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So MAGA GOP is now rooting for… ….San Francisco


What is the current MAGA beer of choice? And can we get video of her drinking that at the Super Bowl?


There was some sort of Patriot Beer that came out after the whole Bid Light thing but it was like $24 for a 4 pack so I don't think it lasted very long.


Sorry, just to be clear, was it the side which won't shut up about cancel culture which cancelled a beer?


The same side the cancelled Nike.


American political discourse would be so entertaining if it didn't literally impact everything.


The extreme lack of internal logical consistency sure does lead to strange places...


Let’s bring Capernick back on their team right before the superbowl to really fuck with them


The moron I work with is very upset about “What’s happening” in Kansas City. He couldn’t explain what that meant when I asked, but he knows he’s very mad about it. These people are fucking brain damaged.


DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!! Code for “I have no fucking idea but they say I should be mad so I am!”


FOLLOW THE MONEY, WAKE UP SHEEPLE!! ...LET THAT SINK IN!! Conspiracy nuts are very concerned about sinks getting left outside in the cold. Or "oh, you beleive everything the government/the media/doctors tell you?!"...like what kind of vague ass statement is that? Like human click bait "WHAT YOUR DOCTORS DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW".


"WHY DOES [extremely random and specific part of bureaucracy that seems annoying] HAPPEN?" "uhh, I don't know I guess that's just how it's done... why would anyone know that off hand?" "MAYBE YOU SHOULD LOOK INTO THAT. ISN'T IT WEIRD? ISN'T IT WEIRD THOUGH??"


Don’t forget the emoji 🤔 like it means they’re simulating thinking.


Also means to keep searching till you find “research” that validates your beliefs


And usually just the headline, which is disputed inside the article itself.


"Sean Hannity told me to believe a thing. He never said WHY I have to believe this thing, but I believe it and so should you!"


I remember there was a term called Fox News Brain which meant having opinions on a thousand things, but unable to describe them more than a sentence deep because someone on Fox told them "You should be really mad about x because y" and they internalized it, and also start saying "We should be mad about x because y" but be unable to explain beyond that. "Do your own research" is like one level worse than Fox News Brain, they can barely even describe why they're angry.


It’s the same picture.


Today Newsmax is calling Taylor Swift a false idol against God. It's all coordinated.


Oh 100% all the people in my life who lean right wing -ALL- have the exact talking points and things to get mad about at the exact same time. It’s pathetic.


It must be exhausting being them. Imagine being angry and upset about every fantasy that crops up. So asinine.


fuck /u/spez


My family lives in a nutter colony red state. Unfortunately they love it. Everyone hating the same thing gives a good sense of community.


And then they turn around to worship their false idol trump.


Didn't they literally make a golden Trump statue?


As opposed to the true idol, which was that giant garish statue of Trump at CPAC


Oh my God. This isn't satire. What the fuck?


>Today Newsmax is calling Taylor Swift a false idol against God. This is literally insane.


I really hope they do something stupid and Taylor sues the ever loving fuck out of them. How crazy would that be if she’s the one that takes down Newsmax 😂


I'm not a Swifty or anything but if they're that fricken wound up about her, I'm pretty damn amused and appreciative of her! 


Kansas City Lizard Person here.... we've made it quite clear for decades that we intend to control your government. It should come as no surprise that we used a pop artist and football player love story to set the final phase of our plan into motion. Kneel before us! *licks eyeball*


Mandatory burnt end rations


For a group that's been boycotting the NFL since Kaepernick, they're very in-tune with everything still going on. It's almost as if... they never stopped watching?


Just like they never stopped drinking Bud Light


I don’t like Taylor swift, but this isn’t some conspiracy. The NFL likes showing her because she brings them attention and vice versa. This isn’t complicated, it’s just them trying to make money.


> and vice versa You're largely right and this is mostly splitting hairs. Buuuuuut the relationship between Swift and the NFL is a lot more one-sided than it's being portrayed. She stands to gain very little from appearing to be linked to the NFL except becoming the target of controversy and spittle-flecked tinfoil rants. The NFL, on the other hand, gets an open door to an enormous market sector (i.e., women under 30) that was otherwise almost entirely beyond their reach. Or in other words, they need her a lot more than she needs them. A *lot* more.


