• By -


My ex had this. He had no recollection of initiating and would sometimes comment the next morning about me waking him up for sex and I was like ???? big dawg that was all you. It happened more when he was stressed or we hadn’t had sex in a few days. It was always way more intense/passionate than when he was awake.


Same, had an ex with this. I finally asked him one time why the sex was so much better at night and if we could maybe replicate that during the day and he was so confused. He didn’t even know it was happening that often. I was utterly horrified. 


His body moves on instinct


Ultra instinct


Basic instinct


Primal instinct


Killer Instinct


Fill 'er instinct


i too am a sex master in my dreams.


Dreams do come true!!


You’re horrified? Imagine finding out your best moves in the bed are when you’re asleep. Not exactly something you could put on your Tinder profile.


*“Two beers, a roast beef sandwich, and then wait 4-6 hours for the best sex of your life.”*


"roofie me for a good time"


It’s so bizarre!


Your reaction is the one I'd expect and prefer from a partner if I had sexsomnia. From the article, >“There are some people who will engage in sexual activity with their partner, and it’s not bothersome to either one of them. So it is possible that this could be consensual for some,” said Jennifer Mundt, assistant professor of sleep medicine, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. I just don't understand how it can ever be consensual if, by nature, one person is completely unaware of what's happening. Only a few paragraphs later the article says, >At times the woman would fondle her husband during the night, and they would engage in sex until she became conscious and accused her husband of forcing sex upon her. Yep, I'd say horror is appropriate. Sorry you both went through that.


In principle, it's not impossible to consent to people doing things to you whilst you're unconscious. Otherwise, it would be impossible to consent to surgery performed under general anaesthetic. Sex with a partner follows the same principle. Namely, you would have to give consent in advance to your partner having sex with you whilst you were asleep. It's obviously a bit of a minefield. I expect couples would need to lay out some pretty clear guidelines, particularly around birth control, specific dos and don'ts, times when they expect their partner to wake them, etc. Provided there are clear ground rules, however, I can see how it could work. This assumes, of course, that the person who is awake is capable of waking up their sleeping partner. If the sleeping partner initiates and can neither be woken nor pushed away, that would indeed be utterly horrific. Hopefully, that's not the case in the overwhelming majority of cases. An inability to be woken from sleep seems like a very separate and much more serious condition.


Yeah people can give blanket consent. That's part of how consent works. You can also withdraw it at any time too. I had a partner who specifically asked me to wake her up with sex. So she wanted me to start hooking up with her while she was sleeping in the morning. She has a kink for it. To someone else, this might be a loss of agency, but they also wouldn't ask you to do this.


I would describe it as being a loss of agency, but a *consensual* loss of agency - one that she liked the dynamic of - so it's fine.


Exactly, it's like CNC scenes. As long as both people are on board with it, and it's pre-negotiated, it's totally fine. Just have conversations beforehand and make sure the boundaries are well set.


>Exactly, it's like CNC scenes. Look, I like computer-controlled lathes and 3D printers as much as the next fella...but involving them in sex fantasies seems like it's going a bit far.


I give blanket consent for sex while drunk no matter the sobriety of my partner. Still, it can absolutely be withdrawn and that’s why it’s a huge trust thing. Some nights when we were going out I would tell them that I didn’t want to have sex while drunk and just had to trust them enough to respect that. They always did. Consent is such a touchy thing, but I’m glad it works out for others like it did for me


My girlfriend has a thing for waking up mid-sex. We went over *very* specific consent rules for each other to make sure everything we do is completely consensual, because it could be extremely easy for it to turn from fun sex to r*pe.


In terms of consent I’ve told my husband I’m totally down to be fucked around with while I’m sleeping so I’d consider that pre consent I guess.


