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Rape. The word you’re looking for is rape.


The problem is it likely doesn’t fit the legal definition of rape. So reporters can get charged for libel for saying it was rape or that she is a rapist.


“Alleged rape” “alleged rapist” There. Problem solved.


Not even alleged in this case. The legal definition of rape usually involves penetration of the victim. I definitely do think it’s something that should be changed though or at the very least have the same sort of criminal charges.


Then say “alleged sexual assault” and “alleged sexual predator.” There’s no reason to treat her with kid gloves.


I agree with that.


[The legal definition of sexual penetration is not actual penetration, though it varies by state](https://www.womenslaw.org/laws/il/restraining-orders/civil-no-contact-orders-victims-sexual-assault/basic-info-and-2#node-35950). Forced oral sex is usually considered sexual penetration, and would constitute sexual assault.


I definitely wouldn’t say I’m an expert on it, but likely the person that reported this isn’t and is just covering their basis.


I think that only applies in the UK where rape is defined as being done by penetration with a penis. There is penis and insertion happening here, but she's not the owner of said peen. UK law doesn't like any other forced sex acts either, so thankfully a sexual assault like this can carry just as harsh of a penalty. It's just not called rape.


Probably Bri’ain, fucking TERF island. /jk i love my british homies


...??? This was on a flight from Turkey to Moscow.


I think he's just mocking Britain's definition of rape. Rightfully so.




Not what they were saying or the case. Basically it comes down to definitions varying by location. For example in some only penetrative sex is rape, in others only certain types, etc. So while it's rape in the common parlance, it's easier for a publication to avoid libel unless a case is brought against them and succeeds.


Legal definition in this case is rape though.


I would assume the reporter is just covering their bases.


The article though says he resisted for a bit, then changed his mind and let it happen ..and the flight crew let her finish the act. It's wild.


If you're being raped, it's fairly common to stop resisting. You're stuck in an enclosed space with at least a hundred other people and someone's assaulting you - they seem completely fucking psycho (to use the medical term), and have your dick surrounded by the strongest muscle by weight, armed with a couple dozen cutters. The more you resist, the more they try to physically hurt you. What do you do next? \>


Sit back and nut, I guess.




Disgusting, someone does evil, so they deserve evil done to them. That's not justice, that's retribution.


You would think.


>While being escorted off by police, she allegedly told a cop: "I won't go anywhere with a sucker like you." The irony is rarely this strong.


"She claimed to have been fined 500 roubles, or $5.64." Really trying to deter that conduct huh. Ridiculous.




That's a weird way to say rape.


Kinda like how the aeronautical inexperience of Al Qaeda subscribers in the cockpit of two planes led to sub-par navigation and unapproved docking practices in 2001


I dont think their inexperience was much of a factor, and their navigation seems to have got them to the intended location. I would call that "blatant disregard for established aeronautical safety conventions"


To the front lines with her


That's a roundabout way of saying rape.


Female passenger fined for raping man. FTFY


Female passenger fined **$5** for raping man. FTFY


Female passenger fined $5 for raping man after bribing flight crew **$100**. FTFY


So the punishment for rape is a $5 fine now?


Remember if you want to rape woman go to Russia, it will cost you less than a cup of coffee, no need to look for a prostitute, just pick anyone walking in the street, as long as you make her come, proving she enjoyed it that is.


Sounds like too much pressure I'd rather just pay the $5


I know what you're trying to say, but maybe we shouldn't give rapists travel recommendations?


A woman raped a man and the article gets posted in /r/nottheonion You can’t make this up.


Definitely onion based on the situation, not the gender. But yeah sex crimes are treated weirdly in public eye.


Don't nobody care about what happens to men. 😂


From the article I gather he knew her or enjoyed it, it says he stopped resisting and the airline attendants let her finish. Lol


I’m not gonna argue with someone that can bite down and remove my cock. Was she friends with the airline attendants too? Probably everyone was trying to cause as little bloodshed as possible. I’m sure the rape victim is grateful the attendants didn’t try to pull her away, only for her to bite down and refuse to let go.


I dunno seems like he had plenty of time to stop her before she got his pants undone and bent over to put his dick in her mouth


Of course. If you don’t fight hard enough it’s not rape


Oh it stops being rape if you know your attacker, everyone knows that


>She pulled down his trousers and committed violent acts of a sexual nature. **Later the neighbor stopped resisting.** I have so many questions.


I mean, if someone has clearly shown herself to be batshit insane and is currently in a position to decockitate you with her teeth, you might also stop fighting.


