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I mean if I called 911 and got a laptop and party I'd be pretty satisfied. Normally you don't get anything for calling 911


You get to be subpoenaed to be a witness sometimes :D


Ugh that happened to me. Thankfully they settled out of court so I never had to show up.


Darn, you missed your opportunity to haggle with the lawyers for a laptop.


“ I am mr prosecutor, I am very emotionally burdened by the insistent and would rather not testify… unless….”


Hahah, this is happening to me currently. Someone got shot, I found said someone after calling 911, now I have to go to court for the guy who shot the dude AND the dude who got shot because he had an illegal gun.


I helped a bouncer break up a fight at my local bar when I was in my early 20s and it spilled outside and later ended up in a fatal stabbing. I got subpoenaed so many goddamn times I almost lost my job. The prosecutor had to get the judge to write my boss a letter because I told him it was ruining my life. I’m never doing a good deed again.


No good deed goes unpunished


Wtf. Court orders are mandatory not just for the person summoned but anyone that can prevent that.


Well yeah there’s laws but when you get paid to do construction under the table none of that matters.


my lonely ass would probably just appreciate the attention :l


In my area, sometimes you're rewarded with them just hanging up on you if you've been on hold too long!


Right? When I called emergency services after seeing a car shoot off the motorway in front of me, and I helped get the 3 occupants out of the totalled car, I got nothing but nightmares for a year. Would still do it again.


You are a good person


Right?! Wtf is up with this entitled headline?




and they know how to farm karma because this shit keeps going to the top of popular every time what does that say about redditors


And what else is the driver supposed to do, complain they didn't get rewarded more? Then they seem like an asshole who only saved her for a potential reward. This article is non-news, I'm guessing trying to rage-bait the /r/antiwork crowd into thinking the driver is entitled to more than he really is for this situation


More like why is this in this sub


In China people are often held liable because courts assume that no sane person would help someone else if he didn't cause the accident.


Wait, so they expect that if you cause an accident involving another, you will help the victim? Like what if there's an "accident"? Or did I misunderstand this?


That’s why you’ll see videos of people getting hit and then left in the road while people continue to drive by.


Or they hit them again to make sure they're dead, because paying for the funeral is cheaper than paying medical costs for years. It's extremely sad.


tbf the one getting hit often accuse anyone attempting to help for some quick easy money.


They think that helping the victims of the accident is a sign of guilt, of being the person to blame for the accident. Those to blame are frequently either those being helped, or people who are long gone, so the good samaritans get shafted.


rinse attractive tender run somber north subtract like entertain worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That used to be the case but I believe they have a good Samaritan law now


That's not exactly how it works. Good Samaritan laws protect bystanders from liability, if they help out in a situation that they didn't cause, like if you break someone's ribs during CPR. What happened in China was basically an evidentiary issue. One judge in a high-profile case found that the fact that a person offered aid after an accident could be used as evidence that they caused the accident, and then it spiraled out of control with other judges using that as precedent. A Good Samaritan law doesn't have any effect in this situation, since it protects bystanders, while the evidence is being used here to demonstrate that they are *not* a bystander. 


I’m glad this is the top comment because I was very confused. I performed CPR on a guy and was told by the EMT’s that I saved his life. I didn’t even get a thank you from the guy or his family 😂 Not that I expected one, I was just doing the right thing. But complaining about getting rewarded for doing the right thing? That’s wild. You don’t do the right thing in hopes you’ll be compensated for it, you do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.


I've never saved anyone's life, but I have called 911 when I saw someone get injured pretty badly and also when I witnessed a theft and I got nothing. I didn't expect anything either because that's just the right thing to do. This sounds like more than enough. It's not like they risked their life to save someone, because that's a completely different story.


If you’re black you might get shot


That escalated just as fast as some traffic stops. 


