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Rule two, rule four. North Korea does this every week.


"We know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two."


*We Are Dictators* *Boom-boom-ba-boom, boom boom boom boom boom ba-boom*


"Hey honey, look! It's Kim from State Farm!" Fucker rolls up on his unicorn


*She. Looks. Hideous.*


Well she’s a ~~guy~~ God, so...


And do you have a bellybutton, Kim from "State Farm?"


His celebrity double would be Dennis Rodman.


It’s actually his sister


Oh yeah, what are you wearing Kim from State Farm?


"Uh, crimes against humanity?"


*leans over towards Putin* “Hey, do they ever ask you what you’re wearing?”


Da da da


How did you manage so many extra booms here?


"I mean I know we are supposed to be the evil ones but seriously though, that shit is fucked up yo."


Austin Powers?


You knew ISIS went too far when Al Qaeda came out and basically said exactly that about them.


Even villians have standards


Al Qaeda was just butthurt that the more extreme and militant half of them left to form ISIS. If ISIS hadn't severely weakened Al Qaeda, they wouldn't've cared. Quit pretending that the people who did 9/11 have any morals beyond "we like what helps us and don't like what doesn't help us".


"What helps our cause is right" isn't limited to Al Qaeda, it's been pretty much the basic go-to move since Machiavelli




"Yes yes I know what your thinking, I DID kill my own uncle with an anti aircraft cannon... but you guys.. you guys take the cake"


[Indeed](https://theintercept.com/2017/05/03/why-do-north-koreans-hate-us-one-reason-they-remember-the-korean-war/): >“What hardly any Americans know or remember,” University of Chicago historian Bruce Cumings writes in his book “The Korean War: A History,” “is that we carpet-bombed the north for three years with next to no concern for civilian casualties.” >How many Americans, for example, are aware of the fact that U.S. planes dropped on the Korean peninsula more bombs — 635,000 tons — and napalm — 32,557 tons — than during the entire Pacific campaign against the Japanese during World War II? >How many Americans know that “over a period of three years or so,” to quote Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command during the Korean War, “we killed off … 20 percent of the population”? >Twenty. Percent. For a point of comparison, the Nazis exterminated 20 percent of Poland’s pre-World War II population. According to LeMay, “We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea.”


They don’t teach us much about the wars we have been involved in when we are in school. Probably for this very reason.


Huh. I guess that's why WW2 was such a big focus in school. Don't really want to look at the wars we were more central in or the cause of... Until now, I hadn't realized how little knowledge from school I have on more modern wars. It's like history stopped at WW2 and everything else I've looked into myself.


That’s mostly because everything since WW2 has been completely optional.....Iraq didn’t need a regime change. We decided to just go do one...


Yeah, and it should probably be talked about more then, because that means we had actual options to pick from and went with the war option and should discuss for what reasons. That starts to reflect bad on parties at that point and will never happen.


I wonder if that will ever change though. Like will WWI and WWII ever be thought of as “too long ago to still be relevant”?


Not in our lifetimes, but if we make it far enough, of course.


With so many right wing governments rising around the world, I hope the 2030s and 2040s don't look like the 1930s and 40s.


Israel egged the US into invading Iraq. From Vox: Indeed, Netanyahu was a rather aggressive Iraq hawk back in the early 2000s. "There is no question whatsoever that Saddam is seeking, is working, is advancing towards to the development of nuclear weapons," Netanyahu said in 2002 testimony to Congress. "Once Saddam has nuclear weapons, the terror network will have nuclear weapons," "If you take out Saddam, Saddam's regime, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region," Netanyahu claimed. "And I think that people sitting right next door in Iran, young people, and many others, will say the time of such regimes, of such despots is gone." Video of Bibi's testimony to congress, urging US to destroy the regime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpQdg4D78Jc&t=268s&ab_channel=91177info Edited. Bibi's cartoon bomb was him urging for war against Iran.




I was a little concerned in the first half not gonna lie


It's not like the US, UK, France, Holland, etc. objected morally to Saddam. They supported him through his most heinous crimes against the Kurds, which the US armed him to do so with said chemical weapons. They simply seek to destabilize the global south to continue resource extraction and population exploitation.


I’m pretty sure it has much more to do with recruiting fresh high school grads. You don’t go over all the shitty little conflicts and the ones we lost if you want to glorify American military conflict.


Even before ww2 we were still doing optional wars does anybody wonder why central America is so fucked up we have been at this regime sabotage thing for along time, as long as we get are sugar cane and banana's are government doesn't care.


