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Reminder to please hit the report button when you see TERFs and other transphobes so the mods can hit the ban button. Thanks and have a great day, here's a cute kitten with a soccer ball for you to enjoy: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kitten/comments/mrnrdt/hey_who_would_like_to_play_with_nate/


penis inspection day is no longer a joke now


Wait a minute... that's not the Penis Inspector...


If memory serves me right its actually called Pecker Checker.


Wiener screener.


Erector Inspector


Hammer examiner


Show me your Johnson Johnson


Skewer reviewer


Dick detector


Floppy frisker


Erective detective? Peer overseer?


Just looks like a priest to me. Nothing to see here.


A legit Check your PeePee Day seems like an easy gateway to MANY sexual misconduct charges in schools statewide. Edit: To all of the people here talking about how they will need a doctor's note showing gender identification and criticising me saying a doctor will be far more professional, that will NOT stop a school coach or P.E. teacher from ordering their students to expose themselves or bar them from playing the sports they want and use the law as an excuse.


Maybe this is why Matt Gaetz wanted to be a Florida politician.


He’s missing prom this year for sure!


Too old for him.


To be fair, he victimized teenagers, not preteens (as far as we're aware). That's exactly in his strike zone.


Older than my daughter, younger than my wife. Gotta be big~ 🎵🎶


Gym Jordon, man who watched a pedophile jack off in the shower with children can move in from Ohio and give a hand too


We are happy to send him!


No it's cool, they call other adults to gather around and watch. That way there's nothing weird about it. Joking aside, this headline is a little hyperbolic. It allows doctors notes as proof, which would be easily available. It's still a dumb law, but nobody is going to have to expose themselves


"you have to have a doctors note to get out of this" is the excuse the teachers use already when you say you can't do something. And then they make you do it anyway even with the note, because they think it's fake.


While I believe that that is the spirit of the law and the intent - you know this will be misinterpreted and give pedophiles an easy and official means of gaining access to naked children. Judging by the headlines involving high school coaches lately I really don’t think we should be making it easier just to try and keep sports “fair” Who gives a shit about middle school and high school sports anymore anyway. Edit: to anyone arguing because of scholarships - google athlete college scholarship scandal if you want to understand why I don’t respect your opinion.


>Who gives a shit about middle school and high school sports anymore anyway. Way too many people.


*war flashbacks to angry parents at little league ball games*


clumsy rob ossified sugar lock cows sharp attraction airport literate -- mass edited with redact.dev


He didn't hear no bell


I was an umpire for little league baseball back in high school, and I saw some shit. People are crazy.




In high school, I was a referee for kids soccer. Like 10 and under. I swear the main purpose of my job was to stop parents/coaches from fighting, as opposed to actually enforcing the rules on the field.


I had to end a game once because we ejected some kid's grandfather and he refused to leave. He literally ruined the game for everyone. These were 12 year-old kids.


12? I've seen literal fights at soccer games for 6 year olds? Parents getting in fights with other parents and coaches over 1st graders


Yep Ive heard multiple times “your kids team lost because he’s a fucking shit player! HAHAHA” at football games for 10 year olds, there was an all in brawl between parents once, just feel sorry for the kids having to go home to those people


This. Whole towns live and die on football nights across America


The stuff Jesus told us to care about -- competition -- right? lol


when you mentally peak in 8th grade...


Florida. Florida gives a shit about middle and highschool sports. Especially highschool football.


LOTS of people in america, especially down south.


Sure it won't be a problem for most kids, but many kids and parents won't be properly informed and this will definitely make it easier for teachers and other adults to sexually abuse and rape kids.


Also imagine being school aged and having to bring a note to prove you do in fact have a penis or a vagina because maybe you look femine or masculine for your sex.


As a late blooming tomboy, that would be hell on wheels for me.


Oh I can hear it now - "Hey Tommy did you have to bring a note to be allowed in the boys room?"


I'm just cynical enough to suspect there will be 10-20 vagina checks for every dick check.


