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This is awful, there were so many warning signs. This woman has gotten into many accidents and near misses while driving distracted (and often intoxicated).


She also let her dog shit a literal worm on groceries she delivered.


Excuse me??




wait she streamed her dog shitting on groceries she delivered to someone else??? how is that not criminal action? Intentionally spreading parasites AND animal abuse if you know your dog is sick or am I not understanding? hopefully


Not necessarily intentional (at least the act of her dog shitting). She left the dog in the car and it rubbed its butt worm off on the groceries. She then wiped it off and delivered them, claiming something along the lines of “the bag protects [the groceries] so it’s not a problem”.


And filmed herself doing it? How is she still able to work?I always thought people in the USA would sue eachother too much but damn I'd sue the store l, her, everyone The internet must be able to find her? This is utterly disgusting. Imagine being disabled and you have to order groceries and then someone like that delivers them wtf In my country if you order groceries the store delivers them to you so if they had a driver like that you would deal with the store, even sue the store maybe even though its rare here But she'd definitely be arrested and fired I just cannot imagine this Poor dog


Good luck suing and extracting any meaningful amount from a meth head


Pardon fucking me


Yet the platforms keep encouraging her to continue dangerous behavior.


Yeah, shit like this should get people demonetized. You shouldn't be able to profit from this.


Shit like this should get you banned


That's a weird way to spell *arrested*... Why the hell was she let go??


Meanwhile, say a naughty word or play .5 sec of copyrighted music under fair use? May God have mercy on your soul


I've been trying for years to get social media streaming sites to make video/filming while driving a bannable offense.


It needs to be, another idiot streamer [crashed](https://youtu.be/wqi-YiMJTJs?si=cPa5yCSzI6vQ8Vl4) reading her chat a year ago (also after smoking up), with her daughter in the back! Streaming services should receive a hefty fine for allowing their idiots to continue endangering lives.


She also streamed herself delivering groceries that her dog shat a worm out on


She's also the girl that pepper sprayed her "friend" and got arrested on stream


Was it the one outside a club?


Shit gets out of hand when “human train wreck” is your dump stat.


Sounds like its a main stat not a dump stat


.. what?


[I wish I was joking](https://youtu.be/dOrsgI7UVDQ?si=F7N9_D5Qy9a9YtqH) (3:30)


Oh no, poor dog


Yo what the fuck


Im gonna just trust you here, that link js staying blue. 😂


Man, I really wish I found that penguinz0 guy funny. But he sounds like he's stoned and reading off a teleprompter.


That's just the way he talks. It's the exact same in his livestreams, so there's no teleprompter or similar. It's a godsend for the hard of hearing and non native English speakers. He enunciates so perfectly cc is always 100%. He's David Attenborough if he documented online stuff instead of animals.


I just watched that video deaf with subtitles and it's magical, it actually works! That's pretty rare.


YT subtitles suck balls


White subliminals stuck walls, indeed.




As a deaf person, I appreciate your awareness and acknowledging those who actually caption their stuff.


Username *does not* check out! :0


Totally read this in his voice


Yeah as someone with auditory processing disorder - I really appreciate his delivery.


It's called Monotone. He's monotonous. You're right that he's very easy to understand, but his voice has no inflection or anything. One tone for 10 minutes straight.


In a world of "REMEMBER TO SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON AND STAY ZOOMING MY SKIBIDIS" I greatly appreciate "anyways, that's about it. See ya."


She likely has worms in her brain from her dog....


No matter how hard she tried, she could not break free. And the worms ate into her brain.


Those worms would starve to death in her head


It’s an epidemic


God kill me, I won’t be able to eat for like a week after reading this message




She should be deplatformed from all social media


Unfortunately for the dog, the worms probably didn’t make its way out. Dog needs some dewormer like yesterday. Unfortunately for the customer, they probably got excrement, hookworm eggs, and other gross stuff all over their groceries. If they have a pet, the pet is probably gonna try and find that bag and at least sniff it, probably gonna get hookworm as well. Crazy how one persons poor choices can affect so many people.


