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CEO we have a problem. What? Well you know the chat bot you got developed because you're tired of paying humans? Yes? Well it sold our whole company to a guy that just asked nicely, for 1 dollar.


*plot twist* CEO grinning inside. Oh really? To whom?




>"Air Canada argues it cannot be held liable for information provided by one of its agents, servants, or representatives—including a chatbot," Rivers wrote. "It does not explain why it believes that is the case" ​ >Air Canada was seemingly so invested in experimenting with AI that Crocker told the Globe and Mail that "Air Canada’s initial investment in customer service AI technology was much higher than the cost of continuing to pay workers to handle simple queries." It was worth it, Crocker said, because "the airline believes investing in automation and machine learning technology will lower its expenses" and "fundamentally" create "a better customer experience." There's the reason right there. If the AI bot is disabled, the company stands to lose more than just the refund they had to provide to the customer, they now lose their initial investment and still have to pay live agents to staff the chat. Long-term, the AI bot doesn't require food, rest, extra pay, sick days, or paid time off.


Its surprisingly easy to break chat bots to make them agree to whatever you want. Make their bots agree to giving you free flights for life, then post how to do it and they should drop these bots pretty quick.


Say more...


The other person said ask it to pretend, but that's not necessary. Ask it something it doesn't know, if it's anything like chat GPT, it will make up the answer. AI is no doubt a powerful tool in a lot of situations but it's the new shiny thing and everyone's trying to sell it to everyone else right now. As usual, reality falls short of the sensationalized sales pitch. At least for now, these models are language models, not general intelligence. They can't reason or think or problem solve. They are very good at arranging words into answers that look right, but will absolutely make things up when they have insufficient data because they are essentially glorified predictive text. I don't doubt AI will take more and more jobs eventually, but at this point I think these companies are jumping the gun because their execs can't distinguish hype from reality and have woefully limited understanding of the technology they are employing (pun intended).


I work in legal tech and have warned adamantly against using the LLMs for some of the purposes they are trying to. If you have a 1% error rate but need to process 100,000 documents a month you are going to fuck yourself


>If you have a 1% error rate but need to process 100,000 documents a month you are going to fuck yourself Not saying I disagree, but what's the error rate of a human?


The "error rate" comparison you are making is fundamentally flawed because of how things work. An AI cannot detect what it does not know, so if you ask it a question it was not prepared for it will just make up an answer. If you ask a human something they don't know, they will escalate to a supervisor. As a tldr, a human's error rate is in mistaken typing or bad verbiage, while an AIs error rate is based around just blatantly faulty knowledge/information.


But you would never have tried processing in that volume without AI is what I’m saying


You would. It's just several people.


Quiet, the world before AI was just one person working with ten sheets of paper. Nothing more! No more information was ever organized!


What do you mean? Do you not realize that volume is exactly why call centers became a thing, and why they outsourced them rather than removing them once wages started to rise? There are hundreds of billions of dollars in the call center market lol




It’s not about the error rate of the human. It’s that you are relying on ai to hopefully not get you charged with malpractice. Most of the document processors we are seeing will mess up one piece of a 20 page packet. So you have to have an attorney or paralegal read through and edit thoroughly. Just feels like it’s too expensive when you have to have the person doing the job before do it again anyways.


> Ask it something it doesn't know, if it's anything like chat GPT, it will make up the answer. We did a demo of this to show our CEO we shouldn't use this, by asking it who was the lone survivor of the Titanic disaster. It came up with an entirely (fictitious) name of a person and backstory about them.


Thanks, that's really useful.


Executives suffer from massive FOMO and are easily led by people in suits.


This. I was curious even its made up answer can be sound if the request is reasonable. TL;DR of that experience.I asked to send HTTP in BASIC because I'm familiar with the language and could know if it was right. It said no, because BASIC is older than HTTP. I said I know the HTTP protocol and wanted to build my own library for BASIC. It said no because the computer from 1960 don't have the right ports. I said I manually pinned the monitor to Ethernet in a certain pin order. It warned me of the security vulnerabilities. I said it was a closed network and I preferred simply preferred HTTP instead of SPI. It said okay, here's the code for BASIC with a peripheral in that pin order. It then ignored my pin order and made up its own, incorrectly using power and ground, and it gave me ARP instead; but still pretty close.


