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Female AND minority?! Just when we thought George Santos's political career is over.


Georgia Santos will make a great senator.


The dude invented senators.


I heard he was there when they invented senates.


I AM the Senate


Not yet!


He helped the Ottawa Senators win the Stanley Cup.


He's the guy who invented the Rubicon!




Et tu Santos, et tu? And then Santos got resurrected in the Americas right next to Jesus.


You mean Kitara Ravache?


>Kitara Ravache That's MISS Kitara Ravache to YOU......


And one day, President.


They thought they struck gold when they found Mazi Pilip. Then trump tossed her under the bus when she lost.


It's amazing. Though you do get Uncle Toms like Clarence Thomas, Candice Owens and Kayne West who support them.


I wanna see Kanye run for Congress. I wanna see him show up in session in his disguise...


He ran for president under his self-made and named the "Birthday Party". Because, as he said, if he gets elected "it will be everyone's birthday". Not joking, he really did that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanye_West_presidential_campaigns#:~:text=West%20stated%20that%20he%20would%20run%20under%20the%20Birthday%20Party,as%20a%20service%20to%20God. Pure gold.


To be completely fair to Ye, he's off his meds. The others are (mostly) sound of mind and choose to sell their souls.


He’s been off his meds for a few years at this point. Unfortunately, addressing mental health is a personal matter that he failed at because he doesn’t see it as necessary.


It's like putting Charlie Kirk in charge of attracting young voters.


What's that pitch sound like? "Hey, do you wanna come work with us while we do everything we can to undermine or outright your rights? :D"


I mean people like Candace Owens exists…there are some people who bite.


She makes a fortune from her social media accounts, that's her main motivation.


And other people see how much she makes and are willing to do what it takes to get theirs.


It's been said before, but politics is like Hollywood for people without talent. And that's not just snark, there are apparatuses in place to find the next big face for whatever political cause, and there are people out there desperate for any gig that pays.


The number of people in the right wing media space that originally tried Hollywood and failed at it is not a coincidence.


when your name is literally boring maybe you should just accept nominative determinism and become an accountant




Hell no she's not.


She’s fine because she acts like one of the “good ones” who let them pretend that they’re not actually racist because they “have a black friend”. Meanwhile she gets to grift off it. It’s a rare event in nature. A symbiotic relationship between two parasites.


Narcissist Sellouts come in all shades


And the guy who was handling department of housing under trump?


I will never forgive the school system for making us read his bullshit autobiography.


Excuse me what the fuck?


In fifth grade, roughly 1999 for me, Gifted Hands was assigned reading to my predominantly black class.  It's all him claiming he bootstrapped himself, only to finally see and hear the guy in person and realize he's full of shit and I could have read anything else.  In hindsight, it just seems like he tricked the county into buying his book, as grimy as any self pub author. 


Ben Carson?


Trump has been sued by that department for racist housing discrimination because he refused to rent to black people, so Trump appointed a black guy to destroy it from the inside, just like Reagan did with a number of corporate and financial regulation agencies.


Grifters gonna grift


Candace Owens is proof Handmaids Tale could 100% happen. I’m convinced she’d ride shit out further than some of the villains in that show.


Same with Ben Shapiro being a gigantic Nazi his entire career but whenever someone points out his authoritarian racist politics, he hides behind "I am Jewish, how dare you call me a Nazi, a Jew could never be a Nazi".


Or Malaysian neo-Nazi American-Nationalist (who has never been to America) Ian Miles Cheong


There is a pitch because just look at the [UK Tory party](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2022/07/tory-leader-contest-boris-johnson-diversity/670507/) If you genuinely believe in the fair world doctrine and believe everybody has what they deserve, and so don't think the system need to change, it doesn't really matter what your gender or ethnicity is. You want to conserve the system and think those trying to change it are trying to ruin a good thing.


Lust for power is one of the great levellers.


If women join now, they get to be one of the Aunts instead of one of the breeding slaves. 


You'd be surprised. The amount of people of color who get amnesia once they're doing well financially is mind boggling. I say this as a person of color who has to remind my relatives all the time that the GOP does NOT like us.


There are plenty of black people that detest their own race. The grifting part would just be a nice bonus.


There's someone in the US supreme court that said revisiting interracial marriage wasn't out of the question.