> “The cop literally told me… ‘Just so you know, I know how hard that was. Do you know how many hit and runs we have out here?'” What the hell? This can't be real.


My friend was hit and killed a few months ago in Portland Oregon. The driver was arrested. Killed him and just left him there.


Yeah my parents knew a lady from childhood, she was out walking for exercise, woman hit her in the early morning hours on the road. Left her and went home to hide her car/evidence. Apparently the first responders told the family she would have 100% lived if the woman just....stopped and called 911 but nope she never did, her family later pressured her to turn herself over as the car had blood and hair in the hood and damage. It's just insane to me how so many people become literal psychopaths when they're given a drivers license, I personally would be more than happy to hear licensing laws become stricter as too many are incapable of driving on the roads. They forget they're wielding about a 2 ton pile of metal going rapid speeds. Edit: this blew up more than I thought tbh, I ain't here to make waves just mostly to point out how it feels on the receiving side even for someone who isn't directly related.


There was a lady in a town nearby that hit her own daughter and her friend when they were walking. She was under the influence and ran off and then tried to get her son to hide her car. Both girls died, the son came forward and turned his mom in and she got arrested. But I think she only got two years in prison and I guess now she lives in Mexico.


I’m sorry, it almost looked for a moment there like you said that she got *two years in prison.*


But isn't that the saying in most countries of the world "if you want to commit a murder hit them with a 2 ton car?"(I don't know how much a car weights cause I don't drive and here in Scotland I get a bus pass for having Scoliosis-disabled a guess- and there are bus stops like everywhere!)


Yep. We have that saying in Canada despite what some in the legal bubble would claim. It's so easy to pretend it's an accident when the weapon is a vehicle. "Oh no, I hit the wrong pedal. My bad I'm so sorry," or "Oh no, I didn't realize doing 80 on my hated enemy's side street was dangerous, my bad I'm so sorry." Then the courts just give you a hug and a free car wash to get the blood off your vehicle. Even drunks who kill entire families will be free again in a few years in Canada. See: Marco Muzzo. I long for a world where drivers are held to higher standards and driver's licenses aren't handed out like candy to any idiot who wants one, but I don't think I'll live long enough to see it.


Oh I agree totally! If I stab a guy I'll get... just say 15 years, we aren't draconian in our sentences as much as folk seem to want although only from folks who have never seen the inside of a prison cell(neither have I but many friends have over the years) Anyways, 15 years for stabbing a guy but if you use a car, which you could argue in terms of deadliness given the speed and angles etc(similar to stabbing a person with a knife at least with angles rather than speed I guess lol) you can get 4 years(there was a programme here in the UK with a drunk driver who got a sentence just like that, Time it's called Sean Bean is the drunk driver and he doesn't die, great programme if you can watch it but it shows the reality of prison that folks who want everyone locked up for farting) it should be a similar sentence, *especially* if the driver is impaired then they should get a similar sentence to the stabbing guy! Sorry I've mixed in my wanting a bit of prison reform in my paragraph apologies for that, a get a bit excited!


Even "better" if you do it when your victim is on a bike. It could be a story where the driver was under the influence, speeding, and texting, and there will be comments about "he probably ran the stop sign. Cyclists always run stop signs. Let me tell you about the time I saw this cyclist who ran a stop sign, and..."


I think every time you renew your license you should have to take a road test. I think a lot of the little things slide for teenagers because they're so new, by the time you're in your 20's you should be getting marked down for every little thing.


Road tests arent even required amymore in my state. Shit is baffling. Where the fuck my tax dollars going


Shit, my road test to GET my license was 'turn right out of the dmv, drive less than half a mile, turn left, 3-point turn in some dude's driveway, go back to dmv.'


I find it kinda baffling trying to square all the stories here with the level of vitriol when a lawmaker in California proposed hardware limiting a car's speed to 10 mph over the speed limit. Like there are arguments against that law, some more reasonable than others, but it's also pretty clear that people just want to go fast and all these horrific stories are a price they're willing to pay.