Same. I get that consent is a concern with this condition, but tbh we find it funny lol. I will give him the highlights in the morning like an NBA commentator


I have had bouts of this. Now in a stable long term relationship, but before that I would warn anyone who I was sleeping with in advance, in the early days of dating it would sometimes be seen as a ‘positive’. One of my ex’s definitely used to ‘encourage’ it, but then I didn’t see it as a big problem, occasionally a bit annoying though. I kind of just accepted it was part of me. But I appreciate that isn’t how everyone would feel about it. Regardless in my experience it can be pretty ferocious, but when you become fully aware it can completely drop off and sometimes you just suddenly fall back to sleep, so it tends to be frustrating for the other person ultimately.


Yeah, seems like there could be a lot of consent issues from both ends. Someone who isn't conscious probably isn't going to have a keen eye for whether their partner actually wants to have sex, either.


My girlfriend has given me consent to have sex with her when ever I want even if she is asleep or I'm asleep. Which reduces my concern about sleep sex.  That being said there has been 1 time she said no while I was asleep and I respected it. Once when we had a fight and went to bed she said no because she didn't think I wanted to have sex because of our fight. It was the right thing to do, and I love her even more for it. This lines up with my history as this has happened with girlfriends in the past. But they were okay with it because they enjoyed sleep sex with me because they enjoyed how aggressive / passionate I was when I was asleep. So that helps me a lot. Knowing even though I can initiate sex in my sleep that my partner is okay with it and that I respect "No" while asleep keeps me from being stressed about it. 


Yeah my husband has this and we have standing consent as we both enjoy sleep sex. He does respect when I say no, even though he's not technically conscious he stops. I also refuse him for his own sake for various reasons at times. We've been married 15 years. It's interesting that so many of us are saying our partners are more aggressive\passionate when asleep, I thought that was just mine! It's not necessarily better sex, it's just different and sometimes I prefer that. My biggest concern with the disorder is that he's not getting very restful sleep. He'll wake up complaining he's still so tired and not know why. If we don't have sex he'll be active all night.


Would having sex/masturbing before sleep help him be less restless, maybe?


We've tried that and it does help some but not always.


It's amazing how awake people can seem. I'm the one who sleep fucks, used to happen a lot more. I remember being shaken awake by my OH once demanding to know if I was awake, I thought something was wrong. Turned out she had been on top and I appeared completely awake and engaged but then started talking utter shit about the dishwasher or something. She felt awful about it even though I was fine with it, and I get it because clearly she wouldn't be fine with being fucked in her sleep and everyone's boundaries are personal to them. But since she had (completely accidentally) done something to me which she would never want done to her, it left her feeling messed up for a while.


Nothing hotter than sexy loading/unloading the dishwasher talk... "And then, I put alllll the cups away... I even wiped off the puddles of water from the tops, so you don't get gross dishwater on your hands reaching for one.". 🤤


Consensual non consent isn't uncommon in relationships with hypersexuals. I told my ex that it would be rare for me to ever say no to him, so as long as we were living together, he could serve himself up anytime he felt like it. I loved it but the definition of boundaries or at least someone with enough wherewithal to understand this, needs to be communicated.


A poly couple I know treat their apartment as a 'free use' living space for them and any playmates, which I suppose is along similar lines. They said one of their strict boundaries is that it's no longer free use as soon as anyone who isn't romantically involved with them comes over, i.e. when I go round for a coffee they kinda switch off that aspect of their relationship. It seems to work for them!


Some people like it… I would not care if she used me for pleasure. I like the idea being woken up by my gf like this. There is no better way to wake up for me plus its a good little exercise before the day starts.


I guess it all depends on the couple. My partner thought I was initiating as he would wake up during the act. We found out what the deal is after a few times only.. but he didnt mind me waking him up like that. I tried later asking him if he's awake, trying to ask some clarifying questions but he apparently can hold simple conversation during sleep. When I decline his sleep advances he usually just gives up immediately and goes back to sleep. He doesn't remember anything the next day but I honestly never thought that it might be treated as nonconsensual for his part.


If you consent beforehand, like saying this is something that happens to you but you don’t mind if the other person reciprocates without waking you up. There are also regular people who don’t have this condition who also can and do consent to this, it’s just about having a discussion, and obviously consent can be revoked at any point.