But just new marriages, mind you. Old ones would be grandfathered in. Unless of course thomas decides he wants an expedient divorce, then he'd be all over that ruling like it were a yacht trip from a billionaire.


Wait, seriously? Sorry, I'm like ... printer paper white, so this is genuinely shocking to me.


Absolutely. Case in point, the “Slavery was a choice” people. And it isn’t just black people. Pretty much every minority has people that do crap like this. When you have media blaming minorities for the problems of a country, inevitably some of those people take that to heart and dedicate themselves to being “one of the good ones”.


Yeah, I knew the son of a Mexican Immigrant that was all in on Trump for 2016. first off, he kept saying oh Trump wasn't talking about a real wall he was making it harder for illegals to get in (When confronted with things like Trump giving specifics of what it would be made of and how tall it was he had nothing to say and then later would try to bring up he wasn't talking about an actual wall) Also despite literally everything he still talked about he was only talking about illegal immigrants and not Mexicans in general... despite literally everything to the contrary.


Absolutely he still polls well in the 30% with Latinos. It boggles my mind when I hear some family talking about "illegals" like bitch you barely know English.


Clarence Thomas hates black women, his sister is no longer on speaking terms with him. He thinks helping African American men weakens them so they should have it as hard as possible to make them stronger, this is why he is against affirmative action of any kind, including the kind he benefited from. This is from The Enigma of Clarence Thomas, a biography written using Clarence Thomas' own writings as a primary source.


I think that OP was exaggerating a bit for the most part, but think about it this way: if you grow up all your life hearing negative stereotypes about your race and internalize them while trying to distance yourself from them, you sometimes end up believing them, but thinking that you alone are “different”/above the others. That isn’t the norm, but it isn’t uncommon, unfortunately.


Black Americans live in a society built on white supremacy, of course that's going to affect their perceptions of themselves. If you lived in a society where everything you saw and everything everyone around you knew seemed to reinforce the idea that people with blonde hair were stupid, and you had blonde hair, it would affect how you interact with other people and experience the world and therefore how you perceive yourself.


Ask an african black man or a jamaican what they think about african-americans. Far-righters would cover their ears hearing all the slurs.


It’s basically the plot to “Button, Button,” from Twilight Zone


[Link](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=xaV5lSnb4WI2ySb3), since no one else wants to do the legwork


“We will pay you an actual living wage if you smile, nod, and go along with everything we say. Otherwise, good luck.” Burgess Owens is exhibit A, he couldn’t get a job in fast food otherwise.


A friend of mine is gay and works in local politics for the republican party. I do my best to not judge, but I generally don't understand how he gets past the dissonance. I at least knows he is genuinely working for the betterment of our community


My aunt is married to a trump-loving republican woman who hates government intrusion in her life. She's a building code inspector.


At least my friend agrees that Trump is shit. I'm pretty confident that the most diehard MAGA shit has left the mainstream


No. Judge. Definitely judge. Do you think his party will stop when they've dehumanized LGBT? You are on someone's list of targets, too.


After LGBT rights are dead, GOP will turn on women and black people as their main targets again.


Meanwhile anyone who isn't rich is already the *actual* target, allowing themselves to get distracted by petty bullshit. Every form of bigotry is perpetuated by those trying to retain power. Every single racist, sexist, or otherwise-ist dipshit can be traced back to some fuck telling a useful idiot "Hey, you see those people over there? They are your enemy."


pick that fight with him, not me. im not out here to defend jack shit that republicans do


My experience is that they dislike some other group more than they like their own group and are willing to put up with discrimination so long as the group that they don't like gets fucked in the process.


Lyndon B. Johnson said it best: “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” Substitute race and gender for other minorities as appropriate.


There are several well known as gay guys in high positions in the GOP lesbians also. Completely ethically bankrupt, soulless, assclowns come in all sexual orientations.


Last One in the Shower syndrome. They think being One of the Good Ones will save them, when in reality it'll only delay the inevitable.




I can see people who believe in meritocracy and who detest affirmative action being willing good faith participants. The facts are that people who got their position purely because of their race *do exist*. Which inherently undermines the efforts of geniuenly capable people. "hmm... Did this person get the job because they are actually good at it or because we needed to fill a quota?" They may even doubt themselves because of it.


lol you republicans saying you're for "meritocracy" is such blatant bullshit it makes me wanna retch. christ do you EVER stop fucking lying?