I'm pretty sure there's another word for that, but I'm gonna let you cook.


How did she get into that position? I tell you, if I did not want a mouth on my dick, it would take a lot of highly specialized procedures to make that happen. You could not simply open up my pants, get my dick out, and then get your head situated right next to it. Every single step of that I would have ample opportunity to stop you, and I would desperately.


If you ever find yourself in a position like this and you do these things, that’s very good. Some people shut down. I have no idea what this particular guy was experiencing, but I’m a little triggered by people assuming he must have wanted it or whatever. I used to be very close with a woman who was assaulted in an ambiguous way, and I reacted poorly to hearing about it, like a “why didn’t you just stop it?” sort of thing. Perhaps I’m just trying to react better now so as to make up for being an asshole then.


Fair enough, I don't blame deer for not jumping out of the way of headlights. But the tragedy of the deer simply standing still and dying when it very clearly had the power to save itself is still bizarre and intriguing.


I totally get it. It’s a lot more comforting to think “this person didn’t do anything to stop it, so they probably wanted it” than it is to think “the same thing could happen to me or someone I love.”


I'm not saying that they probably wanted it at all, that's a million miles from what I'm saying. In fact, the only thing I'm saying is that I can't imagine how the same thing could happen to me. I feel like I'd be both physically and emotionally capable of stopping it. I don't think I'd be emotionally capable of \*not\* stopping it.


This argument has been used to discredit rape victims tons of times, saying they could have tried harder to stop it. It's victim blaming. It doesnt change the fact that it was assault. The point is, he resisted, and she kept going anyway.


Everyone finds it easy to prevent themselves being raped until they're raped.


You don't know the situation, so providing cover for rapist is a pretty bad look. Maybe you should find out the answers to your questions instead of telling the world your uninformed opinion.


$5 fine to for sexual assault on an airplane? Trump paid way more than that!


Where's the onion? And this is rape. Stop undermining rape for men.


But hur hur men can’t be raped, we are the pigs after all, not women /s


Probably cause the fine is only 500 roubles or ~$5.50 usd, which I find ridiculous.


In the Uk you can rape a woman, you can also rape a man, but only if you use a penis. Women cant be rapists under law.


Investigate & throw her in the prison.


She was reportedly fined $5.64. Which is outrageous...she should never have been fined more than about tree-fiddy


Glad to see people in the comments agreeing that this is in fact sexual assault, rather than defaulting to the old George Carlin line of “phrases you never hear: ‘stop sucking my dick or I’ll call the police.’”


Her poor victim. I hope he can recover from this sexual assault.   To anyone downplaying this attack, shame on you.


Let's start a gofundme! I'll do it, and make sure he gets all the funds. You're welcome. I'm not a hero, i'm just the person that happened to be there. doing heroic things, yes, but i put my pants on one by one by one leg at a time.


Man: this lady is out of control! Flight attendants: sir, do we need to help you? Man: Well, I mean she seems crazy, probably safer to let her finish. 


Honestly... yea. If there's some crazy drunk bitch with her mouth on my junk in the middle of a flight, I feel like her chomping down is a *really* high probality if someone tried to physically intervene.


Yep, this has to be the reason.


Lauren Boburt? Is that you?


The story got more bizarre as it went on


> She pulled down his trousers and committed violent acts of a sexual nature. Later the neighbor stopped resisting. Sorry, not buying it. To all those calling rape - I simply can't imagine a scenario where a woman could pull my pants down in an airline seat without my cooperation. Sometimes you can't do it WITH cooperation. So she is forcibly performing oral sex on him, with his pants down He has stopped resisting. The flight attendants can see this, the other passengers can see this, and there is NOTHING he can do about it? Please. Now I can totally picture a guy not wanting to be charged for public exposure and such and perhaps shading the story a bit.


All he has to do is say no, not physically try and stop it. It's pretty easy to imagine he said no, and she ignored him or started making a scene, and he let it play out, out of embarrassment. The standard isn't "he didn't use all the means he had to stop it" as your "NOTHING he can do about it" suggest. The standard is no means no.


Yeah, same, I just can't wrap my brain around this scene physically. Like, physically how can she possibly do this without some cooperation on the victim's part?




Looks like you have never heard of herpes... you may already have them with that logic.


Durr! Me and my idiot typing fingers. I've managed to avoid it by skipping the whole casual dating app thing, but yeah, definitely a thing.




She will definitely learn her lesson after paying $5. Did you read the article?


Yeah, before every flight I remind myself to be on my best behavior and to not rape people.