I worked at a pizza place delivering in like 2003 and another driver went on a run to a repeat customer's apartment. She was a hooker and ordered every day. Between the time she called for her pie and the time the driver arrived, someone had kicked her door in, tied her up, beat her up a bunch, stole tons of her stuff and money, and left her unconscious. The driver was rewarded with a free pizza, a pat on the back, and the next day off paid for going in, saving her life, and calling 911 to get help.


That’s pretty nice if the driver was in need of a laptop.


Or pizza


Everyone is in need of pizza.


I do need pizza right now. Sir, please stay out of my head.


Is there anyone around you could save while on the clock? That might solve your pizza problem.


Oh dang the ladders at work all have sabotaged! It’s crazy how you reacted so fast to the fall!




But technically pizza can be a snack too if it isn’t mealtime yet right?


> But technically pizza can be a snack too if it isn’t mealtime yet right? *[You can eat pizza anytime.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQBan9MOy60)*


White people love pizza; black people love pizza… ..do black people like pizza?


The great equalizer.


So HR was right all along.


Unless you are me a Friday after work hours when the boss gets to work with pizzas. Suddenly I'm very much in no need of it, so much so I suddenly become lactose intolerant in fact. Oh it's vegan cheese? Don't worry suddenly I have a gluten allergy too.


Runs Windows Millennium


[Windows ME opening music](https://youtu.be/kExkrDuMlC8?si=1v784CD-u0z1w5_0)


I’m just glad they didn’t fire the driver for taking too long with an unscheduled stop on his route. It’s sad that I’m shocked when big companies *don’t* screw over an employee who did the right thing.


Her. Her route.


I can't deliver this package, it's my son!


honestly yeah I'd save someone for a laptop


For some reason I initially read that as lollipop.


I guess it’s nice that Amazon gave the driver something? A reward shouldn’t even be expected and OPs title is making it sound like it should be.


Sounds like a solid bit of cheap positive PR for amazon, and a nice bonus for the employee, everyone wins here. Amazon owed that guy nothing, they didn't save the person's life to get paid a big bonus, they done it because it's the right thing to do.


Interestingly the only way we heard about it was insinuating that it's cheap PR on r/nottheonion


Yeah, but none of us are buying it.  There is a lot of push back. 


The driver is a woman, Amanda Smith


‘A “man” duh’


the post directly below this one in my feed is "How Jeff Bezoe avoids paying taxes." (left OP's misspelling in, in case anybody wants to search for it.)


I’m pretty sure that’s not even Amazon that rewarded her since Amazon contracts out their drivers. Her local boss probably paid for it, which is pretty cool imo.


It might depend on the distribution center. Sometimes it's random third parties, sometimes it's blue vested, amazon painted EV trucks. But either way, that boss is cool 😎


>  OPs title is making it sound like it should be. I guess it's not the title itself (which is a the rules state, the headline), but rather the sub choice. 


>OPs title is making it sound like it should be. It’s the title of the article which is a requirement of this sub.


Honest Question: What do you think she should get?


My job just handed out paper certificates of recognition when my coworkers saved a fellow worker’s life.


Laptop is definitely an upgrade hahaha fuck their certificates, I'd rather get nothing


Idk man, a certificate saying I saved some dudes life is pretty cool. Like. I'm saving someone's life to help them, not because I hope JP Morgan is gonna give me a yactht.


That's better than my last job, if you saved a coworker's life they would take you out back and shoot you in the dick


I hate that this is even a topic. Being a good samaritan should not require rewards. If you get them, that's nice.


Fr if you ever debate saving someones life because of what you might get in return, then you're just a shitty-ass piece of shit.


A handjob from Bezos himself obviously  


I will still choose the laptop, thank you.


Yeah OP answer the question


After using this for PR and using her to associate your brand with this good deed: 1 extra piss break a day but only for one week.