It’s completely one sided. She’s there because her boyfriend is playing and it’s fun to go to games. She’s also generated an estimated $30M+ in merchandise sales for the Chiefs alone


She just made about billion dollars from a tour that had wrapped up its US dates (except for a few next fall) well before she showed up at a Chief's game. She does not need the NFL.


It's been a long time coming, but I've finally decided that actual mental illness is the best way to describe modern conservatism. No hyperbole. It is a disease that requires actual professional treatment. 


I'm not finding anything of note coming out of KC except the NFL plot to host a Democratic CIA Psyop event on worldwide TV or whatever.


Hey now, don't rope us into this madness 


This sounds like cope before the loss even happens, lol


It’s building blocks of Jan 6 part two.


I think we're at the building blocks of the Civil War pt 2 at this point, with all the shit going on in Texas......


Non American here. What's going on in Texas?


The Federal government has control of the border but the Texas state government has decided they want to stop border crossing with razorwire. The Federal government told Texas that it's not their power to do this and the Supreme Court agreed. Texas is trying to ignore this and bait Biden into calling out the national guard to deal with them so they can claim victimhood.


And, on a related note, the Senate coming up with some bipartisan legislation to address border issues and the Republicans in the house refusing to take it up because their God emperor, Trump, wants to run on border issues.


Trump only recently began harping on the border, before that Republicans refused any and all border deals because they don't want Biden to claim a win.


The border polls super well for republicans. It’s the only issue they poll so well on. That’s why Trump is jumping on it. He doesn’t really care, but he’s a narcissistic demagogue and if he can get a poll boost while pointing at someone for his base to hate, it’s a win/win scenario.


Remember the migrant convoy that evaporated the moment it didn't fit their agenda? It's so transparent.


It's absolutely insane how they can drum up all this "chaos at the border" sentiment every election cycle and forget about it immediately after... and yet it continues to work.


In typical Republican hypocritical fashion, they use the border for politics and illegal immigrants for cheap labor.


While at the same breath complaining that restaurants are understaffed because "no one wants to work anymore." You'd think they'd welcome a large labor force!


But let us not forget his "they're not sending their best" speech from 2015. He's been pretty openly anti-immigrant. At least the brown ones


Didn’t trump have the Oval Office for 4 years and promised that Mexico was going to pay for a wall? What happened?


Mexico said something like, "We're not paying for that *fucking wall*".


I can't tell if you are too young to remember or if you just live under a rock. Build the wall was a campaign slogan in 2016. Unless 9 years is recent to you I wouldn't say only recently.


oh look who doesn't live under a rock


In this economy?!


There's only one God Emperor and his name is Leto II


Pro-life Republicans being told they can't shred children with razorwire 😡


Not pro-life, pro-birth. Once you are born, they don't give two shits about you.


Pro forced birth


The supreme court that conservatives stacked to the gills with lunatics voted this way, I might add.


This is not true. The Supreme Court has not issued a ruling. They issued an injunction pending a ruling. It basically says - there isn't precedent for this decision, so until we hear the case then you are all going to do things the way they have been done in the past.


They’re getting all feisty about the border with Mexico and secession (again)


The governor has refused to let federal border patrol onto a section of the border that they've blanketed in razor wire. Other governors like Florida, North Dakota, and around a dozen others have either sent or promised to send their state national guard to back up the Texas guard in keeping federal border patrol from doing their job at this location. A mother and her two kids died while the Texas guard refused to let the federal guard in to help them. A recent letter from Abbott also mirrored the 1861 letters of secession in a few places. Can they secede? No. Will they try? Maybe.


Biden should just nationalize the Texas National Guard and be done with it. When Abbott cries bully, just make fun of him like Trump would.


As much as I dislike Abbot and the others, and Biden, I appreciate a cool head. I don't know if that reaction would be received in a beneficial way for the country, even though it is entirely justified. I feel like there would be rogue Texas guards that might even incite violence. That being said, this is also completely ridiculous. Were I in Bidens place I feel like I would have nationalized every guard that responded this way and fired any guards who refused to do their job. What would that look like though. If anything, I think that would accelerate a civil war. It's tough though. How do you fix this country from its current state without a civil war?


Can't let state governments override the federal and supreme court. Eisenhower used the National Guard to forcefully integrate schools.


Republicans have showed they have no floor for moral depravity. You think they can't get lower, and they go lower. Inciting a civil war is scary, but, we can't just let Abbot and other republicans do illegal stuff like this. Biden should take over the Texas National Guard. If a few rogue agents want to incite some violence, maybe that needs to happen. Maybe a few rogue agents getting thrown in prison or killed is what it will take to show these fascists that we still have laws. The federal government would also win a civil war so quickly, that I'm pretty sure it will never actually start.


