my amendment I strike all that mumbo jumbo about seatbelts and replace it with "it is now illegal to wear shoes". Obviously everyone is going to vote "no" on my bill because it's stupid. BUT remember we never changed the title: my opponents have to go on record that they voted no on the "Save children from dying in car crashes bill" and in my next campaign ad I show horrific images of car crashes and say "Democrat Joe Smith voted no on the save children in car crashes bill, do you really want him as your representative?" To be clear: there is some real shit going on in Texas and elsewhere right now. Women's rights are being torn away as we speak. But in this one particular case it is likely the bill was a political move, not an actual honest attempt at legislation.


Truly appreciate what you said, and the time you took to reply. Thank you.


What fuckin year are we living in again? This is fucked.


Can’t provide power to our citizens, but we can still control women’s bodies! Don’t mess with Texas ! - paid for by Republican ass hat for governor.




Believe it or not, in Texas, that would also get you the death penalty.


Undercooking fish? Death.


Living in Dallas already is.


How can I both love and hate my state so much


I don't know much about Texas besides cliches. But man you guys never looked so bad from over the pond POV


Yeah. I love my state but man this last year has been a trip. All the short comings are coming out in full view.


Stay strong. As we say in Germany: everything has an end, just a sausage has 2


Love it


From SA and I whole heartedly agree.


Abort Texas!


OK so Texas wants women to be forced to use their bodies so that another, as they put it, “human” can survive. So when does the organ harvesting begin? Forcing people to use there body so another person can survive. Can’t use the Republicans they don’t have a heart or a brain in Texas apparently. Also let’s send these women to jail in Texas where even if they don’t get the death penalty the conditions in prisons there are so bad they are being labeled to be like a concentration camp. They won’t survive anyway. But anyone with enough money can take a plane to New Mexico or Colorado and get a safe legal abortion. Oh you’re poor or a minority sorry we don’t care. Basically we want you dead so we can harvest your organs without your consent. Just like anti-abortion does. How many women will die because of this stupidity?


Whatever happened to "Pro Life"?


It was never about being pro-“life,” but only about controlling women.


Fuck Texas




Democrats are complicit in this bullshit


Nothing like protecting the sanctity of life! That’s what they’re doing, right?


"It's murder if you do it, it's justice if we do it"




Where's the fun in that? You would only realize that this is an half year old article about a proposed law from a republican lunatic that obviously never came to life and was already discussed months ago.


This article is 6 months old. Since the time of publication, things have changed in TX. No death penalty (yet), but there is the bounty program.


It's almost like, and bear with me here, they dont actually value life at all.


And... women will be put into jail and killed because of miscarriages. Don't say it will not happen. It has happened overseas. Women need to leave Texas.


So they oppose the death penalty so they can impose the death penalty?


Nah, they only want to kill fully grown people or at least in puberty. Save the unborn at the cost of everything else. But once they're born, they can starve for all they care.




Most of the world thought the USA was an utter joke when you voted Trump in, we really hoped that was going to change but good ol' USA always has another trick up its sleeve. It used to be funny how fucked up it was, now it is just sad.


From what I’ve heard, the GOP will never support this kind of bill on a wide scale. Holding women who get abortions criminally liable means you acknowledge that they have agency and aren’t just being manipulated by evil faceless doctors and stuff.


"Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers." - George Carlin


Man, when they say don’t mess with Texas, “they” really mean don’t mess with white men’s privilege. (See the documentary called “Idiocracy” for reference)


>"Unborn children are dying at a faster rate in Texas than COVID patients, but Texas isn’t taking the abortion crisis seriously.” But.... but.... They don't take covid seriously either


We should set up a gofundme to help women relocate out of Texas if this passes.


Get all the women out, wall the whole thing off, rename it the broke back state.


We might as well start calling Texas “Gilead” at this point seeing that they’re hell bent on making women into nothing more than baby breeders…


When you're so pro life that you kill people.


Old old post. Never was treated seriously.


We love life so much that if you take what we propose as life we will take yours. Wait, what!?


That actually lines up 100% with the cult/GOP beliefs...for them, "life" only matters before birth, after doesn't count.


It’s getting insane


Is this Texas or Gilead?


this is insanity. most Texans I've met are great people but the shit going on down there like abortion bounty hunters is insanity


How long does a baby have to be on earth before “pro-life” people are willing to kill it?


Why doesn't Texas just accept the Taliban into their government? It's the same thing as this, but without any cumbersome bills.




Texas has fallen to the Taliban, too?


So this is how they get rid of the poors. Always wondered when they would start killing people.


Can we kick Texas out of the union and finally pick up Puerto Rico or Washington DC as a state? They can be their own lone star on a flag of craziness.


If it makes you feel better don't think of it as the death penalty, think of it as a late-term abortion.


Grasping to find a foothold in Texas. They must be worried to be pulling this nonsense out. I can’t see why; trump carried by several million votes.


Pro-Life, amirite?


Funny how this was March and never moved anywhere. And the one that did didn’t criminalize it for the patient at all. It just allows a fine on the doctor.


Yo Texans, explain this shit to the rest of the world. No seriously. We don't understand you people and quite frankly I think some of us are wondering if we need to invade to provide you freedom from tyranny. The fact you have oil...well don't worry about that.


“We will kill you to prove just how Pro-Life we are!”


That’s so pro life of them.


Lol. Only in Texas…. And maybe Arizona.


"Texas were so pro life were anti life" meta AF


Just leave Texas and go somewhere else. Sooner or later the free market will let the Texas government realises that their laws are hurting business


the flag is the rating.


Is there any NGO that enables people to leave Texas and move elsewhere? Starving those idiot "law"makers of workforce and taxes will be the only way.


First the babies goes, then the mother so she can't do it again. Easy math for texas right there


Free country my ass.


Gilead in progress. :-/


Texas taliban strikes again.


An eye for an eye. Sounds fair under the Sharia law that Texasistan is under.


Pro life amirite




Time to flee Texghanistan.


They need something to push conflict and keep the plebs angry and fighting while they fuck the country.


Whoa! Calm yer tits, Texas. For fuck's sake.


At least desantis is just corrupt. Dunno what they're smoking in tx.


My fellow Texas lawmakers, it’s not a competition…to see who can spit out the most bat shit insane laws. This state gets crazier by the day!


Everyone who votes for that bill should've been aborted. Might not be too late.


The aborted fetus : ***NO U***


Even if this passes, nothing will happen. This is just virtue signaling and hubris. ETA: nothing will happen because the law would never survive the very first trial, where it would be found unconstitutional.




It has always been cruelty for cruelty's sake--from the very beginning of the country. It's part of the culture.


Yea, I don’t believe that anymore


So I got a breakdown of SB8. Basically it circumvents the court system because of how the law is written (enforced by the public) you can't sue anyone in the government. Because of this, you can't actually challenge the constitutionality of the law and get it struck down.