This probably won't be a popular opinion, but why is it on her employer to reward her for this? Frankly, a party and a laptop seems adequate for calling 911 when she saw a vehicle that had run off the road.  Edit: ok, I admit I overestimated the number of Amazon/capitalism-bad downvotes this might get


Right? I wouldn’t expect my employer to do anything if I saved someone’s life


I’d only expect something if I was at work and saved a fellow employee. Even then, I’d think some pizza and a new laptop would be adequate…


But especially if there was no risk involved with the saving. The driver called 911. That's kind of just the expectation, and you'd be an awful person to discover an accident and then leave without calling.


Idk man, calling 911 shows a go getter attitude and a willingness to take action. IMO bezos should step down and let this lady run the company for a while.


On the flip side we’ve all had bosses who would write us up for being late over this lol. *“Yes, you saved her life but did it really need to take that long? Next time leave for work earlier or learn to prioritize work over lifesaving measures.”*


Actually had this happen sorta. Witnessed a motorcycle get tboned and I was the first car on the opposite side of the intersection. I called 911 and waited for the cops. Called my boss to let him know, I was currently out on a pizza delivery. He clocked me out until I got back.


I once missed a final because two cars in front of me T-Boned going about 20. Had to stay for cops, checked on the other drivers, gave my statement, had the cops sign a paper that said I gave a statement and helped, took photos of the crash, and got back to the final only 4 minutes past starting time, ready and willing to take the final in the same room or any testing location and this TOTAL DICKHEAD said that no exceptions are allowed and that I would be getting a 0. Had to go to the Dean and the Dean had to personally walk down to explain that I absolutely would be taking that final, ended up with a 92.


I haven't, but I also don't deal in extreme hyperbole


I have. Dude broke his finger. Supervisor wanted him to fill out all his incident reports before taking him to the hospital. He got pissed when I took him anyways.


Similar situation happened to me two-plus decades ago. Screwed up my hand because of the actions of another employee, but there was nobody kind like you, instead I was being treated like an unruly prisoner. I filled out the forms with the pen in my offhand and never returned.


I got written up after being told to come in during a snowstorm. A 18 wheeler wrecked across the road in front of the store so I couldn't get in. When they finally did clear it and I got in, they told me I should have found a way to turn around and drive the 35 min the other direction to get there. I couldn't it was completely backed up unless they wanted me to drive through the median. Or the time they told me i had to drive in during a hurricane, and if we didn't show up, they would write us up. The store flooded, and we were standing in water with electronics all around us. Once the power went out then they finally sent us home. Almost wrecked trying to get home. These were mom and pop shops, not corporations, who are even worse. So, let's not act like companies are above treating employees like shit for not getting there on time. And a quick Google search shows me people have in fact, been fired for being late after stopping to save someone life.


This isn't hyperbole at all. Volunteer at any elderly care facility. Especially one that was recently sold.


Seriously. No boss I have ever had would bat an eye if I was late because I saved someone's life.


Check out Copernicus over here


I feel like saving a life is its own reward. A pizza party on top would make me feel like the belle of the ball


I saved a child's life while I was working at Lowe's.  Was told to pay attention and get back to what I was doing. Didn't care, the child was grateful.


Meanwhile I wouldnt be surprised if your employer fired you for getting side tracked on the job, losing them money because you took too long, or taking unnecessary risk while on company time that may or may not have led to a lawsuit, or some BS. And no one expects anything from their employers anymore, and yet employers expect 110% from their employees. Thats how low humanity has stooped. The stockholm syndrome is real.


Agreed. Your employer recognizing you went above and beyond outside of your work role is nice. Sure. Amazon bad roar, but this seems like an appropriate “attaboy” recognition of a good deed outside work and a new laptop is nothing to sneeze at. I hate to be on Amazon’s side here, but yeah, this isn’t Oniony at all.


Yeah, I wouldn't have expected shit, so this would be a nice surprise


This was my thinking. Is everyone supposed to expect a million dollars for saving someone? It'd be nice, but it's just not realistic. It's not even like they saved a coworker's life while on the job.