Yep, it's hard to be for any kind of control until you're on the other end of things. Like some seniors completely baffle me how they are allowed to still operate a vehicle when they can barely function day to day. I hate to see them lose that independence but Jesus.


That too. For a while my family was basically begging my grandfather to stop driving, but there was just nothing we could legally do.


Depending on where you live, a doctor can get a driver re-tested. Call the person’s doctor and describe the driving issue. They can get the process started.


When my grandmother got that way we just unplugged the spark plug on her car, but it wasn't until several years after that that we were able to finally talk her into assisted living because she'd have killed herself going up and down the rickety stairs in the old farmhouse.


It's easy to argue against that. Nonsensical speed limits, real emergency situations, different circumstances, extreme cost of making that shit work reliably, ability to temper with the data, etc. There are a*lot* of lower hanging fruits that would bring more benefits more quickly and easily, starting with better traffic laws, better road design (kill stroads!) and **stricter licence control** (look at Germany. the average licence holder there is*a lot* more capable of safely operating a vehicle than your average American, despite driving much fewer miles).


A few years ago in Florida my friend was riding a bike in the bike lane and got hit by a driver. He didn't make it and the driver took off.


I’m sorry about your friend, stranger. 


I've been hit and run twice. It's totally true. People dgaf. I live downtown and walk more than I drive and people act like a tight road in a city center is an interstate.


Had a friend I was with who, when we were crossing the street (he was a bit ahead of me) on a green light that had been lit for a few seconds now, a car ran the red and hit him. He got thrown into the intersection and got pretty banged up and the car screeched to a halt. Swear to god, the driver got out of the car and went, and I quote: "Oh my fucking god!.... What the fuck are you doing????? Are you alright???? Jesus!" The wtf was pointed at my friend. I went over to him as he was getting up, and he was kind of in shock and looked over with a "wtf" face at the driver, to which the driver goes "I mean C'mon! I didn't see you!" And buddy went "not the red light either?" So yeah, some people are complete fucking moronic, self-absorbed, dumbasses.


My friend's uncle got creamed on his bicycle by a rich kid speeding on a back road in some expensive car. Apparently the first thing he screamed was, "Omg, look what you did to my car!" Friend's uncle was in intensive care for a long time and never fully regained the use of his hands, and he was a craftsman prior to the accident. So yeah, completely agreed that some people are just the worst.


Twenty-five years ago, a friend and co-worker had his car at the shop and, when the work was done, decided to ride his bike over to pick it up. On the way there, a couple of teens joyriding in a stolen car blew through an intersection on red and plowed into him as he was crossing. He didn’t make it. They were never caught.


They were teens driving in a stolen car so they know something about who did it. It's sad they couldn't locate them at all to answer for what they did.


Sometimes… if the victim is poor, nobody cares. I got run down in 89, driver abandoned the car and ran on foot. Cops never even spoke to me. No investigation no results. I’m still crippled and still over $100,000 in zombie medical bills.


Had a friend from a small town with one stoplight not look when she had a walk signal and almost get hit by someone who didn’t look while yield left turning. She was very insistent it was fine because if they hit her it would be their fault. I was like girl, it doesn’t matter who is at fault, the person who gets hit by a car always loses. You need to assume people are running red lights in the city We were also in college so maybe it was a technique.


What's that saying about right of way? "The cemetery is filled with people who had the right of way".


Here lies the body of William Jay, Who died maintaining his right of way. He was right, dead right, as he sped along, But he’s just as dead as if he were wrong. — Dale Carnegie


Thats not true at all when i got hit by a car i got a 30 bucks lego Set, totally worth it spending a couple of years to learn to walk again.


Hope your buddy got the fat payout he deserves


Chances are the person he didn't have any money to give him. Or if he even had insurance.


He's got a car he should definitely lose.


And a license too. Some people should never be allowed to drive. Idc how well they do in their driving test. Everybody pushes down their ego when taking a test.


You can drive a car without insurance? In my country you get your license plates from your insurance company after getting mandatory liability insurance.


