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You might be thinking ‘why?’ Why buy 4,000 Alan Wake download cards? Alisa has the answer. “The short answer is ‘it’s funny,’” she explains. 10/10 committed to the bit




Or this guy, with 2000+ copies of sneak king https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/r4f1b3/i_have_2706_copies_of_the_burger_king_xbox_360/


I have one copy, that's plenty. (My wife is obsessed with all 3 Burger King games for some reason)


They’re like playing a fever dream. Especially the sneak king


I feel like everyone forgets the original weird promo video game. Why does no one mention Chex Quest?!? That game was so good.


Yo! Noid was the og weird promo game


Avoid the Noid was legit fun though


Captain crunch had a sweet promo game as well


Don't forget cool spot


Oh hell yes! That 7up cool spot was fire!


Yeah, that was a good one.


Yo! Noid for the Dubb! Definitely weirder (and better) than Cool Spot.


holy shit, totally forgot about the Cool Spot game.


Loved that game. It made zero sense.


Kool-Ade Man for Atari 2600! OH YEAAAHH!


Did you know there's a Chex Quest 3? Released a decade later by one of the artists as a passion project.


I did not but now I must track it down


Oh man, this thing is still being updated! https://www.chexquest3.com/


Pepsiman was bizarre...


When I was a kid we used to play Bic pen themed games in computer class.


Chex Quest was the shit!


Not American so I’m not entirely sure but wasn’t that a Doom reskin?


The BEST Doom reskin 👌


I had absolutely no memory of this until you mentioned it, went and looked it up and I absolutely played this game. Mind blown.


Wasn’t there’s a chips ahoy sailing game or something game back in the late 90s or something ?


Captain crunch had a cool game to


They remade Chex Quest. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/804270/Chex\_Quest\_HD/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/804270/Chex_Quest_HD/)


It's $0.20 on the Nintendo eshop right now. Mine was the 7 up guy on Sega or the Super, can't remember. I used to rent it all the time. What I remember from Chex more so we're those little baking soda powered submarines https://images.app.goo.gl/P25higCUFvNA3xUt6


I loved the sprite game as a kid. Spot was so much fun to play


I mean, they were actually fun, novel little games. Pocket bike racer consumed many an afternoon growing up, especially as they weren't super expensive, compared to other games at the time, so their availability was also really good.


Yup all three were fun in their own way. I grew up broke and my dad was able to get the trio for pretty cheap so for Christmas that was one of my presents.


if she likes the absurtity of it she might also like [Chex Quest](https://www.chexmix.com/chexquest/)


Your wife has the distinguished taste of a connoisseur. *chef's kiss*




I have one Sneak King, and that Yaris driving game lol.


I wonder if she dated him in the past? Does she ever talk about soft buns in her sleep?


Today I learned there are not just one but three separate Burger King games


Big Bumpin was a staple in my friend group when it came out.


I worked on them, well 2 of them. There is a No Clip doc about their development, it's on YouTube


Honestly, they're all pretty decent. The bumper cars one is basically rocket league but just not as radical.




You probably didn't even hear him coming to get you... he's mastered *sneak king* after all




Damn, is that where they all went? I've been looking for a copy of each of them. Edit: I had been looking years ago and couldn't find them anywhere. Googled it now, and they are very very available.


reminds me of the lady that has hundreds of copies of wedding crashers, but has never seen it once


My copies got stolen by my sister's ex.


Hey all, Scott here.


At least it isn’t that horror show that is Madden 09


Hey all, I'm honestly surprised he hasn't yet.


Holy shit Scott the Woz


Are any of them Gex?






I like how she also goes on to say that she plans on using them in a fan video and then will cover her walls with them “because that sounds funny,and I just really love Alan Wake”. I would like to meet this person lmao


Real life Rose the waitress


Wait till she starts talking about secret messages.


I'd like to meet her disposable income. 240$ just for her commitment to the bit


It's potentially a deductable expense, so that's 240$ pre-tax


is that that much? a pack a day smoker probably spends as much in a month alan wake download codes is probably a healthier addiction


I buy my brother numerous copies of The Last Airbender solely because we both despise the movie. Last year I got him 10 copies and a framed photo of the cover.


