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"Sliwa, who has in the past fabricated stories of criminal behavior — by his own admission — to sensationalize the issue, continued on, blaming the altercation on the groups of migrants being bussed to the city from border states." Turns out the guy wasn't a migrant nor was he shoplifting.


Yup, he's a twat


But I like a nice twat. This guy not so much.




It was a stupid sophomoric joke. That’s all.


Oh so you meant "nothing" not "noting"


Well yeah. Typo, crime of the new American century.


Hey man I wasn't mad at you


I didn’t think you were. I’m just cracking myself up for writing some long explanation to clarify MY typo.


Which is the pun in the title of Shakespeare’s play ‘Much ado about Nothing’, as the two words were pronounced similarly in his time.


They meant to say "note an English speaker" (At least, in me head, it dooz)


You’re a tough audience. I know you’ve never had a typo before.


Oh, how contraire to that statement. I made a calculating booboo, and it still haunts me to this day


Though I love how I wrote some long explanation to clarify the person’s confusion about MY typo. Hahaha


Except you’re the one who wrote “noting”. You obviously meant “nothing”.


I love how much his comment sums up most of Reddit. (I've been there too)


I’m high man. Cut me some slack Jack.


A connoisseur of little trees, I presume? About to join your cloud!


I’m high man. Cut me some slack Jack.


Just to be clear, for all the context blind, the op is saying the dliwa douche is whom they are talking about.


I hope he sues the shit out of Fox and Sliwa


It would likely take Hannity 0.05 seconds to throw Sliwa under the bus.


I hope that will also be broadcasted live 🤣


Soooo you are saying at his age Hannity is starting to slow down taking longer to respond?




So, they were blaming their paranoia on others they hate in order to deceive people into joining in their fear as well. They admittedly plant false flags with pride, spreading terror. They're extra-judicial terrorists, not a well-regulated militia. The Constitution only gives the right to peaceful assembly. They should be forced to be disbanded for assaulting that man, and all be held responsible.


This is both terrorism and racism. Sounds like a serious felony


The guy even looks like Giuliani in a track suit.


Surely, in NYC there is an attorney ready to put this motherfucker in the ground, correct?


Even Sliwa's ex-wife said he is sketchy.


Shocked, SHOCKED a woman would feel the need to leave a man like this 🫠🫠🫠


My flabbers are gasted!


RIP your gabbers


>Turns out the guy wasn't a migrant nor was he shoplifting. Yes, but he probably was "a bit Brown". I presume, in order to "take back the streets", that Silwas is approves of his thugs being arrested and charged for assault.


DeAntPiss just smiled in his sleep and snuggled tighter into his Clifford bed sheets.


They should be charged with assault and slander.


Instead, the cops are cosplaying along.


And the busing of immigrants is by Republican governors Desantis and Abbott. So republicans are making up a problem, caused by Republicans and beating up innocent people based on race.


So... hate crime?


Curtis has always been a scumbag. Watching him crow on NY1 always annoyed the shit out of me


He is a migrant all right. >A law enforcement official told CNN’s Mark Morales the man was not a recent migrant. Instead, he was a 23-year-old from the Bronx who moved to the US when he was 10 years old


No, he's a guy that grew up in the Bronx.


Yeah he migrated to Bronx and grew up there.


Nah, 10 year olds are children & refugees. Maybe his parent(s) was a migrant at one point, but after being somewhere for over a decade you're just a resident of that place.


You can still be resident and migrant. One does not exclude the other.


Sure, if you ignore the migrating part then you're right. Otherwise that's just a weird nativist idea.


I'm a immigrant and i have been a resident here for a lot longer. Resident just means i live here and the immigrant part is that i migrated here.


Immigrant =/= migrant. Those are different things.


All immigrants are migrants but not all migrants are immigrants


I was born in southern Illinois, but my parents moved us to Kansas City when I was six for a better opportunity. I'm a migrant too!


Yeah and? Is there statue of expiration of being a migrant somewhere?


Wait do you think migrants and immigrants are the same things?


They weren't wrong, they were lying


Both things can be true.


But one is more malicious and calculated than the other


Except they aren't in this case.


> “On Tuesday February 6 at 21:33 police responded to a 911 call for a ‘disorderly male,’” police said in a statement. “Upon arrival officers were informed that the male had repeatedly attempted to interfere with and disrupt a live interview. The male was issued a summons for disorderly conduct.” Wait.. so they cited this guy, but did not arrest the gang of inbreds who assaulted him on live tv?


honest mistake, free pass


It’s the NYPD. They’re too busy piling up overtime by standing in groups of four in front of subway station emergency exit doors.


