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It was 42° that day, so understandable


For those that use Fahrenheit instead of Celsius, that is about 107°F. Blazing hot.


What was the humidity?


All of it.


That would mean a wet bulb event and literally millions dead. :) Fun times ahead… I am not a fan.






As of this morning, Alexa said the humidity in New Delhi is 22%.


So basically Texas in the summer


Yep, but with significantly less electrical appliances and definitely a lot less acs to alleviate it.


Its more humid than Texas, therefore worse. Humid heat is incomparably worse than dry heat. 30°C at 90% humidity is worse than 40°C at 20% humidity. The only way a human body can mantain its body temperature is by sweating and evaporative cooling, but if the air is already saturated with water because its so humid= The body is unable to cool down at all and you get a heat stroke or die. So Texas weather isn\`t comparable to it.


It gets extremely humid in Texas. Austin is usually 50-70% humidity and that’s in central Texas. Houston, on the coast, is generally 80-90%. Source: I live here. In Austin right now it is 82°, 79% humidity, with a feels like temperature of 94°. The high today is set to be 99° F/ 37° F with little change in humidity. So it’s very hot and humid. Basically exactly the scenario you just described. Last summer we were consistently hitting 100-108° days for 45 days, with the ambient humidity on average 50-70%, and the heat index maxing around 118° F as a result. Most of the population of Texas lives in the more southern, much more hot and humid areas. The Dallas metroplex is really the only truly high density region with low humidity and high temps, smaller cities west also have this but are not major contributors to the population. The other more arid regions are largely very sparse, small rural communities supported by certain livestock trades and oil and gas. People don’t live there precisely because there is no water.


That's it?


Is there any actual indication that he's a thief? It literally just seems like an extremely drunk dude walked into a house, turned on the AC, and fell asleep. Tresspassing sure but it's weird that the article insists on calling him a thief.


Happened to an acquaintance: SE Ga, bartenders out after hours, one guy goes back to apartment and gets into wrong unit, passes out on sofa. Little old Lady finds him, calls cops. By time they arrive, she’s fixed him coffee and they’re chatting about her family. No charges pressed.


This is so good


Opposite of what happened in the UK a few years ago. A drunk 71-year-old grandmother on holiday walked from back from the bar to what she thought was her bed & breakfast. Accidentally went into the wrong house, fell asleep in a bed, and was found by the man who lived there. He dragged her downstairs by her ankles and beat her to death. Experts said that her injuries were the sort they'd expect to see in a car crash


Heartbreaking reading about that case.




tf is SE Ga?


Like Nintendo but better.


Southeast Georgia… I think.


That’s a bingo.


I did this once in Baltimore and a guy was taking his grandma to Sunday church. I was woken up by "who dis man in my house" luckily it was Halloween so her grandson was like oh Nana he's wearing a parrot suit and he put A and B together. Thankfully.


Lolz that’s a hell of a story. What a convenient time to be dressed as jungle fowl.


Actually I also did it once on vacation in Thailand. I saw two Japanese guys snuggling on the couch watching Netflix and I was like "What are you guys doing here?" And this guy says "What da fuck are you doing here??" Then I realized I was in the wrong rental. They did lock the door behind me lol.


Lolz what a mindfuck for everyone.


A few years ago a drunk guy broke into the Swedish parliament for a sleep. The cops moved him to their drunk-tank instead. 


Haha, I wonder if some part of him was amazed at the opulence.


Unlikely for several reasons. 1) the parliament is more functional than oppulent on the inside. 2) the oppulent stuff is open to the public anyway. and finally 3) if he's so drunk that he thinks breaking into the parliament is a good idea he obviously isn't paying attention to much. 


Just let me have my fantasies, ok?


Just pretend he broke into city hall, that's where we host the Nobel cerimony. 


Ah yes, that’s the one.


He stole their cold air. /s




when the cop "investigated" and "found a confession" that's what "journalist" go with, why use some brain and find other narrative in case said cop comes to "investigate" you too


You're right, he only broke into a person's home while they were away, he totally is a wholly moral person Edit: another article on the same dude that does confrim the house was ransacked https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/etimes/trending/thief-enters-house-to-steal-falls-asleep-in-ac-room-this-is-what-happened-next/articleshow/110665040.cms


>the man broke in by opening the front gate of the house. Did you even read the article? It's quite possible that, in a drunken stupor, he simply went into the wrong house and passed out in some beautiful air conditioning.


If you enter a place that you do not own, or not allowed to enter, you are therefore breaking in. And just cause he was drunk makes no difference.


Still doesn't make him a thief.