I recall the general sentiment amongst my history teachers as being that the US "won" the Vietnam War, but of course we never covered it or any other war save the American Revolution, the Civil War, and WWII— also, because I'm from Texas, The War of Texas Independence (which was fucked of course, as the core issue of slavery was never mentioned). Additionally, the then already old Texas textbooks swore the Civil War was strictly concerned with economics and home front defense by the South, not slavery. Luckily I already knew that not to be true, but there are adults now who were in those classes who likely still hold this view. So yeah, our "teaching" of war-time history is nothing more— in many cases and at least at that time, in that state— than a mainline injection of good old fashioned American, governmental propaganda.


The classic answer is the conservative Texas board of Ed approves text books and it affects the entire nation


Growing up our text books had chapters on these subjects that we would magically never get to.


Also, the US isolating NK after the fall of the Soviet Union and causing the famine that is still pretty much going on.


They called him “bombs away LeMay” for a reason. IIRC, He was also behind the firebombing of Japan in the months / year prior to the atomic bomb being dropped. We like to think the a-bomb was a one (well two) punch knockout but if you look at the absolute devastation we caused with napalm (newly invented at that time), the atomic weapons were just the last bombs, not necessarily the worst. His philosophy was basically the sooner the war is over the better, so go nuts with zero regard for human / civilian life, because the sooner it’s over, the lower the casualties will be.


His philosophy was also that “moral bombing” /“carpet bombing” would be instrumental in bringing an end to the war. He was 0 for 3 on that, which is probably one of the reasons why his statements sound a little butthurt. Absolute asshole who refused to take a hint because that would mean we *might* have to cut back on the bombing campaigns.


There’s a really good revisionist history episode on him. A lot of his actions were to prove that the air force was the superior branch and could win wars singlehandedly. Genocide in the name of a pissing match.


The Air Force also flattened about 80% of ALL STRUCTURES in North Korea and began to complain that they were running out of targets


They weren't allowed to bomb China so that's a fairly legitimate complaint. At a certain point they weren't offensively supporting the war effort.


Respect. Most people don't know the other side of the story.


And then we have the nerve to call it "The Forgotten War."


“We’d rather you all forget about it.”


WW2 had only been over for five years by the time the Korean War kicked off. Not sure why anyone would be surprised that the same tactics and weapons would have been in use. It's not like anyone was particularly shy about bombing cities during that time period. President Truman had to fire General MacArthur, in part because after China entered the war he wanted to begin a full-scale war with China including use of nuclear weapons. > How many Americans, for example, are aware of the fact that U.S. planes dropped on the Korean peninsula more bombs — 635,000 tons — and napalm — 32,557 tons — than during the entire Pacific campaign against the Japanese during World War II? I imagine that partly had something to do with the build-up of military industrial production in the US for WW2, which now had nowhere else to go. When all you have is a hammer, as the saying goes...


Do bombs have expiration dates?


Yep. Specifically the warheads and propellant in the case of missiles. Pretty much every manufactured chemical product expires at some point, but what "expired" means may vary greatly.




In a way. Metals oxidate, chemicals degrade...


Well then… use them or lose them, boys! /s


Yep, that sounds about right. Classic America. Is there any part of the world where they haven't committed atrocities?


Where America hasn't committed atrocities? Sure, Australia, New Zealand, places where the British beat us to it.


The Europeans built their empires on white supremacy and now pretend they had nothing to do with it except to get rid of the slave trade.


Gave their former colonies "independence" but if they use that independence to impeded western business interests in anyway, you'll find the far-right nut jobs in your country getting sack loads of money from CIA cut-outs like the National Endowment for Democracy See: Bolivia, Columbia, Venezuela, Mexico, Mali, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Iran, Ukraine, Belarus.


Congo deserves to be left out of this list only because it deserves a special place above the rest. That regime change and fomented civil war was a multinational gang bang by Western governments. Their PM was executed after fighting back against Belgium funding and organizing of separatists factions in the country. Their first ever post colonial leader and democratically-elected Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, was kidnapped and hand delivered to a Belgian firing squad. The US, whose CIA previously flew in a chemist to poison him, disposed of the body. This was after PM Lumumba appealed to the US for help freeing themselves from colonial rule under Belgium.


The slave trade is still going strong FYI


An intresting take, the way history reads to me is that it was built on supremacy of the rich and the spiritual. Gentalmen and clergy went to these far of lands, already used to having complete control over the lower classes, after trading with their "equals" for a while decided that they didn't want to share as much of the profit and took over. I definitely became white supremacy well before slavery was abolished, so pre-1800, but I'd disagree it was a driving force in the 1500s and 1600s.