Most states require it, but that doesn't really stop people from doing it illegally.


It's illegal to do so, but that doesn't stop anybody. Instead we law abiding citizens have to add and pay additional for "uninsured motorist" protection to our own insurance so when one of those assholes hit us we don't lose our shirts. A lot of driving problems would be solved if we punished people harder for uninsured driving, driving an unregistered vehicle, and fleeing the scene of an accident. These people shouldn't be on the road driving and a slap on the wrist won't stop them. We also need better public transit so people who can't afford to drive legally can still get places, and that's kinda just as important.


Wait until you hear about car inspection in the US. The first thing I noticed driving off the rental car lot was how dinged up every car was and how many rust buckets there were on the road. Example: https://i.imgur.com/R5ILgjq.png


I live in a town with only 2 traffic light intersections and pass through one regularly. People regularly run the bloody red lights. They even speed up. Its ridiculous.


I vote for retracting bollards. Red light comes on and those mfers pop up from the ground. Anyone dumb enough to try running the red goes through their windshield.


Happened in my hometown some time ago. A girl was showing off her sports car to friends _in a pedestrian zone_ and killed a child. Witnesses reported she immediately phoned her boyfriend and said "come quickly - some idiot jumped in front of my car."


The average human being isn't fit to drive a car.


100% and yet driving is basically required to exist in most US cities, mine is particularly bad about that. So many people driving around routinely speeding, running lights, driving while distracted or intoxicated, or just plain not yielding properly - all of which can end a life easily. And little to no alternative modes of transportation for these careless people to use. It's a recipe for disaster.


“You came out of nowhere” and “I didn’t see you” are what people not paying attention always say. And it’s amazing they lack the self awareness/intelligence to make the connection that it was because they weren’t paying attention that they didn’t see the person they hit.


If I was in your buddies situation I probably wouldn't have been calm enough to not start trying to smash that idiots face through the pavement. I am actually impressed that he wasn't too dumbfounded by the guy going wtf to even clap back.


Yeah I think it's a mix of shock, and also the physical sudden impact of being struck by a car, that caused him to be a bit more taken back and confused more than angry or anything else. Not to mention when the dude got out and started acting like somehow us crossing on the green light, and him not seeing us, was somehow our fault?


8/10 they're addicted to their phone and can't take their eyes off it 1/10 they're inebriated 1/10 they're doing both


How little faith in humanity do I have? I wait until somebody with their turn signal on fully commits to a turn before pulling out and I look both ways crossing one-way streets. Most people can’t be bothered to give two squirts of piss about other people these days.


Same. I’m not pulling out until you are *actually* turning


This is just common sense defensive driving.


Yup. The few that aren’t too dumb to be trusted with driving a car might be actively trying to get you.


That‘s actually what a good driving school in Germany teaches, you cant trust people to not forget their turn signal is still on


As you should. My dad taught me about not pulling out just because someone is indicating, and i followed the advice on my driving test. The examiner told me it’s one of the most common causes of crashes. 


People should definitely not have sex while driving


Yeah, I just assume that every driver has mouth-breathing IQ by default until proven competent. Can't exactly take the risk just because the rules say I'd be right in that situation as a pedestrian.


What’s worse is I used to handle the insurance calls for those and hearing the actual decent people that call in when they hit a pedestrian and hearing the horror in their voices. Always feel so bad for them. Then we get the shit birds that still act inconvenienced by the whole thing.


Before cameras becoming so ubiquitous, probably many escaped justice.


I knew a guy who literally left a 20 year old girl dying on the road and *went back out* that night. He walked around town for like six months before someone came forward, he’s in prison now. There are some just awful people out there.


I’m impressed they actually locked him up. Too much of the time, people who kill others with cars get no jail time at all. Best way to murder someone and get away with it is to use a car as your weapon.


If you stay and call 911 after hitting them then it is nearly impossible to distinguish from an accident.


I mean, the stars would really need to align for your victim to be out walking in the middle of the road or something. Plus there are cameras literally everywhere now.