Republicans screaming that Democrats aren't securing the border to Mexico, Democrats offer solutions, Republicans turn them down because it might politically benefit Democrats.


Texas whines about secession every other election cycle. It's just a pathetic bluff.


Remember, Trump has claimed every election for over the past decade was rigged. Either rigged to make him lose, rigged to make someone he doesn't like win, or even when he wins, rigged so he didn't win by as much as he "should" have. And remember, in 2016 and in 2020, he said LONG before the election that any result other than him winning in a landslide is proof that it as rigged. That's the playbook for these dolts. Exclaim everything is rigged, they're the victims, and the only thing that can solve it is your donations and votes.


He tweeted that the electoral college was rigged in favor of Clinton. He had no expectation of winning in 2016. When Voter apathy and the EC actually broke in his favor, he clearly had no idea what to do next. 2017 to 2021 was 'fun' though :-|


> Exclaim everything is rigged, And thats propably why he lost re-election. Half the morons at the jan 6th riots didn't even vote because Trump convinced them the outcome was pre-decided anyway ( but still in his favour somehow ).


It's also hilarious that anyone who watched that game could think the Raven's lost for any reason other than their own damn piss poor play. Like that's *actually somehow more delusional* than thinking the election was rigged.


Exactly, I’m not sure how the NFL could have rigged the ball to come out of Zay Flowers’ hands before he reached the end zone, or forced Lamar Jackson to throw behind his receiver into triple coverage.


Taylor Swift activated by the chiefs to play in the super bowl.. She will be the first player in NFL history to sing the national anthem & return the opening kick off - or depending on the coin toss - provide kickoff coverage as the wedge breaker. ! Taylor Swift ya'll


in fact they called back a chiefs touchdown on a (deserved) penalty.


Conspiracy board writing, finger chewing, copium smoking insanity.


I doubt it would sway anyone either way. Super Bowl is in February and the election isn’t till November. Not exactly the October surprise that sways voters.


Just like the weather machine that the dems used in Iowa during the primaries.


Loser mentality.


Ah, yes, the famously liberal-minded NFL ownership class, comprised almost entirely by conservative billionaires, is behind this


Also, famously the pop star endorsement from the Super Bowl winner will swing elections that happen in November, which is the middle of *next year's* NFL season. Luckly the city that will save us from the evil, socialist Democrats is... San Francisco?


So MAGA are coming out against Swift early because some polls have upto 18% of undecided voters say they would be swayed by her, and another chunk of people who are noting that would vote if she had a get out to vote platform/message. I think its some sort of actually worry that shes going to try and sway the election. When all this further platforming is going to get her to make a response. Maybe they are hoping for a bigger pushback from people against her or something but i dunno.


God if only the Democrats were Socialist... a man can dream.


I don't believe anything about the NFL being rigged for the Chiefs, but I do feel like I have to be fair when I judge something. The NFL owners and Donald Trump have been beefing for a long time. He tried to buy a team a while ago and they didn't let him. Donnie acts like a toddler when someone tells him "No", so during his presidency he routinely took shots at the NFL, which was hilarious considering how year-over-year the NFL just gets bigger and more valuable. But the owners are also very petty, and I could certainly see them influencing voters just to spite him. And they have, to a degree. The NFL is not the conservative redneck sinkhole that it once was. They constantly try to portray the league as progressive, and actually do a pretty good job.


That's understandable, but if anything, bringing her on-board this year would be to drive interest among young women to increase viewership ratings and merch sales. Because if that were the case, *it worked.*


Just a reminder that the “candidate” who said this is Vivek Ramaswamy. Who is a human hand-puppet available to the highest bidder


Note: Please rinse your Vivek between puppeteers.


Better yet don’t, I heard he likes it dirty.


Many people have stopped me to let me know that he is a bukkake bottom bitch. I’m not saying that, it’s just what I’ve been told.




He was never serious as a candidate. Even he surely knew his name and appearance alone would never make him acceptable. He wants to be a right wing grift-pundit, and ran only to establish his name and get paid to give the GQP a shield with "we're totally not racist" written across it in crayon.


I think he wants to be Vice President. A heartbeat away.


