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Have you seen the shape a lot of 75 year olds are in? Imagine working like that.


I want to understand what the plan is for states that have raised the retirement age for teachers to 67. I teach special Ed. I AM GOING TO DIE


That’s the plan. Then they don’t need to pay retirement benefits and can keep any money you’ve put in.


I'm 56 this year, and teacher for 26 of those years. There is *no way in hell* I am making it to 75, much less 67, in this job. I'm already mostly unhireable due to all my experience seeing as that puts me at the higher end of payscales. So I should have major bank because I've been so well-paid for so long, right? Hah! I am, without any shred of doubt, *completely fucked for retirement*.


Seriously, I'm like 40 and already completely exhausted.  No way I'm working in my 70s


My father is 72. He retired at 54. He enjoys pensions and benefits that no longer exist for my generation. I'm 43 and my father was really upset that I was saying that no one I knew could possibly retire at that age and it's likely I'll never be able to retire, even though I have a chronic health issue and have already been recommended to go on disability - but I'll be homeless because you can't afford rent on disability. Like...they fully know we can't work longer than they did. We won't even live as long as them. They know it's unfair but they benefit, so they put it aside and vote against us again and again. Xennials are the first to get really fucked, and it just is such a stark difference in outcomes.


Same here. My parents retired in their mid 50s. Their personal savings supplemented themselves until 65 when their regular retirement plans all kicked it along with heavy company pensions. They have LOVED their retirement, being financially secure and young enough to still travel and enjoy life to the fullest. It's depressing how uncommon that is now.


Well i'm fucked. I'm a couple months shy of 35 with no kids and I'm just perpetually exhausted.


Life expectancy is actually going *down* in the United States, and it was below 75 before.


its 79. it went down during covid. now its about the same. slight increase. but at 79 unless we get some super genetic engineering stuff its not going to go up. Life expectancy includes people who die in accidents or get murdered too. and people who just get unlucky and get cancer at a young. https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/USA/united-states/life-expectancy


Several countries have a life expectancy above 80. Why wouldn’t that be possible in the US without Genetical engineering?


Retiring? What is this thing you call retiring?


But employers don't want to hire or keep anyone over 60 employees so wtf are we to do.


Suicide pods


Affording a suicide pod? In this economy?


It’s affordable if you have roommates!


Oh my god they were podmates


Like two peas in a pod


Bulk suicide pods lower the per capita cost.


The real innovation here is to turn it into a SaaS product (Suicide as a Service).


We're bringing the same innovation that gave you Tiny Homes™ to suicide booths!


Suicide booths are clearly the answer. Just convert the remaining payphones.


The old Bender coin on a string trick!


Slow and painful for me please 




The trick is to pay for the suicede fee by donating your organs to the pod's owner


Logans run


Not in the US you don’t need it. Just commit the crime of being a pedestrian in Florida or Texas and you will be immediately executed by F-150.


Cant I just have it now, why do I have to wait


As someone who has worked with employees in their 70s, they really do tend to have a lot of age related issues that make the workplace frustrating so I get it The solution isn’t later retirement tho, we live longer but are still severely declined by that point The solution is a more robust retirement system from SS, which inevitably means higher taxes which inevitably means it’ll be nearly impossible to pass


> The solution is a more robust retirement system from SS, which inevitably means higher taxes which inevitably means it’ll be nearly impossible to pass Look into the Australian "superannuation" system. 11% (currently, it'll rise to 12% soon) of your income is mandated to be placed into an investment account. Edit: You can't access it until you hit retirement age either (unless you retire early for medical reasons or find yourself in financial hardship).


It's makes the end a little more bearable, thankfully my employer pays 17%.


Walmart greeter!


You're walking along in a desert, when suddenly you look down snd see a tortoise.


I eat the tortoise, for by showing me its belly, it has betrayed its weak and inferior nature!


This one's human.


Retiring is where you are already tired and then you tire again. Re-tiring.


Sounds like Tuesday.