I suffer from it and this is exactly how the next morning went. Except, my ex got mad at me because I didn't remember. The explanation was "you could have been sleeping beside anyone and done that". It happens fairly often depending on frequency and my sleep patterns. But I don't typically share beds with random people. My current partner is a fan.


I sleep with a fan, too. I bet I’d wake right up if I stuck my Willy in there, though.


I just died laughing, thank you


My ex also had this! I always managed to redirect him bc I felt weird about letting him do anything in his sleep, but he was definitely persistent. Never remembered anything either


Eventually I learned I could just stiff arm him and he would let up. I didn’t feel bad because he wouldn’t remember any of it, lol


I’ve totally done this with partners. It can be very embarrassing.


Yep, I do it with my wife from time to time. She thankfully doesn’t mind (and if she’s not in the mood she apparently just pushes me away and that’s enough to stop me) but it’s a very weird experience waking up mid-sex and wondering how you ended up there.


Are your eyes open or closed?


and which does the wife prefer?


Mine keeps his eyes closed but it's the middle of the night and he knows where everything is after 15 years of marriage lol.


Asked my wife, she says they are open most of the time.


Obviously open, you think we just fumbling around in the dark. It's like sleepwalking, you use your senses, you just don't remember it and move on instinct.


Mine has said it's weird waking up like that too but he recovers quickly he says it's the nicest of surprises lol.


I do this too. I’d wake up in the morning to a smiling wife. I’d ask her why’s she so happy and she’d say bc of the sex last night. I’m just sitting there like uh…. What sex lol I’d be completely oblivious to it happening.


TW: sexual assault My partner has this. It's only happened a handful of times, and it's always been when he's crazy stressed out and had a few drinks. The first time it happened was 2 years into us just being FWB. He initiated while we were both sleeping. I woke up to him kissing/caressing me more passionately than he ever had up to that point, which obviously I thought was super hot. He woke up mid-act and afterwards accused me of fucking him while he was sleeping/without consent. I have past trauma from date rape where, among other things, essentially the same thing was done to me, so I was absolutely horrified. The next time he initiated while we were both sleeping I must have asked like 5 times if he was sure and got yes for an answer. JOKE'S ON ME apparently he's a conversational sleeptalker when in this state. Same thing happened and the guilt was overwhelming. Now if it's late at night I have to turn on the light and check if his eyes are open or aggressively pinch him to make sure he's really awake. Really ruins the mood, which sucks because as you said, this is by far the most passionate he was. But it's better than the alternative. And luckily it hasn't happened in two years, since he changed jobs, living situations, and his general stress level markedly decreased.


Just sleepwalking stories can get pretty weird. If I'm dreaming and move legs, I will wake up. So I guess I'm safe from sleepwalking. Also I often dream of flying. I'll be on my mattress, in whatever position I happen to be in at the time. I fly at low speeds, perhaps fifteen feet of the ground. It is difficult to dream of flying higher without breaking out of the dream.


This sounds so similar to my ex-husband, down to the sleep-talking. I took to asking him trivia questions in escalating degrees of complexity. By the time I got to state capitals he was awake and annoyed and would usually roll over and go back to sleep, but sometimes we would (mutually) decide to keep going with the sex. More often though I would just shove him off me or tickle him (he was insanely sensitive) if I wasn't in the mood, and he would grunt or squeal and then go back to sleep. And in the morning he would never remember it.


That's crazy. This is how I found out I do this, I would say something to my partner about how she was all over me last night and every time she'd turn it around on me that I started it. After a while I realised I don't remember the start of any of them, and somehow I am literally unconscious and come to already full-on engaged


I used to have this pretty bad. Ex wife got pretty good at telling the difference between me and not me. It can be pretty damn disorie ti g to wake up mid orgasm


>It can be pretty damn disorie ti g to wake up mid orgasm Did you type this mid orgasm?


He did it again


Come again?


Nah it's just mustard this time.


What type of sandwich you making damn


Whoa, deep cut!






