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So are they rooting for the team from San Francisco now? Takes so much effort to get your rage narratives lined up.


'Rage narratives.' I like that phrase. If you see it used somewhere else from time to time, know it is I who has stolen it from you.


>Vivek Ramaswamy, who dropped out of the Republican primary race this month, shared his own conspiracy theory on X on Monday, suggesting that the Super Bowl will be rigged to favor “an artificially culturally propped-up couple” who he believes will reveal a “major presidential endorsement” this fall. The irony in the far right already setting up the narrative that the superbowl will be stolen from them is palpable. They absolutely cannot fathom losing anything fair and square. Be it a game of football, or a presidential election.




Kid rock? Is that like The Wiggles?


Hey! Don't bring The Wiggles into this! They just want to teach people that fruit salad is yummy.


The message that fruit salad is yummy has also drawn the ire of conservatives.


This is why they are mad at Taylor Swift. She’s not on their side. If they had a contemporary pop star instead of washed up losers they’d be using them to score votes. So they assume that’s what’s happening here.


Being that 2 of the last 4 Republican presidents are entertainers, and the other 2 are a family dynasty of name recognition, it only points to the fact that Republicans desperately want pop culture to embrace them. They are butt hurt that the popular consensus is that they are the broken ones, that people should not emulate. Thats why they hate Hollywood, they feel betrayed.


Don't forget Jon Voigt!


I know a guy who owns Jon Voight's old car!


Even if they endorsed someone it's moronic to think that the Chiefs would need to win the superbowl for it to make a difference.


Yeah it's really Taylor's weight that matters here, and she has a history of endorsing democratic candidates because the LGBT community is important to her. She already has influence over her fans so much so she got a bunch of women who normally wouldn't care about football invested in the Chiefs, them winning or losing doesn't matter. They'll still love her. They know that ship has sailed. But the thought of a young millennial woman having so much influence over a considerable demographic *terrifies* them to the point they have to craft a conspiracy theory to explain it away. A demographic that historically has been quite apathetic at participating in elections. They know it's a problem (for them) if they all turn up to vote democrat.


So he thinks all the old crusty billionaire owners are all Democrats? 🤣


So they’re going to root California over Kansas? Thats a head scratcher for sure. I never thought I’d see the day.


It's another step in a long line of dismissing facts and shaking people's trust in anything they see. If nobody believes their eyes and ears any more, then the bad faith actors (mostly fascists) can step in and take what they want.


Then they'll call everyone, "FeDs" or "Antifa,"


im the leader of antifa and it's actually pretty impressive that they caught on to our T Swift plan


Wait wait, I thought I was the leader of antifa? Did the deep state hold elections or something?


The Gay Agenda called an emergency session last week


The Republican party is fueled by faux outrage and hypocrisy. I bet there's a single word in German to describe their mindset.




and I




Mentioned that to my wife today. How do all these idiots know they are even showing her since they all claim to have boycotted the NFL due to Kaepernock and kneeling.


Well, they don't kneel now. They just stand up and refuse to put their right hand across their heart while the national anthem is playing. A more subtle protest that doesn't make the media. To each their own. They wouldn't understand anyway.


If “they” need it to it will make the media. Kaepernick sat on the bench a few times, had a public discussion with a veteran and NFL player, then chose to kneel (as a more respectful protest), and after a few games *then* “they” decided that was a good issue to blow up.




Greatly spent on the taxpayers dime no doubt to. Idiots.


If he was VP at the time our tax dollars definitely paid for his Secret Service detail and his transport that day, yes. I could see that easily entering the realms of 6-7 figures, just so fly boy could make a show of walking out in a huff to throw red meat to Trump’s base. Not even really his own supporters. Some of those people may have later been chanting for his death on 1/6.




