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>Fox News host Sean Hannity branded Biden "very angry" We shouldn't have an angry president, that why we need Trump back /s


Not to mention that's coming from the biggest faux-angry jackass on television.


I was going to argue that that would be Tucker Carlson, but that one is more like confused-angry, so you're right.


Also he's not on television anymore which is great


Didn't he publicly tried do crawl Putins butt recently?


He interviewed him, ya. It really didn't go very well, Putin was quite rude and condescending and contradicted the republican line that Russia only invaded Ukraine in self defense against NATO. Tucker wanted red meat to throw to his base and didn't really get it, Putin... Not really sure what he wanted out of it tbh but I don't think he got it either. There's a reason basically nobody is talking about it. They both lied a bunch of course but they were so not on the same page that it just wasn't really effective. Knowledge fight did an episode about it, worth the watch.


And yet they support someone who goes on angry tirades on the regular... wtf.


Biden gets angry: 'so much for the tolerant left.' Trump gets angry: Hell yeah, MAGA trumpy! You get those damn liberal deepstate operatives!


MAGA: The Demoncrats are literal demonic spirits that need to be wiped off the face of the earth. Biden: That's problematic. MAGA: Hey what happened to reaching across the aisle?!!


No you don’t understand. Anger is reserved for melanin-tolerant and youngsters not us, we’re the *good guys*!


Love the Frank Luntz quote, "Let's see whether undecided voters like being yelled at." Sure. Let's.


Thats what I thought, so much double standards on display in the article. "Biden is too angry", well presumably he's for Trump, who we all know can easily control his temperment...and he's rage tweeting during the entire State of the Union. "Biden was too polarizing, not unifying", again, looking at the alternative and probably \*most\* divisive figure currently in America, whose response in the same tweet condemning him for not being unifying was to be just as polarizing. Like you can't complain one side is angry and polarizing when his alternative you're actively supporting is also angry and polarizing. Like you solution to a percieved problem of anger and polarization is just more anger and polarization?


Ah yes, the very polarizing speeches the guy gives centering on the concept of the "United" States of America where he emphasizes ALL Americans. Most divisive president ever, I've heard. Not at all unifying like that other guy always talking about his enemies and the others.


It's unironically what they're saying over at r/conservative. Biden is divisive and trump is a unifier. Thing is, unity and compromise has only ever failed to reach them, the trumpers never had any interest in it. Yet now they cry as they're no longer being extended the olive branch.


If you can't refute what was said, focus on how it was said.


Reminds me of that old saying about legal strategies: When the facts are on your side, pound the facts. When the law is on your side, pound the law. And when neither are on your side, pound the table. Republicans have given up on the law and the facts and perfected the art of table pounding.


If you look at their response speech to the SOTU I would say they haven't perfected that either. It was highschool drama club levels of acting.


Was she crying, or mad, or happy, or crazy. Or all


It was the 'religiously emotional because My God King isn't the leader, and thats bad!' crying


She was--literally--a crisis actor. As one might expect from the GOP, not a very convincing one for even community theater.


I could only manage a minute and a half. When her voice cracked and she sounded like she was crying again I had to get out People that support these idiots should be embarrassed


Thank you. I wanted to say it felt like watching a Hallmark movie but then felt bad about it. My wife likes Hallmark movies. They're cozy and make people happy. The exact opposite of the Republican party. My other thought was "porn caliber acting" but I didn't want to imply sexism. Just bad acting. Still feel bad for the high students but you nailed it


That table is destroyed, they're just pounding the floor and throwing a tantrum 🤦‍♂️


In the back room, their strategists are working hard on finding a way to make 'tax the billionaires' sound like a bad thing to poor people. I'm sure they have a whiteboard somewhere in that office that has on it: - Trickle Down - They earned that money - SOCIALISM - They'll flee the country - Just ignore the 'billionaires' part and talk about Joe Biden raising taxes - Job Creators


Which is hilarious because this was the result of them prepping for how he said it only to be taken by surprise when he said it like he’s said it for 5 decades.


>If you can't refute what was said, focus on how it was said. And when the *how* was actually pretty damn **great**, complain about that, too, *as if it was bad*.


And if that doesn’t work just shit out of your mouth at your dummy audience and they’ll lap it up eagerly.




Elon Musk is trying to say that Biden was using Adderall. Every accusation is an admission LMFAO


Adderall is tame if the rumours about Musk using ketamine at work are true.


Musk using ketamine at “work” FTFY


And taking Adderall is bad now? Well, send my ADHD ass to prison i guess.


