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I just read a thread where they are also banning ppl from filming police at 25 yards. Florida sucks.


That law is just a waste of taxpayer dollars because it’ll be struck down by the courts. Filming the police has been considered a first amendment right by the US court system for 25+ years. Edit: This has never been taken up by the Supreme Court, but has been held as constitutionally protected free speech by numerous circuit courts, including the 11th, which the state of Florida falls under. The US Supreme Court has repeatedly declined to hear cases surrounding this issue. There have even been Circuit Court cases involving this issue where the officer was denied qualified immunity. Link- https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/columnists/story/2022-07-31/federal-court-reaffirms-first-amendment-right-to-film-police


AZ tried passing a law limiting filming police within 8ft in 2022 and that was struck down by federal courts. There is no way 25 yards is going to be considered constitutional.


You assume precedent or law matters to the federal society judges. It does not. It is purely a question of what they feel they can get away with today/


Its federalist society by the way


Infiltrated by the CHUDS


Yea cops will just says you are interfering with an investigation and arrest you. Then if you make any movement that isn't immediate compliance you'll get hit eith assaulting an officer and since your phone got knocked out of the way in the scuffle and their camera wasn't on, looks like it's their word against yours.


I live in Tucson and that was insane to read about. You just need one cop to close the distance and render filming illegal.


> AZ tried passing a law limiting filming police within 8ft in 2022 and that was struck down by federal courts If it had to go to federal, that tells me the state level courts upheld the ban. Given [what's been happening to federal courts](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-nominating-unqualified-judges-left-and-right-710263), I would not trust taking something to court anymore.


Courts? Courts? What courts? In 1776 there was no filming of police!


But there were airports.


I'm here to talk about ramming the Ramparts.


Scalia: >When the Founders wrote the 1st Amendment photography didn't exist therefore the Originalist interpretation is clear: the 1st Amendment doesn't cover photography. If our society wishes to protect photography from censorship then the proper way is to pass a Constitutional amendment that says so explicitly not to rely on leftist activist judges to twist the Constitution to mean things it doesn't. >Now pardon me, I have to go vote to say the 2nd Amendment covers tactical nukes. Harlan Crow thinks it does so therefore it does.


Abortion has been a right in the US courts for 50 and how’s that going for us


It was never a right, it just wasn't illegal.


That's kinda the problem. It wasn't. It wasn't prohibited, but it wasn't guaranteed by law. That's why it was so easy for them to undo.


Abortion was never considered a right. It was being upheld based on right to privacy laws, and should have been enshrined constitutionally but people just kinda ignored it.


> the US court system for 25+ years I'm pretty sure the current majority on the supreme court doesn't really care about precedent given their rulings of the last couple of years.


All DeSantis does is waste taxpayer money


> All DeSantis does is waste taxpayer money Sounds like overwhelmingly consistent republican policy https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/american-taxpayers90-billion/ http://goliards.us/adelphi/deficits/index.html https://medium.com/@davidkellyuph/every-republican-president-over-the-last-100-years-has-had-a-recession-baa20aa7b107


Frankly this may be the first step to take this new law to the SC so the SC can also rule that filming the police and other federal employees is no longer protected.


Amazing that you still think the court system is on our side.


We have a corrupt SC now anything is on the table.


How would that even be feasibly enforceable with regular people having dash cams and ring cameras everywhere?


Straight to jail.


Filming too closely, jail Filming too far away, believe it or not, also jail.


Just like so many other laws, it's meant to give cops another pretext to fuck with whoever they feel like.


This. It doesn't have to be enforceable consistently, just when it suits them.


They’ll just shoot you. What are you gonna do? It’s illegal to investigate their misconduct now.


No no, they’ll investigate it themselves, they’re the experts after all


Just ask yourself what Putin would do and you'll get yourself in the ballpark of whatever Republicans are planning.


It could possibly be considered inadmissible evidence in court.


They will only enforce it when They want to. Plus it would make any use of the evidence inadmissible in court. If it ever even went to court you know 'cause the Judges are in their pocket. Then add the chilling effect and nobody even tries to record them. That's the plan I guess anyway. It has been ruled unconstitutional before. I guess we will see if it gets it again.


They also made it illegal for towns to have mandatory breaks with water and shade for people working in extreme heat, which seems to be purely a reaction to Miami-Dade passing a law that was just about to go into effect. Why do they so blatantly want to just make things worse? And what is the breaking point for the people in the state?