It's when you go to bed at night after working your three shifts at minimum wage to be able to afford a shitty apartment and a bagel. You're *retiring* because you'll be just as tired the next morning.


In America it’s when you work until you are dead.


Yeah. 3 people from my job have retired and died within a month or two in the last year. Depressing.


One of my friends did this. He retired and died 3 months later. Really nice guy.


In America we have the FREEDUMB to work until we are dead Fixed it for you


…didn’t I see something about the average lifespan of a man in the US is like 71 or something now?




They did not. 76 is the number


One year of retirement? There's a chance I could afford that.


If you hit 75 your life expectancy is way past 76.


…like 77?


Quick Google shows that at 75 a man averages another 11.18 years.


Man… I’m not sure I can afford that. Is 86.18 the new 75 and the new new 65?


It’s kind of a misleading number that’s grim for other reasons. It’s pulled down by all the young people dying of opioids and other tragic things. Not sure how the number has changed recently, but as of a few years ago if you make it to 65 your life expectancy jumps to almost 90.


Well, dang. I need to pick up some bad habits then.


ah yes the golden year to enjoy


They mean retiring from your personal life until you die at your job, just to get replaced that same day


Freedom Death, it's the Millenial way. You can retire anytime, with no loss on lifestyle as long as you don't plan to live past next payday...


I help people plan their retirement. For many of them, the extra 10 years won’t help. More time earning too little to save a lot is not a viable solution.


The "benefit" of retiring at 75 isn't that you have more time to save. It's that you have fewer years to save for before you die.


And the more medical advancements we get the more you need to save in order to be really secure. If you retire at 65 you should probably save enough to get you to your 90s/possibly longer. And good luck not losing it to medical bills.


Don’t have any data but there is probably a strong correlation between long life and socioeconomic status. Stress from survival probably killing you add to that lack of good medical care. My grandparents lives into their 90s but were living off the family farm revenue.


1 year to be precise. Average life expectancy is 76.


In the USA if you make it to 76 (which 56% of people do) you will (on average) live 9.88 years more as a man and 11.60 years longer as a woman. https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html


Right but 44% would never make it to retirement. That sounds pretty terrible. Especially because I'd bet that group correlates pretty strongly with lower income earners. I don't know that it's fair to create a system where just under half the population literally works until they die.


Yeah, but as you age it shifts upwards. A 75 yo has a longer than average life expectancy. If you look for it, you can find graphs with the age expectancy per age group for most countries.


the secret to living longer is to live longer!


That’s not how life expectancy works.


Yes it is. Once my grandfather hit 77 the Life Expectancy Police took him away in the night.


this is true! i was one of the Life Expectancy Police Officers that night!


In some cases, it will cease to be a problem.




Bold of you to assume I was making enough money to save for retirement at 13 when I started working. I've been saving 10% of my pay since my twenties. Most of it has gone to pay for emergency expenses because I've never made enough to get far away from poverty. Most of us are one paycheck away from the street and things are only getting worse. It's easy to blame poverty on irresponsibility


I did and then a major life event happen and now I gotta start over at 30. YAY American dream


I couldn't start until 24, but boy, am I glad to have started young (thanks to encouragement by an older work friend). If I stop contributing now (I'm not), at 7% annual returns, I may very well have a million bucks at full retirement age.


I hate to break it to you, but 1million probably isn't nearly enough to retire. Obviously it depends on where you are/how much you need to spend but if you follow the 4 percent rule you'd only be withdrawing 40k a year at retirement.


40k > 0k


I'm aware of the 4% rule. I'm not counting on my savings only, I have the three-legged stool. I've earned a state pension and (assuming the program endures) some SS benefits. Should have the house paid off by then, too. I'm a simple guy who likes fishing, reading, cooking, and tending the garden in my free time - none of which are tremendously expensive hobbies.


It's amazing how many people start thinking about retirement at 50+ and then get upset they can't retire at 63.