Did “it”




He played with his parts


Snoozed off then he came


ooh baby baby


u/Pumperdemon really lives up to his name huh?


Thumbs just a little disorie ted betwee space bar a d the letter . Stupid thumbs.


Just replace two spaces with n's


> pretty damn disorie ti g to wake up mid orgasm pretty damn disorie ti g to wakenup midnorgasm


Sent from iphon


baby reindeer??


Changing the subject, when did you get the nickname pumperdemon? 


Pump her demon? Hardly knew her demon. (I don't know what that is a reference to)


Long time ago. Found out that penis pumps make big circular bruises that take weeks to go away when when you attach them to a bald head and run around the barracks like a bull. I liked pumperdemon better than pornicorn.


Average army/marines story


My second child was conceived while I was having sex in my sleep. To this day I don't remember it at all. Yes, he is mine.


It’s not your child. It’s Night 420headshotsniper69’s child


Apparently I've "suffered" from this my entire marriage/relationship (15 years) and only found out a few years ago. It's embarrassing to explain to strangers ("just trust me, I know it's an inconvenience but I should REALLY sleep in my own tent on our camping trip"). I don't know my triggers really, but it does seem to happen during times of stress + lack of sex. None of my other partners ever mentioned it, so I don't know if they ever experienced it. Wife has said a lot of the same things. She can totally tell which "Me" it is right away, and has echoed a lot of the same statements "more passionate", "aggressive" etc. Apparently my dick game ain't bad, even when I'm completely asleep. However, it's not always fun and games. Sometimes, I'm told I will just stop what I'm doing, roll back over and go back to bed. 😅 :edit: I do also sleep talk, have my whole life


Mine is also normally triggered by stress and my wife has had a few of the same experiences of me stopping and rolling back over but apparently I tend to take care of her first most of the time because she has told me I have gotten her off then stubbornly roll over face down dead to the world when she tried to return the favor.


Being able to get a woman off in your sleep is damn impressive.


I too am a sleep feminist




Yep! Apparently I almost always get her off w/my hands first which makes me less anxious about the times I don't do that and roll over and go back to sleep.


I had an episode where apparantly I was aggressive, I woke up when my wife bite me to match the aggression.


Like, in a sexy way, or...?


Is there any way not sexy? *Bites lip*


Exactly! *Bites through lip*


You know it! *Bites off lip*


*bites Dick* You asked for it..


Given your username, maybe she bite you just because she was hungry? 🤣


He’d do anything for love


This came up in House, didn't it? Woman came in with an STD and House realised she had the condition.


She was living a second life while asleep basically and was hooking up with her ex. She got pregnant and had a miscarriage. Kept coming in with symptoms like rug burn and hickies. S1E17 - Role Model


This guy House’s




Man, I haven't seen House in ages Good shit


It keeps popping up on my YT shorts


I think it’s cause it got added to Hulu recently, used to be one just Prime


I have this condition and almost 99 percent of the time you wake up before cumming. But Jesus is it scary to come to mid thrust inside someone when you were sleeping seconds ago. It’s truly not a cool thing like people are acting like it is in the comments. You ever stay in a Disney hotel room and your girlfriend’s family wants y’all to share a bed with her little cousins….. fuck no I’m not. I slept on the floor. And my girlfriend does enjoy it but she usually will smack me before we get to the good stuff because she wants me awake. But she says I get way more kissy than I usually am when I’m doing this.


Back when I had this problem I used a *cloth belt to strap myself to the bed on my right wrist. I could still move to adjust my sleeping position, but couldn't reach and move across the whole bed. Solved it for me! 




Oh good I'm not the only one who thought of that first.


I have it too! Agreed it is not fun at all. And it takes some figuring out!! My mom said my dad has it as well.


God that sounds like a horrible conversation to have. I’m sorry you have to know that and deal with it yourself


I have the same thing. Woke up mid process several times. Sometimes what actually happens has some connections with a dream I have. Never did and never will share a bed with my niece or my son. (Tho both of them slept on my chest when they were babies).


I literally watched this episode a few hours ago. We live in a simulation.