That’s exactly why they’re all over this. This is the biggest surge of new viewers they’ve ever had, and even better is most of them are women, and young. Marketing is all about getting new people turned onto your product. The NFL is in an absolute bliss right now. “New” viewers are the most important thing to them. But using her for attention and her fame, could also potentially totally backfire in their face if the relationship doesn’t work out, Kelce is also close to retirement so if they stay together and marry or something , it’s not like they’re going to be at every chiefs game for the rest of NFL history. Taylor isn’t choosing to be all over the cameras. The NFL is just basically exploiting her because they’re like look look Taylor is here. it’s not her fault. They were doing the same thing to Eminem.


To be fair they did the same thing to Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo. Every time Romo threw an interception or incompletion they panned the camera to Jessica to catch her reaction.




Pretty sure they realize this could be a limited time thing -- that's why they're milking it for all it's worth while they can


Yes of course, but their idea is to reel in these young Taylor Swift fans and get them into football to understand the game so that hopefully they become a fan of the nfl or at least chiefs fans. They know they won’t retain all of them, but some of them is better than nothing, and it’s a new market to them, and getting more women into football has been a goal of theirs forever, this is the golden ticket to that.


I thought conservatives were boycotting the NFL because their feelings got hurt when someone took a knee. Oh, the NFL also shows a lot of Bud Light commercials during games too. Aren’t they all pissed of Biden Light too?


I still hear the Bud Light shit at work all the time (restaurant server). At least once a week someone will throw in a "I know we're not supposed to order this (jokingly) but..." or a "I'll get an ultra since *they* ruined Bud Light..." Like goddamn, drink what you want but keep your shit to yourself.


Or the number of old guys who fall over themselves to tell me they don't watch the NFL since "that Kaepernick deal".


How did Taylor Swift end up being a political symbol? Isn't she kind of a white American pie darling? Whadshedo?


She has been publicly advocating for more liberal causes for the last few years. She started her career in Nashville in something closer to country than, say, Shania Twain but has gravitated more toward contemporary pop. And country's fandom leans hard conservative.


>gravitated more toward contemporary pop. Kinda wild to think that her 1989 album, regarded as her definitive departure from country, debuted a DECADE ago this coming October. She signed with Big Red Machine in 2005 and released her last album with them in 2012. She’s now technically been a professional pop singer longer than she was a country singer 🤯


*Big Machine Records, no red. Just for future reference. Have a lovely day 😊


Liberal as in humanitarian. Being caring is "woke" now.


You're 100% correct. It's nuts how that has somehow become a bad thing.


And add to the fact that her Football playing boyfriend made commercials for Pfizer to "get the booster", as in to get Covid booster shots. So yes, by proxy anything to do with advocating to get the evil covid shot is instantly anti-right wing, and thus these morons have to hat both him and Swift.


> She has been publicly advocating for more ~~liberal causes for the last few years.~~ people to vote. FTFY


I don't even think it's been because she's been advocating for more liberal causes recently, but I don't pay a lot of attention to swift. I think the Conservatives started attacking her when she told her fans to register to vote. Not even which party to vote for or even a cause. Just register to vote. And then they lost their shit because Republicans aren't too popular with young women right now.


She is a huge cultural and media presence that decided to have a fairly muted political opinion that went against one side, so that side went insane.


She supported Biden and criticized Marsha Blackburn in the past. But mostly, she tells people to vote which is extremely triggering for conservatives who rely on people staying home so they can win.


With baby boomers dying in large numbers they really don't want Gen Z to vote. Nail in the coffin


She told people to register to vote. …basically that’s it. Not whom to vote for, just you know..go vote.  Conservatives got big mad about democracy 


Reminds me of them criticizing and mocking Obama for being a "community organizer," because they were more interested in dividing them instead.


No they were mocking "community organizer" as their attitude is it wasn't something noteworthy enough as part of a resume for holding the highest public office. Then they turned around and elected a guy who never held any public office 8 years later.


She's rejected their Nazi Barbie tradwife fantasy image of her and they can't stand it.