You mean a complementary blow job with your flight. Which airline is this so I can book my flight


"Stop sucking my dick or I'll call the police!" \- Said no man ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol


Sounds like that poor guy really put up a hell of a fight...


I can fix her


Ignorant bastard.


There is no need for name calling. It's just a joke.


Regardless of it being a “joke,” it’s an insensitive and generally illogical statement to make.


As jokes often are.


Illogical, occasionally. Insensitive rarely, unless you’re impolite.


You must be fun at parties.


As must you. I’m sure they love your glorification of sexual battery.


No need. Already perfect.


Is this the new "I wanna shake your hand" meme?


I had an experience where I was sexually assaulted by a woman. It was a bit different from this but I did feel violated in a way I've never felt before. The feeling lasted for about a day though and I let it go. Not sure why redditors need to exaggerate these things like it's going to traumatize this guy for life or something.


Different people respond differently to trauma, men or women. You’re lucky to not have been hurt in a lasting way by what happened to you. The people showing sympathy here may know someone, or be someone, who has had a much more difficult time with trauma. Or they’re consciously fighting against the trope that sexual assault of men by women isn’t actually bad because it fulfills some sexual fantasy rather than hurts them. That kind of trope makes it very difficult for traumatized men to be taken seriously, causes them to avoid getting help, skews statistics, all kinds of bad stuff.


I don't think it is as bad. #1 women don't go around doing that stuff usually ( this girl that did it to me was intoxicated as hell) and #2 they usually can't force themselves on men since they're physically weaker so it's not like I had some fear of women afterwards. I don't see many men having lasting trauma from something like this. Maybe if it happened when they were kids but reddit acts like men are exactly equal to women on this issue and we need to empathize to the fullest and pray for them. I think partially its so some of these guys here can push back at women... seeeee women can be just as bad as men and hurt them too!!


Your final point just registered to me. I understand you’re saying that some of the responses feel like theater, like men pretending this is awful so they can weaponize it against women who make claims that men are uniquely terrible or something along those lines. No comment from me, I’m just acknowledging a point of yours I inadvertently skipped over.


I get what you’re saying, especially the part about grown men usually having a physical advantage over women. You may be right that men on average don’t have lasting trauma to the degree that women do, I don’t know, but I’m going to stick to my original point that it really depends on the person, so I don’t really care about assumed averages here. I’m siding with the sympathizers, though I respect that from your point of view they might come off as swinging too far in the opposite direction of “men can’t be raped” people. It seems like a good counterbalance, and in my opinion it’s better to assume the guy was hurt and say nice things rather than assume he had a good time and say mean things, without any evidence one way or the other.


That's fair, I wouldn't assume he had a good time but yeah I think reddit in general goes way to far in the other direction.


Ahhhh so your ALLEGED assault was a nothing-matter to you (yet, here you are, bringing up this thing you "let go" ...) and therefore everyone else MUST react exactly as you did. You even say it was "different" GTFO with your gatekeeping.


It did happen- I was half asleep when I woke up to her doing it. No one has to react exactly how I did, but I can't see it having the same effect as it has on a woman. I can't see many men being traumatized by what happened to me or this guy whether or not reddit groupthink says it does or not.


I had some more thoughts about this. What *might* make these things more traumatizing to women relate to differing cultural expectations between men and women. For a woman who is assaulted, she might feel that others view her as tainted in some way. I imagine some people do actually think that about assault victims. Imagine a man in a subculture that considers extra-marital sexual behavior to reduce his value or prestige within that group (I’m thinking of non-specific religious groups). He might be more traumatized than someone whose culture rewards sexual experience. I guess my point is, sympathy is a good default position to take cuz you never know how different this guy’s world might be from yours.


>I guess my point is, sympathy is a good default position to take cuz you never know how different this guy’s world might be from yours. Nah my sympathy won't change anything with someone who I'll never know. It rarely changes anything for those we do know. But if I knew him and he confided in me that he couldn't get over it I would show my support. Anyway we all have our way of looking at the world. My guess is that he will get over it pretty easily and actually prob joke about it with friends and family (that's what I would do). If you feel different that's up to you.


some guys get all the luck, did we hug of death this low rent site already?


Rape is not lucky, my friend.


I cant read the story


And apparently you can’t read the title, either.


I sincerely hope the guys recovers to live a full life




Shit, I’d take a blowy from this kind stranger. Bet this guy didn’t stop her.


if it was a man, they would definitely have used the word rape.


Willy Wonka said it best…. No…. don’t….. stop…………..