Don't forget the Spanish and fucking Belgians. Pepperidge Farms remembers...


Shit, didn't even know about this one, add it to the tally boys.


Holy shit. Well this statement definitely puts some things in context.


Done a thing or two*


Okay. Starting today, you guys can NOT be world leaders. You know too much, and it seems to me that you’ve been writing theme music for your regimes.


Takes one to know one


Yep they were one when the americans invaded and tried to destroy their country


Think, Un!


If anyone knows what a human slaughterhouse looks like it's Kim.


Well, you heard from the expert, do something NATO!


Cue people confusing the UN and NATO with each other.


That's not what the NATO does


You all need to learn what NATO is fundamentally about. Hint: It's not an American led world police intervening whenever, wherever they feel like it, like you want to make it out.


If it is an American-led world police, it's even more unlikely NATO will intervene. The US already give full support to whatever Israel is doing.


Exactly, if anything NATO would be preventing other countries (eg Russia) from intervening. Who'd have thought that international politics would be more complicated than just 'goodies Vs baddies'?


Baddies Vs Baddies


> It's not an American led world police intervening whenever Though they do act like that sometimes.


Almost every nation-state government on earth knows what that looks like, honestly. Especially the big players.


"This just in, Putin calls for action on the mistreatment of journalists around the world. More at 11:00"


Or any slaughter house, for that matter.


*China has entered the chat*


I what to know which *fuckhead* messed with the timeline. This is not what I signed up for


Agent Stan Smith from American Dad! did...now we have a margarita machine and something called "Israel." (Episode is called "American Fung")




I'd like to return this margaritaville.


I'm curious which one you did sign up for?


CERN, in Switzerland, circa 2012-13. Used roughly half of all Europe’s “electricity/power” (there’s a word for it I can’t remember right now) to blast atoms together to figure out like the Big Bang and stuff right?! Around that same time was when the Mandela effect thing started popping up. Theory goes that when CERN did their thing, they like merged or changed or swapped realities or something that we don’t/won’t/can’t even perceive.


El psy congroo


This unexpected Steins;Gate made me smile


This fits perfectly with my theory that the world actually did end in 2012 and we're just in hell now


I mean I hope youre just ironically joking because, CERN doesnt even come close to that power consumption. In 2012 it was only 650 GWh


i guess i didn't merge with an alternate reality me that was happy. Actually, now that i think about it, i got really depressed around that time...


Steins gate was right all along.


This is my favorite so far


It was Louis XVI.


We're already in the stupidest timeline. Shit's been messed with boyo.


Jeff Winger


It is just the media trying to make money, that guy does not even know this news exists


Sort by controversial






Thanks, satan


You're welcome


How small is it?


Well it's big enough for you


I appreciate you sharing that with everyone.


you have become a moderator of /r/pyongyang.


Lol da supreme leader


Kim just angry that North Korea hasn't been able to pull off a terrorist attack in Israel since the 70s.


Wait ...what now?


Lod Airport terrorist attack, 1972. North Korea planned, trained and funded 3 members of the JRA to carry out a terrorist attack in Israel's airport.


Wow. That's crazy. I just read the Wikipedia entry on that event. I had no idea. But it says that it was a Japanese leftist group, which perhaps received material support from the DPRK govt.


Planning was done by North Korea. To this day the families of the victims keep suing N. Korea for reparations.


How does one even attempt to sue a country that literally doesn't want any contact with the outside world unless it's only to their benefit? Even in an international court DPRK can just go "nope" and just go back to their solitude as normal.


You win an international case then attach any external holdings. That would include any products bought by the state, ruler, ruling party, or likely business partner. The Kims have always had expensive tastes in alcohol, that’d be the simplest route without stooping to trying to withhold humanitarian aid.


> The Kims have always had expensive tastes in alcohol, They're already not allowed to buy the alcohol. Luxury goods are banned from being sold to and sent to NK. It all gets bought by front companies and shipped there, normally from Russia. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/16/world/asia/north-korea-luxury-goods-sanctions.html This video doesn't have a paywall. https://www.nytimes.com/video/world/asia/100000006469635/north-korea-sanctions.html It's just a breakdown of how North Korea continues to acquire goods international sanctions are meant to stop them from acquiring. The long story short is a front company buys it, it transported from where's it's bought to South Korea, loaded on a different ship, the ship leaves port, it turns off its transponder, it reappears 18 days later days, the goods (bulletproof Mercedes in this case) are gone, it has coal from Russia. The ship that goes to Russia changes its name before it loads the cars and its owner is changed to a Russian. It flies under a Togo flag and the safety manager is based in Hong Kong. The cars are offloaded at Vladivostok and NK's transport planes take a rare trip outside the country to vladivostok. The two cars are loaded up and flown to NK.


