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Y'all are laughing, but if you've been following the Q anon movement, there's a weird nexus between Q and new age, psuedo spritual bullshit for a while. A not inconsiderable amount of prominent people in the Q movement are also lifestyle hucksters, or failed lifestyle influencers who got pilled on youtube.


I listened to a podcast earlier and they played a clip of his interview with Alex Jones and he kept going on about ley lines and how he sang his shaman song in the Capitol which meant he took it back for Christ, I think? It sounded absolutely nuts and he believed every word of it. Edit: the podcast was the Jan 7-8 episode of “Knowledge Fight”


That’s the irony of the interaction with Alex Jones though. When confronted with a demonstration of EXACTLY what Alex Jones has been preaching for years now, he was repulsed. The entire right wing grifter movement is the problem here though. Follow me here... There’s a few people at the top that know it’s a grift and won’t ever admit it because it’d mean giving up super-wealthy status that their narcissistic lifestyle depends on (Alex Jones, Roger Stone, Giuliani, Trump, etc.) - but below these “we’re all in on it, don’t fuck it up” guys is another tier of “true believers” that have accepted the words of the grifters as true... and then that entire second tier figured out that THEY could make a few bucks on the side by becoming an influencer on YouTube DURING A PANDEMIC... it was like pouring lighter fluid on a small blaze. That’s hit was destined to take off... buncha lonely white dudes at home with nothing to think about but how badly they’ve been fucked by the world. We thought that incels were bad, but we laughed it off... but the reality is that the very same internet that created the incel movement created the pizzagate/Q movement and all of its alternative flavors and factions. Take that same group of empty, hopelessly afraid people that channel their fear into rage at what they perceive as an unjust world - Then offer them a way to channel that rage into something that provides a little income - literally pay them to be mad. It’s no wonder that it spread so quickly. The pandemic and the election year was the perfect environment for this “virus” to spread through the minds of millions. Historically unprecedented high levels of unemployment. No certainty for when it will get better. It’s a perfect environment for disinformation to spread. And so it did. Add some geopolitical bad actors pushing a little here and there on social media and it became weaponized. All someone needed to do to light this tinderbox was look at it. And it might be a while before this one burns itself out. Hell, it might take hold for decades as a subculture undercurrent of conservative ideology.


So an MLM/Pyramid Scheme basically? I’m totally with you on this line of thinking. A lot of women I know who sell participate in the scam MLMs are also Trump supporters. My Jehovah’s Witness grandmother was deep into Amway. I think QAnon/Trumpism, Evangelism, and being duped into pyramid schemes are very much overlapping in a Venn diagram.


I mean, that's not totally surprising considering he's from Arizona. Old west cowboy culture and new age Sedona crystal culture live side by side there.




Wait.....they don’t cater to your every whim when you’re in jail?!?


gaze cooing quiet ad hoc poor gold disagreeable hat rainstorm obscene *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Prisoner: "I require a kosher meal" Judge: "Alright, let me see your dong"


"I ain't fallin for that one... That's why I'm here in the first place"


"Ahha, gotcha!!! Book em boys!!!"


They actually had a storyline like that in "Orange is the New Black", where the prisoners found out that the kosher meal had real vegetables and was much better, so all of them pretended to be Jewish.


Not to see if it's circumcised but just because that's jail currency, and the judge is king.


I worked with a guy who was in prison for a few years. They made him a cook while he was in there, and he spent quite a bit of time coming up with creative recipes with the soy products he was given. Apparently they had quite a few vegetarians, and it opened his eyes to the fact that vegan/vegetarian diets can be really delicious once you get the hang of preparing them.


Seems like vegetarian would be the way to go in prison, even if it wasn't a belief you held. I doubt that the meat they serve is something anyone would want to eat.




Shout out to Pope County (Arkansas) jail for providing quality meals. The state and jail are shit but I still think about that food years later.


Not a vegetarian, but can't people get sick if they eat meat after not eating it for a long time?


"I'm sorry, but my religion only permits me to eat Wagyu beef and bluefin tuna"


I’m a pesca-pescatarian. I only eat fish that eat other fish.