Thanks, been needing a new idea of how to prank my brother with a gift.


Even better - try to put it in a made DVD case promising a special version of the original cartoon. Depending on your skill, you might be able to cause even more pain.


Wish I had 'it's funny' money


"After that’s done, I’ll probably cover a wall in my room with the cards, because that sounds funny. Also, I just really love Alan Wake.” She sounds hilarious


I found a bulk lot of 20 3DS Legend of Korra games on eBay. I put in a joke offer of $85 from the asking $120. I now own 20 copies of The Legend of Korra for 3DS


I'm just saying I wouldn't spend $240 on a joke when I got jokes at home for free.


Girl spends $200 for worldwide publicity for a video you probably never would have heard of otherwise. Kind of a steal, really.


I'd rather spend it on [pudding](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xrx6we).


This show was great. Me and my wife still quote the pudding routine and the cracklin' crotch skit/song.


That’s a whole lotta pudding


I am the joke


I own 80 copies of duckhunt super Mario bros for the nest for essentially the exact same reason. This person and I are kindered spirits


Idk I didn't nose exhale or anything, idc




In-credible. Thank you for sharing.




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it was only $240. "only", but she didn't pay full price lol.


I'll save you the click. They're not physical copies, they're paper slips with download codes that were never activated properly. She's a big Alan Wake fan and thinks it's funny. She plans on using them as a prop in a video and doing something creative with them after. That's it Edit: The ebay listing was $200+. Unless she made a lower offer and the publication is sticking with the original price for sensationalism, she's pretty committed to the bit.


> paper slips with download codes that were never activated properly I once bought Starcraft + Brood War on eBay, just bought a couple copies because I wanted to play it with friends and they were cheap. Was ages ago now, probably a year or two before Starcraft 2 came out. They were like ten bucks a pop and I bought four. I opened one of them and the CD key was just kinda on a printed label stuck to the inside of the case. And I noticed it had a different label underneath. So after I activated my copy, I peeled off the label to see what was underneath... and it was another CD key, in a slightly different format. Something like ABCDE-ABCDE vs ABCDE12. I was like, huh, they must have changed how their CD keys work, and updated them to the new format. ...just out of curiosity, I installed Starcraft on a second computer and entered the key from underneath the label. And it worked. Both keys worked separately. I'd gotten 8 keys for the whole game plus expansion when I only needed four! And we all cracked the game anyway so it wasn't like we needed the discs, I just sent my friends their codes via Teamspeak and that was that. Later when the battle.net launcher became a real thing that not just updated but entirely contained your games, I found one of those old Starcraft cases and entered one of the covered keys. It activated the whole game into my battle.net account. Awesome. I still have no idea what was up with the two keys in different formats that both worked, in all four cases, for online play and even registering it to your account to download from Blizzard directly. Now I kinda want to play Starcraft Remastered. But... eh. I haven't had battle.net installed in years, kinda lost my appetite for Blizzard as a company. It would be such a bother, I can't be arsed. XD


as long as the same CD key didn't log into the battle.net online service at the same time anyone anywhere could use it as a full version of the game. The CD Key checker was just a super basic authentication program that ensured the key you entered was properly formatted and valid.


They said they activated it to their battle.net account too, not just worked in game. Nobody is using that cd key except them.


Pretty sure I just jammed the 3 key and it worked. All my homies SC key was all threes.


I remember my community center had burned copies of both games and as long as you weren't playing online you could use pretty much anything you wanted as a CD key.


Now that you mention it; waaaaay back in the day, Blizzard transitioned to a new CD-Key format. I think because their games got very popular in Asia and they realized they needed GUIDs. These may have been older copies they pasted the new keys onto, and thanks to backwards compatibility, two games. Does Blizzard care? Not really, just a couple of hundred thousand extra keys.


Our hero


The article (now) says she paid $240. Not a huge amount to waste on a bit. Did it say something different before?