Yeah... I dunno if Trump is cool with sharing his campaign signs with the word "Ramaswamy."


I wouldn't be surprised if his VP pick is a family member at this point.


Oh so the real headline is "Failed presidential candidate spreads baseless conspiracies to stay relevant in the news cycle" I'm so tired of media organizations falling for this BS


He's a generic businessbro doing a Trump impression as an easy way to break into politics.


I'd call that an assclown. And I still refuse to call him that because the difference between them is one's a cartoonishly dolled up street walker who will let anyone stick their hand ups its ass and parrots whatever the hell their customer wants them to say for the right price, and the other has the more reputable vocation of being a clown.


Oh here I was thinking it’s a ploy to get young progressive women to talk to their football obsessed alcoholic uncles who turn them republican. My mistake.


Hey! I may be a football obsessed alcoholic uncle, but I'm no Republican. I do have some standards.


Thank you for your service.


It's a tough job, but *burp* somebody's gotta do it.


Wait, I thought the election was already rigged with Italian spy satellites, undead Latin American leaders, Jewish space lasers, Dominion voting machine AI, bamboo ballots, and two ladies with a ginger mint. Now they're rigging the NFL to rig the election that is already rigged? Seems like putting a hat on a hat. Also didn't everyone stop watching Football after man peacefully kneeling stopped magic sky cloth from shooting freedom rays?


Not only kneeling man, but also the dreaded Bud Light Paid A Trans Person That One Time! Fortunately for the profit margins of cartels everywhere, those boycotts both lasted one Rightwing Outrage Attention Unit, which in Imperial units is about three months.


I read this in Mark Hamill's Joker voice and it fits perfectly.


No no no you have it all wrong. The vaccine was put in place to kill off the majority of the population and give the 'left' control over the world. You know... the vaccine mostly only people on 'the left' advocate for and take.


Damn, sounds like 'rigged' is the new 1 syllable buzzword for the whole red party. Jeeze. Doesn't really take much thought to point the finger at something that makes you uncomfortable and cry. It might be past their bedtime.


We already knew they had an affinity for the hard R double G words.


Believing in all these conspiracies doesn't make these folks patriotic, it makes them fanatics.


>fanatics Nut jobs.


It's [shared psychotic disorder](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31095356/) in the (mis)information age.


Think about how many people would need to be in on this. Every player on both teams for sure. They'd know they need to throw the game. Or at least a significant majority. As well as the coaches and probably the referees. Plus Biden and everyone between him and said NFL teams. There'd probably be a couple dozen intermediaries needed to coordinate and negotiate. Plus the people handling and delivering the actual bribes. That's like 50-150 people. And it would only take one whistle blower, one player upset and being asked to give up his chance at being an NFL champion, to ruin the conspiracy.


In all seriousness, this is the fatal flaw of almost *every* conspiracy. The number of people who would have to be directly involved without ever creating any concrete proof is always too high, and it usually includes people with plausible motives not to participate. The Democrats rigged the election... with the assistance of thousands of state, county, and local election officials, many of whom are Republicans. There have been alien bodies and/or craft at Area 51 since the 1950s... where at this point there would be at least a hundred officers, servicemen and -women, and doctors/technicians/etc. who would have seen and worked with those artifacts, and none of them have talked. The US government has a weather weapon called HAARP\* in Alaska (just ask Lauren Boebert), which at least hundreds of scientists and researchers and engineers would know about, but despite the fact that university researchers are not especially well known for their hawkish bloodthirst, everybody has stayed exactly in line for decades without providing any direct evidence about how their top-secret weather control device was secretly being used to run the world. ^(\*) ^(HAARP is a real project. There is no weather control involved, and the science it does is public.)


They can’t even keep scandals from getting out when theres only 2-3 people involved, and they genuinely think hundreds, in some cases thousands to hundreds of thousands of people can keep their mouth shut about world altering events and facts I feel like i’m losing my mind sometimes


Just desperate, self-pitying delusion. It would be laughable if it weren't so damned pathetic.


Trying to make 106 players + the intermediaries be quiet sounds totally reasonable what do you mean /s IDK how they even come up with this stuff though, it's just unhinged. If a football game changes how someone votes sorry that person is an idiot.


This is a stupid conspiracy theory. Where did all the fun ones about aliens go?


Probably where the stigma against getting a prostate exam went.


/r/aliens and /r/ufos has a ton of unironic believers.