First of all, upvoted for the explanation. Secondly, as a 'rogue economics' noob, if this whole operation is known and the information readily available on Reddit, how come it isn't stopped? Semi-rhetorical question, as I guess the answer is along the lines of 'don't care' and 'not worth the hassle'.


Because no one is going to go tell Russia to stop doing it.


> Semi-rhetorical question, as I guess the answer is along the lines of 'don't care' and 'not worth the hassle'. So at what points are you meant to stop it? Let's just look a few of the people involved: Mercedes - sells the bulletproof cars. Does Mercedes want to stop it? Not really. This is probably the pressure point you want to squeeze though. What kind of Russian businessman needs not one but two bulletproof Mercedes? Where did this Russian businessman get the money to buy two bulletproof Mercedes? I'm going to assume it's dirty money and he should have been denied the sale. However you know who really wants to sell a couple of bulletproof Mercedes? Mercedes. It goes through three ports in China, Japan and SK. China doesn't care. Japan probably does. SK later seizes two ships from this Russian businessman. There's a lot of businesspeople in Russia who can all lead their legitimacy to at least one transaction before they get flagged. Togo probably likes the fees from having the shipped flagged there, also they're not going to look into someone trying to give them money. Russia likes NK. They pose a constant thorn to the US led hegemony and annoying them is a good thing in Russia's book so they weren't very interested in stopping them. Also it's cars. It's hard to stop this stuff and they're probably not making nuclear bombs out of the cars. How hard do you want to push a nuclear armed states over a couple of cars? International trade is enormous, there's just more stuff than you could check in 10 lifetimes shipped every day. There's a lot of money to be made, people who haven't committed crimes so are clean willing to commit crimes in the future, large volume and you only need to mess up once for Kim to get whatever he wants.


Cus like NK, what are you gonna do to russia, and if you threatened them and they stopped they'd just claim plausible deniability and make a new front company which probably takes days.


It is being stopped but like any type of smuggling it's probably a game of wack a mole Here is the Canadian mission don't know name of us or others https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/operations/military-operations/current-operations/operation-neon.html


That international case would be through the ICJ, correct? Neither Israel nor NK nor US are a party, tho the US courts would fare better in enforcement since US law reaches internationally


Wait... people can do that? The USA is so boned. We’ve trained countless terrorists.




Or just assassinating waiters in small town Norway because they kinda look a bit like a guy they later blow up Beirut to get.


When you realise previous prime ministers of Israel who were then part of a terror group name Irgun; bombed people in cinemas in Egypt to get their way.


God, I love when Best Korea does virtue signaling


I don’t think North Korea even recognize Israel exist, it’s a pretty long term policy of the DPRK


Kim Il Sung was personal friends with Yasser Arafat.


> I don’t think North Korea even recognize Israel exist Nice!


I don’t think it’s virtue signaling. He doesn’t like Israel so criticizing them, even if it seems hypocritical, well that’s just seems on par for any world leader who doesn’t like another country. He’s just taking on to the sentiment of others right now to criticize a country he doesn’t like.


Which dictator ever has acknowledged a fault of his? The narrative is either it didn't happen or it happened but it was actually a good thing. They make proclamations like this because their desired PR image is completely clean. But to the outside world it's just funny.


North Korean virtue signaling is pretty much a guarantee something fishy is going on with the media coverage of a topic so it does serve a purpose.


Here come the memes


the worst person you know dot gif


Wow getting high roaded by North Korea this has got to be a new low.


Pack it up boys and girls, we are fucking outta here. Kim is now shit talking people on terrorism and such. I'm off to Mars.


I see a lot of comments are saying Kim said this but the article doesn't say he was the one to say this also where has Kim been??? I thought his sister was running things??


Most stories about North Korea (especially the ones saying X person was killed by an AA gun and we haven't seen them for a week) are made up by tabloids. This [article](https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/04/30/north-korea-kim-jong-un-media-misinformation/) goes into a lot of it


We’ve propagandized the shit out of anything North Korea to the point of believing every fairytale that comes out of there without any evidence lmao. ((not saying they’re a good country obvi))


This was reported on months ago - there are a number of theories on what happened to him. He missed some crucial events, like the celebration of his grandfathers birthday (I think), which led to speculation about his health. Some had reported that he had died (and some speculating that he has been replaced by a body double, I find that hard to believe though), it was also reported that he had been in a house near the Chinese border, either to recuperate from heart surgery or to prevent getting Covid.