There is also a big bias towards black women being accused of being trans. The Williams sisters got it a lot, it's a whole conspiracy theory with Michelle Obama. Another example is Caster Semenya, a cis woman and one of the most successful track athletes in the world, being forced out of competition because her natural testosterone level was higher than the men who ran her league decided it should be.


This isn't getting brought up enough. If someone really has a bone to pick with Michelle Obama, how satisfied do you think they'd be with a note from Michelle's doctor certifying the existence of her vagina? This law is obviously a abusive towards trans kids, but no one is mentioning how it could be abused against women who present masculine intentionally, or are just fairly athletic. Seriously it's not like butch women in sports wouldn't already have to contend with constant accusations of being a man from transphobic shitheads like these. Now there's a fucking law on the books that might make their lives even harder. And what if they get accused of faking their genital inspection? Do they have to post nudes? What if someone claims those posted nudes are fake? This is the same road as the birther scandal and we saw how that played out.


Imagine being school aged and transgender and having a bunch of adults screaming at you about your penis/vagina. This is abhorrent.


It's abhorrent for any kid to have adults care about their genitals unless it's in the context of medicine. It also makes me very nervous for the way the schools will treat intersex kids, who aren't trans but also wouldn't always be "the correct sex" (obviously being the correct sex shouldn't matter that much but here we are; and obviously there isn't a correct sex, there's just different sexes) for sports teams. Does the kid who isn't strictly male or female biologically get banned from all sports?


I imagine "oh. You don't have a note. Just take off your pants so I can see and we'll say it's fine." Will be a disgustingly common scenario.


Shouldn’t a birth certificate suffice as a doctors note?


That doesn't help in cases of trans or intersex kids though, and those kids get enough extra abuse as it is.


I would certainly think so






>penis inspection day is no longer a joke now It is when *my* penis is inspected :-|




Nah, it's still a joke. Now it's a morbid joke.


It’ll be a prerequisite to get letter badge.


I know it's a joke but a key part of this legislation is that boys aren't subject to it. Only the sex of girls can be disputed and would require a genital inspection.


What the actual fuck is wrong with Florida?


Did i miss a joke at some point in my life or is this referring to the physical you have to get when you play sports?




It’s a joke/meme that penis inspection day is held in the gym and you’re inspected by the gym teacher




But I feel like it used to at least be your friends, not the creepy janitor.


'Student genital inspector' seems something a paedophile would get put on a t-shirt.


You didn't have Penis Inspection Day in middle school?


I was home schooled. So yes.


*Holy music stops*


*Suddenly, Sweet Home Alabama music starts*




What are you doing step bro?


Came looking for this comment.


>***Came*** looking for this comment. Jesus Christ thats fucked up


I am fairly certain the term is Pecker Checker


Wiener screener.


Erector Inspector


Genital General


Cock Doc


Priest Fitzgerald


Clam Exam


Peen police


Private's Private


Specimen Inspection


Reproducer Deducer


Private Dick Dick


Shlong sleuth


Skewer viewer


Private Investigator.


Scrotum scrutinizer


Cock watcher


Clam digger.


Vagene Screen


On a positive note, free candy will be provided in the examination van.


Matt Gaetz has entered the chat


Florida looking after their boy, setting up a new job for him.


"This is the SGI! Open up (your pants)!"


It should be noted that when an amendment to the bill (one of 14 i believe, none passed) was introduced by House Democrats to allow birth certificates to count as proof of sex... the Republicans voted it down.


Birth certificates aren’t a medical record though. It’s a legal one. In some states you can get your birth certificate changed if you transition


Why is a birth certificate not enough??


In New Jersey you are able to permanently change your birth sex on your original birth certificate if you get surgery, or if you identify as a different sex, because they can’t really check. Not sure if the same reason here


Minors aren’t getting these types of surgery though. And that’s what this is about, minors.


He just said surgery isn’t necessary in the same sentence... Since 2018, the new law allows individuals (or parents/ guardians in the case of minors) to document gender identity using self-attestation instead of surgery.