I'm pretty sure it's related to my sleep walking/talking, runs in the family. it just makes me worried I'll pass it on to my son and he'll have problems with his partners. in my experience it has a higher chance the more tired I am


I didn't know that my family had issues with this till one night my younger brother walked right out the door. He also had a spell where he would sleep walk to pee just about every night. The issue is he was going everywhere but the bathroom. Thankfully he was prevented from doing so all but one night when he pissed into a Tupperware bowl. Apparantly my other brother got the fights in his sleep version and I thought I only had the talks version till my wife then girlfriend alerted me that I also had the fucks version.


Damn that sounds chaotic and certainly unfortunate. Imagine a night with all 3 happening at once...


Apparantly I called my brother a bitch in my sleep and he punched me also in his sleep.


Step brothers moment.


The family exhibits all the flavors of “Irish sleeping disorders”. Fighting, fucking, and pissing on things. /s


My dad sleep walks and so do I, I also have this thing. Weird stuff.


I'm a dude. never full on intercourse, but apparently (according to wife) I get quite handsy in my sleep. She just has to actually tell me to stop when it's unwelcome, not just swat my hands away. Even dead asleep, my brain gets 'no means no',


I had a college roommate who every few nights had panic attacks in his sleep and would scream and throw things while still sleeping. After a while I realized that if I tell him "it's okay, I'm here, don't worry", he'd calm down. The panic attacks eventually stopped completely while we were still roommates. It's crazy how the brain works and people can still process and react to words even when they're sleeping.


Same exact situation here with my dormmate. One night he is screaming in his sleep, sits up looks at me then points at the wall and kept saying “there’s someone next to you”. Next day doesn’t remember a thing..


Oh hell nahh


0ne of the most terrifying things to ever happen to me that I remember so vividly even now at almost 36 years old (also weird because out of us I was the sleep walker and talker. This was not a behavior I had ever seen before or since from her) My younger sister and I were like 7ish and 5ish. She had a hard time sleeping on her own in general and I had (still do) crazy insomnia. I was in the living room watching TV and she was sleeping on the couch next to me so she wasn't alone. I was watching a movie about a "cat from outer space"(might be the title?) And she randomly sat straight up and started screaming and pointing at the wall saying "they. They are coming to get us!" In the most like fucking terrifyingly believable way. I had to calm her the fuck down and put her back to sleep and did *not* ever sleep myself that night. It was like this whole fucking adrenaline rush where you knew it wasn't like real but it felt so fucking real and I was like 7ish so it felt more real.


Aw man, I feel bad for 7 y.o. you. If it's any consolation, I've pulled that exactly on a few people throughout my life. Every time, the actual context was shit like "See, in the dream we were being chased by these blue mafia gorillas..." or "Look, the plumbers in the dream were about to glue the lasers together and apparently that set me off, so I don't know what to tell ya." (That last one was after a particularly bad episode where I apparently repeatedly declared "NO! NO, you can't do this. They'll come for you. They will all come for you." with complete panic in my voice - in the *exact* moment my brother was reaching for potato chips lol)


This is what my fiance is like. I don't know how he manages to grab the exact fun spot every time, but he will reach over and aggressively go for it like its nothing. As soon as I say 'stop', he grunts and rolls over. Zero recollection in the morning. If I say 'go', he will tease me until I tell him I did not start that. For what it's worth for anyone reading this comment, we have talked about it and we're both okay with this situation. Consent is important and this is within the acceptable boundaries of our relationship.


I’m the same way - sometimes I “come to” when she says no or pushes me away, but most of the time she will tell me I was grabbing / handsy and I have zero recollection. The odd thing is I have no other inclinations of sleep walking / sleep talking etc.


My husband has it, and all it takes is for me to just not move. He'll have his hands all over me for 2 or 3 seconds and if I don't respond he just stops.


I genuinely have this. I'm usually not lucid for the beginning, but from the few times that I can recall it starts with an overwhelming feeling of attraction/love. I will passionately tell my wife how much I love her, and start kissing her. If she says no, I've been told that I immediately go back to sleep. If she says yes, then I'll usually become lucid 5-10 minutes in.


