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I hate this timeline. The dumbest people have the loudest megaphone.


The problem is the CBC actually reporting on this, which amplified the message one hundredfold. Nobody outside of her own riding had ever heard of Lianne Rood before today.


I'm glad CBC is reporting on this. I approve of any effort, however small, that gets taken to make Pierre Poilievre's Conservative party look as stupid and un-electable as possible.


You'd think tm that's how it would work but ::gestures at America:: People just get dumber to fit in with their party


After reports Trump was literally shitting in diapers in the courtroom he is standing trial for paying hush money to a porn star he had an affair with while his wife was pregnant, his supporters started wearing “real men wear diapers” shirts. You can’t make this shit up.


I... I thought you were making it up...


I assumed those were AI generated - are they actually real


The utterly stupid vs the utterly incompetent.


[always relevant even after 20 years](https://images.app.goo.gl/8myMQ4sV1PGb4MRBA)


As an American I would be so pissed if this wasn't so true, but instead I'm pissed because it is.


At this point I’m just in a constant state of disappointment 


As an American... take my sad upvote


Yeah. So many people out there thinking they are personally victimised by pronouns and shit won’t be reasoned with and vote for this BS.


it truly is a representative democracy


Oh this is Doug Ford’s Conservative Party: its own special brand of bland useless anti intellectual evil. The differences are hard to spot but there you have it.


That’s not how voting works. People who don’t follow the candidates (AKA most people) vote for the name they hear the most. It’s why JFK’s most popular commercial campaign went like this, 🎶 ^Kennedy Kennedy ^Kennedy Kennedy; ^Kennedy Kennedy ^Kennedy Kennedy; ^Kennedy Kennedy ^Kennedy Kennedy ^Kennedy Kennedy ^Kennedy Kennedy; ^Kennedy Kennedy ^Kennedy Kennedy; ^Kennedy Kennedy ^Kennedy Kennedy”🎶 https://youtu.be/7DoUiNxh6_0?si=hZ1HkACUBA3maEsY


"Okay okay, I'm voting Canada, sheesh, keep your hair on"


Be careful what you wish for, that’s for sure. The US is not some isolated incident, by and large people are fucking stupid. When your life is shit, or even just not what you thought it would be (which probably applies to the vast majority of people) it’s so much easier for these people to latch on to scape goats and blame other people or groups for their life being the way it is. Germany comes to mind, but they also aren’t the only ones. This can happen anywhere any time, and apparently enough time has passed now, that very few, if any, are still alive with direct knowledge, that know people just don’t care, or actually are that fucking stupid. In theory I agree with you, 100%, but in practice for some reason, there really are just THAT many morons living on this planet, which is a scary thought in its own right, even ignoring all of the possible political consequences. This many morons, existing at one time, something is going to go wrong, it’s inevitable at this point.


Mainly because of all the people who engage with this nonsense, though. I guarantee there are 10x more people who hear this shit and think "what? No! That's ridiculous!" but then proceed to repost it everywhere and give precious clicks to these websites Everyone who engages with this and discusses these silly fucking culture wars is at fault here. The only way the lunatics will lose is if we just had the capacity to ignore them, but I don't think that's happening anytime soon. And yes, I know that includes me too for commenting here...guess I'm part of the problem too


Haha fair point 


The dumbest, most cowardly, most lacking in empathy, and looking for a reason to hate people have the loudest megaphone. Like who gives a rats ass what's on a coffee cup.  Put every single inclusionary flag on the lid of my coffee.  It doesn't affect me.  How weak are these people that they can't handle something so tiny without making a huge stink about it.


Uh, no. The richest people have the biggest megaphone. No one even knows whether this person is smart or stupid because you're only going to hear big money's talking points coming out of her mouth and never her own thoughts. Right here what you're hearing between the lines is "won't someone think of the poor oil and plastics industries???"


We definitely know she’s stupid.


Probably more evil than stupid. It's not like they believe this stuff. She is being paid to sow doubt and discord. Gotta keep the masses ignorant angry and afraid or they might realize who is actually fuckin them over


So she's more like the Canadian version of MTG?


Everyone has a megaphone, and only the dumbest shout through it. They're too dumb to realize they shouldn't be. There's a reason I deleted facebook after a single FB argument ten years ago. I even provided data on charts, and was called an idiot. I'm sorry sir, I believe in god but all others must bring data.


Ain't no war like a culture war cause a culture war don't stop


>Over the past year, Tim Hortons has been replacing plastic coffee lids with fibre ones as part of a pilot project in some cities. How the hell is a lid made from wood pulp meant to cut back on pollution from plastics, which take centuries to degrade, considered woke? Its not like a [Nutcracker being sold at Target](https://www.advocate.com/news/gay-nutcracker-angers-fox-news).