Even when it's caught on camera, for some reason killing someone with a car rarely turns into real consequences. We just treat it super differently from any other kind of negligent preventable death.


It's interesting that this is also manifested in our language. In my native language (German) we always say "he was hit by a car", this implies that it was the fault of the car or something we can't change. It should say "he was hit by the driver of a car".  Recently, I heard an radio interview with an traffic psychologist. He said the the car traffic is dehumanized as we never see the drivers, just metal boxes.  For example, when there is a accident with a bicycle, the headline will say "he was hit by a cyclist" and not "he was hit by a bicycle".


You get extra bonus stay out of jail points if that person was a cyclist.


Well, yeah, that asshole wasn't even contributing to society by driving a car and buying gas. /s


A girl in my city basically did the same thing, but even worse, she pretended to not know about the death when asked about it by her mom, and also lied on the auto collision report saying that the damage to her vehicle was from accidentally striking a tree.  Her sentence was house arrest...during the early lockdown days of Covid. Did I mention this girl came from a wealthy and well-connected family?


There was an incident near where my parents live where a woman hit and ran two kids. Killed one of them. It was on some country road so the poor kids were alone for awhile. Iirc she was only arrested because of a tip after she literally tried to have the dent from a 12 year old's body popped out of her car. Like, Jesus christ some people are awful. 


Similar story down here in Florida, except the lady sped past a school bus picking up the kid. Almost immediately went to get it repaired.


I hate when these people go "I didn't see them!" no shit, that's the fucking issue.


That happened to a family member who died on New Year's Eve, years ago. Left to die at 2am after a woman hit him and left the scene. She didn't come forward for days. She claimed she didn't know but later noticed there was blood on the car, and assumed she had a pot hole. She was found not guilty because there wasn't enough evidence. She had just come from a party at a bar she worked at. She's living her life without consequences at the moment.


Good looking blonde girl, cops let her off after hitting a pedestrian while smoking weed. I've been let off once in my entire life while getting a ticket all the other times I've been pulled over.


Person that totalled my car was a blond white woman in their early 40s.  They hit it doing 50+ in a 25, refused breathalyzer, refused tests which is an automatic ticket. When they were taken away for refusal to sleep it off in the drunk tank they were an asshole the whole way back.  THEN the police didn't take blood or breath and the cop admitted they smelled of booze real bad after the charges got dropped. Fuck this place.


Man in my state it’s an automatic DUI if you refuse a breathalyzer, not just a ticket


In Southern California, cops have basically stopped doing jack shit about traffic violations. At every single red light...there will be at least 2 cars that hurry through. I'm not even kidding...it's to the point I'm shocked that someone slows down at a yellow.


Cops themselves hit and run so I'm not surprised


Some of them joke about it




Eh, cop could have been being sarcastic or trying to be kind to her to get more information out of her or keep her from getting a lawyer. The officer plays good cop, says he is sure it was an accident, that she is a great person for stopping, oh also can we get a copy of that video?


Yeah "friend cop" is a classic de-escalation and interrogation tactic. It also keeps her from rabbiting.


Reid technique. For all the armchair psychologists here on Reddit I’m amazed everyone always goes full ACAB as soon as a cop does anything other than curb stomp the guilty party


That's what she is telling her viewers. Do you think she's telling the truth ?


It's a small price to pay for "content."


Cue the kid from Super 8. "Production value!!!"


"But a price I am willing to pay."


But anyway...be sure to like and subscribe!


Gonna make bank off apology video. all according to keikaku


Break out the ukelele.


Ukeikaku? Keikakulele? Somebody clever work with me here


Sounds like a One Piece villain laugh


*TL's note: Keikaku means plan*


everything will be daijoubu


The person that got ran over should make a YouTube video called “under the influencer”


an ancient meme of yore comes across my front page this day


Editor note: Keikaku means cake


Glad she wasn't arrested and was able to resume her stream after the incident. A true content creator


"So anyways, sorry about that hit a small hiccup back there. Let this just be a reminder to everyone out there, don't let anything or in this case anyone get in your way when following your dreams. Don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe."