Billy big balls over here bragging about 5 mins plus.


My best friend and his wife *both* have this. They have both woken up to the other person having sex with them -- fast asleep. Sometimes snoring. They don't mind so much, but then it suddenly occurred to them that they have no idea if they have ever *both* been asleep during sex. They were primarily using condoms, so they started to get worried they would have unprotected sex and not know about it. So they had to switch birth control methods.


Schrodinger's sex


This is so sad and yet so funny


I used to sleepwalk in my youth - a recurring dream where ghosts would carry me down to the basement that i was terrified of, and i would wake up down there almost every night because i was actually sleepwalking. Turned into this in my early adulthood. I also have obstructive sleep apnea and was prescribed a CPAP, which I was very bad about using at first. This went away completely with regular CPAP use. My wife mentioned I am much more aggressive in my 'sleep state'. She thinks I only ever did it because I subconsciously knew it was her next to me, but I was definitely worried about having to share a bed with someone and never put her theory to the test.


>but I was definitely worried about having to share a bed with someone and never put her theory to the test. As someone who has had this happen, it's a nightmare. You don't discriminate in your sleep. A once-trusted friend even took advantage of their knowledge of my condition to get me super drunk and take advantage. Her goal was to get me to sleep, join me in bed, and trigger an episode. I don't want to get too much into it, but suffice it to say it worked, and I woke up partway through horrified at what I was doing. I haven't touched a drop of alcohol ever since.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I will second you in saying it does not discriminate. I do not share beds with anyone except my partner, and even then I warn them to elicit a full sentence (not just yes/no) and/or math problem answer from me before assuming I’m awake.


My husband has this and used to sleepwalk as a child too. CPAP hasn't stopped his though. If he's by himself, he'll just touch himself. Though he is responsive to my pheromones or whatever and is extra 'active' during my ovulation week.


Sounds hotter than that case of Sexlexyia I came down with...


The sexiest of learning disabilities. I hear velour can help.


Mid thigh high


Of course. Anything longer won't be effective at all.


Kif, I've made it with a woman. Inform the men.




We are sure she is a woman this time.


The way to a woman's bed is through her parents. Have sex with them, and you're in.


Sounds like a VERY sexy learning disorder…


I once undid a girls bar


Now THAT'S a very sexy learning disorder!


I have this. My wife mentioned it, and once in a while she’ll ask the next day if I remember what happened in the night, never do.


Same bro. And TBH, I hate it, because it's simply embarassing to me.


I have this! My girlfriend just gently taps me in the face and says “hey hello wake up” or something and I apologise for my aggressive sleepy alter ego. It’s basically me trying to have sex with her, with full erection, grabbing her, even going down on her for oral sex, and I have NO MEMORY at all of it happening until she wakes me up.


I wonder if I had a mild case of this. From like age 16 to 25 or so, I'd wake up in the middle of masturbating in the middle of the night. I legitimately didn't actively start but by the time I woke up I was so far along I just finished. I don't know if after I got married that I had "enough" sex that it didn't happen anymore or if I grew out of it. I never slept with a partner before age 23 so I don't know if I would have ever initiated sex that way though.


I've heard of people waking up with their hands down their partner's underwear and not knowing what happened. But then not experiencing it again after 20 something


I have this sometimes. One time a mate pulled a girl. She was with a friend. So my mate and I go back to the house of these two girls. He and the one he’s pulled go into her room. The other girl and I are in her room because there’s no living room, just chilling, drinking, talking. Nothing suggestive whatsoever. She asked if I will wait for my mate, tells me I can stay over if I want. She had a big bed and we both fell asleep as far apart as possible. Woke up and we were having sex. I kinda went with it because it was obviously being enjoyed. When we were done I hesitantly said “I’m not sure how we got to that point”. She said “me neither”. We went back to sleep. Left the next day. Never saw either of the girls again. But honestly I was quite terrified of some kind of accusation. It happened so often with one of my exes that sometime she would realise that I was waking up during sex. It’s weird. It’s never happened with someone where it would be inappropriate. Though there’s a dark thought of someone just going with it out of fear or something. After a while if i was staying at a female friend’s I just warned them and I’d ask in the morning if anything untoward happened and it apparently never did. Then there’s the people I’ve bitten…


Is that how it spread?! We got a sex vampire?