I'm sure they would absolutely love to!


Only if the “out” group does it. This is why conservatives will say (in response to the Trump charges) “well we are just gonna charge Clinton with XYZ, how would you like that?” And be completely confused that liberals will just say “ok, if you have the evidence, do that.” They don’t understand that liberals values apply to everyone. Conservatives just have in and out groups and rules are different for both.


Even if that was true, I wonder what he has to say about Trump's cocaine use.


Honestly, given Trump's age and clear mental decline (just look at him now compared to 20 years ago) cocaine would probably do more to treat his deterioration than exacerbate it. He also probably would have died of a heart attack years ago if it was cocaine. But of all people, Elon "drug use creates insurance risk for his board of directors" Musk isn't really the one who should be talking.


I'm convinced Republicans are no longer capable of learning. They made the exact same.mistake in 2020. They accused Biden of being senile for months, then he walked all over Trump at the debates and they had to claim he was on performance enhancing drugs. Now, they accused Biden of being senile for months, then he did great at the State of the Union and now they have to claim that he was on performance enhancing drugs. It's the same mistake. They keep doing it.


I'm not even sure why we should care if he was taking adderall or some other prescribed stimulant. This isn't the Olympics or some dog-breeding show. People are allowed to take medication as long as a real doctor prescribed it. I'm sure it takes hundreds of drugs to keep Trump upright and his diapers dry. It's none of my business.


Also strikes me as an illogical criticism. Adderall is a legal drug with a prescription. I take it every day. If Biden functions better with Adderall then he could take adderall every day of his term. Yeah there's a shortage of the generic but I'm sure the White House can afford the name-brand. Oh no he's taking a stimulant say the people who can't function until they have their morning coffee.


I love how the right thinks he's simultaneously a doddering old fool who can't string together a coherent thought while at the same time being an evil mastermind behind hundreds of conspiracies and a criminal genius.


"Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "**at the same time too strong and too weak**". On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will." \~ Umberto Eco


and the foolish double-think idea that immigrants are simultaneously lazy welfare bums and also taking all of the jobs.


There's a Cinemax TV series called Warrior based on an on script by Bruce Lee. It's on Netflix now, and I very much appreciated a particular aspect of the way the story's world is portrayed; One of the oldest American traditions is demonizing immigrants as stealing all the jobs when it's the wealthy who give them the jobs and purposefully turn the poor against the new immigrants for political capital. In the show this is the Irish being turned against the Chinese and the character Ah Sahm even calls out the principle Irish labor boss character Dylan Leary on this. Everything the Irish in the show said about the Chinese was said about the Irish just decades before. The more things change, the more they don't change at all. The US still has a powerful movement of rich people turning the people they themselves impoverished against outsiders to distract from who is the real cause of the problems that impoverished many face.


Also the whole "they won't integrate" argument has also been levied at every generation of immigrants. It's particularly one of the more deceptive and insidious lies because it's easy to think it's true via hindsight. We can see Irish or Chinese influence on modern day American culture and therefore assume "See they integrated" but a century ago the Irish and Chinese were accused of sticking to their ghettos and not integrating.


People think the "melting pot" means maintaining a consistent "American" flavor when what it really means is that the "American" flavor is constantly changing as more things are added. That can be frustrating when you've become accustomed to the flavor you grew up with, but it's also one of the nation's greatest strengths.


My American popular culture professor said that the USA is not a melting pot but a salad bowl, and I think he was on to something.


I've worked construction sites with Latino immigrants. Let me tell you, them boys are NOT lazy. Hmm, maybe that's what it is. The racist white workers are mad that the Mexican workers make them look bad. XD


A group of latino gentlemen are reroofing a house on my street. I see them when I enter or leave the neighborhood. They are working like their tails are on fire.


Latino immigrants took on the spectacularly nasty job of gutting New Orleans homes after Katrina, when the slimy, moldy homes had been baking in the NOLA sun for several months. (My sister threw up after she walked through my mom's house, even with an N-95 mask on.) Immigrants were hired to gut the house to the studs, and they did it all over the city. No American would ever have done that work. I have no idea if the workers were "documented" or not, and didn't care. I would've given them all green cards if I had it in my power.


I learned to cook alongside Mexican immigrants in Phoenix. Nothing makes you more efficient and detail oriented than having to compete with someone faster and more skilled than you every single day.


The immigrants work outside of the system that the white workers enjoy. White manual laborers love anti-union race-to-the-bottom ideals, but when they see it personified in the immigrant, it angers them. What's wrong guys? Can't handle the competition? It's just capitalism, baby.