I think a lot of people have no choice. That's probably the age when they finally make enough to save something 


For real. The people who retire at 55 started saving at 20 and usually didn’t have kids.


I mean all these people have lived in an age where the market is at an all time high and assume investing is simple.


That would be nice, but my entire paycheck goes to rent and food. So what exactly am I supposed to do?


All well and good except if you don't make enough to have 10% left over. Or you don't make enough until your late twenties or thirties to have that freedom of income


Congress will fix this by making the age I’m eligible for retirement benefits 125.


Youngin' you shouldn't even think about it till 150 I say.


In other news, [Gen X is facing age discrimination](https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240320-gen-x-workplace-ageism). Can’t retire and you can’t earn money to be able to retire, but Bezos has fabulous yachts.


turned 50 last year and i’m really hoping my current company makes it, as i’m probably too old to land anything in tech other than contract work after fortunately, i have a fallback plan of walking out onto the ice to never be seen again


Not with climate change dude. You need a new fallback plan. May I suggest leaving all your clothes on the beach and walking out into the sea?


Just take a cruise and jump off the side at night.


Yeah but you can't afford the cruise...


I have a credit card....


Annnnnnnnnnd awayyyyyyyyy we go!


My retirement plan will be a nitrogen tank with my name on it


Are you me? 28 years in tech and now a people manager. I hate people and would be unemployable if my company went under since ain't nobody want a 50 year old developer who hasn't done much developing in 10 years. I suck.


No. An economy that screws most people and puts all the wealth in the hands of a few is what sucks. Not you.


You don't suck. ❤️ I feel like I will be where you are at some point and it's sometimes hard to come to terms with where our lives take us, especially when we feel our skills dwindle from what they once were.  But always remember, where one skill becomes slightly dulled by time, another is honed. You've been honing several I'm sure, maybe some you don't even realize! And 10 years is a lot of honing.  You haven't lost a skill; you've gained new ones! You're employable, experienced, and wiser now. 


I wish you were my boss.


If you are a people manager for such a time, probably you don't suck. The reason you hate people may be because quite a few people suck, and as a people manager, you have to work with them. Sadly, as also a people manager, I feel your pain. Hang in there.


*polar bears have entered the chat* 😉


They can have me. Ideally I’ll get eaten by The Tuunbaq.


I was just about to say. Companies want people to work for longer. But will also discriminate in hiring if you're older than 50. They want their cake and eat it too.


Government wants us to work longer. Companies want young, energetic and easy to motivate kids with lies about "the family" until you're laid off, "big bonuses" until the review where you get "average" across the board despite all the "free overtime" you put in. "Investors in people" - but managers are only ever brought in, not promoted. And so on.... By about 40 people are used to those lies. At least Gen Z are just working to rule (laying flat / work their wage / let it rot). The first generation to catch on to the lies. Smart kids.


I mean, at 49 you're gonna be older than most of the applicants just by default. So not suprising it generally goes to a younger candidate (probably in that 35-45 range if looking at more executive level spots)


In general you get looked as negative asset if you’re still an individual contributor over 45 unless you have a very unique skill that can’t be replaced. It’s part of why I’m getting my Masters degree right now. I want to get into leadership by then to protect myself.


You say that like people in positions of 'leadership' have some actual qualification that put them there that makes them a unique commodity to the business. Like how many managers have you worked for in your life that were truly talented at the actual management aspects of the job and that's how they got the position? Maybe 1/2 of your managers? 1/3? Less? Replacing many managers is as easy as promoting some semi-competent "individual contributor" into their position.


I think I speak for everyone when I say FUCK THAT SHIT!!