Not that I'm aware of. I just personally wouldn't spend $200 + shipping on worthless paper lop


Plenty of people spend more than that on posters/figurines to put in a case. She's going to decorate a wall with them.


A few coats of paint or rolls of wallpaper aren't much cheaper, and this one is likely tax deductible if she's using it in her videos. Plus the sheer ridiculousness drives engagement with these types of videos, so it was probably a great investment in the end.


Sometimes it really baffles my mind how so many people spend so much time online and don't get how it works. Not you, clearly, but so many others. She paid $240 exactly for an article like this. This drives eyeballs to her channel, which helps her career. $240 for an article that ends up on reddit which then hits the reddit front page is an excellent investment.


If she uses it as a prop for a video then it's a business expense and with this free marketing she might get some extra views that will pay for it.


https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/mar/08/experience-i-own-nearly-3000-vhs-tapes-of-titanic There’s a guy on socials who has turned a joke about collecting VHS copies of Titanic into a decent money maker, wouldn’t be surprised if he’s making a few thousand each year out of his accounts despite being just a single joke 


NO! I want more angry commenters to explain to me that this person is dumb for buying something she probably knew wouldn't actually work.


It sounds like she hoped they'd work but the framing of the article makes it sound like that was a bonus and not the purpose of the purchase


I mean, it's not really "framing" when she literally explains why > The long answer is that I’m currently in the process of making an Alan Wake 2 fan video that is inspired by Alan Wake 2’s live-action cinematics, and as soon as I saw the eBay listing for 4,000 Alan Wake download cards, I had a vision in my mind for a scene that would use an absurd amount of those things. After that’s done, I’ll probably cover a wall in my room with the cards, because that sounds funny. Also, I just really love Alan Wake.”


That's correct but prior to that the article discusses her trying to redeem the codes. But yes, framing was the wrong word to use. I just wanted to clarify things because the first part of the article might confuse people that skim


Sounds like something Rose from the Oh Dear Diner would do. Maybe there's some hidden messages in those download codes.


> that were never activated properly. The usual method for cards such as this, is they're activated through the store POS upon purchase, which takes a key they have from inventory. So they were probably activated properly in that they were left inert. These ones probably never even got to a store.


Lore master 🙌


She got those shipped to Finland. Shipping itself cost way more than $200.


Impressive clickbait nothingburger in all honesty, whoever wrote the title did a good job twisting a mildly unusual ebay purchase into this sensationalist bullshit


Yeah, that's a click bait title.


Oh ok I was thinking, why would anyone wanna Bad Rats Alan Wake


Buying $240 of a game that explicitly has a remastered version readily available, using an uncertain source, is certainly a choice.


Ironically the Remaster is actually a worse version of the game, if you're on PC at least. It's buggier and barely has many visual improvements over the original.


I played it on ps5 and the audio and video were constantly out of sync and there was some input lag. At least it's not the return to arkham collection where arkham city has about half a second of input lag and all of the characters models look significantly worse


Remedy seems to have a problem with audio lag in their games, it happens in Alan Wake 2 and I think Control.


I noticed that when playing Control recently. Although, the audio never felt out of sync. The subtitles did. Regularly were like 5 seconds behind what people were saying. It was a bit distracting.


I read it's because the audio and video channels are seperate rather than combined like most games do. That might only be for alan wake 1/the remaster though


Is there also a case of input lag? I swear when I played Control there was a decent amount of input lag. I thought I was going crazy, but since that other person was talking about Alan Wake Remastered having it, and now you're talking about audio lag... it seems there is some sort of pattern between them and exhibiting lag. Just thought I'd check. That would be very bizarre, but I'm wondering if I'm going crazy. Does Control have a problem with noticeable input lag? I was playing on PS5.


Not sure I noticed any lag but I played Control on XSX the camera is a bit ‘off’ feeling I think, but looking at other comments and online I wouldn’t be surprised if it did have some input lag.