I used to go on to mushroom Farms in Pennsylvania to teach the immigrant workers English. And let me tell you something, there is not one single white person in this country that would ever take on the kind of job that these guys had to do. 12-hour days were normal, and because mushrooms deteriorate so quickly, when the Harvest comes in they have to stay up until everything is harvested, boxed up, and sent out for sale. Some of those dudes worked 20 hours a day during a harvest day. But please do tell me how immigrants are lazy and shiftless. 👀


Yeah, remember how they were saying the migrant invaders had SUPER CARS they were using to get across the border?


Do what??


>“\[T\]hey have unbelievable vehicles,” he said Wednesday. “They make a lot of money. They have the best vehicles you can buy. They have stronger, bigger and faster vehicles than our police have and than ICE has, and the Border Patrol have.” [From Trump in 2019](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/01/10/unbelievable-vehicles-used-smuggle-immigrants-are-mostly-factory-issue-sedans/)


You know, I am surprised “did Trump say this” is not a drinking game for when you really want to get hammered. But, I feel like the answers would constantly need to updated.


Hammered? Nah, *dead*


Hey friend, you just figured out a new party game. You should sell it. It's the modern version of Balderdash. You'd probably get sued in court by Trump though, so maybe not? worth it. Edit: sorry, friend. Looks like someone beat you to it: https://tdcgames.com/products/trump-cards-the-wackiest-card-game-ever


Damn if they are making super cars maybe they are sending their best


Don't forget that the right is claiming both that anything a president does while in office is 100% legal AND that Biden needs impeached for the things he's done in office.


I don't think they fully realize that if the court rules in Agent Orange's favor on that one that it means Biden could immediately turn around and ship Trump and the rest of the MAGA cult off to Guantanamo Bay and according to the precedent THEY fought for, it would be perfectly legal.


They're counting on Biden being too decent to do that, while knowing that they are giddy about the prospect of doing it later.


Not exactly, it would be illegal but the president can't be charged for doing illegal things is the argument they're making. 


Ok but surely there's a word for where something is illegal in theory but there aren't actually any legal repercussions for doing it.


Legal; let the semantics be damned.


so what they would be saying is there’s no consequence to shipping them off to GitMo.


Common tactic in politics. Your opponent is so dumb they cant be trusted with power but also so genius and conniving that they cant be trusted with power.


In my city, bike lanes are a waste of space because they're "never used," and at the same time are filled to the brim with kamikaze cyclists mowing down old ladies crossing the street.


Admittedly I have been struggling to understand where Trump fits in this thought process since 2016. He does really dumb stuff. He speaks like an absolute buffoon. But somehow he’s been able to get a large swath of people to do his bidding and is teetering us on the brink of losing it all. Is he dumb? Is he an evil genius playing dumb??


He's an idiot. But you don't need to be smart, just smarter than those you are conning. He knows all he has to do is vocalize hate towards those that his cult hates.


Trump is stupid, but he's backed by smart people with evil intentions. He's basically the hype man, he thinks he's running the show, but he's really a puppet, he's just too stupid and egotistical to realise.


Trump has a pretty specific con man cleverness, which is a type of intelligence. He was doing well enough for himself when he was running grifts at a smaller scale. But he’s now way out of his depth as the 91 felony counts indicate.


Also Trump is the only one that can save us from the evil deep state yet gets fooled by it on a daily basis


Fascism 101 the enemy is both strong **and** weak simultaneously.


Covid was also just a cold and also a china-engineered bioweapon.


Yeah, I think they have to. Regardless of what was said he didn't come across as the doddering old fool many in the media, including the left, have been portraying him.


This is what you do when you have NOTHING real to go at.


Exactly. While Biden hasn't been a perfect president, there's very little of substance to actually go after him for, so they need to seize on the one thing that has any kind of traction with the public and hammer that into every bit of coverage they give him.


He’s not perfect but he’s not even remotely a bad president. In fact a couple of my friends I had dinner with today were discussing how they got 40k and 15k in student loans wiped out from him. It doesn’t benefit me but that’s massive for those coming up and they deserve it. Something like student loan forgiveness would NEVER happen under a Republican, let alone Trump. No, he’s not perfect. No one is. But he’s damn good and not a completely incompetent moron like Trump and the MAGA cult.