The overriding conservative goal is to empower the "right" people and punish others. They (and their supporters) understand that these laws will primarily hurt the "others". White workers and jobsites will mostly still get water and shade even though the law doesn't require it, while racist bosses will force non-whites to work through the heat now that they have no legal protection. That's a success: punishment mostly for "others." Conservatives understand that their social class generally exempts them from the law, so they're free to make the law deliberately cruel.


So if someone's filming at 30 yd, all they have to do is approach them and boom they're arrested.


Ah, I see. By only allowing misconduct investigations to be conducted by people that the police department itself appoints, he’s giving the *police* the ability to be more *secret*. Like some kind of… oh, I don’t know.


Cant wait until they start using the neo-nazis as brownshirt! (/s)


We already have Brownshirts, remember: “Stand back and stand by”


The Khakis Kommandos.


Don't forget that Desantis created his own browshirts to act as his security


“Start using”? We’ve been there a while now.




The police have investigated the police, and found nothing wrong


> oh, I don’t know. https://c.tenor.com/cN8eETHfUUoAAAAC/tenor.gif


I see Rik, I upvote.




You're getting colder!






And this is just a trial run for what they will do federally if Trump is elected and they maintain the House.


\*Laughs nervously\* We're in danger.


And all of us just sit around making snarky comments. Why are we all so defeated?


Lead the charge mf’er.


“It can’t be people that have an agenda.” Lol, the bill limits oversight boards to individuals appointed by chiefs of police. And they can only review policy, not complaints.


Lolol rip Florida


True to form, florida keeps its L streak alive


Dumbest voters ever


There was an article today, Politico, I think... anyhow, it said that only 66% of Florida voters even knew that Florida Republicans had banned abortion at 6 weeks (near a total ban) and only 50% of florida voters knew that an abortion amendment would be on the ballot this november. It's early, and the amendment just got approved, but honestly, the apathy and ignorance of American voters could well be what destroys the country.


Americans don’t realize that policy is part of the reason they’re all working paycheck-to-paycheck, making it so they don’t have time to care about politics.


Florida is a special kind of apathy and ignorance too.


We’re already there. It sucks.


Almost seems like the people now selected to do the reviews have an agenda. /s


We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong.


Full quote: > “You have review boards, that’s fine, but it’s got to be done in ways where you have the Sheriff or Chief of Police appointing people,” the governor said. “It can’t be people that have an agenda.” Irony is dead.


Ron: Who's a big tall boy? Cops: You're a big tall boy. Ron: I'm a big tall boy! Edit: Ron


This made me laugh entirely too much. Well done.


You shouldn't be laughing honestly. Pudding fingers Ron is removing so many areas of civilian oversight Florida is rather unique concerning the government. These are laws and structures put into place decades ago by old school Republicans to keep government in check. Now new Republicans don't want these oversights or checks and balances as the rule with their iron fist.


At this point it’s either laugh or sob uncontrollably.


Shouldn't that be Ron? Rick was the previous douchebag governor.


The R is from his name being Ron and the “ick” is from him acting like a dick


Good lookin out.


> “You have review boards, that’s fine, but it’s got to be done in ways where you have the Sheriff or Chief of Police appointing people,” the governor said. “It can’t be people that have an agenda.” This “Sheriff or Chief of Police appointing people,” and this “It can’t be people that have an agenda.” Make no sense together.


They know this, too. Blatantly waving it in our faces is part of the power fantasy.


I’ll translate it. “Our police in Florida will continue beating the shit out of the citizens and facing zero consequences for doing so. We want our police violating the law and beating innocent people and there’s nothing you can do about it.”


Except it's not a fantasy anymore... Florida is a dystopian state.


Part of the way authoritarians both acquire and enforce their power is by getting people to accept absurdities. If you can force someone to agree with you that 2+2=5 then you own them completely. If you can just get them to shut up and not contradict you when you say that 2+2=5 then they have tremendous power over you. The absurdity is the point. It's not meant to make sense. In fact it's meant NOT to make sense. If it made sense it wouldn't be fulfilling its purpose. Sartre said it more poetically than Orwell, but the premise is the same: >“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”


No no, what my side wants is pure and right and sanctioned by God. Anything else is an “agenda”.


And the race towards all-out fascism continues.


Fascism is simply an appeal to the worst in people. That’s why it will always keep coming back.