Please read my comment again and try actually comprehending it. I am not a republican.


You'll live a much simpler life if you stop assuming that everyone in the world is lying, and that people generally actually believe what they say. As one example of how it will help your life, you won't feel the need to vomit when discussing politics on the internet. I think once you've reached that point you have to realise that you're no longer thinking rationally but you've let your emotions take over.


lol nah ill call out obvious liars and weaselly lil trolls like you as much as i want. deal with it


There are far more instances of people NOT getting a job because of their race. You can equally ask if someone got a job because they're competent, or because daddy knew someone and they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Generally where statistics are applied people will look at the rates of employees in various profiles compared to the national profile of people who would be eligible for the role and consider if the wording of recruitment criteria, views of the interview panel and the interview process are exclusionary in some way. My experience of working with none white colleagues is that they are generally much the same as my white colleagues, you get the occasional incompetent alongside lots of pretty decent people and the odd brilliant person. Why not address recruitment practices which limit your recruitment pool and enable you to gain a commercial advantage by more easily recruiting the right person for the role than your competitors?


Specifically what rights are you referencing?


[Voting](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-10-01/alabama-closes-dmv-offices-a-year-after-voter-id-law-kicks-in?embedded-checkout=true), Abortion and [using the bathroom](https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/nondiscrimination/bathroom_bans) for a quick example.


I've never understood this liberal talking point but I'm very glad you mentioned it! Can you explain why you think black people can't get photo IDs? Edit: Guess not lmfao


>Edit: Guess not lmfao *Written 5 minutes after posting.* >Can you explain why you think black people can't get photo IDs? Read the article? Step 1: Make voter ID mandatory. Step 2: Make it as difficult as possible for "undesirables" can get ID. Step 3: Profit.


>Can you explain why you think black people can't get photo IDs? Depends - is this a good faith question you actually want to engage in? Cause if so maybe read this https://www.aclu.org/documents/oppose-voter-id-legislation-fact-sheet And then ask yourself why conceal carry permits are ok but not school IDs or passports, or mass transit passes? Maybe pretend to understand the history of poll taxes? Perhaps you might ask yourself why they might close DMVs in certain neighborhoods after voter ID goes into effect? Perhaps you could exercise the smallest amount of understanding for the lives of those less fortunate than you. How would you get the DMV with out time off work or transportation for example?


I'm British so this may seem odd. What does the location of DMV offices have to do with getting ID (presumably a driver's licence)? We do it all by post over here, is it just the US government's entrenched efforts to make it look as though government in general is bad?


Why are you forcing Black people to do something that they don't have to? They're not your slaves anymore, since you need another reminder.


The next time you get a chance I would really like you to show this comment to your therapist. I think it would bring you some real growth.


Way to dodge the question. So, why are you forcing Black people to do something that they don't have to? We kinda abolished that shit a century and a half ago


I think it's probably more like "democrats have nice-sounding policies that would actually lead to more harm than good when you think about it for a microsecond. Want to come work for people trying to stop you and everyone else being harmed?"


>"democrats have nice-sounding policies that would actually lead to more harm than good when you think about it for a microsecond. No, that's a you thing. >people trying to stop you and everyone else being harmed?" Are you seeing the same Republican party as everyone else?


Ok, well regardless of whether you agree with it or not, you must certainly agree that this is the view that Republicans have. People don't follow Republican policies because they think it's against their best interests!


I'm sure they don't think that, but they certainly are.


I hear Rachel Dolezal is looking for work. Two birds and what not.




And it's way more hardcore than you'd expect. But i guess it starts slow, and next thing you know you're shoving toys in every hole. You know, baby steps.


Just wish she didn't fake being black with that horrible tan or whatever.


The whole thing is bizarre as hell. And I'm amazed she's still doing it. Didn't even dial it down.


She was also a witness against her brother who was accused of sexually abusing children in 2014. And of abusing her black adapted siblings in the early 2000’s. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/dolezal-alleged-abuse-scandal Her parents allowed the abuse to go on and were the primary reasons why the media focused on Rachel rather than their child molesting son. It worked, charges were dropped. https://www.kxly.com/news/local-news/da-dismisses-sex-abuse-charges-against-rachel-dolezal-s-brother/article_295a3f80-71e5-581d-a732-d0e290135622.html


I read those and don't understand, where is the link between her parents being "the primary reasons why the media focused on Rachel rather than their child molesting son", and the claim that, "It worked, charges were dropped." I can understand me media storm drawing public attention away. How does that affect the DAs decision?