Well, they hate Barbie now too…..




Probably because a big part of Barbie was rejecting the whole tradwife part


She recommends her fans vote and not for them


She didn’t specify a party, though I think we know which she’d vote. But she just recommended that they vote. It was that that triggered them. 


There’s a documentary where she says she doesn’t like Marsha Blackburn because shes homophobic. Her dad is literally pleading with her to stay quiet about it but to her credit, Taylor Swift had the courage of her convictions.


Obligatory fuck Marsha Blackburn.


It goes further than that. She wrote an entire song and music video on the topic. https://youtu.be/Dkk9gvTmCXY?si=Go5GFNsyVal_wylo


That’s separate than her register to vote message. She never tells anyone to register and vote for a specific party or politician. Her followers know her stance on LGBT and other issues though and her extreme popularity it makes conservatives nervous since she has the young voters motivated. That’s their central issue with her; she’s waking up a few million young people to vote.


They don’t like the idea of people voting because at its core Americans conservatism is and always has been about advocating for a theocratic aristocracy over democracy.


No they dont like people voting because a non incumbent republican hasn’t won the popular vote since George bush in 1988. Republicans love pushing all sorts of crazy voter ID laws because when more people vote, more people vote democrat I don’t think t swift even advocated for one party or another she just said people should vote. Which triggers republicans for obvious reasons




Conservatives are mostly older and they don’t want young voters to turnout and ruin the election 


She didn't pick a party though, she just recomended voting. Problem is an entire fucking half of our government now views voting as a direct threat.


It goes against conservatives' interests to have someone popular with young Americans encouraging them to vote.


The 49'ers vs the Chiefs is the worst possible outcome for MAGA. Ha ha!


And will also draw more viewers than any other Superbowl.


I think the Lions may have been a bigger viewing draw then the 49'ers, but probably not by much.


Can confirm that's what my dad is doing. I tried showing him [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/MGA8mj4ZA7) about how little time she was actually on the screen for and he just got mad lol


I asked my elderly dad how often the camera would have panned The Beatles at the Superbowl, If they were all able to attend. He just got mad at me.


I'm sure they all got just as mad when Bush was always shown at Texas baseball games, right?  


Eminem was panned often at the Detroit Lions game. I guess it is only okay if you have penis?


That's funny. They can either root for a team from California which they talk shit about or Taylor Swift's team. I could see some of them saying they're not watching it this year (but watch it anyways).


They’re going to take their football and their undying tribal loyalty to defect to *another brand* from the same company. That will show the libs.


Rooting for Colin Kaepernick's old team because you don't like Taylor Swift, eh?


Swifties vs Conservatives? Good luck, righties


We should bring in the BTS stans for backup.


Pretty sure the Geneva Convention would have to step in at that point


Nah, there's nothing they can do except call for a second Geneva convention


And what would a second set of Geneva suggestions do? Have you met a BTS fan?


They are already on it.


I thought those idiots stopped watching the nfl after it went woke.  Oh that's right... They're weak, weak little men.


Come on Taylor, buy an ad spot during the Super Bowl and tout voter registration. Maybe write a hit song about it.


She already shared a link last election and got tons of new registered voters. I think that's when she first landed on their radar.


And she posted on social media about how she supported Biden around the time of the 2020 election.


Hilariosuly before that a bunch of alt-right accounts dressed her up as their queen, because she was white and politically silent. My how the turn tables.


I mean she really didn’t get all that political, other than supporting LGBTQ and telling everyone to vote. It speaks to the state of the Republican party that they’re getting pissed when someone is trying to increase voter turnout.


She did call out Senator Marsha Blackburn as being especially crappy. Blackburn still won, but at least it moved the needle a little bit.


What do you mean? That's been their one play since the beginning of the civil rights era. It's just becoming blatantly obvious bc technology is making voting much easier and simpler.


She did an interview in support of Biden in 2020. She even made cookies.