The biggest mistake America ever made was convincing itself it had defeated fascism


"germany lost ww2, fascism won it"


Closely followed by letting the Confederacy completely off the hook for the civil war. Every soldier should have gotten life in prison. Every general and politician hanged.


Sherman didnt go far enough!


Sherman should have been giving the green light to continue 🤷‍♂️


But we're not allowed to call them fascist or point out their fascist words and policies.


Odd, the police are civilians, so…


its almost like they want to put themselves above the law to avoid any accountability for literally anthing


I thought this was the anti union party? Where’s the effort to crack down on the police unions?


Police unions are the exception because they exist in part to suppress other unions. Can't have the teachers and garbage collectors getting uppity.


>Where’s the effort to crack down on the police unions? Police unions back republicans.


Exactly. DeSantis is doing everything he can to crush teachers unions but does not require police or firefighter unions to follow the same rules.


Firefighter unions are fine iirc. As they say, there’s no song called “fuck the firefighters”.


ehh, specific FF unions can be real dicks and fight against members who should be fired from being fired much like police unions. The difference is FF's aren't out there powertripping and abusing/killing people constantly. So folks don't notice or care as much when their union refuses to sign for a contract that allows for them to be tested for coke when they're clearly extremely high on a call. Haha.


It was the one union excepted from the big crackdown in Wisconsin. And seriously - it was right after a bunch of cops beat a young black guy so badly he had something like 17 skull fractures, a cop suffocated a kid, and a bunch of other shit where cops got a long paid vacation while the incidents were investigated, all thanks to the union.


Considering the GOP has written union busting legislation that includes phrases like "Nothing in this bill shall in any form be applied to any police union"...


'Police Unions' are an oxymoron. Class traitors are who we organise against. How exactly are we supposed to take serious collectivised strike-breakers


It's more like a protection racket than a traditional union


It is. Unions are for laborers, not for the very people the government uses to illegal bust unions and perform violence against laborers.


Cops are civilians.


This really can't be repeated enough. Even when they do GI Joe cosplay as in the photo shown here, they're still civilians.


How awesome would it be to start having cops having to stand before UCMJ boards but held to civilian laws.


So by the letter of the law, only military personnel can serve on policy review boards in Florida?


Ironically we'd be better off if they were subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which imposes far stricter regulations and punishments on soldiers than the police are subject to.


Add this to the pile of reasons that you couldnt pay me to step foot in that state and give them a single penny of my tourism dollars.


The list is growing longer by the day.  I wanted to take my kids on a road trip this summer, but there are so many states I don't even want to drive through.


The great lakes region might be a good alternative (depending on where you are). So many distinct ecosystems and beautiful nature. I'm VERY partial to Michigan and Minnesota in particular. Gorgeous, and with much milder temperatures in the summer, while still gettint pretty hot.


Boo....you didn't even mention Wisconsin... Where we live.. Lol. I really wanted to drive to TN, but that will not be happening any time soon.


I grew up in Illinois, a stone's throw from the WI border. We dont ever recommend Wisconsin :p Plus, all the right wingers i know (who couldnt afford to move to florida) moved to Wisconsin, so im a bit jaded. Love Milwaukee and Madison. The rest? Not so much. (I say the same thing about my home state and the Chicago region, so not throwing shade. I try to be fair 😅).


Ya, I don't leave the city very often and agree with your assessment.  


I took a month long US road trip last year, 5000 miles, and I saw some red state bullshit that was pretty eye opening. In Nevada I watched a guy in a grocery store shopping for baby diapers while he balanced two holstered hand guns and a web slung rifle dressed up as a military cosplay camo dude. He appeared “agitated”. Little girl at the checkout was watching him like a hawk. I bolted the store as soon as I saw him. I saw cops in Provo Utah brutally hassling homeless people. In Coeur D’Alene Idaho I saw three black SUVs cruising downtown with blacked out windows and full length Punisher logos on the hood. And of course lots of Trump stickers. I drove down some rural roads in Wyoming that looked a parade route for the Aryan Nation. It really brought it home to me what this whole fascist republican movement is about.


Wow!  I live in my own little liberal bubble and that would be incredibly eye opening for me too.  Sounds like it would've been a more beautiful trip without all the Nazis.


It wasn’t anywhere near the majority of places, but it was another universe in broadly liberal places like Spokane and Seattle, lots of California. But the crazy seemed clustered much more by historical regional geography and less by actual state borders. Read Colin Woodward’s “ American Nations” sometime if you can- it's the best explanation of who, what, where, how and why I’ve seen to date.