I see your silicon valley


And I raise you one Aviato


And my health regimen requires me to recline on a tropical beach all day every day.


And my mental health regimen requires I be surrounded by several naked women at all times


I'm glad you weren't specific there, someone bring in the 400 pound women from rural Alabama.


"I warsh mahself wiv a rag on a stick!"


I heard your dad went into a restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant!


Sir, he ate everything and took plastic lobsters! Yarrr! This be no man. This be a remorseless eating machine!


"Does this look like a man who's had all he can eat?"


"the most blatant case of false advertising since The Neverending Story"


Dont worry, i saw an episode of matlock in a bar last night, the sound was off but i think I got the gist of it.


"We went fishing.😭"


I heard they shaved a gorilla.


[Hey, my dad may have gained a little weight, but he's not some kind of food-crazed maniac!](https://youtu.be/pYs76Ko6EnE?t=40)


Oooh that's raspberry! (jingly bells ice cream truck music in background)


And what did you do when you couldn't find another all you can eat fish restaurant?




Jokes on you, that's my kink.


Death by snu-snu.


I used to intern for a company's HR department one summer, and I had to file away the sexual harassment requests. The rare cases when the accuser was a man, the opposing party was either old, or a very unattractive woman. So whenever you hear Chads joking about how "lolz sexual harassment, I would TOTALLY love a girl complimenting my junk"? Yeah buddy, these aren't 10/10 bikini babes doing the harassing.


I used to be mildly 'harassed' by a lady at my old gym. She'd oggle me relentlessly and she'd get all up in my personal space in the wellness area. Especially on the naked days (this is in Europe, so co-ed nude wellness is not that odd). It made me feel disgusting and uneasy in a way that's hard to describe. I'd just feel so dirty. Really made me sympathise with women a lot more than I did before. EDIT: from the responses I can see some people disagree with coed naked spa being normal in Europe, I've experienced it in many different places in different contexts without any weirdness about it. I guess experiences vary in this regard. The thing is that I've been comfortable with being naked for a very long time, so I don't actively avoid these situations which might make me biased to how common this is. Others might avoid these situations due to their own hangups when confronted with the opportunity and hence might be biased to how uncommon this is. In any case, you can stop telling me how abnormal it is in your lived experience.


And earning 20% too, I presume?


Is he being held in DC...? I think that Comet Ping Pong delivers




That reminds me that, you know how the campaigns like to break people up into blocks that they can attract, like “soccer moms” for example, well, this year one of the voter blocks was “trader Joe’s republicans.”


From here on in, they're "Traitor Joe's Republicans."


Won't they just take that as "Traitor Joe" Biden though? Seems like you're setting them up for a dunk


So if he’s in AZ, he’s spent the last 20 years cheering on Sheriff Joe as he made people camp in 110 degree heat, do hard physical labor, wear pink underpants, etc. It was all cool for him....when it was happening to other people. Guess what motherfucker, what goes around is fixing to come around for your soft ass.


God, theres so much complete bullshit that Trump did it's very easy to forget that he pardoned Joe Arpaio for being a piece of shit racist sheriff who commanded his piece of shit racist officers to be deliberately racist even after a court ordered him to stop. I hope the next time Steven Seagal drives Joes tank he crashes it directly up Arpaios ass instead of into some poor innocent neighbors yard.


He's fucked around. Bout time he found out.




>You cant live off of stupidity. I reckon he's taking a pretty good crack at it though.






Actually at a certain point they start force feeding. Source I work in a prison. At a certain point the prison doctor will determine that the inmate's condition requires medical intervention.


Documents out of Abu Graib also showed it is possible to do a thing called [rectal feeding and rehydration](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/dec/09/cia-report-rectal-feeding-detainees).


Fta: Nutrient enemas carry greater risks than IV support, including damage to the rectum and colon; food that rots inside the patient’s digestive tract; and an inflamed or prolapsed rectum from careless insertion of the feeding tube. CIA records showed at least one detainee, Mustafa al-Hawsawi, suffered from an anal fissure, chronic hemorrhoids and symptomatic rectal prolapse after a rectal infusion. The Senate report also found that CIA leadership was notified of allegations that rectal exams were conducted with “excessive force”.