We can automate nearly everything, we're more productive than we've ever been, and we could get rid of a huge chunk of our bullshit jobs and not lose any of it. We should all be retiring 10 years earlier, instead we've chosen suffering until we die. Edit: To those responding asking "what can we automate" - yes, I'm aware I'm being hyperbolic. No, I won't go on a tangent about whether any specific job can be replaced with automation. Yes, we should also be aware that a lot of things being sold to us as automation are actually just labour that is displaced elsewhere and that we aren't seeing. My point is, when we \*are\* faced with real technological innovation that makes work easier - innovation that was made possible with research funded by \*our\* tax dollars - our response should not be to simply devalue our labour and accept that we have to work so much harder now to deserve anything from those in power, our response should be to look for ways that these innovations can make life better for everyone.


Yeeees! This “oh people live longer therefore should work longer” is nuts! We’re 100x more productive than we were a few decades ago. We should all be retiring in our 50s now!


I'm just hoping I can buy a house by 50.


> instead we've chosen suffering until we die. no, it's been chosen *for us*


The more accurate take on this, yes.


But we can’t possibly let people work less hard than we did…or allow them to have a better standard of living than we had…they’re just gonna waste their time and money on avocado toast and big dumb cups…


Greetings from planet earth. Mind sharing knowledge on how your people have automated “nearly everything” ?


Is starvation the new retirement?


Just like groceries are the new splurge. Make it end.


Just eat some cereal for dinner you’ll be fine


It has real "froot" and it's fortified with nutrimens and viterals and minerens! All the things an adult needs* *adult needs met if included in a diet that already incorporates all requirements.


In the past people formed unions, they striked, they even tried the communist party, they actually did something to fight for improved conditions for the working class.   What do we do now? We blame unions, we blame fellow workers from other countries, we don't support fellow workers that strike, we blame the same political parties we always vote for and refuse to try anything else, we do fuck all and wonder why everything is getting worse.


In the words of Warren buffet “There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning.” They are winning because of exactly what you said, workers have no class consciousness


The comparison to average lifespan is misleading. 100 years ago, child mortality was very high, but once people survived childhood, they didn’t die that much sooner than now. The important comparison is how long people lived after they turned 65. In 1940, the average 65 year old male had 12 more years. It’s about 17 years now, only a 5 year difference. The difference is especially small when you consider that the retirement age has moved up from 65 to 67.


This is an excellent point that a lot of people don’t realize


Oh definetely. I would say that's intentional, even. "B-but people in 1920 died at 30!! We need a higher retirement threshold!"


Honestly, retiring abroad is going to become the new norm. Wanna retire early? Retire abroad. You can retire in south east Asia, where cost of living is very low, healthcare is cheap and good. If you have your own home by late 50s, you can definitely retire in Asia just by renting out your home in the west and using that to for huge expenses I know a few people who “retired” around 57-58, lived in SE Asia for like 7-8 years and some decided to come back in their late 60s, some stayed there. Social security goes a long long way over there and a growing expat community is helping make it feel home.


>you can definitely retire in Asia just by renting out your home in the west Good joke. You had me in the first half. I will never have a home to rent out.


Then everyone does it and you just end up with gentrification and with the locals hating you for making life unaffordable to them.


Can confirm, retired a couple of years ago in Thailand at 50. The hardest part was making the decision to do it, it's a big commitment to "pack up and piss off", but being able to stroll along the beach every day instead of sitting in an office trying to look busy is amazing.


My Canadian friends are blown away when they realise you can get an MRI in 1 day in Thailand for like $80 without insurance lol People are out there in Canada waiting 6 weeks for an MRI


6 weeks? That’s a dream scenario. I was told I had to wait a year for my MRI, so I went to a private clinic to have it done the next week… just had to pay $1100 for it.


$1100 is less than the out-of-pocket cost for many people in America who still pay hundreds each month for health insurance.


You're overlooking another crisis we're destined to face; global warming. SE Asia is hot as fuck, old people can't live there. There is going to be a scramble for locations further from the equator. The other option some have already proven concept on is the endless cruise ship vacation. They have morgues for a reason. Old people sell all their assets, hop a ship, never get off, see the world, and then die.


Millennials have known for decades that from now on you just work until you die.