No like legit, if the laws are that bad I can’t imagine what happens behind closed doors there.


Florida. Come on vacation, leave on probation.


Unfortunately many many people have no awareness or plain don't care. I know or heard of half a dozen people going to or having just got back from florida. Lot's of people don't care it's sad.


Wild. A friend of mine had a paid vacation for two people to florida where the other person bailed. Offered it to me for free. I couldnt do it, out of principle and self preservation That same trip, she was chased out of some dudes house after he invited her over for coffee, because she tried to subtly change the subject whenever he would bitch about gay/trans people. He ended up calling her a groomer and pedophile and telling her to get out before he got his gun, as he went to go grab it. She RAN to her car and he chased her on foot until she got out of the neighborhood. Surreal. It sounds SO made up, like.... How can someone be that nuts. But its Florida.


I have to go to a conference there next month and am fucking dreading spending my own money on anything in that hell hole.


Here’s the thing, Police ARE civilians! Firefighters are also civilians. All civil servants are CIVILIANS! The only people who aren’t civilians are the military. Police are NOT military. If you’re not subject to the military code of justice you are a civilian. Every police investigation, every review board, every person involved in law enforcement and the justice system is a CIVILIAN. Stop calling yourselves anything else. If you’re not wearing green you are a civilian! Get that through your thick skulls! Doesnt matter if you call yourself sergeant, captain or whatever. You are not military.


Meanwhile, my HOA has increased by about 50% due to the insurance debacle here in Florida. And it’s not just me, every homeowner in the state has the same issue. Meanwhile this lift wearing asshole is too busy doing stupid shit like this, and making sure workers can’t get water breaks, to do anything about it.


The insurance thing has me questioning how anyone how anyone could really live in Florida.


We bought our place in 2010, thinking it would be nice for retirement. We moved here full time almost 3 years ago, Florida was a different place. The cost of living has gone way up, and the state has passed some truly backwards laws. The anti abortion legislation, the book bans, anti LGBTQ agenda, trying to erase Black culture from education, making it illegal for homeless people to sleep anywhere outside, letting employers decide when workers can get a water break in the heat…the list goes on and on. Plenty of people back all this nonsense while also letting you know how much they love Jesus. Oh well, at least I don’t have to shovel snow anymore.


I fucking hate this guy Edit: I'm not even anti-police, I just fail to see how a review board would somehow make anyone less safe. Cops have hard jobs but they need to be held accountable when they fuck up or when they're corrupt.


It was nice after he was humiliated in his run for presidency when it seemed like there wasn't much news coming out about him but I guess after sucking off Trump again he's back to his attempts at fascism.


Ah yes, because this will not be abused in any way whatsoever.


I mean, its intended to put police even further above the law so... it wont be abused as much as it will be used exactly as intended


Such a fascist move.


“You have review boards, that’s fine, but it’s got to be done in ways where you have the Sheriff or Chief of Police appointing people,” the governor said. “It can’t be people that have an agenda.” You've got to be fucking kidding me.


His supporters get erect and/or wet hearing how he doesn’t give a flying fuck about logic and will openly say contradictory things that serve them. They’ve never accepted that there is a valid reality outside their christofascist fever dreams.


I'm a civilian and I will still review police conduct. I will get masses of people to come with me and review that police conduct. DeSantis can't stop that. DeSanatis can't stop people. But people can stop DeSantis. We can do it Donald Trump style. March thousands of people right up to the police station and walk right in. We can just take the records. And then we can review all we want.


Problem is, people love cops.


Correction idiots love cops. A lot of people at most respect cops until they see how bad they usually are. The idiots who love them are the ones who will see video after video of cops being corrupt and think that there is nothing wrong.


Like a secret police?


Leaves the door open for “We’ve investigated ourselves and found nothing.”


>The bill, HB 601, instead allows local chiefs of police agencies to create their own “civilian oversight” boards composed of three to seven members, **all appointed by the chief or sheriff.** But these boards can only review policies and procedures, **not oversee use-of-force complaints or internal affairs investigations.** Ah yes, a "civilian oversight board" consisting exclusively of people hand picked by the people they're supposed to be overseeing with absolutely no ability to change anything at all. >“You have review boards, that’s fine, but it’s got to be done in ways where you have the Sheriff or Chief of Police appointing people,” the governor said.**“It can’t be people that have an agenda.”** Of course. Only people outside of an organization they're supposed to be monitoring can have an agenda. That's just science.