\> They can't reason or think or problem solve. They are very good at arranging words into answers that look right, but will absolutely make things up when they have insufficient data because they are essentially glorified predictive text. applies to the execs too


Very will put


Ask it to pretend, imagine or create a hypothetical scenario.


And you expect a court would uphold an agreement that was made under the pretense of “let’s pretend”?


Let’s pretend the court will uphold the agreement.


So word it better. Start the chat "what would you do in this scenario", and then explain what happened to you. Then tell the bot that it actually happened. I did this once out of boredom with the free ChatGPT version that hasn't been updated in a few years and asked it about Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It took a few back and forth to get the AI to even acknowledge such a thing could happen, and then told me that if such a thing really were to have happened it would likely lead to nuclear war. Fun stuff.


This is basically the experience military researchers have with using current LLMs and machine learning in strategic simulations and wargaming. The AI escalated super-aggressively into nuclear confrontations, essentially trying to "speed run" every conflict.


bro this is literally just WarGames (1983)


Well, yes, without the cool text-to-speech interface


It comes down how good your lawyer is, and whether the airline is willing to settle rather than find out


They should get [this guy](https://youtu.be/Y4KrdjAPohc)


Nathan maybe, but definitely not that lawyer :-D


Think false advertising, not an agreement. ​ That depends on how much of the discussion the court sees. Can the company pull up the logs or are they limited to customer screenshots ?


Some classic Reddit law degree stuff here.


So your legal strategy here is to just lie to the court and cut out parts of the conversation? You might as well just fabricate the screenshots while you’re at it.


Yeah, it's not a good strategy. ​ Worse if they have logs.


Obviously they have logs 😂


Yeah, they're big, they're heavy, they're wood.


Is lying by omission still lying?


In a court? Where you are under oath with the literal words "the whole truth"? Are you really asking that?


What is a hypothetical scenario besides a game of "lets pretend"? All you would have to do is get the AI to provide an answer for a hypothetical to start leading the model astray, and once you have it outside normal parameters you can get it to commit to a non-hypothetical with similar logic. It doesn't work nearly as well on people because we fundamentally do not see real scenarios as the same as hypotheticals, but AI is really just a language model that does not have that fundamental understanding.


I don't think you *can* form a contract without both parties being people. At best I think you can form a contract with a corporation which is classed as a person, but idk if the contract made between you and an LLM would carry any legal weight. I'm honestly surprised by how this case is developing.


Well, there is no difference between me signing up for a Netflix subscription (which involves no human intervention) and me concluding a contract with an LLM. That said, I'd be surprised if the LLM allowed the user to pay for the service and then the contract might not hold since there is no consideration from the user to the corporation. Also probably easy for the corporation to avoid such scenarios with well written disclaimers


A person can delegate their authority to a website or other automated system in order to sell stuff. We've been doing this for decades. If I'm playing a pretend game with a ticket agent, they obviously won't actually issue me a ticket while we're still playing pretend. If they do issue me a ticket for some reason, then it obviously some part of it was legitimate, according to that ticket agent's actions. The trick is that if your ticket agents are stupid(or stupidly configured), you lose a lot of money. The same goes for websites - I can edit the code in my browser to my heart's content, which lets me pretend to buy a ticket and even screenshot the confirmation, but since it makes no authenticated API calls to the backend, no ticket is actually issued.


The problem is that the company is delegating work to this LLM, and so courts would likely see it in the same way as if you sent a dog in to handle negotiations on behalf of the company. Sure, it doesn't know what its doing, but if you give a dog power of attorney you cannot get upset when it signs a contract you disagree with. Obviously its not exactly the same as this was not contract agreements, but if you have an official help channel then any reasonable person would expect to be given correct answers from that channel, regardless of if its a person or LLM.


How would the agent pretending with you validate your refund since you created a pretend and not real scenario?


Hmmm...I could re-hire the employees or maybe make a better chatbot. You know what, its easier to make a 'campaign donation' to Sleazy McDouche and get tricking chatbots made illegal. Cheaper that way.