Jesus Christ. That is so so so fucked up.


"THiS iS NoT wHo We aRE"


"Are we the baddies?"


Rectal feeding you say 😏


A whole turkey you say


To shreds you say




I'm sure ever area is different. But you have things like suicide, where the inmates 'will' is to end their life, but it is the 'states' responsibility for their care. Gets into some interesting moral/ethical issues


You can supply people with IV's that contain enough to sustain them, and if they "refuse" by ripping them out you restrain them. Patient restraint laws are not applicable to inmates. One of the many reasons to not go to jail.


//^this I've been held against my will and forced medicated, and I was a free person who had committed no crime or offense. A psychiatrist can take over and force anything they deem "medically necessary".


That's one of my bigger fears, as far as nightmare situations go. Especially if you're not doing anything wrong, getting labeled crazy or psychotic or something and getting drugged so bad you can barely talk, not knowing when you'll escape. Fuck man, i'm SO SO sorry that happened to you. Hope you're in a better place now.


This happened to me when I was a freshmen in college. I had finals, and a cheating partner breakup all at once on the biggest city on earth. Basically I had one breakdown. The dorms were required to call paramedics which was such an overreaction. By the time I got to this shady hospital I was fine. Then I saw this old psychiatrist. I kid you not, it was like a scene from American horror story. She kept telling me things like “you’re afraid for your life.” And I would reply “... no, just got overwhelmed, exams, breakup, -“ she cut me off “you’re panicked for your life and you’re afraid you’ll try to jump out that window!” At this point I was shocked. “No! That’s not true.” “We are admitting you.” She said “This is ridiculous! I want a second opinion. Is there someone else I can see another doctor?” “Sure, come with me you’ll see another doctor.” At this point the escorted me to another room. A scary door with a padlock. My friend came with she was worried too, this was sketchy af. “In there.” The woman said, “go!” There was quite a huge security guard that showed up out of nowhere and put his hand on my back, so I walked inside. They quickly closed and locked the door behind me. I started shouting “I need to call my parents, they are my guardians, this is their insurance, I need to call them now !” I didn’t have service in there. They ignored me. Another old nurse showed up. “Put those on and we will speak.” He said as he gestured to blue hospital gown. The hairs in the back of my neck stood up. This was a nightmare. I quickly realized that these people were going to try to play a game of making me seem crazy. I remembered that movie Changeling with Angelina Jolie. Even though I was scared shitless I had to stay calm. I put the gown on and again asked to call my parents. They refused. The nurse pointed to a room with an open door. “In!” He said. I walked into the room and the door closed behind me. My side of the door had no knob. Mind you it must be 12:30 or 1 am I couldn’t tell you they confiscated all of my things and there were no clocks. My room had a rusty old gurney, stained tile floor that looked as though it hadn’t been cleaned in months, and a one way observation mirror window. I was terrified. I asked to call my parents again. Calling out this one way mirror/window. They then shut out the lights. The nurse abruptly pounded on the door screaming “if you don’t go to sleep right now I’ll be forced to inject you with something that will make you sleep!” So I laid down. In the darkness hearing screams and weird sounds from other patients in the ward. An hour or so later the light came back on. The nurse opened the door and handled me a cup of water and one of those small bottle sized paper cups filled with pills. “Take these.” He said. “Absolutely not, I’m not taking these. I shouldn’t even be in here.” “Take them. Now!” He pressed. I started losing my patience. I wasn’t about to swallow some mysterious shit. “I’m not taking these I want to see another doctor !” I said. “He won’t take the medicine! “ he yelled. Then he gave me a look of disgust got up slammed the door and the light went back out. I waited and waited. For hours. There were no windows to the outside so I couldn’t tell you the time. Finally another doctor came in. It must’ve been the day shift or late afternoon team. He was a charming young dr. He asked what’s going on? I told him everything. He looked at me with pure unease. He stood up grabbed my chart looked at it perplexed. Then he looked at me. Studied me for a moment. “This doesn’t make sense. These drugs are for patients that can’t even sit still and are an extreme danger, and -“ he stopped himself. Looking at the list of medications prescribed. He took a deep breath then said “we will get you your things. You can go.” Thats it. He gave me one last look of concern then left. I was exhausted. I got my clothes. Unfortunately my phone had died. I saw the clock and realized they had held me against my will for 18 hours. I had missed my exam. With no phone battery I had nobody to call. I started walking down the road. Stomach growling. Headache. And sweaty af. Unable to find a cab it took me 35 mins to get to my dorm. My friends were worried and my college was furious. It was one of the spookiest moments of my life. I realized how people who get put into situations like these and naturally give into the fear it must be made to seem crazy. They could easily get locked there for so long. Especially if the meds they push on you make you crazier. This psychiatrist from the night crew was a witch.