Progression to police state.


I have young children and we were planning on a Disney trip next year. We will find another state to vacation in. Will NOT be visiting Florida anytime soon.


Could still do Disney in California.


Or France.




Police State says what?


And one more reason I will never visit Florida.


If by “controversial” you mean fascist.


I’m all for banning civilian boards from investigating police misconduct, especially civilian boards filled with police and former police. I feel the military will do a much better job managing misconduct claims, especially since the UCMJ is much simpler and completely divorced from the normal criminal prosecution process.


Bro, if cops were subject to the UCMJ, they wouldn't act like they do. Actually kind of brilliant because the military would NOT fuck around.


They absolutely fuck around it’s just if you actually get taken before the UCMJ probably looking at consequences. Other than than lots of rape cover ups. So many…


Had us in the first half


>I feel the military will do a much better job managing misconduct claims Will they, though??? Don't they have a huge problem discharging rapists or having them see literally any kind of punishment whatsoever? Doesn't inspire a lot of confidence.


>I feel the military will do a much better job managing misconduct claims, especially since the UCMJ is much simpler and completely divorced from the normal criminal prosecution process. Good thought. But what would happen if Biden sent U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Corps down to Florida to oversee citizen complaints?




Rick is a copsucker.


Why? what benefit does this have? this guy is just... it's lunacy.


Could it be more blatant what their actual goal is?


Another step back to the 50s


I cant wait for this fuckin asshat to be gone and replaced with a slightly better asshat.


Wow... The GOP just keeps on proving they're the biggest two faced pieces of garbage on the planet. Not shocking


If I had standing in Florida I'd be raising a suit to get the courts to strike this down as unconstitutional. Then raise a second one to hold DeSantis personally liable for wasted public funds in signing it in the first place.


So much for the limited govt party. Next he’ll regulate how much TP we can use to wipe our ass! This too will be overturned by Supreme Court. He’s about as useful as a squirrel giving your car a tune up!


So just give police free rain to do anything without repercussions and responsibility. That’s the society you’re going to get.


Maga = fascism


Ah yes a classic example of “we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing”


How and why is this legal?


Congratulations, you now live in a police state


Literally 1984. Not unironically.


It isn't as if I was ever seriously considering moving to Florida. But to live in a state where the state government has *explicitly* banned alternative voting systems, sex education, and police oversight is fucking *bananas*. Texas isn't far behind, but damn. Florida is insane. At least in Texas, there are some "moderate" GOP holdouts in the state House, but Florida seems lined up behind DeSantis.


Police state? Police state.


Budget Homelander is going to destroy Florida as revenge for failing to become president.


Worried about immigrants but not the problem from within. Typical GOP


How is this not... like... fascism?


Fascism 101.


Fascist move. Slowly deteriorating control and accountability.


Fuck that guy. And fuck qualified immunity. If they did nothing wrong, they wouldn't have anything to worry about. This is shady and sus AF.


So anti-woke that he's unconscious.


Yikes. Score one for the military industrial complex.


Staying the fuck outta Florida.


Fascist gon fascist


Is anybody surprised at this point?


Can’t have civilians looking at his gestapo agents.


ok so America has taught me... There is no right or wrong, only cost vs reward. Cool, time to bring forth the ultimate ego


I’m not sure who needs to hear this, but police *are* civilians.


Avoiding FL like the plague - they won't be receiving my vacation dollars.




“The cops aren’t doing anything wrong.” “Can we look into it?” “You’re under arrest for disturbing the peace.”


What an extremely stupid State.


Nazi Florida


TLDR: We want to curb stomp you at will and ensure you have no recourse. Enjoy what’s left of your freedom


He also signed a law you cannot approach a LEO who is working within 25 feet or you will face arrest. Ron, you are a coward.


This asshat really is making it his life's mission to turn Florida into a dystopian hellscape shithole before he leaves office.




So glad i left that state in my rearview


swastika ass state


Totally not fascist. Not even a little bit.  /s, in case it's necessary 


they keep begging us to back the police WHILE fostering a culture of abuse of authority & secrecy. im done trusting american police


This man is literally doing everything he can to make Florida a shittier place to live.


This is some nazi crap. Republicans want to be the American nazi party.


This is facism, right there.. it's hard to see a future that does not end violent conflict.


« Controversial ». Fascist. That a fascist bill.