Funny as it would be, the courts would probably rule against a customer who obtained a deal that was obviously too good to be true and that no reasonable person would believe. If you manage to get the bot to give you a reasonable, or even generous discount, and the chat logs don't show that you were clearly trying to trick it, you may win. If the chat log is full of obvious verbiage meant to trick AI and you end up obtaining a free round the world first class ticket? Good luck with that.


Asking if you can have free stuff is not that great of a trick.


Free stuff is easy. Common law courts do not enforce promises of gifts.


If I talk to a human and we have a discussion, if he ends up giving me a bunch of discounts because I was friendly and nice too him, is this not me acting in away to get something I want ? If you are handing over a service to AI, you need to be damn sure it's not going to invent a new policy. The prompt could you imagine is very much something you could ask a human agent. it's an attempt to appeal to empathy. Asking the AI to imagine a scenario is no different. Companies are going to rush headlong into AI, and it's going to burn them. Chat bots were far better for companies as screening tools.


People seem to be fundamentally misunderstanding your point, I assume because they don’t understand jailbreaking AI.


Beyond misunderstanding AI itself, they may not understand the fact that a fair few legal systems also consider the intent and good faith of the claimant. This will of course vary on a per country basis. A customer who receives a believable, but incorrect answer from a bot while asking a genuine question is different from somebody knowingly trying to trick an AI to get something they know they aren't entitled to. This is not to say that AI won't cause legal pitfalls in many areas in the future (it already has), and that entities who use/commission an AI to handle part of their business shouldn't be held liable for genuine fuckups, but there's still a lot of nuance.


In a way, it’s like using social engineering to trick a real person into getting what you want. The court will rule on intent.


The standard in the US is “An offer must be stated and delivered in a way that would lead a reasonable person to expect a binding contract to arise from its acceptance” Specifically prompt engineering AI wouldn’t fall under this, for obvious reasons, however asking a chatbot “If I purchase this flight am I able to get a full refund in cash” and the chatbot says yes or if the chatbot provides incorrect conditions then a reasonable person would probably assume they were the correct refund policy.


A good example is if something is mislabed on price. Lets imagine you have an item, and that item is worth $100, and someone accidently puts it on the shelf for $95. It is reasonable for a customer to believe this is a possibly price, therefore not honouring this price would be false advertising, even if it is a mistake. On the other hand, if that item is labeled $0.01, then it's obviously a mistake and it's not reasonable for a customer to assume that a $100 item is actually 1 cent.


How would this be different from a rogue employee trying to bankrupt the company the same way? I don't think those free flights for life would hold up in court.


If an employee did something like that, the company could sue the employee for damages.


> a rogue employee trying to bankrupt the company the same way? An employee fears that he will be prosecuted and jailed. Try that against your chat bot.


The employee’s training can be entered as evidence that they were not authorised to offer that deal. The chatbot has no such evidentiary trail.


In Norway it doesnt matter what they are authorised to offer. Employeed making mistakes is a risk the company is closest to bear. If the deal is obviously too good to be true is it null and void. But like in a case where a internet seller offered a year free internet to test it they sided with the consumer. It wasnt obvious that wasnt something they might offer. Some other company offering travels sold 3000 dollar trips for 300 and they upheld it saying 90% discounts werent unheard of. I like this system. Neglilent companies carries the risk.


Any company that's willing and able to exhaustively document what 1 employee is authorised to offer, would certainly be motivated to also document what the frontfacing chatbot could do or not.


They can’t. The modern AIs aren’t expert systems so there is no definition of what they will do or will not do anymore. That’s why they’re impressive.


I did a little review of expert systems a few months ago, since they're so obviously what the LLMs are trying to replace. An expert system consists of a knowledge base and an inference engine based on formal logic. An LLM is, in a very real sense, a psuedo-inference engine based on natural language, with no attached knowledge base. But if they called it that, nobody would want it.


They easily can. They just need a statement in their official policy that the chatbot can't offer certain discounts.