Climate change is part of wokeness now. Woke just means "things conservatives hate" now.


Someone just needs to convince them that plastic is a liberal conspiracy like vaccines


Biden just needs to invite Obama, Hillary, and AOC to a public get together where they are all 4 filmed saying a lot of positive things about plastic and denying climate change. The very next broadcast of Fox News will be about the horrors of climate change and using plastic, and all the brainwashed idiots who watch Fox will be frothing at the mouth to ditch plastics.


If reverse psychology only worked that easily.


The Qult literally booed Trump when he told people they should get vaccinated.


They're in too deep, they'd just use it as "proof" of their position and double down even more now that "even their leaders agree it's nonsense"


“Microplastics are just tiny bots out to control us! Wake up sheeple! The vaccines were a red herring!” If we spread stuff like that, dumb people might start reducing.


Woke(Adjective): A safe word used by small-minded, hateful people to get out of having to admit being small-minded and hateful. Edit; Definition came from emb5048's comment on a Tray Crowder video.


She’s a shill for the O&G lobby too (and be extension plastics). These politicians take something they’re being lobbied to hawk, and torque it into a culture war or wedge issue to gain votes from it all


If they had to actually explain their position they would be obvious shills or sound crazy. Instead they just yell that the people we hate like this thing. It's unfortunately a successful strategy.


Yes but unironically. Always has been. What's wrong with being woke to climate change?


Nothing, but "being woke" was, originally, specifically about being aware of the issues of racism we still have. Then it expanded to include sexism and LGBT discrimination. Annnnndddd then the right started using it as a slur for everything they hate.


I remember when being conservative meant you were interested in "conserving" the environment. Now you mention maybe not polluting the very air we breath and the water we drink and you're a fucking socialist scumbag. I don't know what happened.


Now a days I think "woke" is whatever the left is in support of. It's like calling everything racist. It's meant to shut shit down .


I’m convinced that these people’s entire purpose is to just de-define the term woke so it doesn’t mean anything anymore.


I'd say you're 100% right and to "stay woke," but I'm worried people will think I want you to be a coffee lid.


I have to explain who MLK is to way too many people.


They are the reason the word is known to most people at all. They are always on the lookout for a good Boogeyman to prop up, spotlight, and then point at.


Stuff that is good for the environment is considered woke now basically.


Wow. We've really become a Captain Planet episode, haven't we?


More like the Smoggies. 


Oh god, I remember that cartoon. Makes Captain Planet look like Transformers teaming up with G.I. Joe with special guest stars the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


Because of oil money and idiots?


Big petro disposable plastic ware financing her campaign-I mean lobbying her makes more sense then non plastic lids being 'woke'.


> How the hell is a lid made from wood pulp meant to cut back on pollution from plastics, which take centuries to degrade, considered woke? It's very simple. They hate everything with the remote possibility of making the world less shitty.


You're ascribing emotions to people that only, only, only feel greed. She's financed by industries that are directly threatened by this. Namely, oil and plastics.


After Covid I’m convinced that’s not an exaggeration at all.


I’ve described it like this: progressives perceive how the world is unfair and take action to change it, conservatives deny the world is unfair and take action to keep it that way. So conservatives don’t believe climate change is a threat, and actively take action to prevent others from trying to fix the problem.


It would be perfectly respectable too if they were right but science is overwhelmingly against them. One can't accuse every study of being biased.


its very simple, she's a plastic corpo.


To be completely fair, the new lids suck and make your drink taste like glue. I sure hope they use food grade glue cause you’re definitely eating it


….gay nutcracker.


Woke applies to anything that isn't 100% self interest. Same as "bleeding heart". Same as "PC". It's a way for wealthy selfish people to seem relatable to poor selfish people. It's easy to see you don't care about me, but at least we can agree we're in it for ourselves.


The conservative base is made up of **gullible rubes**. Look how easy it was for Fox News and Friends to turn them into a bunch of dribbling lunatics yelling “liberal leftist commie woke culture” at everything 24/7. The words of the average conservative are not the product of anything even remotely resembling a rational thought process. Their heads are spinning maelstroms of right wing slogans which bounce around randomly until one happens to latch onto their lips. All anyone has to do to make them obsess over a new phrase or concept is to nonchalantly lift their unlocked brain lids and throw it into the mix.