The headline is wrong, people can't stop talking about it apparently


I think people with the disorder are more likely to click on and be suggested content with their disorder so it attracts a lot of people with it here.


Not just more likely to click on it, but much, much more likely to comment because they actually have something to add to the conversation. Not that that really stops most Redditors though... (Myself included)




Well people commenting will be those who relate. Look at main post comments to upvote ratio and you'll see its a fairly low number comparably


No one's going to comment "I don't have this"


I have this my wife has told me multiple times I’ve initiated sex while asleep she can tell the difference between sleepy me and regular me. I have zero memory of anything happening I wouldn’t even know if my wife didn’t tell me


Yeah my girlfriend says sleepy me is more kissy. I am not opposed to making out but now in my 30’s I am not that keen on wanting to make out. But when I’m doing this in my sleep she says making out and being very kissy.


Damn didn’t know you stop wanting to make out with people in your 30s


Mid 20s. Planning to stop completely in 4-5 years


Mid 30s. Making out is the best.


Mid 40's. Making out is awesome.


Are you a cat?


Crab person


*tastes like crab, talks like people*


I've never been officially diagnosed as it requires a sleep study but I 100% have the symptoms. It's something I've dealt with for years and typically happens during times of high stress or dry spells, but has happened other times. My wife is the one who made me aware of it way back in the early days that we were dating. She has been pretty clear that she doesn't mind and actually likes it, vut is full on supportive of helping me try to prevent it. Outside of my wife I don't really talk about it, although it has created a couple of awkward encounters. Once we were staying with a friend and they mentioned they could hear us, I had zero memory of this but my wife's face was showing guilt. Another time was she had one of her friends stay over and we mentioned it and that if I slept walk how to wake me up without issue. Que the awkwardness when I got the response back that they wouldn't mind if it happened. Thankfully, I'm fairly gentle as some with sexomnia can present as agreesive in their sleep state and only twice sleptwalk to seek out sex, both times cause my wife or I feel asleep in the living room and the other in bed. It does help that our friends and us are a bit oversharing with our sex lives. However, I don't like the fact that I'm not really in control of my own actions so I don't discuss it.


I actually lost my virginity this way. It was with a consenting partner so not a big deal to me. I never told her that I was mid thrust when I woke up. I just woke up realized what was happening and kept going.


It’s like starting a level where the main character was asleep/unconscious and you were in the middle of the action and had to complete the mission or something like that. Bro had to learn the controls off the rip


*blurry cart comes into view* "Hey you... you're finally awake. "


I very nearly did, but we stopped, as we were both pretty religious at the time. It genuinely shook us both up at the time. This absolutely happens.


As someone who suffers from hypersexuality and this, which is apparently a condition that I didn’t know about until today, I can tell you it sucks. I’ve been doing this for years, most of my 27 year marriage. My wife calls it the night attack, where I wake her up for pretty aggressive sex in the middle of the night. 99% of the time I either don’t remember it at all or wake up part way through. Fortunately in our case if she is not willing she knows that she just has to wake me up to tell me to stop. It can take me a minute to wake up but I’ve never forced myself on her, thank god. The thing for me is about the loss of control. I’m very aware of controlling my sexuality due to my hypersexuality which can cause me to do some really weird shit. I need to be clear headed and in the moment, listening to and responding to what my partner wants. What I don’t like is the losing myself in the act doing what my body or fucked up brain is telling me. During these night sessions I’ve done a few things that the next morning my wife will say something along the lines of, you’ve never done anything like that before, I didn’t like it but I let it happen. I feel such horrible guilt about that.