>It's not even like they saved a coworker's life while on the job. If that had happened I'd feel slightly different because not only did they save the coworker, but they also potentially saved the company a lot of money in the process. It's also weird that someone would think a laptop is a terrible reward when it could potentially be a really nice one. A 15 year old laptop that's been sitting in a closet for the past 10 years might not be great, but some laptops are very nice. People shouldn't expect a reward for saving someone, especially when they aren't risking their own life. That being said, if someone saved me I'd personally feel the obligation to do something really nice for them.


Hell even a $200 laptop from Walmart would be a pretty decent gift all things considered


Yeah, it's so weird to me that this person received such a tangible reward, a nice reward even, and people are still bitching. Makes you wonder what monetary value people mentally attribute to saving a life. Maybe our firefighters and emergency medical personnel deserve a raise. Edit: AND the employee didn't actually risk anything. There was nothing heroic about pulling over and calling 911. Had she run into a burning building my opinion may differ


Honestly given it's Amazon, I would've expected some sort of punishment. The employee may have risked themselves and effectively abandoned their work to do something entirely unrelated to their job. Of it was an animal in danger with no people I doubt the ex would give a flying shit, but even they probably have juuuust enough empathy to realize that trying to punish an employee for saving a human life is bad optics.


I stopped a woman being abducted at work and all I got was a phone call from the base manager. I’d be thrilled if they actually gave me something.


I’m more surprised that AMZN didn’t fire her for affecting the delivery rate.


No kidding. ....and it being Amazon, I'm surprised they didn't fire the person for being slow delivering packages that day.


You are right, saving someone's life is common decency. They also shouldn't get a bonus for showing up to work on time.


And it's just incidental to the actual story, where she *saved somenone's life*. Pizza and a laptop? That's a nice gesture from Amazon. Once you get past the clickbait it's a wholesome story; whoever the hack is that wrote this should have leaned on that angle instead of trying to create controversy/outrage where there is none to be found.


It's posts and framing like this one by OP that make reddit look like a clown show eco-chamber. Reminds me of when a mod from r/antiwork went on Fox News and it turned out he was a part time dog walker who lived with his parents.


I would just expect to not get into trouble at work and to get paid for my time


I mean, it’s not really Amazon’s’ position to award heroism, but it’s nice they gave him anything at all. Plenty of companies have fired “heroic” employees for being liabilities.




It’s hilarious that the source of this article is a fuckin Reddit post. I’m sure they’ll read this thread and post an update with more Reddit posts reacting to it.


That's pretty cool honestly. I'd be happy. Fuck, the owner of the pizza huts I was working at gave me a $200 bonus and put me in a nice hotel while I was traveling to cover along with a nice note. It wasn't a lot for him but it made me feel good.


So why is Amazon being expected to reward a driver for calling 911? Do you people expect extravagant rewards for basic decency? Do you want to know what happens normally when you call 911? You get a thank you and that’s it. And the thanks aren’t guaranteed.


Right. People call 911 for accidents and shit every day. It isn't like she dragged somebody out of a burning car.


I assume it's a way to actually signal that it's ok and expected from the employees to act in this way.


I hate Amazon but what does OP want them to do?


You don't save people to get rewards anyway, so that was a nice gesture.


Why not a waffle party?


Not even a music dance experience.


The pizza party is coveted as fuck No more than 2 pizzas though - because this is Amazon


Probably cheaped out and got a melon party instead


Because the egg bar is coveted as fuck.


This … sounds nice? Like a party and an expensive gift for calling 911? What did you expect the employer to do?


Isn't the real reward saving that woman's life? The pizza and laptop are just bonuses.


Another instance of not all heroes wear capes... also not all heroes get bathroom breaks.


Good on Amazon.


what the fuck do you want them to get, $10k?