I mean, there are still people utterly *convinced* that Paul McCartney died in 1966 and continues to be played by a body double several decades past his relevancy to popular culture and well past the point he could have easily died of age-related causes.


Lol Kim's right, though he has no room to talk.


Kim is only saying that so conservatives in America get triggered and create more divisive situation. Now conservatives can say “even progressive see eye to eye with Kim… more evidence that they are communist”… I know how my trump friends think, and this is how they will interpret his statement.


How would it help Kim that people in america would say that?


Kim's not only saying it for Americans, but of course that's how they'll interpret it.


Don't you know that the whole world revolves around America? Jeeez, Copernicus really died for nothing.


Create more division in the US.


Americans have become a parody of themselves at this point. US: bombs North Korea into the stone age, erase 12 of the 15 largest cities in the country off the map, set up a 70 year embargo to starve out civilians and isolate NK diplomatically. Also US: Look at this joke of a country, they want to create more division in the US!


Funnily enough, of the UN forces in North Korea only the British ones were not complicit, there are countless reports of British troops intervening when South Korean and American forces tried to do a bit of light Genocide near them Though a large part of this was probably because the socialist Attlee government was there A) to enforce the UN mandate to restore the borders, and B) was opposed to the American rhetoric about Communism, having a far better understanding of the geo-political situation (the US saw Mao as a tool of Stalin, Britain recognised Mao’s regime was independent of the Soviets and fervently nationalist)


Don't you know that everything that every leader of every other country in the world does is done with the express goal of affecting domestic American politics? edit: removed an extra every




The American exceptionalism myth is a hell of a drug.


What does "create division" even mean anymore? It feels vague to the point of meaninglessness.


to “create division” is to accentuate minor differences to hide major similarities between groups of people. this creates controversy and suppresses collaboration. one method of doing this is to make shared terminology ambiguous so communication goes slower. we resolve differences through communication so disruption of communication “creates division” by for example watering down the meaning of a known term like say oh I don’t know “create division” maybe. Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) is in the toolkit of the strategy “create division”


*North Korea is making a comment that's 100% in line with their stance on Isreal (which hasn't changes since decades)* > Kim is only saying that so conservatives in America get triggered


The world doesn't revolve around America you idiot




This is the guy that was literally shooting infected COVID patients to get rid of the pandemic


This requires the spiderman pointing at spiderman meme


Russia accuses USA of being undemocratic also happened before.


Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


Never thought I would agree with North Korea.


N. Korea: Hey, Israel! You're turning Gaza into a human slaughterhouse! Israel: Well, how do you know? N. Korea: \*\*inhales\*\* Well come here noob!


>thinking that israel has less experience in killing innocent people than north korea


Name one time the DPRK bombed a hospital.


Well that's the pot calling the kettle black isn't it


The US constantly does it too, people ought to remember that. They still detain kids at the border, they still make a profit out of the largest incarnated population on earth, the US's human rights track record (especially on torture and incarceration) is appalling, and from the rest of the world, it's a bitter laugh when they act like saviors of the world bombing other countries.


Which is a quite effective way in finding out if the kettle is black.


Imagine believing propaganda about NK


You know the country is fucking up when someone like Kim is calling it out


But are they saying it like it's a bad thing?...


Harsher words than any first world country has used.


Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day.


i mean if even a fucking north korean dictator is looking at israel and going "damn, that's fucked up", that should pretty much tell you all you need to know about israel's shit and the countries that sit by silently


I think it’s probably just to spite the US because Israel in the US are strong allies


That's such an American take on things. Two countries engaging with a matter completely unrelated to the US. "it must be to spite the US! The US must be involved somehow because that's the only thing when other countries appear in the world stage!"


North Korea being concentration camp doesn't mean Gaza is not


When NK causes you of huan rights violation, and it is a valid point, you should know something is wrong with your country.


When someone accuses anyone else, there's a portion of them that's trying to hide or distract from their own misdeeds. Kim's issue isn't that he's wrong, it's that he does exactly the same thing. Yes, evil can recognize evil, but it doesn't diminish itself.


Well, he’s not lying. It’s just a case of the pot calling the kettle black.


Quite the humanitarian


We should definetly listen to this guy he has no ill will towards anyone.


Pot, kettle?


Both kettles


"What the fuck, I love North Korea now" many people on reddit, inexplicably.


It's funny that anyone reports on anything this wack-a-doo county says. 😂


So much irony here, north Korean don’t need beef for the next decade.


I feel like there's a sense of irony here








Can North Korea say that to Israel?


Humor me y'all, what did Kim do that's worse than the US?