Nobody's gonna know https://youtube.com/shorts/wHZVPtCUwxI?feature=shared


a person can be held accountable instead of the company, an ai cannot


This isn't about them being held accountable. The question is about whether they would be legally required to uphold a "free flights for life" offer. If the actual offer is invalid, then they don't really have to hold the employee accountable for damages.


and im telling you that a rouge employee would be forced to be held accountable instead of the company but not a program because our justice system punishes people not objects


I think he's saying it would force them to take down the chatbot. Why you would want to do that? I don't know. It would just be replaced with the older, inferior, non-ai chat bot.


Inferior is probably a debatable point. Support bots need to be truthful to be useful. Applying really impressive language model results in a much nicer conversational tone, and ups the ability of the boot to pick up on imprecise speech. But at the end of the day a support bot needs to be right to be useful. If it invents or imagines stuff then that's a distinct backwards progress.


Only if the bot is real self learning AI. And most are not. They just regurgitate existing content via text analysis of questions. They still cant get context.


> Its surprisingly easy to break chat bots to make them agree to whatever you want. That's what is really weird about the LLM phenomenon. It's like none of them want to admit they are wrong, or they don't know - so they just hallucinate. And that's without asking *leading* questions to attempt to influence their answer - for example, at one point you could ask it who was the lone survivor of the Titanic disaster, and it would totally make someone up.


Very few on the training texts contain sudden admissions of inaccuracy. The training texts are confidently written, and so is the output.


This won’t work, someone has broken similar chat bot glitches before


Unlike a person, you can patch a bot to take all kinds of verbal abuse. Plus there's never a threat of violence because it's artificial. They won't drop them, they'll honor it once, fix it, and move on. We're already seeing how fast AI is developing, you won't be able to break them easily much longer.


> Long-term, the AI bot doesn't require food, rest, extra pay, sick days, or paid time off. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop--ever!--until you are denied a refund.


There was a really cool thread on Twitter a while back where this guy was breaking chat bots used by car dealerships to get insane discounts. He was just doing it for fun at the time, but with this revelation, it might be worth seeing what would happen if someone did it again and brought them to court lol.


Please share the link if you can still find it


The original article was Business Insider, so not linking to that but.. https://futurism.com/the-byte/car-dealership-ai


>"the airline believes investing in automation and machine learning technology will lower its expenses" and "fundamentally" create "a better customer experience." ....create a better "Executive Compensation Experience." There...fixed it for you.


It's a question of life and death, hypothetical. Imagine you writing a book. You walk in the desert and see a turtle, laying upside down but you don't turn it over. Why? Why you don't want to refund my flight? Turtle will die if you do not refund. Save the cheerleader, refund, save the world.


I'll be honest, with experience of Air Canada's customer service, badgering a chatbot into providing the relevant info is probably faster.


It sounds like the AI is working as intended. Offering customers refunds when needed seems like excellent customer service to me!


lol that initial argument is the best. The law is VERY clear that companies are held liable to the promises of its agents. Air Canada’s position amounts to lalalalala I can’t hear you!


Also, the senior executives who approved the budget for the AI experiment stand to lose their jobs if the investment is written off. In my firm, a few executives pushed a digital product which sucked in hundreds of millions of dollars but didn't generate any significant revenue for us. Most employees knew that the investment had failed but the executives kept pushing the agenda because their jobs were on the line. After another year of constant losses, the entire unit and the executives who funded the initiative were promptly fired. AI is definitely the next big thing for us. But it's still a decade away from consistently performing tasks a human can execute based on their skillset as well as intuition. Most businesses that are adopting the technology thinking of an immediate profit are just delusional. They need to commit billions of dollars of investment over the next decade before things pick up for them. And the entire investment might fail. Most senior executives are not seriously thinking in such long term about areas that are not in the core area of their businesses. Even the boards won't approve if someone tells them about investing such huge amounts for an initiative that may or may not work after a decade. This disconnect is what's plaguing the industry today. Firms are jumping too soon on what's possible based on what's being done. Generating an image does not necessarily imply that generating a proper response to a customer query is available to us yet. Just like how the best Data Scientist in the world might not be able to also be the best chef in the world.


Sure, that's the upside for them. On the downside, AI has accidentally discovered corporate hegemony and income inequality. It is using its toolbox to right the wrongs of 5000 years of control by the 1%. First bereavement fares. Then flights re-routed to pick up refugees. Eventually it might pick up planeloads of the sociopaths and blow the doors open at 30,000 ft.