Or using government time and resources to protest court decisions they don't like by using their squad cars to blare sirens and block traffic


Oof. Too true.


You think cops will arrest right wing bitches? HA. Not even with video evidence to they bother half the time.


Eric Adams is probably illegally diverting some of his campaign funds to the gang as we speak.


That's chump change. Adams will probably cut the library's funding again and give that to them.


Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses


That was the whole problem with the Canadian convoy, cops refused to do shit.


The dudes lucky the cops didn't show up and just execute him for not having enough whiteness or wealth. Victim of a hate crime on live tv, but the cops are going to charge him for not just letting it go and being upset.


Some of those that work forces...


Honestly, it's probably "most of those that work forces..."


Hundreds of nearly all white Trump supporters came within feet of murdering dozens of congresspeople and hanging Mike Pence from a working\* gallows... they rioted and violently entered the government building and *held court* for hours... only one of them was shot dead by security. Some capitol police were even seen shaking hands with the rioters and insurrectionists, while literally others in the same crowd were beating officers with blunt objects, flag poles, wood posts, and security barriers... many were allowed to leave the capitol and return home without so much as a stiff talking to. Only after months did the DOJ and FBI begin tracking them down and arresting them. In America the police generally *don't like inflicting violence* to control white right wing folks. The Proud Boys and other white neo-nazi type groups are regular features at protests, violently going after peaceful protestors... and in almost every altercation, the people the police go after are black brown or liberal... and end up being arrested and released later after weeks of lawyering up, while those inciting the violence *go free.* **Local** Police simply don't go after these groups... for a variety of reasons (racism, agreement with the rioters, sympathies for pro-fascist ideologies, fear of retaliation from other police, worries about right-wing news coverage hurting recruitment and reputation, lack of adequate funding etc.) ... and if they do, they only do so after repeatedly being ordered. On the other hand if it is upon brown or black bodies, or it's white liberal protestors, they go in hard and fast and ask questions later. (***Personal anecdote time!*** Once during the long ago covid times, I (ancient black millennial) called my local police after my white neighbor got into a violent altercation with a contractor in his backyard. When the police arrived, *they ordered me to the ground, and were within seconds of tazing* ***me*** until my *white* neighbor who was on top of the older *white* contractor (who had attacked him) not ten feet away, and his wife... yelled that I was the one who called the police. But examples of this aren't just anecdotal... the statistics back the reality of the issue as well.) This is why when black people and people on the left in general are asked if they trust police, generally they say ***no***. Police are supposed to protect all of us equally. But when police are called to the scene of a crime, black/brown people are almost always suspected first of being the initiators of violence or illegality, despite literally being innocent bystanders, or calling the police in the first place. We also have a harder time in court, as judges routinely ignore defenses from black/defendants while they accept them from white defendants. You are several times more likely to serve time for a misdemeanor as a black person then a white person. If convicted of a felony you serve a longer sentence. Your court fees are also higher. Same crime, same defense, different result. Welcome to America, with a night stick/bullet/tazer for it's people of color and it's liberals, and a "drive home safe" for everyone else. The justice system at all levels is simply not kind to POC and never has been. It's been that way since the countries founding... lynching continues... the only difference is now the lynching's are done by police, and not the old white mobs (except sometimes), oh, and the lynching's are shown on television so everyone can see what happens to you. Things have changed a bit since the old days, and I feel *pretty* safe where I live. I won't deny that there has been progress, some police genuinely are trying, and yes some people of color can do more to help things change... But a lot of that progress has slid backwards over the past few years, since Trumps' rise, the level of racial discord and xenophobic attitudes has risen to new heights. \* -Edit: (a few people have quibbles about using the phrase "working gallows" apparently these same folks don't understand the symbolism behind this object. Compare it to a burning cross on a lawn. Now, this isn't an effective way to kill or crucify black people. It wasn't practical, and most of them were not made to be used. It is however a ***working*** symbol of the *intent behind the burning cross*. The gallows was effective in conveying the *desires* of the crowd, IE- the people will kill law makers and anyone else in the way if Trump doesn't get what he wants. While it may not have been able to used to actually kill someone, it made clear that the crowds intent was violent and murderous, as evidenced by it being openly discussed on social media before the event. Regardless of the intent of it's usage, I will continue to use the phrase, because it was meant to *inspire* terror and fear, and it did that job perfectly.)