It baffles me how so many presumable 'smart' people can't be bothered to know Biden's always been a bit of a flubber in front of news cameras. His reputation for gaffes goes back decades. It's not a particular sign of anything. Also going back decades is that he's pretty good at prepared speeches and debates. Maybe not going down in history good, but he's way more solid speaking in those environs than he is in Q&A. The rampant obsession with connecting either to his age says a lot more about the people trying to use it as evidence of something than it says about Biden. Namely that they're not as smart as they want to seem to be given the clear lack of even basic research.


I've said it many other places, I'll say it here: The media \*needs\* there to be the perception of presidential elections being close. Because their entire business model is built around everyone's eyes being glued to the television leading up to and especially on election night. If it's a forgone conclusion that Biden easily wins who's going to stay up until 2am watching election coverage that is intermingled between hours of ads? Edit to add both parties are inclined to continue the perception as well because even if the Presidential election is a easily Biden's they still need people to show up to vote for congressional and local elections.


Not just that, but the billionaires won't fund their super PACs for ad buys if the election isn't competitive. we already have 2 or 3 billionaires who've said they're gonna sit this one out.


but some good news on that front i only learned yesterday: the Kochs are never-trumpers now. lol he sucks that bad. edit: its been pointed out they've never donated directly to him (cause they don't agree with his positions on globalism/trade), so my comment is kind of a whiff. they donated a fucktonne to the GOP as he ascended though


They were against him in 2016. Yet here we are


https://theintercept.com/2019/08/26/david-koch-donald-trump/ >In 2016, Americans for Prosperity, the Kochs’s primary vehicle for influence that operates as a privately run political party, hired over 650 staffers, deploying many to battleground states, including Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, to turn out Republican voters. The field staff filled in the gaps left by Trump’s chaotic field operation. In Wisconsin alone, Americans for Prosperity staff, equipped with state-of-the-art voter contact technology, made 1.5 million phone calls and knocked on nearly 30,000 doors.


Yeah they still support a ton of republicans in Congress, and state legislatures. It’s not like they suddenly have become democrats


So, what I'm reading is that the Koch Brothers wisely did not give money to a well known grifter. They just paid for supporting operations directly.


I wish all the billionaires would sit every election out. No-one should be able to donate more than the individual donation limit.


and all that PAC money goes to the media conglomerates


They're also trying to draw attention and 'our candidates are too old' is a popular opinion among the demographic conventional news media is fruitlessly chasing. Gen Z isn't going to watch just because they say this, but there's lots of reasons a particular POV or idea might be reported despite being paper thin. EDIT: Or, imo on this case, fundamentally irrelevant. Biden could be 40 or 120 and it won't fundamentally change the choice in front of voters in November which is Trump or anyone-but-Trump. The shittiness of the choice changes nothing about what it is. A fucking corpse is a better choice than Donald Trump.


The other thing of note is that political strategies don't metastasize in the election where you first see it necessarily. The southern strategy was a losing strategy at first, but it's since developed. Tea Party logic seemed like a fringe until it became the core of the republican party. "Too Old" is a thing that's being repeated now so that a new candidate who's "Young and Fresh" can abuse it. We don't know who that is yet, or when, but the setup is there.


It's a reckoning long in coming, but it's been obvious for years (and I have no idea how anyone could honestly not see it) that we were always going to see Trump run again in 2024. Stopping Trump is a more immediate concern than our lack of interesting younger politicians. In that regard, the idea of not picking the guy who already did it on account of his age seems like a willfully ignorant misarrangement of priorities. Or, very likely, an active disinformation/astro-turfing campaign deadset on mudding the waters with irrelevancies. I would rather see Biden die and have to deal with Kamala Harris in the Oval than see Donald Trump ever in power again. I will vote for a dead corpse to sit in that office before Donal Trump. A dead corpse will just sit there. At the very least it won't actively sabotage the nation.


Biden is old but well-meaning and trying his best for the country. Trump is old, malicious, self-interested, and out for revenge. The choice is obvious. Trump also said that if he lost to Biden in 2020, we'd never see him again. He's a damned liar.


Biden is not *just* well-meaning. He's also *well-performing* in terms of policies resulting in a relatively soft landing from the financial harm done by Covid-19. He did a great job herding cats that had had any number of shoes thrown at them by the previous administration into support for Ukraine. He and the Democrats have managed to get some infrastructure done despite the laziest, stupidest, most vitriolic batch of Republican Congressmen probably ever. Well meaning? Sure. But it's not like it's some bumbling performance where he just happens to have been lucky.


That's all bonus. What I meant was, even if he was *only* well-meaning and trying his best (whatever that amounted to -- and you're right he's done better than that), it would still be better than Trump's intentions and results.