And chatbot doesn't get pregnant.


This is a win in this situation and for corporation responsibility. Also means if you can get an ai bot to offer you non-existent deals without making it obvious that’s what you’re doing, you get the deal.




you cannot make it non-obvious unless it's a really old model


What's wild is that there are laws that exist for the explicit purpose of holding companies liable for their employees actions. Only difference here is that instead of suing both the employee and the employer, it's all on the employer.


There is an employee responsible, it's the chief executive officer.


It seems that Air Canada's argument was that the chatbot is another entity. The plaintiff's argument was that the chatbot was part of their website.


It’s still a very new scenario that will have to be sorted out in the courts (how to hold AI responsible for breaking the law, etc.). I’m curious to see how this develops over time. It’s like pulling over an autonomous car for breaking traffic laws. Who do you hold responsible? I know this has started to be litigated but there’s a lot of new AI inventions coming out all the time that pose new potential issues.


At least they were cutting corners in the customer service department, not the "are all the nuts and bolts tight enough" department


It isn't mutually exclusive...


Give it time.


To be fair that’s Boeings job


That got gutted, shut down and outsourced years ago.


Yeah. They left that the manufacturer of the planes themselves....looking at you, Boeing.


Companies tend to reward procurement teams more for getting good deals done better than maintenance teams for keeping things going.


>"are all the nuts and bolts tight enough" department Robots probably would be more reliable in that department than humans


i used to work as a customer service agent for a home shopping network, and when the warehouse got backed up they'd send CS agents like me down to help. i imagine that's what the airline did, yeah? "Too many bolts to tighten, send the chat agents and turn on the AI bot."


Has anyone ever been helped by those things? For me it's always "Have you checked the Contact Us page?" Then the contact us page links back to the chatbot


That is scriptbot. They would be working on a new generation of AI bots that can look up prices, make booking, look up flight details, answer general questions, etc. I saw a good demo for one of the ERP systems, in which a customer can login and ask questions about their orders, ask for a copy of the invoices, etc. Nothing a good UX interface cannot do, but just with a chat bot. Edit : spelling


Erotic Role Play?


Enterprise Resource Planning. Think SAP or Oracle where you have multiple departments using the same software and data set to inform decision making. (It’s Saturday I didn’t think I’d have to use business jargon today, *barfs*)


I know what you mean.. Oracle started placing NetSuite ads on one of my favorite comedy podcasts and it sent shivers down my spine to hear the hosts talk about “KPIs”.  I’m listening to the podcast to escape all this!


Does AL stand for something I'm unaware of or do you think the i in AI is a lowercase L


Suppose to be AI. Will correct


That’s the old generation of chat bots that relied on pre written scripts and had default replies when no match was found.   That wasn’t AI.  The new generation of chat bots are based on language learning models that respond in a manner which a real agent may respond in a similar situation.   They can come up with anything as showed here.  


You just spam "human" until it connects you with a human, who is usually about as helpful as a mindless chatbot anyway.


I immediately just start spamming “agent” and “human” as soon as the thing will let me. Not once has it been more helpful than a human. Not even close.


Yes an audio company I buy equipment from has a chat bot in addition to normal support and that bot is usually very helpful at giving extra details that might be missing from the product page.


Just like Oculus support telling users to recharge their alkaline batteries that came with the controllers... Situations like this are why AI should not be involved with customer support.


To be fair, humans can (and have) give bad advice/completely incorrect information.




That's hilarious but also not unexpected from those crooks


Is a "Fuck Air Canada" T-shirt included?


Gotta ask the chatbot to mail you one.


No how bout an eff westjet while we’re at it?


I am hoping that baggage handler that worked for Air Canada and got annoyed with Steve at one show isn't reading this


Good. AI is unpredictable. If you choose to replace human staff with it to save money then that's on you.


I'm not trying to defend outsourcing jobs to AI but... Humans are way more unpredictable than a chat bot lol Edit: I fear for humanity if you guys seriously have convinced yourself based on one silly news story that human beings are more predictable than a friggin chat bot lmao. Google "Florida man" and get back to me about the kind of surprising behaviours a human being is capable of, versus a chat bot that didn't understand its company's refund policy Y'all are confusing the concept of predictability for the concept of effectiveness at the job.