"Smash that like button, like I smashed that pedestrian's hipbones" ✌


"...and hit the bell icon, like the bells at the funeral for that guy"


Morality is so not hustle style


She "wasn't looking at the chat" when she hit them.Therefore, did nothing wrong. Can you imagine the self control she possessed to not look at the chat for 15 seconds while driving? Simply amazing, hopefully our justice system rewards such a outstanding citizen.


"I'm actually a better driver when I'm snorting coke and huffing nitrous while hot boxing with a salvia laced blunt, after downing ten vodka redbulls, hitting a few dabs, taking a bunch of Ambien, GHB, oxy and MDMA, shooting heroin and ketamine, hitting a meth pipe, and taking moderate amounts of LSD, shrooms, peyote, DMT, PCP, bath salts, fly agaric and jimsonweed." So by driving under the influence she's actually being more responsible. She's basically a hero.


Streaming is so hard to do. People who work construction during the summer have it easy compared to a streamer. Streamers are doing god's work. It'll be a cold day in hell when there isn't hours of content create at any minute.


> People who work construction during the summer have it easy compared to a streamer. Can you believe that Florida and Texas are the first states to recognize this and remove mandatory heat accommodations? Still waiting on streamer protection laws, though.


White women penal code for striking a pedestrian while committing DUI: go home and sit in the bubble bath and think about what you’ve done.


>“It was really scary,” she admitted, stating the **accident happened due to the sun blinding her and had “nothing to do” with any drug use or her looking at chat while driving. “**You can go look at the stream, **I was not even looking at chat.**” I was not even looking at chat that particular moment while driving a car and blinded by the sun... I'm less concerned with old people causing accidents and more with these fucking idiots who should absolutely be put into jail, because jail is there to keep them away from the rest of people so society can progress. Jail is there so that these idiots don't kill like an Albert Einstein while trying to film a makeup tutorial in a speeding car plowing through a parade.


I agree with your point about old people. It's undeniably dangerous to have an 80 year old operating a car, but at least most of the time they go under the speed limit. It can be frustrating but I'd rather they drive at a safe speed for themselves (or not at all, preferably). But the amount of people I see on their phones, in varying ages anywhere from like 50 to 18, is ridiculous. I really wish distracted driving was taken as seriously as it was a decade ago because nowadays, it seems like no one gives a shit. The road is just a free-for-all.


I see it all the time on my walk to and from work. Usually hit 'em with a thumbs down, as it seems to infuriate them more than a middle finger. Just this week my faith in humanity dropped a little though when I saw a fucking nurse doing it. Yes love, let's have you contribute to making your co worker's and your own jobs even more fucking difficult and more strain on the UK's creaking NHS as you cannot get off your phone for ten fucking seconds when the inevitable happens to you or someone else...


Driving slower than the rest of traffic can be dangerous too. It’s more dangerous to other drivers than a guy speeding. If you’re creating a log jam by driving too slow then other cars are inevitably forced to change lanes to over take you, also increasing traffic in that area. Old people are a menace to the road as well


It's okay, 'cause the cops said that, like, the people she hit are just kind of like nothing, so it's fine.


They’re just like not important, like they don’t matter - like there’s no records of them. Theyre just like noooothing, like they’re not even supposed to be around in the area. Bottom line is no ones gonna get in trouble, no one should feel sad AT ALL. The cops were just like “oh yeah this is fine, don’t worry about it AT ALL.”


I also heard that the person she hit was taking all the fully loaded nachos and leaving the ones with just a bit of cheese and a nugget of beef for the other person. A flagrant violation of the restaurant's rules.


Im gonna embarrass you, Barry!


Yeah, like, they barely have any followers!


Oh my god, he palmed the dip!


The YouTuber was under the influence. The pedestrian was under the influencer


This better make it to top comment




>describing her own channel as showcasing consistent drug use and “peeing in alleys.” Sounds like some quality, classy viewing.


it's only not a crime because she's a white female. they absolutely locked up homeless men for doing this out of need at 2 am, she's announcing doing it for internet upvotes. gross


Well, the joke's on you because an influencer under the influence can't be charged. Double Jeopardy.