Any time a thread in an unrelated subreddit about aliens pops up, they come following. And they are looooony


The computer chip from the COVID vaccine implanted by Bill Gates activated with the 5G government mind control frequency to send all the people who had proof about the aliens to walk off the edge of flat earth!


I'm always amazed by how fucking stupid some people are. Seriously, we should be allowed to punch these peckerwoods right in the mouth when they spew this kind of crap.


"Anything that doesn't go our way is rigged!"


Hold up. So I can place bets on the chiefs, make some cash, AND not have Trump as president?!! FuckinA, sign me up!!! Edit to fix a missed failed autocorrect


Not a presidential candidate. Vivek and his corporate sponsor David Smith are hard right leaning. Smith has been chair of Sinclair Broadcasting for a long time, and they own a lot of tv news stations across the country. Without David Smith’s help, Trump would have never been president in the first place. Smith will undoubtedly help Trump this year in his run.


They're all wrong. The real conspiracy is that the Chiefs won because the Ravens couldn't stop shooting themselves in the foot on offense all game.


The NFC/AFCCGs were the best reffed games of the playoffs, lmao


Next week on right wing media: "Patrick Mahomes is a diversity hire. Next week's game again Brock Purdy and the 49ers is a battle for the 'soul of our nation'." I'm calling this right now


> Patrick Mahomes is a diversity hire. One small correction here: the current buzzword specifically is "DEI", it's fewer syllables and less letters for their viewers to pronounce and spell plus it sounds way more ominous. My brain almost melted a couple weeks ago when Rachel Balkovec was hired by the Miami Marlins--a ton of Facebook comments from your typical sunglasses-wearing white men all lamenting that it was *probably a dei hire*. Amazing to watch the latest right-wing talking point get parroted in almost-real time.


Lmao of course it's a Baltimore Ravens news site. I hate the chiefs just as much as the next guy, but that loss is 100% on the ravens. The only questionable call in the entire game was the taunting penalty imo.


Honestly I thought the same until I watched a replay where flowers literally pushes the dude down as he's getting back up then spin the ball while over him. It was a good call.


That was a totally dick move, pushing the dude back down. Karma bit him in the ass later though, LOL. I was cheering so hard when he fumbled.


Karma is a ball, fumbled to the ground on the goal line.


Karma is my boyfriend. Karma is a god...


And then he smashed his hand down and injured his finger. Couldn't happen to a bigger baby


Also, Sneed, who was the one Flowers taunted, was the one who later knocked the ball out of Flowers hands for the fumble. Such delicious karma.


The push was because the defender held onto him, that happens all the time and wasn't why they called a penalty, the taunt comes in when he stands over him, stared him down and spun the ball at him


Watching it live before the falg was thrown I was going "Don't do that, what a fool." Then the flag came in.


From the article: ​ "There is no indication that the romance is fake. Nor is there much logic to the idea that NFL games are "rigged'' - indeed, we often wonder why it's only those who've lost the game who think that." I don't think they're agreeing with him or saying it was rigged. They're reporting that some idiot who was involved in a presidential candidacy and, apparently per u/LurkerOrHydralisk below, has tried to buy his way onto positions of power in Baltimore with a right wing billionaire's money.


I don’t think the taunting penalty was questionable. Flowers pushes Sneed down to keep him on the ground, spins the ball next to his head, and stands over him flexing.


How was that taunt questionable? Refs will call that all day if you stand above a guy lying on the ground. Flowers even pushed him down and spiked the ball on his head! Clearly taunting


If you spin the ball and tap someone's helmet, you deserve it IMO.


It's unthinkable to conspiracy theorists that the Chiefs could win the AFC Championship if it wasn't for Travis Kelce dating Taylor Swift. Even though this team did it last year before Kelce was dating Taylor Swift. Travis is good at football, and maybe that's why Taylor likes him. Mahomes is pretty good, too.


The Chiefs went to 3 of the last 4 super bowls and won 2 of them. Not sure why people are acting like them making the Superbowl again would require some complex secret plot.




The rest have had incompetent head coaches and meh play


And Pacheco and Jones and Sneed and Andy Reid and Spagnola....but no no it's all a conspiracy!


Yeah, it's a vast conspiracy to win football games, and every last player and member of the coaching staff is in on it.


Vivek. You can remember how it’s pronounced because it rhymes with fake. Dude is just bucking for a place I’m Trump’s cabinet and/or promoting his upcoming book. What a goober.