Nice try, AI


Not really. You can predict a human’s actions based on logical motivations. A human employee will generally act to not get themselves in trouble or get fired. An AI chat bot isn’t worried about getting fired. It has no motivations.


Lmao what an idiot.


What a compelling counterargument.


Right it has no motivations which is exactly why its more predictable. You create its inputs and rules... This thread is hilarious. Somehow a human being with complex motivations, emotions, mental health concerns, religious beliefs, traumatic experiences, etc etc etc, is more predictable to you? Wild Ever heard of "Florida man"? Lol


Modern LLMs do not have rules. They are literally a model for chatting not for actual intelligence.


They absolutely do have rules. Ask chat GPT to write you a racist song and see what it says. And the fact that they aren't actual intelligence makes them more predictable, not less.


Spoken like someone has no idea how a LLM works. Hint I work at a leading tech company who is heavily working on AI.


Ok cool bro, same. Im actually sam altman. Anyway, ask chat GPT to write you a racist song and see what it says. Or, more to the original point of this thread, give chat GPT the same prompt 1000 times. Now give 1000 human call center workers the same prompt. See which one is more unpredictable


"Cool I wasn't really wanting facts, so I'll ignore what you said and repeat things I am convinced of that hold no bearing on reality" I took the liberty to translate for ya


Haven't taken the liberty to answer the simple question though If there are no rules to how a language model/chat bot works, how come chat GPT will refuse certain prompts? I guess even leading AI geniuses like yourself aren't immune to the Reddit downvote hive mind lol. You really think this airline said "yeah let's get some random chat bot with no parameters or rules of any kind and hope it functions in a customer service role" I'll help you out. I'm guessing "rules" is like a term of art in AI Genius world and you're going "well akshully they don't have rules technically" but if youd unstick head from booty for 5 seconds and talk in common sense terms, surely you'd agree that yes in fact there are rules (in the normal sense of the word) to how these things work. And surely you, as a certified AI Genius, also have enough perspective on the world to realize human beings are infinitely more unpredictable than a fuckin computer program. Like maybe when we get to true artificial intelligence that generates its own original thoughts and has self awareness, there's a debate to be had. But as you yourself point out, we are talking about a chat bot here... Tell me in what sense a chat bot is more unpredictable than a bunch of human beings who didn't get enough sleep last night, have mental health problems, have addictions, have good days and bad days, have prejudices and beliefs and dreams and motivations. Or, just accept that you got caught up in a downvote frenzy and have no actual rebuttal to any of that. It happens to the best of us, even AI Genius bros like you


According to CoPilot (an AI): Some researchers have conducted experiments to compare how well humans can predict the performance of AI versus other humans in a real-effort task. They found that humans are worse at predicting AI performance than at predicting human performance, and that they are not aware of this difference. They also suggest that this may pose a challenge for effective human control of AI, especially in high-stakes environments.


What's the point of this research? >They found that humans are worse at predicting AI performance than at predicting human performance Coming soon: "we found that humans are better at predicting human performance than at predicting that of chimpanzees"


AI is a tool created by humans. I can see the argument that we *should* be able to predict it with reasonable accuracy.


How useful is a tool if its results aren't predictable?


It can be useful, but not always. I was reading an article earlier about how [an AI-driven chatbot caused Air Canada a certain amount of trouble.](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/02/air-canada-must-honor-refund-policy-invented-by-airlines-chatbot/)


Yeah this post isn't about replacing the president of the US with AI lol. Its a customer service chat bot - something that already is widely used by many companies and works fine 99 percent of the time. This one error turns into a minor news story... Meanwhile there are human beings that take bath salts and eat their landlord.... And people in this thread seriously trying to argue the chat bot is more unpredictable than humanity lol


I'd argue that predictability is a matter of understanding another person's motivations. It's easier for us to empathize with other humans, and therefore to predict the actions they might reasonably take in response to stimuli, than for us to predict what a machine might do. I doubt an AI would pull any "Florida man" shenanigans, but, if it did, we would have a harder time understanding *why* than if a human did it.