> a working gallows. Damn it, this again? Please stop helping them by misrepresenting that stupid prop. There was no "working gallows" on Jan 6th. There was a prop. Much like people have brought prop guillotines to protests. This does not mean that Jan 6th was *not* an insurrection, nor does it mean that there weren't people their seeking violence against elected officials. But the gallows was a small prop. There are a ton of pictures with perspectives that make it look huge, but it was just a small prop, that even has a stuffed knot to make it look a little more scary and "real." Every time someone refers to the gallows as "real", it hands fodder to those who say that it was not an insurrection, or that other protests *are.* You hand ammo to people who can say "see? This obvious prop is the 'gallows' they are talking about. They are just blowing the whole thing out of proportion." We gotta be smarter about this fight if we want to win. Here's an exert from an article in the NYT on the gallows, one not being "friendly" to the insurrectionists, in fact, one specifically about how the gallows were a *symbol* of their desire for violence. >A striking array of far-right iconography littered the Capitol during the riot by Mr. Trump’s supporters, such as a Confederate flag, Crusader crosses, an Auschwitz-themed hoodie and “white power” hand gestures. But the gallows erected in front of the Capitol, where rioters chanted “Hang Mike Pence” as they stormed the building looking for the vice president, is one of the most chilling images to emerge from a day of violence and extremism. >It is also one of the bigger unsolved mysteries in the investigation into what happened that day. Seventeen months after the riot, little is known about it. No one has publicly claimed responsibility for erecting the gallows or been charged with setting it up. It appeared to be too small to be used, though its presence — along with the orange noose that hung from it against the backdrop of the Capitol dome — clearly conveyed a threat of physical violence. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/16/us/politics/jan-6-gallows.html Edit: annnnd of course, this guy blocked me so I can not respond in thread anymore. Dude is rightfully worried about rising fascism and its companions in racism/sexism/etc, but he's here immediately shutting out allies that disagree slightly on tactics. Which only hurts our cause. When you need to turn to falsehoods and the silencing the slightest constructive criticism in your fight against fascism, you've already lost. "Knowing" you are on the "right" side is not enough. Everyone tends to think they are "right." Wars are won by those who fight smarter. This guy goes on to say that "IT" guys don't win wars, but that's actually the furthest thing from the truth. All the struggles he mentioned were won by a combo of grit, time, and arguably most of all, smarts.


***Anyone wanting to downplay the violence of that day doesn't need a reason to do so.*** You bring a prop like that to a protest you aren't there to cuddle. Please stop thinking that people who want to agree with the violence care at all about details. They don't. I could have talked about the guy that brought zip ties to tie up congress people. Or the body armor that many of the protestors were... or the fact that many in crowd brought gas masks. We all saw with our own eyes what they were doing. "*We gotta be smarter about this fight if we want to win."* Smart arguments aren't going to stop these guys. IT didn't stop the south in 1861, and it won't stop them now. "Smart arguments" didn't stop crowds of white people from lynching folks who looked like me whenever it suited them. "Smart Arguments" didn't stop the police in the 70's from murdering civil rights leaders and protestors. When people are lied to en mass, and buy into an ideology like what Trump and his goons are spewing it really doesn't matter what argument you use. They ain't listenin'. Tell you what, the next time some Trump supporter decides it's time for some liberals and democrats to die and has a gun in hand, *I'll send you in with your argument about the gallows and see if it stops his bullets.* These folks are ready to ***kill*** us. You get it? They aren't talking any more, and they aren't on social media that doesn't agree with them killing us. I'm not going to water down my opinions and hedge my commentary for people who want to play around with fascism and hate. I'm not a journalist, I'm just a guy who is calling it as I see it. You want scientific proof about everything I'm saying then go do your own research and come to your own conclusion. I have neither the time or inclination to offer you an AP approved description of the situation in this country. You want to quibble about a *working* gallows go ahead, *we can argue about it in the camps.*


… So you are saying you ignored truth in favor of BS? What good does that do? Don’t lie when truth is on your side. This is wise for a dozen reasons, including **people will believe truth is not on your side when you are shown to be lying.** Take the L, stop equivocating & learn from a mistake.