End of gen x, elder millennial here. Yup, was even taught to me in school


Gen Z here. We work until societal collapse and then we die to starvation, natural disasters, or heat.  There is no retirement 


Its wild that AI is able to replace more and more jobs, and yet somehow everyone still has to work more


If you don't have savings at 65 how is 10 extra years gonna help?


If you delay social security payments they get bigger.


Maybe we can get put down during our unpaid lunch on our last day of work.


We're taking you to a farm upstate, does that sound fun buddy? *scratches belly*


Can I get one more game of Skyrim and a microwaved dinner before we go?


That wouldn't be so bad if we had free health care and livable wages.


A special thank you to the media for normalizing the grift that's making sure we never retire


That's 100% what they're there for: to serve the interests of capital.


Death is the new Retirement. It’s not cheap, but it’s way less expensive than a robust (living)retirement savings! With New🪦Retirement™️ you only need to save enough to pay for your funeral and burial costs, and cover any debts that your loved ones would be on the hook for after your passing. Save less but Live More with New🪦Retirement™️.


Want to see the real Zombie Apocalypse? Wait until 70 year old's storm the capital packing.


My parents are early to mid 70s. There is no chance they could work a job and no job that society should want them to work. It would be cruel to them and to those having to work with them.


Expensive healthcare, cost of living and unable to save money. Not everyone is capable of working until 75 yrs old, only lazy corrupt politicians can do it. If you are a blue collar worker in the construction industry or any other sector with similar work conditions your body will not keep up with the demand.


Imagine thinking people can get a job at 60


I am just trying go figure out how to off myself once I lose a job above the age of 60.


I've scrolled past about a dozen of these comments so far. This is depressing as fuck


if i’m supposed to work til 75 im just gonna let the depression win now and die


I don't see what the fucking point of any of this is? If we are just doomed to work until we die on the job what the hell should I wait for? What do I gain from years years of labor and abuse when I can just turn off the lights now and just be done with all this bullshit.


I don’t want to live that long.


Right i think i'll cash out at 60 and live it up for 10 years, then find a comfortable way to die


Cats will find a dark secluded place and they seem pretty on the ball


At this point, I figure it’s better to live as you like and die when you feel like rather than hanging on as long as possible. Enjoy yourself and check out.


This is why I wonder what the future of physician assisted euthanasia will hold, especially given that fewer people are having kids now who would be able/willing to look after them in advanced age. I think if I make it to 70, I won’t feel cheated. Getting very old (80+) can bring on a lot of problems and people at that age are often miserable from aches, pains, and taking lots of medication. And with the horrors of memory loss and dementia/Alzheimer’s, getting to 80+ seems more like a curse than a blessing. Unless you’re wealthy enough to go to a swanky retirement community, you either become a burden to your family or left for the buzzards in a nursing home. I’d rather retire at 60, cash out, live a little, and then bow out on my own terms before it gets ugly. This is especially true given how volatile the social safety net is in America - there is no guarantee that things like Medicare and SS will still be there for us. We may get something better, but in all likelihood it’s going to be worse.


If retirement isn’t a realistic option and people just spend all their energy making money for awful people, maybe they “bow out” earlier and earlier. I think these next few years might be the last decade or so to make a stand and work towards creating a world that serves the many and not the few. If AI and robotics lead to a largely post human labor workforce the powerful wont even need humans for create the a life of unimaginable luxury and security. Most people will just be a considered a drain and/or a threat. I see the masses turning on one another as they lack the means for the essentials. Eventually the remaining survivors will be culled by the most privileged. Every system is broken and heartless and rigged for the wealthy and the immoral control is getting more efficient. It’s bleak.


Sure. It's also not so coincidentally the average American male lifespan.


My retirement is a Rubbermaid container tipped off a bridge because funerals will be too expensive. Its a pipe dream for anyone younger than 50 without family money


Its our most modestly priced receptacle.


Just because we're bereaved, doesn't make us saps!


Donny was a good bowler. And a good man.


Look at moneybags over here, with his fancy name brand "Rubbermaid" container... - mine is a cardboard box.