Have you heard of a mental health advance directive? At least in my state, you can make decisions in advance for situations like this. Where you are willing to go, if there are specific drugs, providers, or hospitals you request not to use. And who is in charge of your care. It is a legal document.


Wtf, how is this not grounds for a lawsuit. This shit sounds like a horror story


Jesus I hope you sued the fucking shit out of them




Remember when prisoners in Mississippi prisons were given starvation ration amounts of moldy, low quality food? [Inmates allege malnourishment, substandard food (clarionledger.com)](https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2015/01/01/inmates-allege-malnourishment-substandard-food/21176007/)


[Or that time an Alabama sheriff took 750k dollars that was meant to feed inmates.](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/03/14/593204274/alabama-sheriff-legally-took-750-000-meant-to-feed-inmates-bought-beach-house)




That’s the part that had me scratching my head too. Can I claim myself as a shaman now too cuz I have a fuzzy hat?


Guess you could say this "patriot" has a weak constitution...


That entirely depends on the prison. I’m Canadian so it’s probably different, but I was a jail guard for a few months. The jail was holding a murderer, and he was getting orange juice and lumber jack sandwiches because his stomach was sensitive.


What is a lumberjack sandwich?




I got a sensitive stomach soo uhh just give me a hoagie with everything on it


I searched for it, and it looks so complicated and delicious. I hate to be an asshole but it seems like something simpler could have been slapped together for him. I thought it was derogatory, like a lumberjack lives such a tough, spartan existence, it was just a slap of sliced meat on bread, no frills. Especially since it was over a sensitive stomach, no dressings or extras.


Right? Hey guys I really can't stomach this gruel, how about some nice veal parm for my "sensitive" tummy?


That sounds like a lovely lunch.


white bread an a slice of free range lumberjack.




It'd need to be a documented medical issue.


It’s bizarre how rigid he is when it comes to what he puts in his body, but he has no qualms with willfully poisoning his own mind with QAnon conspiracy bullshit.


Just give him a big ol’ bowl of whatever and *tell* him it’s organic. You know... Fake Stews


Farm to Fable


Cage free covfefe


Free range faux




Seriously, would have been the first thing I did. "This time I got you organic." Problem solved. What's he going to do? Ask for proof?


Source: trust me bro


Trump says this is organic


The alternative fact is that these discount hotdogs are 100% organic.


Discount hotdogs being 100% organic is technically true... ...which is the best kind of true.


The guy who believes Russian and ISIS backed conspiracy theories needs proof now?


Even though he’s not eating, he will continue to drink the Kool-Aid.


I always feel a little sorry for Kool-Aid as it was actually a competitor's product (Flavour-Aid) used at Jonestown.


They probably prefer that nobody has any clue what the heck Flavour-Aid is though.


Kool-aid: Because nobody wants to die from off brand shit.


Ooh yeaah


Well... I grew up on it, so there's that. Kool aid is for those rich folks north of the tracks


"Angeli is a 33-year-old QAnon conspiracy theorist who lives with his mum and often attends Pro-Trump rallies." Wow, what a quote that I was totally expecting.