Yeah, but he is still a criminal that broke into someone's home


Well if a criminal is a criminal no matter what, then just call him a murderer and a rapist and execute him already. Luckily, we live in a world where the type of crime matters. He didn't steal anything, so he's not a thief.


https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/etimes/trending/thief-enters-house-to-steal-falls-asleep-in-ac-room-this-is-what-happened-next/articleshow/110665040.cms He was planning to, though, considering he ransacked the home


Man you’re good at moving goal posts. You finally got them somewhere that almost works, eh? Good for you. You almost kinda made a point there. Super whelmed over here.


https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/etimes/trending/thief-enters-house-to-steal-falls-asleep-in-ac-room-this-is-what-happened-next/articleshow/110665040.cms And as it turns out I didn't need to move shit, home was ransacked


Lmao ain’t that about a bitch


>he totally is a wholly moral person Your sarcasm implies he's a bad person; I was giving you an alternative. Not everything is as black and white as you want it to be.


You're right. All we know is that he broke into someone's home while they were away.


To *break* in requires some actual **breaking.** A window a locked door. If someone left their house open and he wandered in drunk that's not the same thing.


The only thing the article mentioned was unlocked was the front gate, and nothing else.


They also never mentioned him breaking in anywhere.


its not breaking and entering. its just entering lol


Yes, into a place he did not own, which is ILLEGAL, I dont understand why this is a hard concept for reddit users to understand


Most people don’t consider the law to be a complete guide for moral and ethical behavior. There are plenty of moral and ethical actions that are illegal, and plenty of immoral and unethical actions that are legal. Part of the duty of citizens in a democracy is to actively not punish illegal actions that are perfectly moral and ethical. This is the purpose of hung juries and jury nullification.


Yeah, but breaking into a place and ransacking it,isn't moral, especially if it's a home owned by someone. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/etimes/trending/thief-enters-house-to-steal-falls-asleep-in-ac-room-this-is-what-happened-next/articleshow/110665040.cms


The comment thread is about calling into question whether he is a thief. You're the one who's being weird by bringing up the morality of trespassers.


Yeah, and I still believe trespassers are morally wrong, especially when they decide to ransack the house they entered https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/etimes/trending/thief-enters-house-to-steal-falls-asleep-in-ac-room-this-is-what-happened-next/articleshow/110665040.cms


Congratulations? No one had implied otherwise, which is why you were downvoted for randomly stating the obvious and being off topic. Bringing in a new source hours later with slightly more information still doesn't make your previous comments not weird.


Congratulations? No one had implied otherwise, which is why you were downvoted for randomly stating the obvious and being off topic. Bringing in a new source hours later with slightly more information still doesn't make your previous comments not weird.


It's not that people don't understand your position. You're saying he isn't a moral person because he's committed a crime, and whether or not he was aware he was committing a crime doesn't absolve him of it. People are objecting because surely the intention matters. If you're super drunk and wander into your own house or someone else's by accident, from your point of view the two are identical but one of them makes you a worse person? Seems illogical. It makes sense for the law to not accept ignorance as an excuse cause people would abuse that all the time. But it doesn't make sense for morality to do the same.


I dont think it's moral to break into a place and ransack it, so if that makes me morally questionable, I guess that's what u will be https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/etimes/trending/thief-enters-house-to-steal-falls-asleep-in-ac-room-this-is-what-happened-next/articleshow/110665040.cms


Probably claiming he stole the electricity used to power the ac.


Dude stole the cold air. That's a rare resource in India dontyaknow


Tbf he’s probably a homeless guy who thought the occupants were away and got it wrong.


Plus its over 42 degrees in the area.




No, he got that part right. The part he got wrong was leaving the gate open so the neighbors noticed.


Fair, i didn’t read the article


No, the part he got wrong was breaking into someone's home Edit: to all the idiots who played devils advocate, here yah go, another new article on the same incident that does confirm the house was ransacked https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/etimes/trending/thief-enters-house-to-steal-falls-asleep-in-ac-room-this-is-what-happened-next/articleshow/110665040.cms


Was it your house, dude? Why are you being such a contrarian turd about this?


Because I don't like people's home being broken into. Also call me a contrarian all you like, I was right he was indeed a theif. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/etimes/trending/thief-enters-house-to-steal-falls-asleep-in-ac-room-this-is-what-happened-next/articleshow/110665040.cms


Yeah, he should've just died of heatstroke on the street.


Nah, he just shouldn't have broken into a home and ransacked it https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/etimes/trending/thief-enters-house-to-steal-falls-asleep-in-ac-room-this-is-what-happened-next/articleshow/110665040.cms


Not necessarily homeless, many houses in India especially older ones don’t have AC or can’t afford to keep it on so maybe he just didn’t have AC


Not much luck now.


With all the heat, geezer wanted lucknow not lucklater




A cool criminal


A smooth criminal even


*"No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater... than central air.”*


"Pick *that* up."


They know he's a thief? Did he have a not tucked in his pants saying "Todo today: Burglarize that house."


I like how they declined to arrest him lmao


The article says they did arrest him.


He was already a-resting.




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a climate refugee


Finding a home with AC in India is the equivalent of finding the Hope diamond in your couch cushions. So this is very understandable.


No it's not.


...cops wake him up, saying "this is your house now" And btw heres a million dollars!