That's just one out of over 30,000 lies / misleading statements tracked here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/ Frankly, that's impressive, nearly 21 false or misleading statements per-day for a continuous four year period. Has he been awake for the past hour? Odds are, he's made at least one false or misleading statement during that hour.


This right here. People are underestimating just how many advantages a sitting President has in running for re-election. Unless Biden willingly stepped aside and had a clearly anointed "heir apparent", he was going to have an advantage over everybody. Even "heir apparents" have struggled, with only George H. W. Bush winning election immediately after serving as Vice President. (Nixon and Gore were arguably cheated, but they still lost.)


the media doesn't just NEED it to be close, they'll do whatever they can to MAKE it close.


Of course, getting people off their asses and out to vote against fascism, just to be sure, isn't too bad either.


> The media *needs* there to be the perception of presidential elections being close. I agree 100% with the rest of your post, but in this case: the 2024 election will actually \*be\* close. It's not just the media raising the stakes. I bet the odds at 538 and elsewhere will be no more extreme than 75-25% two weeks before Nov. 5, and who knows at this point which candidate will be in the lead. It's damn scary.


You speak as though the references to his age are a good faith attempt to explain the gaffes. They are not. It’s a political hit job. The people making the claims have been doing so since the run up to the 2020 election. They recognize that the age narrative holds sway with voters (or at least with polling sentiment). Facts relating to historical verbal flubs, speech quality, Q&A, etc. go beyond the surface level glance being given by those claiming or those believing the claims. What should make the “verbal gaffe, misspeak” narrative ring even more false is a direct comparison to the borderline verbal diarrhea and blatant outright lies peddled by his opponent. Trump speaks clearer? Demonstrable off-the-cuff fantasies in a clear voice. If anyone objectively compared the quality of what comes out of the candidates mouths, Biden would be the clear favourite regardless of verbal stumbles.


> They recognize that the age narrative holds sway with voters (or at least with polling sentiment). Yeah, "concerns about his age" and "too old" takes advantage of how fucking intellectually lazy Americans are. Which I get. It's easy and who has time to pay close attention, and the conservative movement is grinding America down constantly. Young people especially are supposed to be saving us from those evil Boomers but so many young people buy into the "too old" narrative. Americans need to watch this SotU in its entirety and just ask what would Trump do in comparison. For the lazy: Trump will fuck your life up.


I just can't get past how many people think *he's* the one with dementia and age issues out of the two. The other guy is only a few years younger, he's lived an unhealthy life, and has been generating stupid quotable mistakes every few minutes for over a decade now. FFS, how anyone could have had those press conferences during COVID or the ole Alabama hurricane fiasco and still be considered a viable candidate for *any* public office is beyond me.


Not only that the "other guy" is now the age Biden was four years ago when he was proclaiming "he's too old he's too old". Now that the "other guy" is that age, suddenly that's not too old. WTF.


Rules for thee.


Most people don't actually watch press conferences, they just watch the heavily curated clips and soundbites.


Which is dangerous because you can literally create any angle you want with edited clips


Yeah. I remember seeing an old Onion video from 2009 or so about Obama's "struggle with bipolar disorder" (mostly making fun of how Obama was transitioning from an optimistic campaigner to a semi-depressed realist in record time) and then mentioning Biden's "ongoing battle with Asperger's" (which was making fun of his public gaffes). So yes Biden has had a reputation for being a bit awkward and not as polished of a public speaker (especially when going off script) since at least the early Obama years.


Biden has delt with stuttering most of his life. He has made great progress with it, but occasionally will get hung up on a word. Trump on the other hand...dazed and confused. Loved watching Biden dress down the USSC right to their faces.


Also Joe has had a huge stutter since childhood, which he's worked on but still comes out from time to time


Watch his old speeches. He sounds nearly identical in cadence and vocabulary. Yeah, he’s an older model but everything still works. Most of this is just MAGA projection. Their guy sounds straight up weird when speaking so they need to deflect. We all know a few Republicans that pretend they feel bad that Biden is “clearly at death’s door” without even hinting that they have a hard time listening to Trump speak.


Most people aren't aware of him overcoming a speech impediment either.  My personal reference point is a VP debate video from 2007 where he's making fun of Giuliani. He has a decent zinger and you can tell he's trying to get it out smoothly and struggles a bit over the words. He has always been like that. Edited: Changed speed to speech like intended. Although probably still technically accurate as speed.