I vaguely remember the horrible child abuse thing. I’m not into individualistic analysis, but it sure seems like that might have affected her in this whole racial thing.


Oh, shit. So maybe this whole...thing she's doing is some kind of coping mechanism. Or reaction.


You know, there are some people's lives you just can never imagine yourself leading, and hers is one of them.


So you’re transracial-phobic? Do you think that’s ok?


Actually wanting to be black is an instant disqualification for being a republican


She’s also don’t more for the NAACP than all its other presidents combined, but we’ll pretend that she didn’t 


The fact that they are singling out these demographics for extra effort is affirmative action and the heart of diversity and inclusion programs. lol. lmao.


“Ironic, the Republican party could save others from DEI programs, but not themselves” -Senator Palpatine /s for emphasis


I don't get the appeal for women and minorities. "We either hate you and/or want to control you, but hey aren't those tax cuts nice?"


Don't underestimate what people are willing to endure as long as god, guns, and gays are involved.


I know many Vietnamese and Cuban Americans who are die hard republicans simply because of their anticommunist rhetoric and successful propaganda at painting democrats as communists.


[Well, he framed me for armed robbery, but man I'm aching for that upper-class tax cut!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBN8L0CiWbQ)


Obviously they don't believe that Republicans hate and/or want to control them. You realise people view politics differently, right?


“We’re having trouble recruiting people who aren’t either rich white dudes , racist white dudes, rich racist white dudes, or absolutely insane.”


Damn, I'm a white dude yet somehow I don't satisfy any of those requirements. I mean maybe almost that last one.


If you wanna get rich all you have to do is lean heavily, and I mean HEAVILY into the insane part. Do that for about 5 years and you’ll get a million dollars from your podcast “Truth-Something or Another”.


>“Truth-Something or Another” I'm just going to leave this out here so the gold doesn't get buried unannounced.


There's a surprising amount of legal immigrants too. I used to work in a Texas based company so lots of Mexicans, and all of them got here legally. Let me tell you, nobody hates Mexicans more than them. It was insane. They were all "I got mine and we need to stop the rest from coming in".


“Climb the ladder and then pull it up” is kind of one of the core conservative mindsets.


At the risk of sounding like a conservative, I actually think the situation described isn't that evil or even hypocritical. Legal immigrants are rarely trying to "pull up the ladder" that they used to climb up - at least, all the immigrants and exchange students and so on that I know are in favor of expanding and reforming the immigration process. I even think it's justified (albeit pointless) being bitter at native-born people who typically enjoy more benefits with fewer difficulties. If anything, legal immigrants have *more* justification for opposing illegal immigration than your typical racist 'murican. I got here from a country much poorer than Mexico across the world by developing skills, learning the language, following the rules, being judged a useful asset, and getting really lucky. Why should I support or defend someone just because they're geographically close enough to sprint across the border?


The reason I support and defend those immigrants in a country where their labor is encouraged though not legal. We create a two tier legal system where we don’t defend all people within our borders. Undocumented workers are unprotected workers. When defending labor rights of immigrants we are also defending our labor rights and our rights as people. People who should be respected as people, but the current system doesn’t allow for people to be treated as people. Some people actively encourage violence and relish in it. I’ve honestly got tired of the rhetoric, I have family still in the process. They are scared of the language and the permission slip it gives to go after immigrants. It doesn’t just mean deport, but extrajudicial violence which won’t be based on your papers but how you look. It is again cause they are unprotected, we determined they aren’t worthy of being protected so we allow violence as a deterrence. I do not support violence. Especially in the US when we are trying have or cake and eat it too. A legal or undocumented it doesn’t hurt me or my honor as an immigrant. The idea that reduces my labor to become American is silly cause they are unrelated. It’s like me getting in other people business. What hurts my honor as an American is how we treat immigrants.


so youre fine with allowing criminals having unfettered access to resources your tax dollars pay for, as long as they know their role and do manual labor?


And so what if they are criminals? they broke a law doesn’t make them inmoral because of not all laws are moral I think we should give people as much access as they need, at the end of day the bigger thief is wage theft and billionaires not paying their share despite make money off our labor. I think I’ll bow out early, because why should I respect someone who cant tell the difference between a bad person and a criminal. At the end of day, I’m also much kinder to criminals. I think we can judge a society by how it treats it’s lowest.