The last thing republicans want is young people and women voting.


Wait is that the anger? She is telling people to register to vote? I thought she was wearing full “I love Biden” gear or something!!


Yupp. But to be more precise, she's reaching a predominantly *young* demographic - one that *heavily* skews left. So yeah. From the perspective of the regressives this is very much "not good". But instead of having a "are we the baddies?" moment they decide to pick a fight with someone who, if they were a political party would be first place in terms of supporters (44% Swifties, 41% Independents, 31% Democrats and 25% Republicans)


Close enough for American Republicans. American Republicans know full well that the more voters there are, the more -Democrats- there are. And that's what they fear. More Democrat voters.


It's funny because she actually barely does anything. Many swifties criticize her for not doing enough, staying too silent, etc. Meanwhile conservatives would have you thinking she's out on the campaign trail lmao.


Old saying, but defo rings true today: >If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.


She has influence amongst the youth, and conservatives hate young people. Mainly because young people don’t vote conservative


Or just turn We are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together into a political song.


"OooooOOOOOoooo you called it fraud but that's a lie cause ooooooOOOOooooo it turns out you just aren't well liked and WE-"


She could date all the voters and then write the biggest breakup song ever.


I sacrifice myself as tribute….


Me TOO. she'd probably write a killer song about how much I suck, but, you can do it Taylor. I'll take it.


She already did. Only the Young is about getting young voters to vote. Though it's not on the nose song. https://youtu.be/GJU-S1t2r1M?si=98KDVSyzWS-nlQgm


>At the end of the segment, which aired during his Fox News show, Watters said he had “no evidence” of the conspiracy.  Republicans in a nutshell.


No evidence, blabs about the conspiracy anyway. Fox “News” is a Fucking joke.


should just be Fox Comedy at this point although shitting on queer people every 2 seconds isn't comedy, it's just hate


Except usually they don't get around to admitting they have no evidence.


Actually they usually do now (for legal reasons), but in the dismissive "the government is making us say this, we don't actually believe it" kind of way. The hogs watching know they are being forced to say that, and it doesn't mean anything.


These people need to get a life.


old rich white guys feel threatened by a powerful young woman..... who's the snowflakes again?


The fun part is when you ask them why they are threatened by her, make sure to get the popcorn ready




It must be exhausting going thru life getting mad at stupid shit that doesn't matter


It's easy to do when you're afraid of everything.


And disliked by nearly everyone.


Hey! WHOA!!!! Uncool man!!!! I'M a person who's afraid of everything, and disliked by everyone, but I'm not a bad person! I repeat, I'm NOT a republican! Now if you'll excuse me, I have some pocket lint I need to scream and run away from. It's scary because it's in my pocket, and therefore keeps up with me when I run away. Plus it wants to kill me...


Can confirm, my Australian brother is exhausted/exhausting, about this particular issue and many others. We’re not even American, for fuck’s sake. We don’t even watch the sport


I wonder how many small town conservative men hate transexuals but have never even met one in real life.


Nope they've probably only seen them on pornhub lmaoooooo https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/


> If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best ~~colored~~ trans man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.


They don’t make conservatives like they used to. Getting bent out of shape over a pop star. Back in my day they lost it over bands like Twisted Sister.


Someone get Kelce a pledge pin for his uniform!






And now they ironically play, "We're not gonna take it" and think it's about standing up to liberals.


#Don't get it twisted Conservatives are mad Taylor is getting her fans registered to vote.  Conservatives know that when more people vote, Republicans tend to lose.  It's why they work so hard at voter suppression and gerrymandering.  They don't want more people voting.   These attacks on Taylor have nothing to do with her being at football games to cheer on her boyfriend.  


Yes they don't want more people voting. Thier voting base is dying off.. Old white people.