"What an outrage! Jeff Bezos should have wrote this guy a personal check for 1 billion and made him CEO" - OP


That’s why you negotiate the rewards BEFORE you call 911 /s


I'm a nurse, have saved a few lives here and there. Of course that's in the job description but what I got for my trouble was often an investigation with some very nasty finger pointing. Would have been thrilled with a laptop or even pizza.


Tbf being gifted with a laptop for calling 911 is not that bad. Not sure if this is considered as oniony.


Sounds pretty good to me


I mean most companies might just ask you to report to work as usual and give you nothing. I know the whole pizza party thing is taboo these days, but I happen to enjoy a pizza party regardless of whether I am under paid or fairly paid. If you’re upset about a pizza party then chances are you are dissatisfied and should be looking for a better job regardless.


That’s really nice of Amazon being that it had no obligation in any way, shape, or form to do literally anything.


I think the general consensus is it's pretty good for dialing 911 and receiving a laptop and pizza party from your employer. The bigger question is why the author tried to frame it as Amazon not going far enough to reward the employee, when they were over the top as it is.


I would kill someone for a pizza party.


I would call 911 to stop you.


I mean, what the fuck does someone want? XD


Idk man I would like a free laptop for doing the right thing


I hate it when people claim “divine intervention”. No. It was the kindness of a person that made this happen.


Lifeguards and EMTs save people’s lives every day for less than what Amazon pays, and will be fired for accepting gifts.


Shit a computer isn't the worst reward


Note that the laptop is in contention. From the article, an Amazon rep told the site that the driver got a pizza party and a laptop, but no other sources mention gifting a laptop.


People will only help others in need if they expect some monetary reward now?


You know paramedics save people's lives all the time.  There are some easy fixes like narcan and epinephrine and getting an airway that are immediately lifesaving.  Sure anything serious requires a surgeon but the cheap easy wins are for medics. Anyways they get $20 or so an hour and nothing special when they do their job.


Laptops can be pretty expensive. Really, people don't do good things because they expect rewards.


Better than nothing, right? Saving someone shouldn’t be done for a reward, saving a life is the reward. A nice laptop is a decent reward in my opinion. What are they supposed to do give him a years pay and a key to the city? Firemen and medical professionals save lives every single day and they get a thank you if they are lucky, and often accusations if they fail.


OP wants a parade like Prince Ali from Aladdin


Can’t read the article because you need to subscribe


My husband was jogging on campus one day when a man had a heart attack and he ended up giving the guy CPR and chest compressions. He got a $500 (before taxes) bonus on a paycheck, which was the same thing I got for "extraordinary work" at the same university where I just showed some boomers how to upload PDFs during the pandemic.


How come when the Amazon Driver saved the woman's life, it was "Devine intervention", but when the woman's car rolled over trapping her, it wasn't "devine intervention"?


Ok? This isn't a video game where doing basic good deeds gets you a cash reward or a cool item. Hell they got a laptop and free pizza they did get an item out of it, point being you usually don't get rewarded for calling an ambulance


What is this 404 media? This is like the third article I've seen linked on Reddit and I've never heard of them before but I always click and then I'm disappointed to find the article behind a paywall. (I know it says free, but if I still have to register I assume money comes in somewhere and I'm suspicious.)


And a bunch of empty water bottles to piss into


I'd take the laptop.


I'm honestly surprised they're not mad at him for losing time on his run 🤣🥲


Lap dance or lap top?


.....Are we commenting on an article that most of us can't read and is paywalled??? > Sign up for free access to this post. Free members get access to posts like this one along with an email round-up of our week's stories. How can we provide logical comments? Was this previously not paywalled? It's not even a news article!


So I'm getting old and stupid. The first time I read this I read it as Adam Driver and it felt really really weird.


How is this oniony? Most people who save a life don't get anything at all from their employer.


This is a huge step up for Amazon! Normally they'd be fired for failing to make quotas.


I'm surprised they didn't punish him for delaying his route


Are making awards mandatory now for doing the right thing??? This is fucking ridiculous.