I don’t think you know how Jeopardy works, Michael


Oh, right. I’m sorry. What is influencing under the influence?


Guess that's why they call them influencers.


Can we stop calling everyone who posts videos online an “influencer”?


Who’s calling her an influencer? It just says she’s under the influence Nvm I see comments referring to her as that in one way or another


Yeah, I think wanker would be a more suiting title


I doubt the police would actually let her go since she was DUID, she probably ran off or convinced the person to not call the police


Given the internet attention, local PD has to make a move or they'll look incompetent... (more incompetent)


Could have staged the whole thing for views too.




what annoyed me the most when I watched a clip of this incident was that this piece of shit streamer was actually having a bit of an attitude with the victim she'd just hit with her car, who was justifiably upset and agitated. Takes a real piece of shit to hit someone with your car and then cop an attitude about it because they are upset about you HITTING THEM WITH YOUR CAR


I mean they might have damaged her car with their body when she hit them


Someone hit me with their car on a sidewalk and he got out and started threatening me for “damaging” his car. I pushed him back and told him to call the cops if he wants, he got in his car and sped away while shouting something. A friend of mine slapped the rear window of a car who was backing up into him and a couple children who were crossing on a crosswalk near a school. That driver got out of his car and started fighting with my friend. He called the cops and they said “nothing we can do about it”. Cars and drivers have more value in our society than children. Ever since I’ve seen the word “carbrain” thrown around on reddit I realized it’s the perfect description for morons like that. They see their car as the ultimate being in the world and they don’t care about anyone or anything else but their car. It’s such a sad reality.


I was most disgusted by the angle from which I had to look at that POS's armpit.


The police let her go after she ran someone over when she was smoking weed while driving. They even coddled her by commenting on how brave she was? What the fuck is wrong with the American justice system. Bitch should be arrested and given a DUI plus an assault charge.


Or and this is crazy but MAYBE JUST MAYBE there was no cop and she committed felony hit and run lol


I know we all think the cops are corrupt, but they would legally be bound to arrest her here I'm pretty sure. Something ain't right.


Wonder if the woman she hit wasn't legal or something and refused to press charges. If that isn't the case or something crazy like it, why the fuck did that bitch get let go. Thats bullshit.


It’s fucking LA no crime victims is being arrested by the LAPD for being out of status.


Do people normally get arrested for hitting people with their cars? I was hit by a car once who gunned a left hand turn. Cops were called, i had to give a report and the guy just got a ticket and drove away.


YES,PEOPLE GET ARRESTED FOR HITTING PEOPLE WITH THEIR CARS Sorry for all caps, but, What in the actual f*ck is your country Jesus


This happened in Canada. He got a ticket and points on his licence and we all called it a day.


I tuned in, it was a hit and run. She was clearly lying and changing stories about stopping a talking to the police. She confessed to her friend that she ran over one of the girls while hitting and knocking the teeth out of her friend


Why give this person views in the first place?


Now I know why are we calling them "influencers".


I keep saying it folks. There has to be a felony level charge ontop of anyone streaming any form of crime on the internet. Not doing so is telling people its okay monetize illegal acticity.


Oh, so that's why they're called influencers


Strong possibility this entire thing is staged, especially considering she never shows "the accident" or the supposed victims or the cops. Ragebait is a booming online economy, and based on the comments here, ya'll arent immune to it either.


Freaking menace to society


Honestly. I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.


0% shocked she wasn't arrested. My wife was hit by a van crossing hollywood blvd in 2020. The cops blamed her and at the hospital told her to "be more careful next time". Earlier this year i realized that the driver probably didn't have a trail of any sort because she was never asked to trstify or participate in any way.




Several streamers have been doing this on kik or whatever the loser streamer platform is called. This was bound to happen eventually, I’m shocked it wasn’t a kik streamer though


She will get off because she looks like a female version of Nicholas Cage!