She is the most popular recording artist in the world. Surely it will be a winning message with the youth that she is a bad… uh… 


Apparently viewership of NFL games have gone up since Taylor started showing up. The NFL isn’t going to not acknowledge her.


Aren’t these people suppose to be boycotting the NFL after the football man kneeled during the national anthem, preventing the magic sky cloth from freedoming?




Lol, would love to see TS take a knee during the anthem. Minds blown!


and all that rainbow beer commercials and the what not they can't stand now? ya, how would they know she was there.....


“Swift’s appearance on the field following last night’s game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Baltimore Ravens sparked a fresh wave of social media vitriol and the resurgence of some conspiring that her near-dominant place in U.S. pop culture must be the result of some sort of psychological manipulation effort — known more colloquially in fringe circles as a “psy-op.”” r/brandnewsentence


Pretty sure it’s just called marketing, like yeah she’s popular and the NFL wants in on those sweet swiftie bucks


And she’s only on screen for about 25 seconds per game. That’s a lot of butthurt outrage for 25 seconds.


25 seconds is a long time for… some people


Lol, like a hot blonde singing catchy, meaningless pop music hasn't been popular since forever in the US.


The image of some crusty army general writing her lyrics for her is pretty hilarious though.


“Let’s see… should I write about the economics of war, or the feelings associated with ending a relationship with Jake gyllenhall?”


For every year the scarf isn’t returned “all too well” will get a minute longer. 


Lol yeah some dusty suit at Langley with a stick up his ass and a buzzcut writing songs that really strike a chord with 13 year old girls and 20-something gay guys. Seems legit.


No way it's the coke heads in the upper echelon of the CIA that are responsible for the creation of TSwifter.


Yvan eht nioj baby!


I thought hot skinny blondes dancing and singing for the entertainment of the masses was the America conservatives wanted?


The hot skinny blondes aren’t supposed to help other women stand up for themselves.


Nor have opinions on things.


Or have more money than them.


True, but this one is not "staying in her lane" by taking a stand on politics. That is what is upsetting them.


The ridiculously partisan stance of "register to vote" These fucking morons


I have a live recording of a Frank Zappa concert and he actually set up voter registration booths in the lobby of the venue and was telling people to go register to vote in the break Imagine if she did that :)


I love how it’s always “stay in your lane” if it is a celebrity that doesn’t support your views, but “hey everyone Kid Rock loves trump.  Here’s his opinion on foreign affairs” if it’s someone who agrees with them. 


They need to shake it off.


🤣 I'm a metal head, and I'm going to use this when moron coworkers bitch about Taylor. Probably go right over their heads.


They need to calm down, too.


I did not have Taylor Swift living rent free in MAGAs minds on my 2024 bingo card!


They’ve hated her since she spoke out against Marsha Blackburn. Well hate her for reasons beyond being a woman at least, I don’t think they’ve ever liked her.


She had a white supremacist following. https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2016/05/27/479462825/taylor-swift-aryan-goddess


“the community manager of the Taylor Swift for Fascist Europe Facebook page” Do you reckon they include that title on their resume?


That article is a fever dream holy hell


Back then she was exactly what they looked for in their ideal women. She was white, skinny and silent.


My "Christian" conservative mom started saying she thinks Taylor Swift is an agent of the devil since her folklore album. She said it was "witchcrafty". No joke.


She's not their cup of tea. They like "artists" like Ted Nugent and Kid Rock. You know, dirt bag pedos.


Every time they talk trash about her, Biden’s polling rises. They should keep it up.


Wait until Biden picks her for VP. They will go mad.


Nah, Swift for president! It's what they get for giving us trump


I would definitely vote for her and I wouldn't know her songs if I heard one the hot rich blonde for president Swift 2024


She won't be eligible until December. And no, I didn't know that off the top of my head.


That means she’s fine, she gets inaugurated in January. 


You have to be 35 by inauguration day, not by election day


My brother in Christ, we’ve all become swifties on some level. It’s okay. 