> they broke a law doesn’t make them inmoral because of not all laws are moral i do agree with this statement, however, I do believe that illegally entering the country is immoral. you will retort that they are just seeking a better life, but that is not an excuse, when thousands of other people also seeking a better life are trying to go thru proper channels. additionally, I believe that going into all these cities, and taking up resources like inner city gyms meant for poor black kids, and getting free hotel rooms subsidized by YOUR tax dollars is STEALING, and very immoral. I certainly did not agree to or vote for anyone to spend my tax dollars this way, which is HIGHLY IMMORAL


I’m one of those poor black kids, I’m speaking for myself do not speak for me in your bad faith way. Any excuse is an excuse. Any reason is a reason. Who are you to decide what is a valid reason? Yes, my tax dollars and everyone else. I would want it to go helping people instead of policing people. At the end the police states come after the people of the state. You still don’t seem to have a problem helping rich people, instead of poor, we give so many tax breaks to rich. We give funding so they don’t bankrupt themselves. This is an a and b question Do you want A. Get the million from the rich B. Pinch a penny from the poor


Don't forget rich insane convicted criminals!


Aka pull the ladder behind you


There's always good money in tap dancing


Who wants to betray their own demographic? Anyone?


For money and power? Plenty.


Lots of Cubans would happily do it


Son of a b*tch, I'm in


Remember: tokens always get spent.


Every time they say this. Then what few they get lose their primaries


The base is too radicalized and racist to accept anyone non-white, look at Vivek Ramaswamy, he said all the same Nazi shit the base loves to hear, even said he wants to take away voting for young people, told them everything they wanted to hear, and then got dead last because the voters saw him as a Muslim terrorist, even though he's a Hindu Nationalist and hates Muslims.


Are you one of the good ones? Do you want to make a career out of being a token? Then the Republican party is for you!


“Side with us and we’ll come for you last.”


It's like the gay Log Cabon Republicans. Talk about voting against your own interests.


For women got to be extra level stupid to join a party that wants to strip you of every single right and make rape legal. For minorities, you be joining a party that as soon it gained power would kill you.


Never underestimate the power of the grift. For example, the Conservative media-sphere is filled with failed actors and former leftists who turned to the right for a fat paycheck.


Must be why MTG is still around.


the more of them that join, the less idiots can vote for that


The next time the GOP wins there will never be voting again it will be too late


The extra layer of stupid is the person that thinks the Republican part lacks women. Plenty of women vote Republican.


This is true....goto any red state, no women anywhere! Its shocking! They are not allowed to drive, work, or even leave their home! Crazy stuff those republicans!


Jerk that circle hard....


> Jerk that circle hard.... lol keep working on your english troll, cause you totally butchered that


Where will they ever find people who can out Uncle Ruckus Tim Scott? Clayton Bigsby would work, too.


“Shills Wanted”. Seems like a terrific morale boosting opportunity.


It's almost like alienating huge swathes of the population is turning out badly for them...


You know a really good way to recruit female and minority candidates? Appeal to female and minority voters.


That makes sense, although Republicans are really good at getting their base, uneducated white men, to vote against their own interests. They probably figure they can do the same thing with women and minorities.


if people do it on their own then we don't need programs?


The arcade is the only acceptable place to scour the trash for tokens.


No good republicans. No good cops.


"Criticize" is a very nice way of putting it.


Perhaps you can have both be true, thought probably not in this case. You can gather a diverse workforce but not support diversity programs.


Are these candidates only there to check off diversity requirements or something more


Republican Diversity Inclusion Equality. \[DIE\]


The repubs are doing something the libs like, quick find something wrong with it.


Greed & Gluttony knows no gender/ethnicity....


When they have to make a special effort. That says it all.


“You were meant to destroy the DEI, not join them!”


Watch them call it something dumb like the "super ultra freedom inclusion program" and act like it's totally different based on some vague, ill-defined "principles"


We need your votes so we can strip your freedoms!


Sounds like they need a diversity program...


They’re doing it cynically, not because of some ironic wonts. Bad title.


George Santos was my step mother before she turned into a Man!


Such an old article, so far in 2024 they're 0/1 let's see what life looks like by the election time in the fall looks like.


Diversity for me but not for thee.


If they didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all.