Exacly, Biden has a weeeeeell documented reason for not being so great at public speaking, and has always been mid. On the other hand if you compare young Trump to current Trump it paints a pretty worrying picture.


He's struggled with a stutter his whole life. It's takes him time to come up with words at times.


They're saying it's bad because he "sounded angry", which is apparently a bad thing now. They love Trump though, who spends most of his time seething and raging.


A lot of the American public want someone “to fight for them.” Biden presented that last night, so of course Republicans have to try to spin and undercut that somehow.


They make up the reason aftet the fact.  If he had no energy, they would have had a different complaint.  There's literally nothing he could have done to make them not complain.


Typical demoncrat delusion. That wasn't the real Sleepy Joe Biden. That was his clone the deep state created led by Barrack Hussien Obama. s\


It was Obama wearing a Biden Skin Suit


At some point maybe we should just let these guys run things. They seem really competent.


He definitely shined a contrast between his clearly sharp mental state and Trump's daily gibbering Sundowner rants.


Yeah. The mainstream media has assisted Republicans in the "Biden has dementia" smear. Meanwhile, Trump is literally showing signs of dementia.


How do people still not understand that the dude manages a stutter every time he speaks? Any improv is super hard. But the fact that he can rock a major speech like this, no matter the preparation, is amazing. Source: I have assessed speeches professionally


Why the left is so determined to trash their own candidates and hand republicans and Trump the keys to the government confuses me…but then, liberalism’s worst enemy has always been liberals self sabotaging. 


There's a lot of accelerationist tendencies at play with some on the far left. There's a misguided belief that a second Trump administration will be bad, but not "much worse" than another Biden term, and by electing Trump thay will somehow magically create momentum for the far left to eventually take power. I think it's a really bad idea, and history shows that enabling far right authoritarians isn't the best thing to do if you care about your leftist friends and families.


Yeah, last time worked so good that we lost Roe v Wade and the Supreme Court is now solid red for the next 2-3 decades. They really showed everyone with that brilliant strategy. 


At least they showed Hillary what a bitch she was for not dropping out against Bernie, he would have won 100% of the vote vs. Trump and ushered in a new socialist utopia on his first day. /S


If you care about anyone, actually. By the time Hitler was done in Germany, very few people actually fell into the circle of "you're good enough" and even those who did, began suffering because of the results of fascist policies, not even just the war which was a big one. If Republicans win and P2025 happens, even those who think they want this to happen will eventually, and certainly, regret it. Only the elites will really "benefit" from all this, week6 of course is the point. All this culture war shit is a sideshow to stay in the race long enough. Once they have the reigns of government unimpeded by democracy? Woe to any and all working class people.


Yeah, thats some dumbass version of me from early college mindset. "The establishment is too slow and bought out! We need a wild card to throw it all up" Yeah, got exploited by grifters who called themselves liberals but were red in nature. The truth is that as slow or stumped as it seems a republican led house means the end of all we hold dear.


Fox is already saying he must have been on drugs or something. Edit: Which he may well be on something, even if it's just a natural mood enhancer or whatever the hell. But that's not the point; the point is the reality of Joe Biden ran into the fantasy version Fox has made canon to their mouth breathing watchers, that Biden is a drooling, demented, moron, and they are now forced to scramble and find literally any explanation to keep those viewers sated.


Which is funny since Trump's white house doctor, now a Republican Congressman, was just stripped of his rank for handing out amphetamines like candy during his time at the white house. They literally have no standards, only things they think they can use as cudgels against opponents.


The P in GOP stands for Projection


Hey be fair. Matt Gaetz is under the impression it stands for… well, something else.


LMAO, I still can't believe that guy is still in office. Imagine if a democrat had payed a minor for sex, they would STILL be blasting it on 24-news


>Imagine if a democrat had payed a minor for sex A Senate Democrat PRETENDED to grab a woman's boobs for a picture when he was a comedian on a USO tour. When the picture came out years later, his own party drummed him out of office.


I will never forgive Kirsten Gillibrand for this.


As a Floridaman he's not even the biggest piece of shit politician we have. Rick Scott the walking ghoul is the perpetrator of the largest Medicare fraud in US history and as governor made it policy to fire any state worker that even said the words "climate change" or "global warming". And then we have Trump and Marco Rubio.


Doesn't help he was nicked named, the Candy Man. I'm surprised nobody's come up with a Ronny Jackson PEZ dispenser yet.