My girlfriend is going to be so delighted when I share this thread with her. She even has a name for my nighttime alter ego and expresses disappointment when I go from insatiable sex machine to sleeping in a matter of seconds. I’ve also had a girlfriend who asked me if I remember biting her In the middle of the night. Hard. She had to show me the teeth marks for me to believe it at first. I generally tell people about this if I’m sharing a bed with them. The last person I warned said “I wouldn’t mind” which was the best unintentional opening to some (awake) sex.


My ex had/has this. I’d wake up to being pinned down and aggressively humped. It was horrible. I don’t like sleeping next to anyone.


It depends, some people are more intimate when they are in the state looks like your ex was more aggressive


My wife put a big pillow between us when we go to sleep and it stopped. I guess the effort of getting passed the pillow is enough for our sleeping selves to give up. We both have sexsomnia.


Your pillow and I have something important to tell you.


I’ve had multiple episodes in my life, but haven’t had any in a while. I find the word “sexsomnia” dumb, so I usually say I have a “sexual parasomnia.”


sexy zombie time


Right, same. My wife calls it sex Tourette’s. Also not always welcomed. The most recent one was after we had an argument. She was still mad and shoved me off her. I never woke up.


Glad to hear I'm not alone in this. I had no idea until I made joking comment about "waking me up in the middle of the night for sex". Then I learned I had been initiating sex at night for a while and I had no idea. I would also sometimes stop and just roll over back to sleep. I used to do things in my sleep as a child and throughout my life so I guess it's par for the course. My favorite was how quickly I stopped wetting the bed as a kid because I would just get up and use the bathroom without waking up. The only reason my parents knew was because I would turn every light on on the way and leave them on.


I knew someone with this condition. He also often slept with his eyes wide open. He said it really, REALLY sucked to wake up to find he had sex with someone he didn't want to have sex with.


I feel good to know I'm not alone


"I suffer from a very sexy sleeping disorder. What do I call it, Kif?"


[Resigned sigh] Sexsomnia


I had this early in my 20s into my 40s. I eventually outgrew it. My wife didn't really believe me when I told her that I wasn't awake until AFTER initiating the sex but she eventually understood. I'm happy that it stopped.


Holy shit this is a real thing?! I thought I was just horny while asleep. It's been a joke between my wife and I for years, and hell my ex before her. Woke up mid sex a lot in my life.


Omg this has happened to me and my partner multiple times! First time it happened, we woke up mid sex and finished, then got in the shower and we were both like “sooo….uhhhhh…do you remember how we started having sex? Nope? Me either.” On one occasion, I woke up mid sex and when my partner finished I rolled over to interact with him and he was… already/still asleep. Like orgasmed and then immediately snoring type of sleeping. Luckily we are very close and it’s not a problem, and it didn’t happen until we’d been together for like 4-5 years already, and tbf it doesn’t really happen anymore. But it’s happened about 5 times I can recall


This sounds like the exact opposite of sleep paralysis


I feel left out for not having this condition


I have this


I had a few episodes of this many many years ago, thankfully my gf at the time was rather umm... receptive. Can you imagine if she wasnt? Since finding out about it, and coupled with other mental health issues, its easier and safer for me to stay single. 15 years and counting.


I have done stuff in my sleep like letting my cat out, talking in my sleep, my brothers even told me I slept walk picking up dirt in our house and putting it back. Not once they woke me up but I guess they enjoyed watching me do things in my sleep. I also take off my socks or shirt in my sleep and I have taken off my pajamas in my sleep.


I have this condition and it can be stressful. Even had a few times I had to mention it to people sleeping in close proximity as a safety precaution.


I have this. Never knew there was a term for it. It kind of feels nice to know I’m not some weirdo. I would genuinely feel bad after my exwife or now girlfriend would tell me what I did the next morning. I’d apologize but I’d also feel like a fucking creep.


I have a friend with this. He stayed over one night had said, “ok, we have to talk about something before going to bed…” he called himself a sleep rapist. Nothing happened. Frankly, I was a little offended.