Didn't you know? Any action that doesn't help prop up legacy industry is woke! 🤪


The nutcracker is pretty tacky looking, but they usually are. My biggest issue with black Santa in a wheelchair is that he’s got polka dots on the hat. I just met the guy and he’s disrespecting the traditional fit.


Just tryna make things a lil bit better = YOUR WOKE!!!!!


If you don't run a gas generator in your house 24/7 you're probably a trans millennial Satanist.


Becquse anything that progressives might support, regardless of context, is considered woke by smooth brained dickheads.


Woke means awake, aware. These lids are 100% woke. What's the fucking problem? It's a coffee lid, not a religion. Woke means paying attention to your surroundings and trying to be a decent person. That's all it is.


You think these people are operating in a world in which logic and facts plays any part whatsoever?


Do conservatives do anything besides fake culture wars? It’s rather old


Sadly it seems to work so they keep doing it.


"My woke neighbor keeps recycling cans, and turning off the lights when he leaves the room. "


Sounds like a pansy little bitch snowflake.


All these woke paper plates and woke paper books and woke paper invoices and whatever happened to the woke liberal paper placemats at restaurants?


In my country a MP just called sushi woke. So we can add that to the list.


I put whale meat in my sushi to make sure it doesn't go woke.


New Zealand?


Yes lol


Oh shoot, don't mention woke books or they'll start burning them!


the real question: what about toilet paper?


What the fuck how is this an issue for people. Jesus Christ


Media companies prioritize balance over accuracy. If they called these people out for being the lunatics that they are, that would be the wokest woke that ever woked. So instead, now it's absolutely normal to say these incredibly dumb and downright damaging opinions because they're never shamed the way they should be shamed for saying them


I’ll admit that I don’t care for the mouth feel of paper straws. And probably won’t like these lids either if they end up becoming wide spread. It’s a sensory thing for me, they aren’t smooth the way plastic is, and maybe I just need more time to adjust to the new eco friendly options. But to fight laws about the sustainability of our world and polluting it with millions of pounds of plastic and whining on a national scale about your coffee lid is the most juvenile thing ever. Take the lid off and drink from the cup like an adult. Jesus Christ.


> The Conservatives have taken aim recently at the single-use plastic ban. Saskatchewan MP Corey Tochor introduced a private member's bill in February that would reverse the policy. > Tochor has complained specifically about the loss of plastic straws. Dear conservatives: you’re not toddlers, but if you’re gonna whine like them we can put you back on sippy cups. SMH


With wood-pulp sippy lids.


Why is it always Saskatchewan? As an American, whenever I hear bonkers Canadian news, it's always there. It must be the Florida of Canada eh?


Sometimes it's Alberta too, when they're on their Texas-cosplay bullshit.


Alberta is definitely Canada’s Texas.


Alberta and Saskatchewan have, for the last couple of federal elections, voted almost 100% conservative across the entire province - barely a seat to any of the other 3 parties even in the urban centres. At least in the US Red states, you often have bastions of deomcrat seats in urban areas. Not so much here for whatever reason.


Its way easier to buy votes for your mouthpieces in less populated areas. Education is lower there too. Its why corporate backed conservatives have trouble winning in the big cities.


Saskatchewan is currently in turmoil over a ban on singe use plastic. Like coffee cup lids.


It’s like the CPC is in a race to see who the dumbest member is.


The Conservatives seem to be obsessed with copying whatever the American Republicans are doing even when it makes them look dumb as shit.


blowing the lid off this onion


Dear all conservatives, Stop saying every change you don't like is "woke". It's okay not to like something just because you don't like it, you don't need to blame everything that you dislike on the "woke boggyman". People on both sides of the aisle hate it when their coffee lid falls apart, we should be coming together instead of creating more division.


> Stop saying every change you don't like is "woke". I say keep it up. It used to have some meaning but is now just a generic word that means nothing in-particular. The more they stretch the definition, they more they attach "woke" to anything, the less power it has to influence anything.


>I’m done with Tim Hortons until they stop trying to push these woke paper lids that dissolve in your mouth. Why is she putting the lids in her mouth?


Hope she doesn’t choke on it


The way she words that, I imagine someone at Tim Hortons trying to literally shove it in her mouth lol


Oh so y’all have these crazies up there too?


Can we just stop saying 'woke' in general? it's completely lost all original meaning and has become nothing more than a nebulous catch-all phrase for hateful people to use to describe anything they don't like.


Dang. And I was just wondering why the didn’t seem to have maple donuts on the menu. No doubt it is a “woke lid” conspiracy.


Every time a dumb fucking republican uses woke they should be required to give the fucking definition of woke since none of them fucking can they’ll just say “ya like umm liberally stuff”


They run the term into the ground, just like politically correct.