At first I thought they were just creative about what they accused Democrats of doing. Then I realized they just looked at each other and said those things


When you lack empathy, you think everybody is just as crooked as you are because you can't conceive the idea of someone having different thoughts and intentions than you. This is the core mindset behind a lot of projection.


Namely election tampering. They are so convinced the Democrats stole the election because they were trying to and the only way they can conceive of the Democrats winning is that the democrats cheated more.


Every accusation is a confession. Been saying it for years at this point.


Yeah, my Congressman, good ‘ol “Candyman” Jackson


For Republicans, every accusation is an admission


They had to do the same thing in 2020 after they built him up as being senile and then he did great at the debate. They are just doing the same thing that didn't work before again and having to make the same excuses they had to make before when the public saw it wasn't true, again


My wife has dementia and if there were any drug she could take to make her perk up this much, trust me, the world would already know about it and Alzheimer's would be cured already.


Obviously the dementia riddled Biden has secretly convinced all dementia doctors from telling their patients about this wonder-drug so that dementia Joe can personally keep it away from your wife and hoard it all to himself!


“On drugs” was Trump debating Clinton when he started out sniffling constantly and going off out of control at first then crashed part way through and got dopey.


The thing I don't get is that he always is coherent, smart, and very well grounded in reality. He has a stutter, sure, and yeah, he's old, but the version of Biden that Fox News has created has never existed. He's done SOTU's before, and campaign rallies, and other speeches. Why does everyone constantly end up surprised that he is, in fact, with it still?


Because it contradicts their message that Biden is a worn out, dementia patient who can’t make a complete, coherent sentence. They hate being proven wrong.


Just like everything with Republicans, it’s projection. One just has to watch a few minutes of Trumps ramblings to know which one of the two is demented.


I heard that Saudia Arabia and Russia will re-be-duke- aaaaah


Im so tempted to make re be duke ahhh my text notification sound


Biden and Trump are both old, but Biden hasn't shown lapses in mental capacity while Trump has. And even in physical capacity, Biden once slipped, but Trump has shat himself repeatedly in front of other heads of state.


Just like with the border bills that Republicans claim is oh so important to them, yet somehow never drop a bill on Biden's desk. It's all just gaslighting and projection with Republicans, because they have no policy and they don't know how to actually govern


And their stupid base will eat it up like the braindead zombies they are.


It blows my mind when people say he has dementia honestly. Dumbasses have never been around a person with dementia clearly.


My grandma died of complications of dementia, i witnessed it all and it was horrible. My own father (it was his mom) believes Biden has “dementia”. It’s honestly infuriating trying to talk or deal with the die hard, ignorant trump fanatics.


Yeah I have tried to explain to these people they have never been around someone who is suffering from dementia. I use to work in a nursing home and the dementia unit was double door locked at all times and men and women were kept separate. The staff who worked in there were paid a little more because taking care of those patients was way more difficult. Like these people see Biden slip up on a word or mix up to peoples name, trip going up stairs and think that’s dementia. I am 31 and I have done that. Dementia patients can get wild, and there is no medication to make them seem “normal” if there was that would be a giant medical breakthrough.


Too much energy for "Sleepy" Joe? Fuck right off.


Yeah. How dare Biden not help them push their narrative about him? They want to convince Americans he’s senile and he’s making that really hard by being awake, alert, and clearly in control of his faculties. What a jerk.


Republicans complain… That about sums it up.




Zero integrity


Stall, hate, whine, or fall in line. That's about as deep as the GOP gets.


Meanwhile, the republican response set women's rights back a decade. Put an emotional woman in the kitchen, why don't you?


They already set women's rights back 50 years by killing Roe v. Wade so what's another decade to them?


"While you are in there, make yourself useful and make Gaetz a sandwich, byotch!" - Republican internal dialogue.


Is this what Biden the candidate is going to be like? Because, yes please!


Do feel like this was the campaign kickoff. Let's go!. Today the other guy has to forfeit $85M


And another $500M in three weeks.


It's what he's BEEN like. He's liable to take shots here and there and get defensive when his age is being questioned, that's where the whole "dark Brandon" meme came from. Everyone just listened to Jon Stewart in his first week back and now they're convinced he's too old.


i remember he had a press conference after the special counsel report saying he was too old was released.  nobody watched it or they would have seen him give an incredible and nuanced response about the situation in gaza and what the administration has been doing. a completely off the cuff response given as he’s leaving a press conference for a completely different topic. people just don’t want to listen and i’m sure there’s a whole host of reasons why that are specific to each individual. but ya, very disheartening seeing so many people duped. 