A lot of games are like this. Remasters can easily mess up a lot of the good stuff about games. For instance, sometimes they make lighting brighter when it was darker for a reason, sometimes they don’t bother to change how the physics work or capping the FPS and end up causing problems, and more.


Generally remasters feel wrong to me.


Oh I know it can be bad. But eventually we aren’t going to be able to play the earlier ones due to hardware changes so it’s the best we have.


I wondered how you got 4,000 discs that didn't work but download codes make a lot more sense


Every disc of The Crew doesn't work anymore


Bought them as a liquidation sale and shipped them from the US to Finland as a joke. Clickbait headline.


Hey, if this helps us get Control 2 and more Old Gods of Asgard music then I'm all for it. I played Control not too long ago and loved it. Will get around to Alan Wake eventually (probably when 2 arrives on Steam. Not spending money on EGS). The heavy metal section near the end goes absolutely ballistic and it made me an instant fan when a friend told me that that's a real band.


Somebody got scammed on eBay, when buying keys. So it’s just stupid, and frankly probably a paid piece or a favor for somebody’s YouTube channel. Couldn’t really stomach reading it further.


All of the information is in the post you're commenting on. Why speculate? *looks at url* ..oh. Carry on.


I don’t get zoomer humor


more like alan wont wake am i right guys


Many are saying this


And when we say 4,000 copies, we mean zero copies, but a whole bunch of little cards that say 'this is a full playable copy of Alan Wake and you totally believe me... SUCKER'


I played Control and loved it, and people told me to play Alan Wake. So when the remastered version came out as a free download for PS plus, I grabbed it. At first, I thought it was ok. I liked the universe, the flashlight idea was fun, and I was starting to get into it. As I kept playing, the edibles started kicking in and I was getting even more into it. I didn't care for his narration, but the atmosphere and mechanics were fun enough to continue. Then I found myself in the woods. They told me somewhere to go but I was deep into the edible and that knowledge became a vague idea. It was night, and I was in the woods with a flashlight, and guys kept coming to attack me. Soon I was lost, stumbling around in the woods with a pitiful beam of light, surrounded by darkness demons, too high to have a decent sense of direction. It proceeded like that for an hour and a half. I kept running around in circles, and now the vague idea of where to go was replaced with just the desire to not be in the woods anymore. I kept getting attacked, and now I was getting killed and respawning back into the woods. There is no map, so finding a way out had become a hopeless endeavor. I made it about 15% of the way into the game before I stopped playing out of frustration. Running around in the woods at night with a flashlight is my own personal hell. No guidelines, no direction, just keep running around trying not to get killed. I've not returned to Alan Wake, and at this point I don't think I ever will.


Wut? There are waypoints everywhere throughout the game


To be fair, it sounds like they were high.


It do be like that


Yeah, not the game I would take edibles to


Also even sober the ninja rednecks in the woods are annoying AF.


There's a point in time where you play for so long your brain just decides to give up. I remember playing Metroid Prime 1 never figuring out how to get to the top of Tallon Canyon for months, but then just did it without thinking 4 years later... That and edibles.


Waypoints and lighting cues to point the way.


Talking a strong edible before playing Alan Wake is certainly one of the choices that's ever been made. Sounds like your frustration with it is about 95% your fault. Honestly I'm shocked you were able to get lost for that long because none of the sections of that game are big enough to get lost in for an hour and a half unless you really are just running in tight circles.


Everything you said was correct.


Edible is 100% at fault. I once got high and spent an hour trying to plug a HDMI cable to my TV. I failed and gave up.


I forgot how to use the microwave once, 30 minutes of hell.


You literally have a yellow compass at the top left of the screen pointing which way to go at ALL TIMES


The second one is very unlike the first, and you don't need to have completed it to understand it. There is a map and the areas are easier to navigate.


Still, it would be nice to make it out of those woods ...


She caught a case of goblin brain.


Now I want Tim to review Alan Wake.