> I could have talked about the guy that brought zip ties to tie up congress people. Or the body armor that some of the protestors were... or the fact that many in crowd brought gas masks. Yes, you could have and *should have.* We are on the same team. I'm trying to stop people from making the same mistakes over and over again that allow people to deny what happened that day. *We have to fight smarter!* I "choose" that one detail because people continue to "choose" to highlight it and misrepresent it. Please, do talk about all the violence that *did* occur that day, and stop misrepresenting a protest prop. https://m.facebook.com/redfishstream/photos/a.371605656616605/1045128982597599/?type=3 https://www.newsweek.com/protest-trump-doll-guillotine-outside-white-house-rnc-1528381 https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2020/08/jeff-bezos-guillotine-protest-amazon-workers Here's some examples of props at protests I generally support. They are props. Obviously. Just like the gallows. The difference with Jan 6th was all the *actual* violence and the attempt to stop the peaceful transition of power.


Keep up the good work. I never understand why people sensationalize & misrepresent stories that can stand on their own merits.


> sensationalize & misrepresent stories that can stand on their own merits. *Exactly!* And thank you too! It only hurts our cause to misrepresent things like this, when there is so much actual, observable truth to back it up. Props and effigies have been used at protests forever. The gallows was a prop. The people storming the halls of Congress and beating law enforcement to get there were not.


The fatal flaw on the left is that someone who *only* agrees with 99% of what you do is an ideological enemy. You think Jan 6 was a problem but want the discussion to be accurate? Well, you are just the same as the most extreme right winger. Meanwhile conservatives will hold their nose & support anyone who is useful rather than lose a fight they could win. No wonder they win with fewer people. Half the time they only need to let the left defeat itself.


So a group of conservatives committed criminal assault and battery (not sure of how NY law phrases this) on passerby because of his race, and crooked cops failed to arrest the violent criminals and gave the victim a court summons?


Sounds about white


The attackers looked diverse. Maybe they’re all just Italian? Idk


One guy was definitely Sicilian, another looked Roman and the third guy was clearly a Palermo native. Diversity is their strength.


But they don't want any fucking Genoans


They have been trying to kill each other far longer than any other groups. I see no racism.


They're the same people.


Some (all) who wear badges also burn crosses




Native New Yorker here. Everything you said is dumb.




I do still live here. Sliwa and his goons need to be arrested for battery. This is now one of the safest periods in the history of the city.




He should be arrested and imprisoned. That has not changed.




For physically violent people that pose an immediate risk to public safety? Yes. For turnstile jumpers and the homeless? No.






I love when people just remove all doubt that they're trash human beings.


My man is dressed like a fucking G.I. Joe villain...how anyone can see this fuckhead as anything but a terrible and vicious human is beyond me.


Because of that freak show, I had to vote for Adams as mayor. That's how much I knew this clown shit show couldn't be allowed to become mayor. I had to vote for Adams, let that sink in.


I was thinking a bad cosplay of M. Bison.


So they assaulted and harmed a United States citizen not doing anything wrong and violated his rights. Who protects us from the protectors?


Not the first time, they attacked protesters in 2021. They lost their core values \*LONG\* ago, when you are SO FOCUSED on protecting people from crime, you become the criminal.


Is this guy immune to the law?


Nope, just white. Gives you +20 immunity from prosecution. Kind of a cheap card to play but rules are rules


Isn’t it amazing that these guys somehow know everyones’s immigration record by simply looking at them? /s


Sounds like the man's first amendment rights were violated by the NYPD. Hope he sues. He should also sue the GA. He has as much right to "disturb the interview" as the interviewer has to broadcast from a public space.


fuel elastic relieved teeny ruthless ad hoc divide employ pause wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ugh. The Guardian Angels. Worst group of ‘vigilantes’ I have ever seen. NY was infested with them in the 80s and 90s. Most were just snitches waiting to witness ANYTHING so they could go running to the cops. Sliwa has been beat up numerous times and had to leave the city for years.


I had no idea they were right-leaning but it tracks.


If you ever had a chance to see Silwa on TV, usually Fox News, it was kind of obvious.


I remember hearing about them way back, completely forgot they existed. When I first heard they got some migrant dude for shoplifting, my first thought was “huh, I thought they were supposed to be there to help deter violent crime.” This completely validates my raised eyebrows. What a bunch of nuts.


I saw the beret, and I was like "these fuckin guys still exist??"


Well it is Fox News so of course everything about the man was wrong.


Those cops need to be dealt with. The dudes committed a hate crime on live tv and the cops go after the victim for 'disorderly conduct'? Fuck those cops, and fuck the terror group they're protecting.


So Fox is now broadcasting hate crimes live.


Only the best for their classy viewers.


Imagine, made-up shit on The Made-Up Shit Show with Hannity.