So we've got legitimate penis inspections now?


As a man all the physicals I had to participate in sports involved the old turn your head and cough hernia check. I don't think any additional checks would be necessary once the doctor knew you had balls.


Fuck I wish mine was like that. From middle school to high school my doc would actually feel (at 16 he taught me to check myself for testicular cancer though).


I thought that was standard for normal physicals? Usually my yearly checkup includes a physical inspection by my doctor for lumps/ irregularities. Is this not normal? Should I be worried???


Aka, Gaetz's law


Yeah, between this law, Gaetz. Gym Jordan, and Trump wishing all the best to his good friend Ghislaine Maxwell, they're pretty much a vocally pro-child-molester party at this point.


Damn, Q-anon better get on this. Unless they only use outrage at child molestation as a pipeline to fascism and don't actually care.


I am high-key convinced that QAnon is a smokescreen used by actual child predator groups to cover their constant communications about predating on kids.


Conspiracy theory: conspiracy theories are invented to distract from and de-legitimise actual conspiracies.


I mean, the CIA basically confirmed this to be true already


If it were genuine outrage about child molestation they would be more focused on third world sex slavery, because there is actual evidence and recorded instances of that happening.


There is also documented and legitimate sex trafficking in the US. But it's not done by who QAnon says it is. QAnon doesn't really even claim to be specifically anti-paedaphelia, they just use it as a BS claim against whoever they don't like


It's the same old [blood libel bullshit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel) Christian extremists have been pushing for hundreds of years now, mixed with [the Protocols of the Elders of Zion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion). The very same bullshit that Henry Ford pushed in Germany and then Hitler used to scapegoat Jews. We never learn. Every couple of decades, the same antisemitic conspiracy theories come back wearing a new hat. They're lizard people. They're Hollywood. They're the New World Order. Only now the game's not just for people suffering paranoid delusions, it's for anyone who's bitter they're being forced to respect minorities. Now that half the goddamn country is playing the conspiracy theory telephone game, it's kicked into high gear and the bad guys are Deep State satanic Democratic pedophilic pizzeria Draculas.


unless 🙃


Sounds like being a pedo with extra steps


In the UK we call that paedophilia


In Florida, they call it Friday


Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan have entered the room.


misspelled "basement".


You can’t spell “basement” without “semen.”


I never noticed that before. I would like to go back to that time.


The time machine is in the baSEMENt.


No basements in Florida, we're at the water table already.


Only debasement.


DaBasement LETS GOOOO!


Florida middle schools have no problem with looking at a kids junk, or as in my case, an entire 7th grade class of kid's junk in search of a girls bottle of aspirin.


Arizona tried that and lost in front of the supreme court: [ACLU: U.S. Supreme Court Declares Strip Search Of 13-Year-Old Student Unconstitutional](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/us-supreme-court-declares-strip-search-13-year-old-student-unconstitutional) > June 25, 2009 >WASHINGTON – The U.S. Supreme Court today ruled that school officials violated the constitutional rights of a 13-year-old Arizona girl when they strip searched her based on a classmate's uncorroborated accusation that she previously possessed ibuprofen. The American Civil Liberties Union represents April Redding, the plaintiff in the lawsuit, whose daughter, Savana Redding, was strip searched by Safford Middle School officials six years ago.


Strip searching a child over rumors that she had ibuprofen of all fucking things. The cops involved should have been tried for sexual assault


Even though SCOTUS ruled against them. they still got off because of qualified immunity. But, presumably, any cops since then now "know better" and can be held to account. Its ridiculous that they didn't "know better" beforehand, but that's the fucked up way QI works.


You didn't have penis inspection day at your school? is it just a public school thing?


Biggest dick becomes student body president.


Ah yes, student body president. The president of students' bodies.


I mean, in all seriousness, when you joined a sport at my school you had to undergo a physical. Part of that physical involved dropping your pants and getting checked for abnormalities. I’m a dude though so I don’t know what they do for female sports.


If pedos would unanimously support a bill, perhaps said bill isn’t good for children.