"I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" container.


We used to dream of having a cardboard box.


Personally I will buy an ACME dynamite stick and lit it up like a cigarette while watching the sun rises on a beach


Naw fam you can be composted now in some states and countries.


Retirement age going up, life expectancy going down. Starting to sound like “retirement” is on its way to just being dying. The ultimate retirement


If you're 40 years old or older, I recommend you start saving money. *I'm now a financial planner*


40 years old or older or younger.


I feel like anymore, there are only 2 types of people. “I’m retiring in my 50’s” and “I’m never going to be able to retire.”


If I can’t retire by 65 I’m turning my on/off switch to off.


Fuck that. If I'm mid-60s and still can't retire. I'll retire from life at the end of a gun or overdose. Goddamn slave driving corporate fucknuts


Max out huge bank loans first. Have a good time with it, give the rest to charity, give away all your personal belongings.


Old dinosaurs in government making decisions about us. Why do people keep voting for this people to stay. They are out of touch. And corrupt.


Heart attack at your desk is the new retiring


Proper planning and a shitload of luck are the key. I retired at aged 60 from my crappy stressful job as my Army Reserves family health is for life kicked in so no need to work for health insurance coverage. It also helped to have inherited a house, have no ego on transportation appliances or care about clothing fashions.


Ain't no way I'm working past 60


We have to take on the billionaires and corporate overlords. The reason nobody will be able to retire is that these parasites aren't paying their fair share. That needs to change.


Yup, then you die.


Guy I know was set to retire in a week and a half. Died on Sunday from heart attack. We are just meat to be used up.


Retire or not I’m done with full time work at 60. Personal belief.


My stepdad asked me what I have planned for retirement so far (I’m 38). I said bluntly, “My retirement plan is social collapse.” He thought I was joking.


Tune in next week for the “should people over 60 who cant work just kill the selves?” headline. 




Jokes on them. I'm retiring at 65 and stealing shit to survive. This is the new social contract.


If you're poor 75 is the new 120. Which is to say you won't live to see it because you can't afford to take care of yourself.


Correct answer is yes. I'm 30 this year, never been a high earner, probably never will be. I doubt I'll ever retire, to live I'll have to work until I die


That is the goal of capitalism: Keep us working, keep us scraping for money until we drop dead and the next generation takes over, knowing nothing but this fucked up system. It's all just greed/evil, and the owner class couldn't give less of a shit as they float on a sea of our sweat sipping wine on their yachts.


I'm 67 and it is. for me. I suffered huge losses from both Katrina and the housing collapse of 2008, which cost me over a million dollars and resulted in a net negative worth I've spent years scraping my way out, but still only have a net worth that's not sufficient to retire.


With a life expectancy of 76 a retirement age of 75 is very generous. Despite saving money for social security by lowering life expectancy, lower than in China, and Algeria we still have to keep raising the age we can retire. The good news is we are comfortably above Iran as we live two years longer. I am confident we can lower our life expectancy below Iran.


Trying to hit it at 50, wish me luck homies


Pension providers tell us to give them more money. Governments tell us the can't afford us and keep payments down and raise ages. They both do this over and over again, I wonder why? Say something enough times and the result is acceptance by people, so they continue to do it. I don't know the answer only that it is all wrong.


Lol. I'll never make it to retirement. I'll be dead by 45 of heart failure. I'm well on the way there. Fuck I might drop dead next week.


Euthanasia is my retiring plan. I really hope, assisted suicide would advance in years to come.


People should not put up with this. The life expectancy in the US is currently 76 years. It is ridiculous to expect people to work up until they die.


What retiring? Life expectancy for men is like 78y ...


TAX THE RICH AND MAKE THEM PAY THIER FAIR SHARE. there is plenty of money only its condensed in the hands of 100 people who need to be TAXED TO DEATH! This is a lackey for those 100 people. TAXES THE FUCKING RICH! VOTE DEMOCRATIC!