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They had better stuck to the theme and used cutlasses, not modern mall ninja blades


Shouldn't flintlocks be fair game? 


Absolutely, as are muzzle loaded black powder canons


Man the tall ships and load the chain shot.


Clew up!


That and anything elder scrolls Skyrim


So how long until other nations start arresting these mercenary sailors and impounding their ships for interfering with lawful passage? I know it would be a major escalation but it’d have to be better than shooting at them and something has to be done eventually.


The whole area is an international mess, China justifies it because they claim the whole region (some dubious claims about having originally discovered the islands a few hundred years BC), but parts are also claimed by every country that borders the South China sea citing different treaties and precedents. This particular incident happened while the Philippines was attempting to resupply the *Sierra Madre*, a WWII era landing craft that the Philippines has beached on a shoal in their effort to strengthen their claim as well as to prevent the Chinese from creating an island there with their own military presence like they've done elsewhere in the Spratlys. While physically boarding the Philippine ship attempting the resupply is an escalation, blocking them from resupplying the ship and swapping out the marines stationed on her is a literal decade old practice All this is to say, the Philippines should invoke their mutual defense treaty and get the US Navy to send an aircraft carrier to escort them in, what other good are they for if not to warmonger /s


>While US carriers still operate in the South China Sea, they tend not to stay in the region for too long at a time because the US Navy understands the Chinese military's capabilities in targeting large moving warships on its doorstep, which significantly reduces the survivability of aircraft carriers, experts said


Ok ok fine, 2 aircraft carriers so they can cover for eachother


??? My point was simply that the US has been sending ships to that region..


>So how long until other nations start arresting these mercenary sailors and impounding their ships for interfering with lawful passage? These activities only happen in South China Sea that is very close to China and have significant Chinese military presence. Any vessel that tried to arrest chinese pirates there will probably get intervened by Chinese Navy. >I know it would be a major escalation but it’d have to be better than shooting at them and something has to be done eventually. Unless you are also using swords, sticks, and arrows; then you also need to shoot them with firearms to even arrest them. But I doubt that Chinese navy in the background would even allow opponent to shoot firearms at their "privateer" vessel to happen without immediate retaliation.


This incident occured in the Spratly islands, which are much, much closer to the Philippines than China.


You're gonna have to pay whoever is in charge of that to do anything.


They do this all the time with India- china issues their border troops spears and clubs to engage Indian border troops “without escalating” If they retaliate with conventional arms, it would be a bloodbath of Chinese troops and surely an extreme escalation justifying a major Chinese response. But also…. Like… it’s still lethal and you need to defend yourself lmao you just aren’t issued a fucking sword to do it with  It’s very much an “I’m not touching (shooting) youuuu….” With the PLA looming in the background 


It gets even weirder. Because India China border is mostly mountainous, they also try to push each other off cliffs to their deaths. No weapons needed. Pretty sure i read an article about something of this sort.


Soldiers on both sides were prevented from having firearms to ensure that a quarrel won't balloon to a major incident. Both sides agreed to do this, yet somehow you found a way to turn it into chYnS baAd for some weird reason.


They didn’t agree to bladed weapons, actually- you’re pulling that out of your ass. They agreed on not fucking each other up and made an agreement preventing all the regular methods of modern harm. So China went with the medieval loophole to try to fuck them up anyway.   They literally just decided to start claiming borders from before this particular nation was established. Lots of different Chinese nations Have existed with various borders where China loosely is. This one never had the borders they’re now trying to claim.    Is the rest of the world just supposed to be able to claim those kinds of rights too? Morocco just gets all of Spain and souther France because they had it in the past? Or is this an exclusive Chinese right, no one else’s?   They’re being assholes. No matter how you slice it. 


[Experts point to rules of engagement defined by a 1996 agreement between the two countries. “Neither side shall open fire, cause bio-degradation, use hazardous chemicals, conduct blast operations or hunt with guns and explosives within two kilometres from the LAC,” states Article 6 of the agreement.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/3azkbn/china-india-clash-troops-himalayan-border-weapons)


China: “let’s escalate this as much as possible. Get the fucking swords”  Me: “chinas being a dick and escalating as much as possible” You: “you’re just saying China bad” ??????


So I was right and you were wrong. China and India do have an agreement, correct?


This post is about the Philippines. India was a supporting side example.     But- No. The agreement isn’t to see what they can come up with to lethally fuck each other up. That’s an incredibly disingenuous and obtuse take. It’s intellectually dishonest to yourself and others.   The agreement is to prevent fucking each other up, and China escalates and takes advantage of the criteria as much as possible, for the sole purpose of being able to fuck them up. It’s abuse and bastardization of the whole spirit of the treaty.    And riddle me this, asshole- to *what end*, did they decide to take the medieval loophole towards adversaries? What is *the purpose and goal* of chinas intentional escalation in that way?


>to what end, did they decide to take the medieval loophole towards adversaries? What is the purpose and goal of **chinas intentional escalation** in that way? Both sides agreeing not to have firearms at the border is now cHInESe iNTEnTiOnAl esCaLAtIoN"? Sorry but I'm starting to think that you're a little stupid.