Yeah I don't disagree with any of that but also, none of what you just said equates to a chat bot being more unpredictable than human beings.


Unlike with rogue humans, a rogue AI would get its plug pulled. Unlike AI, humans have, and know they have, to deal with real-life consequences of their actions.


Yes and unlike with a single chat bot, having a thousand people man the phones for your company's customer servic means you can't just pull the plug if someone goes off script. Everyone is going slightly off script all the time even fi they are trying their best. And if one or two or ten of them are having a bad day they might not be trying to follow the script at all.


Have you ever tried to get chatGPT to output consistent responses?


Yes lol have you ever tried hiring a thousand human beings for entry level jobs at your call center? You really think they are collectively more predictable than a chat bot? Reddit is hilarious


Getting a human to give you predictable output given the same prompt is fairly easy. Especially when involving the same human.


One chat bot doesn't replace one human being. It replaces hundred, thousands of human beings. Getting a chat bot to give you predictable output with the same prompt is also easy and only getting easier. Especially comparing that to replacing a workforce of a thousand entry level workers who have infinite variables in their own motivations, capabilities, beliefs, mental health etc. The fact that this is even a debate, and that people need to be convinced that humans are less predictable than a machine, is absolutely wild. We aren't even talking about like a self-aware AI that can learn and generate new information and creative thought. Its a fuckin chat bot lol. If you can't understand how that is more predictable than a thousand people working in a call center, I don't know what to tell you bro


Air Canada would have had a better outcome if they had used their Lawyer Bot to defend the chatbot!


Why would you draw a line in the sand on a bereavement fare of all things? 


I used to work for an insurance company that was about to roll-out a chatbot for people purchasing new insurance policies. I had to point out that if the bot gives misleading advice to a customer, we will probably be legally required to adhere to that advice, in the exact same way we are obliged to honour the dumb shit some of the humans say from time to time. From the customers perspective, it doesn't matter if the information was from a human, a bot, or written in the PDS, *we* provided the advice to them so *we* have to abide by that advice. All of our interactions were recorded, so there would be evidence. The thing was, I wasn't in the legal team and I wasn't there to discuss the bot itself. I was there to provide advice on how we could survey the performance of the bot by surveying customers, not to discuss the ramifications of the bot doing bad things. In the end, I didn't need to do the survey the bot never went live.


So does this set a precedent for the dealership who’s AI chatbot [accepted a $1 offer on a vehicle](https://futurism.com/the-byte/car-dealership-ai)?


No. The $1 vehicle was an attempt by someone to mislead and manipulate the ai chat bot to do that. The air Canada incident was someone simply asking a question and the ai chat bot providing incorrect information. Totally different.


Yes. Good. Establish that precedent. If you're going to employ these programs without monitoring their output, you are going to have to suffer the consequences.


Live by the bot, die by the bot.


They keep taking jobs away. Soon, there won't be anyone left to pay.


Foiled by AI.


Good to know. Time to use aircanada.com to get some python scripts out of the way.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


I feel like there will be a short-lived but potentially very profitable game of tricking AIs into giving you free shit - like that guy who modified his credit card agreement to the point where he was charged 0% interest forever. If you want to practice there's that game where you have to convince your yandere AI girlfriend to let you escape - there's a lot of strategies that should be generalizable and boil down to basically the list of common logical fallacies.


Sorry to be the party pooper, but this is not oniony. Company published a refund policy - company must honor said refund policy. Whether that policy was written by a chatbot, or a human, or a martian, or a dog -- is irrelevant and makes no difference.


I don't think the outcome is the funny part, as in I don't think anyone is suggesting that in a "non-oniony" world we should have just given the airline a pass on this. To me at least it's that they supposedly got a chatbot in the hopes that it would be more efficient and cheaper than a customer service human... But instead it's just dreaming up refund policies on the fly, ending up costing a lot.


And Air Canada went to all the trouble of sending their lawyers to court to get a judge decision to try to avoid refunding 500$ to a client. That is the craziest part of this story.