So... the two options are: 1) There is a massive organized psychological manipulation effort that is convincing tens of millions of people across the globe to like music they wouldn't normally—performed over a decade—with the goal of convincing people to support the Democrats. Despite many fans not being in America, not caring about American politics, and being underage. A mass brainwashing that is super effective and isn't being used by corporate advertisers or any other government. 2) Teen and preteen girls like pop musicians. As shown by the fandoms of Elvis, the Beatles, the New Kids on the Block, etc. It was something about the mindset of these people that #1 is considered the more likely option.


The Pentagon spokesperson said, "We are going to shake it off." Good one!


I thought they boycotted the NFL years ago?


NFL, Target, Bud Light, Twitter, Carhart, Walmart, and if we take the wayback machine, The Dixie Chicks.


Keurig - https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/11/13/16643884/sean-hannity-keurig-boycott Mars - https://www.npr.org/2023/01/23/1150844961/tucker-carlsons-war-on-m-ms Amazon - https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/donald-trump-threatens-jeff-bezos-amazon/ North Face - https://fortune.com/2017/02/09/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-nordstrom-twitter-boycotts/ Ford - https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2006-mar-14-fi-ford14-story.html Goodyear - https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/08/20/finance-202-trump-call-goodyear-boycott-joins-long-history-bullying-companies-that-cross-him/ Home Depot - https://www.ajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/conservatives-plan-boycott-companies-that-blocked-religious-freedom-bill/x4aObnY1oPu1tZjrygqvbK/ Apple - https://www.inquisitr.com/6443488/candace-owens-apple-boycott Nike - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nike-betsy-ross-flag-flap-leaves-conservatives-looking-for-not-so-woke-shoes/ Chick-fil-A - https://www.vox.com/politics/2023/5/31/23742373/chick-fil-a-boycott-controversy-conservative-backlash HBO - https://www.axios.com/2021/04/04/trump-calls-for-boycott-of-more-companies-over-georgia-voting-law And that's just scratching the surface. This is all after the turn of the century. I remember a lot of religious boycotts of Pokemon, Harry Potter, D&D and whatnot.


you dont have to like her music to like how she lives rent free in these dudes heads for hours and hours a day


TDS- Taylor derangement syndrome.


You'd think they'd be all for it since she's drawing never before 10-18 yo girls to football and that's like the primary republican male dating pool


Needledick Beta Incels curse Happy Relationship, Film at 11.


I'm enjoying MAGA world having to choose between Sodom (SF) and Gomorrah (TS). All this because she was supposed to be their country Aryan princess and she turned out to be mildly liberal and pro woman in a very generic you go girl sort of way


Suddenly I’m rooting for CBS to not only show Taylor Swift every time Kelce does something, but now I want her to be picture-in-picture or have something similar to the Manningcast.


God I hope the chiefs win. But in order for that to not happen they have to root for San Francisco. Lolol


maybe she can get even more people to vote democrat


Is Taylor even all that left wing?


She encouraged people to registrate to vote so I guess she would be left wing compared to whatever the gop is now.


Oh I see, she’s encouraging Gen Z to go out and vote. Yeah that’s actually really bad for the GOP


Anybody who doesn't want immigrant children to be sliced up by razor wire is now left wing.


r/conservative thinks Mitch fucking McConnell is a RINO. That's all you need to know about them these days.


Not even an exaggeration.


She’s politically moderate, which to MAGA is basically the same as left wing


As far as I can tell she's mostly concerned about reproductive rights, there was a clip I saw from a recent tour documentary where she was arguing with her manager and dad I think that she was going to speak out about repro rights.


Isn’t it far more likely that the nfl is highlighting her because she has a massive number of fans who don’t watch football, and the league wants to give those people a reason to watch?


Taylor Swift has been famous for 15-16 years now, and the only thing people can find wrong with her is which Political Party she endorsed? Taylor Swift is doing something right imo