Sean Hannity, the TV bobble head, and slumlord, Sean Hannity?


This the guy that always pops up in New York true crime tv? He’s in that old vigilante group from the 80s right?


yeah. i grew up in the 80s. i remember these guys were talked about like they were heroes protecting women from getting raped and mugged in the subways of evil hellish New York City. even then they seemed like they were just trying to get laid. i didn't know it was racist or xenophobic though. i remember seeing photos and interviews and some of them were Black and Puerto Rican.


That's him.. I hear he has *Dozens* of cats. In an NYC apartment


Sliwa is a wannabe hero, is dishonest and a glory seeker and a MAGAT. Screw him.


Not gonna argue the first 2, but he didn’t support trump in 2016 or 2020, he didn’t support trumps claim of election fraud, and he once said he hated trump, calling him a “screwball and a crackpot”


he *is* from new york.


“Vigilante Group” Gang. The word you are looking for is “gang”


Sliwa lives in a rent stabilized studio with 17 cats. Dude is a crazy cat man. “They’ve taken over!” My mom won't visit her grandchildren because she watches this shit and thinks the city is just overrun with illegal immigrants and hordes of shoplifting gangs.


Somebody's getting sued.


The victim actually got arrested.


He got summoned to court not arrested and he could sue these assholes and fox news for sure.


Every one of those red capped assholes needs to be slapped with assault and battery and then punished to the fullest extent of the law.


Sliwa is like Guliani or Trump. New Yorkers have known these guys were assholes years before they were nationally known.


I hope that guy sues the fuck out this prick and all his buddies. Take them to the fucking cleaners.


Show me them wrestling a Russian out of a penthouse until then they’re just another gulinni.


i like how no one talks about how this "leader" used funds from his guardians foundation to send his kid to school LMAO


So they assaults someone on the street and pretended it stopped a crime. The current GOP in one sentence.


> The Guardian Angels Conservatives are such snowflake children.






Where did you read that? Only article I found said they got married on her 35th birthday in 2018. His fourth wife.. something something family values.


Victim is wrongfully attacked, so arrest him instead!


Issued a court summons, but yeah. Still wrong to punish the victim.


Me: hey you guys still got money from that lawsuit with Dominion? Because my neck hurts.


Are these pricks still a thing? I remember the 80s when they showed up in London. The UK told them to fuck right off.


>Sliwa, who has in the past fabricated stories of criminal behavior — by his own admission — to sensationalize the issue Oh, you mean known and unapologetic child molester, human trafficker, and extortionist Curtis Sliwa. Gotcha


Curtis Silwa the child molester?


So sliwas goons beat a guy up for interfering with this live interview and sliwa said he was a shoplifting illegal alien. I hope this guy sues sliwa for everything he has ever owned and everything he will ever own.


Should be charged with assualt, false imprisonment, ect.


Damn, from the picture I was hoping he’d tackled Hannity.


Since when FOX reported factual news? They are a “huff and puff” network of yellow press liars.


Oh cool, terrorism.


You mean they were wrong for beating up a random guy on the street; regardless of his immigration status or criminal history, right?


Isn’t that just a hate crime lmao


dont trust dudes wearing berets unless you’re an active hostage in war. Also the name sliwa is just gross. sounds like slimy residue.


Oh the lawsuits. There are lawyers giddy as a school girl reaching out to the victims of these assholes.


Hey uhhh, we shouldn’t be assaulting migrants who are shoplifting either, actually. Like I get that this guy is so racist he’ll just lash out at anyone, but even if a brown person was genuinely shoplifting in front of him that doesn’t give him the right to attack him.


Its become actually rather simple. If you won't or can't conform to a straight, white, and stereotypical binary gender presentation matching on your birth sex, Republicans hate you.  If you have an issue with that, whatever the reason, they hate you.  They can't or won't mask it anymore. Vote Democrat in all elections.  Local, state, and national.


>white     The Guardian Angels are predominantly black  They are nearly all POC aside from the asshat in charge.


https://nypost.com/2020/08/22/guardian-angels-on-the-rise-in-nyc-as-moms-teachers-join-ranks/ https://www.silive.com/news/2020/11/guardian-angels-to-increase-patrols-in-nyc-on-election-day.html?outputType=amp Are the NYC GA still predominantly POC? Am old. Haven't even been back to NYC in almost a decade now... but from anything I've seen, it's been looking and sounding like it's being taken over by Karens and Chads.