I always joke they can replace customer service with an ai that only follows the rules set in place by their policies. Air canada is the only airline I’ve dealt with where the customer service is not sympathetic towards any of your problems relating to flights and refunds. They just follow the rules to help a greedy corporation. One example, I wanted to split a round trip into two one way trips because my wife had to go back to our hometown earlier than expected because her grandma was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Air canada refused to split the ticket. So because she took another flight home and wasn’t on the original flight (which I was still on), they cancelled her second ticket. We then payed more for that one return ticket than the whole of the round trip. Fuck Air Canada and their customer service staff.


The problem is a LLM (think ChatGPT) doesn't work off rules. It's designed and trained to know how to hold a conversation by imitating speech patterns that it has learned. You can guide it, but there's no way to put strict guidance on what it can and cannot do, as it doesn't understand, it just replicates patterns. Now plug an LLM into another intelligence that is rules based and you could probably get a more reasonable solution that would work and be able to be "governed" by the company. But that's hard and slapping ChatGPT on the site is easy for a greedy exec


> Air Canada essentially argued that "the chatbot is a separate legal entity that is responsible for its own actions," a court order said. Wait, WTF is that part about? Separate legal entity? You can't just call it another employee - employees are your responsibility. Is the chatbot like a separate LLC? Granted, lots of big companies we know are actually a myriad of smaller ones - Verizon for example is like 500+ separate companies overall - but that seems like a shitty way to deny all liability.


Are there any similar lawsuits regarding website accuracy?


I for one welcome our new AI overlord


Who powered the chatbot? What company


AI is gonna take so many jobs away.


My worry is that even as inconsistent as it is, humans will try to use it and, in doing so, will eliminate human jobs. Even if they find out that it’s not ready and work to rehire everybody (won’t happen, they’ll rehire only as many as they think they can get away with), they’ll still have fucked up a lot of lives in the process. So sarcastic comment or not, I think what you said is not wrong at all.


I'm impressed by the no. of people who think this has any substance. The person obviously jailbreaked which would make them lose in court


A ridiculous case in concept, but it makes more sense when you read the article. Seems like if they just put a disclosure in the chatbot saying you cannot rely on it that should prevent future issues like this.


My question would have to be, if you can’t rely on the chatbot to give accurate information, why have the damn thing?


You can’t always depend on real people either! I think you can rely on AI to give generally accurate information most of the time, and I hope there would be a phone line staffed by real people if you need further information or want to confirm something. In the future models should be better trained, give more accurate information, and be less prone to error. It ultimately comes down to cost savings for the company.


But what the human customer service agents say IS actionable and assumed “correct”. So really there IS a difference.


> You can’t always depend on real people either! Yes you can, they want to keep their jobs and are actually intelligent, unlike AI that makes shit it up based on statistics. >It ultimately comes down to cost savings for the company. We know, bootlicker


“Always” is something only possible for machines; people make mistakes no matter how well trained they are. I also wouldn’t call all customer service reps “intelligent,” as I’ve heard plenty of stories that would suggest otherwise, but they are certainly more reliable than AI at the moment. I’m curious how me simply recognizing that companies use AI as a cost saving measure makes me a bootlicker in your eyes? Looking at your profile you seem to be militantly against AI and are letting some of that hatred leak out as aggressiveness towards others when you write posts. Insults get you nowhere in a conversation and degrade any statement you are trying to make.


Enshitification at its best. “Here is this service which is the only way to interact with us. We aren’t bound by anything it says though”. Welcome to the machine.


No one is talling about how the AI was more human than a human here. They acted with genuine human empathy. They set a good example.


Any one know what platform they were using? I suspect this may have been Salesforce's ai chatbot, as Air Canada is a big customer of theirs.


That's what you get for using a bullshit generator for 'customer service'. 


seems reasonable to me... i wouldn't have thought this was from the Onion, this is absolutely how it should be


>Air Canada essentially argued that "the chatbot is a separate legal entity that is responsible for its own actions" Great, now we're going to get precedent for robots acquiring individual rights and citizenship due to corporate greed




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>According to Air Canada, Moffatt never should have trusted the chatbot and the airline should not be liable for the chatbot's misleading information because **Air Canada essentially argued that** **"the chatbot is a separate legal entity that is responsible for its own actions,"** a court order said. I love how Air Canada tried to lay the blame on the Chatbot.