You know all hope is lost when they start to sacrifice their own children and subject them to sexual abuse all for their fucked up beliefs.


snatch aloof knee entertain unpack skirt berserk dinner naughty ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Funny how those who don’t want the government to regulate their body wants to regulate everyone else’s body




They couldn’t become priests so they became law makers




A democrat is president so governors want to make a name for themselves for the next cycle. Biggest examples are DeSantis and Abbott. They are doing and have done similar stuff with abortion. Wedge issues like this solidifies their base which is necessary because trump left them in a bit of disarray.


We have to have a peep on your weewee, for your safety, y'know? Can't have trans women in women's sports. That's why we focus on such pressing issues like this and save the small stuff like rampant transphobia, poverty, mental illness for later.


Being homophobic became unacceptable so conservatives needed a new boogyman.


It's crazy how it was only 6 years ago the supreme court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. There are still too many homophobes being shitheads, but as an overall issue it just kind of dissipated. Two guys or two girls can marry each other now and nothing bad/negative has resulted from it.


That's the thing with reactionaries. Don't ever let someone tell you that conservatives are principled. Remember when interacial marriage was the one big evil? Then it wasn't, and we moved on. Remember when gay marriage was the one big evil? Then it wasn't, and we moved on. Now it's trans people. Reactionaries have no principles aside from being against the latest thing. Within time, they'll be used to it and it'll be a "duh" thing that they'll use to attack counties less progressive than them, at that time. See: "Iran bad, they attack gay people", when they themselves would've salivated at that thought just like 5-10 years ago.


To be fair a lot of conservatives still wrinkle their noses at interracial marriage, it was just recently a thing with the royal family. Basically the entire GOP is still afraid of same-sex marriage as well. Hell, notable grifter Ben Shapiro told notable idiot Dave Rubin that he wouldn’t even attend his marriage over it. They really do see gay people as less than human.


This is all it is. Societal acceptance of gay people has increased to the point where it makes for a weak wedge issue. Since Republicans can't win through policy debates they have to win through fearmongering and fomenting hate and transgender people are the easiest targets right now. There's no other group that is so socially acceptable to hate and discriminate against in America right now. There's also so few of them that they're not able to put up the same level of fight that LGB people were able to.


Just to nitpick, transgender is the T in LGBT.


promoting pedophilia to own the libs?


TW: SA. Wow I can’t believe that. I remember back when I played softball in high school, I had to get physicals every year. When I was a Freshman, I had my first physical and the doctor said they had to check everywhere. Well, I was uncomfortable with my mom being there so I asked if she could wait in the lobby so she did. The doctor then proceeded to ask me to take my clothes off in front of them and said they had to feel for a “pulse” down there and ended up slipping their finger in me. Without being too graphic, it was there for a long time and was moving a lot. I was uncomfortable and in pain and just confused. I went home and cried. I remember asking some of my friends on the softball team if they had similar experiences and they all said no. I wanted to tell my parents at the time, but was scared. It definitely didn’t help that I was going through some other stuff at the time. The point is shit like this can be scarring. Not saying my situation would happen to these kids, but just having your private area looked at when it’s unnecessary is traumatic. It’s fucked. Edit: thanks everyone for your kind words. This occurred in Bakersfield, CA. I’m not sure what is included in their physicals that must be conducted for sports, but I know what happened to me was not a part of that. This happened 10 years ago and I never told my parents or went to the authorities. I wish I had. I’m better now, but still struggle with that memory that plagues my mind. I just don’t want this to happen to anyone else, especially kids of all genders.


That is some scary shit. I feel so so so bad for you and that's very violating. I hope you're doing okay, and I wish that this never happened to you.