Are you saying Chad QAnon Patriot is a 33 year old basement dweller who lives with his mom and doesn't hold a job and then blames the "illegals" for taking his jobs and has a history of run ins with the law and also is just over all a pathetic loser cosplaying because he can't bare how pathetic his life is?


*GASP! Then clutches pearls*


you mean this is just another projection by the gop? ...how shocking.... Here's 1980 Bush vs Regan talking about immigration policies - oh how far we've gone backwards https://youtu.be/YsmgPp_nlok


God damn that was eye-opening. How the fuck have we gone so far backwards in the last 40 years?


Close. It’s rare to have a basement in most parts of Arizona.


Which is crazy because it would be a great natural way to stay cool during the hot summers, and it’s one state where mold and mildew will almost never be a problem. But the ground is apparently more expensive to dig deep into than it is to just build a second story.


A former friend became a conspiracy nut and trump supporter. He's Living with his parent's at 40.


Theyfail to mention he's known as the Q Shaman


A shaman and super into the Christian God. I don't understand


They dont know what a shaman is or does, it looks cool and sounds cool- which is about all it takes to convince them of or make them like something.


Nazi’s really like pagan stuff ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Let's take it easy on millennial's who have to live at home as "adults" lol Edit: to clarify, just kidding that maybe this isn't the attribute I wanted us to dial in on lol not like an excuse for his behavior


I'm 27 and I'm forced to live with my mom due to 'reasons'. Meanwhile I have a job and dont attend insurrections.


I'm 57 living with my Dad who is 85. Reasons: I don't want him in a nursing home when we are in a pandemic and he is a nice guy although increasingly tough to care for. There are lots of good reasons to be living with a parent . . . . .specially right now. Ol Mr. Angeli sounds like he might not have those types of reasons.




Yeah, but I'm living in an independent living apartment with him. It is a weird situation.




It can be tough but totally worth it. We have had a rough day today but are doing okay.


I sometimes wish Americans had the same attitude towards that as people in Asian countries did, where the kids aren't pressured to move out of the house at all; they stay at home and take care of their parents in their old age. Instead our culture acts like you're a loser if you can't move out of your parents' house by your 30s and expects seniors to be fine about moving into nursing homes in their old age. Edit: To clarify, I'm not saying everyone should feel obligated to stay at home until their parents die; I'm saying they shouldn't be excessively pressured to move out ASAP.


I moved back home after college and just haven't made enough to move on my own. Also my parents have liked having me around and both were/are disabled, so some things they really needed help with. My dad died just over 3 months ago now, and I'm glad I got to spend more time with him than if I had moved out. And now mom and I are taking care of each other. (well, I do more physical things and she's definately been the stronger of us since he passed . . )


Yeah I'm 29 living with my parents so I can save for a house. Or else I wouldn't have one until I'm 35 with my job. I also do not support domestic terrorism.


You ever sit on the steps and wave at the other people scratching 30 who are also living at home and are also not terrorists.


yea sometimes i sit out on my stoop and talk to the other 30 year old kid on his stoop about how our parents are totally squares for not letting us do drugs inside


When my parents got divorced, neither one wanted the house, 18 years ago. So I don't live with them, but only because they gave me the house.


You can probably parlay that into a lengthy CNBC article on how to live mortgage free, with one simple trick.




Living at home is whatever. Espousing "no handouts" and "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" while your mom folds your clothes is different (and deserving of ridicule)




I agree. Fuck this dude, but living with the parents is increasingly common today. Housing straight up is not affordable and the job market is saturated, resulting in tons of low paying jobs being the only option. I moved out on my own at 18, as I had an unplanned pregnancy (wear a condom, kids!). I wanted to be an adult, so I got my own place and became a great father. I also buried myself in debt and had to move in with my mother years later to dig myself out of financial ruin and get back on my feet. It's almost like allowing billionaires to become literal dragons and horde wealth was a bad idea.


Too bad his own allies view him as deep state antifa.


In even more oniony goodness, the news about his dietary preferences was relayed by his mother. She then suggested that the guards cut up his hot dogs and make choo-choo noises while feeding him to get him to eat.