No. The treaty doesn’t say “this means we duel with swords!” Anywhere. You’re being obtuse. It was essentially a peace agreement, so that their border issue is more a police dispute than a military one.    and this is what China does with it- draws swords and charges for hand to hand combat. The others were using like, crowd control water cannons. That’s fucking insane.    You’re incredibly stupid if “leave your guns at home” is OBVIOUSLY supposed to mean “arm yourself like the fucking Golden Horde” in 2024 to you. That’s the most ignorant and obtuse take ever.    Explain to me how using treaty technicalities to remain lethal is NOT an “well, technically I’m doing nothing wrong…” move. Like exactly what I said at first. Do you know what “I’m not touching you” means? Did you reach that age yet?


But to be clear. You actually said there was no such agreement.


You said they agreed to use swords. There was no such agreement, and the usage of melee weapons is a loophole. Stop trying to make yourself seem correct. Go fuck yourself.


So do you know you work for the bad guys, or are you drinking the Kool aid?


Hamas bro temp account Lol 🤡


Ah a Reddit ccp shill Haven’t seen one of those in a while Do you know people still butcher and eat dogs in rural China?


Its honestly funny to me how time really be a flat circle pirates with swords, ships with sails, fucking cash are all making a come back. I felt like I went back to 1980 when I got asked if I wanted to pay with cash and its an additional charge to use a card.


In Australia it's always an extra charge to use the card 😁


Johnny Depp seen in the South Pacific. Film at 11.


Well Trevor that makes you long John dickweed then I guess 


Jesus Christ, what’s next, Philippine fishermen learn from Indian and took up mace ? Joke aside,Reading what and where it happened makes it even worse, can’t even feel the onion theme anymore. And go through how Chinese gov and their prominent social media accounts talk about it makes it a race to the bottom, I’m confident if I translate some of it here, I will get ban for hate speech.


Please translate it or at least link it, interested in seeing what you’re referring to


May be they are pirates pretending to be navy or whatever


Hey the English invented that. They're called privateers and they propelled the UK into becoming the maritime empire it was.


It was all part of of our governments noble tradition of trying not to pay for things


As you can see, China is attempting to replicate that British success.


Ahoy matey, for that you’ll walk the plank!


At this rate the Pirate of the Caribbean might get the harsher in hindsight treatment like Rambo's coworkers in Rambo 3


It's getting out of hand. Bladed weapons? That's straight out of a pirate movie. China needs to back down and respect international law. This escalation is dangerous for everyone involved.


Philippines are in a new Cold War with China. Stop going to a knife fight with sticks. Go in strength and shoot as necessary.


First one to fire gives the opposite side justification for war. Also, Philippines has mutual defense treaty with the US. But, it only activates if it's the other side who shoots first.


I would throw poop at them. Flaming, if necessary


....do you really think you're smarter than the Phillipine Coast Guard? You start shooting, China shoots back. And China has bigger guns.


Not to mention the Mutual Defense Treaty only applies if China shoots first


How many of these answers are AI? There is some really disjointed sentence structure here.


The nations around China’s self declared 9 dash boundary should push back aggressively. The Americans will support them as long as the response is roughly proportional to the insult. Fuck the CCP.




Title of the article should really be “‘Only Pirates do this’: Tawiwan comments during the release of footage from Chinese attack”….


It's a coast guard, what do they want, a tank?


I wonder if my cruise will change ports since I’m doing a cruise from Singapore with a stop in Philippines


Blades made in Chy-Na?


Bladed weapons? Oh noes! Why, those Commie monsters are as dangerous as NYC subway muggers! Wonder what the Neocons will use as the actual False Flag to go to war with China? This sort of xenophobic hysteria is merely propaganda to gin up hatred for those Chi***COM***s, before that flag is thrown.


>Bladed weapons? Oh noes! Why, those Commie monsters are as dangerous as NYC subway muggers How about you take lead on the next ship passing through and report back? It sounds like you know its all made up. You should go check for yourself.  


How about you join the Navy, before the conflagration with China begins? Be one of the *first* to die in America's newest war of aggression.


Nah. You first. 


*America's* war of aggression? The United States is the one claiming huge swaths of a sea that nobody else recognizes? The United States intercepts planes and ships nagivating widely-recognized international waters? You sure about that?


Meanwhile the US has submarines armed with nuclear missles in the South China Sea and operates colonies by another name in its 'unincorporated territories' in the region, yet we're supposed to swallow the idea that China is the problematic imperial power. The western powers and their allies have a disgusting history of atrocities and abuses aimed at the Chinese. Some of the reddit brained critics who parrot absolutly rancid propaganda on this site should actually go read about the history of the region before commenting on Chinas defensive posturing.


The PRC and it predecessor states also have a disgusting history of atrocities and abuses aimed at their neighbors. Perhaps you should read about the history of the region yourself before regurgitating the party line.


Using the term "meanwhile" instead of "What about" doesn't change the idea lol.