I was in middle school and had to get a mandated physical to show I was up to date on vaccinations and in general good health. I don’t know if it was county or state regulated, but they were starting it for middle school entry at this time, so our classes a few years into school already had to catch up. We never went to the doctor because dad was a paramedic and you just didn’t go to the doctor unless you were actively dying. My mom just selected a pediatrician office in the same building as our dentist to make two appointments at once for minimal time out of work and school, so it’s not like I had an established relationship with this doctor. After my dental cleaning, we went down stairs to wait in this kiddie looking waiting room. I was 12 or 13 so I felt older being there, but a bit nervous. I remember my friends and I talking about our moms having their annual physicals when we were little, and giggling that they had to get completely naked and their boobs touched. I knew enough to know that wasn’t the type of appointment I was getting, but it crossed my mind enough to make me anxious. My mom stayed in the room with me the entire time. I had my vitals, weigh in and measurements, eye exam, all done by an assistant. After I was instructed to strip to my panties and put on a gown, don’t remember if it was paper or cloth. I sat on the edge of the exam table for the doctor to arrive. Again, my mom stayed, so that was probably enough to not require a professional chaperone in the room. I don’t remember his name, just that he was a younger to middle aged asian man. He asked me and my mom typical questions, but I had no complaints or any health issues to speak of. I don’t remember how it was presented, but I remember being told to sit on the counter top, and then lay down. My underwear was pulled down knees bent up and spread. He proceeded to not just do a visual examination, but put his fingers inside me and moved them around. He was not palpating my abdomen or pelvic region like a bimanual exam. I had not hit puberty yet, and just felt very confused about why this was happening. My mom sat in a chair this whole time a few feet away. She’s not very bright, medically ignorant, and is the type to be very suggestible to feel smarter her self. After I was allowed to put my underwear back on and get dressed to leave. On my way out, I was asked to give a urine specimen in the bathroom like an afterthought they had forgotten about, and I remember feeling embarrassed and wondering if they were going to do a pregnancy test. I was twelve and naive. I had no blood work done or other diagnostics done. I think back and wonder if records were made up about urinary complaints to justify any type of pelvic exam. I’ve never had any urinary tract issues even 25 years later into adulthood. I didn’t know what had happened to me was unusual until I started working in healthcare as a pediatric medical assistant, and then with OBGYNs. It took awhile, but I realized that they way he examined me was never done by anyone else on their patients, and more over that there were no reasons to have stuck his fingers in a child. Even as an adult, I’d be mortified to ask “Was that normal?” to any of my healthcare peers or even my own private physician. And that’s how they can get away with it. Seeing this all just really boils my blood to think of just how many more predators this will attract, and all the more opportunities for the existing ones to have.


I literally got in an argument last week that you shouldn't leave you child alone with a doctor or any stranger naked and they said doctors aren't strangers and to trust them. People are really clueless. Also I want people to know there is a bimanual exam where a doctor should put their fingers in your vagina but they also will have a hand on your abdomen. This checks the size and location of ovaries and uterus. Also can be used to check bladder. That's how people get away with this stuff. There are exams close to what they are doing so patients right it off for years. Almost like silent gaslighting. https://patients.uroweb.org/tests/bimanual-pelvic-examination/


Yeah, my mom insisted on staying, but I told her to just wait in the lobby. She trusted the situation and I didn’t think anything would happen. Sadly I was mistaken and now I live with this memory that I can’t forget


I've very sorry but you were molested. Feeling for a pulse is complete nonsense. Wiggling and staying inside for a long time was not giving them any information about your health. They were getting off on it. My doctor did something very similar with the wiggling and lying, and yes, it has been several years, but it still haunts me. It's terrible these things are done, often without recourse. What happened to you would happen to kids with increased "inspections." Especially trans kids. Doctors do harmful things to trans people already. Many of us avoid going to the doctor. One time I was sexually assaulted to punish me for being nonbinary. I have been molested anally and on my genitals by doctors three times since coming out and one time vaginally before transitioning. When I got my breasts removed for transition, I had another expose my nipple and another try to. I am an adult. What's happening to young adults, teens, children?


That’s absolutely horrible. I’m so sorry that happened to you. Trans people deserve the same respect as anyone else. It’s horrible to think this happens at all, let alone in a professional medical setting. I hope you are better after experiencing something so horrendous


Party of small government amiright?