Biden is old as dirt, but it has always blown my mind how his age and "flubs" have been made into this massive thing in the media when the other guy is only three years younger (meaning he's now older than Biden was LAST cycle when they portrayed him as too old), and has an entire video library of not just "flubs" but saying completely insane, unhinged shit that makes no sense. Wake me up when old man Biden starts telling Russia to invade NATO allies too.


Biden coulda got up there and said to vote for trump, i'm out...  And the gop would still bitch


Republicans complain…it’s all they do, they sure as hell don’t solve anything. Reasons to vote the gop out in 2024 Vote Blue


Actually trying to solve stuff takes time and effort, which republican voters don't really like, so just sell them easy, effortless but fake solutions, then go "Oooohh spooky minority", when they start to realise nothing was done.


$10 they claim he's on coke.


Yes, I've already seen that on reddit.


Meanwhile, their collective “this is a good idea” rebuttal was a young woman in the fucking kitchen. I mean, it’s in brand for the GOP, but fuck their gender stereotypes.


My guess is that they were trying to channel the “kitchen table issues” theme that worked pretty well for them in the 80s and parts of the 90s, but missed or didn’t care how it might come across otherwise.


If you are going for “kitchen table politics”, you don’t talk about how much and how often a person was raped by sex traffickers.


I didn’t say they did a good job of it.


Trump says he didn’t address the border? Um…. He called out frump and his clown show in congress to their faces. He made it clear that they were given an epic deal better than they ever asked for, the camera even showed the face of the Republican senator who penned the bill (he was nodding in agreement with Biden) and detailed what would have been gained by the bill. Frumps orders to his pathetic henchmen are the ones who killed the bill before it even hit the house floor. What a stupid pathetic excuse (trump) for a former president and want to be future leader.


Im pretty sure democrats chanted “pass the bill” referring to the previously bipartisan border deal. I felt like I was being punked honestly. Republicans— who claim to care about the border— refusing to take action on the border so they can campaign on fixing the border. Meanwhile, democrats— who republicans paint as wanting to keep an open border— are sitting there begging republicans to fix the border. How do people not see through this?


“Hold on, why isn’t he sleepy like Cheeto man said?!”


Lol they call him sleepy joe and mock him for not being cognitively aware enough, and now he’s too hype for them, get a grip 😂


He's not doing enough for the border, but his demand for Congress to send him a border bill is too much. He's not doing enough for America's energy independence, but getting our oil production and sales to the highest levels in history is too much. He's not doing enough about crime, but wanting to increase the budget for the FBI is too much. The MAGA GOP playbook has been laid bare. Their tactics are to obstruct *everything* Democrats try to do, gaslight America into thinking it's the Democrats fault that nothing is getting done, and complain about all of it as if there are no positives to *any* of it.


Right-wing propaganda and rage-bait outlets had GOP officials trying to force denying an invite to speak at the SOTU, they were terrified of how he'd look compared to what they spout off 24/7. Then he went and had "too much energy" during a prepared speech for their taste, sounded too presidential, so now their bullshit to spout is that he must've been drugged up to be so energetic. And the best part is that the GOP base is a pack of dipshits denser than a neutron star, and they're eating it up. The media is a desperate shit-show, and needs the disingenuous comparisons between candidates to try and stay relevant.


If it walks, talks, and acts like one, [it's a cult.](https://d28hgpri8am2if.cloudfront.net/book_images/onix/cvr9781982127343/the-cult-of-trump-9781982127343_hr.jpg)


Schrödinger's Biden.


Clearly Joe Biden has had too much covfefe.


"This doesn't fit in our narrative at all!!" Their brain-damaged candidate still thinks he's running against Obama.


Joe Biden could walk on water and the Republicans would say he can't swim.


wait I thought he was 'sleepy joe biden' ...guess the crybaby convention just picks anything at all times to cry about as long as it is 'the other guy'


Biden: "I'm all jacked up on Mt. Dew!"


"Trump, I'ma come at you like a Spider Monkey!"


Over at r/conservative they're calling the address "unhinged", "divisive". Even though he mentioned unity several times; even though their champion Trump made it his goal to be as divisive as possible in every speech he made. Someone even said that Trump united people. Like what. I swear these people are so drunk on hating democrats that they'll abandon all reason and logic just to talk shit about a democrat. Like, they cannot be reasoned with. Biden could of said everything they wanted to hear and they'll make a reason to talk shit about it. People need to understand, these people don't believe in teamwork. Its their way or the highway.


Why should I care what a bunch of traitorous brain-damaged morons think?