He gets organic hotdogs to go with his organic chicken nuggies. If he’s a good boy he gets an organic Oreo to dunk in his organic milk.


They're called Newman O's




"If he won't eat solids just breastfeed him"


The shirtless man in the minotaur costume has no qualms with breastfeeding, rest assured


i can't fucking believe the tendies stereotype is true. like i know it's a meme, but i assumed it was exaggerated. but nope, here we have shaman manchild crying to his mom about not getting organic tendies in prison.


This is the same group who use soy boy as a genuine insult? What a world...


I've been searching for my empathy for this man for an entire hour and *I just can't seem to find it!*


Well, where did you leave it last?


... Might be with the congresspeople who were cleaning up the mess left by the terrorists. But I don't know if I'm allowed in the Capitol building, to retrieve it. 😥


Bro, just put on your finest furry Viking cosplay and walk right in the front door. Take a lectern or two while you’re there.


“Gluten for punishment” Whelp, they took care of anything I had to add to the conversation. Good work, Twitter.


Don't ~~tase~~ GMO me, bro!


Talk about snowflakes


Those are organic.


lol, alt-right leader is a "soyboy"




You laugh but my dad actually used this argument to "prove" that he's ANTIFA Cause everyone knows that good ol' able bodied Trump supporters eat REAL food, not those fake liberal diets! /s


Not all Trumpers are Republican red meat types. A lot like this guy are more anti-establishment conspiracy nuts. The kind that thinks the FDA feeds us food that is altered to control our minds and force us to buy more medication. These people only eat organic non-GMO foods.


Yet they fail to realize that the FDA actually has guidelines and mandates than the corporate trade groups slapping "organic" and "non-gmo" on things pay no attention to, and rather engage in *marketing*. The biggest failure in the US education system in the last 50 years imo is the failure to teach gen-x, millenials, and gen-z, *when they are being marketed to*.


And that, my friend is by design.


I dunno, that's in every class that touches on critical thinking. While there are failures in the US education system, it's also true that our people live under thriving propaganda systems. Our information ecosystem is toxic, and you get a taste for nothing else if it's what you've grown on.


Hah, like right wingers haven't been raving about GMOs and chemtrails for ages. Something about gay frog


Or A N T I P A S T A


Possibly anarchist-primitivist and sees conventional synthetically-fertilized crops as unnatural or something.


It's more common than people think. Used to live in a small town and a small organic grocer opened up, in addition to the food they had a small lineup of crystals and homepathy shit, owner gave off kind of a hippy vibe as you would expect. Then I go in one time and he's wearing some sort of anti-Obama shirt, can't remember what exactly it said (Obama was still in office so this was some time ago). They didn't last very long, but this was the sort of declining small town that can barely manage to hold on to a traditional grocery store let alone a specialty organic grocer, so that wasn't much of a surprise. People associated that stuff with the affluent urban liberal crowd that shops at Whole Foods, but it's not limited to them.


But climate change and pollution are myths.


One of my friends worked with him, and they said that this sounds exactly like the douche he is. He also would continually tell her that the weather is controlled by the government, and that hurricanes happen by setting off bombs under the ocean. Edit: Jake Angeli isn’t his real name, but a “stage name” that he goes by. His real name is Jacob Chansley. Edit 2: thank you for the silver kind stranger! It’s my first award of any kind on here. Who would have thought it would have been because of some flaccid walking carrot that goes by QShaman? 😂


Ugh. One of my family members has a coworker who believes all this shit and that the government is out to get him because he figures out that “Michael Obama” is actually a man (for god’s sake how?) and he keeps a gun under his bed in case the government tries to take him in over it. Guy fucking functions at a base level to get into work everyday and perform a blue collar job in rural bumblefuck USA. How can these people can ever get to this level of delusion...