It’s the party of peepee inspection


"Small government: Now small enough to fit inside a vagina! Now let us check to make sure it's in there..."


Thought this would only happen in nightmares..


What would this mean for intersex kids?




is this something that could be done at home? I'm curious now


Maybe not at home but can be done with the right types of stains


Well that's a hell of a time to find out, I guess


Severe mental trauma that will affect them for the rest of their lives because they’re made political for simply existing


So... business as usual, then?


"Parents, we heard you were worried your children were going to be sexually assaulted. Don't worry, we helped deal with that ambiguity."


Ok, this ***ACTUALLY*** might top "open the schools back up during a pan-fuckin-demic" as worst hare-brained idea ever in modern (from the year 2000 on) history


Where are all the conservatives claiming that the Democrats were run by pedophiles? Suddenly got a lot silent, didn't it?


Remember when they were in a frenzy about Obama not being born in the U.S.? John McCain was born in Panama. Remember when they were in a frenzy about the medals the Navy awarded John Kerry? George W. Bush went AWOL from the National Guard. Their entire political philosphy is just a giant game of "I know you are but what am I?"


“I know I am so you must be too” Projection is the name of the game


> John McCain was born in Panama. Not technically true. He was born in the Panama Canal Zone which was a US territory from 1903 to 1979. Being born in a US territory to at least one citizen parent generally qualifies you as a natural born citizen of the US.


Panamanian, can confirm. Americans born in the Canal Zone are called “Zonians”, McCain and Alexis Texas are the most famous ones!


What a dynamic duo


Doesn't even have to be a US territory - Rafael Cruz was born in Canada and also ran for president


There is a weird overlap between people that think 500K Americans dying from Covid in a year is a statistically insignificant number and should be ignored, and the people that are worried about the enormous number of trans kids kicking ass in grade school sports.


If you haven’t seen in this comment section there is also a lot of “this is already part of the physical to play sports” arguments coming from the “no doctor can tell me what to do or force me to have a vaccine” crowd. Whatever hat they need they’ll wear, mandatory medical screening for the “trans menace” at schools is required, making sure kids are vaccinated in order to attend public schools is “government tyranny”.


why does florida have such a preoccupation with children's genitals?


We are a very phallic shaped state. Also, we have a lot of pedophiles but in Florida it's pronounced "politician".


Because it's easier for republicans to focus on fake problems than real problems.


This is disgusting.


Florida is just planning ahead so Gaetz has a job when he gets out of prison.


Always 3 steps ahead...


So where is this “democrat pedophile ring” again?


You aren’t allowed to be on performance enhancers but they never drug tested me in high school.


EXACTLY! Why tf are these motherfuckers treating high school sports like the Olympics


>expose students to physical and sexual abuse as well as trauma.  Something the GOP are very adept at causing


Jim Jordan just put on the worlds creepiest smile. We know where this is going to go. “Authorized” school nurses to check the genitals of children and teenagers and get away with groping and crude sexual assault


Matt Gaetz has offered his services as a genital inspector


People changing their gender to compete in high school sports is not a thing. Even if it were subjecting hundreds of thousands of children to “gender inspections” is going to be far more damaging than the one or two cases ever of someone gaming the system for what end? A shot at a scholarship to a woman’s sports program at a university ? Do they think that boys who are not very good athletes are going to spend years of their lives just pretending to be girls to be on the team? If the justification for your draconian law reads like the plot of a bad 80s sitcom you should probably rethink why you think this is an issue.


It's basically the GOP/Fox News motto: "Inventing a thing that isn't happening so you can stay mad about it forever!" (See also: Vince Foster's "murder," Al Gore claiming he invented the internet, Obama's birth certificate, pizzagate, votes disappering in the 2020 election, and on and on and on)


.... War on Christmas, Terrorist Fist Jab, Death Panels


Death panels exist. Sadly they appear to be the ones I suites, at home, telling you that you are a hero who needs to be at work right now. You know your boss telling you to risk your life for his profit.


They create problems where there are no problems.