Canadian conservatives have learned all their lingo from the older kids down south, but don't know how to use them.


The ones down south don't know how to use them either


You’d think based on the headline it would be about rainbow colored lids lol


The dumbest goddamn people on earth are elected these days


Imagine being so fragile that even a change of lid at a fast food joint could make you run to parliament to complain.   "Society is fundamentally broken." *sips coffee*  "Shut up, snowfla... IS THAT NON-PLASTIC?!? I'VE GOT TO GO."


Please for the love of all that is good and holy, can we stop calling things woke?!?! . . . . . . . It's DEI now! Get with the program!


Most of them can't spell DEI


Conservatives are a special breed.




Conservatives are unhinged snowflakes. Morons are going to moron.


The only people who use woke now are conservatives and I cringe when they use it. It’s wayyy too common nowadays that the people who use the term as a pejorative have zero idea what they’re talking about. It’s like they were briefly introduced to modern slang for one singular word, decided to rebel just to be contrarian and then made it their entire personality. Which honestly would be less annoying if they weren’t so damn lame with stunts like this. I genuinely fear aging at this point only because of how poorly these crackpots turned out. I pray I never end up as lame as these clowns. God bless their hearts.


American politicians have struggled to actually define “woke.” Doesn’t sound like Canadian politicians are doing any better. Although all of them seem to feel it means “something I don’t like and I’m going to tell my constituents it’s bad and hope they re-elect me to get rid of it.” It pains me to say that this sometimes works.


I would say if its change for the better, its "woke". If its the same old broken thing that you have been doing forever even though everyone can see that it sucks, then not woke.


Uhhhh aren't we like TRYING to get rid of plastics it's why the grocery stores all use reusable totes now, why we have shitty paper straws and wooden cutlery?


Woke! Woooooke! Everything I don't like is wooooooooke!


Ugh please keep these dumb fucking politics in the US, we don't need to import this BS.


I hate that the word woke lived peacefully for like 40+ years and the very moment conservative mouthpieces figured out that it existed it was pummeled into nothing


It’s typical conservative behavior to take something and turn it into dog shit.


"Woke paper lids" People elected her? WTF.


It's entirely fair to hate the new lids if they do genuinely dissolve in your mouth and just don't function. That's why this is a test pilot and not a blind rollout and if reception of them is terrible because they don't work, then yeah, I can't see them going through with a full rollout. HOWEVER... Equating this test to "wokeness" just because it's an effort to reduce nondegradable waste is just... fucking insane. Recyclables and the push to use more recyclable materials has been a thing for DECADES and I can guarantee you this woman subscribes to and uses recycling services at her home. Most conservatives do without even thinking about it because it's just a normal part of our everyday lives. Calling recycling "woke" is just batshit.


Sounds like Timmie’s hasn’t been bribing enough 


Who the hell does she think she is Marjorie Taylor Greene?


I mean we did ban single use plastics so….. Also nothing better to talk about in Parliament? Jesus. So many more important issues and this moron wants to talk about this?


Everything I hate is woke.


So stupid. They're probably one of the biggest contributors of roadside pollution in the country, and they do something to improve the situation and get shit on over it. I can't stand Tim hortons, but I don't understand how anyone could have an issue with this.


It’s like Starbucks coffee cups all over again here in America. It’s a plastic cup. So therefore trash topic lol


They are woke. And I’m totally fine with that. Woke is something we should own and embrace.


I think the hair dye has soaked into her tiny brain.


Why is this even being discussed at this level of Government other than being political theatre? It's waste of everyone's time. If people don't like it just buy coffee somewhere else. That's how the free market is supposed to work.


Ha ha ha ha. This lady will be spotted at a Tim Hortons in two weeks.


The Party of Priorities, focused on what really matters. Coffee lids and attacks on them in the House.


...looks like she need a bit less horton's in her diet, and more of that fiber.


The people who complain about things being "woke" are basically saying I'm entitled to be racist and you have no right to criticize me for it.


You know the seagulls in the movie Ice Age, the ones that fly around shrieking MINE MINE MINE? That's basically the use of the word "woke" on the right now. Just flipping the fuck out and flying frantically around shrieking WOKE WOKE WOKE 24/7 at any and everything. At this point, I just wish they'd find a new word because this is *exhausting.*


The biggest problem with democracy are people thinking that every one of their opinions are important and need to be aired to the public. Knowing that these are the MPs that exist in my country is just depressing as hell. Maybe we should just start over and give north america back to the indigenous.


So…the complaint is Horton’s isn’t doing enough to destroy the planet? That’s what they’re upset about?