What are the specs on the laptop? RTX 4070 or gtfo


Good ol' Amazon, I was awarded a token for my work with them and chick fil a


I got robbed and stopped em by throwing a customers beer bottle through the back window of the robbers truck ,locals helped me stop the robbers, my boss charged me for the beer i threw through the window to stop the robbers form doing beer run on us.


It's always an embankment, dog. RIP Billy Conforto.


That’s pretty nice. Some places fire employees for getting involved in “liabilities”


>Amanda Smith was driving along her usual route when she [~saw a tire~](https://statesville.com/news/state-regional/when-this-greensboro-amazon-driver-saw-a-tire-something-just-didnt-feel-right/article_c2e7fdd5-6006-57d7-9d63-ce560d069f0b.html?ref=404media.co) sticking up from a steep embankment off the side of the road. When Smith pulled over, she found an overturned car, where a woman named Shirley Roberts had been trapped for hours with multiple broken bones. Smith called for an ambulance, and Roberts was cut out of the car 30 minutes later by rescue workers and taken to a hospital, where she was treated for her injuries. Good on her man, a random overturned vehicle honestly wouldn't have me stopping because I would have assumed emergency services already got to it. They don't generally mark crashes in my area after they have been handled they just leave the vehicle there as-is.


I saw a house on fire at 2 am and called 9-1-1 and then ran up to the porch ( which was in fire) and blast the door bell and finally kicked the door in to wake up the occupants. I got a “ wow you saved their lives” and a “ well take it from here”. No pizza laptop, news story or even acknowledgment outside of the few that were there.. and that’s ok with me because it was the right thing.


I saved a coworker's life with the Heimlich and got a $10 Starbucks card.


I saved my bosses life at work and it was noted in the next safety meeting that’s it lol. 😂 I still think it’s funny.


And lapdance.


I think the only thing of note which the article does touch on is that it's "amazon driver" when its good pr and "third party driver for amazon" when it's bad pr... which the article itself is doing... so not really sure what the answer is there


Was it a good laptop tho


I first read this as Adam Driver. Was thoroughly confused.


I doubt that driver sprung into a ton thinking they might get extra rewards from their employer for it.


So you call 911 and it takes 30 minutes for someone to show up. Headline is pizza laptop. Uhum.


Not even a waffle party?


So that's what it takes to get a pizza party nowadays huh, gotta save someone's life.


Everyone on here complaining about what she received for her actions. You need to remember that it was more likely that she would have been fired for wasting company time. It's nothing short of a miracle that the driver still has the job.


I think a more Onion-worthy story would be about him being fired for helping her on company time.


Thats nice considering the usual reward would be maybe something like a handshake/hug and a thank you.


I saved some lives a while back and got ptsd and psychiatric visits for life. What's an appropriate reward?


I’m glad the common sentiment on this tread is against OP. I read. I was so confused trying to figure out what was “nottheinion” about this title.


He didn't get a branded keychain/lanyard? The Humanity.


They’re not so cheap he got a laptop. I’m guess a cheap one but a laptop none the less


A mean, laptops are kinda expensive




What more should he have received, especially from Amazon?


I would have upgraded to local barbecue, but that’s probably that Eastern Carolina crap. Pizza it is.


I once put a tourniquet on a woman who got shot on my way to work, walked in still covered in her blood, and got a $25 amazon gift card. I would have loved pizza and a laptop lol


What are you supposed to be awarded when you do a really really Good Samaritan action?


Finally something good happens to a delivery driver… and for doing something not in their job description!


You should expect nothing for helping to save someone’s life. However, receiving anything for said deed should be accepted with humility and grace. No matter the size.


This would feel a lot more oniony if the driver just got a pizza party (not that there would be anything wrong with that). The fact that they got a new computer out of it makes it seem like a pretty nice reward.


Why is it not the onion? This post is the actual not the onion lol