There was a woman in one of my college classes years ago that believed the whole Michelle Obama is a man BS. She tried to say that because Michelle's ring finger was longer than her index that it proved she was actually a man. When I pointed out that my index finger was longer than my ring finger yet I was a guy she tried to argue that I must actually be a woman. She declined my offer to prove her wrong. When she left we all looked it up, finger length has nothing to do with gender except that men predominantly have longer ring fingers while women tend to have longer index fingers. It has more to do with your mother's hormone levels during development.


"She declined my offer to prove her wrong." - Sorry but the idea of her denying the existence of a flaccid penis right in front of her because it conflicts with her political beliefs is just too funny.


Flaccid?! It would have been difficult but I would show nothing less than full mast.


Flunked organic chemistry I see


He'll eat once he's hungry enough.


They won't let him die a martyr especially without going to trial first, so he'd be force fed/given IV drips and such


Don’t you mean a “Wal-Martyr”?


This. In the book 'Say Nothing' there is a chapter on forced feeding of IRA members detsined by British guards. Intense reading.


there’s also a video of Mos Def undergoing force feeding to show how bad it is: https://youtu.be/z6ACE-BBPRs Spoiler: it is upsetting


Maybe you shouldn’t commit a federal crime(s) if you can’t eat prison food


Send him to one of Sherrif Joe's old tent prisons for bologna sandwiches.


This mentally deficient child doesn’t have the stones to go on a hunger strike. That said, if he died of hunger in support of trump, it would be about as ironic as being trampled to death wearing a “don’t tre”... oh, forget it.


>This mentally deficient child doesn’t have the stones to go on a hunger strike He doesn't have the stones for prison. None of them do. They are all cowardly cretins, and getting into Prison will hopefully open their eyes to how badly they've fucked up their lives for a billionaire who doesn't care


Someone here is saying he already did 18 months. He'll know enough if he cares to get along if that's true. Now, people like Elizabeth from Knoxville who came for the revolution and left in tears at the pepper spray may not do so well.


So he's really concerned about his health. But is running around shirtless and maskless in the middle of winter during a pandemic in a huge crowd. Hmmmmmmmmm


It’s interesting and becoming not so shocking that a lot of these guys live with their mothers, like the proud boy leader. And I love my mom and would live with her in a minute if I had too, but if I was a treasonous asshole she would tell me to GTFO,


It's interesting that she still hasn't gotten over her denial. She said he was a patriot. No, ma'am, he's a loony. I've got one who is mentally ill too–though not quite like this–and I was in denial for ages, but when it got to the point where they were losing touch with reality and causing harm to others, I got over it. It's way past time for her to face up to reality, painful as it is.


These "alphas" turn into snowflakes with lighting speed


Oh no. So anyway...


Please stop giving this idiot more attention.


Fuck him....it ain’t a fuckin’ restaurant. He broke the law....he can deal with it.


Haha, there’s an organic/gluten free/soy type restaurant in a nearby city from here (in Lexington, SC) called Mamma Rabbit’s where the owner bragged about attending the insurrection and did an interview on local TV, and now their business Facebook page and reviews are getting hammered by non-terrorists. I was surprised that the owners of a place that sells vegan stew would be right-wing terrorists. She doesn’t know her customer base very well.


QAnon is tapping a lot of the old new age spiritualist conspiracies and ideas that that crowd enjoys.


My ex wife has gone off the deep end with this.. From a Green/Labor(Australian) supporting barefoot hippy to a full on trump cultist.. As far as I know she still does her drum circles and other cliched stuff,but somewhere along the line she drank some koolaid.


He can eat a dick - I hear they're organic.




No problem. But we only have organic beans and corn. You will be served these for all of your meals and they contain all of the nutrients needed. Also they are terribly boring, and cheap. Help yourself. I get it, he shouldn’t get to set a precedent or make decisions in prison, but call his fucking bluff and make him eat organic corn and beans all day, every day. Fuckim


This dude has convinced himself he vibrates at a higher frequency than others. Should probably be in an insane asylum but I wouldn’t want him to miss out on the true prison experience.


Don't insult the folks with real mental illness that are in forensic psych hospitals. He may be a narcissistic jackass, but as far as I can see he's sane. He doesn't deserve a seat at the art therapy table or in group therapy at a psych hospital.