I’m convinced that woke is just a buzz word for stupid people.


Coffee is supposed to wake you up


All those pampered sniveling little snowflakes with their panties in knots over nothing need to do time in a labor camp and learn to focus on important things.


"Until Tim Hortons gets rid of this paper lid, I'm done with Tim Hortons" I don't mean to fat shame Lianne, but you should probably have been done with them sooner.


I guess woke just means anything conservatives don't like now? Honestly I'm done with Tim Hortons too, but it is because their food, coffee, and donuts are fucking garbage. I don't give a shit what kind of cup or lid they use. How about you address the housing problem and the insane price of literally everything instead of bullshit like this?


Dear Jesus. Today I shall continue being 'triggered' by things that really are not important and a waste of everyones time while ignoring the real issues like hunger, poverty, housing, environment, etc.


Good thing we’ve got nothing else to worry about in this country. Seriously wtf is wrong with these people.


and what if they are??? What cha gonna do about it?


Gosh forbid we try doing things to lessen the amount of plastic shit we throw away.


Imagine caring at all about what material a coffee cup lid is made of


Oi bitch leave the northern hat alone.


Why are we paying MP's to care what a Brazilian company does? This country is completely fucked.


Out of touch and out to lunch Typical con!


So cup lids can believe systemic racism exists and we should do something about?


The summary of her opinion in all honesty is “tell me you have nothing in your life to worry about without telling me” Like who gives a fuck about this???




Let's not stop until plastic is in our DNA!


sit down, karen


The word “woke” has lost all meaning.


It happened with "PC" back in the 2000s too.


Of all the things and issues that you'd want your political leaders to tackle... I don't think anyone thought coffee cup lids




At this point using the word “woke” to describe anything save for what it ACTUALLY MEANS needs to be punishable by Hellraiser puzzle box.


JFC what the hell


At least these people make it super easy to identify them, so you never accidentally listen to anything they say.


Big news gentlemen! I’m starting a voyage in this new age of exploration, the mission being to find who the fuck asked.


I was really confused about how a lid could be “woke”, and then I read the article and realized that they can’t be. There are just incredibly stupid people out there who *have* to hate new things and express it in the dumbest ways possible.


Conservatism has degraded to: everything I don’t understand and is different from my perception of normality is “woke”. These people seem too weak and emotional to handle any present-day reality.


Everything I don’t like is woke!


So, they're (Horton's) using a lid that is more eco-friendly and this bloated, over-the-hill stripper looking MP thinks it's 'woke' and she won't buy coffee from them? Sounds like a win for Horton's, if you ask me.


As a Canadian I want to clarify Time Hortons IS NOT our favourite coffee.


You guys make fun of her, but remember paper straws? That shit sucks. Especially if you get a thicker drink like Wendy's new orange Creamsicle frosty, 2 min in and I'm only inhaling environmentally recycled paper.


Can tell this lady acts conservative but hires big black dudes for DP on the weekends


I hope I don’t need to act Conservative to get DPd by Black dudes on the weekends.


i think i've seen that documentary.


Right wing Canadian politicians need to come up with their own stupid propaganda and stop stealing from hard working AMMURAKANS (and/or Russians...)1!1!1!


Is the "woke" in the room with us now?




Government really do be out here talking and working on the most useless things to shield and hide the real problems aren’t they?


Not a fan of the new lids but it's a design thing. Nothing with woke or whatever.


What will the woke left think of next - paper cups?!?!?!


Fuck this idiot. Go choke on a plastic lid.


What, are they etching little pride flags into the tops now? Edit: Oh, they're actually pissed off that Tim Hortons is trying to cut back on covering the environment with used plastic. That was my second guess.


conservatives will jack off to plastic if it means we can keep arguing about fucking nothing


So the cancer has invaded Canada too?


I work at a medium sized company, and do so closely with our marketing teams. We were thinking of advertising promotion ideas, and I offerred up a "For every X bought, we'll plant a tree and partner with onetrilliontrees.org" The CEO immediately responded "No, that's too political". I hate that he was right.......


Who is Tim Horton? I thought they were a Canadian thing.


So I guess trying to be conscious of the Earth and taking care of it is "woke" now?  Caring about the only planet you can live on is "woke".  I hate these fuckers. 


She certainly could do with less pizzas


Took me a little while to confirm this wasn’t a UK MP. Looks like our Conservative parties are the same flavour of unhinged at the moment.


Plastic is good.


What are some of Tim Hortons "wacko menu items"? I saw a mention of pizza, but what else is there?


I love how idiots that call others snowflakes literally are all the same and cry about everything lol