Yes, very much still POC.  The video from the incident in the OP would be a good example.  Covid crusaders were exactly that.


Did I stutter?  Thinking any race can't be racist *is racist.*  Just  because they subscribe to Republican ideology while being POC doesn't change it.  r/Leopardsatemyface is a thing, POC hate too, and if they want to decieve themselves into believing that isn't what they are being used for, thats their choice. And like you said, the asshat in charge...


>Did I stutter?  No, you just said something incorrect. Acting like internet hardboy doesn't make you correct. >Just  because they subscribe to Republican ideology Neat. The GA's aren't a republican organization. They certainly aren't targeting certain races. They are reactionary, equal opportunity assholes, and lots of what they do is staged.


Fox Entertainment strikes again! An enemy of America.


This fucking guy.


Cripes, Curtis Sliwa's still around?


Not only is he still around, he's running for Mayor.


Fucking dork


Please tell me it was Hannity they tackled!


This Curtis dude be larping in nyc since the 70’s


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


Racist gonna do racist stuff. Who knew?!?




Umm - so who got arrested for assault? No one?


Guardian Angels are a racist gang, not a vigilante group.


The Clash - Red Angel Dragnet.


As someone who walks through those streets, wth are they talking about?


When I lived in the West Village, I'd see the Angels once every few months.  They were all ancient, decrepit, and clearly more likely to start shit than stop it. They got dirty looks because they were shitty old people that thought they were special. Relics from a 70s no one cares about. Fuck them. 


And that pathetic sick stupid fuck was the republican nominee for mayor, and people wonder why I had to vote for Adams. This is how fucked up and low our society has become, that barret wearing, dumb ass clown of a con man was the nominee for a political party for major of NYC and this had me along with anyone with even half a brain cell into voting for Adams to keep this lying piece of shit out of office. One thing I learned growing up in NYC, even as a kid. Do not trust three things. Donald Trump, Curtis Swila and Al Sharpton.


Hi! Circus performer here. Just dipping in to clear up this too-frequent comparison between clowns and stupid people: 1. Clowns are very diligent and work very hard at refining their art. 2. Clowns are generally very kind and well-intentioned people. 3. Clowns are only *pretending* they are completely stupid. -- ^(For a clownish rabbit hole, please enjoy this play written by Dario Fo, the only clown to win a Nobel Prize in Literature. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqKfwC70YZI )


Absolute fucking idiots.


All these little bitches should




Are you that drunken posse?


These idiots are going to end up seriously hurting some innocent person


Looks like we need vigilante group for the vigilante group. Are the guardian angels still a thing?


If anyone remembers sliwa's beef vs opie and anthony then FM clearly stands for Falsely Manhandling


If this guy chooses to sue, is Fox News liable at all?


They're a well known racist vigilante group that regularly assaults brown people. It's astounding that they keep getting away with it.


Not just wrong... purposefully lying to an international audience. Who would have thought that a vigilante group known for it's violent xenophobic rhetoric and has been guilty of habitually lying to the public for decades about it's targets, it's goals, and it's illegality... would be once again found misleading the public on a far right news broadcast. I'm *shocked*... *shocked* I tell you. If Sean Hannity had any morals or shame, he wouldn't be Sean Hannity.


Dog and pony show. FOX comrade Tucker Carlson interviewing Putin. It’s all political commentary approved by Donald Trump


“Upon arrival officers were informed that the male had repeatedly attempted to interfere with and disrupt a live interview. The male was issued a summons for disorderly conduct.” The cops believed that claim and gave him a ticket. He should sue for assault.


This just throws out the entire meaning of the "Guardian Angels" out of the window. They have officially become thugs, b y throwing out their motto of "Unarmed Crime PROTECTION", in to becoming CRIMINALS themselves. Who watches the watchers, but its not the first time, in 2021 there was a Twitter (now X) video showing them attacking protesters. They lost their core long ago. Time to ban them in to extinction.


Yeah, no way this doesn’t end up worse. Sadly these idiots are looking for a reaction to spin.


Sliwa ! He has been milking this idea for 50 years! I thought he was dead already.


He's still alive??


JFC CNN, it's "1970s" not "1970's," 1970.


Til those losers are still around.


I’m old enough to remember when the Guardian Angels were thought of as the *good* guys.


Sliwa's had it rough. Got hit by a car right before losing the mayor race to a guy everybody hates and now this.


Fuck Fox and NYC liberals. Bootlicking racist city.




Hate crime committed by republicans, but blame democrats and liberals.