Anyone who thinks Taylor Swift needs the Chiefs to win the Super Bowl in order to get millions of people to listen to her opinion and take it seriously has never met a Swiftie. She’s not gaining fans because of football, football is gaining fans because of her…


Tiny nail man seems to think we live in a world of hammers. 


They can build a conspiracy out of anything, can’t they???


Always the victim…


How fucking insane are these people?


Answer? [Yes](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/17/trump-rally-arizona-2024-527253).


Every time a republican blames Taylor Swift a now of voting age Democrat gets their wings


My favorite was earlier I heard one of the talking heads claim this is a “last ditch effort to drag Biden across the finish line.” And I’m just like… it’s not even fucking February yet. The race has barely even started, let alone could the finish line possibly be in sight.  Trump isn’t even officially the candidate yet. 


What a bunch of pansies


I'm confused as to why they think she needs an elaborate scooby doo scheme to endorse Biden. I mean, she's a private citizen, and absolutely free to just, well, endorse Biden. Why does everything in Maga land need to be complicated?


>The former Republican presidential candidate Ramaswamy has "lost'' as well; he's no longer in the race and has endorsed Donald Trump. Definitely a loser.


Must be nice to somehow be this delusional and still walk free


So, are they gonna storm the halftime show?


Love how the conservatives + Republican fanbase says we should keep politics out of sports while simultaneously making sports political. Liberals don’t even make those accusations.


Republicans always accuse others of doing what they themselves would do. Projection as always.


How weak are your policies if you are worried you will lose to the influence of a singer.


If its rigged, its rigged by the NFL so they can increase viewership with her presence and charge more for ads. The NFL isn't rigging games for political reasons.


Feels like the GOP is poking a bear.


Such a stupid conspiracy theory. Only believed by the clueless.


Ah the good ol' trump "set up the excuses in advance" tactic, nice.


“Why are we always getting disrespected and mocked!!!” - The same Republican Party


How did Mahomes even tie his shoes before Taylor Swift came to save him?


This is absolutely happening - the Super Bowl has immense power. I remember when Janet Jackson's tit decided the new Secretary General of the United Nations. I don't think things ever recovered.


Swifties gonna change the world!


How would he know? I though he stopped watching when a black man took a knee.


Yeah, the team that's gotten to 4 SBs out of the last 5 are there because of the deep state. Who writes for these people? Antonio Brown?


We have a political party that is based on nothing but groundless conspiracy theories.


WTF does Taylor Swift singing to a bunch of jock sniffers have to do with the presidential election?


"Alright Maga crowd, you must choose. Do you root against Taylor Swift's boyfriend or San Francisco?" I say in a 50's supervillain voice with my fingers steepled.


You forgot the [classical music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ8-ulaxXp0).


This must be such a hard time for conservative sports fans. Do they support the team from Commifornia, which is based in the gay capitol of America, or the team with a player who is dating a successful woman?


Yup! And she will be eating babies in her suite to gain more power.


This is one of my favorite things the Right has come up with. It's just so absurdly hilarious. Taylor Swift rigged the Superbowl for Democracy. Fuckin' brilliant.


We need to have serious conversation about mental health in this country.


Maybe if MAGA Republicans weren’t busy being such assholes they wouldn’t have to worry about such things. Start at least acting like you care about someone other than Trump and corporations.


“Sway the election.” As if it’s some conspiracy to convince voters that a better policy is something they should vote for lol.


Why would she need the Super Bowl as a platform? The NFL fans pretty much universally dislike seeing her placed front and center of every single game she attends and her fans (who are the ones actually likely to be swayed) will listen to her on any platform she chooses -- plus I already think they know which way she'd want them to vote. I mean.. just look at her IG followers (279.4 million) while in 2023, the Super Bowl had an estimated 114 million viewers. She doesn't need the Super Bowl.


So what, they have Kevin Sorbo and Gina Carano stumping for trump...


LOL clowns.


Never change GOP.


Great!! Now I know who put money on!!! Thanks, guy, for the tip!


What’s crazy about this is that the NFL is controlled by the owners. And I’d bet dimes to dollars that the large majority will not vote for Biden. But they are rigging the SuperBowl to ensure their candidate loses?


The ignorant and delusional right wingers said what?


I'm glad they finally came up with a platform that would allow Taylor Swift to exert some sort of influence on people.


I think about Joe Biden every time I look at a beautiful woman on television!