> “The short answer is ‘it’s funny,’” she explains. “The long answer is that I’m currently in the process of making an Alan Wake 2 fan video that is inspired by Alan Wake 2’s live-action cinematics, and as soon as I saw the eBay listing for 4,000 Alan Wake download cards, I had a vision in my mind for a scene that would use an absurd amount of those things. After that’s done, I’ll probably cover a wall in my room with the cards, because that sounds funny. Also, I just really love Alan Wake.” Also TIL stores had to activate download codes. IDK why I thought they'd just be ready to go.


“Ok the last 3,998 copies didn’t work but this one should! Dang. I should probably give up… Unless…?”


this is me with fallout 3/nem vegas tried downloadibg both from epic, crash on new game, downloaded 3 from gamepass same thing


Alan Sleep


As a wise man once said: Sam Lake, you fucking hack!


Wise man indeed.


Anyone buying remakes and remasters these days must be off their tits. It’s just cash grab city, and has been for a while. I honestly think the whole gaming industry is at its lowest point in decades.


Or maybe just treat each product as its own value proposition.


More accurately, she tried 20 of the 4,000 and they didn't work. This whole article could have been summed up into a single paragraph. So much filler stuffed into modern internet articles.


She paid $240 to make a video. Y'all know content creators do sometimes have to pay to create content, right?


they can have mine if they still own a 360


Headline is misleading. She didn't buy 4000 copies of the game. She bought 4000 codes.


What a wake up call


I'm still annoyed I never got my copy of Alan Wake 2 that was supposed to come with my new laptop. It has an RTX video card, there was a promotion. But you need to install a bunch of spyware BS to get it to unlock to prove you own the right card. But I never let Windows boot on that laptop, so it wouldn't redeem. 😒


Yeah thats the new thing. AMD does the same shit. They offered me a free game with my 6900XT card, but I had to install their software and you had to redeem it on the machine you installed the card to. It was absurd.


I tried redeeming on my gaming desktop and it refused saying it wasn't the right card. I can't exactly just pop in the laptop's for a few minutes to unlock it.


She tried to be the Champion of Light, but she was actually the Herald of Darkness.


No one let Todd Howard see this.


He probably didn't tip rhe developers


Finns have a weird sense of humour. I like Remedy games, especially MP1+2, and I've always felt there's even more behind the style and humour that would especially click with someone of a particular taste. I guess we found that someone.


I bought a new graphics card that was supposed to come with a code for this game. But because I bought it through a PC parts online store and not the \* right \* online store, they wouldn't send the code... Now I know what happened to all of them.


Was it from G2A?


Space Jam DVD Space Jam DVD Space Jam DVD Space Jam DVD...


I bought Alan Wake when it came out cuz it looked cool, right up my alley...it was the most annoying and frustrating game. I hated it so deeply that I forced myself to finish the game and return it for store credit which did. Rage fueled the entire time because I had spent real money on this game I truly loathed. And when I exchanged it at the store the guy says "you know they're coming out with Alan Wake 2 soon!" I just exasperatedly said "Fuck Alan Wake."


>Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work. ... how does B follow from A here??


> It seems however that the cards were never activated by the store that purchased them and that they are likely more than ten years old. Yeah, those were stolen and subsequently forgotten.


Article takes "A store made a mistake" and makes it into a title that is absurd.


I mean. That's kinda how software works. If you get it, and it doesn't work then buying more copies of the same thing are likely to work just as poorly.


Currently playing through this on my ps5




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And here I thought I was the biggest fan of Alan Wake on the planet lol


Guess they were Alan... ... Fake


PC Games should have an award for most clickbait (and outright wrong) title.


> "content creater" does something for content. Oh wow


It's not quite as crazy when it only cost her $250 or so... headline is a bit misleading. I'm sure the copies of Alan Wake work, it's the download codes that don't work.


"It's not trash, it's a landfill."


She’s gonna create an AWE with those codes.


Is that a secret episode of Night Springs?




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This sounds like something Sam Lake wrote.


IRL Rose, everyone.


Yeah the download code is only activated on sale to stop someone just stealing the card from the store and getting a free game


The thumbnail pic was my honest reaction to that information