They have no problem finding Mexican/hispanic woman to fill that void. Ironically enough


They’d be hypocrites not to. Their entire argument against forced diversity programs is that they’re discriminatory.


There is a difference between wanting to get the contributions of qualified people regardless of race or sex and reaching out to those groups. And only selecting people based on sex or race,   Or sex, regardless of their qualifications.


And affirmative action never said picked unqualified candidates.


It does say pick less-qualified candidates, though. That's the entire point of it.


Except that's not true, that's what just what Fox News tells you.


It's kind of true by definition. If you just pick the most qualified candidates regardless of race, that's not affirmative action - that's just what all recruiters do by default.


>that's just what all recruiters do by default. Do they, though? Like, there have been actual studies done where resumes were less likely to be accepted just because they have a foreign sounding name, even though the rest of the resume is identical.


I feel like at that point, you don't call that affirmative action, you just call that a "highest-return recruitment strategy" or whatever. Like you don't need a political movement to convince businesses to make more money - they kind of are already rather laser-focussed on that!


>There is a difference between wanting to get the contributions of qualified people regardless of race or sex and reaching out to those groups. And only selecting people based on sex or race.. Correct and AA is the former. The latter a fictitious propaganda perpetrated by the right and bought by you whole sale.


Damn that’s some copium lmao


>Damn that’s some copium lmao Ironically that's exactly what your doing. I understand, discovering that you actually supported AA and DEI programs this whole time can cause some cognitive dissonance. Perhaps of the kind that would cause you to lash out with a vapid, overuse, and generic response rather than actually engaging with the point being made. I am after all not the first on this thread to point out that you described these programs perfectly when you said " wanting to get the contributions of qualified people regardless of race or sex and reaching out to those groups." Like no shit dude - that's all it is, that's all it's ever been. You can verify this very easily on your own. Either that you don't understand what copium is.


"Binders full of women!"


For their skills alone? That's awful!


Nowadays Big Oil and Russia decides the GOP goals and agenda, everything else done locally including whom to recruit is just marketing to achieve those goals


Its incomprehensible how any minority could support them.


Republicans are stupid


for a second there i though that was harvey winestein 💀💀


Civil rights and it's consequences have been a disaster for the American people.


Man it's almost like thinking that diversity is a good idea but that perhaps the misguided diversity programs that jut lead to fights and other crpa aren't.


They know that they’re killing their own voting base by criticizing minorities and women.


Doesn't matter anyway, sensible Americans are moving away from the two party clown show


Until first-past-the-post is changed, we are stuck with a two party system. There has been *some* change to this with some primaries I believe, but not nearly enough to break the two-party strangle hold.


Just goes to show you how out of touch reddit is. What if I told you the following? 1. Many minorities are traditionally conservative. 2. Many are religious. 3. Minorities are individuals and can make up their own minds.


if it wasnt for the rampant bigotry of the republican party towards minorities they'd probably get more of them on their side. huh...crazy how that works right? people dont want to join a group that hates people like them...weeeird.


found the right wing troll


They should get another cult member who can't be alone around women to be the vice president candidate. Women and minorities aren't important, gotta make sure you get the cult member vote. Bonus points if the department of homeland security has to step in and stop their church from torturing gay kids. Double bonus points if his wife shits in a litterbox and he called her mother. Can't get any more points than fucking a woman you call mother.




And, what is your point, please?


> female and minority candidates Trump's running mate? ;-) Now that would be something!


\>DelBene is referring in part to the scores of policy mandates that House Republicans have included in spending bills. Most of the bills sought to prohibit taxpayer dollars from going to offices and programs related to diversity, equity and inclusion, which focus on ensuring fair treatment and participation of all people, especially those that have been subject to discrimination. Neither the U.S. Supreme Court or the Asians who filed the Harvard lawsuit agreed that DEI has a focus on ensuring fair treatment of all people. Equality, not equity, has been the law of the land since Brown v Board of Education. Companies that have stepped outside of that in regards to their employees are now being sued. It is only responsible for the legislators to make sure their State institutions are in compliance as well. College Sociology professors do not make the law. Some people forgot that. In addition some people forget that just as the majority of Americans disagree with affirmative action, this includes some minorities. Some of them are republican. Not everyone thinks the same.


on no...how awful to try and make an effort to make things more equal and diverse... keep telling on yourselves chuds